2007-08 FINAL BUDGET Cabrillo Community College District September 10, 2007 CofirM'% Celebrating Excellence Since 1959 September10,2007 To the Governing Board: The 2007-08 Final Budget is presentedto the Governing Board for approval. This documenthas been preparedbasedon the assumptionsand goals presentedin the StateBudget Act. The 2007-08Final Budgetis in balanceby $646,709. The highlightsof the Final Budget include: Revenue COLA: COLA is provided @ 4.53yo,estimatedat$2,493,200for the College. Growth: No growth funds have been included in the 2007-08 Final Budget. Decline: In2006-07 the collegedeclined1.44%in FTES. In reviewing this issuewith the collegeleadership,it was decidedto report481 FTES in censusprocedure summer2007 coursesin 2006-07,estimatedat $1.4 million. This will then reducethe FTES availablein 2007-08,howeverthe collegewill receivestability funds in 2007-08,$3.6 million. Thesefunds are one-time. If the District does not fully restorethe reductionof FTES in 2008-09,a permanentloss of funding will occur. Lottery Revenue: Unrestrictedlottery revenuedecreased by $50,000. Foreign/ Out of State Tuition: Foreign and Out of StateTuition is expectedto decreaseby $50,000. Expenditures Salaries: The 2007-08 Final Budget includes a salary increaseof l.2o/ofor contract faculty, plus a 2%oincreasefor adjunct faculty. Benefit eligible contract employeeswill also receivea one-time$150 stipend. Other increasesinclude: faculty grantsof $15,000,programchair stipendsof $17,500,an increasein the hourly ratepaid to faculty substitutesand an increasein the benefit stipend. None of the otherunits have settledon compensationfor 2007-08. Benefits: Benefit adjustmentsfor 2007-08were as follows: o l7o/omedicalbenefit increase o The PERSrate increasedfrom9.l24%oto 9.306%o. 6500 SoquelDrive Aptos, California 9 5003 831.479.6100 www.cabrillo.edu New Classified: The2007-08FinalBudgetincludes$257,000 in newclassified positions. Other The2007-08Final Budgetincludesincreases in otheroperating Expenditures: expenses suchasutilities,generalliability insurance, maintenance service contractsfor technologysupport,postage,printing,andetcetera. Student The estimatefor studentuncollectiblefeeswasreducedby $25,000. Uncollectible Fees: Retiree Benefits: The2007-08Final Budgetincludesa $50,000transferfrom thebasebudgetanda $50.000transferfrom the one-timefund to fund futureretireebenefits. Reserves: TheDistrict ended2006-07with a 4%ogenerulreserve.Thegeneralreservefor the Final Budgetwasincreased by $70,000usingone-timefundsto maintainthe 4o/orcset-te. The following documentsfrom the Community College League are attachedto provide an overview of the current Statebudget deliberationsfor community colleges. o o e o o StateBudget Update #9 StateBudgetUpdate#10 StateBudgetUpdate#11 StateBudget Update#12 Legislature League Spreadsheets The College has continued to work to develop strategiesfor addressingthe enrollment decline. I wish to thank the membersof the Board, membersof the College Planning Council, administration, faculty, staff, studentsand the Office of BusinessServicesfor their commitment and dedication in helping to develop the 2007-08 Budget. Sincerely,f'\ ,r'-l. r ll f / ll \.1 ( i t l,tD' \ . / v Yesi Ard AsiistantSuperintendenWice President Business Services Counaururry CoueceLencueor CRtrrgRrurR oNTHE\ /EB:\ /\Anly.ccLEAGUe.onc/tecrnro/euooer/ TATEBTIOCNTLIPDATE UpotrB #9 )faNE 29, 2007 A statusreport on the actions,discussions,and rumors in Sacramentorelated to the communitycolleges'statebudgelfor Jiscalyear 2007-08.This update is distributedto all chief executivefficers for distribution to trustees,administrators, faculty, classified, public/governmental relations fficers and student leaders. Conference CommitteeApprovesCommunityCollegeBudget With the startof the fiscalyearjust daysaway,the Conference Committeecompletedtheir actionson the 2007-08 budgetandhaveset in motionthe deliveryof a budgetbill to eachrespectivehouse.The Legislatureplansvoteson the 2007-08budgetplan,althoughRepublicanvotesmay be scarceandfurthernegotiationsareexpected.The Conference Committee"closedout" Proposition98 and in orderto provideK-14 educationwith growth andCOLA, the committee over appropriated the 2007-08Proposition98 guarantee by roughly$300million. Specifically,ConferenceCommittee providedthe following for communitycolleges: ONGOING FLTNDS . . o . . . . . . . $80 million reductionin the cunentyearandbudgetyearfor the Apportionmentitem. 4.53o/o DSPS,Matriculation,EOPS,CARE andChild CareTax Bailout COLA for Apportionments, fundingalreadyincludedin base).It shouldbe 2.0o/o EnrollmentGrowth for Apportionments(l% Restoration line noted,languagewasadoptedthat would speci! that-in the eventthe communitycollegeapportionment -the priority growth reported in 2007-08 first funds item was insufficientto fund all the restorationto be on would be to fund restoration. - DSPS,Matriculation,EOPS,and CARE 2.jYoEnrollmentGrowth selectedcategoricals non-credit) & collegepreparation(enhanced $13.8million to providea rateincreasefor careerdevelopment $5 million Nursingprogramenrollmentandequipment S1.9million to the EOPSbook grantprogram 500 thousandfor the FosterCare/l(inshipprogram Team(FCMAT) 570thousandfor the FiscalCrisisandManagement Includesbudgetbill languageto recapture$80 million of 2006-07Apportionmentfundson or afterMarch 14, 2008. This languagewill guaranteeall workloadreportedin the currentyearwill be fundedandavoidthe potentialfor a revenuedeficit. ONE-TIME FUNDS Recallfrom LeagueBudgetUpdate#8, the May 2007Staterevenuefigurerevealeda shortfallof roughly$764million in the currentyearandgiventhis decline,the Conference Committeedid NOT approveroughly$400million of settleup fundsincludedin the May Revise. This meantcommunitycollegesreceived$100million lessin onetime fundsand the balanceof one-timefundsremainingarelistedbelow: o o r o r . PhysicalPlanetandInstructional Equipment NursingandAllied HealthEquipment Part-TimeFacultyHealthInsurance NursingProgramSimulators(Gov. Jan.proposal) Construction College Ca|-PASS(Gov. Jan.orooosal) $ 8.084 Million 8.084 4.0 4.0 1.5 1.0 $ 26.668 of continuedbudgetdevelopments, The Leaguewill continueto keepdistrictsappraised 1121LStreet,Suite805oSacramento,Californiar95814)916-441-0353r\n/w.ccleague.org i.Nua, ColrlurutrvCot-leoeLeneuror QRuroRrun UA;N '4Jll'r\- oN THEwEB:\ Mlw.ccLEAGUE.oRG/LEGtNFo/euocer/ C] , \ L t F =t TATE B(JDGET (JPDATE UPDATE#1O4UGAST6,2OO i"iiicolleges'siatebudgetfor *it^ Att"t^,rp"rt""tt'"*tl""tnl administrators, year2007-08.Thisupdateis distributedto all chiefexecutive distributionto trustees, fficersfor fiscal "faculty, public$overnmental relationsfficers andstudentleaders. classified, BudgetImpasseContinu€s... On the eveningof August 1", the StateSenateconvenedto vote on the 2007-08StateBudget and the accompanying trailer bills; unfortunatelyseveralhours later the Senateadjourned- having not achievedtheir goal. The final tally on SenateBill77 - was one Republicanvote short of passage(26 -14) despitefrenziedmeetingsthroughoutthe day betweenthe Governor,SenateRepublicans,and the Pro-Tem. At this time, budgetwatchersdo not expectthe Senateto reconveneprior to August20'h- whenthe Assemblyreturns from summerrecess.Sucha scenariocould set the stagefor the longestbudgetimpassein statehistory (September5'h is the record)and disruptthe delivery of servicesto Califomia residents. The budgetnow beforethe Senateis essentiallyunchangedfrom the packageapprovedby Conferencecommitteeon June29'n(budgetchart attached). Although ConferencecommitteefundedProposition98 at greaterthan the minimum guaranteeamount,SB 77 providesthe minimum amountrequiredfor the guaranteethrough the creativeuseof special funds and one-timemonies. Late budget disrupts appottionment payments Late passageof the 2004-05statebudgetmarkedthe first time districtsmisseda stateapportionmentpayment. Prior to the budgetimpasseof 2004-05,latebudgetshadNOT impededthe ability of the StateControllerto issuepaymentsto districts. It was not until the California SupremeCourt ruled on White v Davis (2003), and forbadethe Controller from following pastpractice,that community collegedistrictsbeganto suffer from statebudgetstalemates. Back in 2004-05,the budgetwas eventuallysignedon July 3l , 2004- and districtspaymentswere delayedby only a of cash few days. Howevereventsnow unfoldingrelatedto the 2007-08budgetimpassemay resultin the suspension paymentsthroughthe end of August. Community collegesgenerallyreceivecashpaymentsin the fourth week of each month. The paymentsvary from month-to-month,rangingfrom 8% to l2Yu In July, districts were expectedto receive approximately$327 million underthe spendingplan pendingbeforethe Legislature. In late August, districtswould o'getby on reserves"whenthe July receivea similaramount. While most districtsreportedthey would be ableto paymentwasmissed,a missedAugustpaymentwill be difficult for mostdistrictsto absorb. When the budgetis delayed,districts must chooseto draw down financial reservesand/orborrow money. It shouldbe notedthe Legislaturerecentlydeliberatedthe merits of a bill, which would havemandateddistrictshire full-time faculty and useany reservefundsto pay for the costsof compliance. Fortunately,the Leaguewas successfulin its advocacy effort againstsuchlegislationby arguingdistricts shouldmaintain"prudent" reservesto be utilized for unanticipated events- suchas statebudgetimpasses. Developmentof the 2008-09 SystemBudget Request Despitethe lack ofa statebudget,systemconstituentgroupshavebeenworking sincethe end ofJune to craft a 2008-09 meeting. The eventualrequestwill systembudgetrequestto presentthe Boardof Governorsat their September representsystembudgetpriorities for the next fiscal year, and alreadyit is clear the primary constraintfacing the request will be projectedProposition98 resources.Oftencitedduringthe currentbudgetimpasseis the "ongoingstructural deficit" which will make enactmentof a statebudgetnext year evenmore difficult than this year. Basedupon initial estimatespresentedduring Legislative deliberationson the 2007-08budget,Proposition98 is NOT expectedto receive much beyondgrowth and COLA in 2008-09,and hencethe final budgetpackagefor community collegesmay be very similar to the currentyear. The fiscal environmentaside,the 2008-09systemrequestwill be constructedwith a recurringtheme- community collegesare California's most importantassetto supplyingthe statewith the educated workforce of the future. r www.ccleague.org Californiar 95814) 916-441-0353 1121LStreet,Suite805 t Sacramento, .r\lll2'oFCALTFoRNTA couleoeLEAcuE HK ''l411p' cour,rururrv ocer/ oNTHEwEB:\ AM/v. coLEAGUE. oRc/lEctruro/au TATEBTIOCNT(JPDATE Upo.ern#11.AuGUSr27,2007 A statusreport on the actions,discussions,and rumors in Sacramentorelated to the communitycolleges'statebudgetfor fiscal year 2007-08. This update is distributedto all chief executivefficers for distribution to trustees,administrators, faculty, classified, public/governmental relations fficers and student leaders. LegislatureSendsBudget to the Governor This afternoon,the StateSenateapprovedSenateBill77 - the 2007-08 StateBudget - and the accompanying to implementthe budgetby a vote of 27-12. All Democratsvotedin supportof the bill trailer bills necessary alongwith 2 of the l5 SenateRepublicansthusendinga fifty-two day statebudgetimpasse.The 2007-08 and it is anticipatedhe will sign the budgetin the StateBudget is now headedto GovernorSchwarzenegger next few days. For communitycollegesthe budgetis unchangedfrom the packageapprovedby conferencecommitteeon June29*. Although conferencecommitteefundedProposition98 at greaterthan the minimum guarantee amount,the 2007-08budgetpackagesentto the Governorprovidesthe minimum amountrequiredthroughthe creativeuseof specialfundsand one-timefunds. The budgetpassedby the Legislatureprovidesthe following for communitycolleges: ONGOING FUNDS . $80 million reductionin the currentyear and budgetyear for the Apportionmentitem. . 4.53o/o COLA for Apportionments,DSPS,Matriculation,EOPS,CARE and Child CareTax Bailout . 