Document 12991256

Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Aptos Campus
6500 Soquel Dr, Aptos, CA
Room SAC-225
Date and Time:
Thursday, April 15 , 2010
3:00 PM
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate will hold a meeting on Thursday, April 15 , 2009. The meeting time and
location information is noted on the agenda. We hope to encourage full participation in student government and advocacy. If you have any
questions, please contact us at 831.477.5677. If needed, you can be provided with any disability-related modification or accommodations;
please call Disabled Student Program and Services at (831) 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though on-campus
transportation can be called for at any time.
Call to Order at 3:03 p.m.
A. Roll Call
Voting members: 17
Voting members needed for quorum (½+1): 10.5
Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 12.66
Adoption of the Agenda
Geoffrey moved to extend Morgan’s report to 10 minutes.
Brian moved to table Old Business item C.
Edgar moved to strike Old Business item D.
Kayleb moved to correct the typo on New Business item E from Library floors to Cafeteria floors.
Michelle moved to extend the time on New Business item B to 15 minutes and the treasurer report to 10 minutes.
Morgan moved to approve the Agenda for Thursday, April 15 , 2010. Noemi seconded. Passed unanimously.
Approval of the Minutes
A. Meeting Minutes from April 8 , 2010
Michelle moved to strike budget.
Michelle moved to approve the minutes from April 8 , 2010. Morgan seconded. Passed unanimously.
Public Comments
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda.
There will be a limit of three (3) minutes per speaker
Lorenzo- Communications; funding for their annual spring fling
Offelia- not eligible for BOG, has to pay all her fees and feels like she’s trespassing everywhere
Sesario- transportation fee, needs to make another edit to it and will send it to everyone again to include maintenance of bus stops abd
things like that
Special Item
A. Appointment: Watsonville Representative
7 minutes each
This item is for review of applicants for the open Watsonville Representative position on the Senate and possible appointment of
that position. Each applicant will have opportunity to address the senate and take questions.
Special Presentation: Ecology Action
10 minutes each
Old Business
A. Bylaws Revisions
Discussion/Possible Action
30 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action regarding approval of the proposed amendments to the ASCC Bylaws.
Article IV
Article V (title modified)
Section 5 item B (strike)
Section 7 Agenda Item Upgrade
Item A (strike)
Cabrillo College
Student Senate meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 15 , 2010.
Article VI Procedures for Filling Vacancies
Section 1. Item B (added)
Item I (strike)
Article VII Election Code
Section 1. Part B Members Shall be:
Section 3. Voting Procedures
Section 4. Election Dates
Section 5. Ballots
Section 6. Counting the Ballots
Section 7. Contesting an Election
Section 8. Campaigning
Section 9. Posting Signs
Article VIII Appropriations/Budget Code General Fund of the ASCC Senate
Article X Internal Committee
Section 5. (added)
External Campus Committee
Section 1. called to question Aye:9/Nay:4
Aye:9/Nay:5 (committees stand as is)
*all of the items listed above were passed by consensus.
Christian moved to recess for 2 minutes. Brian seconded. Aye:9/Nay:6
2010/2011 Senate Budget
10 Minutes
This item is for discussion on the proposed 2010/2011 Budget for the ASCC Senate.
Michelle: one of the senators dent me an email about allocating a substantial amount to the ICC
Michelle: Student ID Cards does anyone oppose to $13,000?
Christian: We’re almost hitting $13,000 and we’re talking about implementing a new buss pass with magnetic strips, that’s going to
cost money and it’s really expensive. The SAC Card is really important for us because it makes up our general budget and we have to
make sure we have funds in there to advertise it and give students their SAC Card
Michelle: We purchased brand new equipment/ machines that each cost about $7,000 and their life span are like 10 years , so one of
those major expenses that we had in our actual we are not going to incur, what we are going to re-incur the magnetic strip cost, which
won’t be nearly as much
Noel: we also spent $5,000 on a new design
Michelle: can we come to consensus? Or does anyone have a number they would like to throw out? So next one Programs, the first
one is $25,000 the second $30,000
Geoffrey: I really think that with Programs we can run it at $25,000 ; it frees up for us to mock funds into elsewhere, if we plot that
money into programs we might spend it on things unintended for.
