Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Aptos Campus
6500 Soquel Dr, Aptos, CA
Room SAC-225
Date and Time:
Thursday, April 8 , 2010
3:00 PM
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate will hold a meeting on Thursday, April 8 , 2009. The
meeting time and location information is noted on the agenda. We hope to encourage full participation in student government and
advocacy. If you have any questions, please contact us at 831.477.5677. If needed, you can be provided with any disabilityrelated modification or accommodations; please call Disabled Student Program and Services at (831) 479-6379. Requests
should be made as early as possible, though on-campus transportation can be called for at any time.
Call to Order at 3:02pm
A. Roll Call
Voting members: 15
Voting members needed for quorum (½+1): 10.5
Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 12.66
Adoption of the Agenda
Geoffrey moved to postpone New Business item E
Ivan moved to move up New Business item I to New Business A
Brian moved to table Old Business item B
Gerardo moved for New Business item J to read SSCCC General Assembly
Agenda passed by consensus.
Approval of the Minutes
Meeting Minutes from March 11 , 2010
Passed by consensus
Meeting Minutes from March 25 , 2010
Passed by consensus
Public Comments
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda.
There will be a limit of three (3) minutes per speaker
Susan Tappero & MESA students, Ed Braunhut, Helen Jara Tutoring programs
Sarab Sarabi Region IV Summit, encouraged new senators to attend
Eden White from Writing Center: wrote on her facebook page; what would you do if the writing center were to reduce
their hours and services? Read student testimonials
Steve Hodges computer science instructor: gave out handouts, talked about the science of cell phone, access of
internet & academic life at Cabrillo, explained studies on handouts
Sam Far member of Congress elected by Santa Cruz County, Monterey County & San Benito County; advised Senate
to prioritize who needs help funding the most, congratulated everyone for their roles as Senators & wished the Senate
luck in making though decisions
Special Items
Senate Appointment: Senator-at-Large
7 minutes each
This item is for review of applicants for the open Senator-at-Large position on the Senate and possible appointment of
that position. Each applicant will have opportunity to address the senate and take questions.
AdrianSerrano for Senator-at-Large pending approval of the packet. Passed unanimously.
Appointment: Watsonville Representative
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 8 , 2010.
7 minutes each
This item is for review of applicants for the open Watsonville Representative position on the Senate and possible
appointment of that position. Each applicant will have opportunity to address the senate and take questions.
C. Special Presentation: Ecology Action
10 minutes each
Old Business
A. Display Boards
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action regarding an allocation of up to $1025 for display boards.
Noel: I would like to create 4 spots on campus with sandwich boards. The locations I was thinking of were, one in VAPA,
one in the quad, one in the cafeteria and one in front of the library, in which we could place the Agenda and the Student
Senate newsletter with a suggestion box.
Noel moved to approve $1025 from the Equipment Account for display boards. Michelle seconded.
Brian: would these things be changeable?
Noel: yea
Morgan: How much money is in the Equipment Account?
Michelle: $14,000
Yeraldin: Who would be in charge of changing of posting the agendas?
Noel: the Networking Committee
Yeraldin: Also, we already have places were we can post the agendas, and I think if we already have that I don’t see the
point to this
Nahayeli: We are limited to the places where we can posters and signs, we’ve had students of other clubs coming to us
and saying that they are limited to spacing, so I think this is a great idea.
Gaby called to question. Brian seconded. Aye:/Nay:1
Motion: This item is to approve $1025 from the Equipment Account for display boards. Passed unanimously.
Discussion/Possible Action
30 Minutes
B. Bylaws Revisions
This item is for discussion/possible action regarding approval of the proposed amendments to the ASCC
C. 2010/2011 Senate Budget
Discussion/Possible Action
10 Minutes
This item is for discussion and/or possible action on approving the proposed 2010/2011 Budget for the ASCC
Michelle: There are two different line items. The first column is a proposed budget that was created by the committee
about 4 weeks ago and the second proposed budget is the last budget we proposed and the middle grounds is if
Senators don’t agree majority on either choice we can discuss a possibility. We have to pass today so if you guys have
any comments please say them we’ll go one by one
So the first line item is Non-Instructional Supplies and we don’t have any money in that one
Noel: I’m on the budget committee and one of these is really old and I don’t understand why it’s on here
Michelle: This is what the committee accepted. This is what is here, I apologize.
