Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
318 Union St.
Watsonville, CA 95003
RM 4340
Date and Time:
Thursday, October 1 , 2009
3:30 PM
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate will hold a meeting on Thursday, October 1 , 2009. The
meeting time and location information is noted on the agenda. We hope to encourage full participation in student government and
advocacy. If you have any questions, please contact us at 831.477.5677. If needed, you can be provided with any disabilityrelated modification or accommodations; please call Disabled Student Program and Services at (831) 479-6379. Requests
should be made as early as possible, though on-campus transportation can be called for at any time.
Call to Order at 3:34 p.m.
A. Roll Call
Voting Members: 14; after Section V pending newly-sworn-in Senators: 16
Voting members needed for quorum (½+1): 8; after Section V pending newly-sworn-in Senators: 9
Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 9.3; after Section V pending newly-sworn-in Senators: 10.67
Adoption of the Agenda
Kaycee moved to extended the time for Presidents Report to 10 minutes.
Kaycee moved to extended the time for Sesario’s Adviser Report to 15 minutes.
Gabriela extended the time on Article VIII: Old Business, Sections E and F to 10 minutes each.
Kaycee moved to strike closed session.
Passed unanimously.
Nahum, Christian, and Ivan were marked present at 3:38 p.m.
Approval of the Minutes
A. Meeting Minutes from September 24 , 2009
Christian moved to add Griselda’s name under Public Comments, to state that Christian and Griselda sponsored
Geoffrey Standfield’s proposal of the Halloween Event.
Passed unanimously.
A. Absence 9.17.09: Kaycee Beames
B. Tardies 9.17.09: All Involved with Welcome Week
C. Absence 9.24.09: José Hernandez
*Items A, B, and C were passed unanimously.
Public Comments
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda.
There will be a limit of three (3) minutes per speaker.
Paul- Proposed a new music group; club charter
Lupe- gave out Welcome Week thanks to Gabriela and all who participated; Lupe will be working with Jose to put up
something at the Watsonville Center for Halloween and Day of the Dead.
Executive Board Recommendations:
Excusal due to sickness.
Excusal due to Welcome Week Cleanup.
Excusal due to death of friend.
VI. Special Orders
Nahum moved to amend Special Orders, Item A to say from Non-Contended Position Applicants to Contended Position
Applicants. Luis seconded. Passed unanimously.
A. Non- Contended Position Applications
Discussion/Possible Action
3 Minutes ea.
Applicants have 4 minutes to speak and answer questions.
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, October 1 , 2009.
Jeff Vella for Student Trustee
LaQrecia Clarke for Student Trustee
Alex for Senator at Large
Adam King for Senator at Large
Theo Offei for Senator at Large
Irma Torres for Senator at Large
Morgan was marked present at 3:55 p.m.
B. Swear In (if voted in) Positions
LaQrecia Clarke; Student Trustee passed by of majority roll call vote
Theo Offei; Senator at Large passes by majority of roll call vote
A. Communication
B. Region IV Meeting highlights/Leg Rep Info
2 Minutes
Mayo, Rachel
Avila, Gerardo
20 Minutes
7 Minutes
Old Business
A. Food at Senate Meetings
3 Minutes
This item is on for discussion and/or action of up to $1,395 from Programs account for food at Senate Meetings.
Michelle moved to approve up to $1,395 from Programs account for food at Senate Meetings. Gabriela seconded.
Main Motion: This motion to approve up to $1,395 from Programs account for food at Senate Meetings. Aye:12/Nay:1
B. National Equality March
Rivera (Both)
7 Minutes
This item is on for a discussion and/or action of up to $6,000 from Programs for the National Equality March
in Washington, D.C for October 10 - 12 with one Adviser and up to 6 students.
Christian moved to approve up to $6,000 from Programs for the
National Equality March in Washington, D.C on
October 10 - 12 with one Adviser and up to 6 students. Luis seconded.
Yeraldin moved to extend time by 5 minutes. Luis seconded. Aye:9/ Nay:7
Gabriela moved to amend the motion for the action of up to $2,000 from Programs for the
National Equality March
in Washington, D.C on October 10 - 12 with one Adviser and up to how ever many students can attend.
Michelle seconded.
Main Motion: This motion is to approve up to $2,000 from Programs for the National Equality March
in Washington, D.C on October 10 - 12 with one Adviser and up to how ever many students can attend.
Aye:13/ Nay:3/ Abs:1
C. H1N1 Flu Preparation Materials
3 Minutes
This item is on for discussion and/or action of up to $1250.00 from the Programs account to contribute to the
costs of pandemic flu preparation materials in the Student Health Center.
