Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Watsonville Center
318 Union St
Watsonville, CA, 95076
Date and Time:
Thursday, February 25 , 2010
3:30 PM
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate will hold a meeting on Thursday, February 25 , 2009. The
meeting time and location information is noted on the agenda. We hope to encourage full participation in student government and
advocacy. If you have any questions, please contact us at 831.477.5677. If needed, you can be provided with any disabilityrelated modification or accommodations; please call Disabled Student Program and Services at (831) 479-6379. Requests
should be made as early as possible, though on-campus transportation can be called for at any time.
Call to Order at 3:45pm
A. Roll Call
Voting members: 16
Voting members needed for quorum (½+1): 10.5
Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 8
Adoption of the Agenda
Michelle moved to postpone Article VII (New Business) item H for the following week.
LaQrecia moved to table Article VI (Old Business) item A, D, E, G, and H.
LaQrecia moved to table Article VII (New Business) item A; LaQrecia rescinded the above motion.
Passed by consensus.
Approval of the Minutes
A. Meeting Minutes from February 18 , 2010
Christian moved to include under his VP Report the date and time for the Deadline to state: Thursday (February 18 by
12 am)
Christian moved to approve the Minutes from Thursday, February 18 , 2010. LaQrecia seconded. Passed
Public Comments
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda.
There will be a limit of three (3) minutes per speaker
Special Items
Senate Appointment: Senator-at-Large
7 minutes each
This item is for review of applicants for the open Senator-at-Large position on the Senate and possible appointment of
that position. Each applicant will have opportunity to address the senate and take questions.
Edgar McKalvin- Senator-at-Large
LaQrecia moved for a time extension of 3 minutes. Michelle seconded. Aye:7/ Nay:5
LaQrecia moved for a time extension of 3 minutes. Christian seconded.
Morgan moved to amend the motion from 3 minutes to 5 minutes. Aye:4/ Nay: 8
Main Motion: This item is to extend time for 3 minutes. Aye: 7/ Nay: 5
Edgar McKalvin for Senator-at-Large. Aye:8/ Nay:5
B. Special Report: SSCCC Report
This item is for a special report on the SSCCC Council Meeting of Jan 9-10
Advocacy Event at Cabrillo on March 4
SSCCC & CCLC Partnership
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, February 25 , 2010.
Rep. Avila
6 Minutes
SSCCC & CCSAA Advisor Role
Hannah Kempis new chair of Region IV, Kevin Feliciano new Regional Senator
Pre Regional Assembly, Gerardo is a part of that committee, nominated Cabrillo to possibly be a host of the event
Morgan moved for a time extension of 3 minutes. LaQrecia seconded. Aye:9/ Nay:3
Morgan: You said you got a chance to speak to Scott Lay and that he had a lot of good ideas and insight, what were his
ideas and insights about the budget cuts?
Nahayeli moved for a time extension of 5 minutes. LaQrecia seconded. Aye:11/ Nay: 1
Gerardo: the president of the SSCCC would be attending the CCLC meetings, the first step would be the march in
march, about the budget he just spared us with what the first draft of the budget could look like
LaQrecia: How come none of us were invited to the SSCCC?
Gerardo: that meeting was over the January break
LaQrecia: Right. I didn’t receive any notification of this meeting, and I would just like to say that we need more
representation so we can all have an idea of what’s going on at the state level, and secondly, I think our advisor does
very well, and as one student voice I think we should actually discuss the rest of the items that will be coming up of the
Gerardo: Well under the bylaws and constitution it says that I must attend the SSCCC meetings
LaQrecia: I understand that, all I’m saying is that why weren’t any of us notified and invited to attend?
Sesario: the Student Senate has never ever taken an interest in attending the SSCCC or Region meetings, so if you
want that, every one of you think about it; are you going to go? Ok, most Student Senators do not like to go that’s why
they elected a Rep. and they are bounded by the Brown Act; and what I suggest you do Gerardo, is that you email the
whole Senate and that way they will consistently be invited.
Christian: Point of clarification, you’re not required to go, it says to if possible
Jeff: So what you’re saying is that Cabrillo anticipated these cuts and some of the other colleges did not; they spent all
their money last year so they don’t have any money this year, so money that we’re spending this year is also next years,
I just wanted to clarify.
Geoffrey: I do have a request that due to the fact that we have a member of the public here to speak to move New
Business item A up above Old Business, would anyone like to block consensus on that?
Alright, with that being said we are going to be moving to New Business item A and returning to Old Business after this.
(Refer to Article VII New Business item A)
C. Special Report:
Go Green Presentation
This item is for a special report from the group “Go Green”
10 Minutes
Old Business
A. Trip to Washington
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion pertaining to a the advocacy trip to Washington on March 22 , 2010
B. SAC East Security
This item for discussion about security in the SAC-East Building.
5 Minutes
Kayleb: $3,000-10,000 for 4-5 cameras
Jeff: Would we have to install the cameras ourselves?
Kayleb: No, the company would install them for us.
Edgar: It seems like all we’re talking about is cameras, there are other alternatives
Jeff moved for a time extension of 2 minutes. Gerardo seconded. Aye:7/ Nay:5
Morgan: I’m not in favor for cameras, I think we should look into other alternatives.