Noel: maybe we could strike it
Michelle: point of order, if you have a comment please say it as we go along; lets go around in a circle and say whether
you would like $15,000 or $13,000 for Student ID Card Supplies
Noel: Point of information, I never voted on this old budget and nobody did, so why is on here? Was it a mistake?
Sesario: After Actuals you see Proposed and then you see Proposed again, How about we call the first one Proposed A
and the other Proposed B. Noel is your question why is Proposed A on here?
Noel: yes
Sesario: because two committees worked on this, the first committee (Jeff’s) that worked on it that’s what they proposed
(Proposed A) and then Michelle became treasurer and this is what the committee came up with (Proposed B). So these
are two considerations; the Student Senate has the authority to approve the budget, no one committee. So the question
is which of these proposals or combinations you want to approve as a Senate?
Noel: I was on the previous committee and there was a lack of meetings and I always asked Jeff when we were going to
have a meeting and I just believe that nobody voted these amounts in and that this is just appearing, I just think it was a
Brian moved for a time extension of 15 minutes. Nahayeli seconded. Aye:15/Nay:1
Noel: We talked about this last time, and there is only one more person so one person gets to decide a whole option?
So then I said I would like to make my own and they said no you can’t, we’ll decide as a committee
Nahayeli: point of information, does this has to be passed today?
Sesario: I needed this by the end of March, you are already 2 weeks late. You do not have to pass it today, If you do not
pass it today I will chose one of these and submit it to the district and those will be the numbers they will use, you can
decide to change them later and then business office will change it.
Michelle: Programs is a general account
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 8 , 2010.
Noel: If we pick out all these different numbers in the end it’s not going to balance out, isn’t it either we pick A or B? Do
you understand
ASCC General Fund
Non-Instructional Supplies
Student ID Card Supplies
ASCC Programs
CCEU Pino Alto Gift
Printing Supplies
College Wide Support Grants
Music Allocation
Drama Allocation
Dance Allocation
Scholarship Direct
Scholarship Endowment
Noel moved to recess. Edgar seconded. Michelle blocked consensus. Aye:4/Nay:9
Michelle: point of order, now that we got this done, our next thing is to go line by line and establish criteria
Carla: I just wanted to bring attention to the textbooks on reserve and the rental program, I think we should get more on
reserve, maybe take some money from the music, drama, and dance and allocating it to the textbooks.
Nahayeli: it seems like many of us have a lot of questions, I propose that we decide on either A o B and give Sesario
something to submit, we can decide to make changes at our next meeting.
Nahayeli moved to question. Brian seconded. Aye:10/Nay:5
Motion: Those in favor of Proposal A- 7
Those in favor of Proposal B- 9
Michelle: Please try to attend the Budget Committee Meeting, if not please send me an email so we can meet one on
one to discuss it
Gaby: could we go over half of the budget today
Morgan moved to reconsider the motion. Gaby seconded. Aye:11/Nay:4
Edgar moved to recess for 5 minutes. Noel seconded. Aye:4/Nay:12
Carla: can we go one by one like we were originally doing
Morgan: could we a lot 2 minutes to each line item
Brian: Does any one have a problem with putting the remaining 5,000 into Programs
Gerardo: I suggest 20,000 for Tutorials
Noemi: I suggest $500 for Music, Drama, and Dance Allocations
New Business
A. Cheerleading Pro Mats
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion and/or possible action regarding allocation of $2000 for the purchase of cheerleading
pro mats.
Natalie: I’m Captain of the Cheerleading Team and we have tried to contact whoever took our good mats and left them
out in the football field in the rain and been destroyed, so we’ve been using our cheap dangerous mats which were also
stolen three weeks ago. So we’re asking for money to reinvest in new mats, they are approximately $5,000 for seven
good mats.
Michelle: where would you guys plan to keep them in now?
Natalie: we’ve actually been talking to Flor, we’re possibly getting a bin
Gerardo: Have you guys been to the ICC
Natalie: Yes, we’re asking both the ICC and the Senate
Elizabeth: How much exactly are these mats total?
Natalie: We’re only asking for $2,000 but they’re about $5,000
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 8 , 2010.
Michelle moved to allocate up to $2000 from Programs for the purchase of cheerleading pro mats. Brian seconded.
B. Pool Table
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action regard the ASCC pool table currently located in the Billie Paul Fireside
Brain: I’m bringing up this item on behalf of the games and media enthusiasts society, there’s a pool table out there that
has not been used through out the whole year. It got damaged at one point through no fault of the club there were some
people playing with it; there were attempts to repair it but not well done, so the club would like that removed. We have
someone that is willing to haul it remove it and everything for free.
