Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Aptos Campus
6500 Soquel Dr, Aptos, CA
Room SAC-225
Date and Time:
Thursday, March 11 , 2010
3:00 PM
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate will hold a meeting on Thursday, March 11 , 2009. The
meeting time and location information is noted on the agenda. We hope to encourage full participation in student government and
advocacy. If you have any questions, please contact us at 831.477.5677. If needed, you can be provided with any disabilityrelated modification or accommodations; please call Disabled Student Program and Services at (831) 479-6379. Requests
should be made as early as possible, though on-campus transportation can be called for at any time.
Call to Order at 3:02pm
A. Roll Call
Voting members: 15
Voting members needed for quorum (½+1): 13.5
Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 10
Adoption of the Agenda
Morgan moved to adopt the agenda for Thursday, March 11 , 2010. Christian seconded. Passed unanimously.
Approval of the Minutes
A. Meeting Minutes from February 25 , 2010
Morgan moved to approve the minutes from Thursday, February 25 , 2010. Ivan seconded. Passed unanimously.
Public Comments
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda.
There will be a limit of three (3) minutes per speaker
Susan Tappero (MESA Director) – Thank you to Senate for funding their tutoring services, have been very successful
Sarab Sarabi (Regional Senator)- needs 12,000 students to gather 60 signatures
Steven (past Senator)- was curious about the Café space because the previous Senate had voted to create it; is willing
to sit on the committee when it’s created.
Lupe Ortiz- Is also willing to sit on committee if created
Kristen- New marketing director joined 3 weeks ago, does anything with marketing communications including PR,
media relations, direct marketing etc. Will be attending the March in March
Special Items
Senate Appointment: Senator-at-Large
7 minutes each
This item is for review of applicants for the open Senator-at-Large position on the Senate and possible appointment of
that position. Each applicant will have opportunity to address the senate and take questions.
Karla: Political Science Major; International Law
for Senator-at-Large
Passed unanimously
Brian: Business Major, Communication Minor
for Senator-at-Large
Passed unanimously
Special Presentation: George Romero
10 Minutes
George: Librarian for 12 years, Impact on textbook program, when recession came we were ready for it, One request:
right now when those textbook age, we send them back to the Senate, what I would like to ask you to consider for us is
to keep some of those books because in the stacks sometimes we don’t have some of those books
Gaby moved for a time extension of 3 minutes. Noel seconded. Aye:11/ Nay:4
Handed out chart; showed how the textbook program has helped over time
$18,000; Over time the cost of books, if they go down, then the cost for us would be less
Extended hours shrunk the times and days of availability.
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, March 11 , 2010.
Old Business
A. SAC East Security
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item for discussion and/or action on the allocation of up to $5000.00 from the Equipment account of the
Student Center Fee Fund for the purchase and installation of a security camera system in SAC-East.
Kayleb moved to allocate up to $5000.00 from the Equipment account of the Student Center Fee Fund for the purchase
and installation of a security camera system in SAC-East. Gaby seconded.
Kayleb: Chris Murdoc suggested 4 cameras, meeting last Friday one by the entrance, two by the computers, and one
by Sesarios’s office that over-look the whole building.
Motion: This item is to allocate up to $5000.00 from the Equipment account of the Student Center Fee Fund for the
purchase and installation of a security camera system in SAC-East. Aye:12/Nay:3/Abs:1
New Business
A. Disciplinary Hearing
Discussion/Possible Action
15 Minutes
This item is for discussion and/or possible action regarding the charge of conduct unbecoming of a senator
brought up against Legislative Representative Gerardo Avila.
Geoffrey: So on this matter, it has come to my attention that Gerardo you stated that you have been driving yourself to
these meetings and it has come to my attention that you don’t have a driver’s license. Now this is a thing that I have to
bring up because driving without a license is a very dangerous situation I cannot look the other way when people are in
violation of the law especially when they are doing it in the name of the senate. I’m going to ask you right now Gerardo
did you drive to these meetings?
Gerardo: Yes
Geoffrey: Do you have a driver’s license?
Gerardo: No
Geoffrey: Ok then, as a member of the Executive Board I move for the dismissal of Gerardo Avila on the grounds of
Driving without a license. Yeraldin seconded.
Christian: you can’t make the motion
Christian moved to dismiss Gerardo Avila on the grounds of conduct and unbecoming of an Officer. Yeraldin
Theo: Alright, so first of all, I don’t think this is a question of ethics, second of all, I think that if we want to be fair over
here to question someone for driving without a license to represent students than I cant sit quietly knowing that there are
also others driving without driver’s licenses and representing students. I want to emphasize that we are not in any
position to question his legality of driving.