Christian moved to take this item to the executive board for discussion. Jeff seconded. Aye:9/ Nay:3
C. Sigma Alpha Pi
This item is for discussion of creation of a sigma alpha pi chapter on Cabrillo.
7 Minutes
Organization Sigma Alpha Pi: Based on Success Networking Teams; Groups of 10 You hold each other accountable to
goals every 2 weeks or so, you have to be active to be a member, motivating environment
For the students; open to Scotts Valley and Watsonville Campus
GPA: 2.7
$75 enrollment fee
Success Network Teams
Hoping for the support of the Senate; looking for members to from the executive board
LaQrecia moved for a time extension of 3 minutes. Edgar seconded. Passed unanimously.
Christian moved for a time extension of 2 minutes. LaQrecia seconded. Passed unanimously.
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, February 25 , 2010.
D. Resolution: No out-of-state tuition
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion and/or possible ratification of a resolution endorsing not charging veterans out-ofstate tuition to attend college.
E. Resolution: Faculty Senate
Discussion/Possible Action
This item is for discussion and/or possible ratification of the Faculty Senate Resolution.
5 Minutes
F. Adjunct Faculty
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion regarding the current situation of layoffs at Cabrillo College and a possible
endorsement of seniority preference program.
G. Letter to Sam Farr
This item is for discussion regarding the ASCC drafting an official letter to Sam Farr.
5 Minutes
H. Men’s Emergency Assistance Fund
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion on the possibility of creating a Men’s Emergency Assistance Fund.
15 Minutes
This item is for discussion on the creation of a CALPIRG Student Advocacy chapter on Cabrillo.
Training & support for student leaders working on individual projects
The opportunity for students to get involved in internships wich provide job experience
4 votes in the CAL PIRG state body
National & State Lobbyists
A chance to be one of the first in CA
Edgar: What kind of access will we have?
Geoffrey: Do you mean the Lobbyists?
Edgar: Yes
Geoffrey: We get four votes
Student: After paying the fee, how does CALPIRG pay itself?
Geoffrey: Each student would have to pay $4, each semester
LaQrecia moved for a time extension of 3 minutes. Edgar seconded. Passed unanimously.
Edgar moved for a time extension of 3 minutes. No second. Motion failed.
J. March in March
This item is for discussion regarding the ASCC’s involvement in the March in March.
5 Minutes
New Business
A. Cabrillo Solidarity
10 Minutes
This item is for discussion regarding the group Cabrillo Solidarity on campus
LaQrecia: Actually, just for the record, I haven’t spoken with Cabrillo Solidarity so I’m not completely endorsing Cabrillo
Solidarity because I don’t exactly know what your intentions is, and we are happy to have you here and I’d be very
grateful to have you share what your intentions are on campus.
David Lau: I’m a faculty member of the English Department, not a student. I’ve actually been teaching here since 2004
and at UCSC in the Literature Department. I’ve been one of the people who have been organizing the March 4 since
the very beginning: since October 24 last fall at the Berkley Conference that happened after the UC protest that began
the school year. So I basically came here today to try to let you guys what we’re trying to do. We we’re thinking about a
new time rally something with 4-5 speakers for roughly about 40min leading to breakout groups. We’re also thinking of
bussing students out on March 22, the other breakout groups would be a discussion on the budget and another on the
financial crisis.
Statewide movement to fight back for public services
Looking for the following:
Student Senate endorsement of that rally
A student to speak on how the cuts are affecting them
An MC for the ceremony
LaQrecia moved for a time extension of 3 minutes. Morgan seconded. Passed unanimously.
LaQrecia moved for a time extension of 3 minutes. Christian seconded.
Edgar moved to amend the motion from 3 minutes to 5 minutes. Aye:7/ Nay:5
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, February 25 , 2010.
Main Motion: This item is for a time extension of 5 minutes. Aye:9/ Nay:5
B. SSCCC Reimbursement
Discussion/Possible Action
Rep. Avila
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion and/or possible action on approving an allocation of $350.00 from the Student Rep
Fee account for reimbursement to Gerardo Avila for expenses pertaining to the SSCCC Council meeting in
Sacramento on January 9-10, 2010
Gerardo moved to approve the allocation of $350.00 from the Student Rep Fee account for the reimbursement to
Gerardo Avila for expenses pertaining to the SSCCC Council meeting in Sacramento on January 9-10, 2010. Noemi
Christian: Point of information, I really appreciate the initiative, you’re on top of it with the SSCCC, but we spoke about
this last summer, your not necessarily obligated to attend these meetings on our bylaws, if you refer to article 3, we
cannot reimburse you for something if its not two weeks prior or we would be violating the bylaws
Edgar: So you were representing us to the state and this cost you how much?
Gerardo: $350.00
Nahayeli moved for a time extension of 5 minutes. Edgar seconded. Aye:10/ Nay:4
LaQrecia moved to dismiss this item. Christian seconded. Aye:4/ Nay:8
Nahayeli moved to table this item. Edgar seconded. Aye:4/ Nay:7
Main Motion: Aye:8/Nay:4
C. Region IV Reimbursement
Rep. Avila
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion regarding reimbursement to Gerardo Avila for Region IV expenses.
