Document 12991265

Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Aptos Campus
6500 Soquel Dr, Aptos, CA
Room SAC-225
Date and Time:
Thursday, May 6 , 2010
3:00 PM
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate will hold a meeting on Thursday, May 6 , 2009. The meeting time and
location information is noted on the agenda. We hope to encourage full participation in student government and advocacy. If you have any
questions, please contact us at 831.477.5677. If needed, you can be provided with any disability-related modification or accommodations;
please call Disabled Student Program and Services at (831) 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though on-campus
transportation can be called for at any time.
Call to Order at 3:06pm
A. Roll Call
Voting members: 12
Voting members needed for quorum (½+1): 10.5
Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 12.66
Adoption of the Agenda
Morgan moved to move Old Business item B to the end of the meeting.
Elizabeth moved to table Old Business item D.
Christian moved to make New Business item B, item A.
Christian moved to approve the Agenda for Thursday, May 06, 2010. Yeraldin seconded. Passed by consensus.
Approval of the Minutes
A. Meeting Minutes from April 29 , 2010
Minutes tabled.
B. Meeting Minutes from April 15 , 2010
Christian moved to approve the Minutes of Thursday, April 15 , 2010. Yeraldin seconded. Passed unanimously.
Public Comments
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda.
There will be a limit of three (3) minutes per speaker
Theo- scholarship opportunity; one in a million
Lupe- she would like to see if any senator is willing to sponsor with her and incoming Watsonville rep
Judy- fundraiser and set up a donation box; video camera
Judith- I think it’s important for students from Watsonville to join clubs
Special Items
A. SSCCC General Assembly Report
15 Minutes
Old Business
A. Bylaws Revisions
Discussion/Possible Action
15 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action regarding approval of the proposed amendments to the ASCC Bylaws.
XI Legislative Code, Legislative Committee
Section 1. Members shall be:
Section 2. Members shall have one (1) vote
Section 3. Once appointed, members may be removed in the event of:
Section 4. Duties of the Legislative Committee
XIII Constitution and Bylaws Committee
Section 1. Members shall be:
Section 2. Members shall have one (1) vote
Section 3. Once appointed, standing committee members may be removed in the event of:
Section 4. Duties of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee:
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, May 6 , 2010.
XIV Student Activity Card Committee
Section 1. Members shall be:
Section 2. Members shall have one (1) vote
Section 3. Once appointed, standing committee members and chairpersons may be removed in the event of:
Section 4. Duties of the Student Activity Card Committee:
XV External Campus Committee
Section 1. Members shall be:
Section 2. Members shall have one (1) vote
Section 3. Once appointed, standing committee members may be removed in the event of:
Section 4. Duties of the External Campus Committee:
XVII Networking and Communications Committee
Section 1. Members shall be:
Section 2. Members shall have one (1) vote
Section 3. Once appointed, standing committee members and chairpersons can be removed in the event of:
Section 4. Duties of the Networking and Communications Committee:
XVIII Campus Sustainability Committee
***All of the above; Passed by consensus.
XVIV ASCC Search and Selections Committee
Section 1. Members shall be:
Section 2. Members shall have one (1) vote
Section 3. Once appointed, standing committee members and chairpersons can be removed in the event of:
Section 4. Duties of the ASCC Search and Selections Committee
Sesario: I’m worried about the bureaucracy ; will this prevent the advisors and the president from hiring somebody immediately on an
in term basis because this is a bureaucracy and you’re going to be without a secretary and not under dime a dozen most people don’t
want to do it because it’s so few hours ok, so I’m worried that if your secretary resigns for example, and you finally find one it can be a
week or two weeks before this committee gets together and interviews and all that.
Geoffrey: It’s a fairly small committee, its only three members of the Senate plus the Student Activities Coordinator
Sesario: I’m just telling you, will this prevent us from moving quicker, if it does it’s your choice, I’m just telling you what you would have
to do as President is appoint someone within your rank to take the minutes until we find someone and that’s fine with me I think that’s a
fair solution, we’ve rarely done that in the past.
Morgan: Even though I agree with Sesario that this could be a potential problem, I think that since it is such an important position of
who keeps track of the minutes of what goes on, I think it is important we chose a qualified person so even though it might take a little
longer were not just grabbing out of a basket like oh secretary good you’re hired
Edgar: I think there’s a little exaggeration; I think that would only come into play if we only had three or two candidates
Christian: Sesario, but isn’t the hiring process still a little lengthy?
Sesario: It is lengthy, now they’re making it even lengthier. The other thing I want to say is that it’s still not okay with me that the
secretary is a voting member of the ASCC and is also expected to provide minutes.
Geoffrey: The Senate decided that that was okay
Gaby: I think implementing this is going to take a lot of time, what’s going to happen if we don’t have a secretary at our first meeting?,
who’s going to take the minutes and all that?
