REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS to provide Strategic Communications and Bond Planning RFP16-02 Issued By: Cabrillo Community College District October 9, 2015 Response Due: 5:00 PM (PST) October 16, 2015 Electronic submissions to the Purchasing Office at: 1 Scope of Work: This solicitation is intended to provide the Cabrillo Community College District (CCCD) with strategic bond planning and communication services related to a potential bond measure. 1. Ongoing strategic communications and bond preparation advice and planning, continuous update of strategic recommendations and project timeline for services; 2. Developing key messages and communications materials for internal and external audiences; 3. Recommend a timeline and budget for the balance/appropriate project period of District Bond Planning; 4. Recommend an Internal Stakeholder Update program utilizing effective internal messages for students, faculty, and staff to be updated on Bond Planning Efforts, such as staff email/social media updates, foundation/donor/alumni updates; and student announcements; 5. Reviewing the proposed bond funding projects and making recommendations as to the appeal or weaknesses of items, and making recommendations on how to effectively market them; 6. Recommend and conceive informational communications materials to inform external constituents and audiences, such as Opinion Leader/Key Influential updates; a selected Speakers’ Bureau Outreach Program; and Informational Mail as permitted by Client’s budget such as an Accountability Report; 7. Provide strategic input to Bond Counsel on the text of the voter information and handbook materials describing Client’s Bond Plan. The parties expressly agree that legal advice is not within Consultant’s scope or services. Submission of RFP: Potential vendors interested in providing this service must submit an electronic proposal to: The proposal must include the following information: Company Background History Marketing Research Experience Political knowledge of Bay Area/Central Coast cities Professional Qualifications Track record of Previous Projects Responses to this RFP will be accepted electronically and directed to the Purchasing Office of the District, ATTENTION: Mr. Michael Robins, Director of Purchasing at the following email address:, up to but no later than 5:00 PM (PST), on October 16, 2015. Emails should be titled: “(Respondent's Name or Firm Name) Response to RFP16‐02 Strategic Communications and Bond Planning”. All responses will be certified based on the date and time received. If the proposer does not receive a confirmation of receipt of their proposal within two business days, please call Michael Robins at: 831‐477‐3521. 2 Withdrawal of Proposal Submittal: A vendor may withdraw its proposal at any time before the expiration of the time for submission of the proposal submittals as provided by the RFP by emailing the Purchasing Director a written request for withdrawal signed by the consultant / vendor. The CCCD will be held harmless in the event of any loss, damage or legal liability which the consultant might incur in the performance of this project. The CCCD maintains the right to reject all proposals at its sole discretion. In that this is a proposal process and not a bid process, there will be no bid protest process. 3