2.0%o (1% Restorationfundingalreadyincludedin base).It EnrollmentGrowth for Apportionments shouldbe noted,languagewas adoptedthat would specifythat -in the eventthe communitycollege line item was insufficientto fund all the restorationto be reportedin200T-08-the first apportionment priority on growth funds would be to fund restoration. - DSPS,Matriculation,EOPS,and CARE . 2.0VoEnrollmentGrowth selectedcategoricals . $13.8million to providea rateincreasefor careerdevelopment non& collegepreparation(enhanced credit) . $5 million Nursingprogramenrollmentandequipment . $1.9million to the EOPSbook grantprogram . $500thousandfor the FosterCare/Kinshipprogram . $570thousandfor the FiscalCrisisandManagement Team(FCMAT) . Includesbudgetbill languageto recapture$80 million of 2006-07Apportionmentfundson or after all workloadreportedin the currentyearwill be funded March 14,2008. This languagewill guarantee andavoidthe potentialfor a revenuedeficit. ONE.TIME FUNDS The budgetprovides$26.7million in one-timefundsfor the following: $8.1M PhysicalPlanetand InstructionalEquipment;$8.1M NursingandAllied HealthEquipment;$4.0M Part-TimeFacultyHealth Insurance;$4.0M NursingProgramSimulators(Gov.Jan.proposal);$ I .5 M ConstructionCollege;$ I .0 M CaI-PASS(Gov.Jan.proposal) What You Can Do requestinghe approvethe community collegebudgetas Sendlettersof supportto GovernorSchwarzenegger passedby the Legislature. o rlww.ccleague.org Californiar 95814o 916-441-0353 1121L Street,Suite805 t Sacramento, COMMUNITYCOLLEGE LEAGUE O FC A L I F O R N I A Item General ApDortionment Base Apportionmeni (incl: GF, P-Tax, Fee) Apportionment reductjon for unused growth 2007-08 Budget Deliberatjons reduction unused grcMh Studenl fee reduction (to $20 tull-year) Cost-of-living adjustment (categorical COLA incl. below) Growth icr Apportionments Appor{onment increase for remediatiorvexit exam Equalization Career Development & College Preparation Realignment of nursing item (technical issue) Total Ge nercl A ppo rtl on m ent Cateoorical Prcorams Academic Senate tor the Community Colleges Basic Skills and Apprenticeship Bac€laureate Pilot Program Career T€chnical Educalion Child Care Ta Bailout Disabled Students Programs and Seryi@s Economic Development EOPS & CARE Equal Employment Opportunity Foster Care Education Program Fund for Student Suc@ss Full-time Faculty: Increase Positions Matriculation Nursing Part-Time Faculty Compensation Part-Time Faculty Health InsuEn@ Part-Timg Faculty Offi@ Hours Physi€l Plant and lnstructional Support Professional Development Special Seryices for Cal\ rORKs Recipients Student Financial Aid Administration Telecommunications / Technology Svcs / C.V. U Transfer Edu€tion and Articulation Ongoing Funds Subtotal General Purpose Block Grant Amador COE Funding Fomula Refom - On+time Costs lnternet acess for offsite @nters Electronic Transcript Exchange Strategic Plan lmplementation Physical Plant and Instruc-tional Support Mandate reimbuFements CaerTechnical Education SB 1133 Nursing Equipment / Allied Health Equipment Carer Technical Education Nu6ing & Allied Health . 24hr State facilities 2006-07Final Budget 2007-08System BudgetRequest 2007-08Governo/s ProposedBudget 2007-08Governo/s May Revise 4,920,252,000 -85.000.000 5,416,585,000 5,423,341,000 5,423,34',t,000 5,423,341,000 40,ooo,ooo 4,A75,252,000 40,000,000 5,456,585,000 33,245,000 5,456,586,000 -80,000,000 3s,245,o@ 5,376,586,000 -80,000,000 33,215,000 5,376,586,000 281,500.000 164,000,000- 224,855,000 109,132,000 248,431,000 107,5s2,000 u8,4:t1,000 107,532,000, 294,387,000 97,508,000 10,000,000 159,438,000 30,000,000 -'10,000,000 13.800.000 30.000.000 4156 467,000 48,339,000 100,000 20,000,000 6,540,000 '107,870,000 46,790,000 112,916,000 1,747,000 4,754,OOO 6,158,000 95,481,000 16,886,000 50,828,000 1,000,000 7,172,0OO 27,345,000 43,580,000 52,593,000 26,197,000 1,424,000 490,000 50,599,000 100,000 20,000,000 6,986,000 115,430,695 48,790,000 120,805,000 1,747,000 5,079,000 8,358,000 45,000,000 116,149,000 16,886,000 100,828,000 8,000,000 12,172,000 27,345,000 10,000,000 46,714,000 55,115,500 40,497,000 1,424,000 6,134,772,000 6,790,600,195 100,000,000 100,000 19,710,000 1,446,000 700,000 500,000 94,144,000 40,000,000 50,000,000 20,000,000 Outreach for Darolees Nu6in9 (startup) 3,000,000 Part.Time Faculty Health Insurance Part-Time Faculty Office Hours Professional DeveloDment 5.000.000 467,000 15,229,000 100,000 20,000,000 6,80/,000 114,472,000 46,790,000 119,827,000 1,747,OOO 4,754,000 6,158,000 467,000 15,229,000 467,000 18,339,000 20.000.000 6,836,000 115,011,000 46,790,000 120,391,000 1,747,OOO 5,254,000 6,158,000 20.000,000 6,836,000 115,011,000 46,790,000 122,291,000 '|,747,OOO 1U,4i6,000 25,886,000 50,828,000 1,000,000 7,172,0OO 27,345,000 t11,g13,OOO 25,886,000 50,828,000 1,000,000 7,172,000 27,345,OO0 ,ir,ror,*o 43,580,000 51,308,000 26,197,000 't,424,OO0 43,580,000 51,640,000 28,097,000 '1,424,0O0 6,496,097,000 6,452,317,000 47,500,000 32,000,000 32,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000 9,000,000 9,000,000 9,650,000 Technology ltems AccEditation Assistance 1,000,000 2,700,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 79,6fr,000 42,000,000 194,700,000 16,000,000 570,000 83,013,000 6s,960,000 155,293,000 4,004,000 350,000 81,979,000 59,401,000 155,293,000 4,004,000 570,000 81,979,000 59,101,000 155,293,000 Basic Skills (06-07 funds; available one-time) One-time Prcp 98 Funds Sublofa/ 265,600,000 Mandate reimbursements (suspension continues) Fiscal Crisis Management Assistance Team (FCMAT) STRS Payments for CCC Employees Leas+Purchase Bond Payments Lottery 83,013.000 63,960,000 155,293,000 Total State-Detemined 22,100,000 50,828,000 1,000,000 7,172,O00 27,345,000 43,580,000 51,640,000 26,197,000 1,424,OOO 6,452,331,000 1,084,000 0 32,000,000 8,084,000 0 0 0 4,000,000 4,000,000 0 4,004,000 1,500,000 0 o 1,000,000 included in O8-O7 58,668,000 4,004,000 570,000 81,979,000 59,401,000 155,293,000 Funding FTES 98 (Local) Ongoing Funding per FTES 98 (Local) One-Time Funding per FTES per FTES 5,254,000 6,158,000 2,500,000 Textbook Assistance Student Ac@ss to TEnsit Initiative Construction College Cal PASS 2007-08Legislature FINALBudget 1,139,921 5,s82 233 5,883$ 1,'174,119 5,784 68 6,123$ 1,174,119 5,533 36 5,825$ 1,174,119 5,495 166 5,918$ 1,174,11 5. 5( 5,802 Couvururrv Cot-leceLEAGUE or CRLIroRnrn E.oRG/LEG| oN THE wEB:\ AM/v. cc LEAGU NFoleuocer/ TATEBT,IOCSTUPDATE Upoerp #12)AaGUSr24.2007 A statusreport on the actions,discussions,and rumors in Sacramentorelated to the communitycolleges'statebudgetfor fiscal year 2007-08.This updateis distributedto all chief executivefficers for distribution to trustees,administrators, faculty, classified,public/governmentalrelations fficers and studentleaders. Governorwields his "blue" pencil This afternoon,GovernorSchwarzenegger signedthe 2007-08StateBudget,which providesan ongoingincreaseof 98 stategeneralfundsfor our communitycolleges. $377millionin Proposition TheLeagueis very disappointed the Covernorvetoed$13.8millionto providea rateincrease for CareerDevelopment andCollegePreparation and$33.1millionto supportthe"BasicSkillsInitiative".Both augmentations address long standingprioritiesof the system.The Governor'sveto message: "I am reducingSchedule (1) by $13,786,000 (2)by $33,110,000 andSchedule to deletethe legislative augmentations for a noncreditcourserateincreaseand a basicskills studentfundingincrease, respectively.However,I am settingthese fundsasidefor legislationthat appropriates thesefundsfor improvingoutcomesfor at-riskstudentsin a mannermore consistent with theprioritiesof my proposed StudentSuccess Initiative($33,I10,000)andthe remainder for othermore compellingProposition 98 fundingneeds. proposed The Legislature's augmentation to supporta secondconsecutive $13,786,000 noncreditrateincrease is prematureand inconsistent with the agreement reachedin lastyear'scompromiseon Chapter631, Staturesof 2006(SB 361). As partof that agreement, my Administrationindicatedthat any futurenoncreditrateincreasewould be subjectto improvedstudentoutcomesfrom lastyear'sinitial investmentof $30,000,000.To date,no accountabilitymeasures havebeendevelopedto evaluatethis investment,nor hasmy Administrationreceiveda comprehensive list of courses andprogramsthat havebeenapprovedby the Chancellor'sOffice for fundingfrom the 2006-01increase.While I cannotsustainthisaugmentation, the budgetdoesprovidea 4.53-percent COLA, which,whencombinedwith the ongoing$30,000,000 increase from 2006-07,providesfor a 23-percent increase in per studentfundingfor selected noncreditcourses sincethe2005-06fiscalyear. I cannotsupporttheLegislature's redirection of fundsproposed $33,110,000 for my May Revision'sStudentSuccess Initiativebecause the accompanying controlprovisionsdo not containthe appropriateaccountabilityanddistribution mechanisms necessary to ensurethis investmentimprovesstudentoutcomes,particularlyfor at-riskstudents transitioning from high schools.With this reduction, thecommunitycollegesstillretain$33,110,000 in unspentcurrent yearfundsthatcarryoverfor expenditurein the budgetyearto addressstrategies for improvingbasicskills instruction. My Administrationis preparedto work with the Chancellor'sOffice to reinstatethe ongoingfundingpendingagreement on revisedaccountabilityanddistributionprovisionsthat addressmy priority for improvingmeaningfuloutcomesfor students transitioning from high school." TheGovernoralsovetoed$4.0million for the Part-timeFacultyHealthInsurance program,a long standingsystem priority,and$ 1.5 million for Construction College. TheLeaguestronglyencourages the CommunityCollegeBudgetTaskForcereconvene and/orConsultation Council meetto disseminate the veto messageanddeterminethe nextcourseof action. EducationTrailerBill The Education TrailerBill (SB 80) hasnot yet beensigned;howevertheONLY communitycollegeappropriation contained in thetrailerbill is the "$200million deferral"whichis scheduled for allocationin the2008-09fiscalyear. The deferralhasbeena componentof the communitycollegebudgetsincethe 2003-04fiscalyearand it is NOT anticipated thiswill changeuntil it is retiredwith one-timeor ongoingProposition 98 funds. It shouldbe notedALL one-timefundsarelistedin the budgetbill (SB 77) underitem6870-486. 1121LStreet,Suite805 o Sacramento, Californiar 95814. 