Morgan: I think we should donate to somebody like a YMCA or something or to someone who might need it or can fix it
Edgar moved to table this issue and add money to repair the pool table. No second. Motion failed.
Geoffrey: I propose that we take a week to think of options and bring suggestions next week to decide what we want to
do with it
C. Senate Barbeque
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion and/or possible action on allocating $700 to fund an ASCC Student Senate Barbeque
for constituent outreach.
Edgar moved to allocate $700 to fund an ASCC Student Senate Barbeque for constituent outreach.
Michelle: we past last week like $550 for Senate outreach, if you’re interested in outreach I suggest you hang out with
me and we can buy juices, fruits and stuff like that
Morgan: I see that this would be a good idea but I think it would be better to just put out a table, borrow a microphone,
we could outreach really well, we could have music but I just don’t think that we have to put $700 into it
Yeraldin: I think that $700 is to expensive, I think that if you’re going to outreach to students If you’re going to have food
or not you will get their attention
Brian: I don’t think we have a particular idea, so if you could bring us an outline of what we’re going to have and what
we’re going to do that would be better.
Edgar moved to table this item. Ivan seconded. Aye:14/Nay:1
D. AGS Conference
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion and/or possible action on allocating $1500 to help send AGS representatives to the
AGS convention on April 16 .
Theo moved to allocate $1500 from Conferences to help send AGS representatives to the AGS convention on April 16 .
Gerardo seconded.
Yeraldin: I know that they asked $1,000 from the ICC and it was approved, so their total would be $2,500 so they would
only be paying $70. I would like to see for AGS to be fundraising more rather than the ICC and the Senate to pay for
their whole event.
Yeraldin moved to amend the motion from $1,500 to $700 from Conferences to help send AGS representatives to the
AGS convention on April 16 . Michelle seconded.
Morgan: I think that we are really lucky to be able to do things for a change and have the money just be there in the
Senate to have budgets to pull out of. I think that we need to appreciate how much AGS fundraises, they fundraise a lot
and for us to say that they need to fundraise more is like kinda like we help each other out and I think we should just help
Theo: I like what Morgan said it’s like the Cheerleaders they fundraise a lot so how are you going to tell them to
fundraise more. It’s like telling a kid who has been studying for hours to study more that’s going to drive them crazy
Yeraldin: What I mean is that if you’re planning on going on a trip somewhere I think you should have the money and
not rely on whether you’re going to get the funding or not, and I just don’t feel its right
Nahayel: Don’t you guys charge your members a fee to go to these conferences or something like that
Elizabeth: It’s a membership fee. Not trying to be mean or anything but Morgan was right, they do fundraise a lot. I know
Emily Nord personally, we went on the march and they are always talking about how they can fundraise and a lot of the
money they get from fundraising doesn’t cover for everything they want to do. And it kind of seems hypocritical of to say
that we should give them less money than what they’re asking for since they always fundraise for what they do.
Brian: I agree with everyone on the table, if they were planning on this conference they should have allocated more
money for it but I also agree that they are also a great group on campus so;
Brian moved to amend the previous amendment from $700 to $1,000 from Conferences to help send AGS
representatives to the AGS convention on April 16 Noemi seconded.
Morgan moved to extend time for a minute. Brian seconded. Aye:11/Nay:5
Theo: So I just want to say if we don’t give them the money, how are they going fundraise it, we as the student senate
go to conventions and conferences and we don’t fundraiser for that because we have the money here, so I think we
should give them the opportunity to go, funding them this money is vital.
Amendment on the amendment
Aye:10/ Nay:5
Amendment Aye:9/Nay:4
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 8 , 2010.
Main Motion: This item is for the allocation of $1,000 to help send AGS representatives to the AGS convention on April
16 . Passed unanimously.
E. Student Advocacy Center
Discussion/Possible Action
10 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action regarding the repurposing of the Student Café funds to instead fund
the formation of a Student Advocacy Center to be located in the lower floor of SAC-West.
F. Fish tank Responsibilities
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action on find a Senator to take on the responsibilities for cleaning the ASCC
Flor: There’s a fish tank out there and it’s not being cleaned, either we get rid of it or someone cleans it, we need
someone to do it, I sent out an email but nobody replied.
