Watsonville Center 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 (831) 786-4700 Faculty and Staff Information Table of Contents HOURS OF OPERATION Hours of operation……………………….…….1 Administrative staff…………………….……...1 Mail……………………………………….…....1 Department staff and location………….……....2 Classroom & Office Use…………………….....3 Keys and locking policy Classroom equipment/protocols Office hours & storage Room/lab reservations for a class Technical support Enrollment Services Student Resource Center Integrated Learning Center Open Access Computer Lab Monday - Thursday 9am-1pm & 2-6pm Mon-Wed 8:30am-6pm Thurs 8:30am-2:30pm Friday 9am-12pm Friday 9am-12pm Monday - Thursday 8am – 8pm Friday 8am-4pm Sat 12-4pm Monday - Thursday 8am – 7:45pm Fridays 8am-3:45pm Saturdays 9am-12:45pm Absences and class changes……………….……4 ADMIN STAFF Class rosters available online……………..…….4 Phones & email…………………….…….….…..4 Copier & Duplication Services………………….5 Parking information………………..………..…..5 Department services……………………………..6 Evening & weekend assistance……………….…6 Emergency resources & procedures……….…….7 Non-emergency Student-Related Concerns……..7 Parking map (Engl & Span)……………..…..8 & 9 Floorplan – Building A (3 story)………….….…10 Floorplan – Bldg C & D (Solari Green Tech Ctr)……11 ILC information flier (Engl & Span)…..….12 & 13 SRC information flier (Engl & Span)……..14 & 15 NAME Rachel Mayo Olga Díaz ROLE Dean Program Coordinator EXT 786-4710 786-4753 Mail Mail delivery options: 1. Receive mail at Watsonville Center AND Aptos campus. All outside and campus mail will be delivered ONLY to the Aptos mailbox. 2. Receive your mail ONLY at Watsonville Center. All outside and campus mail will be forwarded to Watsonville. [Please notify Olga Díaz and your Division office to select this option.] Mail delivery to Watsonville will be two times a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays only. Department Staff All extensions need a (786) prefix when dialed from an outside line. Department / Person Position / Function Administration Díaz, Olga Mayo, Rachel General Information Program Coordinator Dean of Educ. Ctrs, Online & Innovative Learning (1st wk of semester to 7 pm) AEBG (Adult Education Block Grant) Holly Chase, AEBG Director Computer Technology Center (CTC General lab information Watsonville) Help Desk Garrett, Greg Systems Administrator Mendes, Pearl Sat. lab instructor/ weekend assistance Dixon, Ken Computer Maintenance Technician Enrollment Services Calero, Yolanda (until 1/29) García, Sonia (Fridays: office open to public 9am – 12 noon) Enrollment Services Program Specialist Enrollment Services Program Specialist Arnold, Tanya Ancheta, Shirley González, Jose Malone, Jason Martin, Tera Martinez-Cabrera, Javier Mueller, Stacy English/ESL LIA English/ESL LIA English/ESL LIA ESL Lab Instructor ILC Coordinator Math LIA Librarian Shelley, Ann Reading Lab Instructor Counseling, health & other student services M-Th 8:30a-6p & F 9a-12 noon Student Support Services Assistant Counselor (academic & guidance) MW 10:30a-6p; Tues 9a-4p Counselor (academic & guidance) MW 8:30a-2p; Tu 8:30a-6p & Th 8:30a-2:30p Counselor (academic & guidance) EOPS counselor ACE Outreach Specialist MWTh 10-3, Tu 10-1 Student Resource and Support Network Amezcua, Leticia Estrada, Denyss Puente, Rudy Acosta, Eva Tostado, Francisco Diaz-Houston, Yolanda SERVICES / AREA * Health Services Maintenance - custodial Psychological counselor (for all types of personal counseling) Security on site Watsonville Police Dept (days) Cabrillo Sheriff’s office (eves) Ext Room M-F, 8a-5p 4753 4710 A200 A202 A201 M-F, 8a-5p M-Th, 8a-8p & F 8a-5p M-F 8a-5p Sat 8:30a-1p M-Th 11a-8p & F 8a-5p 4714 4703 A304 A310 Registration & Financial Aid Information Integrated Learning Center (ILC) Tutoring, library services (incl. reserves), Engl/ESL/Read labs, proctored exams Student Resource Center* Hrs M-Th 9a-6p & F 8a-5pm M-Th 8a-8p & F 8a-4p M-Th 12-8p TBD M-F 8a-2:30p Officer David Lopez (1st 2 wks of semester, 9 am - 2 pm) Sheriff’s security officer Dispatch number 471-1121 to contact officer on site; 471-1151 Wats PD non-emergency 4774 4703 4777 A311 A310 A311 4701 A110 4731 4704 4755; 4756 4728 A110 A110 A210 M-F 8a-3p M-F 8a-5p MT 