Document 12991257


Associated Students of Cabrillo College

Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003

Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076

Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Voice: 831.477.5677

Fax: 831.479.6172



Aptos Campus

6500 Soquel Dr, Aptos, CA

Date and Time:

Thursday, April 22

3:00 PM nd

, 2010

Room SAC-225

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate will hold a meeting on Thursday, April 22 nd

, 2009. The meeting time and location information is noted on the agenda. We hope to encourage full participation in student government and advocacy. If you have any questions, please contact us at 831.477.5677. If needed, you can be provided with any disability-related modification or accommodations; please call Disabled Student Program and Services at (831) 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though on-campus transportation can be called for at any time.

I. Call to Order at 3:04pm

A. Roll Call

Voting members: 16

Voting members needed for quorum (½+1): 10.5

Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 12.66

II. Adoption of the Agenda

Edgar moved to strike Old Business item C

Christian moved to table Old Business item A

Noemi moved to table the minutes of April 15 th

Christian moved to approve the Agenda for Thursday April 22 nd

, 2010. Michelle seconded. Passed unanimously.

III. Approval of the Minutes

A. Meeting Minutes from April 15 th

, 2010

Item Tabled.

IV. Public Comments

This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda.

There will be a limit of three (3) minutes per speaker

Edgar end of the year Senate BBQ

Sage -1 st

annual Olympics event, asking the Senate for help providing water bottles (500-1000)

Kristin M. Fabos - Director of Marketing and Communications; Tuesday, April 27 joint advocacy day for higher education in


Sacramento, Asked for Senators to provide testimonials to present to legislators. Her contact info is; (831)479-6158

- UCSC Cal PIRG, petitions and statements of students who receive Cal Grants

Sesario - food service and compliments are from Taher

Special Item

A. Appointment: Watsonville Representative 7 minutes

This item is for review of applicants for the open Watsonville Representative position on the Senate and possible appointment of that position. Each applicant will have opportunity to address the senate and take questions.

B. Special Presentation: Allied Health Centre 15 Minutes

This item is for a special presentation from the health and wellness department regarding the new Allied Health Centre.

Proposed a request to the Student Senate to create a Collaborative Learning Center in Cabrillo’s new Health and Wellness Complex.

Proposal included; lounge, study room, and 2 student conference rooms

Kathy Welch- Proposed a request to the Student Senate to create a Collaborative Learning Center in Cabrillo’s new Health and

Wellness Complex

Jessica 1 st

year nursing student, Proposal included; lounge, study room with 12 computers, and 2 student conference rooms

Geoffrey - I recommended that they come speak to us today. This is an area that focuses on student success. Students need a chance to study, a place to learn, this could be one more place to study. Another thing they mentioned was opening a health and wellness center in the future, a state of the art gym, requiring the SAC Card to access this.

Cabrillo College

Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 22 nd

, 2010. 1


Elizabeth like Geoffrey said it was amazing to go and see this building, the health and wellness center is huge, students are going to be able to go use this equipment for better health and study opportunities, they also mentioned creating a library, this would be a great thing if we could fund this.

Sesario I want to point something out, you just received the proposal but I would like for you to focus on the third page, the foundation of the students and the administration together came up with this, all they’re asking for is $22,000

C. Regional Meeting Presentation:

This item is for a presentation on the region IV regional meeting.

Rep. Avila 10 Minutes

Gerardo : Noemi, Elizabeth, and I attended the Region IV meeting this past weekend; we weren’t able to attend the summit and the meeting was brief. The most important thing that they talked about was that our regional senators are preparing and setting up meetings to visit our law makers within the area to address legislators about problems that are affecting community colleges; we also discussed contacting a professional lobbyist to attend a regional meeting in June or July, each college would have to pitch in about

$100 from the Student Rep Fee, I would like feedback from you as to whether you’re interested in endorsing this or not. Also, we received the final resolution package; I will forward it to you and let me know what you think.

Morgan : can people bring resolutions this time?

Gerardo : yes, so would you be interested in the lobbyist?