916-441-0353 r www.ccleague.org LEAGUE COMMUI{ITYCOLLEGE O FC A L I F O R N I A 2006-07Final Budget Item General ADporiionment Base Apportionment(incl:GF, P-Tax, Fee) Apportionment reduction for unused growth 2007-08 Budget Deliberations reduction unused groMh Student fee reduction (to $20 full-year) 2007-08System 2007-08Governo/s BudgetRequest ProposedBudget 4,920,252,000 -85000.000 Cost-of-living adjustment (categori€l COLA incl. belw) GroMh for Apportionments Apportjonment increase for remediatiorvexit exam Equalization Career Development & Colleg€ Preparation Realignment of nursing item (technical issue) 5 416,585,000 40,ooo,ooo 4,475,252,OOO 40,000,000 5,456,585,000 294,387,000 97,508,000 10,000,000 159,438,000 30,000,000 -10.000.000 281,fio,000 164,000,000 2007-08Govemo/s MayRevise 2007-08ENACTED BUDGET 5,423,341,000 5,423,341,000 5,423,341,000 33,215,000 5,456,586,000 80,000,000 3s,245,000 5,376,586,000 .80,000.000 33,24s,000 5,376,586,000 u8,131,000 107,532,000 218,131,0@ 107,532,000 467,000 1s,229,000 467,000 15,229,000 224,855,@O 109,132,OOO 30,ooo,ooo Total Genera I A ppo ttl on ment Cateqodcal Proorams Academic Senate for the Community Colleges Basic Skills and Apprenticeshjp Bac€laureate Pilot Program Career Technical Education Child Care Tax Bailout Disabled Students Programs and Seryices Economic Development EOPS & CARE Equal Employment Opportunity Foster Care Education Program Fund for Student Success Full-trmeFaculty:IncreasePositions Matriculation Nursing Part-Time Faculty Compensation Part-Time Faculty Health Insurane Part-Time Faculty Office Hours Physi€l Plant and Instructional Supporl ProfessaonalDevelopment Special Seryices for Ca|.y'CRKs Recipients Student FinancialAld Administration Telecommuni€tions / Technology Sv6 / C.V. U Transfer Education and Articulation ON-GOING VETO SET.ASIDE 467,000 490,000 48,339,000 fi,599,000 100,000 100,000 20,000,000 20,000,000 6,540,000 6,986,000 107,870,000 115,430,695 46,790,000 48,790,000 112,916,000 120,805,000 1,747,000 1,747,000 4,754,000 5,079,000 6,158,000 8,358,000 45,000.000 95,481,000 116,149,000 '16,886,000 16,886,000 50,828,000 100,828,000 1,000,000 8,000,000 7,172.000 12,172,000 27,345,000 27,345,OOO 10,000,000 43,580,000 46,714,000 52,593,000 55,115,500 26,197,000 40,497,000 1.424.0OO 1,424,000 6,134,U2,9{)o Ongoing Funds Subtotal One-Time Funds (Proo.98 Reverion & Settle-uo) General Purpose Block Grant Amadof COE Funding Fomula Refom - Onetime Costs 6. /90.600.195 467,000 15,229,O00 100,000 20,000,000 6,801,000 111,472,000 46,790,000 119,827,000 1,747,OOO 4,754,000 6,158,000 20,000,000 6,836,000 115,011,000 46,790,000 120,391,000 1,747,OOO 5,254,000 6,158,000 20.000.000 6,836,000 115,011,000 46,790,000 ,22,291,0U) 1,747,OOO 5,254,000 6,158,000 1U,136,000 25,886,000 50,828,000 1,000,000 7,172,000 27,345,OOO 1tu,s1s,(no 25,886,000 50,828,000 1,000,000 7,172,000 27.345.000 ,ir,ror,*o 22,100,000 50,828,000 1,000,000 7,'172.OOO 27.345.000 43.580.000 51,308,000 26,197,000 1.424,O00 43,580,000 51,640,000 28,097,000 1.424.000 43,580,000 51,640,000 26,197,000 1.424,0O0 46,910,000 6.496.O97.OO0 6,452,317,000 100,000,000 '100,000 19,710,000 1,446,000 700,000 500,000 94,144,000 40,000.000 lnternet ac@ss for offsite @nters Electronic Transcript Exchange Strategic Plan lmplementation Physical Plant and Instructional Support Mandate reimbuEements 50,0N),000 20,000,000 Ca@rTechnical Education SB'1133 NuEing Equipment / Allied Health Equipment 17,500,000 32,000,000 32,000,000 50,000,oo0 50,000,000 9,000,000 9,000,000 Carer Technical Education Nu6ing & Alli6d Health - 24hr State facilities OutFach tor parolees 3,000,000 NuFing {stariup) Part-Time Faculty Health Insu.ance 8,084,000 0 32,000,000 8,084,000 0 o 0 4,000,000 0 Part-Time Faculty Office Hours Professional Development Textbook Assistance Student Access to Tnnsit Initiative 5,000,000 2,s00,000 Construction College Technology ltems 9,650,000 Accreditation Assistance Cal PASS Basic Skills (06-07funds; available one-time) '1.000,000 2,700,000 1,400,000 1,000,000 ONE.TIME VETO SET.ASIDE One-time Ptup 98 Funds Sublofai 265,600,000 irandate reimbursements (suspension continues) Fis€l Crisis ManagementAssistanceTeam (FCMAT) STRS Payments for CCC Employees Leas+Purchase Bond Payments Lottery 83,013,000 63,960,000 155,293,000 4,004,000 6,706,642,000 Total State-Oetemined Funding ed FTES 98 (Local) Ongoing Funding per FTES 98 (Local) One-Time Funding per FTES per FTES 6,452,331,000 t 79,6fr,000 16,000,000 570,000 83,013,000 63,960,000 1s5,293,000 7,189,086,195 0 0 1,000,000 included in 06-07 5,500,000 42,000,o00 194.700,000 58,668,000 4,004,000 350,000 81,979,000 59,401,000 155,293,000 4,004,000 570,000 81,979,000 59,/n1,o0o '155,293,000 4,004,000 570,000 81,979000 59,401,000 155,293,000 6,839,121,000 6,918,2U,000 6,812,246,000 1,139,921 1,174,119 't.174.119 5,382 5,784 5,533 5.495 5 233 5,883$ 68 6,'123t 36 5,825$ 166 5,918$ 5( s,802 1.174.119 1.174.1 2007-2008 FINAL BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I General Fund – Overview ................................................................................................. 1 A. Base Budget ......................................................................................................... 2 1. Base Budget Revenue.............................................................................. 2 a. b. c. 2. General Apportionment ............................................................... 2 Lottery.......................................................................................... 5 Non-Resident Tuition .................................................................. 5 Base Budget Expenditures ...................................................................... 6 a. Benefits ........................................................................................ 8 Base Budget Tables Base Budget Revenue .................................................................. 9 Base Budget Expenditures ......................................................... 10 B. Community Education........................................................................................ 13 C. Carry-Over Sub-Fund......................................................................................... 14 D. General Restricted Fund..................................................................................... 17 E. One-Time Sub-Fund........................................................................................... 21 F. Reserves (Ending Balance) ................................................................................ 22 1. Base Budget Reserves ........................................................................... 22 a. b. c. d. e. f. G. General Reserves ....................................................................... 22 Revolving Cash Fund................................................................. 22 Clearing/Operational Fund......................................................... 22 CalPers Reserve ......................................................................... 22 FTES Operating Reserve ........................................................... 22 Unallocated Reserve .................................................................. 22 Other Financing Sources (Outgo)....................................................................... 24 Inter- and Intra-Fund Transfers ............................................................. 25 i TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) II Retiree Benefit Fund ....................................................................................................... 26 III Debt Service Fund ........................................................................................................... 28 IV Child Development Fund ................................................................................................ 30 V Building Fund................................................................................................................. 32 A. Scheduled Maintenance & Capital Construction Projects.................................. 32 B. Transportation, Parking & Security.................................................................... 32 C. Certificates of Participation................................................................................ 32 D. Redevelopment Agency (RDA) Funds............................................................... 33 VI General Obligation Bond Fund ....................................................................................... 36 VII Bookstore Fund ............................................................................................................... 42 VIII Cafeteria Special Revenue Fund ..................................................................................... 44 IX Associated Students Fund ............................................................................................... 46 X Trust & Agency Fund...................................................................................................... 48 XI Scholarship & Loan Trust Fund ...................................................................................... 50 XII Student Financial Assistance Fund.................................................................................. 52 XIII Student Representation Fee Trust Fund .......................................................................... 54 XIV Student Center Fee Fund ................................................................................................. 56 ii 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND - OVERVIEW I. GENERAL FUND - OVERVIEW The General Fund is maintained to account for those transactions that are for the overall College operation (Instruction, Student Services, Business Services, etcetera). Within the General Fund, a number of sub-funds have been established: Base Budget, Restricted, Community Education, District Match, Carry-Over, and One-Time Sub-Funds. The division of these sub-funds reflects the need to differentiate discretionary revenue from restricted revenue and ongoing funding from one-time funding. A brief description of each sub-fund is provided later in the report. The Base General Fund for 2007-08 is summarized as follows: General Fund Overview Base Budget District Restricted Carry Match Over One Community Total Time Education General Fund Revenue 61,101,310 9,214,032 0 294,567 0 330,000 70,939,909 Expenditures 57,146,903 9,485,913 444,980 2,732,931 4,267,365 452,211 74,530,303 Revenue less Expenditures 3,954,407 (271,881) (444,980) (2,438,364) (4,267,365) (122,211) (3,590,394) (1,836,164) (967,952) 444,980 2,118,243 (1,239,883) Transfers In (Out) Net Change in Fund Balance Stability/ Increase Reserve 1,401,534 (2,438,364) (2,865,831) (957,602) (122,211) (1,401,534) (4,547,996) (1,401,534) Beginning Balance July 1, 2007 3,014,802 1,239,833 Net Fund Balance June 30, 2008* 3,731,511 0 0 * Includes $2,803,068 for 06-07 FTES Funding Change and Stability. 1 2,438,364 5,049,227 * 127,112 11,869,338 0 2,183,396 4,901 5,919,808 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND - OVERVIEW A. BASE BUDGET Base Budget is an unrestricted sub-fund, accounting for the ongoing operational expenditures of the College. The Final Budget planning assumptions are based on the 2007-08 State Budget Act. 1. BASE BUDGET REVENUE The Base Budget Revenue for community colleges is based on a formula that allocates a “basic allocation” based on the number of colleges and centers in the district. In addition to the basic allocation, each district receives equalized rates for its full-time equivalent students (FTES) from the state general apportionment, student enrollment fees, and property tax revenue. a. General Apportionment 2006-07 Actual Enrollment Fees: The enrollment fees for Fall 2006 were $26 per unit. Fees for Wintersession 2007 and Spring 2007 were $20 per unit. COLA: COLA of 5.92% or $2,997,806 was received for 2006-07. Growth: Growth funds of $54,949 were earned in 2006-07. 2006-07 Reported FTES: Based on estimated FTES for the community college system in 2006-07, it was projected that districts would not grow or restore FTES to the level included in the budget for the system. As a result, the Chancellor’s Office anticipated that significant funds would not be distributed to districts. In 2006-07 the college declined 1.44% in FTES. In reviewing this issue with college leadership, it was decided to report 481 FTES in census procedure summer 2007 courses in 2006-07 and not in 2007-08. The college reported full restoration and small growth in 2006-07, estimated at $1.4 million. This reduces the FTES available in 2007-08, however, the college will receive stability funds in 2007-08, $3.6 million. The increase in revenue for 2006-07 and 2007-08 is $1.4 million for each year; $2.8 million total. These funds have been placed in a special reserve in the onetime fund. Part-time Faculty Compensation: Funding for this program has been maintained at the same level as 2004-05. 