9a-3p, W 12-3p TBD M-F 4752 4729 4776 A215 A218 A215 A218 A219 A215 A219 4718 4734 A210 A120 M-F 8a-5p M-W 4803 4737 A122 A121 M-Th 4743 A124 F 9a-12noon Mon 5-7p+ by appt M-Th 4708 4735 3380 A125 A125 A123 TBD 4735 A123 Ext Room STAFF PERSON / HOURS TBD (eve) John Barrios, Yolanda Lozoya Dianne Avelar 4777 TBD 4p-1:30a TBD M-Th 10:30a3:30p 6p-10:30p 4757 4738 A126 Leave msg. in mailbox 4738 A126 4770 or (831) 818-3982 cell * Additional services may be added during the semester. The Student Resource Center will maintain updated information. A122 Classroom & Office use Keys and locking policy Classroom Equipment/Protocols 1. Key issued to instructors opens classrooms, labs, faculty workroom. 2. Small multimedia key opens computer cabinet in classroom. 3. Office key issued if instructor wants to do office hours in office rather than classroom. 4. Lock rooms, cabinets and shut down power (lights, projector, etc.) when finished. 5. Return keys at the end of the semester. 6. Key cards (for bldgs. C & D) distributed through Division office. Computer, ceiling projector & overhead projector. DVD in computer cabinet show via ceiling projector. Instructions are on inside door of computer cabinet. Office Hours & Storage Office hours: Submit to Olga Díaz. May be done in office or classroom. Office assignments will be made once hours are received. Time requirement: 17 minutes per week per unit. For example: a 3 unit class requires a 50 minute office hour per week. Storage space: Use space as needed in offices and classrooms. Remove materials at end of the semester. Any remaining materials will be discarded unless special arrangements are made. 1. Return desks & chairs to original setup if you move them, or ensure that your setup will accommodate all the original seats. 2. Erase the whiteboard; put away equipment. 3. Turn off computer, projector, lights, lock door. 4. No food/drink in classrooms. 5. Faculty workroom has backup equipment, slide projectors & CD/cassette players. Return all equipment to faculty workroom. 6. If you alter the settings on any computers, return them to the original settings or call x4777 to let our technical support staff know that they have been changed. THIS WILL AVOID PROBLEMS FOR THE NEXT INSTRUCTOR WHO USES THE EQUIPMENT. Room / lab reservations for a class Submit your lab request via email to Olga Diaz or Greg Garrett. * Students must set up computer account in the open lab (room A310) BEFORE the class session. Technical Support Number to call: x4777 Staff: Greg Garrett (Systems Administrator), Ken Dixon (Computer Maintenance Tech) Lab hours: M-Th 8am – 7:45pm; Fri 8am – 3:45pm; Saturdays 9am-12:45pm x4703 (Pearl Mendes, site coordinator); also Aptos CTC x5286 for Saturday tech support questions Evening technical support M-Th until 7:45 pm Service requests: Submit online from any computer. 1. Go to college website and type http://help in URL window 2. Select “create new case” and click GO 3. Input information and from problem category select “Watsonville” 4. Click on the submit button Absences and Class Changes 1. Call the Faculty Absence Line at 786-4786 to report absences or any changes to classes. To report an absence after 5pm call 786-4755 (Integrated Learning Ctr.) 2. Submit an absence form to your Division upon your return. Three forms are required for class meetings off site: a. Field Trip/Excursion Request Form b. Field Trip/Excursion Attendance Log c. Field Trip/Excursion Release ALL FORMS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE FACULTY WORKROOM Course rosters, grading and add codes available online only. Access your class roster and add codes online using WebAdvisor. Late Add slips for the third week are available in the Faculty Workroom (A205). 1. Go to www.cabrillo.edu 2. Click on “WebAdvisor” and then the “Log In” tab. 3. Your User ID is your first initial, middle initial, and full last name 4. Your temporary password is your birthdate (mmddyy), i.e. 060955 for June 9, 1955. 5. All deadlines regarding registration and grades are listed on your course roster in WebAdvisor. 