Morgan moved to approve up to $1,250.00 from the Programs account to contribute to the
costs of pandemic flu
preparation materials in the Student Health Center. Gerardo seconded. Passed unanimously.
D. All College Grants Committee Budget Request Action
Rivera, Nahum 3 Minutes
This item is to discuss whether or not the All College Grants Fund receives $2,200 from Programs account.
Nahum moved to approve $2,200 from Programs account for the All College Grants. Luis seconded.
Nahayeli moved to extend time for 5 minutes. Luis seconded. Aye:8/ Nay:8
Main Motion: This motion is to approve $2,200 from Programs account for the All College Grants.Aye:3/ Nay:13/ Abs:1
CLOSED SESSION (According to Ed Code 54954 and Public Employee Ed Code 54956.7):
E. ASCC Discipline/Dismissal/Relief
Avila, Gabriela 5 Minutes
This item is on for action for the Senate to overturn the Executive Board's disciplinary action of Nahum Rivera.
Gabriela moved to override the Executive Board's disciplinary action of a16 week probation status to dismissal.
Jose seconded.
Jeff moved for a time extension of 5 minutes. Nahayeli seconded. Aye:8/ Nay:7
Main Motion: This motion is to override the Executive Board's disciplinary action of a16 week probation status to
dismissal. Aye:8/ Nay:3
F. ASCC Discipline/Dismissal/Relief
Avila, Gabriela 5 Minutes
This item is on for action for the Senate to overturn the Executive Board's disciplinary action of Ivan Ramirez.
Gabriela moved to override the Executives Board’s disciplinary action of a 2 week probation status to dismissal.
Christian moved for a 3 minute extension. Jeff seconded. Aye:8/ Nay:8
Gerardo moved to override the decision of dismissal to a period of an 8 week probation. Jose seconded.
Nahayeli moved for a 5 minute extension. Jeff seconded. Aye:9/ Nay:6
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, October 1 , 2009.
Main motion: This motion is to amend the dismissal disciplinary action to 8 weeks of probation. Aye:0/ Nay:9
Main Motion: This motion is to override the decision of the Executive Board of Ivan’s 2 week probation to dismissal.
Aye:7/ Nay:4
Kaycee moved for a 5 minute break. Aye:11/ Nay:5
Meeting called back to order at 6:20 p.m.
Kaycee moves to adjourn at 6:24 p.m.
Meeting called to order at 6:50 p.m.
Voting Members: 13
Voting members needed for quorum (½+1): 7.5
Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 8.7
New Business
A. General Assembly
Discussion/Possible Action
Avila, Gerardo 5 Minutes
This item is on for discussion and/or action of up to $3,800 Dollars from the Student Representative Fund for
the SSCCC General Assembly on November 6 - 8 in San Francisco.
Gerardo moved to appropriate up to $3,800 from the Student Representative Fee for the SSCCC General Assembly on
th th
November 6 -8 in San Francisco. Michelle seconded. Passed unanimously.
B. Binoculars for Astronomy Students
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is on for discussion and/or action of up to $1,000 for 10 binoculars for long-term student use in
Astronomy class.
Item Tabled.
C. SSCCC Council Meeting
Discussion/Possible Action
Avila, Gerardo 5 Minutes
This item is on for discussion and/or action of up to $400 for ASCC Representative(s) to attend the SSCCC
Council Meeting on Oct. 10-11 in Sacramento.
Gerardo moved to appropriate up to $400 for ASCC Representative(s) to attend the SSCCC Council Meeting on
Oct. 10-11 in Sacramento. Michelle seconded. Passed unanimously.
5 Minutes
D. Simon Sedillo, Speaker
Discussion/Possible Action
This item is on for discussion and/or action of up to $1,000 from account for Simon Sedillo to speak at both
Aptos Campus and Watsonville Center.
Item Tabled.
E. National Conference on Student Leadership
Discussion/Possible Action
Avila, Gerardo 5 10 Minutes
This item is on for discussion and/or action of up to $7,000 from the Student Rep. Fee account for 6 Student
Senators to attend a National Conference which will take place in Los .Angeles on October 22 -25 , 2009.
Gerardo moved to appropriate up to $7,000 from the Student Representative Fee for 6 Senators to attend a National
Conference in Los Angeles on October 22 -25 , 2009. Michelle seconded.
LaQricia moved for a 2 minute time extension. Jeff seconded. Aye:9/ Nay:4
LaQricia moved to amend the motion from $7,000 to $4,300 from 6 senators to 4 to attend a National Conference in Los
Angeles on October 22 -25 , 2009. Jeff seconded. Passed unanimously.
Main Motion: This motion is to appropriate up to $4,300 from Student Representative Fee for 4 Student Senators to
attend a National Conference in Los Angeles on October 23 -25 , 2009. Passed unanimously.
