Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 STUDENT SENATE MEETING MINUTES Location: 6500 Soquel Dr. Aptos, CA 95003 SAC East Rm. 225 Date and Time: th Thursday, October 15 , 2009 3:00 PM th NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate will hold a meeting on Thursday, October 15 , 2009. The meeting time and location information is noted on the agenda. We hope to encourage full participation in student government and advocacy. If you have any questions, please contact us at 831.477.5677. If needed, you can be provided with any disabilityrelated modification or accommodations; please call Disabled Student Program and Services at (831) 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though on-campus transportation can be called for at any time. I. Call to Order at 3:00 p.m. A. Roll Call Voting Members: 13 Voting members needed for quorum (½+1): 7.5 Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 8.66 II. Adoption of the Agenda Kayleb moved to permanently strike Article VII, Section A. Christian moved to adopt the Agenda for Thursday, October 15, 2009. Geoffrey seconded. Passed unanimously. III. Approval of the Minutes 8th A. Meeting Minutes from October , 2009 Geoffrey moved to state clearly under Article V item B; that he was sworn in after item Article VII item H. th Christian moved to approve the minutes from October, 8 , 2009. Luis seconded. Passed unanimously. Theo was marked present at 3:03 p.m. IV. Procedural A. Office Supplies Action Beames 1 Minute This item is on for action of up to $1,000 from Supplies Account for various needed Office Supplies. Item passed unanimously. V. Public Comments This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda. There will be a limit of three (3) minutes per speaker. Kevin Feliciano President of ASB at Ohlone College and Chair of Region IV Derek (Games and Media Enthusiast Society)- proposal to approve funds to purchase a projector system for the cafeteria for the use of the different clubs; asking for under $1,000 including warranty. VI. Old Business A. Nursing Student Graduation Discussion/Possible Action Juarez 5 Minutes This item is on for discussion and/or action of up to $1,100 from Programs for the Cabrillo Nursing Graduation. Nahayeli moved to approve up to $1,100 from Programs for the Cabrillo Nursing Graduation. Ivan seconded. Noemi moved to amend the motion from $1,100 to $900 from Programs for the Cabrillo Nursing Graduation. Christian seconded. Aye:12/Nay:2 Main Motion: This motion is to approve up to $900 from Programs for the Cabrillo Nursing Graduation. Aye:6/Nay:8 B. Thanksgiving Event Discussion/Possible Action Giovannari 5 Minutes This item is on for discussion and/or action of up to $3,000 from Cultural Events account for Thanksgiving event. Cabrillo College Student Senate Meeting Minutes: October 15, 2009 1 Geoffrey moved to table this item until such time as Senator Michelle Giovannari is present. Luis seconded. Passed unanimously. **Item was taken action during Article VIII, Section D VII. New Business A. Faculty Senate Student Secretary Laptop Discussion/Possible Action Spencer 5 Minutes This item is to discuss and/or action of up to $1,600 from Equipment fund for a laptop for the Faculty Senate Student Secretary. B. MESA Tutoring Sponsorship Discussion/Possible Action Offei This item is for discussion and/or action of up to $10,000 from Programs for MESA tutors. Theo moved to approve up to $10,000 from Programs account for MESA tutors. Morgan seconded. Geoffrey moved for a time extension of 10 minutes. Goretti seconded. Aye:10/Nay:3 Morgan moved for a time extension of 7 minutes. Theo seconded. Aye:9/Nay:4 Geoffrey moved to postpone this item for 1 week. Aye:11/Nay:2 Gabriela and Michelle were marked present at 3:30 p.m. 5 Minutes C. Senate Office Policies Discussion/Possible Action Spencer 5 Minutes This item is for discussion and/or action to promote professionalism in the Senate offices with both Senators and our constituents. Theo moved for a time extension of 3 minutes. Kayleb seconded. Aye:4/Nay:10 D. Project O.S.C.R. Discussion/Possible Action Stanfield 5 Minutes This item is for discussion and/or action for Student Senate to promote Optional Student Credit Rations on campus for Winter and Spring Semester. Morgan moved for a time extension of 5 minutes. Luis seconded. Aye:5/Nay:9 Chair asked for consensus. Gabriela blocked consensus. E. Bake Sale for Communications Students Discussion/Possible Action Peeden 5 Minutes This item is for discussion and/or action to allow bake sales for Communication Major Scholarships. Christian moved to allow bake sales for Communication Major Scholarships. Geoffrey seconded. *Item moved to the ICC VIII. Reports As Needed Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers and Committees report on Senate Activities. 