Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 ________________________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT SENATE MEETING MINUTES Location Aptos Campus 6500 Soquel Dr. SAC East, Room 225 Date and Time: th Thursday, September 10 , 2009 3:00 PM th NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate will hold a meeting on Thursday, September 10 , 2009. The meeting time and location information is noted on the agenda. We hope to encourage full participation in student government and advocacy. If you have any questions, please contact us at 831.477.5677. If needed, you can be provided with any disabilityrelated modification or accommodations; please call Disabled Student Program and Services at (831) 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though on-campus transportation can be called for at any time. I. Call to Order at 3:02 p.m. A. Call to Order/Roll Call Voting Members: 11 Voting members needed for quorum (½+1): 6.5 Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 7.3 II. Adoption of the Agenda Christian moved to strike Article VIII Section B. -Yeraldin moved to strike Article VIII Section C. -Gerardo and Morgan walked in at 3:06 p.m. -Christian moved to adopt the Agenda for Thursday September 10, 2009. Griselda seconded. Passed unanimously. - III. Approval of the Minutes rd A. Meeting Minutes from September 3 , 2009 Nahum moved to change the amount of voting members from 12 to 13 in Article I, Section A and pending newly swornin Senators from 14 to 15. Nahum moved to change the wording in Article VII Section A to say that he moved to make an amendment for the reimbursement to only cover gas mileage. Michelle moved to replace her name to say Morgan in Article VII Section D Nahum moved to change that the motion of time extension in Article VII Section D was made by Christian, not Morgan. And to change the number of Ayes and Nays to read Aye:5/ Nay:9 Gabriela moved to change the total amount in Article VIII Section A to read $2,760. Nahum moved to add $920 before each account in Article VIII Section A IV. Public Comments This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda. There will be a limit of three (3) minutes per speaker. Johanna E. Bowen- Library Director gave thanks to Student Senate for their help. Blake Wilson- The Voice Managing Editor ( Sesario Escoto- Student Senate ID Sign-up Sheet V. Special Orders A. Listen to and Vote on any Position Applications Action Applicants Applicants have 3 minutes to speak and answer questions, Senate has 1 minute to vote. Theo Offei for Student Senate Trustee Jeff Vella for Student Senate Trustee -Christian moved for MG to present his statement. Morgan seconded. Aye:6/Nay:4 M.G. Sample for Student Senate Trustee Cabrillo College th Student Senate Meeting Minutes: September 10 , 2009. 4 Minutes 1 -Motion to extend time by 2 minutes. Nahayeli motioned. Jeff seconded. Aye:7/Nay:3 B. Swear In (if voted in) Positions Action Beames 2 Minutes VI. Presentation A. How to Advertise Senate Events Regardz, Beth 30 Minutes This presentation is to teach Student Senators how to reach the most amount of Students for our sponsored events. Beth Regardz is our school's Digital Media Department Chair. Morgan moved for a 2 minute recess. Nahum seconded. Aye: 5/Nay: 6 Motion failed. VII. Old Business A. Senate Office Phone Discussion/Possible Action Offei 5 Minutes This item is on for action to provide a fourth phone in the Senate office for up to $250 from our Student Center Fund to be used by the ASCC President for the 2009-2010 term. -Theo moved to buy a new phone for the Senate Office for up to $250. Morgan seconded. Aye:8/Nay:5 -Theo moved for a 5 minute recess. Nahum seconded. Aye:4/Nay:7 Motion failed. *Item to be put on next week’s agenda to discuss from which account the money will be taken out from. B. CCCSAA Conference Discussion/Possible Action Escoto 5 Minutes This item is on for up to $10,000 from the Student Representative Fund for up to 20 students and 2 advisers to th th attend the CCCSAA Conference at Sacramento on October 16 through the 18 , 2009. -Nahum moved to appropriate up to $10,000 from the Student Rep Fund for 20 students and 2 advisors to attend the th th CCCSAA Conference in Sacramento from October 16 through the 18 , 2009. Theo seconded. -Nahum moved for a 3 minute extension. Nahayeli seconded. Aye:9/Nay:1 -Morgan moved to amend the amount from $10,000 to $5,000 for 10 people. Gerardo seconded. Aye:11/Nay:0 -Main motion: This item is to approve for up to $5,000 from the Student Representative Fund for up to 10 students and th th 1 advisos to attend the CCCSAA Conference at Sacramento on October 16 through the 18 , 2009. Passed unanimously. -People interested: Nahum, Michelle, Gabriela, Yeraldin, Ivan, Jeff, Gerardo, Kayleb, Morgan, Theo, Noemi, & Christian VIII. New Business A. Cultural Events Committee Discussion/Possible Action Rivera, Christian 6 Minutes This item is on for discussion and/or action to provide up to $1,500 to host the bicentennial Mexican Independence Day in collaboration with LLN, OLA and Puente. -Christian moved to fund up to $1,500 to host the bicentennial Mexican Independence Day in collaboration with LLN, OLA and Puente from the Cultural Events Account. Nahum seconded. -Christian motioned to extend time by 2 minutes. Michelle seconded. Aye:9/Nay:2 -Main motion passed unanimously. B. Paper for Departments Discussion Rivera, Christian 6 Minutes This item is on for discussion of $______ from ________ account to donate paper to our school's departments on all campuses during this time of budget cuts. Christian moved to strike