Document 12991258

Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Watsonville Campus
318 Union St, Watsonville, CA
Date and Time:
Thursday, April 29 , 2010
3:30 PM
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate will hold a meeting on Thursday, April 29 , 2009. The meeting time and
location information is noted on the agenda. We hope to encourage full participation in student government and advocacy. If you have any
questions, please contact us at 831.477.5677. If needed, you can be provided with any disability-related modification or accommodations;
please call Disabled Student Program and Services at (831) 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though on-campus
transportation can be called for at any time.
Call to Order 3:40pm
A. Roll Call
Voting members: 13
Voting members needed for quorum (½+1): 10.5
Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 12.66
Adoption of the Agenda
Kayleb moved to strike Old Business, item G.
Christian moved to table Old Business, item A.
Kayleb moved to adopt the Agenda for Thursday, April 29 , 2010. Yeraldin seconded. Passed unanimously.
Approval of the Minutes
A. Meeting Minutes from April 22 , 2010
Michelle moved to approve the minutes from April 22 , 2010. Elizabeth seconded. Passed unanimously.
B. Meeting Minutes from April 15 , 2010
Public Comments
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda.
There will be a limit of three (3) minutes per speaker
Michelle- wireless connection information; passed out flyers
Old Business
A. Bylaws Revisions
Discussion/Possible Action
15 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action regarding approval of the proposed amendments to the ASCC Bylaws.
Pool Table
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action regard the ASCC pool table currently located in the Billie Paul Fireside Lounge.
Elizabeth: Geoffrey had brought to my attention and some others if games is willing to give the pool table to AGS for their Rummage
sale instead of it being donated, Games is a go on it, we all talked about it and are willing to even take it to AGS’s Rummage Sale,
where someone else can buy it.
Michelle: I’d like to call to question.
Christian: there’s no motion on the floor
Michelle moved to give the ASCC pool table currently located in the Billie Paul Fireside Lounge to AGS for its Rummage Sale. Noemi
Michelle moved to call to question. Gerardo seconded. Passed unanimously.
Motion: This item is to give the ASCC pool table currently located in the Billie Paul Fireside Lounge to AGS for its Rummage Sale.
Passed unanimously.
Student Advocacy/Sustainability Center
Discussion/Possible Action
Stanfield/Schreiber 10 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action regarding the repurposing of the Student Café funds to instead fund the formation
of a Student Advocacy and Sustainability Center to be located in the lower floor of SAC-West.
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 29, 2010.
Morgan: Basically what this would be is a sustainability center ran by students, and it would just be different groups for internships
instead of a café, not Cal PIRG, Ryan’s part was running it by students without Cal PIRG, what do you guys think of it being that
Michelle: Just from hearing different opinions from different groups on campus, they seem to be greatly in favor of this, some of the
arguments I’ve heard is that we already have three locations to get coffee on campus why not make a different location where we can
have student direct advocacy where students can talk to leaders on campus and network with whatever ideas they have. I also think
that Ryan’s presentation from two or three weeks ago was clear and straight forward with all the expenses and how it would maintain
itself, it was really well thought out
Morgan: and it wasn’t Cal PIRG
Kayleb: If we do have this and is ran by students, who would be in charge of locking up the doors, cleaning up after?
Gaby: I think its great we want to create a student advocacy center, and I liked Ryan’s presentation, it was the only thing that was
concrete and I like Morgan’s idea but I don’t think this item is well thought out because we have to think about small things we can’t just
say lets do this without having a fine line
Michelle: to respond to Kayleb’s question, there would be one student employee to maintain revenues within the college and job
sustainability on top of other volunteers that would be there within the day. And to Gaby’s comment, it’s similar to Ryan’s sustainability
or advocacy center and what this other proposal is, so I think that this would just coincide
Christian: I think it’s well planned however I don’t think that we have enough input from other students to really get enough support in
this and since it’s the first group of people who are trying to develop something, we’re kind of jumping into it.
Morgan: I wonder if we could just move to be in support of this even if we don’t have the complete details but we really think it’s a good
Michelle moved that we support this Student Advocacy Center. Morgan seconded.
Christian: All those in favor of the motion to approve the SAC funds to no longer be the SAC Café funds but to be the Student Activity
and Sustainability Center funds.
Kayleb: point of order, I thought we weren’t allocating money for this
Michelle: I said to support it; he stated it a little differently.
