Minutes 3:00 PM, Room 1804 March 30, 2006 While this location is considered accessible to those with ambulatory difficulties, the Associated Students of Cabrillo College hope to encourage full participation in student government and advocacy. If we can provide you with disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services than would facilitate your attendance at our meetings, please call Nicki or Alta at Disabled Student Program and Services, at 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though on-campus transportation can be called for at any time I. ORGANIZATIONAL ITEMS 1. Call to Order/Roll call @ 3:02 pm Voting members: ASCC President James Unger Vice President David Stearns (3:04 p.m.) Treasurer Daniel Legislative Representative -Ryan Kaplan Student Trustee Chante Santana Student Senator John Doherty Student Senator Joel Student Senator Tom Short Student Senator Cris Vasilev Student Senator Allison Maxon Student Senator Shannon Welch Student Senator Lysette Marshman Advisors- Gabe Gutierrez, Sesario Escoto Late Members: Inter-Club Council Chair Mil Alba (3:15 p.m.) Voting members needed for quorum (1/2 +1): Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 2. Approval of the Agenda Request to add Information Item #7- Trustee Conference- to Agenda Motion by Santana, Seconded by Shannon Motion Passes Request to add Information Item #8 –Digital PicturesMotion to Approve Agenda by Unger, seconded by Tom Motion passes 3. Approval of the Minutes Motion to approve minutes from March 23, 2006. Motion seconded by Kaplan. Motion passes II. PUBLIC COMMENTS This portion of the meeting is reserved for those wishing to address the Student Senate on any matter. No action will be taken. If needed, the item will be placed on the agenda of a future meeting. Student Jason Pineda: opposes Bill HR 4437, desires that the Senate draft a resolution against the bill. Advisor Gabe Gutierrez: Cabrillo Health Services be holding an event to around Sexual Violence Awareness Month which is in April. They will possibly request $300 for event prizes for the upcoming “Chalk It Up” event. 1 III. SPECIAL PRESENTATION 1. David Stearns- Elections Committee David: There is a month to go before ASCC students elections take place. Elections take place May 1- May 4, 2006. There is a booth list. The ninth week of school is next week. The committee is reviewing the possibility of having a music ensemble, Cloud 9, from UCSC perform on sometime during the elections. Possibility of N.O.M.E tent be available to festivities. James: Make announcements to all of your classes about the elections David: There are still open positions. IV. PRESIDENT’S REPORT James: Let’s get going especially with elections. V. REVIEW AND VOTE ON APPLICATIONS FOR NEW SENATORS There where no new ASCC Student Senate applications this week. VI. ACTION James Unger gives his position of Chair to David Stearns. 1. Budget Transfer James Unger James proposes that the Senate remove all remaining funds out of all ASCC accounts to the Programs account. Motion by Unger, Seconded by Alba. Votes: 12 yeas. Motion Passes James Unger resumes his position of Chair to David Stearns. 2. ASCC Bylaws Change Allison Maxon Allison presents a revision to the ASCC Bylaws, under decision by the ICC that the bylaws be revised to allow one student to represent more than one campus club at the weekly, required Interclub council meeting. Motion Fails 3. Sashes/Awards Gabe Action on approving no more then $400 from programs/student rep to pay for sashes/awards to be given/worn at graduation this year. Motion to approve by Stearns, Seconded by Doherty. 