6. Student emails also available on course roster. Phones & Email Place initial request with your Instructional Division to be set up with a: 1. Voicemail extension for messages 2. Network login account (MUST HAVE to use college computers) Please notify Watsonville admin staff if you: 1. Use a different email from the college, or 2. Do not use any form of email To be included in the Faculty/Staff directory, go to http://www.cabrillo.edu Click on "Faculty/Staff Area" in the middle of the right column Under the Favorites tab, click on "Update Directory (Salsa)" Login in using your user ID and password for Salsa. (If you've forgotten your info, contact the IT Help Desk at x6392) Click on "Update your directory listing" Make any necessary changes and click "Save Changes" at the very bottom of the page. Usage notes (phones): Dial “9” to get an outside line. Dial “911” or “9-911” from any phone. Use 4-digit extensions to call other Cabrillo numbers, including fax numbers. All Watsonville Center extensions need a 786 prefix when dialed from an outside line. Voicemail may be retrieved from your home phone. Call 477-3701 then enter your ID (your extension #) and password. All classrooms have a phone for security purposes and classroom assistance. Please use personal cell phones for personal calls. We get a detailed report of calls placed, and not all appear to be work-related. Copier & Duplication Services Copier usage hints: Copier location: Faculty workroom. Initial allocation: 500 per semester. (Back-to-back counts as 2 copies, though it does save paper.) An increase may be requested if necessary. Large jobs: Please send to Duplications! Please use a “Duplications Request Form” (in word or pdf) to submit requests to duplications@cabrillo.edu (see link on Cabrillo Duplications website). These requests will go directly to PrintSmith for processing and duplicated materials will be delivered to the Duplications Service Center in the mailroom 1005. There is 7-day turnaround time required to process job once it is received by Duplications. Please note that mail delivery & pickup for the Watsonville Center will be Tuesday and Thursday. Fill large paper tray (1 & 2) as needed. If using colored paper, remove after job. Notify director or assistant of problems ASAP. Leave note on machine if necessary. Load transparencies through manual feed. To save toner and prevent paper jams, use white paper to cover blacked-out sections on originals. Toner should be changed by staff. It is toxic. Student copier access: Two coin-operated copiers. 1. Student Center, outside Enrollment Services. 2. Integrated Learning Center, room A210 Only student employees are allowed to use the faculty copier, and only for job-related projects. Parking Information Cabrillo College permits are valid for all campus locations. The City of Watsonville will honor Cabrillo permits in the two parking garages on Rodriguez St. See map on page 8 (Spanish version on page 9) for City lots and time limits. STAFF parking: The lots directly behind Center (A and B) are designated for staff and faculty. Building B tenants are issued permits for lot B (adjacent to church parking) and this lot is open for student parking after 5 pm. Cabrillo College staff permits are valid at Cabrillo parking lots on any campus and are available through Watsonville Center administration or the Sheriff’s Dept. in Aptos. One staff permit is free; a second is $2. STUDENT parking: Lot C, behind the Solari Green Technology Center and Lot B AFTER 5:00 PM (adjacent to church parking). Daily parking for visitors or others without a permit: $4 daily pass available from vending machine in student lot. (credit or debit cards only) Additional parking: See maps on pages 8 and 9. Posted time limits enforced NO CABRILLO PARKING: Indicated on map. Please announce to students. (Hot Dog stand has cars towed immediately; fee is $375 to retrieve towed vehicles.) Additional copies of map available in faculty workroom. Services Available from Departments Enrollment Services (room A110, ext. 4701) Student Resource Center (room A120, ext. 4734) Registration & Financial Aid information Registration assistance, forms and publications Drop box for payments (check & credit card only) Student parking permits & bus passes Computers for WebAdvisor registration and access Verifications of Enrollment TTY machine for