Brian : I think it’s a good idea and worth funding

Elizabeth: Gerardo knows my standpoint on this, and yes I think we should kind of fund this, it’s a good cause

Christian : So $100 would send as many reps as possible not counting transportation?

Gerardo : yes

Noemi : What they also said is that it would cost each school about $100 but that depends on how many schools are interested, so if all colleges in our region participate the cost would go down

Sesario : It’s not a lot of money assuming that its well attended, for example if from Cabrillo only your Leg Rep goes then it’s a pretty expensive program, I hope that whoever goes brings back some of the specific practical ideas about lobbying so that its resourceful to those of you here, yet we still don’t know how much they’re actually charging and if it will be a lecture for the whole day or specific workshops

Old Business

A. Bylaws Revisions Discussion/Possible Action Rivera 15 Minutes

This item is for discussion/possible action regarding approval of the proposed amendments to the ASCC Bylaws.

B. Pool Table Discussion/Possible Action Kelly 5 Minutes

This item is for discussion/possible action regard the ASCC pool table currently located in the Billie Paul Fireside Lounge.

Brian : Games knows someone who is willing to remove it at no cost whatsoever and either take it home or Geoffrey has offered to take it, we just need Senate approval for this.

Morgan : Why don’t we donate it to someone who could use it?, like a boys and girls club or a YMCA

Noemi : this was brought up last week, and if we wanted it to be donated we should have brought up a place that needs it or wants it by today

Morgan : I brought this up last week but everyone said that we weren’t talking about that, that we were just discussing it being removed.

Christian : I think it should be donated

Edgar : Brian could you look into this, if maybe we could donate it to someone?

Brian : yes

Kayleb : maybe we could move it somewhere else on campus

Sesario : Somebody didn’t want it and the Senators were excited about it and thought we got to have it, those of you with ideas if your willing to help with ideas the responsibility is yours and everyone’s not just Games.

Nahayeli moved for a time extension of 5 minutes. Morgan seconded. Aye :7/ Nay :9

C. Senate Barbeque Discussion/Possible Action McCalbhin 5 Minutes

This item is for discussion and/or possible action on allocating $500 to fund an ASCC Student Senate Barbeque for constituent outreach.

D. Poster Printer Policy Discussion/Possible Action Offei 5 Minutes

This item is for discussion and/or possible action regarding the senate policy on usage of the poster printer.

Theo moved to strike this item.

E. Student Advocacy/Sustainability Center Discussion/Possible Action Stanfield/Schreiber 10 Minutes

This item is for discussion/possible action regarding the repurposing of the Student Café funds to instead fund the formation of a Student Advocacy and Sustainability Center to be located in the lower floor of SAC-West.

Morgan : Basically what Ryan was saying is that we should turn the café into a student advocacy center, I think it’s a really good idea to have a student ran center like

Michelle : I’m in full support of this project, I feel that there’s been many opinions instead of a café it can have some better use and more energy could be given back to the students by a student ran advocacy center

Gaby : I think we should move this to committee, if not we’re just going to be throwing out ideas and no one is going to follow through

Cabrillo College

Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 22 nd

, 2010. 2

Kayleb : I like the idea that we get the students voice put into this, I’m willing to make posters and ask students for their suggestions

Geoffrey : 400,000 allocated for the Café , carried over for three years now from the Student Center Fee Account for advocacy

Ryan has asked for 25,000 in his proposal national advocacy center, I would like it to be ran by Cal PIRG, which would cost 75,000



Furniture and walls 100,000

Architecture layout 50,000


Noel moved for a time extension of 5 minutes. Michelle seconded. Aye :5/ Nay :11




F. Senate Year-End Luncheon Discussion/Possible Action Stanfield 5 Minutes

This item is for discussion/possible action on determining the location and participants for Senate year-end luncheon.

Geoffrey : we traditionally have an end year luncheon for this senate and next year’s senate to get together, I would like to invite Bill

Monning, to join us, so the next senate can get to know him, what I don’t know, is if you guys want to do a lunch. Sesnon House comes to be about $10 a person , around $250

Yeraldin : what if you do a BBQ at the Horticulture Center

Geoffrey : does anybody want to cook if we have a BBQ?