Noemi: First of all I think that we as Senators, or the following Senate needs to create a template of how you want the minutes
because if all you want is the motion, who made it, who seconded, and the vote then you don’t need someone so qualified, but if what
you want is detail, word by word then you do need to implement this committee, otherwise I don’t see the point of this section
Christian: Well the point isn’t what we expect from the secretary or what we expect from the minutes, this is basically the hiring
process in which we select who is the note taker, I think that’s kind of out of topic
Geoffrey: Another reason that we wanted to do this is because it gives more power to the Senate Body, before it has been efficient but
it’s often been the President or Vice President and Sesario basically going and saying oh we’re going to pick this person. So this would
give more control to the Senate making it more of a Democratic decision.
Kayleb: If the secretary resigns, who takes over the minutes, and do they get paid?
Geoffrey: Currently we ran into that situation before, in past Senates it has been a member of the Senate takes up the weight for a
period of time, and no they didn’t get paid
Flor: So when are you going to start the hiring?
Christian: We announce the position in two months, so probably in the summer
Flor: So you guys are going to come in the summer just to hire somebody?
Christian: yes
Flor: Are you sure?
Christian: I don’t know
Geoffrey: Or the hiring occurs during the first meeting
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, May 6 , 2010.
Sesario: Lets just be clear about this ok, if this doesn’t happen, your advisors will not hire somebody for you, that’s agreed and that’s
fine with me, your President will have to assign it to a Senator each time without pay because they will not have been hired and that’s
fine with me too because you have to have minutes in order to conduct your business and I it’s a good plan to give the responsibility to
your Senators, they are all leaders, they are all students and I think Noemi’s point about what it is it that you expect is a critical part of
this, and you should be expecting a simple document that’s workable and concise that fits your needs to conduct business; that is what
is the action item, what was the vote, what was the decision.
Nahayeli: Do a lot of people apply for the position? Because if we’re going to be in need an no one is there, no one’s applying,
because I recall that at the beginning of the year we couldn’t find a secretary and no one applied for it, so what is the point of this
Geoffrey: If no applies the committee will have a really quick process
Michelle: Maybe I totally missed that we said this, but why are we not taking this to student employment which is a great resource
where students are constantly looking at for job employment, did we even talk about that and if not can we just consider that and move
Gaby: Lets thank the heavens that we have a good secretary that hasn’t flaked on us and been able to keep up with the demands that
we have given her that were not on the contract that she signed. Putting all these procedures on next year without even… I mean most
of us aren’t even going to be here next year to implement this, how are we going to know what they want.
Sesario: First of all, the student employment office will help you find candidates that’s they’re role, they’re not going to do the selection
for you and (2) often they have nobody to refer, they are few hours, they are at awkward times, and they don’t want to do it, again I
don’t see it as a problem, your President will have to assign it to a Senator and that’s how you will function until you find one. I see this
starting not very well, your new Senate will not be prepared to implement this; they will need a secretary immediately. The new
President will just have to assign somebody until they can find someone but when they do there will be more bureaucracy
Michelle: Just for consideration of time and that we’re almost done with this, can we just go off of what or advisor just told us, I think it’s
a solution for what we’re trying to get at, that our next Body President will assign a Senator until we find a secretary?
Gaby: This isn’t fair to me
Geoffrey: I’m going to call a vote on this particular item to see if whether or not we want to strike it
Christian moved this item to committee. Gaby seconded. Passed unanimously.
Reallocation of Café Funds
Discussion/Possible Action
20 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action on various ideas for the repurposing of the Student Café funds
Sustainability Centre
8 Minutes
An allocation of $25,000 for the creation of a sustainability centre.
Morgan: So I’m sponsoring Ryan Kaplan’s Sustainability Center
Edgar moved for a time extension of 3 minutes. Aye:
Michelle moved to extend time indefinitely until all three items are resolved. Morgan seconded. Aye:7/ Nay:5
Christian moved to allocate $25,000 for the Sustainability center from the Student Café funds
Advocacy Centre
An allocation of $76,000 for the creation of an advocacy centre.
Michelle moved to approve $76,000. Brian seconded.
Michelle called to question. Brian seconded. Aye:9/ Nay:4/ Abs:1
Aye: 7/ Nay: 4/ Abs:1
8 Minutes
Furnishing for the lower portion of SAC-West
4 Minutes
An allocation of up to $100,000 for the furnishing and possible layout plans for any approved centres.
Christian moved. Brian seconded.
Christian called to question. Brian seconded. Passed unanimously. Aye:13/ Nay:1
Senate Year-End Luncheon
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action on an allocation of up to $300.00 for the Senate Year-End Luncheon.
Geoffrey: As we discussed last week, basically you guys said we wanted to go with Pino Alto, I’ve spoken with them and the
approximate cost for 22 people, with a drink and desert is about $285, which is fairly cheap for a lunch of that caliber. We do need to
establish a date for this we want to have this on and I need to know who can go and who’s not going to be able to go. I’m looking to
allocate $300 for this event today
Nahayeli moved to allocate up to $300.00 from Programs for the Senate Year-End Luncheon. Yeraldin seconded.