Geoffrey: Christian and I have been discussing this and we decided that if someone doesn’t have the time to make it to
their committee to get rid of their committee responsibilities. Christian and I have discussed that if you agree to take on
the fish tank responsibilities you are excused from one external or external committee.
Volunteers: Noel, Brian & Carla
G. 2010 Earth Week
Discussion/Possible Action
25 Minutes
This item is for discussion/possible action on the planning and organization of the ASCC 2010 Earth Week.
Earth Week (12 days away)
Friday, April 23
Aptos: Wednesday, April 21
Thursday, April 22
Scotts Valley: Tuesday, April 20
Time: 11:00-1:00pm
Edgar: we were thinking of buying fruit trees, I’m also going to go to the food committee and the Horticulture and a
couple of other places. As you can see each tree is $10 but its going to take a while for them to grow fruit. I want to do
this for Earth Week, so I think we should have a discussion this week and maybe approving funding for next week
Gerardo: This is a good idea but I think we need to find a place where to plant them, and they will also need a lot of
maintenance, so who will take care of the maintenance and the cost of it?
Edgar: we could possibly sell the fruit up in the cafeteria and use that money to cover for the maintenance; this could be
a self funded project.
Michelle: I spoke to one of the M&O lady’s about maintenance and she said she would be happy to do it for no cost
Noel: you have an apple tree, I’m sure people would think oh that’s a nice apple and pick it, if an apple falls it
decomposes and turns into soil, or we could juice the fruits and make it a part of the Senate outreach.
Edgar: with a show of hands can you let me know if I should go on with this
Michelle: can everyone just sign-up for one of the days at whatever time you can and please make sure to show up.
Theo moved to end discussion. Gerardo seconded. Aye:10/Nay:4
H. Scholarship Opportunity
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion regarding a scholarship opportunity available to the members of the ASCC Senate.
Flor: There is a scholarship that is going to be available to you guys, or anyone who has a leadership position. The
scholarship is of $1000; in order to be eligible you must have 24 units completed in your college career and have a
cumulative GPA of 3.0 and also be enrolled in at least 5 units this semester. If you’re interested in this scholarship please
see me after the meeting and I will give you an application.
Poster Printer Policy
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion and/or possible action regarding the senate policy on usage of the poster printer.
Theo: I was going to print a poster from the new printer and Flor said that now they’re going to charge to print from that
printer. What we’re doing is for the Student Senate or the College and I don’t see why we should be paying for it and if
we do need to pay for this I’m going to ask the Student Senate to fund this.
Flor: That printer was purchased by department money; the paper and ink is very expensive and nobody is putting
money into it, the Senate and the Clubs are the main users but as you know we are in a crisis, so either we are going to
charge people individually or the Senate and ICC can chose to fund it.
Gaby: I would say that the Student Senate allocate some money to fund for supplies for the printer
Yeraldin: For elections, the Senate could fund 3 or 4 posters for each candidate and for clubs they can do the same the
first 2 or 3 could be free and then we could charge the rest.
Nahayeli: I agree with Yeraldin, under the
Gerardo: I think that whatever is going to be used for elections the Elections committee should take care of and
whatever is going to be used by the Senate then the Senate should take care of. Bylaws they’re entitled to 10 poster so I
think that we should set some guidelines like Yeraldin said.
Theo moved to extend time for a minute. No second. Motion failed.
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 8 , 2010.
SSCCC General Assembly
Discussion/Possible Action
Rep. Avila
5 Minutes
This item is for discussion and/or possible action regarding an additional $2,000 to allow two additional senators
to attend the SSCCC General Assembly.
Gerardo: Given the high demand for people to attend the General Assembly I want to allocate funds for two more
senators to be able to attend the general assembly this would cover the travel expenses, the food, the registration, and
the room.
Gerardo moved to allocate an additional $2,000 to allow two additional senators to attend the SSCCC General
Assembly. Gaby seconded.
Geoffrey: How many did we approve last meeting?
Gerardo: Four, the leg rep and three other senators
Geoffrey: I like this idea we have new senators on board that should get the opportunity to attend a conference, if we
have a good group there we have a great opportunity to put up really good resolutions
Gerardo: I have a point of information, the Leg Rep Committee already voted on who we should take to the conference
but I’ll save the names for the end so we don’t cause any conflicts of interest or arguments
Elizabeth: I think it would be good for new senators including myself, who just joined to attend this conference
Geoffrey: for those new senators who are going to attend I highly suggest you go to the next region IV meeting and
attend the preliminary session; it’ll be very helpful for when you attend the conference.