F. Look-a-Book Account Finalization
Discussion/Possible Action
Avila, Gabriela 5 10 Minutes
This item is to discuss and/or act to permanently replace the Look, a Book! Program, currently in an interim
position, with the account previously held for Book Loans, to rename the account and prepare $3,000 for spring.
Item Tabled.
G. Faculty Senate Student Secretary Laptop
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is to discuss and/or action of up to $1,600 for a laptop for the Faculty Senate Student Secretary.
Item Tabled.
H. Brink’s Trophy
Discussion/Possible Action
Rivera, Christian 5 Minutes
This item is to discuss and/or act on up to $200 from the programs account to pay an outstanding balance from
last year’s Senate in regards to awards.
Christian moved to appropriate up to $200 from the Programs account to pay an outstanding balance from last year’s
Senate in regards to awards. Jeff seconded. Passed unanimously.
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, October 1 , 2009.
I. Club-Sponsored Halloween Event
Discussion/Possible Action
Rivera, Christian 5 Minutes
This item is on for discussion and/or action to allocate up to $2,500 from the Cultural Events account for the
implementation of a Halloween Event at Cabrillo College.
Item Tabled.
As Needed
Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers and Committees report on Senate Activities.
3 Minutes Ea.
A. Executive Officers
President: Kaycee Beames (10 min.)
Petitions to fight for the recession; Help out with letters for a student: Colter White;
Water Color exhibition; Break between Spring and Summer Sessions for 2 weeks; Aye:15, 1 week break; Aye:2
Running Start Committee Meeting on Monday October 5 from 2-4 p.m. with Anya
Legeslative Representative: Gerardo Avila
Welcomed new Senators
Vice President: Nahum Rivera
Inter-Club Council Chair: Yeraldin Zavala
Club Week: Monday, October 7 from 10a.m. to 2p.m. in the Quad
Treasurer: Christian Rivera
Apologized for the way he resigned from his position
Watsonville Representative: José Hernandez
Student Trustee: LaQricia Clarke
Scotts Valley Representative: Kayleb Spencer
Part of the Running Start Committee
B. Senators-at-Large
Nahayeli Juarez
Welcomed new Senators
CSU Application Workshops on Monday October 5 and Tuesday October 6 in SAC West in room 201
Raise awareness on who and what the Senate is
Goretti Gomez
Signed up for committe
Noemi Duran
Suggested ICC Chair to encourage clubs and athletes to wear club t-shirts or jerseys.
Ivan Ramirez
Griselda Rodriguez
Luis Medina
Michelle Giovannari
Review minutes before the meetings
Asked for food requests to be emailed to her by 1 on Thursday to have food at the following meetings
Morgan Schreiber
Gabriela Avila
Congratulated new Senators
Chris Peeden
Jeff Vella
Encouraged everyone to become more organized and to communicate better
Suggested everyone to sign up for more than one committee
Theo Offei
Suggests the Senate to work together more closely.
C. Advisers
Sesario Escoto
15 minutes
Thanksgiving Dinner item for agenda
Organize Senate Tabling for Club Week
3 CSSAA Conference spots open; need to be filled
Student Activity Coordinator resigned; position to be filled
$190 Softwear update for Student Activity Coordinator for website updates; asking for a sponsor
D. Committees
A. Retreat Committee
Had a budget of $7,000 and only spent $4,083.80 which gives a balance of $2,916.20
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, October 1 , 2009.
4 Minutes Ea.
B. Legislative Committee
Avila, Gerardo
Will be sending out an email with information about the upcoming conferences
Agenda Requests
A. State-Wide Community College Walk-Out, Rally possibility on October 24
B. Refrigerator/Microwave area Long-Term Clean Up Procedures
Each week a Senator will clean out the Refrigerator/Microwave; Kaycee will be doing it the first week
2 Minutes
Adjournment at 8:00 p.m.
Executive Meeting Postponed.
Call to Order
A. Roll Call
Adoption of the Executive Agenda
Approval of the Executive Minutes
A. Meeting Minutes from September 17 , 2009
B. Meeting Minutes from September 24 , 2009
Special Orders
A. Discussion of Meeting
B. Discussion of any Pending Absences and Tardies
This item is to discuss any Senator’s absence or tardy to be put on next week’s meeting for a vote.
10 Minutes
4 Minutes
New Business
A. New Position in the Senate
5 Minutes
This item is on to discuss and/or act on creating a new position in the Senate of Executive to Public Relations—
to be put in our Bylaws and Constitution updates pending election.
Advisor Reports
Sesario Escoto
Executive Agenda Requests
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, October 1 , 2009.
Gabe Gutierrez