Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 ________________________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT SENATE MEETING MINUTES Location: 6500 Soquel Dr. Aptos, CA 95003 SAC West Room 202 Date and Time: th Thursday, September 24 , 2009 3:10 PM th NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate will hold a meeting on Thursday, September 24 , 2009. The meeting time and location information is noted on the agenda. We hope to encourage full participation in student government and advocacy. If you have any questions, please contact us at 831.477.5677. If needed, you can be provided with any disabilityrelated modification or accommodations; please call Disabled Student Program and Services at (831) 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though on-campus transportation can be called for at any time. I. Call to Order at 3:10 p.m. A. Roll Call Voting Members: 9; after Section V pending newly-sworn-in Senators: 12 Voting members needed for quorum (½+1): 5.5; after Section V pending newly-sworn-in Senators: 7 Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 6 ; after Section V pending newly-sworn-in Senators: 8 II. Adoption of the Agenda Nahum moved to change the title of the agenda to read; Student Senate Meeting Agenda. Morgan was marked present at 3:02 p.m. Nahum moved to strike the guest speaker. Christian moved to change the time on New Business Article VII Section A, from 6 minutes to 12 minutes. Nahum moved to change the time on New Business Article VII Section C, from 6 minutes to 10 minutes. Kaycee moved to place Section C from Article VII after special orders. Kaycee moved to change the time on Senator Reports from 4 minutes to 7 minutes each. Nahum moved to adopt the agenda for Thursday, September 24, 2009. Christian seconded. Passed unanimously. III. Approval of the Minutes th A. Meeting Minutes from September 17 , 2009 Christian moved to change the projection of Programs Budget to read Programs Account Balance under Article VII Section B. Nahum moved to approve the minutes for September 17. Nahayeli seconded. Passed unanimously. IV. Public Comments This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda. There will be a limit of three (3) minutes per speaker. Geoffrey Stanfield- Halloween Event; asking the Senate for $2,000 for 2 haunted houses, decorations, prizes and advertisements. Christian & Griselda sponsored item. Ofelia A. Gomez- asking the Senate for 3 Spanish dictionaries in the library. st st Mario Garcia- reminder: CSU applications begin October 1 , UC applications begin on November 1 . Speaker V. Assembly Member Bill Monning Special Orders A. Non-Contended Position Applications Discussion/Possible Action Applicants have 4 minutes to speak and answer questions. Kayleb Spencer for Scotts Valley Representative. Theo motioned to extend time by 3 minutes. Yeraldin seconded. Aye:9/ Nay:2 Yeraldin for ICC Representative. Cabrillo College Student Senate Meeting Minutes: September 24, 2009. 45 Minutes Applicants 3 Minutes ea. 1 Christian moved to extend time by 2 minutes. Luis seconded. Aye:10/ Nay:1 Alex for Senator-at-Large Chris Peeden for Senator-at-Large Theo motioned to extend time by 30 seconds. Gerardo seconded. Aye:4/ Nay:7 Jorge Lopez for Senator-at-Large Noemi Duran for Senator-at-Large Goretti Gomez for Senator-at-Large B. Swear In (if voted in) Positions Action Kayleb Spencer; Scotts Valley Rep. Passed unanimously. Yeraldin; ICC Representative. Passed unanimously. Goretti Gomez; Senator-at-Large. Passed unanimously. Chris Peeden; Senator-at-Large. Passed unanimously. Noemi Duran; Senator-at-Large. Passed unanimously. VI. Beames 2 Minutes Old Business A. Food at Senate Meetings Discussion/Action Giovannari 4 Minutes This item is on for a discussion and/or action of up to $960 from Programs account to provide food at Senate Meetings. Michelle moved to approve $960 from Programs for food to be provided at the Senate meetings. Gerardo seconded. Discussion. Morgan motioned to extend time by 30 seconds. Gabriela seconded. Aye:7/ Nay:6 Noemi moved to postpone this item for next weeks agenda for a change on the amount of money. Christian