Noemi: What account is this coming out of?
Geoffrey: Programs
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, May 6 , 2010.
Gaby: What will be having for lunch?
Geoffrey: That’s largely up for discussion, we can pretty much ask them to make things, and they’re usually pretty flexible
Sesario: Did you say up to 20?
Geoffrey: 22
Sesario: I just want to say that if you approve this, that you be real specific, once the 22 spots are full that you cut off, because you
have no ability to sponsor anybody else
Gaby: who are the extras?
Geoffrey: new Senator coming in
Kayleb: Are we going to decide at what time a day we’re gong to do it?
Geoffrey: That’s something we can discuss as well, but first I just want to get the money out of the way, I thought we could do a doodle
poll to figure out the time
Yeraldin called to question. Brian seconded. Passed unanimously.
Motion: All those in favor of a allocating up to $300.00 for the Senate Year-End Luncheon. Passed unanimously.
Scholarship Creation
Discussion/Possible Action
Rep. Avila
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action an allocation of $4000.00 for a scholarship for AB-540 students and international
Allied Health Centre Furnishing
10 Minutes
This item is for discussion on furnishing the Allied Health Centre student area.
Elizabeth: I yield my time to Geoffrey
Geoffrey: I just wasn’t certain if we were done talking about this at our last meeting, if so I apologize for putting it up again, as you guys
know the Allied Health Center has come to request us that we turn our ending funds to the Allied Health Center so that they can furnish
their new student area. Their student area does achieve several of the goals we’re trying to sponsor here, it is a study area, they will
also have social areas and are willing to mention this is from the Student Senate and are also making the new Health and Wellness
Center a new state of the art gym have free access to those who purchase their SAC Card
Morgan: We’re you guys still wanting to do updates for Watsonville because wasn’t that what we were going to do instead to upgrade
what was already really bad in Watsonville rather than adding to new things
Gaby: There’s already an item on the agenda for periodicals
Flor: I’d just like to point out what Geoffrey said, we would allow students to use the new state of the art gym, that’s a great investment
Sesario: It doesn’t have to be what’s left over, you could fund it now or next week, just look at their proposal it was very clearly outlined.
Whatever you give them, they will appreciate and my point is you don’t have to wait to see what’s left over, don’t just close your mind at
what’s left over
Morgan: If we are going to fund it, I think we should see if we’re going to fund Watsonville and this how much it’s going to be, like we’re
saying that we’re going to take all the money at the end for the Health Center and I don’t want to cut into how much money we’re going
to give Watsonville, I think we should look into doing both because I think its more necessary to fix what’s already broken than to get
something new
Sesario: Let me clarify for you Morgan, because if you’re talking about the student centers in Watsonville, that’s a different funding
source and you could fund that now, you don’t have to scrape money for that
Morgan: o they wouldn’t be coming from the same accounts?
Sesario: No, not at all, that doesn’t qualify as a student center; this is why you’re looking at Programs and moneys that you have
because all that is discretionary, your operating budget is totally discretionary you can put it anywhere you want, your Student Center
Fee money is not
Morgan: What account could the Watsonville Center come out of?
Sesario: That’s what I’m asking you to clarify
Morgan: I’m talking about the tutoring centers and all their student areas
Sesario: We need a report on this because I’m losing what the request is
Christian: Someone brought to out attention that there was vandalism in Watsonville, and they were limited in resources and that was
the concern of the Senate, but correct me if I’m wrong; so in order to use the Student Activity Center Funds in Watsonville it has to be
used within what we consider a student activity center which would be the lobby
Sesario: The areas have been the two lobbies, the old building, the new one, and activities, but what Morgan’s talking about I haven’t
heard a report on, so I
Morgan: It hasn’t gone that far, I was just wondering if anyone even wanted to do that or if it was still an option
Sesario: This item is on the Allied Health Center, not the Watsonville Center, so I think we need to stay on topic this time.
Nahayeli: Didn’t the Watsonville Rep approve money for Watsonville, what happened?
Christian: The funds are still there, we just have to meet
Nahayeli: Then I think we can put that aside, and I think that if this is something that’s going to benefit us in the future, than we should
do this
Flor: Stay on topic you guys
Geoffrey: Is there any con statements to this not related to the Watsonville funding?
Gaby: I think we can spend the funds on other things, we can save this for next year
Christian: I think this is a good legacy for us to leave, saying that we contributed furnish the Allied Health Center like Geoffrey said, it
does contribute to student success, it does give them a place study and that gym idea sounds amazing
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, May 6 , 2010.
Geoffrey: I’m going to end discussion on this for today, I’ll bring this up next week with amount on it so we can take action on it, and we
will be able to have further discussion as well
New Business
Assistance for Erik’s Family
5 Minutes
This item is to discuss any possible action the senate can take to provide assistance to the family of Erik who was found
Morgan: My heart really went out to Erik’s family, I don’t know if you guys saw the posters of the missing guy but he was found dead
and I think this is more of a community event rather than a school event but I wanted to know what you guys thought about it. I thought
maybe we could get him flowers, like a big bouquet or something, and having everybody sign a card to show that we care that kind of a
thing, what do you guys think?
