ASCC Minutes 3:00PM, Room 1804 Sesnon House, Aptos Campus 22nd September, 2005 I. Organizational Items 1.) Call to Order/Roll Call @ 3:02 recess until secretary's arrival resumes 3:07 Voting Members: Leflora David Nicole Melissa Christina late (3:11) Mario Dawn Shannon Chris Chante Jason William Luz James Sesario Gabe Lysette late 3:15 1.1) Approval of the agenda Dawn submits a motion to approve the agenda for Thursday, September 22nd seconded by Melissa, motion passes unanimously. Voting Members Needed for Quorum (1/2+1): 9 Voting Members Needed to Pass Budgets/Bylaws (2/3): 11 2.) Approval of the Minutes i.)Motion to approve minutes from September 1st submitted by Nicole, seconded by Dawn. motion carries. ii.) Motion to approve minutes from September 8th submitted by James, seconded by Dawn. Motion carries. iii.)Leflora applies change to minutes from September 15th, seconded by Mario. iv.)Nicole moves to approve minutes from September 15th, seconded by Shannon. Motion carries. II. Public Comments 3 minutes (each) Jason on behalf of Kate Hartsell and Alice 1 minute Student informed the senate that AB840 had passed and alerted senate to the abhorrent parking situation. Dick Strubbe, Health Care for All 3 minutes Appealed to senate to endorse Senate Bill 840 and requested time to further explain the bill and the organization, Health Care for All in an upcoming meeting Anonymous Student 1 minute Inquired of senate why wireless internet was no longer a service offered on campus. Phillip 1 minute Phillip announced his interest in student government at Cabrillo College and stayed for the duration for the meeting to observe. Megan/ Presented by Dawn Inquired of the senate if it would be possible to reduce library late fees. 2 minutes Tom 3 minutes Asked if there were any positions open on the senate and how he should go about joining the senate. Ryan Asked, “When can you petition for student senate?” 1 minute III. President’s Report 3 minutes The president reported her enjoyment of the recent retreat and expressed enthusiasm for the current senate and the coming year. IV. Review and Vote on Applications for New Senators Mario move to vote on Ryan's application for senate second Shannon motion carries unanimously. Leflora swears in Ryan at 3:33pm V. Action 1. Pictures Lysette 5 minutes Action on Pictures from Clique Photography for no more than $200 from the Programs account. Second Melissa Motion carries unanimously VI. Information 1. Office Supplies Jason 3 minutes Discussion on what we need in the way of office supplies The senate has acquired a post office box and has $800 for much needed office supplies. Jason provided a handout detailing common supplies that may be needed 2. Printer James 7 minutes Discussion on what we want to do about our printer situation. Which printer do we want? James presented four printer options ranging in price from $86-780. All print, scan, fax and copy in color. Will be brought back as an action item for the next meeting. 3. Retreat Supplies Leflora 2 minutes Discussion on reimbursing Leflora for no more than $200 from the Student Rep Account for supplies she purchased for the retreat. Will be an action item next week 4. Retreat Snacks Sesario/Kristina 2 minutes Discussion on reimbursing Kristina and/or Sesario for no more than $150 from the Student Rep Account for transportation to the Presidential Summit. Will be an action item next week 5. Presidential Summit Sesario/Leflora 2 minutes Discussion on the funds not exceeding $200 from the Student Rep Account for transportation to the Presidential Summit. Move to action item next week 6. Meeting Norms Leflora 11 minutes Discussion on creating meeting norms for ourselves Suggestions for meeting norms: No cell phone use during meeting No text message use during meeting No interruptions No personal attacks No irrelevant comments Only pertinent note passing No unnecessary repetition Stay focused No side conversations Be professional, do your homework, wash your hands after you use the bathroom, sneeze into your elbow Pay attention/actively listens Control ego 7. Office Norms and Jobs Lysette 24 minutes Discussion on creating office norms and jobs that need to be done around the office. Office is disheveled and unprofessional. To remedy this situation several jobs were assigned to keep the office tidy and organized. Jobs: Fish feeding: dawn Checking front office messages: Ryan Check phone in back: Nicole Leflora's phone: leflora Entertainment screening: chante Water: Melissa