ASCC Agenda 3:20PM, Room 4340 Watsonville Campus 6th October, 2005

ASCC Agenda
3:20PM, Room 4340
Watsonville Campus
6th October, 2005
While this location is considered accessible to those with ambulatory difficulties, the Associated Students of
Cabrillo College hope to encourage full participation in student government and advocacy. If we can
provide you with disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services
than would facilitate your attendance at our meetings please call Nicki or Alta at Disabled Student
Programs and Services, at (831) 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though oncampus transportation can be called for at any time.
I.Organizational Items
1.) Call to Order/Roll Call @ 3:32
Shannon late 3:45
David late 3:53
James late 3:53
Cris late 3:53
Mario late 3:53
Nicki late 3:53
Voting Members: 17
Voting Members Needed for Quorum(1/2+1): 9
Voting Members Needed to Pass Budgets/Bylaws(2/3): 11
2.) Approval of the agenda
Lysette motions to approve the agenda for October 6 Thursday 2005 second by Nicole,
motion carries.
3.) Approval of the Minutes
Corrected omission of Bookstore Committee meeting. They are still in creative planning
stages but will soon be in a position to implement the products of their brainstorming.
Nicole moves to approve the minutes from September 29 Thursday 2005
II. Public Comments
3 minutes(each)
Representatives from the Labor side of the Metro dispute
6 minutes
The representatives apologized for the manner in which the strike has affected and
continues to compromise students’ transportation ability. They informed the Senate that
negotiations are still in progress and there is a possibility of a decision being made on
October 11th.
AGS Advisor and Greg Stevens
3 minutes
AGS requests Senate support of their annual ski and snowboard sale which raises revenue
for scholarships. They are also requesting support for their event to honour Billy Paul on
her 90th birthday.
Sharon, Cabrillo Dance Instructor
5 minutes
Requesting support for 15-20 Cabrillo dance students attending ACDFA conference at
Cal State Sacramento. The conference is an opportunity for Cabrillo students to represent
the college and gain experience in workshops, master classes and new styles.
President’s Report
3 minutes
The president encouraged her fellow senators to be as punctual as possible in the
interest of enhancing and environment of professionalism and productivity.
Additionally, she expressed that she was very glad to see that two senators who had
been unable to attend the previous meeting due to illness were again in attendance and
very much alive. She also sent her gratitude to Cris for preparing a report on the fiscal
infeasibility of providing wireless internet at Cabrillo College and requested of the
Senators comments, ideas, or suggestions that she might take into consideration while
she attended the conference the coming weekend.
Motion by James second by Chante to strike Jame comments from the previous week,
Motion Carries
Motion by William second by Nicole to add Shannon and Chante’s name to his
comments from the previous week,
Motion Carries
Motion by David second by William to approve the minutes from the previous week.
1 against
Motion Carries
Motion by Mario second by Luz to add Information Item regarding the Cabrillo College
Children’s Center and Information Item regarding Halloween.
Motion Carries
Review and Vote on Applications for New Senators
No new applications this week.
AGS Publicity
45 minutes
move to approve no more than 1705.34 from programs account for ags ski swap
second cris
James: understands importance of ags and sale
limited funds, large sum they are asking for
suggests dispersing funds as a loan (majority as a loan)
few hundred dollar donation
Chante: low on funds, 1/4 page in Pajaronian
Lysette: how much in programs acct?
Leflora : 9,200
Lysette: when is the event?
Dawn : end of october
Lysette: how long event?
Dawn: 32nd year
Lysette: how much raised?
Dawn: 2,000+ on advertising already spent
Lysette: expecting to generate how much?
Dawn: up to 80,000 AGS takes 15 percent
William: 1700 is a lot for one activity, when there are many other events
3-500 seems appropriate with a loan
bylaws don't allow for large loans
approve smaller sum
work out loan
Dawn: this needs to be done within next 2 weeks
Jason : move to extend time for 5 minutes
second Nicole
motion carries
Dawn : 4 senate members on AGS, community service based. minimum 15 hrs in
addition to aiding AGS
blood drive. provides good service to school and community.