Michelle: If you look below, where we have conferences and leadership, I’ve been talking to Sesario and the budget committee and
we were thinking setting up criteria for each account for each account so that there is leeway. I was thinking if we keep it at $30,000
and we just specify $5,000 for conferences or student advocacy, it’ll be there but the reason why I think this would be helpful for the
Senate in the future is because they’re not going to have certain clubs that come every year with certain agenda items, but if it keeps
coming from Programs it would keep them without the idea that we shouldn’t rely on the Senate outside of the ICC to get more money,
that’s why I think $30,000 with criteria would be good
Noel: Sesario said recently that it would be ok to only put $5,000 in conferences
Gaby: I think we should just put $30,000 or $35,000 because what’s going to happen if for the SAC Card supplies it’s not enough
Michelle: So for your proposal of $35,000, do you want to takeout conferences or leave conferences at $5,000 like Sesario
Gaby: leave conferences at $5,000 and Programs at $35,000
Geoffrey: My issues with this whole put it in programs and then specify programs it seems like we’re going a round about way of doing
essentially we’re planning on in doing in the budget anyway
Michelle: from my point of view, there are particular groups that are using that money every single year, so if we could make it more
fair and available to everyone and not just have them rely on the Senate every year for their events would be better
Morgan: I think that the criteria of where we spend shouldn’t be limited to who comes to us but what we spend on our selves; I think
that we don’t really research the accounts enough to know if it can come out of somewhere else
Noemi: I think we should leave it at $25,000 and establishing criteria for each account with some general idea
Michelle: Those in favor of $25,000 (5 )
Those in favor of $35,000 (9)
Michelle: moving on to Pino Alto Certificates; those in favor of $500 (8)
Those for $0 (5)
Michelle: Moving on to elections, does anyone have any questions?
Edgar: I asked the Elections chair what she though about this and she said they would like the money left as it was
Cabrillo College
Student Senate meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 15 , 2010.
Griselda: Right now our budget was $5,000 I believe, maybe $4,000 would work but we only have $2,700 left; but I would like you
guys to consider that we using a new method of ballots, we’re using scantrons and that’s a little bit costly, so I don’t know what you
guys think
Michelle: Those in favor of $4,000 for Elections (14)
Those in favor of $5,000
Michelle: Moving on to tutorials, it’s the same amount but we have some senator s that came up with different figures and I’d like to
consider those
Geoffrey: Personally, I’d like to see this divided up into two sections; one particular for tutorials and the other for funding in Watsonville,
it’s a little bit of reduction from this total account, but its $22,000 for tutorials and $10,000 for Watsonville, it disperses the money a little
bit and frees up some money for later expenditures.
Morgan: I think that the tutoring money for tutoring and Watsonville should be a little bit closer, because even though Watsonville is
less populated there’s a lot of the students that go there are more continuous, and with more tutoring it would be better
Christian: The ILC is always packed in Watsonville, but the ILC is like four different places all cramped up in one, so if we give more
support to them it would be better
Noel: Originally I wanted $75,000 for tutoring and I had a very extremely tight budget and I wanted to reduce anything in any area that
wasn’t totally vital and the reason being that I wanted to give $20,000 to Watsonville for the same reason that the ILC is always
packed. The library was cut $30,000 in student tutors, MESA $40,000 and EOPS was cut $200,000 and DSPS 50%. This would
allows a nice chunk of change to go to Watsonville.
Gaby: Would Watsonville be able to get money from tutoring or would they only get some amount and that’sit?
Noemi: My proposal is only for $25,000 and I think that we should also look into which numbers we’re picking because if we’re
choosing all the high numbers then it’s not going to add up in the end.
