ASCC Minutes 3:00 PM, Student Senate Chambers, SAC East 6th March, 2008 I. ORGANIZATIONAL ITEMS Call to Order/Roll call: Voting members: Voting members needed for quorum (1/2 +1): Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 3:00 18 10 12 Approval of the Minutes (Jonathan/Elowyn) Approval of the Agenda (Benjamin/Nicola) II. PUBLIC COMMENTS 1. Organization of Latin Americans OLA is planning a multicultural event for May 16th. The organization would like Jimmy Santiago Baca as the keynote speaker. He would charge $5000. OLA asked for Senate’s help and support. ICC Chair Mil sponsored request. III. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 1. Tobin Keller, Art Studio Instructor: Art Presentations Informed senate of the Cabrillo Gallery’s reception of Dennis High’s Unearthed on Thursday, March 13, 4:30-6:00pm. According to Keller; Dennis High is the executive director of the Center for Photographic Art in Carmel. Anticipating an enrollment increase in the art department, Keller suggested more funding for greater presentations. Keller then spoke of a future presentation on April 9th or 10th. Ann Kaneko film “Against the Grain: An Artist’s Survival Guide” about fighting a conservative regime in Peru—would satisfy the college’s multicultural goal with Peruvian art. Keller would like to keep screening free. He requested as much publicity as possible. “Against the Grain” 2. Patrick McNett & Mike Craig: “Digital Signage—Cellular Solutions From MediaTile” “MediaTile Digital Signage solutions enable Retailers, Brands, and Narrowcasters of all types to deploy digital signage broadcast networks in far more places, in much less time…unique cellular-based approach…Digital Sign in a Box and web-based Broadcast Portal, we've made on-site network management, application software, and upgrades a thing of the past.” – Offices in Scotts Valley. MediaTile’s relationship with Rolls-Royces IT department. Article at Student Communication Screen—messages and videos, weather forecasts, site-specific notices, custom text strings, running contests, showcasing work. Web-based control. Security control. 4 Keys to Successful Network: o 1. Content—simple, basic. o 2. Advertising—source of funding. o 3. Content o 4. Location—screen locations make sense. Requires only a plug. Stand alone. To entertain students; to inform students. What kind of price? Buy screens and players; no cell charges; $3700. Mary Planding emphasized that Marketing & Communications role is to provide official communications to the general public on behalf of the college. 3. Dr. May Chen, Vice President of Student Services: College Budget Welcomed new senators: Sophia, Will, Noah and Gary. Spoke about Cabrillo’s budget deficit: $400,000 returned to state 07-08, $600,000 returned to state 0809. 2 major counties over-reported their property tax revenue. Warned senators of long lines in Building 100, home of Admissions and Records and Financial Aid. Dr. Chen—the college’s emphasis is enrollment and education. Prioritizing responsibilities: what to give up and what not to give up? Timmie—advised senators to bring their questions to Dr. May as “she is a wonderful resource for students.” 4. Mary A. Planding, Director, Marketing and Communications: Seahawk Logo Introduced the senate to Robin Ellis, the bookstore’s new manager. Where are we with the Seahawk identity system? Planding informed senate that Jon Hastings of Kiwi Studios in Corralitos was selected as the Seahawk’s illustrator. Challenges: multiple versions of the Seahawk, multiple versions of the C, fonts, qualities of illustrations. Objectives: honor Cabrillo traditions, solidify the Seahawk’s relationship with Cabrillo, build brand identity and loyalty, and protect trademarks. Strategies: create a unified, flexible system; creativity and fun, clear usage rules, resources, tools, consistent application of identity standard, strongly differentiate athletic teams from rest of college. Tactics: identity elements and caricatures, athletics-only, hawk shop-only. Official colors: sky blue, white, black. Seahawk caricatures: playful, fun representations of the Seahawk logo; Teen Hawk, She Hawk, Muscle Hawk, etc. Benjamin—logo’s look the same as every other logo; corporate and ordinary. Planding encouraged senate to meet with Ellis for their sweatshirts. IV. PRESIDENT MARKO’S REPORT Saluted Rebeca’s, Lupe’s and Santos’ efforts to combine the Watsonville Center’s welcome week with its club week. Festivities are planned for April 1st-3rd. V. APPOINTMENT OF NEW, QUALIFYING SENATE MEMBERS VI. INFO/ACTION 1. Treas. Richard—Approval of the Spring 2008 Budget augmentation. Questioned expenses in light of cuts to college’s budget. To our budget, we are adding 50,000 received from student activity cards. $75,000 in ASCC programs—now $33,000. Redistribute money into printing