Leflora: AGS blood drive, food drive, free tutoring, beach cleanup, faculty/staff
appreciation dinner awards banquet
Jason: AGS is an active club and does a lot of good for the school, personally in favor of
supporting AGS
Lysette: move to amend action item number one to reduce amount dispersed to no more
than $500 from programs account
second William
Jason: we should just give them the money
Shannon: $500 dollars is not that much, santa cruz sentinel is 575 for example
James: they do need more money, the revenue they generate is dependent upon our
contribution. loan appropriate more money more money made back.
help them succeed without destroying our budget
Leflora: to approve a loan we would have to suspend bylaws. bad practice to suspend
bylaws. it has been done but it is something that we try not to do.
Mario: what are the bylaws regarding loans
Nicole: 500 or less
Jason: inappropriate to give them a loan if they asked for donation.
Nicole: move to suspend bylaws article 7 sect 8 letter B, letter E, letter F, letter G, letter I
for this item only
second James
Lysette: they didn't ask for a loan, it's inappropriate to suspend the bylaws
James: i understand that they didn't ask for a loan, propose ammendment as an optional
loan. but we cannot afford to just give out money. they can take the loan or they can
refuse it.
Jason: recommend not to suspend bylaws
James: people often ask for money, just because they want this amount does not mean
that we can give it to them. loan is appropriate because otherwise they will come back
asking for money to cover debts in the future.
Lysette: we have constructed the idea of a loan, therefore we should not suspend bylaws
Christina: agree with james, our decision of what we are willing to give
Nicole: agree with james and christina. they didn't ask us for a loan
Dawn: we might have to ask for money to pay off loan later
James: treasurer from AGS said that they would rather have a loan
Greg(treasurer of AGS): it would be better to have donation and loan instead of just a
small amount of funds
Nicole: move to suspend bylaws article 7 sect 8 letter B, letter E, letter F, letter G, letter I
for this item only
second james
11 in favor
3 opposed
2 abstentions
motion carries
James: move to amend lysette's amendment by james to no more than 400 to be given
and no more than 800 to be loaned due jan 1st.
Jason: restate motion
motion to donate no more than 400 from programs account
Mario: motion to amend motion to loan no more than 500 and grant no more than 850
from programs account to be paid back by jan 1st
James: that defeats the purpose of fiscal responsibility
William: 850 is too much from programs account, like 800 loan 400 donation
Cris: more money loaned, more money make, money granted we will not get back, loan
as much as they want
all in favor of loaning ags 500 from programs acct to be paid jan 1st and granting 850
from programs acct for ski and snowboard sale
2 in favor
9 against
1 abstention
James: move to amend lysette's amendment by james to no more than 400 to be given
and no more than 800 to be loaned due jan 1st.
David: move to amend amount of loan to 950 and grant 400 from progams account due
by jan 1st 2006
14 in favor
motion carries
all in favor of loaning ags 950 and granting 400 from programs account to be paid jan
1st 2006
13 in favor
1 against
2 abstentions
motion carries
1.) Dance Conference
3 minutes
The Dance program is requesting $1500 in support of Cabrillo students attending a
dance conference at Cal State Sacramento. The issue will be brought back as an action
item in a coming meeting
2.)5 year plan
3 minutes
James elaborated a brief presentation on the importance of increasing the accountability
and visibility of student representation at Cabrillo College in the interest of better
serving the students of said institution.
3.)Billy Paul Gala
3 minutes
An event to honour Billy Paul for her tenure at and service to Cabrillo Collge. Will be
brought back next week as an action item with cost breakdown.
4.)Peace Library
3 minutes
Would like to grant 1500 to the Peace Library in support of their efforts to provide
children with books that promote peace, gender equality, multiculturalism and creative
conflict resolution. The issue will be brought back next week as an action item.
5.)On Campus Halloween Party
3 minutes
After meeting with ICC the party will now include recognization of el Dia de Los
Muertos as well as prizes for costumes and other fun activities. The event will be held
during the day in the cafeteria, quad and amphitheater.
6.)CalSAC snacks
1 minute
CalSAC is meeting in the horticulture center on the 14th. Leflora recommends $100
dollars for snacks. The issue will be back as an action item next week.
VII. Event Updates
3 minutes
Safety Committee meeting next Friday at 8 o’clock on the aptos campus
Indigenous Peoples Day next Wednesday the 12th
VIII. Committee Reports
No Report
3 minutes(each)
No Report
Instructional Supports
In the process of getting notices sent out. Tentatively will have received grant proposals
by November 1st and completed review of proposals and allocation of funds by
November 18th.
