9/4/2015 2015-16 Program Planning Allocation and New Funding Requests 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Funded Program Strategic Bdgt. Program Department Component Y/N Plan Goal # Plan Link Ctgy. Dept. Plan Year Request Priority Priority Sustainable Programs/ Affordable Care Act Implementation (Includes software, staff P Inst Resp C HR/BSO overtime) 1 Sustainable Programs/ P Inst Resp C HR/BSO Affordable Care Act Support- 40% Classified hourly 1 Sustainable Purchasing/W New Mail Metering Maching- the old machine cannot be repaired. P Programs H arehouse The equipment is needed to sustain mail services 1 Sustainable P Programs C FPPO Help Desk Pilot 1 Program Additional help for Office of VP for peak cycles, digitizing P Plan C VPAS documents 1 Sustainable Phase I- Digitize HR/BSO historical documents to free up office P Programs Tech Sol HR/BSO space and warehouse storage 2 Sustainable Purchasing/W Districtwide annual shredding costs have increased beyond the P Programs C arehouse existing budget. The funding is needed to sustain the program 2 Sustainable TCO- Data collection to assess collegewide maintenance needs and P Programs C/H FPPO utilities usage, etc. 2 Partner with MPC to develop an implementation plan for Title IX P Inst Resp C HR Compliance 3 Sustainable Purchasing/W P Programs H arehouse Warehouse equipment repairs (forklift) 3 Sustainable P Programs Tech Sol FPPO Digitize and organize FPPO documents and reorganize digital files 3 Additional support for payroll dept.- implement 2015-16 bargaining P Inst Resp C BSO agreements 3 Upgrade room 1524 to a smart classroom for HR technology Sustainable training to support HR technology implementation focus including P Programs Tech Sol HR laptop/projector/wireless access panel/cabling/burglar panel. 4 Sustainable Purchasing/W Mailroom and Purchasing supplies- supplies are needed to sustain P Programs S arehouse existing services 4 P Prof Dev C BSO Professional Development- all staff 4 P Prof Dev C FPPO Professional Development- all staff in FPPO 4 P Inst Resp C HR Additional support for HR for new compliance mandates 5 Student Success P Initiative C BSO Implement Student Service Finance Module- College Bank/SS 5 Sustainable Purchasing/W P Programs C arehouse Purchasing staff overtime for special projects 5 Sustainable P Programs C FPPO FPPO overtime for special projects 5 P Inst Resp C HR Increase advertising budget for District recruitments 6 Plan P S T F Total Budget Category Key: Program Plan F&E: Furniture & Equipment Strategic Plan O: Operating Tech Plan T: Temporary/Hourly Facility Master Plan (FMP) S: Student Employment P: Professional Development Strategic Plan H: Health and Safety 1. Professional Development and Transformational Learning C: Compliance Mandates O:\Administrative Services\Admin Services Council\2015-16 ASC Meetings\Director Retreats\ASM Director Retreat 7-17-15\2015-16BudgetRequest7-27-15.xlsx One Time Funds--New Requests Fund Name/number $100,000 $20,000 $17,500 $50,000 $5,000 $160,000 $8,000 $25,000 $12,500 $4,000 $15,000 $10,000 $20,000 $2,000 $7,700 $20,000 $10,000 $35,000 $10,000 $10,000 $5,000 $546,700 $ - 1 of 2 9/4/2015 2015-16 Program Planning Allocation and New Funding Requests Funded Program Strategic Y/N Plan Goal # Plan Link Bdgt. Ctgy. Dept. 2. Sustainable Programs and Services Program Plan Year Request Department Priority Component Priority One Time Funds--New Requests Fund Name/number T: Technology solution O:\Administrative Services\Admin Services Council\2015-16 ASC Meetings\Director Retreats\ASM Director Retreat 7-17-15\2015-16BudgetRequest7-27-15.xlsx 2 of 2 9/4/2015 Districtwide Budget Reductions for 2016-17 50% LAW COMPLIANCE CRITERIA Fiscal Year Effective 2015-16 DATATEL ACCOUNT NO. DESCRIPTION Fund 13 Reduct District Match fund (ASC/DSPS)- Estimate IMPACT 2016-17 2016-17 Reduce Districtwide postage- reduction of marketing printing an mailing. Total SAVINGS ASC revenue increasing/Workstudy allocation decreasing Districtwide reduction in Debt ServiceCOP paid off in 2015-16 None FPPO- Utilities budget reductions- Net of allocation for Energy Management/Drought reduction project allocation- Estimate 2016-17 FTE CLASSROOM NON-CLASSROOM $56,000 $ 341,750 $ 50,000 $56,000 $ $10,000 $ 401,750 EXEMPT $ 341,750 $ 341,750 50,000 $10,000 $ - $ 60,000 Component Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Are we providing resources to areas that are not part of our core mission? Specifically what are those areas and how are they funded? Is there a way to use other monies than general fund if that is currently being used? Is this program or service necessary for ftes? Are we asking other services on campus to support this area (custodial, etc.)