seconded. Aye:12/ Nay:2 Item postponed. B. Leadership Books Discussion Schreiber 6 Minutes This item is on for a discussion and/or action of up to $350 from Programs account for 22 leadership books for CG 65 Leadership class. Morgan motioned to fund $350 from programs for 22 Leadership books. Michelle seconded. Discussion. Noemi motioned for a time extension of 2 minutes. Luis seconded. Aye:8/ Nay:5 Noemi moved to amend the amount to $150 from Programs Account for 10 leadership books. Gerardo seconded. Passed by consensus. Main motion: This motion is to fund up to $150 from Programs Account for 10 leadership books for the CG 65 leadership class. Passed by consensus. VII. New Business A. National Equality March Discussion Rivera 6 12 Minutes This item is on for a discussion and/or action of up to $10,000 from Student Representative Fund for the th th National Equality March in Washington, D.C for October 10 - 12 with one Adviser and up to 6 students. Nahum moved for a time extension of 10 minutes. Christian seconded. Passed unanimously. Nahum moved to fund up to $6,000 from Student Representative Fund for the National Equality March in Washington th th D.C. on October 10 -12 for one adviser and up to 6 students. Christian seconded. Discussion. Christian moved to extend time by 5 minutes. Gabriela seconded. Aye:12/ Nay:2 Christian moved to extend time by 10 minutes. Luis seconded. Aye:6/ Nay:8 B. Special Hearing on Education Discussion Avila, Gerardo 6 Minutes This item is on for a discussion and/or action of up to $_____ from _____ account for the Special Hearing on th October September 29 in Sacramento. Discussion. C. Dance Conference Discussion/Possible Action Rivera, Nahum 6 10 Minutes This item is on for a discussion and/or action of up to $3,000 from Programs for 6 students to attend the th South West Region Conference in Utah on March 17-21: registration ends October 15 . Nahum moved to appropriate $3,000 from Programs for 16 students to attend the South West Region Conference in Utah on March 17-21. Theo seconded. Discussion. Programs Account Balance: $28,873.94 Conferences Account Balance: $10,000 Nahum motioned for a 3 minute extension. Luis seconded. Motion failed. Cabrillo College Student Senate Meeting Minutes: September 24, 2009. 2 Main Motion: This motion is to appropriate up to $3,000 from the Programs Account for 16 students to attend the th South West Region Conference on March 17-21: registration ends October 15 . Passed unanimously. D. H1N1 Flu Preparation Materials Discussion/Possible Action Schreiber 6 Minutes This item is on for discussion and/or action of up to $1250.00 from the Programs account to contribute to the costs of pandemic flu preparation materials in the Student Health Center. Discussion. E. Jason's Dismissal Discussion/Possible Action Rivera, Christian 6 Minutes This item is to discuss and/or take action on whether or not Jason should be dismissed because of 2 absences and a pending absence due to non-communication for the meeting of 9.24.09. Christian moved to dismiss Jason from his position as Senator from office. Luis seconded. Nahum calls to question. Christian seconded. Main motion: This motion is to dismiss Jason from his position as Senator from the office due to his 2 absences and non-communication. Passed unanimously. F. All College Grants Committee Budget Request Discussion Rivera, Nahum 6 Minutes This item is to discuss whether or not the All College Grants Fund receives $2,500 from Programs account. Discussion. VIII. G. Nahum and Ivan Probation Discussion Beams This item is on for discussion of Nahum and Ivan’s probations in the Student Senate. Michelle moved for a 2 minute time extension. Jeff seconded. Aye:11/ Nay:3 Gerardo moved for a 3 minute time extension. Gabriela seconded. Aye:10/ Nay:4 Gabriela moved for a 10 minute time extension. Michelle seconded. Aye:9/ Nay:6 Gabriela motioned to dismiss Nahum from his position in office. 6 Minutes Reports Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers and Committees report on Senate activities. 