No Report
The Thanksgiving Committee is meeting at the 41 street Jamba Juice Monday the 10th
No Report
No Report
Presidential Summit is this weekend. Region 4 CalSAC meeting next Friday as well as
statewide CalSAC meeting.
Networking and Communications
Senate Sweatshirts are from Vista Print Gallery in Santa Cruz. First 250 business cards
are free with paid shipping and handling.
Constitution and Bylaws
Constitution and Bylaws will be meeting soon.
Need volunteers, preferably bilingual. Please contact for more information.
Getting a new printer and getting involved with Halloween party.
Campus Sustainability
Working toward a more environmentally friendly campus. Meeting in two weeks time.
External Committees
Organizing vanpool service for students affected by the Metro strike.
Looking for ways to boost enrollment to increase Cabrillo College’s revenue
Looking for new ways to structure enrollment and enrollment services. More in depth
discussion next meeting
Discussed ways to raise revenue, hire teachers, and increase enrollment. Are pushing
for more students to use web registration and attend wintersession
Cabrillo College is currently in negotiations with Pepsi concerning exclusivity and
marquee rights on the campus.
IX. Senator Reports
3 minutes(each)
thank you Chante for assistance earlier today
thank you Cris for your wireless bill breakdown
excellent work on loan earlier
good luck everyone on exams
going to miss everyone over weekend
glad meeting was at this location
good meeting
looking forward to James five years of reform
need help moving on Saturday
first time at this location - like Aptos location more
glad we came to resolution on AGS action item
requesting info item next week democratizing education
meeting in Wisconsin regarding unionizing graduates, undergraduates, faculty
not many delegates from community colleges
looking for student suggestions to improve community colleges
happy birthday Nicole
(I’m sorry Melissa, I seem to have misplaced my notes for your senator report.
please let me know what you would like to report)
have thankyous for speakers
pass around
please sign
Lisa Johnson writer for voice needs submissions
Bill Stamos counselor working on voter information about upcoming proposition vote
minutes weren't posted today, neither was agenda
didn't like suspension of bylaws
today was very interesting
glad to be apart of senate
concerning bus strike
my bike tires were stolen as was seat
looking to carpool
more involved with volunteer work with surfrider foundation, wildlife
foundationwelcome other people to participate
i think we did a good thing for ags fiscally responsibly and in presence of AGS
glad i got to share my 9 points of reform
adding to next week info item regarding prop 76
never been to Watsonville, very different environment
glad that we settled the AGS situation
excited about James’ 9 points of reform
very productive meeting, glad we came to a resolution
like the nine points of reform
thank you to all for showing up
feeling much better
on antibiotics, please bear with me
thank you for your presentation james
very happy that the meeting is in Watsonville this week
Pajaro valley school district is asking for volunteers
will be sending promotional supplies to Aptos campus
thank you for letting me present about the peace library
wasn't excited about suspending bylaws
excellent use of parliamentary procedure
bus strike rally today at 6pm
thank you shannon for taking over my committee
thanks cris for wireless report
happy with ags item
don't think we violated students rights
please call into calsac conference
Advisor Reports
3 minutes
santa cruz county giving away bicycles
Semators, please return keys or give me 5 dollars for a replacement fund
photos are posted but Ryan and Mario and Nicki's photos are still needed
if you don't like your photo it can be retaken
see saw conference: need to know who is attending by Monday
Agenda Building
calsac snacks
see saw
dance action item
peace library grant action item: $1800
Ryan democratizing education conference info item
Jason OLA grad info item
XII. Adjournment
Meeting Adjourned 5:54
Executive Meeting
Public Comments
Mario: strike downtown 6pm
Meeting Review
Mario: most fun I've had at a meeting
Nicole: impressed with newcomers
Attendance Review
Leflora: please show up illnesses excused keep attendance high with minimal incidences
of tardiness.
Sesario: executives should be five minutes early, and set example, implement current
motion by Leflora second by Nicole to excuse Kristina's absence due to illness
motion carries
motion by Mario second by Nicole to excuse Lysette's absence due to illness
motion carries
Officer’s Report
meeting tomorrow
no report
no report
legislative meeting coming up
my cell phone is out of service
in the meantime i can be reached by email
really happy with this year's senate
very steady group
feel like we're having difficulties implementing our excellent ideas
reach out to the community
will be productive year
very proud of this years senate and executive council
maintain focus
less can be more
get budgets in quickly
wish me well at conference this weekend
executive board meeting every other week
Meeting Adjourned at 6:15 pm