Elizabeth : I would, I’m a culinary arts student

Geoffrey : I’ll work with Sesario to put some numbers together, so we can see how much a grilling at the Horticulture would cost us and the Sesnon

Gaby : I kind of want to see who’s interested in the BBQ or Sesnon

Geoffrey : Can I get a count of who would like a BBQ at the Horticulture? (7)

Those for the Sesnon House? (6)

G. Leadership Award Discussion/Action Stanfield 5 Minutes

This item is for discussion and action on determining the recipient of the ASCC leadership award.

Passed around paper to vote for a recipient of the ASCC leadership award, everyone nominated someone and gave the papers to Flor and Sesario to be tallied .

H. Senate Office Equipment Discussion/Possible Action Habara

This item is for discussion/possible action on an allocation of up to $925 for Senate Office Equipment.

5 Minutes

Elizabeth : So last week we passed the allocation of 13,000 for Senate supplies this time I’m coming to you for office equipment because I’ve heard complaints that we don’t have a pencil sharpener and the LCD projector keeps breaking. We want to get posters, a projector, and two tape dispensers, stand up signs and so basically what I’m asking is $925, which includes a 10% tax

Elizabeth moved to allocate up to $925 from the Equipment Account for Senate Office Supplies. Noemi seconded.

Ivan called to question. Brian seconded. Aye :15/ Nay :1

Motion : This item is for the allocation of up to $925 from the Equipment Account for Senate Office Supplies. Passed unanimously .

VII. New Business

A. AGS Teacher-Staff Appreciation Discussion/Possible Action Schreiber 5 Minutes

This item is for discussion/possible action regarding the allocation of $500 for the AGS Teacher-Staff Appreciation ceremony.

Morgan : The little piece of paper I passed around is a breakdown of what AGS is asking for their Teacher-Staff Appreciation ceremony, all their asking for is the raffle money.

Brian : could we possibly take this out of another account?

Christian : Programs would be more appropriate

Teacher Staff Appreciation Budget

Food 1300









Total 2000

Christian moved to allocate up to $500 from Programs for the AGS Teacher-Staff Appreciation ceremony. Ivan seconded.

Passed unanimously.

B. Graduation Sashes Discussion/Possible Action Chacon 5 Minutes

This item is for discussion/possible action regarding the allocation of up to $300 for Senate graduation sashes.

Nahayeli moved to allocate up to $300 from Programs for Senate graduation sashes.

Elizabeth seconded.

Noel: how many people would like to feed homeless people with it? I’m just asking

Carla: I would just feel bad because we’re not the ones graduating, I wouldn’t want to steal your sashes you know

Yeraldin: Around how many sashes do you need to buy Flor?

Elizabeth moved for a time extension of 5 minutes. Brian seconded. Aye :12/ Nay :3

Gaby called to question. Christian seconded. Aye: 13 /Nay: 2

Motion: This item is to allocate up to $300 from Programs for Senate graduation sashes. Passed unanimously.

Cabrillo College

Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 22 nd

, 2010. 3

D. Add Period Discussion Spencer 5 Minutes

This item is for discussion on changing the add period from two weeks to one week.

Kayleb : The Faculty Senate asked me to ask you and other students about the add week period. Right now you have two weeks to add a class and 1 week to petition and they want to change it to 1 week to add a class and 2 weeks to petition.

Gerardo :I think that now more than ever we need as much time as possible to register for classes, so to shorten the time to add classes wouldn’t be good for students, especially because now classes are filled up with long waiting lists

Noel: Similar to with Gerardo, I think there are classes that need to be filled up, we should try to maximize the time, if we could extend it one more week that would be great

Brian: I agree with them both, we have students who swarm classes and book everything they might want to take and then drop them the second week, so to shorten their time only shortens the students

Geoffrey: Does anyone have a pro statement?

Sesario : Point of information, part of the reason this proposal came up, is because of the research of student success and the students who register the second week, a large part of them end up dropping and they don’t succeed with a debt they have to pay so when you consider the efficiency and the impact on staff and faculty they’re not finding a reason for that second week.