Ivan called to question. Brian seconded. Passed unanimously.
Motion: This item is to allocate an additional $2,000 to allow two additional senators to attend the SSCCC General
Assembly. Passed unanimously.
Attendees: Gerardo, Elizabeth, Carla, Noemi, Kayleb, Theo
Reports (Every other name is Bold for Easy Reading)
As Needed
Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers and Committees report on Senate Activities.
3 Minutes Ea.
Executive Officers
President: Geoffrey Stanfield
Facilities Committee Meeting on Friday at 4pm
Vice President: Christian Rivera
Treasurer: Michelle Giovannari
Hopefully I can have the most recent budget on my laptop at the next meeting
I will also be posting the sign-up sheets at both offices
Student Trustee: Elizabeth Habara
Attended the Governor’s Board meeting
Chinese courses cut
Parent made a complaint about the DBA because there are 30 and 40 + people who are recovering addicts in a
class room setting with 17 and 18 year olds
Legeslative Representative: Gerardo Avila
Leg Rep met yesterday (Wednesday) decided the names of attendants
Saturday April 17 Region IV Summit (mini General Assembly) at DeAnza College
Region has decide not to charge everyone has to provide your own lunch
Time: 10:00am -6:00pm
Following Region IV Meeting 3:10-5:00pm
SSCCC Meeting on Saturday & Sunday
Inter-Club Council Chair: Yeraldin Zavala
If interested they can provide minutes
Approved $1,000 for Cheerleaders for mats
Approved $1,000 for AGS teacher/Staff Appreciation Dinner
Approved $1,000 for LLN Mother’s Day
Two new clubs
Watsonville Representative: Vacant
Scotts Valley Representative: Kayleb Spencer
Griselda Rodriguez
Noemi Duran
Participate in Earth Week
Gabriela Avila
Morgan Schreiber
Women’s Empowerment Club
Wednesdays at 3:30pm at SAC West Rm 202
Sigma Alpha Phi power point for next week
Brian Kelly
Carla Pecoraro
Chair of the Network &Communications Com.
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 8 , 2010.
Noel Heyden
Nahayeli Juarez
Ivan Ramirez
B. Edger McCalbhin
Fridge & Micro. Clean-up
Cafeteria Floor needs fixing
Cheerleaders competing in Anaheim
Theo Offei
Adrian Serrano
Doesn’t think we need to have a BBQ
First Meeting on Friday at 1:00pm
Campaigning Posters & costs
Sesario Escoto
Student Health Center asking for $500 event for next week
Message Boards: assign somebody to take care of them
Bond Oversight Committee, we need a Rep
Facilities Committee: we need a Rep
Fruit trees need to be taken care of, keep that in mind
Student Center Fee Budget needs to be submitted
Buss Pass & Transportation fee, is it going to appear on the ballot?
Flor Chacón
Theo main organizer for Sam Far
Michelle wonderful job w/ the budget & Earth week
Elections: we need help, please attend next meeting
Funding fees
10 Minutes
10 Minutes
Budget (20 Minutes)
Deadline: Monday @ 6pm
create poster guidelines
need help tabling
Constitution & Bylaws
Student Activity Card
Meeting next wk
Sustainability (25 Min.)
fee increase $32-40/unit
State: micro managing course levels
1-2 new faculties
Transportation fee
5 Minutes
Food Service
Pass Around
Agenda Requests
Adjournment at 6:45pm
Call to Order
A. Roll Call
Adoption of the Executive Agenda
Approval of the Executive Minutes
Meeting Minutes from March 11 , 2010
Meeting Minutes from March 25 , 2010
Regular Business
A. Discussion of Meeting
10 Minutes
B. Discussion of any Pending Absences and Tardies
4 Minutes
This item is to discuss any Senator’s absence or tardy to be put on next week’s meeting for a procedural vote.
C. Committee Formation
10 Minutes
This item is for any requests for formations of committees.
D. Committee Non-Compliance
10 Minutes
This item is to address any issues of Committee Non-Compliance by members of the ASCC Student Senate.
Old Business
New Business
Advisor Reports
Sesario Escoto
Flor Chacón
Executive Agenda Requests
Cabrillo College
Student Senate Meeting Minutes: Thursday, April 8 , 2010.
7 Minutes