hearing impaired Check-in for counseling appointments Integrated Learning Center (room A210, ext. 4755) Tutoring in math, English, ESL and other subjects Course reserve materials Labs for English, reading, Spanish, ESL Check out and return library materials; library cards Coin-op copy machine Computer & printing access Library 10 assistance; reference collection Access to math 254 and CABT modules online Quiet study room & small group study rooms Test proctoring Cabrillo counselors & representatives from 4-yrs Transfer information & admission agreements College and career information Health information & basic supplies (aspirin, etc.) Assessment information; practice tests Student Activity cards Computers for registration, applications, research Housing & job information Administration (Dean of Education Centers & Program Coordinator) (office A201, ext. 4710 and office A202, ext. 4753) Assistance with general information & problems Classroom equipment or building issues Copier & building alarm codes Custodial requests Instructor absences/class cancellations Keys & office assignments Ordering classroom & office supplies Reservations for classrooms & labs Computer Technology Center, Watsonville Computer Lab room A310, ext. 4703 - Technical support x4777 Computer, scanning and printing access (including color printing); sale of disks & CDs Student accounts for computer & printing access Electronic classroom for instructor use Labs for Math 254 & CABT classes Evening & Weekend Assistance Technical Support: Security (non-emergency): Emergency: General questions: Administrative issues & questions: x 4777 471-1121 or 471-1151 9-1-1 x 4755 Mon-Thurs 5-8 pm; x 4703 Sat. 9 am-12:45 pm Evening administrator on duty in Aptos 5-8pm at 479-6451. Watsonville Center Dean 419-0811(cell) or 454-8799 (home) Emergency Resources & Procedures 1. 911 calls may be placed on any classroom or office phone. 6. For power outages, emergency lighting stays on in the corridors and stairways. 2. Student and staff accident victims who require emergency treatment may go to Watsonville Community Hospital, Santa Cruz Medical Clinic or Doctors on Duty. (See addresses below.) Fill out an incident report and notify Health Services at the earliest opportunity. 7. For building evacuations, instructors must ensure that all of their students are out and must stay with any disabled student who is unable to leave. An evacuchair to carry students down stairs is kept in the faculty workroom. 3. First Aid kits are located on each floor. An Infectious Material Clean Up kit is located in the Student Resource Center, room A120, in the Health Services office. Once everyone has been evacuated, instructors should go to the area between the student and staff parking lot for news and instructions. 4. An Automatic Electric Defibrillator for heart attack victims is on the first floor of the 3-story building, outside room A120. Maps which show emergency exit routes and the location of first aid kits are posted in all classrooms and most common areas. 5. Emergency first aid procedures addressing several situations are posted in all classrooms and most common areas. For Non-emergency police response: Doctors on Duty 1505 Main St., Watsonville (831) 722-1444 Santa Cruz Medical Clinic 550 Green Valley Road, Watsonville (831) 458-5865 Watsonville Police Dept. 471-1151 County Sheriff’s Dispatch 471-1121 Watsonville Community Hospital Any emergency: 75 Nielson Drive, Watsonville (831) 724-4741 911 or 9-911 Non-emergency Student-Related Concerns Personal/psychological counseling for students available on site. Call x6435 or x4734 for appt. (479-6435 or 786-4734 from off campus.) Fill out a Concern for Student form if the behavior is not disruptive or warranting discipline, but gives cause for concern. FREE online interactive training for recognizing and interacting with students in psychological distress is available at http://ccc.kognito.com/. To set up your account there is a brief survey, and the modules are 20-30 minutes (not necessary to do at one sitting) addressing different types of issues. Very informative! PARKING INFORMATION FOR WATSONVILLE CENTER CABRILLO COLLEGE PARKING PERMITS VALID ONLY IN PARKING GARAGES FOR ALL