E. Scholarship Creation Discussion Rep. Avila 5 Minutes

This item is for discussion on the possible creation of scholarships for International Students and AB-540 for the following year.

Gerardo : I would like to create a scholarship for International Students and AB-540 who maintain a 3.0 average

2 scholarships for International Students and 2 for AB-540 Students, my suggested amount for each scholarship is $250 or $500 each.

Geoffrey: I’m in favor of this; would there be an essay portion? And if so, who would review them?

Gerardo: I looked into this and what we would have to do is write up a draft of the application and transfer the money to the foundation and therefore they would determine the recipients.

Gerardo: would we add more money into to our scholarship allocation or convert some of the money we already give and transfer it to the foundation?

Gerardo: I think we should transfer some of the money we already allocate to it

Gaby: I think this is a great idea

Nahayeli: Aside from our statistics we have a high amount of international students and AB540, so I think we should help them out

F. Website Updating Discussion/Possible Action Kelly 5 Minutes

This item is for discussion/possible action regarding an allocation of up to $120.00 for updating the ASCC Senate Website.

Brian: I’m charring the network and communications committee and we want to approve up to $120.00 for updating the ASCC Senate

Website, they would charge $10/hr, 3hrs/week, 4weeks/month, the committee has agreed to a trial month, but I want to get the

Senate’s opinion on this and if there’s any problem with Senate paying for this

Edgar: What kind of benchmarks are you looking for to see how progress is being made

Brian: it’s going to be updated weekly , or within the week

Carla: Are we going to be able to do this with them? When would he start?

Brian: Yes, and he would start after the one month trial and if the money is approved

Yeraldin : we did this last semester and paid Elizabeth Thorn to teach Kaycee and Kaycee was willing to show someone but no one showed interest

Carla : Kaycee actually sent me an email that she is willing to work with me so that could save us $120

Morgan: weren’t we going to make that an executive board position?

Geoffrey: It was talked about but never approved.

Flor: Point of order, we do have someone updating the website, so someone is updating the website for you guys

Nahayeli : I think that we should teach the new Senate, so that they can update their own things


C. Cafeteria Music Stipend Discussion Stanfield 5 Minutes

This item is for discussion regarding a possible allocation of money as a stipend for music students to perform in the cafeteria.

Geoffrey : The first thing I was hoping to do was talking to our music department into allocating lab hour time for those students who are willing to perform music in the cafeteria, so that we can make it a nicer dining experience could have live music . Sesario also recommend that we look into a money stipend as well, but I don’t know how the Senate feels about that .

Edgar : I thought the idea was put down, but what is the possibility of having music in there and it being okay with all the students, is there going to be any complaining “I’m trying to study or trying to do my homework”

Morgan : I think that if someone is live playing music and doing it with passion and out of kindness that it shouldn’t be like oh I don’t like that but anyways the cafeteria isn’t nice so maybe we should do that in the quad or somewhere nice

Yeraldin : a lot of people go do their homework to the cafeteria, and I think we have some grumpy students that if they have music they’re going to be like shut up I’m trying to do my work

Nahayeli : I think we should look into having them on the VAPA side, it’s really nice there

Geoffrey : I’m hearing some interest in this, so I will come up a proposal with hours for next week and see what you guys think about it

Reports (Every other name is Bold for Easy Reading)

Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers and Committees report on Senate Activities.

As Needed 3 Minutes Ea.

Cabrillo College

Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 22 nd

, 2010. 4

A. Executive Officers

President: Geoffrey Stanfield

Facilities Planning Committee on the 29 th

Vice President: Christian Rivera

Birthday Info.

