2009-10 Budget Reduction Recommendations CPC March 4, 2009 Savings 83,000 276,000 Description Management Position Management Retirement Faculty Positions Faculty Retirements Contract FTE Adjunct FTE Impact Restructure Library management function -1.00 Do not replace retirements of 8 full-time classroom teaching faculty: Biology, Geography, Journalism, Mathematics (3), Physical Education (2) Replace with 8 FTE adjunct -8.00 -1.00 90,000 Counseling Position resignation Do not fill vacant full-time faculty counseling position 17,000 Faculty Voluntary Reduced Load Accept faculty requested voluntary reduced workload FTE; replace with .5 FTE adjunct .5 8.00 -0.50 0.50 Reduce Course Offerings taught by Adjunct Faculty The state budget process "caps" the amount paid for enrollment. The college currently serves more than 1000 full time students with no state reimbursement; as a result, the college plans to reduce FTES by 500 in 2009-10. Reductions in term offerings and locations will be at the discretion of the Divison. 890,000 Adjunct faculty reductions 63,000 28,000 550,000 Plan to reduce 496 FTES (about 500 adjunct/overload TUs) in the following areas: Suspend CyberSession, summer online. Suspension of community campus (Santa Cruz offerings) Substantially reduce Winter/Spring sessions, Scotts Valley. Discontinue CTE degrees in Archaeological Tech. Suspend offerings in Aeronautics (consider Community Education). Reduce course offerings in Journalism, Real Estate and Women's Studies. Transfer Cabrillo Summer Arts to fee based. -16.50 Lease savings, site coordination: Santa Cruz sites Athletics Program elimination Discontinue Men's and Women's Tennis athletic teams Classified Positions Vacancies, retirements, resignations, transfers, promotions Reduce classified staffing by an estimated 8 FTE Base Budget reductions. -8.00 Continue the hiring freeze of some, but not all, of the current vacant positions; reallocate some existing resources to fill high priority vacancies Macintosh HD:Users:maplandi:Desktop:Cabrillo Site:services:marketing:budgetdocs:2009-10-Budget-Cabinet-Summary-3-3-09tb.xls 1 of 4 2009-10 Budget Reduction Recommendations Savings Description Impact Contract FTE Adjunct FTE 500,000 Redirect Base Budget to Categorical/Grant Funding Redirect, as appropriate, base budget expenses to BFAP, CEED, CTE, DSPS, Grants and Revenues, health Services, Matriculation, other programs 196,000 Children's Center Restructure Plan 114,000 Child Development Fund 150,000 83,000 160,000 3,200,000 Reduce Children's Center faculty and staff: 1 PC (.75) retirement 2 FTE faculty; .23 Classified Offset General Fund Transfer for one year until Baskin lease confirmed Reduce Supplies and Operating Budgets College-wide Accounts Utilities, insurance, lease purchases Marketing & Communications Advertising and printing All components Supplies, hourly, operating and recruitment, to be determined over the next month TOTAL Initial Budget Reductions -21.50 Reduction in Positions Faculty, Contract Faculty, Adjunct Overload Classified Management Total Position Reduction Criteria A: Criteria B: Criteria C: Criteria D: Criteria E: Criteria F: Criteria G: Criteria H: Note: -3.00 -8.00 -12.25 -8.00 -8.25 -1.00 -21.50 -8.00 Implement an effective multi-year enrollment mgmt plan that includes an FTES target that maximizes state apportionment Protect core course offerings in transfer, basic skills, and Career Technical Ed (CTE) programs Examine all programs or activities including the performance categories identified in the Accountability Reporting for the Community Colleges (ARCC) Examine all non-base budget programs to determine if self-supporting Evaluate College-wide services and systems; explore alternative models Maintain 50% compliance and Full Time Faculty Obligation Address M & O needs for new facilities Review and evaluate facilities use for cost effectiveness, energy conservation Complete list of budget strategies and criteria is available at: http://cabrillo.edu/services/marketing/budget_center_docs.html Macintosh HD:Users:maplandi:Desktop:Cabrillo Site:services:marketing:budgetdocs:2009-10-Budget-Cabinet-Summary-3-3-09tb.xls 2 of 4 2009-10 Budget Reduction Recommendations Criteria A, B, C A, B, C A, B, C A, B, C A, B, C A, B, C A, B, C A, B, C A, B, C A, B, C, D, E, G Macintosh HD:Users:maplandi:Desktop:Cabrillo Site:services:marketing:budgetdocs:2009-10-Budget-Cabinet-Summary-3-3-09tb.xls 3 of 4 2009-10 Budget Reduction Recommendations Criteria D D E E A, B, C, D, E, G, H Macintosh HD:Users:maplandi:Desktop:Cabrillo Site:services:marketing:budgetdocs:2009-10-Budget-Cabinet-Summary-3-3-09tb.xls 4 of 4