Geoffrey: was he a Cabrillo College student?
Morgan: I don’t know but he was autistic
Kayleb: I like the idea and I’m not trying to shut down the idea but I don’t know if it’s appropriate because he didn’t come to school
here, I’m not
Yeraldin: I agree with Kayleb, are we going to do this for every person because the same exact case happened in Watsonville but it
happened with an old man, so are we going to do this for him to, I know this is a good cause but I just don’t, I don’t know
Morgan: I know we’re not responsible to do this every time; I really have a big heart for these kinds of things
Brian: Since he wasn’t a student here I’m not sure if it’s appropriate for the Student Senate to do this, I personally would fill out a card,
but I’m just not sure the Student Senate should do this
Christian: Maybe some condolences in a card, we don’t have to do something huge, and I think that if the Student Senate wants to do
this, it would be appropriate, we’re sorry this happened
Nahayeli: I think we should first find out if he attended Cabrillo and then maybe we can move on with this otherwise I think we should
do this individually, because I also do agree with Year
Geoffrey: Any more discussion?
Kayleb: Yeah, just get a couple students from around campus together to make a card
Morgan: yeah, I’m not asking for a lot or like a huge amount, I think a small condolence would be enough
Geoffrey: Anyone else?, moving on to item C, Gaby.
LLN Mother’s Day
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action regarding an allocation of $500 from the cultural events account for a LLN Mother’s
day event.
Nahayeli moved to allocate $500 from the cultural events account for a LLN Mother’s day event. Griselda seconded.
Nahyeli: As you guys now LLN is one of our active clubs on campus, and they are taking on doing this years LLN Mother’s Day
celebration. They are requesting $500 and their total is $2,200. I strongly encourage that we support this because it’s not only for LLN,
it’s for all faculty and staff, relatives and mother’s of students.
Proposed Budget:
Rebozo show
Ballet Folklorico
Decorations, gifts and natural flowers (roses)
Food & Drinks
Plates, forks and napkins
Judith: We received some help from the ICC, but like she said it’s a big event and everything is going to be free. We are going to have
fresh food, a lot of entertainment and dance, we’re expecting 175 people and that’s why we would like to get your support.
Geoffrey: I just want to point out, I suspect that this will get approved, but the minutes will not be available for a purchase requisition
until next week, so I’m hoping that you have a plan and will have the money and perhaps do a reimbursement sort of arrangement
Michelle called to question. Yeraldin seconded. Aye:10/ Nay:1
Motion: All those in favor of the allocation of up to $500 from the cultural events account for a LLN Mother’s day event. Passed
Periodicals for Watsonville
Sen. Avila
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion regarding the senate purchasing subscriptions for various periodicals for the Watsonville Centre
Gaby: I don’t know how many of you have been to the ILC in Watsonville, but they have no monthly periodicals subscriptions like we
do, I have to make an appointment with Gorge Romero, I spoke briefly with him today and asked what we could do to get periodicals in
Watsonville and he said that right now the library cannot afford to get any for them because we have also cut our subscription here in
Aptos, so I will bring the amounts and more information next week, I just wanted to bring this up so you all keep an open mind about
this issue because it’s just sad that they don’t even get the newspaper
Morgan: What account could we use for this?
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, May 6 , 2010.
Geoffrey: Technically speaking for this one, it’s a little shifty, we could you use the Student Center Fee account if we had the
periodicals located in the lobby otherwise it would just be a Programs
Morgan: could we move this to committee?
Geoffrey: I’d like to point out that if we moved this to committee, we only have two more weeks remaining
Student Emergency Assistance
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action regarding an allocation of up to $500.00 to help a student in need.
Michelle: Student Emergency, well there are two students but since the other student isn’t here, I’ll just start with myself; a little
background information for those of you who don’t know me, I’ve been here for about three years, I’ve been a part of the Philosophy
Club, Bhak ti Yoga Club, ICC, Student Senate, given Sesario millions of headaches for the past three years, he can testify. Basically
for the past year and a half, I was in a situation where I was provided with shelter and food, basically everything I needed at no cost in
exchange for my, my how could I say this.. Whatever it was a temple. So now I moved out two months ago and I was staying with my
sister because I’m moving up to UCSC and just transition, I got a scholarship at UCSC so that’s great, but I find it really hard to
manage all of my ICC, being a secretary, being on the Senate being the Treasurer, two committees, being in the Bhaki ti Yoga Club,
on top of work, on top of 13 units, on top of sanity, and like all these other little details like that and I’m really struggling this month. I
can’t pay my rent, I just told my landlord I can’t pay it, like I have no money in my bank account, I have $1.25 and a quarter tank of gas
left, I get food stamps so that’s good, I don’t have to worry about food. But basically I’m requesting if I can have some assistance, I
would greatly, it would help me just to finish up the semester so I can get over to UCSC, and I really want to focus, I have a midterm on
Tuesday I’m working like 15hrs on top of Senate stuff, whatever I already told you guys, so I’m requesting $500 and that would go to
cover the rent that I just can’t make, it will help me not have to work 20hrs, or whatever hours I have to make, so that’s where I’m at. If
someone would like to make the motion that would be sweet because I can’t
Elizabeth moved to allocate up to $500.00 from the Emergency Assistance Account to help a student, Michelle Giovanarri, in need.