Motion: This item is to support an Advocacy and Sustainability Center to be located in the lower floor of SAC-West. Passed
Senate Year-End Luncheon
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action on determining the location and participants for Senate year-end luncheon.
Geoffrey: I looked into some numbers for various things, carne azada, dri tip steak, lobster and veggies
largely what I thought people would like served at a BBQ, there was a list of 40 things but I picked out what got the most approval,
these are rough estimates because we don’t know how much each person consumes, roughly we’re looking at I would feel
comfortable with the BBQ situation of having about $300-$350 allocated for it, if we get the lobster we would be looking at $500 but I
don’t know if we want to do that. This would also include charcoal, lighter fluid briskets, and dinning wear. I also looked into the Sesnon
house, they agreed to feed us $10 per person, if we agreed to have it on a Monday, which would be sort of odd for us they would also
be willing to make a better deal for us and include the food we get normally with a desert and a drink.
Michelle: with the information you gave us, I feel strongly that instead of doing the informal thing up in the hill at the Horticulture Center
we should stick to the Sesnon House, it seems a little more practical
Geoffrey: If we do it up on the hill, Sesario was recommending that we get 2 people for set-up, 2 people for clean-up, 2 people for
cooking, 2 people for dishes
Carla: What type of food does the Sesnon have?
Geoffrey: They can pretty much cook anything we wanted
Elizabeth: It’s culinary students
Gaby: I say that if we go for the Sesnon House we get a buffet kind of a thing with a lot of deserts.
Geoffrey: What I’m going to do is bring this up next week, and I’ll go to the Sesnon House to see if the buffet item is optional
Christian moved to have a year end luncheon at the Sesnon House. Michelle seconded. Passed by consensus.
Cafeteria Music Stipend
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion regarding a possible allocation of up to $200.00 for a stipend for student musicians in the cafeteria.
Geoffrey: So I brought this up last week, I apologize I’ve been very busy and wasn’t able to go to the music department to see if they
offer lab hours, I’m looking for a stipend of $200 from Cultural Events but probably from Programs, this provides student employment,
this provides campus beautification, and this provides a service to the students.
Kayleb: Are there going to be guidelines?
Geoffrey: Yes, from 11-2pm, or from there about
Michelle: Could we consider moving the music from the cafeteria to the quad?
Gerardo: Now that you mentioned that, I think that would be better and I’ve heard many say that people do their homework at the
cafeteria but that’s what the library’s there, so if you want to do your homework you should be at the library not the cafeteria, so the
noise level shouldn’t be a problem at the cafeteria
Gaby: the funds that you are requesting, are they for all of the following year, or for month?
Geoffrey: it’s for the remainder of the year
Gaby: for the two months that we have left?
Geoffrey: Yes, I knew it was a little on the high end, but just in case people wanted to knock it down
Morgan: I think we should do it in the quad too
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 29, 2010.
Gaby: I don’t have a problem with it being in the cafeteria, the only problem I would see is the echo
Kayleb: Do we even have people who want to play music?
Geofrrey: I suspect that if you offer them some money they will.
Noemi: Have you spoken to the music department?
Geofrrey: No, unfortunately my schedule was hectic and I didn’t have time to speak with them.
Scholarship Creation
Discussion/Possible Action
Rep. Avila
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action an allocation of $4000.00 for a scholarship for AB-540 students and international
Gerardo: We discussed this last week; the money for this would come out of the Scholarship direct
Gerardo moved to for the allocation of $4000.00 from the Scholarship Direct fund of the General Funds Account (71) for 4 $500
scholarship for AB-540 students and 4 $500 scholarships for international students. Kayleb seconded.
Morgan: What account is this coming from?
Christian: the General Fund, account 71
Michelle: we can move to approve the money but if we don’t have the money we just can’t take action, we just have to ask Sesario
Christian: point of clarification; is this for this year or next year?
Gerardo: Next year
Carla: Why are we giving these scholarships, why is it important?
Gerardo: We give out $10,000 in scholarship, so I thought we could focus on AB-540 and International students, for this we would give
the money to the foundation and they would decide who to give them to
Morgan moved for a time extension of 5 minutes. Gaby seconded. Aye:11/Nay:2
Kayleb: are there going to be qualifications for this like certain grade point averages?