supplies. Music, Drama and Dance rounded off to $4,000. Reallocated money from programs. Divided money into scholarship direct and scholarship endowment—$10,000. Marko—Cabrillo foundation controls huge scholarship fund—goes into endowment—interest given to scholarships. Direct is given away immediately. Rebeca—who will manage $5,000 for scholarship direct? We may be able to earmark ideas for scholarships. Unallocated—Marko—way not to have huge allocation of funds—money might not get put into programs. Marko—adding $50,000 to budget. Made $110,000 for budget. Giving $30,000 in period of months to scholarships. Jon—lots of budgets augmented. Why don’t we put all of funds into savings? Marko—$30,000 in programs. Marko—talking about 8 weeks away. Ben—this money is not current; was simply allocated. Difference between recruitment advertising and elections; voice and elections. Ryan—where is our bank? Elowyn—too late to tweak budget. (Richard/Anthony) 13/2 Approved 2. Treas. Richard—Approval of 2008-2009 ASCC Budget. Budget is $180,000. ICC budget up $5,000. Instructional support grants to $15,000. Unallocated to $4,000. Textbook Rental program at $20,000. Student’s prerogative to pay for fee. Overexpanded budget. Interest income under student accounts. Strict timeline. Budget needs to be approved. (Katie/Nicola) 18/0 Approved. 3. Sen. Noah—$4000 from Student Center Account for Mac Computer and software for senate office. Decided last week that it would be better to direct expense to more powerful computer that can run up to 8 displays. Useful for design and art projects. The computer: Mac Pro, basic model with 23” display. Marko—we want student senate logo for stationary, magazine, SAC brochure, everything to go on to screens. Benjamin—nothing needed that required lots of power. Noah—digital software. Richard—trouble with exclusive use of a very expensive computer—something that students need—we need video work. Could this be done in computer lab? Sake of convenience, current computers without ability. Steven—used computer for 6.5 hours. Took a long time. Understands need of conveniently located, powerful computer. Sesario— consider putting computer in club area instead of student senate area. Richard—group licenses? Rebeca—happy that computer will be used; because student senate is buying this; we have to bolt this to the desk. Someone must be responsible. (Noah/Elowyn) 16/0 Approved. 4. Pres. Marko—$600 for Guest Artist Speaker series in Cabrillo Gallery. See Special Presentations, #1. (Gary/Mil) 5. Sen. Sophia—$600 for senate polo shirts from Student Rep. $580—final estimation. Prices fluctuate with size. 50 shirts; this senate and next. (Sophia/Rebeca) 16/0 Approved VII. INFORMATION 1. VP Ben reviews Parliamentary Procedure. Reviewed parliamentary procedures: well-run, smoothly organized meetings. Lax procedure; could be stricter. “Point of information” “Point of order” Interruptions and side conversations. “Is it debatable?” “I move the previous question?” Technically—there will only be one comment in favor, one opposed. “Is there an opposing comment?” Sesario advised senators to concentrate on the top half of the parliamentary procedure handout. He emphasized that the General Assembly on May 2nd would follow strict procedure. Purpose is to have an organized meeting I move to upgrade it to an action item. Elowyn—until Marko gets back—Jon’s leaving at 5:40pm. Motion to reset. 2. Leg. Ryan—Earth Week Plans. Tuesday, 10:45-12:30pm, Compost of pre-post-consumer food waste Bike Co-op Direct advocacy on campus Taher needs to here from students on how they can improve their service Invite instructors of extension courses offered: Mid-April Flea market reopening Invite art instructors and creative folks to reengineer things Invited instructors to give elections outdoors Hundreds of local organizations that aren’t usually included in campus events Letter campaign Advocate for environmental policy Shawn Ogimachi will come to speak with senate about collecting rain water. Vision meeting—open, decentralized democratic process 3. Sen. Anthony—Getting the word out about SAC. 4. Leg. Ryan—Region 4 conference/elections/etc. Region 4—hurting for officers—one regional representative instead of two. Meeting on Sunday, 16th in Los Angeles’ Westin Bonaventure; conferences alternate between northern and southern California. Subject matter: jurisdiction. Sesario—it’s the general assembly of the state student senate— statewide student advocacy—going over student government; resolutions passed by state student senate, issues. If you go, you cannot vote. Ryan votes. There will be workshops. State student government operates convention. Statewide representation is very active. Opportunity to elect state officers. 