Gaby seconded.
Geoffrey: Alright, the motion has been moved and seconded, do we have discussion?
Morgan: Sesario aren’t there accounts allocated to women in need, like women’s crisis account or something like that?
Sesario: Women for Educational Success
Michelle: I already tapped it a few months ago
Sesario: Let me tell you my concern with this, if you allocate to Student Senators, it is self serving and that is a very very poor
Morgan: Are there any other accounts or anything?
Sesario: Well you see this is very personal, are we going to start talking… because I have lots of questions behind this about Financial
Aid, facts about WES, I think she’s here because she’s exhausted in the avenues she’s looked, so I don’t question the need, I’m
worried about establishing it’s purpose
Kayleb: I do recognize your position, I’ve been in that same position before too, if you guys recall when making the budget, most of
you, I’m pretty sure everyone except me, was for having the Student Assistance Account. I was the only one that disagreed because if
a student has laptops, cell phones, other resources they can sell that, they can use that, there are some students who are homeless
and can’t afford it, but it’s really hard for us, a bunch of 20 year olds to decide to give money to students, I don’t think that were
conscious enough to make financial decisions for an individual. There are people that can get loans and other ways to get funded. I
agree with Sesario, having Senators use makes it seem like it’s for us and not other students.
Gaby: I understand that this may seem self serving but I recognize Michelle for having put so much time and effort in everything. Just
like the fridge and microwave cleanup; she was also the Welcome Week Chair for this semester, where I spend around $5,000 ,she
spend nothing and it was a very successful event. It may seem self serving but we also have to recognize all of her work, she has put
herself out there for the College.
Michelle: I just want to remind everyone that if you feel that its kind of bias to support this cause, don’t do it, don’t feel by any chance
that because I’m a peer and you maybe you feel “oh she did a lot of work just give it to her”, just stick to your intuition. I felt the same
way, I didn’t want to request these funds, and I’ve been struggling for a while now, like three months like hard you know, whatever
everyone does. I was just suggested by, by.. I don’t want to give it away, but by someone in this room to just go for it, if you need it just
ask for it, that’s what the account’s for, so I just wanted to put that out there.
Edgar: There are other Colleges where the Senators get stipends; they get a check once every two weeks or once every month
depending on the college, so I don’t see anything wrong with this, we spend a lot making small changes here and there, and this isn’t
just for Senators, in fact last semester someone who was in clubs go it
Nahayeli: The fact that she is a Senator, doesn’t mean she isn’t a student, the fact that we’re Senators doesn’t mean we don’t have
needs, and if it was something where the need isn’t there than I would say maybe not, but it’s totally clear that she needs it, and we’re
not just here to support the needs of students who are not involved or in the Senate but everyone on campus and aside from being a
Senator, let me just remind all of you that she is a student.
Morgan: I think that when we set up this emergency account and had a student come to us for help and we allocated money for him,
did we establish a guideline that says Senators can’t take it out because if not then this is just going of kind of like “oh she’s a Senator
so uh that looks kinda”, because even though it does maybe we should of thought of that before and even though I really agree that we
should have a stronger better way of taking care of students in need rather than just a little bit of money that we have maybe looking
into a self replenishing account or fundraiser that keeps the money coming in, it would be a more solid thing, and since it was so
sketchy like “okay who’s it for?” And we already allocated it to someone; I don’t think it’s fair not to give it to Michelle
Christian: Michelle, I think we really need to look at it, like really look at it without putting the Michelle into it, How many of you guys
here a struggle to Financial Aid?, Does this mean that we can all come to ask for money? That’s the door that it can open, and I think
that there are a lot more students that re in the same position and I honestly do believe its self serving and I’m not in favor of this
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, May 6 , 2010.