Gerardo: Yea, the GPA is going to be a 3.0, we would have to fill out a form with all the criteria and turn it in to the foundation so they
can take care of giving the scholarships out
Michelle: I personally am not an AB-540 student but I’m a student that throughout all my 3 years in college, there were a lot of
scholarships that required a 3.0 GPA that I couldn’t get, I’ve never had a 3.0, so I would like to see that if we give out the scholarship if
we could just slap that off, because if you don’t have that GPA it’s limiting, so if we give out the scholarship I’d like that we set no GPA
Morgan: I just want to add to what Michelle said, if you don’t have a 3.0 GPA and you get financial aid you get put on academic
probation so if you can’t get scholarships and you’re academic probation, how are you supposed to pay for your classes
Gerardo: Ok, so we’ll try to include that on the application
Kayleb: I see where you’re going but, I do think that some sort of GPA should be initiated because there could be some students who
could lack a GPA and could easily apply for it and use the money for something that isn’t educational or that’s going to help them grow
soI think students who are working hard in school should deserve that scholarship
Michelle: There aren’t that many AB-540 scholarships, like those AB-540 students have it hard, like they’re trying to succeed in their
life struggling through situations and like they find a scholarship but they can’t get it because maybe they don’t have the GPA or they
have to work or other circumstances, but I would still not like to see a GPA, it’s hard
Griselda: Maybe if we don’t want a GPA, we can ask for a number of units they’re taking, if they’re being a full time student, then they
can receive the scholarship instead of going with a GPA because I agree that a lot of students don’t have a 3.0 and like Michelle said
it’s really hard for them to stay in school because not only do they have to pay for classes but for books too because they don’t get any
financial aid, so I think that if we go with units instead of a GPA
Gaby: I yield the floor to Noemi
Noemi: OLA gives out scholarships of $500 to AB-540 and we do require a GPA, they also have to be enrolled in 6 units or more,
include an essay, and a letter of recommendation
Yeraldin: I know that we need guidelines for this but I don’t GPA because I know that they are going to be working; I don’t care about
the units as long as they have an essay because you know that when you have an essay you can see that they really want it, and
through that essay you’re going to see how much they need it and how much they want it, so I think that not counting the GPA or units
but with an essay
Morgan: I agree with Year, maybe with a 2.7 or something because people who apply to grad school can apply with a 2.7, and if you
show heavily on the essay you can see how their situation is
Nahayeli: Not to contradict but I think that we should do it like OLA does it, and I do agree that there are students who have struggles,
and I kind of not want a GPA but I mean if you’re a 2.0 students you should be trying hard and some people just get the money and not
use it for school, so I want them to use it for school that’s why a GPA would be good with other guidelines
Christian: how tangible are the guidelines for this?
Gerardo: we have all the power
Kayleb moved for a time extension of 3 minutes. Elizabeth seconded. Aye:9/Nay:3
Michelle moved to table this item until Sesario’s is present. Carla seconded. Aye:7/ Nay:3
Michelle: Sesario, do we have do we have $4,000 available in the Scholarship direct or endowment that we can allocate for AB-540
Sesario: You have already allocated it for this year
Elizabeth: It’s for next year
Sesario: In that case you could
Theo: Are these scholarships only for AB-540 or both for AB-540 and International students.
Gerardo: Both
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 29, 2010.
Kayleb: As far as the guidelines, if we do approve this, who gets to create them or be in charge of them?
Sesario: let me clarify something, the $10,000 in direct scholarship that you identified, unless you create a committee to come up with
specific criteria it will be treated the same way it has been for the last 10 years. It goes into the scholarship fund, the financial aid office
and the foundation accept applications, there’s screening, and they a representative from the Student Senate on that committee, and
so those who meet financial requirements are considered. If you have specific criteria you want to use, you need to make a committee
to create the criteria and then they will implement that criteria. And if you want a portion of it to go toward AB-540, they will do that. And
the committee isn’t going to be this group, I don’t think, unless you can form it quick and get it done because you’re only in office for
three more weeks.
Geoffrey: Anyone else? Is there a motion on the table that I missed?
Gerardo moved to move this item to the Executive Board. Christian seconded.
Geoffrey: Do we have any discussion on this motion to move to executive board?
Noemi: I have a question, there was already a motion and a second to approve funds for this item, do we vote on that?