5. ICC Mil—News regarding the Zine. Need for newspapers—lot of talking on campus. Digital media. Advisers. There is a need for the Zine. The voice may or may not exist next year because of budget cuts and readership. Few students. The Voice—after two to three weeks—students drop out due to controlling adviser. Richard—my issue—amount of money to print it—possibly an online magazine. Mil— entertain the idea. Benjamin—what are the options? Printing, costs. Mil— quotes—very possible. Steven—explanation of why voice can be needed— constantly heard Sesario saying the senate couldn’t remain full. Instead of a split between the Voice; let’s put our efforts and interests into The Voice. Ryan—Steven’s comment well-taken. Infectious issue is the budget. Katie— the voice is a sick dog. We could shoot it. Do we fix what’s broken or start something again. Mil—in terms of fixing the voice, if you have a full staff, and after two weeks, he’s the editor and chief, the dictator of the newspaper. He has edited headlines, pages; legal problems. 6. Sen. Timmie and Will—“Houston, we have a bike co op.” Gabe’s old storage spot. Next to elevator. Meeting with Sesario tomorrow afternoon. Need one more senator to help out. 7. ICC Mil—$600 from Conferences for AGS Conf. 16 members signed-up, interested in going. Advisers Billy Paul and Sky Gentille interested. 3-day, 2-night event. 16 people. 3 Advisors. Total cost $4,385. Asked every member interested to pay $50 co-pay. $3,135 after copay from all interested. Several keynote speakers. Workshops. Speakers at nighttime and Sunday morning. Vital experience for AGS members. Eric Barbour—First convention—4 years ago—made decision to become an officer. Conventions in general: they are amazing. Tom—convention will give members an opportunity to come together. They can get leadership skills and bring them back to campus. Mil—been to AGS convention—keep in mind that AGS is largest club on campus. Benjamin—most favored club and trading nation; might be neglecting other clubs. Gary—conference is a great idea— suggested leadership. Jon—as many people ought to have opportunity to attend as possible—the co-pay may turn interested students away from event. Never suggest it again. Heard ridiculous complaints; quite a few members would go. Thera—small committee meeting. General members don’t show up to social events. Motion to upgrade to action item: Timmie/Mil (15/1) Approved Eric—This has been a problem with the student senate’s conventions. People will say that they are interested. We return their money, people don’t show up. I am actually going to attend this. Dig-its has a co-pay of one hundred dollars. Thera—if someone wanted to go and had a problem—would be brought to the execute board—need help with co-pay. Rebeca—many people embarrassed to come to ask for money. $3000 from Programs for AGS conference: Ben/Nicola (16/0) Approved VIII. EVENT UPDATES/REVIEW 1. Social Justice—Rebeca Tomorrow is deadline to submit application online. If you want to present; please fill out application. If you want to turn in a paper or an artistic representation. Up to students to determine the kinds of presentations for all students on campus. If you know of people who are great presenters. Connection with community agency or organization. Invite them to campus. 15 applications. Sesario—approximately 35 presenters last year. Slots for people to come and present. Steven and friends doing a panel. 2. Elections—VP Ben and Eric. Start recruiting on the 12th. Get people out in community. Passed handouts to senators. Target Political Science classes. List of all teachers okay. We have AGS, putting it out to members. Shooting for four days of booths. Voter rover. Mil—created the first voice ad of the elections. IX. COMMITTEE REPORTS Welcome Week—Rebeca—Discussion about a talent show: morning and evening. 5-9pm. Sending an email to everyone. This is about the entire student senate. Everyone should stop by at some point. Seemed like there were only a few people. Equally honored and appreciated. ICC—Cesar Chavez Day—planning on going to SSS meeting in Watsonville. To connect with them and have a presence. SAC Meeting—Tuesday at 2pm. Try and develop something to give incentive to people to go out. And get businesses to support it. Master Goal A—increase effectiveness of student outlook—1-3pm at Horticulture Center. AD HOC COMMITTEES INTERNAL EXTERNAL COMMITTEE REPORTS X. ADVISOR REPORTS Sesario—didn’t say you couldn’t keep the full senate. Often, senators don’t realize how much work is involved. Next week, Gabe and I will be at CCCSAA. Very confident that senate can run itself. Keys available for checkout. April 15th Advocacy—asking for a van of 5-10 people, someone from faculty senate, student senate, students, adviser. 10am. Talking points: What is the impact of budget cuts on you? They are hearing presentations constantly from K-12. XI. AGENDA BUILDING XII. ADJOURNMENT 5:45