Associated Students of Cabrillo College Minutes Student Senate Chamber SAC EAST Room 225 Thursday, October 30, 2008 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM ‘Note ending time for this and Executive Board meeting’ While this location is considered accessible to those with ambulatory difficulties, the Associated Students of Cabrillo College hope to encourage full participation in student government and advocacy. If we can provide you with disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services than would facilitate your attendance at our meetings, please call Nicki or Alta at Disabled Student Program and Services, at 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though on-campus transportation can be called for at any time. Meeting commences at 3:02 I. ORGANIZATIONAL ITEMS 1. Call to Order/Roll Call President: Rebeca Villafana present Voting Members: 16 Aleana Zaldana present Anthony Garza excused Christina Carolus present David Duhl present Dorothea Arnold present Elowyn Corby present Eric Barbour present Fenix Bedoya present Gary Meyer present Geoffrey Stanfield present Leo Cruz excused Lupe Ortiz present Maxwell Bay present Michelle Giovannari present Rebecca Fortune present Sophia Forde excused Advisors: 1.Gabe Gutierrez absent 2.Sesario Escoto present Liaisons: Ryan Kaplan Tully Gibney Voting Members: absent present 13 2. Voting members needed for quorum (1/2 + 1): 7 Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 10 Approval of Agenda for 10/16/08 Rebeca: Executive item 2 stricken Geoffrey: Action item number 4 should be changed $70 is from programs Rebeca: action item #2 will be taken on by Lupe Ortiz Dorothea: wishes to post pone action item 5 till next meeting MG: I would like to have an Info item 5 for MLK day for $2000 from cultural events for food. Eric: moves to approve agenda Michelle: 2nd Approved 13/0 3. Approval of Minutes from 10/23/08 Geoffrey moves to excuse Elowyn for absence on 10/23/08 Max 2nds Approved 13/0 Change minutes Oct 23 to reflects Lupe’s tardy number Becka: action item 4 should also be moved to info item Senator reports: strike Elowyn’s counts Gary: Again, I did not receive meeting minutes. His correct email address is Approval of the minutes moved by Geoffrey 2nd by Dorothea Approved 12/1 II. REVIEW NEW SENATOR APPLICATIONS AND APPOINTMENTS minutes) III. PUBLIC COMMENTS (5 minutes each) (10 This portion of the meeting is reserved for those wishing to address the Student Senate on any matter. No action will be taken. If needed, the item will be placed on the agenda of a future meeting. IV. PRESIDENT’S REPORT (5 minutes) Rebeca: I need you to email me your evaluation of me, so I can improve. There is going to be a gathering in Watsonville at Pajaro Valley Arts council. Honoring Ancestors for Dia De Los Muertos on Nov 1 V. VI. PROCEDURAL ITEMS (5 minutes) 1. Purchase water purifier cartridges. 2. HP Laser Jet Toner Cartridges 27HP C4127X for Senate Office Printer HP 4050n. Estimated cost is $112 each. SPECIAL PRESENTATION BY THE BUSINESS OFFICE Rebeca: before we move on I forgot to add the business office presentation so Becky and Roary so if we can take some of the items. Everyone nods Eric: we can strike info 1 Geoffrey: action 4 next week Gary: I will sponsor Anthony’s action item 3 Gary: we can table info 4 Becky Sole: I will be preparing your budget Geoffrey: Can you get trends in spending info for us Eric: the reason why we have so few questions is we have little knowledge so please tell us something Becky: so your budget for this semester was decided by the senate last semester. So this semester you will be making a spending plan for the next student senate. You should try to stick to that plan because it has been approved by the board. All budget transfers must be between the same funds. The Audit process is when Sesario signs that paper work. It means that you are within compliance. Then we approve. Then we have an outside auditor. They pull our purchase requisitions to make sure we are in compliance so it gets checked 3 times. MG: What would raise a flag ? Becky: Over spending in one of your accounts will send up a flag. If you only budget a certain amount you cannot ask for a purchase requisition for over that amount. Sesario: At the end of every month I’m asking the club to produce a report of their expenses. Becka: I just wanted to say in regards to our budget. I show these reports up on the screen for those of you who don’t ask me about