Geoffrey: If it gets moved to the Executive Board, I believe that supersedes this motion.
Elizabeth moved for a time extension of 3 minutes. Gaby seconded. Aye:10/Nay:4
Christian called to question.
Motion: This item is to move this item to the Executive Board to form a committee. Passed Aye: 10/Nay:3/Abs:1
G. Add Period
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action on endorsing a change in the add period from two weeks to one week.
New Business
A. Allied Health Centre Furnishing
10 Minutes
This item is for discussion on furnishing the Allied Health Centre student area.
Elizabeth: The Allied Health Center was looking for money from us to furnish the student area that they have, they handed out a
proposal but what we need to do is discuss if we really want to furnish it with whatever money we have left to play around with and
basically purchasing furniture for them. Like some tables a couple of couches to make a cozy room area for students to be in there to
do homework, to study, to keep going with whatever they’re studying.
Morgan: I think it’s a really good idea that the Allied Health Centre wants to do this, but it’s the only thing that has really come to us, like
oh what are we really going to do with the rest of the money, like we can do it, so why don’t we, its just kind of like there, its like we
have, it lets do it, its not like we’ve had other options and it’s a lot of money to do something with
Elizabeth: Nobody else has come to us; they are the only ones who have brought us a proposal and students’ saying this is what we
would like the money for, they even had us take a tour of the proposed are. This will be really beneficial to a lot of students and it will
come back to the Student Senate, if you guys work out you guys will be able to use that are or change your major, its going to come
back to us ten time fold if we help them out, because this is one of the things we want to invest in basically because it will help other
peoples future.
Michelle: So ideally before we would even consider putting all the rest of the money into this program, I would like to see if any other
Senators could just maybe bring back any information of any other organizations that want to do something before the semester is
over because two weeks ago a student came in requesting funds or support to buy dry erase markers for their boards another Senator
told me they would take care of it but they never did, so that’s a project that I would like to see happen before the end of the semester.
Gaby: We already spent $35,000 for a Marquee in Aptos, lets remember that we don’t have a Watsonville Representative right now
but I would just like to get everyone thinking about buying a Marquee for the Watsonville campus
Michelle: I second, even though that’s nota valid motion
Kayleb: I was thinking since students can use the equipment in the Health Center maybe we can charge a $1 every semester and put
a sticker on their SAC Card and that would be their ticket in, and we could use that $1 to pay for other things in the future
Christian: I agree with Gaby, I think before we look into this, we should focus on what we’ve been neglecting a little bit, maybe not a
marquee but perhaps something that the Watsonville Center needs, I know funds were approved to furnish it, so maybe we should
look into that, I know I will, but just take that into consideration
Geoffrey: One thing about the marquee that we should consider in that situation, with the needs of Watsonville you might not need the
full $31,000 or a double sided marquee because I don’t know of any location where we would put it.
Morgan: Can we just call it Watsonville Upgrades? Can we just look into what Watsonville does need with the rest of the money
Noemi: Point of order, the items on the Allied Health Center not the Watsonville Center
Geoffrey: Ok, any other comments or questions? Ok, so moving on.
Michelle: I have a question, we tabled Old Business item F until Sesario got here, could we go back to that?
Geoffrey: Yes
Comm Department Award Ceremony
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action on allocation of up to $550 for the Communication Departments Awards
Nahayeli moved to approve up to $550 from Programs account for the Communication Departments Awards Ceremony. Michelle
Budget outline:
$100 balloons
$150 deserts, food and water
$100 center pieces
$50 ice
$100 flowers
$50 plates
Total: $550
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 29, 2010.
Nahayeli: They have been fundraising, they also provide scholarships, and asked other places in the community for food and its an
annual event that they hold. Also Lorenzo is here if you want to ask him any questions
Gaby: Could you tell us a little more about what you guys do, your mission, or a little more information on this?
Lorenzo (communications student): Communication award you need 10 units, teachers wanted to do students have to apply to the
award as well as the scholarship, you need to be a current student and have a 3.0 GPA, May 13 from 6:00-7:30pm
Gerardo moved to amend the motion from $550 to $500 from Programs for the Communication Departments Awards Ceremony.
Christian seconded.
Michelle: It’s a $50 difference; I just feel that we should just let them have it
Gaby moved to amend the motion from $500 to $300. No second. Motion failed.