Treasurer: Michelle Giovannari

General Criteria for the accounts

Sustainability’s Earth Week

Friday 12-2pm tabling for Earth Week

Budget & Sustainability Committee Meeting will be hosted every other week

Student Trustee: Elizabeth Habara

General Assembly

Legeslative Representative: Gerardo Avila

Review Resolution Packet and give feedback

Inter-Club Council Chair: Yeraldin Zavala

Workshops on Parli Pro

Watsonville Representative: Vacant

Scotts Valley Representative: Kayleb Spencer

Faculty Senate Meeting

B. Senators-at-Large

Noemi Duran

Aptos & Watsonville campuses out of hand sanitizer gel

Ivan Ramirez Nahayeli Juarez many students applied for universities awaiting for statistics

No supplies @ Watsonville Campus

Gabriela Avila

Carla Pecoraro

Sent emails about Cal PIRG

Emailed Kaycee about website

Planting Trees

Noel Heyden

ILC books being stolen in Watsonville

Elections Com. Had a panel

Advertise the Transportation fee

B. Edger McCalbhin

Fruit Trees – Sustainability Club

Adrian Serrano Theo Offei

Feels Targeted

There was a message in Italian

Morgan Schreiber

Elections Panel

Brian Kelly

Griselda Rodriguez

C. Advisers

Sesario Escoto


Flor Chacón

Elections- those who aren’t running please sign the highlighted sections if you have time to table.

Leadership Award - LaQrecia

E. Committees



Food Service

Edgar-Taher Food Survey

IX. Agenda Requests

X. Adjournment 5:15pm

Constitution & Bylaws

Student Activity Card





10 Minutes

5 Minutes




Pass Around


(to be held after the Student Senate Meeting)

XI. Call to Order at 5:20pm

A. Roll Call

Voting members: 6

Voting members needed for quorum (½+1): 4.5

XII. Adoption of the Executive Agenda

Gerardo moved to approve the Executive Minutes for Thursday, April 22 nd

, 2010 . Kayleb seconded. Passed unanimously.

Cabrillo College

Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 22 nd

, 2010. 5


XIII. Approval of the Executive Minutes

A. Meeting Minutes from March


, 2010 Passed unanimously.

B. Meeting Minutes from March


C. Meeting Minutes from April 15


, 2010 Passed unanimously.

, 2010 Item tabled.

Item tabled.

XIV. Regular Business

A. Discussion of Meeting All 10 Minutes

B. Discussion of any Pending Absences and Tardies All 4 Minutes

This item is to discuss any Senator’s absence or tardy to be put on next week’s meeting for a procedural vote.

Elizabeth moved to excuse Carlas abcense from April 15 th

, 2010. Kayleb seconded. Aye :4/ Nay :1

Kayleb moved to excuse Griselda’s absence for today, Thursday, April 22 nd

, 2010. Elizabeth seconded. Passed unanimously.

C. Committee Formation

This item is for any requests for formations of committees.

All 10 Minutes

Yeraldin : I would like to create an ICC Committee to have workshops of procedures for ICC members and new clubs as they come along.

Elizabeth moved to create an ICC Committee. Yeraldin seconded. Passed unanimously.

D. Committee Non-Compliance Rivera

This item is to address any issues of Committee Non-Compliance by members of the ASCC Student Senate.

Christian : The SAC Card committee hasn’t been meeting, and they need to meet

Geoffrey : What would you like to do about this?

10 Minutes

Sesario : Some committees are critical depending on the work, like the Transportation Committee, so if your members stop coming proceed with your meetings and try to keep things moving, with any of your committees.

XV. Old Business

XVI. New Business

XVII. Advisor Reports

Sesario Escoto

- Needs the updated Senate roster

7 Minutes

- You need to give the secretary some guidelines about the expectation of her work , she’s billing 8 hours to produce the minutes of a 4 hour meeting time, but you haven’t given her any guidelines, her point was that you asked for more detail, so if that’s still what you want, then I’ll have to think about it because I sign of on those cards and as far as I know you didn’t make any agreements with how many hours to produce the minutes, it’s not unlimited; I don’t know how the Faculty Senates work for this

Kayleb : I used to get paid a flat rate

Sesario: well if you want to do a flat rate maybe that could be one solution for this, for example a flat rate would be something like well pay you 5 hours for a 4hour meeting

Flor Chacón

- Please sign up for the elections this week

XVIII. Executive Agenda Requests

Adjournment at 5:34 pm

Cabrillo College

Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 22 nd

, 2010. 6