Christian: Is this account going to have guidelines? Like would it specify exactly who and what it’s going to be spent on?
Michelle: Yes, and they wouldn’t be able to double dip
Noel: Or apply for the College Wide Support Grants
Morgan: I think this is one of the most critical accounts, and I think we should amend it to $50,000.
Morgan moved to amend the amount for tutorials from $45,000 to $50,000. Michelle seconded. Aye:8/Nay:9
Michelle: Those in favor of $46,000 (8)
Re-Count: Those in favor of $46,000 (7)
Those in favor of $32,000 (6)
Those in favor of $32,000 (8)
Those in favor of $25,000 (3)
Michelle: oh Nahayeli, you didn’t get to vote?
Griselda: No she didn’t
Brian moved for a time extension of 10 minutes. Edgar seconded. Passed unanimously.
Michelle: so Nahayeli what would you like to vote for $46,000 or $32,000?
Gaby: point of order, the vote has been called.
Michelle: I move to recall
Edgar: I move to recall my vote
Christian: you weren’t on the winning side
Noel: Why can’t she vote on this?
Geoffrey: Because she was out of the room, and if you’re out of the room you don’t get to vote, it’s simple
Elizabeth: can we move on we only have 10 minutes
Geoffrey: According to Parliamentary Procedure, it stands; that if you’re out of the room when a vote takes place, you’re vote does not
count. It is your option to leave the room; you are not being forced to leave the room. Therefore, if you are out of the room you do not
get a vote.
Michelle: Can I get a point of clarification; so if we want to recall the vote the opposing party…
Noel: Hold on, we recalled the vote on those three things and all of a sudden you made a new vote
Geoffrey: the reason for that was a run on
Noel: That was bogus
Gerardo: point of order, we have to move on
Christian: I move to move on. Elizabeth seconded.
Noel: No way I’m going to resign.
Michelle: I feel the same way actually but I’ll get things done first
Morgan: Are you really?
Noel: Lets spend money on parties and everything else, good job guys
Theo: That’s why you shouldn’t resign
Noel: Right now
Theo: Chill, just wait until the meeting is over
Christian: We don’t always get our way
Michelle: So College Wide Grants is either $25,200 or $25,000.
Gaby: I just have a question; What about supplies?
Noel: Do you want your vote?
Nahayeli: Yes
Noel: Then say something.
Nahayeli: They don’t want to give it to me. What do you want me to do?
Noel: You guys just want to spend money on parties on just all kinds of stuff, good job
Cabrillo College
Student Senate meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 15 , 2010.
Morgan: I was on the winning side; If Nahayeli really wants her vote, can I move to recall the vote, so Nahayeli can vote, if it’s going to
go the same way then at least she got to vote
Theo: I second that
Gerardo: We’re already past that
Christian: Point of order, we’re using this stuff to our advantage, I’m on the winning side and I’ll move to recall the vote.
Sarab: Since you guys already moved on to the next category, technically you can’t go back; you need to reconsider during that item
Christian moved to reconsider the vote. Morgan seconded.
Ivan: Point of order, because we moved on and it’s like he said once we move on we can’t go back
Christian: We’re not being fair guys, lets be real, and we’ve twisted the rules a couple times and now the winning side is saying move
Gaby: This isn’t personal we just had a break to do whatever we wanted; it’s not our fault she wasn’t back on time
Christian: But this is a decision that’s going to affect all the students
Motion: All those in favor of reconsidering the vote. Aye:11/Nay:6
All those in favor of $46,000 (9)
All those in favor for $32,000 (8)
Michelle: College Wide Grants;
Those in favor of $25,200 (5)
Those in favor of $25,000 (10)
Michelle: Music Allocation;
Gaby: Could you give us our options before voting, please
Michelle: That’s what I’ve been doing; the proposed first column and the second. So now we’re on Music Allocation, they’re the same,
do we just want to get consensus for Music to Dance Allocations for $1,500 or does someone want something different?