? Is there any funding going to that service to help out with non-priority program needs? Are their sacred cows for the community that may or may not be advisable to change at this time? What priorities do we consider core to each mission? What is core to transfer? What is core to Basic Skills? What is core to Career Technical Education? If we fund all CORE first is there any resource or restructure that can help us with outside CORE services, sections, etc.? How do we evaluate administrative services and president’s office services as part of CORE? Do we include attending to legislation, mandates, law or other necessary services to our college as part of how we meet CORE? Can we combine any services under the student success act that might better serve our students through consolidation or at the very least provide more synergy for one stop shop services? Is there any way to look at Student Services or instruction or administration to find out what their workload is and if they have seasonal opportunities to do other work that we are currently using hourly or students to get done? Is there any other area that has seasonal workloads that could be converted by job description to do other necessary tasks? Can job descriptions be relooked at to include Student Success Act/Equity needs so that staff members can be retained and retrained and have percentages of salaries used by categoricals as appropriate? What are our CORE needs for the Student Success Act? What must we have and what are extras we don’t need at this time? What are the technology solutions we can implement that can serve the college in this area? Is this the time to review the work that classified can do within counseling? What are the CORE services from other components within our Student Success act? Is there a way to consolidate any programs or services between student services and instruction within the success & equity plans? Where are there any inefficient programs, services, courses that can be reduced, combined or eliminated in any component? Where are our staff doing work that may be redundant? What efficiencies may be promoted by technology? O:\Administrative Services\Admin Services Council\2015-16 ASC Meetings\Director Retreats\ASM Director Retreat 7-17-15\Component Questions.docx 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Can we restructure any programs or services to leverage funding for what is being offered as a service? Can we review what each job does in our components and find any possible synergies there? Are there redundancies? With our student equity and student success plans and resources, are there areas we can consolidate across the college under either of these themes? Are there any jobs on the campus that can be consolidated? Do we have redundancies in our administrative unit? Should we consider consolidating administrative positions? Are there different offices that provide the same or a similar service or function? Are there redundancies because the same service or function is provided by more than one person or office? Can a service or function be streamlined by consolidation? Would cross training with mentoring be a mechanism to consolidate services or functions? As a result of looking at consolidation, are there functions or services that can be eliminated? Would automation or technology solutions eliminate face to face services? Would an examination of student worker positions, along with the consolidation considerations above lead to possible elimination of some student workers? Do phones need to be answered by people or can we do more with technology solutions? O:\Administrative Services\Admin Services Council\2015-16 ASC Meetings\Director Retreats\ASM Director Retreat 7-17-15\Component Questions.docx CMP Goal Bdgt. Ctgy. Request Priority C T Cost UPS Refresh Sp 4.1, S.P 2 Sp 4.1, S.P 2 Sp 4.1, S.P 2 Sp 4.1, S.P 2 Sp 4.1, S.P 2 Sp4.1, Sp4.2 $25,000 End of Life Equipment/Health and Safety Provides emergency power to protect hardware and to keep network phones operational during a power outage. x Premise Network Switch Refresh End of Life Equipment Provides network connection to devices It Professional training. Institutional Responsibility. Provide skills required to implement and maintain College technology initiatives. Overtime Bldg B rewire existing 144 drops, 18 new drops Implement Colleague LDAP Security Issue Secure method to manage student logins Sp4.1, Sp4.2 Defer WIFI Refresh Provides wireless access End of Life Equipment Provides wireless access ASA Firewall End of Life Equipment Provides network security Sp4.1, Sp4.2 Defer Firewall Service Modules End of Life Equipment Provides security for core Sp4.1, Sp4.2 Defer Sp4.1, Sp4.2 RDA CAPITAL Replace fiber to 600,1000, 1050 Failing Provides building network connection Sp4.1, Sp4.2 RDA CAPITAL Voice Gateway Provides VOIP End of Life Equipment Provides VOIP phone Move 700 IDF & rewire CAT6 Failing Provides building network connection Sp4.1, Sp4.2 Defer Sp4.1, Sp4.2 RDA CAPITAL IDF Switch Refresh End of Life Equipment Provides network connection Student Portal Presidential Provides standard unified College communication Sp4.1, Sp4.2, S.P 4.11 Defer x 50000 x 50,000 35,000 75,000 20,000 255,000 x x x x x x x x x x x $150,000 350,000 155,500 50,000 75,000 100,000 250,000 500,000 Funding Source Timestamp ############## Postage