Sesario: Your job is to serve your constituents; your constituents don’t know that these funds are available to them, you did not
advertise it to them and my whole issue at the start of this I was against it because if you advertised it the way you should, this would
be gone in 2 minutes and my question was do Student Senators qualify for this? And if the answer is yes, then this would be
Immediately consumed within the Student Senate, that is self serving, you have not provided guidelines, so the position I’m going to
take as your advisor is, I’m going to sig of on this one if it passes and I’m not going to sign off on no more until you bring me guidelines
and in those guidelines I want to see that you are advertising to your constituents, the reason I am against this is because you are not
the financial aid institution, you don’t have their resources, you don’t have their respective criteria and because I don’t want Senators
fighting with Senators, and if you want it for Senators then you should advocate for what Edgar is saying, and I’m against that too but I
don’t win all these battles, I’ve been loosing quite a few with you guys lately. My point is if that’s where you want to go there are some
schools that provide guidelines
Lupe: There was a situation last year with a Senator, she needed some help and she was going to have a baby and she needed some
help, in between coming to school and being on a couple committees, these Senator had suggested to create some kind of
scholarship or award to give to this Senator to help her with her needs. The Senate, many senators talked about it, took about 45
minutes, and it came down to a small amount that the Senate decided to give a small amount as a thing for her family but it still got
voted out because like Sesario said we’re only here to serve the students not ourselves as a Senate, there were other groups of
Senators who don’t see it fair, and there has still been a huge debate on stipends, so I think that…
Christian moved for a time extension of 10 minutes. Brian seconded. Aye: 10/ Nay:2/ Abs:1
Lupe: Michelle, most of us has experienced this; we all go to other resources to fill our needs and stuff, but last years Senate, and
Geoffrey was on it Michelle was on it and a couple others, and we had discussed the same item about a Senator in need and there
was just no way of fulfilling what he or she needed. So I think that if you guys have a situation or an emergency and I agree with
Sesario if you’re going to put that money for the body it’s going to be gone in a short time, and if we do it for our own members of the
Senate, everyone’s going to need that money at some point, so are going to help and serve ourselves? Because if you are going to
stipend yourselves then you have to work with the advisors, but I think Michelle has worked a lot in both Senates and even beyond my
Senate but I think it’s up to you to really consider it, and table it for next week so you can meet.
Flor: So there are a lot of issues that you guys need to talk about the emergency fund, should you have one or maybe not, maybe you
guys should allocate the money to the financial aid, but the fact is that we do have an account for this and we do have a student, who is
a student and a Senator, and we do promote student success, and she’s dependent on transferring and is going through a really hard
time, so these are things that are up to you guys to think about but I’m totally with not having this account but I am also here to support
students and student success
Sesario: If we approve this, I think you should approve $500 for Julietta next week, this woman can’t pay her medical bills, she is
desperate, that’s why she’s here, and you have thousands of constituents who are just like that, and they are the ones who your
purpose is to serve, and I think whatever you do with this today, give her $500 either that or help her fundraise, now I don’t recommend
that because then you would be fundraising for 3,000 students. So where is the limit to what you think you can do? You have to figure
out what your priorities are.
Noemi: Like Nahayeli said, Michelle is aside from a Senator, a student, and I feel that she has done a lot of work on campus, and I
don’t know if we can table this for next week because I don’t know how much of an emergency this is, but I think that Michelle has
searched for other avenues before coming to us and that this wasn’t her first resource and that she didn’t want to come to it, and I feel
that we really need to think about this carefully before making a decision
Gaby: The funds are there, if there are no guidelines, that is our fault. Michelle came because the funds are there, also last time we
gave out the money we based our knowledge on the person because he was a leader and got involved and I don’t believe that if we
give out this money today that the money will not go to waste, I don’t see this as self serving because we are going to help out a
student in need, if the students haven’t been informed about funds that’s our fault, if we don’t have guidelines it’s our fault, not hers.
Christian: I think you guys are just contradicting yourselves, when Sage came in to ask for money we grilled him with so many
questions he had to come in twice, and some of the people who are in favor of this I think are kind of looking at it in a more personal
way, every student is in the same position and I think that if you guys are going to say something that we should follow through with it
Nahayeli: Point of information, how much money is left in the account? Is that the last $500 we have left in the account?
Michelle: Point of clarification, there’s $1,500 left in the account, I spoke with Sesario today about when is the last day we can put
potential items for action and it would be basically next week, and the week after that, so two more meetings
Edgar: So Lupe, you were saying that there was a woman who was pregnant and was asking for money and they said no?
Lupe: No, it got discussed again and then she went into labor, but it went into another discussion and she just got a small gift
Edgar: So it was turned down really?
Geoffrey: We need to stay on topic here
Noel called to question. Gaby seconded. Aye: 8 /Nay:4/ Abs:1
Motion: All those in favor of allocating up to $500.00 from the Emergency Assistance Account to help a student, Michelle Giovanarri, in
need. Aye:6/ Nay:5 / Abs:3
Student Emergency Assistance
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action regarding an allocation of up to $500.00 to help a student in need.
Michelle: Ok so this item is for a student, he’s not here, I hope he’s okay, should we just table it or do we want to hear a little bit about
the student
Noemi: I was just going to say that Sesario said that if we approve the other money that we should come up with guidelines because
he said he wasn’t going to sign of on any more
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, May 6 , 2010.