Noemi: $500
Geoffrey: We just approved $46,000 that will more greatly benefit Math, Science and English students as opposed to any performing
art students , I think $1,500 is only fair at this point.
Michelle: They also get Instructional Grants
Elizabeth: Well look at the actual from 2009-2010
Geoffrey: That was a different situation. What previously this was is that they offered us a discount on the shows. When we gave the
discount they billed us for the discount. This is a flat rate going to them, similar to the tutorial thing
Michelle: FYI, since we’ve already gone into the last 10 minutes, we’re just going to vote proposed A or B or come up with a figure and
then we’re going to vote on those.
Those in favor of $500 (6)
Those in favor of $1,500 (9)
Michelle: Scholarship Direct ; $10,000 (consensus)
Scholarship Endowment;
Noel: Does everyone know what that is?
Sesario: It draws money forever, that’s the beauty of it, and so the more you put into it the more interest will be gained and only the
interest is used, that’s why it lives forever. When the stock market goes up there’s a bigger scholarship and when the stock market
goes down the scholarship is smaller.
Those in favor of $10,000 (8)
Those in favor of $5,000 (7)
Michelle: This is for the ICC, does anyone have anything else besides $20,000 that they want to propose
Gaby: $25,000
Morgan: What are they at right now?
Gaby: We have to take into account that the way they make money has been cut thay cannot have as many food sales and bake
sales, and the ICC is growing. I would even say $30,000
Griselda: can we do $20,000 $25,000 and $30,000
Michelle: Those in favor of $30,000
Those in favor of $$25,000 (12)
Those in favor of $$20,000 (4)
Michelle: Conferences; we’re either voting $8,000 or creating a new account into Student Rep Fee
Gaby: $5,000
Gerardo: Point of order, can they add an account to the Rep Fee?
Sesario: Let me clarify, this conference account; don’t think about the Student Senate Retreat that’s Student Rep, don’t think about the
Leadership Conference in the fall (CSAA), that’s student rep, the Fall and Spring General Assembly don’t think about the League, all
that is Student Rep Fee. Think about dance they come every year, AGS, LLN, were talking about all the ones you can’t use Student
Rep Fee for.
Gaby moved for a time extension of 10 minutes. Yeraldin seconded. Passed unanimously.
Noel moved to extend time idefinitly. Michelle seconded. Passed unanimously.
Geoffrey called a 5 minute recess. (current time 5:16m)
Pool Table
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action regard the ASCC pool table currently located in the Billie Paul Fireside Lounge.
Cabrillo College
Student Senate meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 15 , 2010.
Senate Barbeque
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion and/or possible action on allocating $500 to fund an ASCC Student Senate Barbeque for
constituent outreach.
Poster Printer Policy
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion and/or possible action regarding the senate policy on usage of the poster printer.
Meeting called back to order at 5:23pm
Theo: Well, I don’t have anything to say, just that the Elections Committee met and decided to only fund two posters for Elections for
each candidate
Morgan: I think it was kind of chinsy to do this in the middle of an election because its like you’re playing again and someone decides
to add a new rule and if you were going to decide something I think it should have been implemented for next election because Theo
wasn’t doing anything wrong
Nahayeli: He can still make 10 posters, he can only p r I n t 2. The election’s committee is only going to fund 2, he can buy the rest or
make them
Sesario: if it says 10 poster, you can make 10 posters, nobody is telling you you can’t, what they are telling you is this is an expensive
machine, it’s new, the election’s committee is willing to pay for 2 posters
Michelle: I have a question for the Elections Committee, does everyone on campus know they have access to you use this because if
not, that’s not fair
Griselda: What happened was that the people who were running didn’t know until Flor came up with a charge because Theo had
already printed his posters, then we came up with this decision of just paying for 2. Our plan was to email everyone to let them know
because that was the most appropriate thing to do.
Gaby: I was under the impression that people didn’t have to buy things for elections that the Election’s Committee was going to provide
the paper, where to print them from because what if someone who is well off can afford more papers than someone who isn’t
Noel: How much does it cost to print out a poster?