item. C. Binoculars for Astrology Department Discussion/Possible Action Zavala 6 Minutes This item is on for discussion and/or action for $1,000 from Programs account to provide binoculars. Yeraldin moved to strike item. D. Reimbursement for Region IV President Discussion/Possible Action Avila, Gerardo 5 Minutes This item is on for discussion and/or action for up to a $40 for two (2) reps at the July Region IV meeting. -Gerardo moved to reimburse the Region IV President for the meals provided at the Region IV meeting for up to $40 from Leg Rep. Account. Jeff seconded. -Gerardo moved to amend the amount to be $19.04 for 1 person. Jeff seconded. Aye:10/Nay:1 -Main motion: This item is to reimburse the Region IV President for up to $20 from Leg Rep Account for the meals provided at the July Region IV meeting for 1 person. Aye:11/Nay:1 **VII. NEW BUSINESS ITEM [E] IS CONTINGENT FOR DISCUSSION IF AND ONLY IF THE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE HAS MET AND DISCUSSED THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THIS MEETING. **E. Budget Projection for Legislative Committee Discussion Avila, Gerardo 7 Minutes This item is on for discussion for $560 from the Student Representative Fund for (2) people for food, gas and if necessary lodging for up to 5 Region IV Meetings, ____ SSCCC Meetings and _____ many people for ____ many Sacramento Lobby trips. May/may not include March in March. -Christian moved this item to Committee for a discussion. Cabrillo College th Student Senate Meeting Minutes: September 10 , 2009. 2 F. Maddy Vidibor Absence Discussion/Possible Action Rivera, Nahum 5 Minutes This item is on for discussion and/or action on Madeline Vidibor's Senator Meeting absence on 9.03.09. -Nahum moved that the Senate approve the recommendation of the Executive Board for her absence to be counted as such. Theo seconded. -Christian moved to amend Nahum’s motion to say instead of counting Madeline’s absence to say that he moves to remove Madeline Vidibor from the Senate due to the fact that she is not registered in any classes and violates the Constitution. Jeff seconded. Passed unanimously. -Main motion: This item is to remove Madeline Vidibor from the Senate. Passed unanimously. G. Student Trustee Fill-In Position Discussion/Possible Action Beames 7 Minutes This item is on for a discussion and/or action on who will be the substitute for our Student Trustee pending absence. Kaycee moved to find a replacement. Jeff seconded. H. Enrollment Awareness Discussion Spencer 5 Minutes This item is on for a discussion of how we can publicize information regarding students paying student registration delinquent fees before adding any more classes if they have registered the semester before. Kayleb motioned to extend time by 2 minutes. Nahayeli seconded. Aye:6/Nay:6 Motion failed. Kaycee: Nay IX. Reports Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers and Committees report on Senate activities. 4 Minutes Ea. A. Executive Officers As Needed Kaycee Beames President -reported 250 student emails and is thinking about setting up a new position: Public Relations in the future -Winter session will continue this year Nahum Rivera Vice President -Emailed everyone with info regarding roster and external committees -Sent out 2 doodle polls one for the Constitution & Bylaws Committee and for the Instructional Grant Committee -Gave notice that if planning on being late make sure to inform him -handed out Student Senate External Feedback Reports Christian Rivera Treasurer -Suggested not to divide allocations into different accounts -will help with any questions about Purchase Requisitions Gerardo Avila Legeslative Representative Theo Offei Inter-Club Council Chair -First ICC Meeting Wednesday September 16 at 3 p.m. in Sac East room 225 José Hernandez Watsonville Representative -Requested Club information to post at the Watsonville Campus B. Senators-at-Large Gabby Avila Maddy Vidibor Jason Nelson Ivan Ramirez Yeraldin Zavala Michelle Giovannari C. Advisers Sesario Escoto Gabe Gutierrez D. Committees A. Cultural Events Committee - Sign-up Sheets to help at the event Morgan Schreiber Jeff Vella Kayleb Spencer As Needed Nahayeli Juarez Griselda Rodriguez Any Newly Appointed Senator As Needed 5 Minutes Ea. Rivera, Christian B. Welcome Week Committee Avila, Gabriela - Sign-up Sheet to help at Welcome Week - Would like to have Cabrillo’s Mascot present at Welcome Week, asked if anyone was interested in doing it - Invited Clubs to table during Welcome Week X. Agenda Requests XI. Announcements A. Welcome Week Senator Help Schedule Cabrillo College th Student Senate Meeting Minutes: September 10 , 2009. B. Thank You Notes 3 XII. Adjournment at 5:34 p.m. Break XIII. Executive Meeting Call to Order at 5:47 p.m. Nahum motioned to change the Disscussion of the Meeting to be 20 minutes. Kaycee moved to amend the time to be 15 minutes. Passed by consensus. Christian moved to approve the Executive Board Meeting agenda for September 10, 2009. Nahum seconded. Passed unanimously. XIV. Special Orders A. Discussion of Meeting -Nahum moved to extend time by 5 minutes. Motioned failed; no second. All 10 15 Minutes B. Discussion of any Pending Absences and Tardiness All 10 Minutes This item is to discuss any Senator’s absence or tardy to be put on next week’s meeting for a vote. -Discussed Jason’s absence -Item to be put on Executive Meeting for next week to be put on the Regular Agenda in two weeks XV. Exec. Agenda Requests Sesario- A section for Advisor Reports XVI. Adjournment at 6:11 p.m. Cabrillo College th Student Senate Meeting Minutes: September 10 , 2009. 4