Rep. Avila
5 Minutes
D. Advocacy for March 4
This item is for discussion regarding the ASCC involvement in advocacy events on March 4 .
E. Region IV expenses approval
This item is for discussion regarding approval of Region IV expenses.
Rep. Avila
5 Minutes
F. SSCCC expenses approval
This item is for discussion regarding approval of SSCCC expenses.
Rep. Avila
5 Minutes
G. Patio Furniture
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion regarding an allocation of up to $40,000 from the Student Activity Center Updates
account for the purchase of patio furniture.
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
H. All-campus Email
This item is for discussion regarding possibly issuing an all-campus email to all students raising awareness of
Senate meetings/activities.
SCA Event
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion regarding a possible Society for Creative Anachronism event at Cabrillo.
Reports (Every other name is Bold for Easy Reading)
As Needed
Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers and Committees report on Senate Activities.
A. Executive Officers
President: Geoffrey Stanfield
Vice President: Christian Rivera
Treasurer: Jeff Vella
Student Trustee: LaQrecia Clarke (6 min)
B. Senators-at-Large
Theo Offei
Nahayeli Juarez
Griselda Rodriguez
Michelle Giovannari
C. Advisers
Sesario Escoto
Flor Chacón
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, February 25 , 2010.
3 Minutes Ea.
Legeslative Representative: Gerardo Avila
Inter-Club Council Chair: Yeraldin Zavala
Watsonville Representative: José Hernandez
Scotts Valley Representative: Kayleb Spencer
Noemi Duran
Morgan Schreiber
Ivan Ramirez
Gabriela Avila
10 Minutes
D. Special Reports
Treasurer Report
10 Minutes
Agenda Requests
Pass Around
Adjournment at 6:00pm
(to be held after the Student Senate Meeting)
Call to Order at 6:33pm
A. Roll Call
Voting members: 7
Voting members needed for quorum (½+1): 4.5
Adoption of the Executive Agenda
Geoffrey moved to move up XVI item B above item XIV letter A.
LaQrecia moved to strike Article XV (Old Business) item A
Passed by consensus.
Approval of the Executive Minutes
A. Meeting Minutes from February 18 , 2010
Gerardo moved to approve the Executive Minutes from February 18 , 2010. Jeff seconded. Passed unanimously.
Special Orders
A. Discussion of Meeting
10 Minutes
LaQrecia: Executive board members, I’d like to notify you and thank you for the time that I spent here with the Senate,
but I submit to you my official oral resignation to be effective immediately due to the many unethical decisions which
have been made by the senate with regards to policies, committees, and overall effectiveness. I will make myself
available to you for your next representative and request that either the President or executive member attend the next
Governing Board, I’ll make myself available for the next month ending on the first of April.
Geoffrey: Any other discussion at this time.
Morgan: I’d also like to thank you guys for your time, but due to the un-ethics of the Senate I feel like I’m wasting my
time and I am also going to resign.
Geoffrey: Very well. Any other discussion at this time
Christian: Can we discuss further elaboration on this it seems as if it’s something that needs to be discussed if there is a
Geoffrey: It is to Cree’s discretion, if it does pertain to the meeting of the day
LaQrecia: I have no further thoughts
Christian: I was really uncomfortable with how the meeting went, I just feel the same way that Cree and Morgan and
many others, we are perpetuating this unethical behavior and we have been for the past semester, I mean, I understand
your point Flor, on how we would look and contradicting ourselves for not approving the funds for Gerardo of the
SSCCC, however, I differ. Why? Because I don’t think that the fact of him attending was in question, many of us would
support it and we would have if it was notified. I think al lot of us would be more lenient towards it if this was the first time
unfortunately it wasn’t the first time. I feel like my job as the VP is pointless, I had no say, I was trying to refer to the
bylaws, the point that was made was to review the bylaws, we should all know them by now.
Flor: I was saying that too because we have 2 new members. My perspective was that you were referring to the bylaws
because you know them and I want everybody to be on the same page. I t was up to the Senate to vote; that is out my
Chris: I just think that it’s irrelevant to base it on the bylaws
B. Discussion of any Pending Absences and Tardies
4 Minutes
This item is to discuss any Senator’s absence or tardy to be put on next week’s meeting for a procedural vote.
Geoffrey moved to excuse Yeraldin’s absence due to a doctor’s appointment.
Christian moved not to excuse Jose’s absence. Jeff seconded. Passed unanimously.
Christian moved to table Theo’s absence. Jeff seconded. Passed unanimously.
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, February 25 , 2010.
Old Business
A. Cabrillo College Promotions
Discussion/Possible Action
This item is to discuss any promotions we can do for Taher,
5 Minutes
Travel Expenses
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is to discuss and/or act on limiting travel expenses or the creation of a Senate per diem spending
New Business
Advisor Reports
Sesario Escoto
Flor Chacón
Executive Agenda Requests
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, February 25 , 2010.
7 Minutes
7:16 PM