Sesario: $7
Noel: So then why did we buy it?
Flor: let me clarify, the plotter was bought by Student Services, and at the time it was bought they didn’t know how much the material
for it was going to cost. The dilemma right now is that it is to expensive and somebody has to pay for the supplies; the paper and the
ink, the Student Senate hasn’t allocated any money for supplies for that particular plotter and neither has the ICC and when Theo
came to me for posters I mentioned to him that it was cost effective. So anyone who wants to print from that plotter will have to pay
Theo moved for a time extension of 5 minutes. Griselda seconded. Aye:12/Nay:5
Theo: How much money do we have to invest in this election out of our own money?
Nahayeli: it should come out of your own pocket.
Theo: Ok, because this is what happened, at the beginning of the Elections my friend Greg said I’m going to pay for you to get T-shirts,
and someone said, actually Geoffrey said you can’t spend more than $50,
Geoffrey: I never said that
Theo: Well, I very much do remember, and Jackie was actually going to make the shirts but I called it off, so I see this as a shot and a
target to me, I don’t care about the posters, this election is not about me, just so everybody know, nothing is about me. I have other
ways to campaign, and I just wanted to bring this up because you said that you couldn’t spend more than $50
Yeraldin: I don’t see why you guys are relying so much on the plotter, I remember last year we didn’t have it and we were making the
posters ourselves. I think the Elections Committee is being generous in buying you 2 posters and if you want more posters you should
make them yourselves.
Christian: I’m just confused and I bet you the students who aren’t in the senate and running for the Senate are too. I’m just wondering,
or correct me if I’m wrong, lat year we had an orientation before we even ran to inform us of what the rules were. Did you guys have an
Griselda: No, I didn’t know about all this
Geoffrey: Folks, this subject is on the poster printer policy not elections
Christian: Clarify why you are only paying for 2 to everybody
Griselda: That’s what we’re going to do through email
Christian: I think a mandatory meeting would have been good
Morgan: we’re the posters bought after or before the guidelines were set? Because if it happened after I think we should just take it as
champions and decide it next time.
New Business
A. Student Advocacy/Sustainability Center
Discussion/Possible Action
10 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action regarding the repurposing of the Student Café funds to instead fund the formation
of a Student Advocacy and Sustainability Center to be located in the lower floor of SAC-West.
Geoffrey: Last week at the end of the meeting you heard from Ryan Kaplan on the concept of what was called the Student
Sustainability Center , which was presented with an idea of a four year plan with what is the SAC West lower building into the
Sustainability Center. The other half of this project that I’ve been working with Ryan on is the Student Advocacy Center, this would be
more focused on the lines of making sure how to actually know how to write bills, students know how to fight for their right, how to
campaign, go to Sacramento, yes we can do it but this is so we can reach to a bigger group of students
Cabrillo College
Student Senate meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 15 , 2010.
how to hold press conferences and hold press conferences, and write bills, things like that. We would need supervisors which takes us
back to my first proposal of establishing Cal PIRG.
SSCCC General Meeting
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion and/or possible action regarding an additional $1000 to allow one additional senator to attend the
SSCCC General Meeting.
Region IV Summit
10 Minutes
This item is for discussion regarding the upcoming Region IV Summit
Sarab: I wanted to encourage you guys to attend the Region IV Summit at DeAnza Colege in Cupertino, it’s a way for new members of
your Senate to learn the basics, the Summit is from 10am-3pm, and after the Summit we’ll hold our regular Region IV Meeting, where
all 13 colleges come together, so if you can’t attend the Summit, attend the meeting. If you’re interested let your representative know
because he has to let me know by Friday.
AB 656
Discussion/Possible Action
10 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action regarding the potential endorsement of the ASCC of AB 656.