Budget 2015-16 Goal/Rec Number Request Description Department/Unit Administrative Services 21 New Mail Metering Machine - Purchasing What other departments, programs, or offices must be Request engaged to complete this Amount requests (if any)? To which plans or mandates does this request relate? $17,500 Strategic Plan Area 2: Sustainable Programs and Services Explanation Old machine cannot be repaired. Equipment needed to sustain mail services ############## Administrative Services Unfunded - Human Resources 1 Affordable Care Act Implementation includes software, stafr overtime $100,000 BSO Strategic Plan Area 2: Sustainable Programs and Services Please see Victoria ############## Administrative Services Unfunded - Human Resources 2 Affordable Care Act Support--40% classified position $20,000 BSO Compliance ############## Administrative Services Unfunded - Facil Plan & Plant Operations Administrative Services Unfunded - Human Resources 12 Total Cost of Ownership data collection $25,000 Strategic Plan Area 2: Sustainable Programs and Services, Strategic Plan Area 5: Institutional Responsibilities Strategic Plan Area 2: Sustainable Programs and Services 13 Title IX Compliance implementation plan $12,500 Strategic Plan Area 5: Institutional Responsibilities partner with MPC to develop implementation plan ############## Administrative Services Unfunded - Business Services/IT 14 Implement Student Service Finance Module $75,000 Student Success and Support Program Plan, Student Success Initiative- technology implementation College Bank, Student Services, IT staffing and support. ############## Administrative Services Unfunded - Facil Plan & Plant Operations Administrative Services Unfunded - Human Resources 15 Digitize and organize FPPO documents $15,000 Strategic Plan Area 2: Sustainable Programs and Services Also to reorganize digital files 16 Upgrade room 1524 to smart classroom for HR technology training $20,000 Strategic Plan Area 2: Sustainable Programs and Services ############## Administrative Services Unfunded - Human Resources 18 increase advertising budget Strategic Plan Area 5: Institutional Responsibilities to support HR technology implementation focus including laptop/projector/wireless access panel/ cabling/ burglar panel for District recruitments ############## Administrative Services VPAS - Facil Plan & Plant Carryover Operations VPAS Administrative Services Carryover - Purchasing Administrative Services VPAS - Facil Plan & Plant Carryover Operations Administrative Services VPAS - Business Services Carryover 3 Help Desk Pilot $50,000 Strategic Plan Area 2: Sustainable Programs and Services Compliance. See Joe Nugent/Victoria Lewis for more info 5 Purchasing staff overtime $10,000 for special projects 6 FPPO staff overtime $10,000 Strategic Plan Area 2: Sustainable Programs and Services Strategic Plan Area 2: Sustainable Programs and Services 7 Payroll dept additional support $10,000 Strategic Plan Area 5: Institutional Responsibilities implement 2015-16 bargaining agreements VPAS Administrative Services Carryover - Purchasing Administrative Services VPAS - Facil Plan & Plant Carryover Operations Administrative Services VPAS - Business Services Carryover 8 Warehouse equipment repairs $4,000 Forklift ############## ############## ############## ############## ############## ############## ############## ############## ############## ############## ############## ############## ############## 9 Professional development $20,000 10 Professional development $7,700 Strategic Plan Area 1: Professional Development all BSO staff $2,000 Warehouse Strategic Plan Area 2: Sustainable Programs and Services Strategic Plan Area 5: Institutional Responsibilities supplies to sustain existing services Strategic Plan Area 2: Sustainable Programs and Services Program Plan Needed to sustain program Strategic Plan Area 2: Sustainable Programs and Services Phase I 11 Mailroom and purchasing supplies VPAS Administrative Services Carryover - Purchasing Administrative Services VPAS - Vp Administrative Carryover Services 19 Districtwide annual shredding costs exceed existing budget 20 Additional help for office of VP during peak cycles, digitizing documents Unfunded Administrative ServicesIT for special projects Strategic Plan Area 2: Sustainable Programs and Services Strategic Plan Area 1: Professional Development VPAS Administrative Services Carryover - Purchasing Administrative Services VPAS - Human Resources Carryover Administrative Services Unfunded - Human Resources $5,000 to assess college wide maintenance needs, utilities usage, etc. 17 additional support for HR $10,000 $8,000 Warehouse $5,000 4 Digitize HR/BSO historical documents to free up $160,000 BSO office space and warehouse storage. IT Professional Training $75,000 All FPPO staff for new compliance mandates Compliance. Administrative ServicesIT Administrative ServicesUnfunded IT Unfunded IT Overtime needed to implement new technology Implement Colleague LDAP Security Issuesincrease college-wide system security $50,000 100000