ASCC Minutes 2PM, Room 801, Aptos Campus 13th June, 2005 ORGANIZATIONAL ITEMS 1. Call to Order: 3:10pm Roll Call: Dawn, Kristina, William, Sesario, Melissa-Late 3:20pm, David-Late 3:40pm, Leflora and Nicole. Absent members: Mario, Lysette, Ali, Gabe, James Voting members: 11 Voting members needed for quorum (1/2 +1): 6 Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 8 PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Leflora: I just wanna thank everyone for being here and taking time out of their summer to get work done. Thanks guys. REVIEW AND VOTE ON APPLICATIONS FOR NEW SENATORS ACTION 1. Loan for the Cheerleaders Nicole 5 Minutes Nicole: I move to loan $6,000 to the cheerleaders from the general account. Kristina: I second Motion carries. 2. Student Senate Retreat Leflora 5 Minutes Leflora: I move to allocate $5,000 from the Student Rep. account for a Student Senate leadership training retreat. Nicole: I second. Motion carries. See information item # 1. INFORMATION 1. Retreat. Leflora 15 Minutes A retreat committee will be sent up over the summer. Any questions or concerns call/email Nicole Moreno or/and David Stearns. 2. Bylaws update David Look forward to making some changes to the bylaws. 5 Minutes 3. Senate Dinners Leflora 15 Minutes We will have a dinner with the Board in August before school starts on either a Monday or Friday. With the Faculty Senate sometime in October on a Friday. COMMITTEE REPORTS AD HOC COMMITTEES Doggie Day Care time. This committee is cancelled. Carpool INTERNAL SAC I will probably give up this committee. Budget Nothing. Legislative N/A Networking and Communications Moreno We will be having a meeting when school starts. Constitution & By-laws Stearns We will be haing a meeting when school starts. Watsonville Rep N/A ICC time/Dawn N/A Campus Sustainability time N/A Vacant at this Vacant at this time. L. Cunningham-Walsh Treasurer M. Wyon N. D. Watsonville Vacant at this Vacant at this SENATOR REPORTS: Leflora: I just want to thank you guys again for coming and I’m disappointed at the people who could not make it. summer. David: Just want to second what Leflora said and have a wonderful Nicole: Hopefully everyone’s summer is going well and thanks again from coming and expect calls and emails from me this summer. Melissa: I’m feeling a little sick this kid is killing me. Dawn: Have a good summer and let me know if anyone needs help. Krisitna: I’ll be going to NYC very excited and have a good summer. William: Have a good summer. Shannon: I’ll be happy to help if I can. ADVISOR REPORTS Sesario: Remember you guys are student first. AGENDA BUILDING ADJOURNMENT :4:30pm XIII. EXECUTIVE MEETING –Cancelled! Directly following the regular meeting 1 Organizational Items i. Call to Order ii. Roll Call iii. Voting Members: iv. Voting Members needed for quorum: 3 4 2. Public Comments 2 Minutes This portion of the meeting is reserved for those wishing to address the Executive Board of the Student Senate on any matter. No action will be taken. If needed, the item will be placed on the agenda of a future meeting. 3. Action I. Create an ad hoc committee for the retreat. Committee created II. Create an ad hoc committee for hiring a new secretary Commitee created III. future? Create an ad hoc committee for hiring someone to run Committee created IV. Meeting review Leflora 15 Minutes How did the meeting go? Do we want to do anything different in the V. Next meeting Leflora Anything we want to do for the next meeting? 15 Minutes 5. Officers’ reports 3 Minutes 6. Advisors’ reports 3 Minutes 7. Agenda Building 8. Adjournment