Michelle: Point of clarification, the budget committee already made criteria we ran down through it so maybe we can bring it to the
Senate for discussion next week but I’d still like to have the discussion because this student is in real need, like he’s living out of his car,
I see him all the time, and I know his situation has been like this, but I finally suggested this to him since the semester is coming to an
end and he’s really humble, he didn’t want to accept anything but I told him listen there’s this account that will help you continue your
studies, and he’s an active member, you’ll all recognize him, he’s always here, his name is Oscar Rojas. Next week I’ll bring
information from the budget committee to look at the criteria and then adjust it an approve it, and then if the advisors are in compliance
or If they agree with our criteria, then after we’re done I’d like to get this back on
Christian: I don’t think it’s fair, if we approved your funds without guidelines why would we establish them for the rest of the semester,
I’m sorry I just don’t think it’s fair
Morgan: This was obviously and idea that had a lot of good heart that was not clearly thought out, so I think that if we’re going to
approve Michelle’s, we should approve the lady who said she would fundraise and swim backwards to pay her medical bills and this
guy because there were guidelines to it and we can’t be picky about something we didn’t write, and then think about a good way to
this had a lot of good heart and it came from a good place but I think we should approve yours, the lady that came in and this guys
Edgar: So I like the idea of giving this money to the financial aid and saying we want this to be an emergency fund for students who
are in trouble and we want you guys to decide the criteria for that since you guys are professionals, that way we won’t get into some
kind of possibly emotional thing because our friend is asking for money and get into a discussion of the past, perhaps we should let
professionals handle this
Flor: I think you guys should figure out whether you guys are going to have this account for next year and if you are to get a committee
together and come up with the criteria for it
Noel: I don’t think we should give this money to financial aid at all because it totally dis-empowers the Senate and it’s something that
we created
Noel moved to approve up to $500.00 from Student Emergency Assistance Fund for a student, Oscar Rojas, in need. Michelle
Christian: This guy didn’t even come in, the lady came in so why don’t we give the money to her
Motion: All those in favor to approve up to $500.00 from Student Emergency Assistance Fund for a student, Oscar Rojas, in need
Aye:9/ Nay:2/ Abs:3
Brian moved to reconsider the vote. Christian seconded. Aye:9/ Nay:5
Gaby: Weren’t we out of time?
Christian moved for a time extension of 5 minutes. Carla seconded.
Geoffrey: When you reconsider the motion, it opens up new time
Christian: See you guys are so hesitant to listen when it comes to other students and when it comes to self serving you guys are
quick, that’s ridiculous, anyway going back to my point, this woman here was asking for money and she actually came here, why are
we approving funds for someone who hasn’t come yet, I’m not saying that we shouldn’t approve it for him, but what I’m saying is lets
approve it for the lady, she came in here, she asked for money, why are we going to approve it for some guy who didn’t come
Michelle: My response to Christian’s point, I wasn’t here when that lady came but we need to put down an item for that lady that came
today and then we can discuss it next week because it’s just common sense if we didn’t put it on the agenda, we can’t vote for it but we
kind of indirectly already kind of decided or were considering putting it on next week
Gaby: Point of information, isn’t this Michelle’s item, so doesn’t she get to decide what name she wants on it
Michelle: Thank you
Christian: It wasn’t stated though
Gaby: but it’s Michelle’s item, that’s my point of information
Morgan: When I voted on this item, I was under the impression that we were going to give it for you (Michelle), for the lady and for the
guy, that all adds up to $1,500 after that the account is cleared out and we can reconsider how to do it, but since this guy is on here, I
was under the impression that we were going to put the lady’s item on for next week and that we weren’t going to shorten her because
there’s enough money for everyone
Noel: This person has been the Cabrillo unit record holder, he is a student, that’s what he is, he is addicted to learning so he neglects
his body, he’s totally addicted to learning, he’s a little eccentric but he’s a great example of what it means to come to school for the right
reasons, he just comes to school to learn, he has like 4 degrees, I mean he has an amazing personality
Morgan: Point of order, there’s no name on this, so can we just give it to the lady first since she came and then put this guy who’s
living out of his car on for next week
Noel: I don’t want to yield the floor to you guys
Michelle: I just called point of order
Noel: point of order, does point of order really mean we can interrupt when ever we want?
Noel moved to call to question. Michelle seconded. Aye:6/ Nay:7
Noemi: If we don’t agree with sponsoring Oscar, all we have to do is vote Nay on this and the item won’t pass and we can bring it back
next week
Nahayeli moved for a time extension of 3 minutes. Brian seconded. Passed unanimously.
Brian: Michelle, I understand where you’re coming from but since there was no name on yours either, if you are going to say we can’t
change the name because we want to change it to the lady that came, it would also invalidate yours
Michelle: Can I respond to him since he is speaking to me directly?
Geoffrey: Sure
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, May 6 , 2010.