Sarab: One of my duties in Sacramento is I’m the Vice Chair of the Governmental Relations Committee in Sacramento, so what that
means is that I work with our representatives and spend a lot of time at the capital and one of the things that our committee has take on
is Assembly Bill 656. How many of you know what bill AB656 is? It’s basically an oil severance tax, if you’re an oil producing company,
if you take oil out of the ground; we’re going to tax you and were going to send that money to California and were going to put it to
higher education. I think it’s really important that we collect profit from resources that come from oil which go to education. This bill
specifically creates a foundation, a trust that to hold this revenue and oversee the potential 2 billion dollars that could come to
California. It would be distributed 50% to CSU’s, 25% to Community Colleges and 25% to UC’s.
Cafeteria Floor
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action regarding an allocation of up to $20,000 for the replacement of the floors in the
Cabrillo College Cafeteria.
Ivan: The floors are really bad, and tiles are coming off like you can literally pick them up with your hands, we had a dance and we
actually had to put tape on some of them, one of the girls heels got stuck on the floor
Ivan moved to allocate up to $20,000 from Student Center Fee Updates for the replacement of the floors in the Cabrillo College
Cafeteria. Yeraldin seconded.
Morgan: is this the same account that the Sustainability Center is coming out from?
Geoffrey: no, this is a different account.
Gaby: I think this is something that the college should take care of, I would rather reconciliate the accounts and then give some of the
money from this to tutorials
Geoffrey: yes in the general fund, but we’ve never crossed funds like that
Christian: This account is bound by Ed codes
Morgan: I just want to point out that we’ve been doing a lot of updates in SAC East and West, it wouldn’t hurt to fix another part on
campus where students go a lot
Motion: This item is for the allocation of up to $20,000 from Student Center Fee Updates for the replacement of the floors in the
Cabrillo College Cafeteria Aye:10/Nay:3/Abs:1
Clotheslines Project/Chalk it Up
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action regarding a proposal of an allocation of up to $500 to help fund the Clothesline
Project and the Chalk-it-Up project.
Elizabeth: The clothesline project happened yesterday and you could either write on a t-shirt saying some kind of saying to stop
violence against women or children. I t was a great event, people came up and did drawings, one girl took up 4 squares, basically it
was a great event. They help women out so much with confidentiality and centers and stuff like that.
Sesario: if you want to know their budget, I’ll read it out for you
Geoffrey: Is there going to be a motion for this?
Brian moved to allocate up to $500 from Cultural Events to help fund the Clothesline Project and the Chalk-it-Up project. Ivan
seconded. Passed by consensus.
G. Senate Year-End Luncheon
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action regarding the Senate Year-End luncheon.
Geoffrey: We at the Senate have a tradition of having an end of the year luncheon, Sesario could probably speak better on this but we
needed to bring this up to you guys to decide, what does the Senate want to do for their end of the year luncheon? One option we do
have is for us to use Pino Alto, they have very nice food and all the money we spend there ends up going to students.
Sesario: We did this about 4 Senates ago. The first one was at the Crow’s Nest and spent about $400 but then other Senates though
it was to elaborate, and the Pino Alto is more convenient and reasonably priced.
Geoffrey: If we do this, I would really like to extend an Invite to Bill Monning, I think we’ve worked closely with him so it would be nice to
have him here.
Gaby: I would like to know how much it would be for each person to go to Pino Alto, or we could just have something here like last year
Sesario: It’s about $10 per person but what I suggest you do is work with the Culinary Arts for a pre-chosen menu or wherever you go\
Cabrillo College
Student Senate meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 15 , 2010.
Geoffrey: I think overall it would be like $300, which is fairly inexpensive
Ivan: Is this also for Senators who were with us last semester?
Geoffrey: Yes.
Leadership Award
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action regarding the senate leadership award.
Geoffrey: Another tradition that we have on the Senate is the Leadership Award, this is done by silent ballot between us and this is
where we each vote for one person on the Senate who we think has exemplified the idea of a leader.
Sesario: So we need money for the plaques, that’s where we recognize the leader and they also get one to take with them.