Christian: I think we need to be fair, whether it’s the first person or the last person, we did specify from the beginning
Kayleb: And if we did give them an extra $50, then we have to give everyone an extra $50
Sesario: None of those are graduation ceremonies, there’s only the Cabrillo graduation on June 4 , and all the other departments are
awards and recognitions ceremonies at the end of the school year
Michelle moved to question. Christian seconded. Aye:15/Nay:1
Motion: All those in favor of the Amendment to read this item is for the allocation of up to $500 from Programs for the Communication
Departments Awards Ceremony. Aye:13/Nay:2
Motion: All those in favor of the allocation of up to $500 from Programs for the Communication Departments Awards Ceremony.
Reports (Every other name is Bold for Easy Reading)
Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers and Committees report on Senate Activities.
As Needed
Executive Officers
President: Geoffrey Stanfield (was present at 4:10pm)
FPAC- Electronic Marquee
Olympics Annual Event
May 24 at 1:00pm in the music department
Vice President: Christian Rivera
Opening reception in Watsonville from 6:00-9:00pm
Saturday Social Justice Conference
Childrens Fair & Community Fair
March before the reception on SB1070 to raise awareness
Treasurer: Michelle Giovannari
Tomorrow at 8:30 am heading to tutorial up by writing conference, requested a meeting
Budget and Sustainability committee meeting this week
Try to get a current budget for the programs
Approve $500 for white board erase markers for staff
Student Trustee: Elizabeth Habara
Passed senate and office supplies
General Assembly tomorrow
Board Meeting on Monday, if you have comments or suggestions please email me
Legeslative Representative: Gerardo Avila
Received no feedback on resolutions
Inter-Club Council Chair: Yeraldin Zavala
Bounded by the Brown Act beginning next week
Will have new business and new business on their agendas
Watsonville Representative: Vacant
Scotts Valley Representative: Kayleb Spencer
Log in sheets are posted, will be reviewed next week to see how consistent everyone is
Getting banners of Student Senate to put the name out there
Ivan Ramirez
3 Minutes Ea.
Nahayeli Juarez
Morgan Schreiber
Gabriela Avila
Transfer Advisory Committee
Presenting at the Justice Social Conference
Tuesday May 18 at 3:00-4:30pm
spread awareness on SB1070
on opposing
Social Justice Con. & march tomorrow
School Fundraiser for Erik a
Boy w/ autism who was found dead
Noel Heyden
B. Edger McCalbhin (was present at 4:43pm)
Brian Kelly
Carla Pecoraro
SF promoting green energy
Theo Offei (was present at 3:44pm)
Adrian Serrano
Griselda Rodriguez
Noemi Duran
SB1070 clarification; controversial
General Assembly
Glad Senators had to help
guided toward Latinos
Al Gore conference May 17
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 29, 2010.
Sesario Escoto (was present at 4:10pm)
- Still doesn’t have an updated Senator roster
- Governor rethink his Cal Grant position
- FPAC meeting
- Student email accounts in the process of being created
- Tutorial fund, the accountant said is this going to alleviate the
- Learning Center
Flor Chacón
- Counting votes next week, need to get together
- Olympic games next week
Meeting Thursday at 1pm
10 Minutes
Constitution & Bylaws
Friday at 2pm
Student Activity Card
Food Service
Meeting next month
Food survey reviewed at last meeting
Agenda Requests
Adjournment at 6:30pm
Transportation Fee
Food surveys completed
Waiting on the cafeteria floor
the ventilation fan for the Art space
5 Minutes
Meeting Thursday at 2pm
Pass Around
(to be held after the Student Senate Meeting)
Call to Order at 5:42pm
A. Roll Call
Voting members: 6
Voting members needed for quorum (½+1): 4.5
Adoption of the Executive Agenda
Yeraldin moved to approve the agenda for Thursday, April 29 , 2010. Kayleb seconded. Passed unanimously.
Approval of the Executive Minutes
A. Meeting Minutes from April 22 , 2010
Yeraldin moved to approve the minutes from April 22 , 2010. Elizabeth seconded. Passed unanimously.
B. Meeting Minutes from April 15 , 2010
Item tabled.