2 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND - OVERVIEW 2007-08 Final Budget Enrollment Fees: Student Enrollment fees are budgeted at $20 per the State Budget Act. Property Tax Shortfall: The state may have a shortfall in property tax revenue in 2007-08. If a shortfall occurs, the state may apply a deficit factor to general apportionment revenue for 2007-08. This will result in a reduction of revenue for 2007-08. Growth: No growth funds are included in the 2007-08 Final Budget. Budget stability funds of $3.6 million (based on the 200708 credit FTES rate) are included in the 2007-08 Final Budget. COLA: COLA of 4.53% or $2,493,200 is included in the 2007-08 Final Budget. ANNUAL APPORTIONMENT ATTENDANCE FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT STUDENTS (FTES) Year 1992-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 FTES 8,685 8,370 8,459 Increase (Decrease) (3.6%) 1% 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 8,228 8,526 9,247 9,549 (2.7%) 3.5% 8.5% 3.3% 1999-2000 9,696 1.5% 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2006-2007 10,175 10,956 11,391 11,410 11,159 11,159 10,981 11,462 (reported) 5% 7.7% 4% .17% (2.2%) -0(1.44%) *Differential fee of $50 for holders of BA/BS degrees 3 Student Fees $13 per Unit *$13 per Unit $13 per Unit No Differential $13 per Unit $13 per Unit $13 per Unit $13 per Unit-Fall $12 per UnitSpring $12 per Unit-Fall $11 per UnitSpring $11 per Unit $11 per Unit $11 per Unit $18 per Unit $26 per Unit $26 per Unit $20 per Unit $20 per Unit 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND - OVERVIEW This chart compares 2006-07 General Apportionment with the budget for 2007-08. GENERAL APPORTIONMENT 2006-07 Working Budget 2007-08 Final Budget 11,159 10,998 + 481 11,462 11,159 - 481 10,678 $45,638,615 $45,638,615 $50,037,955 FTES Assumptions BASE REVENUES 2006-07 ENDING (Per July 320) 1,268,252 Restoration 54,949 Growth (1,401,534) FTES Decline Foundation Grant 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 Watsonville Center Revenue 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 COLA, Cost of Living Adjustment 2,997,806 5.92% 2,997,806 5.92% 2,493,200 4.53% 78,333 COLA on Restoration and Growth Budget Stability GENERAL APPORTIONMENT 1,401,534 $53,636,421 4 $55,037,955 $57,531,155 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND - OVERVIEW b. Lottery 2006-07 Actual The projected lottery revenue for 2006-07 was reduced in February 2007. Total lottery funding for 2006-07 was estimated at $1,621,935; $244,573 restricted, $1,377,362 unrestricted at the close of the fiscal year. 2007-08 Final Budget The Lottery Commission is projecting a rate of $143 per FTES for 200708. Lottery revenue is calculated based on the previous year’s reported FTES; 11,462. The funding rate for restricted lottery revenue is estimated at $22 per FTES for the restricted fund and $121 per FTES for the unrestricted fund. The total lottery revenue anticipated for 2007-08 is $1,639,066. It should be noted that the District receives lottery revenue based on total FTES reported. Reductions in FTES result in permanent losses of lottery funds. c. Non-Resident Tuition 2006-07 Actual The 2006-07 budgeted revenue for non-resident tuition was $798,609 for the Final Budget. Actual revenue for 2006-07 was $783,852. 2007-08 Final Budget The budget for non-resident tuition for 2007-08 is based on $174 per unit. The Final Budget assumes that non-resident tuition will decline by 5% in 2007-08 due to a reduction in total units. Total revenue of $793,139 is projected for 2007-08. 5 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND - OVERVIEW 2. BASE BUDGET EXPENDITURES The following assumptions were used in generating the base budget expenditures: • Salary increases for 2007-08 are included for CCFT members. The results of negotiated agreements with other employee groups for 200708 will be processed as budget adjustments later this year. • It should be noted that the adjunct/overload prorata salary schedule was increased to 62% in 2007-08 as part of the 2006-07 CCFT bargaining agreement. An additional 2% prorata increase has been included in the 2007-08 Final Budget. • Medical benefit increases were estimated at 17%. • Column and step increases for all units are included in the 2007-08 Final Budget. • New classified positions with a total cost of $257,000 are included in the Final Budget. • The District reduced the number of full-time faculty positions budgeted by three as a result of a reduction in the state mandated fulltime faculty obligation number. The full-time faculty obligation was reduced to 208. The reduction in the mandate is directly related to the decline in enrollment. Adjunct replacement units have been budgeted. • Energy costs are expected to increase in 2007-08 as new buildings are completed. Natural gas price fluctuations continue to make it difficult to accurately project these expenditures. • 50% of the Scotts Valley operating budget is included in the Final Budget for 2007-08. • Public safety support costs are expected to increase by $143,000 in 2007-08. • Operating expenses for the new Student Activities Center are included in the Final Budget. • The Final Budget anticipates increases in general liability insurance, maintenance service expenditures, utilities and a COLA increase of 4.53% for supplies. 6 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND - OVERVIEW • Operating budget augmentations of $209,830 are included in the base budget expenditures. • The cost of maintenance service contracts for technology support and new T-1 lines between locations are included in the 2007-08 Final Budget. • Changes in the minimum wage laws caused increases in the part-time hourly and student hourly budgets for 2007-08. • The state scheduled maintenance match is now included in the base budget. • The change in the accounting for retiree benefits has prompted a change in the method used to budget for retiree benefits. The budget for retiree benefits was removed from the benefits budget and is now included in the budget for transfers (see page 11 transfers). • The 2007-08 Final Budget includes a $50,000 transfer from the base budget to the Retiree Benefit fund. The $50,000 is in addition to the net anticipated cost of retiree benefits of $800,000 for 2007-08. 7 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND - OVERVIEW a. Benefits Mandatory benefits have been funded based on the following rates: DISTRICT BENEFITS FY 05/06 FY 06/07 FY 07/08 9.116% 9.124% 9.306% 7% 7% 7% $9.33/mo/per employee $9.33/mo/per employee $9.33/mo/per employee STRS 8.25% 8.25% 8.25% SOCIAL SECURITY 6.20% 6.20% 6.20% MEDICARE 1.45% 1.45% 1.45% $1.63 $1.63 $1.63 .45% .45% .45% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% $5,518, $10,265, $14,014 $5,894, $11,168, $15,361 $5,518, $10,265, $14,014 $5,894, $11,168, $15,361 PERS (Employer Portion) PERS Employee (Paid by Employer for Confidential employees and for Classified bargaining-unit employees) PERS AB2177 WORKERS COMP Rate per $100 payroll UNEMPLOYMENT Rate per $100 payroll Local experience charge CAFETERIA PACKAGE/FTE Certificated, Administrative, Confidential Classified * 7/1/07 Benefit Stipend Allotment 8 * $6,921.68 $12,763.80 $17,572.68 * $6,921.68 $12,763.80 $17,572.68 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND - OVERVIEW UNRESTRICTED GENERAL FUND BASE BUDGET BASE BUDGET REVENUE FEDERAL 8150 Admin. Allowance 8160 Veterans 8199 Federal - Other Total Federal STATE 8612 8612 8612 8670 8613 8621 8699 8681 8840 8850 8860 8874 8879 8880 8890 8890 8890 FINAL BUDGET $ WORKING BUDGET $ 2007-08 ACTUALS At 6/30/07 $ % FINAL BUDGET $ 26,283 1,100 26,283 1,100 36,353 1,141 37,239 1,100 27,383 27,383 37,494 38,339 28,962,055 495,146 29,698,421 495,146 33,861,155 495,146 198,000 2,500,000 50,000 173,000 2,500,000 50,000 4 1,436,652 1,377,362 2 31,353,685 495,146 46,060 179,298 1,891,923 47,209 2,118 5,000 1,377,362 33,641,853 34,293,929 60 35,397,801 37,861,203 16,990,000 750,000 200 80,000 385,000 3,500,000 71,429 25,000 846,590 117,000 100,000 28,000 17,765,000 31 0 18,099,814 18,090,000 186 89,915 415,862 3,514,281 76,887 27,685 783,852 102,726 133,167 54,957 200 80,000 385,000 3,500,000 71,429 30,000 793,139 117,000 100,000 35,000 Total Local 22,893,219 22,878,219 40 23,299,332 23,201,768 Total Revenue 56,562,455 57,199,531 100 58,734,627 61,101,310 *General Apportionment P/T Faculty Comp P/T Faculty Office & Insur *State Taxes *BOGG 2% Admin. Allow. Disabled Student Programs Other State Revenues Lottery Total State LOCAL 8811 2006-07 2006-07 *Taxes *ERAF Catalogs Facility Rental/Use Interest *Enrollment Fee 2% Adm. Allow. Transcripts Non-Resident Tuition Parking Citations Fingerprints Miscellaneous * GENERAL APPORTIONMENT Base, Prior Year Add: PFE Equalization (added to base) FTES Decline COLA, 4.23%, 5.92%, 3.75% Credit/Non-Credit Revenue Foundation Grant Center Revenue Budget Stability Restoration, Growth * TOTAL GENERAL APPORTIONMENT 200 80,000 385,000 3,500,000 71,429 25,000 786,590 117,000 120,000 28,000 52 1 0 1 6 1 180,000 1,900,000 38,000 1,386,902 47,628,682 314,723 2,000,000 2,956,650 2,997,806 45,638,615 4,000,000 1,000,000 2,997,806 45,638,615 4,000,000 1,000,000 52,900,055 53,636,421 55,037,955 (3,578,960) 2,493,200 50,037,955 4,000,000 1,000,000 3,578,960 1,401,534 9 57,531,155 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND - OVERVIEW UNRESTRICTED GENERAL FUND BASE BUDGET 2006-07 2006-07 BASE BUDGET EXPENDITURES CERTIFICATED SALARIES 1100 Teaching 1200 Non-Teaching 1300 Part-Time Teaching 1400 P/T Non-Teaching FINAL BUDGET $ WORKING BUDGET $ 13,766,493 4,164,174 8,024,304 137,113 12,668,648 4,703,505 7,880,141 545,996 26,092,084 25,798,290 9,355,941 7,065 1,506,879 449,980 237,442 11,557,307 11,476,636 10,809,120 10,011,665 8,001 369,156 398,402 6,001 426,289 375,582 775,559 807,872 OPERATING EXPENDITURES 5100 Profess'l Services 5200 Travel, Mileage 5300 Dues & Memberships 5400 Insurance 5500 Utilities 5600 Rental Equip & Fac Maint. Serv. Agrmts Repairs 5700 Legal Fees Audit Misc. Fees (Mchnt Bank) 5800 Postage Advertising Fingerpt & Testing Reqs Printing Program Support Component Other Fees Uncollectable Stdnt Recv 674,513 124,366 67,732 443,710 1,713,686 54,889 644,460 156,462 125,000 67,000 122,426 214,500 116,539 95,050 185,406 172,322 67,878 35,890 300,000 1,179,973 159,056 73,242 448,710 1,583,479 62,880 606,025 162,387 125,000 69,200 130,480 214,838 132,282 114,750 186,871 18,523 589,173 21,460 253,000 Total Operating 5,381,829 6,131,329 54,615,899 54,225,792 Total Certificated CLASSIFIED SALARIES 2100 Regular Contract New Classified Positions 2200 Instr'l Aide Contract 2300 P/T Classified 2400 P/T Class Inst Aide Total Classified STAFF BENEFITS ** SUPPLIES 4200 Other Books 4300 Instr'l Supplies 4500 Non-Instr'l Supplies Total Supplies SUB-TOTAL EXPENDITURES ** See page 10 for Retiree Benefit transfer info 10 2007-08 ACTUALS At 6/30/07 $ % FINAL BUDGET $ 12,638,855 4,699,417 7,850,306 432,188 13,834,688 4,359,618 8,693,825 165,475 25,620,766 27,053,606 9,150,718 8,848,644 9,944,992 1,521,964 582,444 221,510 1,476,106 518,696 195,519 1,488,109 517,514 285,371 21 11,038,965 12,235,986 18 9,566,025 10,760,338 6,001 316,537 282,594 8,000 477,132 487,404 605,132 972,536 903,290 92,295 72,402 406,228 1,555,823 56,901 539,506 147,965 80,671 68,263 105,397 207,227 123,735 99,427 153,258 15,672 484 18,469 252,828 669,163 130,966 74,106 473,710 1,886,559 54,889 723,264 181,247 125,000 67,000 128,776 230,000 122,539 95,050 185,567 318,036 67,878 38,628 250,000 11 4,899,841 5,822,378 99 51,730,729 56,844,844 47 1 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET GENERAL FUND - OVERVIEW UNRESTRICTED GENERAL FUND BASE BUDGET 2006-07 2006-07 BASE BUDGET EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY 6300 Books 6400 Equipment 6500 Lease/Purchase Total Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL REVENUE REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (OUTGO) To Fin. Aid Fund Match To Gen Fund, Dist. Match Restricted Indirect TRANSFERS From Student Center Fund From Bookstore Fund From ASCC From Trust & Agency To Bldg Fund/Transp To Bldg FD/Sched Maint Match To Child Development Fd To Retiree Benefits Fund To Debt Service Total Transfers TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCE SOURCES (OUTGO) EXCESS REVENUE/TRANSFERS OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES FINAL BUDGET $ WORKING BUDGET $ 20,123 114,462 28,316 15,888 354,672 13,316 162,901 383,876 54,778,800 56,562,455 54,609,668 57,199,531 1,783,655 2,589,863 2007-08 ACTUALS At 6/30/07 $ % 15,888 191,077 13,225 31,950 241,609 28,500 1 220,190 302,059 100 51,950,919 58,734,627 57,146,903 61,101,310 6,783,708 3,954,407 (67,460) (381,500) 100,000 (67,460) (381,500) 100,000 (46,357) (381,500) 117,231 (63,480) (381,500) 129,067 42,000 73,386 42,000 73,386 21,773 73,386 53,371 53,371 (119,890) 75,926 (145,154) 50,500 73,386 15,000 82,523 (335,834) (659,810) (492,733) (920,000) (335,834) (1,699,700) (492,733) (920,000) (335,834) (1,722,636) (127,000) (522,156) (850,000) (342,054) (1,619,801) (1,008,770) (2,048,660) (2,033,262) (1,935,714) 774,885 (126,062) 541,203 (126,062) 2,018,693 (70,000) 99,550 (1,401,534) 646,709 3,084,802 3,731,511 (492,733) TO ONE-TIME SUB-FUND NET INCREASE TO FUND BALANCE BALANCE - BEGINNING YEAR 648,823 2,014,802 1,415,141 2,014,802 4,750,446 (126,062) (976,102) 1,000,000 (3,648,282) 1,000,000 2,014,802 YEAR END FUND BALANCE 2,663,625 3,429,943 3,014,802 MAINTAIN CONTINGENCY RESERVE AT 4% TRANS FOR CARRYOVER DESIGNATIONS FROM ONE-TIME (stipends & reserves) RESERVES General Reserve Revolving Cash Fund Clearing/Operationa Unallocated CalPers FTES Reserve TOTAL RESERVES FINAL BUDGET $ 1,000,000 1,793,802 30,000 25,000 648,823 166,000 2,663,625 ========== 11 2,279,373 30,000 25,000 429,570 166,000 500,000 3,429,943 =========== 2,293,802 30,000 25,000 166,000 500,000 3,014,802 ========= 2,363,802 30,000 25,000 646,709 166,000 500,000 3,731,511 =========== 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET COMMUNITY EDUCATION – GENERAL FUND B. COMMUNITY EDUCATION This sub-fund accounts for the Community Education and the Contract Education programs. The Community Education program is primarily based upon revenue generated from class fees. 12 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET COMMUNITY EDUCATION - GENERAL FUND Cabrillo Community College District Final Budget 2007-08 Community Education Final Budget 2006-07 Revenues 8800: Local Total Revenues Expenditures 1000: Academic Salaries 2000: Non-Instructional Salaries 3000: Employee Benefits 4000: Supplies and Materials 5000: Other Operating Expenses 6000: Capital Outlay Total Expenditures Budget 2007-08 360,000 360,000 416,375 416,375 330,000 330,000 42,115 94,613 31,318 6,400 185,554 49,551 117,915 37,484 10,816 210,826 3,587 430,179 34,674 118,107 36,417 6,100 256,913 (13,804) (122,211) 360,000 Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures Actuals 2006-07 0 452,211 Other Financing Sources (Outgo) 7600: Grants/Donations/Scholarships Interfund Transfers 8900: Transfers In 7300: Transfers Out 8,400 Total Other Financing Sources (Outgo) 8,400 Net Change to Fund Balance 0 Beginning Fund Balance Fund Adjustment Ending Fund Balance 13 (5,404) 0 (122,211) 132,516 132,516 127,112 132,516 127,112 4,901 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET CARRY-OVER SUB-FUND – GENERAL FUND C. CARRY-OVER SUB-FUND The carry-over sub-fund accounts for self-sustaining funds, projects that are not completed within the same fiscal year, and available balance in line-item budgets authorized for carry-over. Self-sustaining funds depend on their ability to generate revenue to support their actual operating expenditures. Major projects that cross fiscal years are carried over in this sub-fund. Examples are major repairs, remodeling, and painting projects that are not state-funded. Examples of items authorized for carry-over are the year-end balances in supply budgets and the balance in the account established to fund the deductible for insurance claims. 14 -This Page Intentionally Left Blank- 15 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET GENERAL RESTRICTED FUND D. GENERAL RESTRICTED FUND The Restricted General Fund programs are established for the purpose of providing specialized services. These services are funded by revenues collected from program participants or from revenues provided by a Federal, State or local agency. As the name implies, restricted funds may only be used to pay for the costs of providing specific services. Federal, State and local agencies frequently require that a district receiving special funding provide general fund dollars to the restricted program. This “match” varies by funding agency and may be in the form of a cash contribution to pay for specific expenditures, or it may be an “in-kind” contribution that is made through allocation of existing district resources such as use of a facility, use of equipment, utilities or personnel. The Final Budget includes estimates of the District’s grants and categorically funded programs. Page 18 shows a summary of the Restricted General Fund revenues and expenditures. Pages 19 and 20 show the listing of programs included in the Restricted General Fund budget. 16 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET RESTRICTED - GENERAL FUND Cabrillo Community College District Final Budget 2007-08 Restricted Fund Final Budget 2006-07 Actuals 2006-07 Budget 2007-08 Revenues 8100: Federal 8600: State 8800: Local Total Revenues 1,049,051 5,183,570 1,999,153 8,231,774 1,191,114 7,178,768 2,047,942 10,417,824 1,078,707 6,432,986 1,702,339 9,214,032 Expenditures 1000: Academic Salaries 2000: Non-Instructional Salaries 3000: Employee Benefits 4000: Supplies and Materials 5000: Other Operating Expenses 6000: Capital Outlay Total Expenditures 1,825,582 1,778,494 1,046,599 446,749 1,706,669 826,162 7,630,255 2,091,873 1,996,698 990,307 303,865 2,001,303 1,546,962 8,931,008 2,137,281 2,077,691 1,136,062 548,008 2,957,111 629,760 9,485,913 601,519 1,486,816 Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures (271,881) Other Financing Sources (Outgo) 7600: Grants/Donations/Scholarships 7320: Indirects Interfund Transfers 8900: Transfers In 7300: Transfers Out (74,902) (83,098) (133,792) (94,983) (67,424) (110,618) (475,429) (324,792) (789,910) Total Other Financing Sources (Outgo) (633,429) (553,567) (967,952) (31,910) 933,249 Net Change to Fund Balance Project Reserves 0 Beginning Fund Balance Fund Adjustment Ending Fund Balance 17 (1,239,833) 0 306,584 306,584 1,239,833 274,674 1,239,833 0 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET RESTRICTED - GENERAL FUND Cabrillo Community College District Final Budget 2007-08 Restricted - General Fund Detailed Program Listing Account Project Description various 8016 6015 4150&6016 4150 4260 000 023 031 047 049 079 Transportation CAP College/Career Night CA Wellness Nursing Expansion Palo Verde Public Safety 3050 100 Lottery 4010 3050 3050 8610 various 4480 7025 8152 8150&7025 8155 4131 4130 6017 6017 8131 4871 44xx 6024 100 103 104 110 111 112 122 125 126 129 138 139 140 141 153 156 165 170 Lottery 06/7 carryover Student Representation Child Care Fees Health Services DSPS Human Care Alliance Tutorials-Griffith CARE EOPS Migrant Ed 2007 ACCESS 06/07 carryover Sutter 06/07 carryover WIA-FTTW WIA-FTTW SFAA - BFAP Presidio Trust carryover Foster Parent MESA 06/07 carryover 6024 172 MESA 6024 175 MESA 06/07 carryover 7011 7011&various 2115 3621 6017 6017 various 5010 various 3050 4605 6012 3050 6041 6017 4109 4150 4150 4150 6017 4410&6010 6024 4150 190 194 200 202 204 205 212 216 228 229 230 236 242 259 292 332 333 334 335 338 340 350 358 Matriculation-noncredit Matriculation-credit Faculty Staff Development Faculty Staff Diversity TANF (FTTW) Calworks (FTTW) Block Grant carryover TTIP 06-07 Instr Mat Trailer 06-07 Sched Maint Trailer 06-07 AMATYC Tech Prep Hartnell Int'l Student Capital Bay ITC Calworks (FTTW) Nursing Expansion RN Capacity 113 RN Capacity 114 RN Capacity 114 Equip Grove Scholars TANF/CDC MESA NSF AHEC carryover Federal Revenue 8100 State Revenue 8600 Local Revenue 8800-8900 500,479 13,246 1,300 103,420 16,005 4,816 Certificated Salaries 1000 Classified Salaries 2000 60,771 10,223 58,393 14,369 7,656 Other Employee Supplies & Operating Benefits Materials Expenses & 3000 4000 Services 5000 258,056 1,492 1,531 100 1,200 11,021 21,750 1,636 308 3,923 252,164 318,536 31,506 4,300 530,646 1,853,899 265,595 961,698 91,542 48,288 83,045 364,857 24,708 115,950 11,805 1,752 25,052 2,767 20,570 65,077 34,923 6,686 3,520 395,762 33,571 91,500 360,213 9,150 14,761 7,293 65,653 2,430 212 743 17,996 9,651 88,943 2,125 19,236 11,000 35,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 519 2,035 500 236 Transfer Out 7300 Indirect 7320 181,652 4,600 585 3,000 2,980 32,506 5,105 5,339 5,435 1,868 2,480 469 162 9,377 708,233 50,474 15,233 25,554 255,199 8,415 115,042 237,823 962 114,780 32,177 115,436 9,830 32,979 64,404 1,000 2,100 1,500 300 156,012 49,474 17,529 1,443 106,484 2,000 3,135 81,500 350 305 7,924 35,086 7,513 8,000 41,006 4,952 2,290 1,981 3,410 198 4,500 131,800 698 25,000 10,800 417,040 31,506 4,300 530,646 1,853,899 91,542 48,288 83,045 364,857 25,052 2,767 20,570 65,077 34,923 395,762 33,571 136,385 5,150 29,300 4,000 8,044 907 622 20,777 7,924 1,401 20,172 74,240 36,697 178,553 474,158 3,428 7,939 29,127 94,596 64,680 117,440 111,100 128,016 40,207 45,575 7,391 14,604 57,212 56,768 47,869 14,902 4,223 42,426 16,736 35,212 4,000 17,578 30,870 1,700 300 4,489 18 24,473 6,968 13,036 21,594 2,070 7,235 2,882 435 0 7,100 4,000 1,430 500 500,479 13,246 1,300 103,420 16,005 4,816 252,164 81,500 36,697 Total Expenses 98,504 2,206 300 109,312 109,075 4,359 3,984 12,458 71,273 11,987 6,158 4 6,400 Student Aid 7000 252,164 18,661 51,346 136,385 5,150 25,554 48,739 256,113 78,033 28,543 2,500 102,468 2,298 803 7,649 38,988 20,894 286,042 Capital Outlay 6000 3,428 7,939 401 28,007 13,093 500 17,403 2,152 13,272 11,171 6,718 4,456 4,489 91,045 1,120 1,000 5,397 4,273 5,772 84,000 3,675 9,377 708,233 50,474 19,629 51,108 255,199 74,240 36,697 178,553 474,158 3,428 7,939 91,446 29,127 94,596 64,680 117,440 111,100 128,016 40,207 45,575 7,391 4,489 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET RESTRICTED - GENERAL FUND Cabrillo Community College District Final Budget 2007-08 Restricted - General Fund Detailed Program Listing Description Federal Revenue 8100 State Revenue 8600 Local Revenue 8800-8900 Account Project 4120 4010 4411 4411 6210 6210 6210 6210 359 361 365 367 390 391 392 393 USDA Pipeline CSUMB Basic Skills carryover OFR Foster Parent STAP SBDC Local SBDC-SBA (2007) SBDC Wells Fargo SBDC-SBA 6210 398 SBDC Econ Dev various 461 Basic Skills 3050 507 Student Center Fees 4173 620 Horticulture 2,351 various 653 Foundation Faculty Grnts 1,026 various 654 06-07 Foundation Fac Gr 4113 670 Horticulture/Foundation 4014&6016 710 WDBA-NSF Year 3 4014 Various 6012 6012 6012 6012 7152 4260 0000 712 816 819 850 851 852 853 854 000 Digital Bridges VTEA 1C Tech Prep VTEA 1B Bridge Industrial Tech Teacher Prep Econ Dev 06-07 Career Tech Pub Saf 07 Estimated Indirects Total 15,000 211,835 124,922 167,466 Certificated Salaries 1000 Classified Salaries 2000 4,995 9,251 27,359 23,987 11,987 14,507 2,691 35,136 73,914 256 Other Employee Supplies & Operating Benefits Materials Expenses & 3000 4000 Services 5000 754 211,835 13,314 5,425 56,843 5,922 10,000 114,160 259 10,357 11,859 250 23,976 256 11,802 1,907 45,345 31,636 150,000 83,963 26,966 20,486 103 180,647 14,941 500 30,302 2,111 16 68,243 23,355 1,078,707 6,432,986 76,534 17,867 29,137 2,363 28,577 1,702,339 2,137,281 55,769 121,581 3,952 3,800 3,230 75,149 16,667 2,077,691 19 Total Expenses 9,994 13,397 1,200 2,693 15,000 211,835 124,922 167,466 14,507 73,914 256 45,345 5,769 150,000 180,647 100,800 107,527 2,351 122 2,660 55,769 Indirect 7320 240 900 111,262 Transfer Out 7300 2,500 6,727 4 2,329 22,825 236,932 157,508 281,010 95,773 244,288 Student Aid 7000 145,117 107,527 346,058 76,648 Capital Outlay 6000 32,001 500 6,518 40,019 65 6,400 7,083 24,989 1,747 3,655 12,688 176 2,157 694 500 10,450 1,053 142,772 69,507 138,928 121,576 138,060 60,862 199,108 1,136,062 548,008 2,957,111 1,026 315 2,660 22,825 22,825 4,000 111,262 2,948 9,113 6,058 10,775 3,684 9,395 55,769 346,058 76,648 236,932 157,508 281,010 95,773 244,288 110,618 10,453,865 5,643 1,000 2,400 2,500 629,760 67,424 789,910 -This Page Intentionally Left Blank- 20 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET ONE-TIME SUB-FUND – GENERAL FUND E. ONE-TIME SUB-FUND This sub-fund accounts for one-time non-recurring funds separately from base ongoing funds. The General Reserve was maintained at 4% for the Final Budget. AVAILABLE FUNDS 2006-07 3,898,058 Transfer from