Michelle: Well what you just said, sure it makes sense on one half, but we have a student that asked before and he’s been waiting for
a week and this lady no doubt she’s at the same level that’s not to be neglected, it’s to be honored and serve to, that’s what we’re here
for, that’s what the account for, but this student has been on this for a week, he talked to me two weeks ago and I explained the
situation with brown act, that he needs to wait a week and then it’ll be on the agenda, so if it’s going to be a matter that she came in
here today and talked about it, well this student was here over a week and a half ago, so I just want that to be cleared up
Gaby: Point of information, this is Michelle’s item, why does someone else want to put another name on it
Noel: Point of information, she hadn’t sad to change the name, Morgan said to change the name
Nahayeli: Are we really going to vote on this, you’re here you asked for the money but you’re here, you’re physically here, Sage came
and he was here, if you guys really think about it, are we going to vote on someone, I don’t know who you are talking about, I’ve never
meet this guy, and I’m sure he has a need, I have no doubts about that, you guys know him, you guys have seen him, but this lady
came she was here, are we really going to vote on someone who’s not here, who we don’t know, who we haven’t seen?
Michelle: Point of clarification, It’s not a matter of if we see them or if we interview them, the information talks for itself, someone has a
need, they have that need, whether they’re here or not I feel is a little irrelevant, no doubt it shows some other level, but this is about
someone who is student who is living out of his car, they are going for student success and I do see your point
Nahayeli: The money will be there, this lady just came, and she wants to do a fundraise so we should just help her out
Yeraldin moved to extend time for 3 minutes. Christian seconded. Aye:9/ Nay:4
Christian: This is exactly why I didn’t vote in favor for you in the first place because right now we put a Senator before a student when
we could of easily placed two students before a Senator, I think it’s unfair
Noel: Point of information, this is her item
Christian: Right, but I’m entitled to my opinion and I can bring it to the floor
Morgan: I think this is where we play judge, who are we to say who has a worse situation, and I think it was more important that she
was here, they both have a need, they both have a need and who are we to say whose is worst or who needs it more first, I think we
should just base it on who was here and amend it to Julietta
Yeraldin: I think this discussion is kind of ridiculous because I think we agreed that we were going to sponsor the guy, Michelle, and
the lady and I don’t see the point in who gets it first and right now we’re just playing with words, I think that what matters the most is us
helping them not how soon. The lady was here and she came today and I really valid that but now she has to wait a week, and this guy
has been waiting for now two weeks, I understand Christian’s point and I totally get it but I think that if she came for help today, we still
have a week to help her and we’re going to help her, so I don’t see why were discussing whose going to get our help first
Michelle: Respectfully Morgan, this was complete contradictory to what you said about playing judge because look at the fact he’s
been waiting for a week and a half and she came in here hoping to get help in a week and now we’re trying to manipulate things
Motion: All those in favor to approve up to $500.00 from Student Emergency Assistance Fund for a student, Oscar Rojas, in need.
Aye:11/ Nay:1/ Abs:1
Brian moved for a 2 minutes recess. Nahayeli seconded. Aye: 10/ Nay:2/ Abs:1
(current time: 5:03pm)
Reports (Every other name is Bold for Easy Reading)
Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers and Committees report on Senate Activities.
Executive Officers
President: Geoffrey Stanfield
Vice President: Christian Rivera
Treasurer: Michelle Giovannari
Adjusting the budget
Student Trustee: Elizabeth Habara
LA General Assembly- conference
Legeslative Representative: Gerardo Avila
Inter-Club Council Chair: Yeraldin Zavala
New Club chartered
Watsonville Representative: Vacant
Scotts Valley Representative: Kayleb Spencer
Nahayeli Juarez
B. Edger McCalbhin
Adrian Serrano
Morgan Schreiber
Brian Kelly
Griselda Rodriguez
As Needed
Gabriela Avila
Carla Pecoraro
Noemi Duran
3 Minutes Ea.
Noel Heyden
Theo Offei
Ivan Ramirez
Sesario Escoto
Flor Chacón
10 Minutes
Trustee Report
10 Minutes
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, May 6 , 2010.
Food Service
Agenda Requests
Adjournment at 6:25pm
Constitution & Bylaws
Student Activity Card
5 Minutes
Pass Around
(to be held after the Student Senate Meeting)
Call to Order
A. Roll Call
Adoption of the Executive Agenda
Approval of the Executive Minutes
A. Meeting Minutes from April 29 , 2010
B. Meeting Minutes from April 15 , 2010
Regular Business
A. Discussion of Meeting
10 Minutes
B. Discussion of any Pending Absences and Tardies
This item is to discuss any Senator’s absence or tardy to be put on next week’s meeting for a procedural vote.
Christian moved not to excuse Michelle’s tardy. Yeraldin seconded. Passed unanimously.
Christian moved to excuse Theo, Carla, and Gerardo’s absence.
Yeraldin moved to not excuse Theo’s absence. Elizabeth seconded. Aye:3/Nay:2
Christian moved to excuse Carla and Gerardo’s absences. Michelle seconded. Passed unanimously.
4 Minutes
C. Committee Formation
This item is for any requests for formations of committees.
10 Minutes
D. Committee Non-Compliance
This item is to address any issues of Committee Non-Compliance by members of the ASCC Student Senate.
Old Business
New Business
Advisor Reports
Sesario Escoto
Flor Chacón
Executive Agenda Requests
Adjournment at 6:40 pm
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, May 6 , 2010.
10 Minutes
7 Minutes