Regular Business
A. Discussion of Meeting
10 Minutes
Kayleb: Could we talk about the minute’s taker, from the discussion of our last meeting about the number of hours we pay, could we
not include so much detail in the minutes and go back to the way it was before
Yeraldin: I actually like the minutes this way, because that way if you miss a meeting, you know exactly what happened. Not only for
us but for others who come to our meetings
Sesario: So the question is how many hours is reasonable to bill, that’s the question, because 8 hours of billing is excessive to me, not
even with the details
Geoffrey: So I need to end discussion on this, because we need to be discussing today’s meeting and not secretarial duties, which is
not on the agenda
B. Discussion of any Pending Absences and Tardies
4 Minutes
This item is to discuss any Senator’s absence or tardy to be put on next week’s meeting for a procedural vote.
Gerardo moved to excuse Brian’s excuse for today, Thursday April 29 2010. Elizabeth seconded. Passed unanimously.
Not Excused: Ivan’s absence (April 29 ), Edgar’s tardy (April 29 ), Theo’s tardy (April 29 )
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 29, 2010.
Christian: There’s another issue other Senators have addressed to me about Theo, he has been stepping out of the meetings several
times excessively
Elizabeth: I think we should count it as an absence, because basically he’s missing a lot of the meeting when he steps out of the
meeting when he steps out and he keeps doing it multiple times, he doesn’t do it just once as a right of privilege, he does it multiple
times without letting us know that he’s gong to step out
Yeraldin: We’ve seen this behavior more often these past three weeks but we’ve seen it a lot more in the past, and I think he feels
more comfortable because no ones ever told him anything, so I think if we just tell him to stop it, he will
Flor: When somebody does something and nobody says anything and, they are going to assume it’s ok, so for someone to go to him
and tell him look you’ve done it too much and this is not okay, is going to be a big hit. So I think somebody should tell that person right
away, if you don’t want that behavior to continue, and it weights on both sides; on the Senate because no has said anything and on
him because he thinks it’s ok
Christian: I’ve been informally talking to him because I didn’t want to bring it up until it became an issue. And I have been talking to
him a couple times because it’s been requested and I’ve been telling him
Flor: Did you tell him it’s not okay to do this in the meeting because if you do this we’re going to give you an absence? You have to be
really clear
Christian: Yeah, I said exactly that and he said, I’m just going to leave it at that… well he said, this is public, there’s another issue
here, he said, he doesn’t feel welcomed by the Senate and I think he’s made it clear, so he feels over it and that’s what he’s expressed
to me
Elizabeth: He’s said several times to me too, he feels that he’s getting no respect and he feels we’re targeting him constantly during
meetings, supposedly it’s racial targeting or whatever, he’s actually brought that up to me before and I might want to make this public
now; but there has been, I guess he had been looking for endorsement from people for presidency and he asked me one time and I
was kind of against it but I just went in and sat wherever he told me to, to listen in onto someone’s conversation in the club room to see
if they were bad mouthing him behind his back, and I did it, there was nothing going on and I told him dude don’t worry they’re not
badmouthing you nothing like that, don’t think it something against your character, and he keeps bringing it back to me whenever he
talks to me, people are coming against me kind of stuff, so its not just one thing but constantly he keeps saying oh I’m tired of the
Senate kind of stuff, that we’re going against him
Michelle: I just want to agree with Flor’s comment, I know I brought it up to our President many times on numerous occasions, but I’ve
never said anything to him personally to him because I felt that it was something the Executive Board dealt with that, and there’s at
least 6 times, after 6 tardies you’re off the Senate you’re dismissed, and there are at least 6 times that Theo has steeped out, it’s a
leisure thing and that’s fine, like Flor said no ones held him accountable for it, we only have two more meetings but the point is we need
to be more direct toward him and if he steps out, what kind of leadership does that show, we need to hold each other accountable
Gerardo: I agree with Flor, if none of us has told him anything, I don’t agree with that, I’ve done it myself, just walk out of the meetings,
so its either we all do something or we cant just take action against not handling everyone who steps out
Kayleb: is it in the bylaws that you can’t leave the room?