Cleaning fridge: Mario Office pick-up: lysette, Melissa Printer upkeep: James Thank you notes: all senate members will write thank you notes in addition to {4:40 Motion for ten minutes recess Lysette Second Jason 4 against Motion carries Resumes 4:50} 8. Goal Setting William/Mario 12 minutes Continued discussion on Senate goal setting for the year. What do we want to get done? What can we get done? What are you willing to commit to doing? What are we willing to commit to getting done? Senate decided to focus this academic year on achievement of the following goals: Improving extracurricular activities Educating student body about student senate and what they offer Student senate election reform 9. Activities/Committees Leflora 45 minutes Discussion on how people are doing with the committees they have now and other committees/activities that still need our attention Luz, Mario and Chris have been able to successfully contact their committees. Shannon will join Christina’s committee and Chante will join the safety committee. Newly formed committees: Instructional Supports Develops criteria for support Allocates monies to school through instructional support grants Meets end of September until the first week of November Leflora, Mario, Jason (chair), David, Chris Halloween Organizes Halloween events Melissa (chair), Mario, Shannon, Chante, Ryan, Christina Thanksgiving Committee Organizes thanksgiving events at the Aptos and Watsonville campus Nicole (chair), Lysette, David, Shannon, Melissa, Chante, James, Mario VII. Event Updates VIII. Committee Reports 3 minutes 3 minutes (each) Ad Hoc Committees Carpool No Report Ryan Internal Committees SAC Will meet next Monday or next Wednesday Nicole Budget Will meet @3:00pm Monday Melissa Legislative No report Mario Networking and Communications Will meet next Tuesday (27th) or Thursday (29th) Nicole Constitution and By-laws No report David Watsonville No report Kristina ICC William Will meet on the 28th and 29th at the Fireside lounge 3:00pm Campus Sustainability David Campus sustainability is working toward a composting program and implementing the use of recycled paper at Cabrillo College. External Committees Need technical director AVP position 5 minutes Faculty-Student meeting Leflora There have been minor changes made to the requirements of class curriculum IX. Senator Reports 5:55-6:09 Nicole: Retreat went well Thank you lysette for photo James thanks for printer info Please get informed about printer Welcome Ryan Thanks Luz for the thank you ideas Lysette: Thanks leflora for assigning jobs Still will make a cleaning committee Happy to be goal oriented Melissa: Be timely, get me information Shannon: Welcome to new people Enthusiastic for coming year Excited for Halloween Mario: Difficult time contacting faculty Movie night progress is coming along Excited about Halloween Wants more parties on campus Wants to help get voter registration/info table Chris: Moving soon Things are going well Retreat is going well Wants to discuss cell phone use Chante: Cleaning committee= awesome Office will be totally sweet Welcome Ryan and secretary Jason: No report William: I am submitting a report 3 minutes(each) Cleaning committee - don't open refrigerator Luz: Welcome Ryan Professor O'Brien offered class time to senate to discuss senate events Ryan: Looking forward to working with senate Christina: Got hives after retreat Is anyone sick? James: Looking into costs of wireless net Thank you everyone for great retreat Have some ideas, excited about them David: Welcome Ryan and Chris Disappointed about text messaging vote Looking forward to coming year Leflora: We should be professional I don't support text messaging Retreat was excellent Please fill out paperwork on time and give to Melissa Campus sustainability meeting was fabulous Everyone do your job Bowling next Thursday after meeting? X. Advisor Reports 3 minutes Please fill out release forms for see saw conference Get someone to maintain fish tank School board will hear proposal to institute student health fee for all students Students interested in wireless internet can contact the student senate, sesario, and Please send me updated ASCC roster Please make activity committees as strong as possible; they are an excellent service to the committee XI. Agenda Building For next weeks meeting the following items will be scheduled into the agenda: Action item printer Information item - 5 minutes reform (in 2 minutes) XII. Adjournment The Meeting was adjourned at 6:14