Kayleb: First of all, him driving without a driver’s license to these meetings is like me driving to Watsonville going over
the speed limit, that’s still illegal, I drove over the speed limit and I would be placed on misconduct and unbecoming of a
senator myself, so I just don’t agree with this
Yeraldin: It’s not that we’re not questioning it, I mean he said it, and second of all at the beginning when we were
senators we dismissed our vice president because he committed an unethical act and it didn’t look good on us so by him
doing this illegally is it going to look goon on us? I mean we dismissed our vice president so I don’t see how this is any
Gerardo: So as some of you may know my status, it’s impossible for me to obtain a driver’s license, however I did find
out I can obtain an international driver’s license, which I would pay out of my pocket in order to represent the students
and fulfill my position. Most of the members were aware of this when I was elected myself, now this is not coming up
because of ethics or a conflict of interest; it has nothing to do with that anymore, this has to do more with a personal
attack and personal differences that I’ve held with a couple senators in here. We as a senate are an advocacy group and
we have no legal jurisdiction over someone’s personal life now I did this to represent the constituents, I see that it’s
wrong but I put myself on the line for the students, I don’t want to be rewarded as a hero, I just want to do my job. I spoke
with Sesario, he said as long as I don’t do this again or obtain my international driver’s license that everything should be
fine because we are not any law enforcement agency so this item has no validation whatsoever.
Christian: I can’t hold you accountable for that, I don’t think it’s fair that we’re even questioning this, that’s why when I
moved, I moved to dismiss him on conduct and unbecoming of an officer I didn’t state that reason, the reason is that you
defied the Senate numerous times, you were involved on a scandal with one person taking accountability for the actions.
You knew that you were not to attend the SSCCC meetings without the approval of the Senate. Also, you went to
Hooters not questioning it and a member of the public didn’t appreciate it. My thing is many senators have left, many
senators have noticed a continuous unethical behavior on your part and that is what I’m bringing to the table, and I’m not
question you legality to drive so I’m not going to use that against you.
Noel: I’ve only been in the Senate a semester, I’m not aware of all the factors however I think this is mean, that it’s
unnecessary to go through all this to get something achieved, I mean we say were not bringing his ethical thing into
account yet at the same time we’re saying out loud you have the fault, you have the fault and I’d like to say if anybody in
this room has no fault let them speak. There are so many things that we do to people that the kind of things that we do
emotionally are far most criminal sometimes than what you can do to them externally. I think that we should do our job
with love and not fault finding. I actually don’t think that what he did was even hardly anything at all; just personally, I
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, March 11 , 2010.
don’t know why it’s becoming such a big issue. I just think that we shouldn’t be mean that we should be loving and
everyone should try to cultivate some love toward Gerardo and Noemi and also for those who are speaking with different
viewpoints, and things should be nice with good feelings.
Morgan moved for a time extension of 15 minutes. Gaby seconded. Aye:11/Nay:4/Abs:1
Nahayeli: I kind of agree with Kayleb but
Gerardo: I actually talked with Sesario about this when the issue of qualifications for Theo not being able to run for
Trustee and he said there weren’t going to be any problems with my position and I took his word. Now like I said I’m
willing to go out of my way to obtain whatever it is I need to be able to drive and something else Sesario
said was that if the Senate didn’t want me to drive around than we should get one of you guys that’s qualified to drive to
drive me around but then we’re going to have to cover those expenses as well.
Nahayeli: What do you think your punishment should be?
Gerardo: I think suspension should be good, this would show my dedication and how much I’m willing to stay here and
fulfill my job.
Noel moved to call to question. Theo seconded. Aye:14/Abs:2
Motion: This item is to dismiss Gerardo Avila on the grounds of conduct and unbecoming of an Officer. Aye:4/Nay:8
Nahayeli moved to reconsider the motion. Griselda seconded. Aye:8/Nay:3/Abs:1
Nahayeli moved for a two week suspension for Gerardo. Griselda seconded.
Christian called to question. Noel seconded. Passed unanimously.
Motion: This item is for a two week suspension of Gerardo beginning today’s meeting. Aye:10/Nay:1/Abs:3
B. Flyers on Campus
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion regarding the policy about flyers on campus.
Shae: There are only a few bulletin boards, and the few that we have are where no can really see them.
Form of proposal to be able to post on pillars, doors
Gaby moved for a time extension of 5 minutes. Gerardo seconded. Aye:12/Nay:3
Lupe: The reasons we can’t post were ever we want is because of the cleanliness, because then some don’t clean up
after themselves
Edgar moved to table this item. No second. Motion failed.
Christian moved to form a committee to find a middle ground to figure out more designated places to post flyers and
changing the policies in the club book.
C. Veto Override
Discussion/Possible Action
Rep. Avila
10 Minutes
This item is for discussion and/or action regarding an override of President Stanfield’s veto of item VII. B of the
February 25 meeting.
Gerardo moved to override Geoffrey’s veto of the February 25 meeting. Kayleb seconded. Aye:9/Nay:6/Abs:1
D. Region IV expenses approval
This item is for discussion regarding approval of Region IV expenses.
Regional Meetings:
$535 $600 as a safety net
Rep. Avila
5 Minutes
E. SSCCC expenses approval
This item is for discussion regarding approval of SSCCC expenses.
SSCCC Meetings:
Moved items to committee.
Rep. Avila
5 Minutes
F. Patio Furniture
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion regarding an allocation of up to $9,000 from the Student Activity Center Updates
account for the purchase of patio furniture.