12 yeas. Motion Passes 4. Payment of Secretary Chris James Our secretary Chris has resigned. This item is to approve his last payment of no more then $339 from the Secretary account. Item Withdrawn ***5. Joe Matthews Benefit Mil Action item tabled until later in meeting (presented after Information item #7.) VI. INFORMATION 1. Model United Nations Tom P Model United Nations Conference request of no more then $2,800 from Student Rep. account. ***2.Community College Governance, Funding Stabilization and Student Fee Reduction Act Ryan (w/ Guest Nancy Brown) Information on the effort to qualify and pass this proposed initiative which would rollback fees, 2 protect community college’s revenue stream, and otherwise support community college education from our leg rep and the chair of the HASS division. Item postponed until for speaker (presented after Information Item #4) 3. Election Event David Information on having a barbeque the day of the elections. Request for $500 (for food) from programs. Barbeque would encourage people to vote and buy SAC cards. Ryan: My friend might be able to loan us the use of the “Giant N.O.M.E.,” a structure featured at Burning Man. 4. SB 840, the California Health Insurance Liability Act Ryan 5 minutes Information on possible endorsement of grassroots effort to support California State Senate Bill 840, which provides healthcare for all Californians. The item will be brought back next week as an action item. John: I think it would be a good to support this bill. ***Information Item*** This information item was previously tabled for to accommodate a guest speaker. 2. Community College Governance, Funding Stabilization and Student Fee Reduction Act Ryan (w/ Guest Nancy Brown) Nancy: This Bill will probably we postponed until the 2008 California elections. To raise money for the event the Student Senate may be requested to collect signatures and provided $2000 from the Student Rep. account. (Agenda resumes previously scheduled order) 5. HR 4437 Ryan Federal Bill against illegal immigrants. Motion made by Santana to extend discussion by 5 mins., seconded by Vasilev. Motion Passes 6. Tent University Solidarity/Tent College Cabrillo, April 17-21 Ryan Ryan: Tent State University is taking place April 17-21. There will be teach-ins, and phone banks contacting legislature. 7. Trustee Conference Chante: State Trustee Conference in La Jolla, California, May 26-27. I have never been to a conference and would like to go. 8. Senate Pictures Motion Tabled until next week. Mil ***Action Item*** This action item was tabled earlier in the meeting to accommodate a guest speaker. Action Item #5 Joe Matthews Benefit Mil Mil: Joe Mathews fundraiser, April 5, 2006, 5 p.m. -8 p.m. All proceeds go to Joe Matthews general fund. The item is to request $400.00 dollars for food& ingredients. Motion to Approve $400.00 from Programs Account by Alba, Seconded by David. Motion Passes (Agenda resumes previously scheduled order) VIII. EVENT UPDATES Mil: Club Event April 6th ,10-2 p.m. Laura: Would like to have a table at the Club Event to inform people about SAC cards. 3 IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS AD HOC COMMITTEES Re-Entry John: Trying to recruit new members for next year. John INTERNAL Legislative Ryan: Everyone is welcome to help author resolutions. Ryan Networking and Communications Club Day next week, help bake, campaigns/elections bio’s. Chante ICC Mil Mil: We are preparing for our event. The C&B item today was discussed for a long time at the ICC. Campus Sustainability Ryan: We are waiting to hear from Chuck Mowenard (Dean of NAAS) David/Ryan Elections David: Hassle people about the elections, get candidates. David EXTERNAL COMMITTEE REPORTS VIII. SENATOR REPORTS . Chante- Sick today, having a party on Saturday. Alison -Looking forward to Hiring Committee, ICC Bylaws John -Won’t be here, going to Switzerland. Tom-No Report James-Jason may take minutes. Elections are slowly progressing, going to L.A. thank you Ryan, voted no on Model E, Chante feel better. Mil-I cried in Dr. Omosupe’s class. Daniel-I’d like to start a precedent by telling a joke: so a dyslexic walks into a bra… Cris-Party at my house Saturday Ryan- Field trip to community printers, production of fliers. Going to Sacramento in the middle of the night. Laura-Campaign question Joel-Feeling good, possibly skydiving.. David-taking minutes in interesting, help w/ elections. Cris-Party. IX. ADVISOR REPORTS Gabe & Sesario Gabe- I like the amount of activity, good meeting. Sesario- I like the structure of elections, respect vote on Model E, but let’s stay in process. Be up to date on budget, group site. X. AGENDA BUILDING XI. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 6:00 P.M. XIII. EXECUTIVE MEETING The executive meeting for March 29, 2006, was canceled. 4