Base (07-08) 1,401,534 Special Reserve (2,803,068) AVAILABLE FUNDS 2,496,524 ALLOCATION 2007-08 Faculty Technology Grants 15,000 Scotts Valley – (50% of Operating Budget) 15,750 One-Time Allocation – General Reserve 4% 70,000 Retiree Benefit Fund 50,000 Transfer to Cafeteria Fund 16,268 Transfer to Base – $150 Faculty Stipends 29,550 Actuarial Study 5,000 New Classified Staff Equipment 26,560 College Emergency Fund 25,000 College Master Plan 15,000 Risk Management Fund 15,000 Advertising – Marketing 10,000 Remodel/File Security, Student Services 20,000 TOTAL NEW ALLOCATION 313,128 UNALLOCATED ONE-TIME FUNDS 2,183,396 21 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET RESERVES – GENERAL FUND F. RESERVES (ENDING BALANCE) 1. BASE BUDGET RESERVES The General Reserves, FTES Operating Reserves, Revolving Fund, Revolving Stores, Clearing/Operational Fund and CalPers Reserve are accounted for in the Base Budget in the amount of $ 3,084,802. These funds are not designated for allocation during the fiscal year. a. General Reserves An account to record the reserve budgeted to provide operating cash in the succeeding fiscal year until taxes and state funds become available. The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office guideline is a minimum of 5% of the total General Fund Reserve. The Final Budget includes a general reserve; $2,363,802; 4%. b. Revolving Cash Fund A $30,000 account to be used for emergency or small sundry disbursements. c. Clearing/Operational Fund A $25,000 account to be used for District deposits and subsequent withdrawal into appropriate County treasury accounts. d. CalPers Reserve A CalPers reserve is included in the 2007-08 Final Budget. The reserve will be used to help smooth recent fluctuations that have occurred in the CalPers employer contribution rate. e. FTES Operating Reserve In October, 2006 the Governing Board took action to create an operating reserve to safeguard the district against a decline in FTES. f. Unallocated Reserve The unallocated reserve will be allocated at a later date. 22 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET RESERVES – GENERAL FUND RESERVES Final Budget 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET RESERVES OF THE GENERAL FUND Base Restricted Comm. Budget Sub Fund Ed General Reserve Revolving Cash Fund Clearing/Operational Unallocated Reserve CalPers FTES Operating Reserves Total Reserves 2,363,802 30,000 25,000 646,709 166,000 500,000 $3,731,511 23 127,112 127,112 TOTAL General Fund 2,490,914 30,000 25,000 646,709 166,000 500,000 $3,858,623 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (OUTGO) G. OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (OUTGO) Other financing sources include proceeds from long-term debt, sale of fixed assets, and incoming transfers. Other outgo includes debt retirement, student aid and transfers to other funds. Inter-fund transfers are made to move appropriations and dollars from one fund to another fund for the purpose of paying for expenditures using the structure required by generally accepted accounting principles applied to governmental entities. The transfer of funds allows money to be moved from one fund to a second fund with the second fund then being responsible for paying all operating costs of that program. This practice allows all program expenditures related to the operation of the program, regardless of funding sources, to be accounted for in a single fund. This treatment provides readers with a full understanding of the scope of the program as a whole. Intra-fund transfers are made within a fund of a district. An example of an intrafund transfer would be moving funds from the unrestricted general fund to the restricted general fund. A schedule of Inter- and Intra-fund Transfers is included on the following page. 24 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET TRANSFERS INTER- AND INTRA-FUND TRANSFERS Transfer in Unrestricted General Fund 11 To Building Fund 46 To Child Development Fund 33 To Debt Service Fund 22 To One-Time Sub Fund 17 To Retiree Benefit Fund 23 From One-Time Sub Fund 17 From ASCC Fund 71 From Stu Ctr Fund 73 From Trust & Agency Fund 79 From Bookstore Fund 51 Transfer Out 127,000 522,156 342,054 1,401,534 850,000 99,550 15,000 50,500 82,523 73,386 Restricted General Fund 12 To Building Fund 41 (Transportation) To Building Fund 46 (Scheduled Maintenance) To Child Development Fund 33 (Fees) To Student Ctr Trust Fund 73 (Fees) To Student Rep Fund 72 (Fees) 181,652 474,158 4,000 100,800 29,300 One-Time Sub Fund 17 To Unrestricted General Fund 11 To Cafeteria Fund 52 To Retiree Benefit Fund 23 From Unrestricted General Fund 11 1,401,534 Debt Service Fund 22 From Unrestricted General Fund 11 342,054 Retiree Benefit Fund 23 From Unrestricted General Fund 11 From One-Time Sub Fund 17 850,000 50,000 Child Devel Fund 33 From Unrestricted General Fund 11 From Restricted General Fund 12 (Child Care Fees) 522,156 4,000 Building Funds 41-47 From Unrestricted General Fund 11 (Sheduled Maint. Match) From Restricted General Fund 12 (Scheduled Maintenance) 127,000 474,158 From Restricted General Fund 12 (Transportation) 181,652 99,550 16,268 50,000 Bookstore Fund 51 To ASCC Fund 71 To Unrestricted General Fund 11 15,000 73,386 Cafeteria Fund 52 From One-Time Sub Fund 17 16,268 ASCC Fund 71 To Unrestricted General Fund 11 From Bookstore Fund 51 15,000 Student Representation Fund 72 From Restricted General Fund 12 (Fees) 29,300 Student Center Trust Fund 73 To Unrestricted General Fund 11 From Restricted General Fund 12 (Fees) 100,800 15,000 50,500 Trust & Agency Fund 79 Pino Alto/Sesnon to Unrestricted General Fund 11 82,523 Total Inter- and Intra-fund Transfers 4,434,881 Indirects collected in the Unrestricted General Fund From Child Development Fund 33 From Restricted General Fund 12 Total Indirects Reimbursed to Fund 11 25 18,449 110,618 129,067 4,434,881 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET RETIREE BENEFIT FUND II. RETIREE BENEFIT FUND Pursuant to the Governmental Fund Group descriptions contained in the California Community Colleges Budget and Accounting Manual, the District has established a Retiree Benefit Fund that is contained within the debt service fund group. The fund is used for the sole purpose of funding retiree health benefits. Beginning in 2007-08, the District will pay retiree benefits directly out of the Retiree Benefit Fund. A transfer was processed from the general fund in June, 2007 to cover the estimated cost of 2007-08 retiree benefits. Additional allocations for funding the future cost of retiree benefits from the base budget and one-time funds are: $100,000 ($50,000 each) for 2007-08, $100,000 ($50,000 each) in 2008-09, $200,000 ($100,000 each) in 2009-10 and 2010-11, $250,000 ($150,000 from base, $100,000 from one-time) for 2011-12 and 2012-13. Funds held in the Retiree Benefit Fund will accumulate interest income that will be held toward the cost of future benefits. 26 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET RETIREE BENEFIT FUND Cabrillo Community College District Final Budget 2007-2008 Retiree Benefit Fund t Budget 9 2006-07 Revenues 8100: Federal 8600: State 8800: Local Total Revenues Actual 2006-07 0 Budget 2007-08 0 77,568 77,568 Expenditures 1000: Academic Salaries 2000: Non-Instructional Salaries 3000: Employee Benefits 4000: Supplies and Materials 5000: Other Operating Expenses 6000: Capital Outlay Total Expenditures 0 0 872,507 Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures 0 0 (794,939) Interfund Transfers 8900: Transfers In 7300: Transfers Out 1,000,000 1,020,000 900,000 Total Other Financing Sources (Outgo) 1,000,000 1,020,000 900,000 Net Change to Fund Balance 1,000,000 1,020,000 105,061 Beginning Fund Balance Fund Adjustment Ending Fund Balance 0 0 1,000,000 0 1,020,000 1,020,000 1,125,061 872,507 Other Financing Sources (Outgo) Reserve - For Future Retiree Benefits 1,125,061 27 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET DEBT SERVICE FUND III. DEBT SERVICE FUND The District uses the Debt Service Fund to account for the payment of the Certificates of Participation (COP) authorized by the Board of Trustees in 1997-98. COPs are a form of debt used by governmental agencies that does not require voter approval. A transfer from the General Fund is made to cover annual COP commitments. The Debt Service Fund also includes loan payments for Delta School capital improvements made in 2007 and a corresponding reimbursement from Delta School for annual loan payments. 28 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET DEBT SERVICE FUND Cabrillo Community College District Final Budget 2007-2008 Debt Service Fund tFinal Budget 9 2006-07 Revenues 8100: Federal 8600: State 8800: Local Total Revenues Actuals 2006-07 Budget 2007-08 55,065 55,065 50,289 50,289 50,265 50,265 503 422,236 49,065 471,804 503 416,103 49,065 465,671 343,254 49,065 392,319 (416,739) (415,382) (342,054) Interfund Transfers 8900: Transfers In 7300: Transfers Out 416,739 416,739 342,054 Total Other Financing Sources (Outgo) 416,739 416,739 342,054 0 1,357 0 351,844 0 351,844 351,844 353,201 353,201 353,201 Expenditures 1000: Academic Salaries 2000: Non-Instructional Salaries 3000: Employee Benefits 4000: Supplies and Materials 5000: Other Operating Expenses 6000: Capital Outlay 7000: Debt Reduction Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Outgo) Net Change to Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance Fund Adjustment Ending Fund Balance 29 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET CHILD DEVELOPMENT FUND IV. CHILD DEVELOPMENT FUND The Child Development Fund is designated as a special revenue fund. This fund accounts for legally restricted revenue sources such as the Child Care Premium Tax Bailout, the California Department of Education, and the U.S. Department of Education. The District budgets a transfer from the General Fund for labor costs. The budgeted transfer for the Final Budget is $522,156. 30 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET CHILD DEVELOPMENT FUND Cabrillo Community College District Final Budget 2007-2008 Child Development Fund t Budget 9 2006-07 Revenues 810: Federal 860: State 880: Local Total Revenues Actuals 2006-07 Budget 2007-08 66,994 632,424 142,051 841,469 62,629 642,286 173,621 878,536 69,800 678,520 130,500 878,820 534,205 299,022 252,454 41,131 182,448 0 0 1,309,260 486,678 250,029 248,490 43,770 197,565 2,123 0 1,228,655 537,506 283,748 275,381 40,400 209,075 24,100 0 1,370,210 Expenditures 1000: Academic Salaries 2000: Non-Instructional Salaries 3000: Employee Benefits 4000: Supplies and Materials 5000: Other Operating Expenses 6000: Capital Outlay 7000: Grants/Donations/Scholarships Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures Interfund Transfers Transfers In Transfers Out Net Change to Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance Fund Adjustment Ending Fund Balance 31 (467,791) (350,119) (491,390) 496,733 (20,902) 496,089 (21,404) 526,156 (18,449) 8,040 124,566 16,318 55,506 55,506 180,072 63,546 180,072 196,390 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET BUILDING FUND V. BUILDING FUND This fund accounts for federal, state, and local funding for scheduled maintenance, capital outlay projects, and student transportation fees. A. SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE & CAPITAL OUTLAY PROJECTS The State provides funds for scheduled maintenance, and capital outlay projects. The Building Fund also includes funding from Redevelopment Agencies. The College has been awarded an allocation from State Proposition 55 of $20,357,000 for construction and $1,135,000 for equipment for the Arts Education Complex. On October 25, 2005, the College was awarded an allocation from State Proposition D1, which the voters passed in November, 2006, of $10,490,000 for construction and $1,185,000 for equipment for the Allied Health Buildings. Specific projects include: Capital Construction Arts Education Complex, Third Year Scheduled Maintenance Stadium ADA Seating 06-07 Fund Year Sesnon House Painting 06-07 Fund Year B. 9,000,000 91,518 12,500 TRANSPORTATION, PARKING & SECURITY After payment is made to the Santa Cruz County Transit District, the net collections from the bus passes and parking permit fees are transferred into the Building Fund. These funds are designated for parking lot security, maintenance, and repairs. C. CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION (COPS) Certificates of Participation (COPS) were sold in 1997-98. The proceeds have been used for deferred maintenance, upgrading of infrastructure, and purchase and installation of the Datatel software system. Support of the conversion to the Datatel Payroll System will continue through 2007-08. 