3 Minutes Ea. A. Executive Officers President: Kaycee Beames -Planned Parenthood will not be serving Cabrillo this year due to funding -Considering changing the Oath -Marketing Communication Director (Christian interested; contact Denis) -Horticulture Center plant sale until Oct.17 -CTE (Career Technical Education) Student Rep - Reminder of Goals: Student Success, Student Communication, Watsonville & Scotts Valley Campus Vice President: Geoffrey Stanfield -Committee Reports -Constitution & Bylaws Committee meeting on Wednesday at 4 p.m. in SAC East -Email: Treasurer: Christian Rivera -Budget Committee on Monday; sending out doodle poll Student Trustee: Laqrecia Clarke- Not Present Legislative Representative: Gerardo Avila -General Assembly; release forms, if not attending find a replacement -Attended the SSCCC Council Meeting Inter-Club Council Chair: Yeraldin Zavala -Chartered three new clubs nd -Chair of Second Harvest; 2 Harvest meeting Friday from 9-3 Watsonville Representative: José Hernandez -Reduced 1 janitor; moved to the Aptos Campus Scotts Valley Representative: Kayleb Spencer -Relocation possibility -Fast Track to Work Liaison (Geoffrey interested) Cabrillo College Student Senate Meeting Minutes: October 15, 2009 2 -Senate Office Policies B. Senators-at-Large Noemi Duran Ivan Ramirez -SAC Card Committee meeting at 11am Nahayeli Juarez Luis Medina -Instructional Grants Com. Michelle Giovannari -Sub Committee for MESA -Thanksgiving Committee Morgan Schreiber -CCCSAA Gabriela Avila -Participate w/ the food requests -Office Policies Chris Peeden Jeff Vella Theo Offei -MESA; Student Success Griselda Rodriguez Goretti Gomez -MESA C. Advisers Sesario Escoto -Softwear Update Program $190 -Student Activities Coordinator -Buss Pass deficit -CCCSAA -SAC Card; IHOP discounts D. Committees Thanksgiving Committee Will be serving at Watsonville & Aptos Campus 5 Minutes 5 Minutes Giovannari IX. Agenda Requests Pass Around X. Announcements A. Refrigerator/Microwave Weekly List is Up 2 Minutes XI. Adjournment at 4:42 p.m. Executive Meeting XII. Call to Order at 4:49 p.m. A. Roll Call Voting Members: 6 Voting members needed for quorum (½+1): 4 Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 4 XIII. Adoption of the Executive Agenda Christian moved to strike the time limit of 10 minutes on Article XVI Sections A, B, and C. Geoffrey seconded. Passed unanimously. Geoffrey moved to adopt the Executive Agenda for Thursday, October 15, 2009. Christian seconded. Passed unanimously. XIV. Approval of the Executive Minutes th A. Meeting Minutes from September 17 , 2009 th B. Meeting Minutes from September 24 , 2009 Geoffrey moved to table Sections A, and B. Gerardo seconded. Passed unanimously. Cabrillo College Student Senate Meeting Minutes: October 15, 2009 3 th C.Meeting Minutes from October 8 , 2009 th Geoffrey moved to approve the executive minutes from October 8 , 2009. Gerardo seconded. Passed unanimously. XV. Special Orders A. Discussion of Meeting All 10 Minutes B. Discussion of any Pending Absences and Tardies All 4 Minutes This item is to discuss any Senator’s absence or tardy to be put on next week’s meeting for a vote. Jeff, Laqricia, and Chris excusal due to infirmity. Michelle and Gabriela excusal due to food acquisition. XVI. New Business A. Disciplinary Hearing Discussion/Possible Action This item is to discuss disciplinary action for Gerardo Avila. Tabled item after Section B. Beames 10 Minutes B. Disciplinary Hearing Discussion/Possible Action This item is to discuss disciplinary action for Noemi Duran. Beames 10 Minutes C. Disciplinary Hearing Discussion/Possible Action This item is to discuss disciplinary action for Yeraldin Zavala. Moved item up before Section B. Beames 10 Minutes Christian moved to follow Kaycee’s request to ask Ivan, Gerardo, and Noemi to resign. Jose seconded. Christian moved to amend the motion from resignation to dismissal. No second. Motion failed. Main Motion: This motion is to follow Kaycee’s request to ask Ivan, Gerardo, and Noemi to resign. Aye:4/Abs:2 Ivan resigned, Gerardo does not resign, Noemi does not resign. D. Agenda Request Requirements Discussion/Possible Action This item is to discuss and/or adopt new agenda request requirements. Item tabled. XVII. Advisor Reports Sesario Escoto -Buss Passes; idea require a number of units (how many) raise price fee -Coordinator of Student Activities Temporarily hourly person XVIII. Executive Agenda Requests XIX. Adjournment at 5:49 p.m. Cabrillo College Student Senate Meeting Minutes: October 15, 2009 Stanfield 5 Minutes 5 Minutes 4