Michelle: we would place the tables in between Sac East & Sac West, they will also have umbrellas, Sesario
recommended them, It’s definitely reliable and a sure thing
Geoffrey: let me just say that this is a good quote compared to last year
Edgar: Are we going to have a choice of color?
Michelle: They look industrial and work within our budget, there are 8 tables and other additions
Gerardo: where do you think of placing them?
Michelle: Sesario had suggested like I said in between the SAC buildings, if you have any suggestions bring them up
Gaby: do they have installation and maintenance?
Michelle: Yes, we plan to drill them into the ground
Brian: Have there been any requests for these tables?
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, March 11 , 2010.
Michelle: Yes
G. All-campus Email
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion regarding possibly issuing an all-campus email to all students raising awareness of
Senate meetings/activities.
Michelle: I just thought that it would be nice to extend our selves and our meetings to the students by sending out an all
campus email, maybe if its even for once a month
Gerardo: I’m totally for this and if the Senate has to put any money to provide students with an email account that would
be great. One of the things that were facing with these budget crisis is that a lot of students are relying on state financial
aid instead of federal aid, which is fafsa, to inform them through all campus emails would be great.
Edgar: there’s a number of things we could do, How much does a server cost roughly?
Bailey: $40,000
Michelle: I don’t think we should spend money on this
Kayleb: Students who would like to receive these emails, can pay $2 and then hopefully with that money we could pay it
off in the future
H. Welcome Bag
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/and or possible action regarding the allocation of $75.00 from the Programs account
to provide a welcome bag to the 16 Japanese students arriving at Cabrillo for an internship in the ECE program.
Kayleb moved to allocate up to $75.00 from the Programs account to provide a welcome bag to the 16 Japanese
students arriving at Cabrillo for an internship in the ECE program. Gaby seconded.
Edgar: I think we should have a BBQ for them
Kayleb: They’re just here for internship
Christian: I’m in support of this however I don’t feel we should approve funds for this yet
Christian moved to table this item for next week on the grounds of not enough information on this item. Michelle
seconded. Aye:7/Nay:8
Gerardo called to question. Noel seconded. Aye:13/Nay:1
Motion: This item is to allocate up to $75.00 from the Programs account to provide a welcome bag to the 16 Japanese
students arriving at Cabrillo for an internship in the ECE program. Aye:14/Nay:1
On-Campus Events
Mac Calvin
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion as to whether the senate would like additional on-campus events such as an SCA
Reports (Every other name is Bold for Easy Reading)
As Needed
Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers and Committees report on Senate Activities.
3 Minutes Ea.
A. Executive Officers
President: Geoffrey Stanfield
1. Diane Feinstein doesn’t want to sign SAFRA
Vice President: Christian Rivera
1. Needs to talk to new members about committee assignments
2. ASCC Internal Committee Report
3. Bylaws Committee meeting on March 9, 2010 at 2pm.
Treasurer: Jeff Vella
Student Trustee: Vacant
Legeslative Representative: Gerardo Avila
Inter-Club Council Chair: Yeraldin Zavala
Watsonville Representative: José Hernandez
Scotts Valley Representative: Kayleb Spencer
1. Faculty Senate:
from 2 weeks to at a class to a 1 week period,
2 weeks to petition
2. Senate Office Policies
3. St. Patrick’s Day decorations, will be asking for $500 for all 3 campuses, if interested
B. Senators-at-Large
Theo Offei
Noel Heyden
Griselda Rodriguez
Elections will begin April 5
Michelle Giovannari
Email Sustainability Com a doodle poll
The Green Initiative Fund
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, March 11 , 2010.
Noemi Duran
Ivan Ramirez
Morgan Schreiber
Gabriela Avila
Sigma Alpha Phi
Looking for executives for:
Nahayeli Juarez
Edgar Mac Calvin
Transfer Center cancelled their annual trip to universities.
FAFSA Fridays open for those who need help filling out fafsa
Publicity & Fundraiser
C. Advisers
Sesario Escoto
Flor Chacón
10 Minutes
Agenda Requests
Pass Around
Adjournment 6:20pm
(to be held after the Student Senate Meeting)
Call to Order at 6:27pm
A. Roll Call
Voting members: 4
Voting members needed for quorum (½+1): 4.5
Adoption of the Executive Agenda
Passed by consensus.
Approval of the Executive Minutes
A. Meeting Minutes from February 25 , 2010
Item tabled.
Special Orders
A. Discussion of Meeting
10 Minutes
B. Discussion of any Pending Absences and Tardies
4 Minutes
This item is to discuss any Senator’s absence or tardy to be put on next week’s meeting for a procedural vote.
Christian moved to remove Jose from his position as Watsonville Rep. due to 3 unexcused absences. Yeraldin
seconded. Passed unanimously.
Christian moved not to excuse Michelle’s tardy. Yeraldin seconded. Passed unanimously.
Old Business
A. Travel Expenses
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is to discuss and/or act on limiting travel expenses or the creation of a Senate per diem spending
Christian moved to strike this item.
New Business
Advisor Reports
Sesario Escoto
Flor Chacón
Executive Agenda Requests
-Committee Formation
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, March 11 , 2010.
7 Minutes
6:41 PM