7 Minutes Ea. A. Executive Officers As Needed Kaycee Beames President -Recommends using the scratch paper when only printing one page, if more to print double sided. -Reminded Senators to sign-up for committees -Is having surgery in two weeks -Congratulated everyone for Welcome Week Nahum Rivera Vice President -Congratulated new Senators -Encouraged Senators to sign-up for Internal and External Committees -Passed around roster for new updates/ corrections -Reminded Senators that if they use others belongings to place them back where they belong -Congratulated Gaby for Welcome Week -Congratulated Christian for Cultural Events Committee for the event held September 16 -Constitution and Bylaws Committee meeting Friday at 12 p.m. Christian Rivera Treasurer -Congratulated new Senators -Asks senators to be consistent with their decision making Theo Offei Student Trustee -ICC had their second meeting on Wed 23 -Governing board had their meeting last Saturday in which they spoke about student success -Congratulated new Senators Gerardo Avila Legeslative Representative -Congratulated new Senators -Asked for a raise of hands on who was interested in going to the Fall General Assembly Gerardo, Morgan, Theo, Nahayeli, Griselda, Noemi, Goretti, Gabriela, Jeff -Region VI Meeting Friday at Gavilan College, leaving at 1:30 p.m. -New information on a Leadership Conference; will talk about it in the next meeting Yeraldin Zavala Inter-Club Council Chair th -Club week is scheduled to be on Oct 7 -Congratulated new Senators José Hernandez Watsonville Representative -Not present. Cabrillo College Student Senate Meeting Minutes: September 24, 2009. 3 Kayleb Spencer Scotts Valley Representative -EF College Break; spring break discounted trips around the world -Faculty Senate Report; Katie Dowling from Health Center talked about the awareness of H1N1, Teachers cannot grade on attendance only on participation, Extension of time for registrations for Cabrillo students. B. Senators-at-Large Morgan Schreiber - suggests Senators not to use personal opinions when making decisions (voting) -congratulated new Senators Nahayeli Juarez - raise awareness on who the Senate is -congratulated new senators Jason Nelson Michelle Giovannari -review minutes before the meetings Gabriela Avila -Is in the Look-a-Book Committee; they were proportioned $9,000 ($7,000 from the Senate and $2,000 from donations) and were able to help 65 students (55 in Aptos, 10 in Watsonville). They didn’t spend all the money and are looking for new suggestions as to what they should do next semester; should they do it for full time students only, how will the senate go about publicizing it, and think about where to get donations for next year - Advices everyone to be respectful towards one another. Jeff Vella- Is in the Facilities Master Plan Committee Griselda Rodriguez-congratulated new senators Luis Medina Goretti Gomez Noemi Duran Chris Peeden Any Newly Appointed Senators C. Advisers Sesario Escoto- Congratulated new Senators Urges Thanksgiving Committee Informed that 3,309 students bought their SAC Card, while 1,396 declined it Gabe Gutierrez D. Committees 7 Minutes Ea. A. College Wide Support Grants Committee Rivera, Nahum B. Retreat Committee Beames -reported that they only spent $3,500 on the retreat C. Legislative Committee Avila, Gerardo D. Cultural Events Committee Rivera, Christian -reported that they only spent a little over $300 on the food for the September 16 event -gave thanks to everyone who helped at the event IX. Agenda Requests X. Announcements A. Thank You Notes not finished Item tabled. XI. 10 Minutes Adjournment at 7:20 p.m. Break XII. Executive Meeting Call to Order at 7:30 p.m. XIII. Special Orders A. Discussion of Meeting All B. Discussion of any Pending Absences and Tardies All This item is to discuss any Senator’s absence or tardy to be put on next week’s meeting for a vote. Kaycee’s absence is excused due to illness. Jose’s absence is excused due to a friend’s death. Cabrillo College Student Senate Meeting Minutes: September 24, 2009. 10 Minutes 4 Minutes 4 . XIV. XV. New Business Advisor Reports Sesario Escoto XVI. Executive Agenda Requests XVII. Adjournment at 7:46 p.m. Cabrillo College Student Senate Meeting Minutes: September 24, 2009. Gabe Gutierrez 5