32 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET BUILDING FUND D. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (RDA) FUNDS The college began receiving RDA funds in 2002-03 from several redevelopment projects within Santa Cruz County. To date, the college has received $1,024,304 of which $626,653 has been spent to renovate and furnish the Scotts Valley Center. The budget for 2007-08 projects $400,000 in RDA funds and continues to support the new Scotts Valley center in the amount of $170,072 for the facilities lease agreement. Unallocated RDA funds in the 2007-08 Budget are estimated at $568,207. Item XV, included in the 2007-08 Budget Book, is the projected RDA payment schedule to the college developed in 2002. Staff is working with the county to obtain an updated schedule. 33 ^ ! ! €€ o 9 a @ A o - o o \ i P 9 ! .l-, r 3o.i9 N e € 6 q 6 Jn 6 j, o a ! o 6 L { € ! -o -o € -! o ,u 6 ! _€'6 ^ { s j I ' O I -@ -9 -u J^-€ -€ b 'o -!i -ee ; ' u ! 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F F H rt o c) rD 4 rt Fd Fh o o o rt o L. n I o o rt F o o o F 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET BUILDING FUND Cabrillo Community College District Final Budget 2007-2008 Building Fund Final Budget 2006-07 Revenues 8100: Federal 8600: State 8800: Local Total Revenues Actual 2006-07 Budget 2007-08 0 7,643,237 536,628 8,179,865 0 5,908,074 578,422 6,486,496 0 12,193,010 681,000 12,874,010 0 163,679 35,725 23,603 991,747 7,575,391 552,781 9,342,926 0 200,543 50,868 10,363 857,079 6,308,513 0 7,427,366 0 53,252 23,675 13,501 1,547,835 12,086,182 265,750 13,990,195 Expenditures 1000: Academic Salaries 2000: Non-Instructional Salaries 3000: Employee Benefits 4000: Supplies and Materials 5000: Other Operating Expenses 6000: Capital Outlay 7000: Reserves Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures (1,163,061) Interfund Transfers Transfers In Transfers Out Net Change to Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance Fund Adjustment Ending Fund Balance Reserve - Parking Lot - Fund 41 Reserve - Future COPs Projects - 42 Reserve - For Contingency - 43 Reserve - Redevelopment - 44 Reserve - Sched. Maint. Projects - 46 (1,116,185) 875,639 269,161 898,010 0 0 0 (287,422) 1,967,848 35 (940,870) (671,709) (218,175) 1,680,426 1,967,848 0 1,296,139 1,296,139 1,077,964 479,812 21,117 1,016,362 6,255 156,880 0 325,246 207,204 433,128 330,561 27 172,072 242,004 663,861 0 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND VI. GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND In June 1998 the voters approved an $85 million General Obligation Bond (Measure C) on behalf of Cabrillo College. Sales of Measure C bonds have taken place in increments as funds were needed: 1st Issue (Series A) 1998-99 - $12 million 2nd Issue (Series B) 1999-00 - $30 million 3rd Issue (Series C) 2000-01 - $20 million Final Issue (Series D) 2001-02 - $23 million In March 2004 the voters approved a $118.5 million General Obligation Bond (Measure D) on behalf of Cabrillo College. Sales of Measure D bonds have begun and will take place in increments as funds are needed: 1st Issue (Series A) May 2004 - $60 million Final Issue (Series B) April 2007 - $58.5 million The following key projects are included in the Bond Fund for 2007-08: • Construction of the Arts Education Classroom (AEC) Project: o Project also receives $20,357,000 State Capital Outlay Construction funding and $1,136,000.00 Equipment funding. • Completion of the construction of the Student Services Complex project • Construction of the Allied Health Complex • Building Improvements (as approved throughout the year) • ADA access improvements (as approved throughout the year) • Campus wide Fire Alarm Upgrade The following key projects were completed in 2006-07: • Stadium Bathroom and Concession Stand ADA Improvements • HVAC Boiler Pipe replacement in Buildings 400 and 450 • Numerous building improvement projects throughout campus (building painting, classroom renovation, etc.) • Relocation of Building 850 to Parking Lot S • Completion of the Allied Health Parking Structure The Measure C Fund Balance will be held in Reserve to develop a long term solution for the North County Site. 36 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND Cabrillo Community College District Final Budget 2007-2008 1998 & 2004 General Obligation Bonds Bond Funds (Combined) Budget 2006-07 Revenues 8100: Federal 8600: State 8800: Local Total Revenues Budget 2007-08 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,495,048 2,495,048 2,748,000 2,748,000 0 0 0 3,514 6,305,849 29,342,641 35,652,003 0 4,585 428 22,694 979,171 26,933,803 27,940,680 0 0 0 10,500 1,511,901 33,681,920 35,204,321 (33,152,003) (25,445,632) (32,456,321) Expenditures 1000: Academic Salaries 2000: Non-Instructional Salaries 3000: Employee Benefits 4000: Supplies and Materials 5000: Other Operating Expenses 6000: Capital Outlay Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures Actual 2006-07 Other Financing Sources (Outgo) 8940: Sale of Bonds 0 58,498,505 0 Interfund Transfers 8900: Transfers In 7300: Transfers Out 0 (126,918) 0 59,993 0 0 Total Other Financing Sources (Outgo) (126,918) 58,558,498 0 (33,278,921) 33,112,866 (32,456,321) 41,377,602 0 8,098,681 41,377,603 0 74,490,469 74,490,469 0 42,034,148 Net Change to Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance Fund Adjustment Ending Fund Balance 37 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND Cabrillo Community College District Final Budget 2007-2008 1998 General Obligation Bonds Bond Fund - Measure C Budget 2006-07 Revenues 8100: Federal 8600: State 8800: Local Total Revenues Expenditures 1000: Academic Salaries 2000: Non-Instructional Salaries 3000: Employee Benefits 4000: Supplies and Materials 5000: Other Operating Expenses 6000: Capital Outlay Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures Actual 2006-07 Budget 2007-08 100,000 100,000 462,933 462,933 108,000 108,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,232,752 2,232,752 0 4,435 414 12,146 392,347 306,774 716,116 0 0 0 0 236,000 0 236,000 (2,132,752) (253,183) (128,000) Other Financing Sources (Outgo) 8940: Sale of Bonds Interfund Transfers 8900: Transfers In 7300: Transfers Out 0 0 0 0 Total Other Financing Sources (Outgo) 0 0 Net Change to Fund Balance (2,132,752) Beginning Fund Balance Fund Adjustment Ending Fund Balance 38 (253,183) 0 (128,000) 3,029,677 3,029,678 2,776,495 896,925 2,776,495 2,648,495 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND Cabrillo Community College District Final Budget 2007-2008 2004 General Obligation Bond Fund - Measure D - Series A Budget 2006-07 Revenues 8100: Federal 8600: State 8800: Local Total Revenues Expenditures 1000: Academic Salaries 2000: Non-Instructional Salaries 3000: Employee Benefits 4000: Supplies and Materials 5000: Other Operating Expenses 6000: Capital Outlay Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures Actual 2006-07 Budget 2007-08 2,400,000 2,400,000 1,465,280 1,465,280 1,200,000 1,200,000 0 0 0 3,514 6,305,849 27,109,889 33,419,252 0 150 14 10,548 586,824 26,627,029 27,224,565 0 0 0 10,500 1,275,901 7,438,905 8,725,306 (31,019,252) (25,759,285) (7,525,306) Other Financing Sources (Outgo) 8940: Sale of Bonds Interfund Transfers 8900: Transfers In 7300: Transfers Out 0 (126,918) 0 59,993 0 0 Total Other Financing Sources (Outgo) (126,918) 59,993 0 Net Change to Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance Fund Adjustment Ending Fund Balance 39 (31,146,170) (25,699,292) (7,525,306) 38,347,925 38,347,925 12,648,633 7,201,755 12,648,633 5,123,327 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND Cabrillo Community College District Final Budget 2007-2008 2004 General Obligation Bond Fund - Measure D - Series B Budget 2006-07 Actual 2006-07 Budget 2007-08 Revenues 8100: Federal 8600: State 8800: Local Total Revenues 0 566,835 566,835 1,440,000 1,440,000 Expenditures 1000: Academic Salaries 2000: Non-Instructional Salaries 3000: Employee Benefits 4000: Supplies and Materials 5000: Other Operating Expenses 6000: Capital Outlay Total Expenditures 0 0 26,243,015 26,243,015 Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures 0 566,835 (24,803,015) Other Financing Sources (Outgo) 8940: Sale of Bonds 0 58,498,505 0 Total Other Financing Sources (Outgo) 0 58,498,505 Net Change to Fund Balance 0 59,065,340 (24,803,015) Beginning Fund Balance Fund Adjustment Ending Fund Balance 0 0 0 0 0 59,065,340 59,065,340 0 34,262,325 Interfund Transfers 8900: Transfers In 7300: Transfers Out 40 0 -This Page Intentionally Left Blank- 41 2007–08 FINAL BUDGET BOOKSTORE FUND VII. BOOKSTORE FUND The Bookstore Fund is an enterprise fund. An enterprise fund accounts for the total costs of providing goods and services on a continuing basis to students and staff and is financed through user charges or earned income. The increase in both sales and expenses reflects the change in operations associated with the first year occupying the new Student Activity Center beginning November, 2007. The fund accounts for the total operation of the Bookstore, which includes payments to the District of $227,994 in occupancy and administrative fees. Incorporated into the Final Budget is a two percent discount on new textbooks priced $100 and over, and a $15,000 transfer to the Student Senate library reserve book fund. This is an ongoing program to help reduce the price of books to students. 42 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET BOOKSTORE FUND Cabrillo Community College District Final Budget 2007-2008 Bookstore Fund Enterprise Fund Budget 2006-07 Actual 2006-07 Budget 2007-08 3,333,778 2,384,110 3,431,688 2,412,870 3,874,431 2,737,345 Gross Profit or (Loss) 949,668 1,018,818 1,137,086 Expenditures 1000: Academic Salaries 2000: Non-Instructional Salaries 3000: Employee Benefits 4000: Supplies and Materials 5000: Other Operating Expenses 6000: Capital Outlay Total Expenditures 407,683 160,037 7,500 262,287 409,800 155,375 7,809 239,189 475,402 219,164 15,000 394,312 837,507 812,173 1,103,878 Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures 112,161 206,645 33,208 Other Financing Sources (Outgo) Interfund Transfers 8900: Transfers In 7300: Transfers Out (88,386) (88,386) (88,386) Total Other Financing Sources (Outgo) (88,386) (88,386) (88,386) 23,775 118,259 (55,178) 1,606,683 1,606,683 1,724,942 1,630,458 1,724,942 1,669,764 Total Income Cost of Sales Net Change to Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance Fund Adjustment Ending Fund Balance 43 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET CAFETERIA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND VIII. CAFETERIA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND On April 9, 2007, the Governing Board approved awarding a contract to Taher, Inc. of Minnetonka, NM for the operation of the food services for two years, with three each one year options to renew. Their contractual arrangement with the College is as follows: • Pay a flat commission of $32,000 per year. • Pay the College $25,000 to cover a portion of the salary of the one District classified employee remaining with food service if the District elects to retain that position. • Provide $15,000 in capital improvements to current serving lines in the main cafeteria. • Provide $15,000 in capital improvements to the Student Activities Center. • Provide $1,000 in co-sponsored catered events to student and College faculty/staff events. The Final Budget assumes that the District classified employee will continue to be employed full-time for the entire fiscal year. A shortfall of approximately $16,268 is expected in 200708. A Transfer In from the base budget is included in the Final Budget. 