Christian: Well you have the right of privilege, but there’s a point where you pass the line and it is excessive, I think that what I’m
looking for is to end it well and see how we can work with him
Michelle: I think we should make it apparent to him that it’s not okay for him to step out and be going outside the meeting to talk on the
phone when everyone else in the room can see you, or get some food, it’s a right of privilege fine but if you keep doing it time after time
its going to start reflecting not only off of you but the Senate as well
Yeraldin: this might sound kind of weird but in Sesario’s class we had this pyramid that, for leaders to show their leadership you have
to have certain things, and then you have to belong to a group and if he doesn’t feel welcomed maybe that’s affecting him leaving and
maybe you guys; President and vice president should talk to him and see what the issue is, why he feels over it, and maybe after that
is out of the way, he will improve his behavior and focus
Christian: that’s what we want; we want to end this right
Flor: I think in terms, this is my advice to you guys, I think you should address the issue with everyone at the meeting not just Theo,
and just say from now on this is what we’re going to impose on everyone, if you get up you have to say point of privilege I’m going to
step out and whatever you’re going to do but formally, because he is going to feel targeted because even though he does it more
excessively than others, just the fact that you guys allow him to do it, he made other Senators feel the privilege to also do it. Christian
has done it as well and other people have done it, so why target one person now? Just address this in the meeting and also talk to him
C. Committee Formation
10 Minutes
This item is for any requests for formations of committees.
Gerardo moved to create a committee that will take care of the criteria that’s going to be required for the scholarships for AB-540 and
International students. Christian seconded.
Christian: are you going to chair this committee?
Gerardo: yes
Sesario: I’m a little bit confused, so you don’t want to deal with the scholarship criteria at all?
Gerardo: That’s what we’re going to do
Sesario: you said AB-540 and International Students
Gerardo: Right
Sesario: That excludes everybody else, is this a committee to develop criteria for the scholarship fund that you have reallocated?
Geoffrey: No, this is a committee to develop criteria for the portion that will be AB-540 and International Scholarships
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 29, 2010.
Sesario: But you haven’t yet developed a portion that will be, unless you are going to allocate additional funds, in your budget you
appropriated $10,000 for Direct Scholarship, so are you going to appropriate an additional $4,000 and then the criteria you come up
with will be for that, I’d like to clarify what it is you think you are doing
Geoffrey: I think the committee will be determining that as well
Sesario: Is it coming out of the $10,000 that’s already allocated?
Gerardo: Yes
Sesario: Ok, that wasn’t my understanding
Geoffrey: This is a committee to get together to formulate the ins and outs of the item before we approve it
Sesario: So you’re going to come back with a proposal that states $4,000 of the $10,000 be for AB-540 and International students and
this will be the criteria, who will work on the criteria for the rest of the $6,000 or are you just going to throw it in as usual?
Gerardo: Yes
Motion: This item is to create a committee that will take care of the criteria that’s going to be required for the scholarships for AB-540
and International students to be chaired by Gerardo. Passed unanimously.
Kayleb: does the student senate have a slogan for our Student Senate?
Geoffrey: No I don’t believe we do
Kayleb: I kind of want a Student Senate slogan to get our advertisement around school
Gerardo: I think the most appropriate committee for this is the Networking Committee
Kayleb: Ok
D. Committee Non-Compliance
10 Minutes
This item is to address any issues of Committee Non-Compliance by members of the ASCC Student Senate.
Christian: SAC Card
Geoffrey: So what are we going to do? There are plenty of options, you can give him an absence, putting him on misconduct and
unbecoming of a Senator, you could let it fly, or remove him from his position as chair of this committee.
Michelle: I suppose if we want to be strict we would dismiss him but considering that we only have three weeks left I don’t know if
that’s something the executive board wants to do either we play by the book or we’re compassionate
Elizabeth: Maybe we should take his chair position away, because apparently he can’t handle it, he’s putting other things before
Yeraldin: He has been scheduling meetings, but it’s not his fault people aren’t showing up, so I think just removing him from his chair
Kayleb: I think we should give him an absence, and I’m willing to Chair it
Geoffrey: The thing with that is, if we give him an absence, it will be his third and we will have to bring him up for unbecoming of a
Michelle moved to remove Ivan as Chair from the SAC Card Committee and giving the Chair position to Kayleb. Elizabeth seconded.
Passed unanimously.
Old Business
New Business
Advisor Reports
Sesario Escoto
Social Justice Conference Friday and Saturday
Flor Chacón
Looking forward to the conference
What can you accomplish in three weeks? Wrap up on what your working
Executive Agenda Requests
Adjournment at 6:21pm
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 29, 2010.
7 Minutes