OTHER SPACES AND LOTS, PLEASE OBSERVE POSTED TIME LIMITS Watsonville High School Marchant St NO CHURCH PARKING PARK ! Watsonville City Plaza Bank lot DO NOT PARK Maple St Solari Green Technology Center 3 hour limit only City lot Peck St Main St 90 min limit City lot Parking garage Staff/student unlimited parking Rodriguez St Second St Private lot DO NOT PARK! East Beach St Union St West Beach St 2 hour limit only City lot Lot C Maple St Watsonville Center 318 Union St DO NOT Student parking Trafton St Hot dogs Staff parking Lots A&B (StudentsOK in B after 5) Parking garage Staff/student unlimited parking INFORMACION DE ESTACIONAMIENTO PARA ESTUDIANTES LOS PERMISOS DE ESTACIONAMIENTO DE CABRILLO SON VALIDOS UNICAMENTE EN LOS GARAGES PUBLICOS DE ESTACIONAMIENTO. PARA CUALQUIER OTRO ESPACIO O LOTE NECESITA OBSERVAR LOS LIMITES DE TIEMPO ANUNCIADOS Watsonville High School Marchant St IGLESIA – NO ESTACIONAR Estacionamiento para el personal, Lotes A y B Watsonville Center 318 Union St Maple St Hot dogs NO ESTACIONAR Trafton St (Estudiantes después de las 5:00PM en B) Estacionamiento para estudiantes, Lote C Solari Green Technology Center ! Bank lot NO ESTA CION AR Límite solo 3 hrs Lote de la ciudad Maple St Watsonville City Plaza Peck St Main St Límite 90 min Garaje público Lote de la ciudad Válido permiso de Cabrillo Rodriguez St Second St Lote privado NO ESTACI ONAR! East Beach St Lote de la ciudad Union St West Beach St Límite solo 2 hrs Garaje público Válido permiso de Cabrillo TO PARKING LOT WATSONVILLE CENTER A180 Building A (3-story) building CLASS ROOM Lecture classrooms A160 1st3rd EX A127 Of A120 fic A122 A123 43 Student e Resource AID AID Coun selin Center g A121 AID TO UNION ST 20 ST – 3RD Floor CU CLASSR OOM A260 A210 RI Rec epti on Are a TY A240 A205 Faculty workroom A380 CLASSR OOM Lecture classrooms A360 CLASS ROOM A340 Science lab & general lecture A320 4452 520 520 SCI Facu lty Wor kroo m Integrated Learning Center Tutoring English, reading labs Reserve material Library reference, checkout Computer access Proctored testing Study rooms A2011 A200 Office A204 A203 Suite Fac 3 A202 A206 Student Senate office (Bookstore sales first week) TO BRIDGE E X I egra ted Lear ning Cent er T OFFI CE A220 FLOOR SE 1 A280 Lecture classrooms Stud ent Cent FIRST er A100 OFF ICE MAIN ENTRANCE E selin A124 g XI SERV A125 ICES Coun BOOKS TORE T A126 Enrollment Services Registration & Financial Aid A110 ME N CLASS ROOM Multi-purpose room pose/Da nce WOM EN A140 Tiered lecture hall TIERED TIER LECTURE ED LECT A130 URE Multipur room CLASS ROOM Student Resource Center Counseling Scholarships Transfer, career info Health services Computer access for on-line resources 4530 A150 Floo IT r DIRECTOR’S OF FIC E ulty Fac ulty ADMI Offi SECOND FLOOR ce Offi N ce ASSI Faculty & Admin offices STA NT A350 COMPU TER A311 A330 01 ClassroComp om A310 Rec epti on Are a uter E Lab l e CO Coor c dinat t MPU or rA300 TER A301 iOffic A304c A303 A302 FAC e Facul LAB 4 a Fac ULT Fac lSuite ulty ty Y THIRD FLOOR ulty r Offi Offic OFF 10 Offico ce e ICE e o S m Instructional computer labs Computerized assessment Open-access computer lab Keyboarding, 10-key Faculty offices Buildings C & D - Solari Green Technology Center G ET HELP WITH YOUR CLASSES ! D O RESEARCH OR JUST STUDY ! R O O M A 21 0 , ( 8 31 ) 7 8 6 - 4 7 5 5 * 8 AM — 8 P M M O N - TH , 8 - 4 FR I , S A T 1 2 - 4 P M Integrated Learning Center LABS for Credit English 100L & 155A ESL 200 series Reading 100, 200 series Cabrillo Library Resources Library cards issued on site Textbooks on reserve Search collection online Reference library Research questions Librarian on site GREAT reading books collection to check out ALSO IN THE ILC: 2 Copiers Small group study rooms Quiet study room ILC Staff Math English Writing assignments for other classes ESL (for English learners) Coordinator: Tera Martin English IAs: Shirley Ancheta, Tanya Arnold & Jose Gonzalez Math IA: Javier Martinez Librarian: Stacy Mueller Reading Instructor: Ann Shelley ESL Instructors: Jason Malone & Terri Hagan Evening coordinators: Sherrie Hueter, Cristina Intintoli, Sharon Reeves LEARNING RESOURCES TUTORING for: SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION (SI) for: Math 12 and 154 Computers, scanner, printer, adaptive technology Coordination with Learning Skills & ASC for test proctoring & other accommodations Scientific & graphing calculators for checkout Additional material and software for skills practice Academic & Study Skills Workshops throughout the semester ¡ TENEMOS AYUDA PARA SUS CLASES Y LUGAR PARA ESTUDIAR ! O F I C I N A A 2 10, ( 83 1) 786 - 4 755 * 8 AM - 8 PM LUN-JUE, 8-4 VIERNES, SABADOS 12 - 4 Centro Integrado de Aprendizaje En el ILC encontrará: Laboratorios para crédito Engl 100L & 155A Reading, series 100 & 200 ESL 200 series Servicios de la biblioteca Obtener tarjeta de la biblioteca Usar libros en reserva Consultar con bibliotecario/a sobre sus investigaciones (horas limitadas) Colección de libros También podrá usar: - Fotocopiadoras - Cuartos para estudiar en grupos pequeños - Cuarto para estudio individual - Servicio para tomar exámenes NUESTRO PERSONAL Coordinadora: Tera Martin IAs de inglés: Tanya Arnold , Shirley Ancheta, y Jose Gonzalez IA de matemáticas: Javier Martinez Bibliotecaria: Stacy Mueller Instructora de lectura: Ann Shelly Instructores de ESL: Jason Malone y Terri Hagan Coordinadores de noche: Sherrie Hueter, Cristina Intintoli, Sharon Reeves TUTORIA en: Matemáticas Inglés Escribir trabajos para otras clases ESL (inglés como segunda lengua) RECURSOS ADICIONALES Computadoras, scanner, impresora, tecnologia adaptiva Colección de referencia; diccionarios Calculadoras gráficas y científicas Servicio para tomar exámenes Instrucción supplemental (SI) para clases Math 12 y Math 154 Materiales y programas de computadora para practicar sus destrezas Cabrillo College Watsonville Center Room A120, (831) 786-4734 STUDENT RESOURCE CENTER COUNSELING HEALTH SERVICES STUDENT ACTIVITY CARDS CAREER AND TRANSFER INFORMATION COMPUTER ACCESS FOR ONLINE SERVICES PLAN TO TRANSFER OR COMPLETE A DEGREE? SEE A COUNSELOR! Academic plans for the fastest road to your goal Career information and guidance Guaranteed transfer agreements Representatives from 4-year universities Personal and psychological counseling also available Your health fee pays for… Blood pressure, TB, vision, hearing, & strep testing Illness & injury care Birth control info. & pregnancy testing Physical exams for work or school Addiction counseling referrals Low-cost immunizations and selected lab tests Hours of operation: Mon-Wed- 9am-6pm Thurs - 8:30am-2:30pm Fri - 9am-12pm RESOURCE LIBRARY Online resources for student employment and other information College catalogs Resumé writing Career information FINANCIAL AID INFO AT ENROLLMENT SERVICES OFFICE It’s never too late to apply, and the application is free! Even part time students can get financial aid Scholarships and grants don’t have to be paid back! Even if you’re working, you still may qualify! Centro de Watsonville del Colegio Cabrillo Oficina A120, (831) 786-4734 Horas de operación: Centro de Recursos para el Estudiante CONSEJERIA SERVICIOS DE SALUD TARJETA DE ESTUDIANTE INFORMACION SOBRE CARRERAS Y OTRAS UNIVERSIDADES Lunes - miércoles 9am-6pm Jueves - 8:30am-2:30pm Viernes - 9am-12pm CENTRO DE INFORMACION RECURSOS DE INTERNET PUBLICACIONES DE VARIAS ESCUELAS Y UNIVERSIDADES MODELOS PARA RESUMÉS INFORMACIÓN SOBRE CARRERAS ACCESO A COMPUTADORAS PARA SERVICIOS DEL COLEGIO EN INTERNET ¿Piensa transferirse o sacar su título? ¡HABLE CON UN CONSEJERO! Planes académicos para alcanzar su meta más rápido Información sobre varias carreras Acuerdos formales para la transferencia garantizada Representantes de universidades de 4 años Consejería psicológica y personal también se ofrece Su cuota de salud Cuidado de enfermedad y lastimaduras Información sobre anticonceptivos y pruebas de embarazo Los estudiantes de medio tiempo pueden recibir ayuda financiera Nunca es tarde para solicitar ayuda, y la solicitud es gratis El dinero de las becas no lo tiene que devolver Referencias a consejería para adicciones Aunque esté trabajando podría calificar Presión sanguínea, TB, y pruebas de la vision, el oído y el estrep Exámenes físicos para el trabajo o la escuela Nuestro personal le puede ayudar con cualquier pregunta sobre ayuda financiera paga por: AYUDA FINANCIERA EN LA OFICINA DE INSCRIPCION