44 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET CAFETERIA SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Cabrillo Community College District Final Budget 2007-08 Cafeteria Special Revenue Fund t Final Budget 9 2006-07 Revenues 8100: Federal 8600: State 8800: Local Total Revenues Expenditures 1000: Academic Salaries 2000: Non-Instructional Salaries 3000: Employee Benefits 4000: Supplies and Materials 5000: Other Operating Expenses 6000: Capital Outlay Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures Actuals 2006-07 Budget 2007-08 63,705 63,705 59,844 59,844 57,500 57,500 43,853 17,059 44,495 16,131 44,131 18,008 2,793 1,024 11,722 63,705 61,651 73,861 (1,807) (16,361) 1,900 16,268 16,268 0 Other Financing Sources (Outgo) Interfund Transfers 8900: Transfers In 7300: Transfers Out Total Other Financing Sources (Outgo) 0 1,900 Net Change to Fund Balance 0 93 (93) Beginning Fund Balance Fund Adjustment Ending Fund Balance 0 0 93 0 93 0 45 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET ASSOCIATED STUDENTS FUND IX. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS FUND The Associated Students Fund is money held in trust by the District for organized student body association activities. The District has fiduciary responsibility for these funds. The Associated Students Fund is funded by the sale of student activity cards, vending machine commissions, and contributions from the Bookstore. The revenue supports student services, graduation, clubs, and other College programs, and provides scholarships and loans. The Final Budget for Associated Student Fund for 07/08 includes a revised revenue estimate for the new Negative Check-off System for Student Activity Cards (available Spring 2008) The revenue budget will be reviewed in February 2008 when actual Revenue for Spring semester is known. The revenue budget also reflects the new vending machine contract with Pepsi. 46 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET ASSOCIATED STUDENTS FUND Cabrillo Community College District Final Budget 2007-08 Associated Students Fund Final Budget 2006-07 Revenues 8100: Federal 8600: State 8800: Local Total Revenues Expenditures 1000: Academic Salaries 2000: Non-Instructional Salaries 3000: Employee Benefits 4000: Supplies and Materials 5000: Other Operating Expenses 6000: Capital Outlay Total Expenditures Actuals 2006-07 Budget 2007-08 41,150 41,150 50,004 50,004 88,500 88,500 9,700 31,450 11,382 50,663 10,000 78,500 41,150 62,045 88,500 Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures 0 Other Financing Sources (Outgo) Interfund Transfers 8900: Transfers In 7300: Transfers Out 15,000 (15,000) Total Other Financing Sources (Outgo) 0 Net Change to Fund Balance 0 Beginning Fund Balance Fund Adjustment Ending Fund Balance 47 15,000 (15,000) 0 (12,041) 15,000 (15,000) 0 0 88,853 88,853 76,812 88,853 76,812 76,812 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET TRUST & AGENCY FUND X. TRUST & AGENCY FUND The Trust and Agency Fund was established to account for monies held in a trustee capacity by the College for individuals, student organizations or clubs. Money is expended in accordance with procedures established by the entity for which the money is held in trust. The Trust and Agency Fund contains accounts where the District is the agent for the funds. These accounts are not funded from the General Fund. Examples include student clubs and organizations, Cabrillo Stage, Distinguished Artists, Cabrillo Chorus, pottery fund, athletic ancillary funds and numerous others. The fund balance is an accumulated balance of the entities, and is not available to the General Fund. Effective 2007/2008 the Trust and Agency Fund includes California Community College Student Advisory Association (CCCSAA). 48 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET TRUST AND AGENCY FUND Cabrillo Community College District Final Budget 2007-08 Trust and Agency Fund Final Budget 2006-07 Actuals 2006-07 Budget 2007-08 1,090,000 1,090,000 1,039,507 1,039,507 1,034,735 1,034,735 145,000 932,000 174,422 754,130 1,077,000 160,941 796,319 6,148 963,408 13,000 76,099 106,183 Interfund Transfers 8900: Transfers In 7300: Transfers Out (53,371) (77,064) (82,523) Total Other Financing Sources (Outgo) (53,371) (77,064) (82,523) Net Change to Fund Balance (40,371) (965) Beginning Fund Balance Fund Adjustment Ending Fund Balance 733,721 733,721 732,756 693,350 732,756 756,416 Revenues 8100: Federal 8600: State 8800: Local Total Revenues Expenditures 1000: Academic Salaries 2000: Non-Instructional Salaries 3000: Employee Benefits 4000: Supplies and Materials 5000: Other Operating Expenses 6000: Capital Outlay Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures 928,552 Other Financing Sources (Outgo) 49 23,660 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET SCHOLARSHIP & LOAN TRUST FUND XI. SCHOLARSHIP & LOAN TRUST FUND The Scholarship and Loan Trust Fund accounts for gifts, donations and bequests that are used for scholarships, grants or loans to students. The majority of income for this fund comes from the Cabrillo Foundation; the remainder is received from other sources. 50 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET SCHOLARHIP AND LOAN TRUST FUND Cabrillo Community College District Final Budget 2007-08 Scholarship and Loan Trust Fund Final Budget 2006-07 Revenues 8100: Federal 8600: State 8800: Local Total Revenues Actuals 2006-07 Budget 2007-08 383,100 383,100 336,283 336,283 383,100 383,100 383,100 336,283 383,100 (383,100) (339,671) (383,100) (383,100) (339,671) (383,100) Expenditures 1000: Academic Salaries 2000: Non-Instructional Salaries 3000: Employee Benefits 4000: Supplies and Materials 5000: Other Operating Expenses 6000: Capital Outlay Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Outgo) 7000: Grants/Donations/Scholarships Interfund Transfers 8900: Transfers In 7300: Transfers Out Total Other Financing Sources (Outgo) Net Change to Fund Balance 0 Beginning Fund Balance Fund Adjustment Ending Fund Balance 51 (3,388) 0 20,074 20,074 16,686 20,074 16,686 16,686 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FUND XII. STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FUND Student Financial Assistance Funds are designated to account for receiving and disbursing federal- and state-funded student financial aid. PELL GRANTS - A federal program available to undergraduate students who are participating in an eligible program on at least a half-time basis (six or more units). The amount of the grant is determined by the student's index number. The beginning budget reflects the amount of the initial award letter. Augmentations are received throughout the year. SEOG - Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant is a federal program that enables students with verified exceptional financial needs to pursue their studies at institutions of higher education. The student must be enrolled on at least a half-time basis, show evidence of academic progress, and be capable of maintaining good standing. EOPS - Extended Opportunity Program and Services is a state grant that is awarded through the Financial Aid Office to students with verified exceptional need who qualify under the program guidelines. CARE - Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education is a state program awarded through the Financial Aid Office for welfare-dependent single heads of households with preschool age children. CAL GRANTS A, B, C – A State funded grant given to students to help pay for college expenses. ACADEMIC COMPETITIVE GRANT – A Federal program, new in 2006, is for first and second year college students. Students must be enrolled full-time in a college degree program in their first or second academic year and be a Federal Pell Grant recipient. 52 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FUND Cabrillo Community College District Final Budget 2007- 08 Student Financial Assistance Fund Final Budget 2006-07 Revenues 8100: Federal 8600: State 8800: Local Total Revenues Actuals 2006-07 Budget 2007-08 5,074,543 785,000 288 5,859,831 4,868,173 743,083 132 5,611,388 5,076,220 780,000 144 5,856,364 5,859,831 5,611,388 5,856,364 (5,859,831) (5,610,679) (5,856,364) (5,859,831) (5,610,679) (5,856,364) Expenditures 1000: Academic Salaries 2000: Non-Instructional Salaries 3000: Employee Benefits 4000: Supplies and Materials 5000: Other Operating Expenses 6000: Capital Outlay Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Outgo) 7000: Grants/Donations/Scholarships Interfund Transfers 8900: Transfers In 7300: Transfers Out Total Other Financing Sources (Outgo) Net Change to Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance Fund Adjustment Ending Fund Balance 53 0 709 0 29,795 0 29,795 29,795 30,504 30,504 30,504 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET STUDENT REPRESENTATION FEE FUND XIII. STUDENT REPRESENTATION FEE FUND California Legislation authorized a one-dollar fee to be collected from students to support Student Senate representatives in lobbying for student rights before city, state and federal agencies. 54 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET STUDENT REPRESENTATION FEE FUND Cabrillo Community College District Final Budget 2007-08 Student Representation Fee Fund t Final Budget 9 2006-07 Actuals 2006-07 Budget 2007-08 Revenues 8100: Federal 8600: State 8800: Local Total Revenues Expenditures 1000: Academic Salaries 2000: Non-Instructional Salaries 3000: Employee Benefits 4000: Supplies and Materials 5000: Other Operating Expenses 6000: Capital Outlay Total Expenditures 21,000 21,845 28,000 21,000 21,845 28,000 (21,000) (21,845) (28,000) Interfund Transfers 8900: Transfers In 7300: Transfers Out 28,500 28,720 29,300 Total Other Financing Sources (Outgo) 28,500 28,720 29,300 7,500 6,875 1,300 48,209 48,209 55,084 55,709 55,084 56,384 Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Outgo) Net Change to Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance Fund Adjustment Ending Fund Balance 55 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET STUDENT CENTER FEE FUND XIV. STUDENT CENTER FEE FUND The Student Center Fee is required of all students and is designated solely for the purpose of maintaining, remodeling and/or building a new Student Center. The fee is $1 per unit for a maximum of $5 per semester, and cannot exceed $10 per academic year. Some students receiving financial assistance may have the fee waived. The Student Center Fee Budget for 07/08 includes the budgeted expenditures (from 06/07 final budget), for outfitting and supporting the operation costs and equipment purchases for the new Student Center Building. 56 2007-08 FINAL BUDGET STUDENT CENTER FEE FUND Cabrillo Community College District Final Budget 2007- 08 Student Center Fee Fund Final Budget 2006-07 Revenues 8100: Federal 8600: State 8800: Local Total Revenues 10,000 10,000 Expenditures 1000: Academic Salaries 2000: Non-Instructional Salaries 3000: Employee Benefits 4000: Supplies and Materials 5000: Other Operating Expenses 6000: Capital Outlay Total Expenditures Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures Actuals 2006-07 Budget 2007-08 36,598 36,598 13,000 13,000 25,000 30,000 350,000 405,000 18,158 18,158 25,000 57,500 360,000 442,500 (395,000) 18,440 (429,500) 112,000 (42,000) 112,716 (21,773) 100,800 (50,500) 70,000 90,943 50,300 (325,000) 109,383 (379,200) 899,225 899,225 1,008,608 574,225 1,008,608 629,408 Other Financing Sources (Outgo) Interfund Transfers 8900: Transfers In 7300: Transfers Out Total Other Financing Sources (Outgo) Net Change to Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance Fund Adjustment Ending Fund Balance 57