our budget. Roary: It’s all about enrollment. The more bodies enroll the more funds you have. Dorothea: There is a rumor on Campus that there maybe 150 classes cut in the next 3 years Roary: Now there is a lot of thought about that but we haven’t decided anything. Elowyn: is there anything you would like from us? Becky: Original receipts are a must we have to have it. Completeness is the key. We have to have full vendor information for services. And please do not pay a service for vender out of your pocket and turn around to get your money back from them. Becky: I did not prepare these budgets because I was just handed these budgets in July. If you have any questions about what is on here then come and ask me and I would be more than happy to come back here for you. Eric: what is the biggest problem? Becky: Never pay a vendor out of your pocket because you haven’t got your purchase requisition in on time we can’t do that. Sesario: You request a check 2-3 weeks before an event. You got the invoice the tax id from the vendor you got the minutes you get approve and you get the check on time. Becky: We cannot process emergency checks we are short staff we cannot do that anymore. If your paper work is in on Friday your check will be cut on Tuesday. Sesario: When the vendor gives you the credit card voucher they give a receipt so take that. Becky: Also no alcohol on a receipt we look for that. Becky: Anything else? You can email me or ask me back Rebeca: Thank you Becky and Roary VII. ACTION ITEMS (7 minutes each) 1. Legislative Rep. Anthony Garza – Request the Student Senate approve $4,500 for the Third Social Justice Conference on May 2 nd, 2009. Anthony Garza is sick excused absence tabled for next week 2. Watsonville Rep. Paul Carrillo – Motion to approve $700 from Cultural Events for the Dia de los Muertos event on November 3 rd. This item has been carried by Lupe in Paul’s absence Moved by Lupe 2nd by Fenix Approved 12/1 Fenix: Just to remind the senate Paul made a presentation for the budget 3. Legislative Rep. Anthony Garza – Motion to approve $800 from Student Rep Fee account to cover the full cost of sending 3 students and one advisor to the SSCCC General Assembly Conference on October 24 th through the 26th. Moved by Gary 2nd by David Approved 12/1 Geoffrey: I seem to recall a different amount last week where did this $800 come from. 4. Senator Geoffrey Stanfield – Motion to approve up to $70 from Equipment account to purchase a coffee maker. Tabled for next week. 5. Senator Fenix Bedoya – Would like to propose the allocation of funds for the Sustainability committee members to attend the "This Way to Sustainability IV, Nov 6-9, 2008, hosted by CSUC. Postponed till next week 6. Trustee Gary Meyer – Motion to allocate up to $6,300 from Student Center Fee for the purchase of a Lobby Television and DVD Player. The future television network connectivity to be provided by a future ASCC action. Moved by Gary 2nd by David Approved 13/0 Moved by Gary to change the wording to “up to $6,300” 2nd by Geoffrey Approved 13/0 VIII. INFO ITEMS (7 minutes each) 1. Senator Eric Barbour – Concept Adz, Photocopiers and Photocopies at no charge to the students, staff, faculty or staff. Stricken 2. Trustee Gary Meyer – Request the Senate send ASCC Student Senators and an advisor to the CCLC Annual Convention and Partner Conference, November 20-22nd, 2008, in Anaheim, CA. Gary: I did here back that Brian king is willing to be our advisor Becka: I want to talk about the difference between the one in Anaheim and the one nearby 2 months later so we can eliminate this cost from our budget. Gary: At the legislative conference in Sacramento you will be learning about legislation. The conference in Anaheim is different the first part is focused on the trustees, Board of Governors, and leaders. The second part is focused on partnership some of the strands are going to be on brown act. They are both very different. CCLC has 2 main focuses legislation and Education with the advisory to the Governing Board. Geoffrey: shouldn’t we just send every one who wants to go to Anaheim on a bus? Why are we so fixed on the idea of flying. 3. Treasurer Becka Fortune – Budget Amendment – The Student Senate needs to make an amendment to the Student Center Fee account. Currently, we cannot buy ‘supplies’ such as water or toner because the funds are labeled ‘equipment.’ Becka: $400,000 for the café, $35000 for the cafeteria, and $50,000 for equipment. So we should move $5000 from equipment to a new account called supplies under student center fee account bringing our $50,000 for equipment down to $45,000 4. MG next week there will be an action item for this they will be asking for $2000 for the food and labor. Geoffrey: what kind of Food are they going to be purchasing and are they going to use the SAC card? MG: I don’t think they are going to be using the sack card. And they will go over the food next week. Geoffrey: I would personally like to review the budget for what this food is. Sesario: What do you mean you $500 for the caterers? MG: the caterers who get paid to cook the food. 5. IX. Trustee Gary Meyer – Request the Senate organize an On-Campus Parliamentary Procedure Workshop with Bruce Bishop. SENATOR REPORTS (3 minutes each) This portion of the agenda is reserved for senators who have information to report from internal and external committees. Additionally, if there is a personal accomplishment or challenge you are facing, feel free to include it in this report. JUST MAKE SURE TO STICK TO THE 5 MINUTE ALLOTMENT SO EVERYONE CAN HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE WITH THE GROUP. Geoffrey: I would like to have a cultural event about the Chinese lunar new year Michelle: I spoke with Jaime from Taher. We want to improve the food from Taher. Dorothea: I went the general assembly last week and it was a great benefit. I also went to a couple meetings about starting a diversity committee on campus to help promote more cultural events on campus. Rebeca: we do have a cultural events committee. Lupe: We all know that there is a Halloween event in Watsonville. It would be great if you would come to Watsonville and support. Becka: things are mysteriously disappearing from my mailbox, please put anything you want to give me on my desk and not on my mailbox. Gary: There is a governing board meeting at the Sesnon House Monday at 5:30. And every one is welcome to take the podium during public comments. I m looking forward to see you there on Monday Max: a couple things have been going on the 2nd harvest committee. Becka and I had a meeting with Brian King the other day. We are going to be sending out a email inviting the professors to participate In collecting food for 2nd harvest. In December we are looking forward to have our first food distribution event Elowyn: I need some one to be there for 1st half our to help people get on the right shuttle. To vote. Eric: So things like the MLK which is not on the Agenda we can bring it up in public comments because we are violating the brown act MG: there were 3 new clubs approved last week. Outdoor club, International Friends, Crafts Michelle: Jaime from Taher he wants to come to the events so he does not prepare more food then necessary. Rebeca: when clubs who have food sales for this type of event. So when less people go to cafeteria some of the food that they produced in preparation goes to waste X. ADVISOR REPORTS (5 minutes each) Sesario: College and Career night you will see a display of a lot of Career information. I want to support the Watsonville center and the LLN here so if you want to catch a ride with me. Also I sent you all information about the budget and I sent you a proposal for the Annual Legislative Conference on Jan 25 so I sent you the budget for that. When it comes to rumors please lets educate our selves by going to the meetings. It is projected to be 400 full time units that are going to be cut. Rebeca: So I think it is important that we show a presence at College and Career night like staffing the table to make we have full coverage for our table. XI. AGENDA BUILDING (5 minutes) Geoffrey: coffee and CPR purchase will be action items Info item for Chinese lunar new year Becka: 1.I would like to move info item 3 to Action item and budget amendment to add a line item blue books for Scotts Valley and Watsonville Info item for budget committees debit card proposal Info item for ASCC shirts Info for campus enthusiasm for comedy event Michelle info item monthly senate juicing outreach Gary: I would like to add action item for lobby computer and table computer to provide a proof of concept Info to allocate funds for: Opera, Native American Speakers, & Puente Move info item 2 to Action items to fund attendants Info on parliamentary procedure workshop Info on sending legislative rep and Senator Stanfield to CCLC Legislative league Conference MG add an action item for cultural events to MLK day