Geoffrey: Next week I’ll have us do the secret ballot
Kayleb: is this for current senators
Ivan: yea or is this also for someone who served last year
Sesario: Yes, it’s for someone who served this academic year
Surveillance Camera
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action regarding an additional allocation of up to $300 for surveillance cameras.
Kayleb moved to allocate an additional allocation of up to $300 from Student Center Fee Update for surveillance cameras. Noemi
seconded. Passed by consensus.
Running Start
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action regarding an allocation of up to $200 for snacks during Running Start.
Kayleb moved to allocate up to $200 from Programs Account for snacks during Running Start. Gaby seconded. Passed by
Electronic Marquee
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for an update on the electronic marquee, and discussion/possible action on an allocation of up to an additional
$6000 for the project.
Gaby: Is this the same account from which were going to replace the cafeteria floors?
Geoffrey: yes
Michelle moved to table this item. Nahayeli seconded. Aye:6/Nay:8
Elizabeth moved to allocate of up to an additional $6000 from Student Center Fee for the project for en Electronic Marquee.
Ivan called to question. Christian seconded. Passed unanimously.
Motion: This item is for the allocation of up to an additional $6000 from Student Center Fee for the project for en Electronic Marquee.
Passed unanimously.
Senate Office Supplies
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action on an allocation of $1306 for Senate Office Supplies.
Elizabeth moved for the allocation of $1306 from the Supplies Account for Senate Office Supplies. Ivan seconded. Passed by
M. Senate Office Equipment
Discussion/Possible Action
This item is for discussion/possible action on an allocation of $295 for Senate Office Supplies.
5 Minutes
Michelle unless there are any time sensitive reports that are sensitive and urgent I’d like to adjourn the meeting. Gerardo seconded.
Student Activity Center Plaques
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action on an allocation of up to $400 for plaques to be located in the Student Activity
Michelle moved to allocate up to $400 from the Student Center Supply Account for plaques to be located in the Student Activity
Center. Nahayeli seconded. Passed by consensus.
Reports (Every other name is Bold for Easy Reading)
Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers and Committees report on Senate Activities.
Executive Officers
President: Geoffrey Stanfield
Vice President: Christian Rivera
Treasurer: Michelle Giovannari
Student Trustee: Elizabeth Habara
Griselda Rodriguez
Morgan Schreiber
Sigma Alpha Phi
As Needed
3 Minutes Ea.
Legeslative Representative: Gerardo Avila
Inter-Club Council Chair: Yeraldin Zavala
Watsonville Representative: Vacant
Scotts Valley Representative: Kayleb Spencer
Noemi Duran
Gabriela Avila
Cabrillo College
Student Senate meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 15 , 2010.
Ivan Ramirez
Noel Heyden
Nahayeli Juarez
B. Edger McCalbhin
Carla Pecoraro
Brian Kelly
Sesario Escoto
Flor Chacón
Constitution & Bylaws
Food Service
Student Activity Card
Agenda Requests
Adjournment at 6:47pm
Adrian Serrano
Theo Offei
10 Minutes
5 Minutes
Earth Week next week
Need people for tabling
Pass Around
(to be held after the Student Senate Meeting)
Call to Order
A. Roll Call
Voting members:
Voting members needed for quorum (½+1): 5
Adoption of the Executive Agenda
Approval of the Executive Minutes
A. Meeting Minutes from April 8 , 2010
Regular Business
A. Discussion of Meeting
10 Minutes
B. Discussion of any Pending Absences and Tardies
This item is to discuss any Senator’s absence or tardy to be put on next week’s meeting for a procedural vote.
4 Minutes
C. Committee Formation
This item is for any requests for formations of committees.
10 Minutes
D. Committee Non-Compliance
This item is to address any issues of Committee Non-Compliance by members of the ASCC Student Senate.
Old Business
New Business
Advisor Reports
Sesario Escoto
Flor Chacón
Executive Agenda Requests
Cabrillo College
Student Senate meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 15 , 2010.
10 Minutes
7 Minutes
6:00 PM