Document 12991253

Total on Roster: 15
Votes needed for simple mjority vote: 50% + 1 = 9
Votes needed for 2/3 majority: 10
Scott Valley Campus
Date and Time:
Thursday, November 18th, 2010
3:00 pm – 6 : 00 pm
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate will hold a meeting on Thursday November 18th , 2010. The meeting
time and location information is noted on the agenda. We hope to encourage full participation in student government and advocacy. If you have
any questions, please contact us at 831.477.5677. If needed, you can be provided with any disability-related modification or accommodations;
please call Disabled Student Program and Services at (831) 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though on-campus
transportation can be called for at any time.
Call to Order
A. Roll Call
Members Not Present:
All Members Present and Accounted For
TIME: 3:03
Adoption of the Agenda
TIME: 3:04
Senator Hoffman moved to amend new business item A from 2 members to 3.
Senator Watkins moved to extend the time of adjournment by 30 minutes. Senator Peeden seconded.
Representative Avila called the question Vice President Spencer seconded Vote: 15/0
Question Called
Vote: 5/7
Motion Fails
Main Motion: Vice President Spencer Second: Representative Avila
Vote: 14/1
Agenda Adopted
Approval of the Minutes
Meeting Minutes from November 11th , 2010
Motion: Representative Avila
TIME: 3:12
Second: Vice President Spencer
Vote: 15/0
Minutes Approved
Public Comments
TIME: 3:13
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda.
There will be a limit of five (5) minutes per speaker
Name: Amanda Bachman
Re: Funding of Nursing graduation, requests item to be included on the agenda for the next week.
Name: Greg
Re: Requests that the ICC transportation proposal be included in the agenda the next week.
Name: Elizabeth Habara
Re: LGBT Prom – Extend presale price until November 30 , From December 1 - 3 price will increase by $10.
Time: 3:23
Senator Hoffman moved to change the order of the day to read New Buisness Item. C before Special Items.
Trustee Allenser Seconded.
Vote: 15/0
ASCC Minutes for 11.18.10 Pending approval of 12.2.10
Order of the day changed.
At this time Item VIII.C was discussed, please see that portion of the agenda for action taken
Special Items
Committee Reports
TIME: 3:25
5 Minutes each per internal / ad hoc. Committee
Cancelled by Consensus
Safety Information-- Sgt Paul Ramos
15 Minutes
Presenter not Present
Old Business
TIME: 3:28
A. Traditional Dancing Outfit for LLN
Discussion / possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is on for discussion / possible action to approve up to $1000 from _____ account for traditional dancing outfit for LLN
Representative Avila moved to approve up to $1000 from Programs Account for traditional dancing outfits for LLN.
Vice President Spencer Seconded
Time: 3:33 Vice President Spencer moved to extend time for six (6) minutes. Senator Sandoval seconded. Vote: 14/1
Time Extended
Vice President Spencer moved to amend the amount on the item to $400, Senator Hoffman seconded Vote: 9/4
Amendment passes
Main Vote: 7/5
Motion Passes
ICC funding
Discussion / Possible Action Chiuko
20 Minutes
This item is on for discussion / possible action for approval of 12,180 from ____ account for additional funding for ICC
Tabled in Agenda Approval
New Business
Appointment of new senators:
Scotts Valley representative
4 senator at large positions
TIME: 3:40
3 minutes for speech, 5 Minutes for questions
Item Cancelled due to conflict with ASCC Bylaws
AGS Funding
Discussion / Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is on for discussion / possible regarding approval of up to $600 for 3 AGS members to attend the AGS state convention
Senator Hoffman moved to approve up to $600 from Conference account for 3 AGS members to attend the AGS
state convention. Chair Gomez seconded.
Representative Avila moved to amend the motion to read “up to $400” Treasurer Chuiko seconded.
Vice President Spencer moved to table the item until the ICC budget issue is resolved.
Representative Avila seconded.
ASCC Minutes for 11.18.10 Pending approval of 12.2.10
Vote: 14/1
Item Tabled
Thanksgiving Event
Discussion/Possible Action
This item is on for discussion/possible action regarding approval of up to $800 for the thanksgiving event
5 Minutes
Senator Hoffman moved to approve up to $800 from Cultural Events Programs for the Thanksgiving Event.
Senator Aceves seconded.
Vote: 15/0
Motion Passed
Business Cards
Discussion/Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is on for discussion regarding approval of up to $200 for business cards for new senators.
Senator Sandoval moved to approve up to $200 from Supplies account for business cards for new senators.
Chair Gomez seconded.
Senator Peeden called the question Vice President Spencer seconded
Vote: 15/0
Question Called
Main Vote: 10/3
Motion Passed
Reports (Every other name is Bold for Easy Reading)
TIME: 3:51
Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers and Committees report on Senate Activities.
As Needed
3 Minutes Ea.
Executive Officers
President: Theo Offei
Report: The Senate has been invited to a December 3 event at the Sesnon “President’s Holiday”, 3 more members can
Vice President: Kayleb Spencer
Report: Bylaws committee this Tuesday at 6:00
Treasurer: Alex Chuiko
Report: Next Budget Committee will be held in two weeks.
Student Trustee: Kitt Allenser
Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila
Report: Region meeting Saturday at Chabot College. She will be leaving at 10.
Inter-Club Council Chair: Joseph Gomez
Report: Passed 1000 for LLN to go to conference in Redding
Watsonville Representative: vacant
Scotts Valley Representative: vacant
Katie Hoffman
Report: Final thanksgiving committee meeting tomorrow at 11. Immediately following will be a second harvest meeting,
Janet Godfrey will be in attendance. : Attended two budget meetings, there are initial projections for 2011/2012 year and
there will be an approximate 2.1 million dollar deficit, advocates for members to attend.
Elsa Pearson
ASCC Minutes for 11.18.10 Pending approval of 12.2.10
Report: Encourages members of the senate to follow up on public comments. Transportation committee meets tomorrow at
Crystal Aceves
Report: Networking and Communications committee met, thinking of placing Marquee in front of SAC-East.
Sharon O’Connor
Chris Peeden
Report: Election committee meets tomorrow at 11 am.
Morgan Sandoval
Report: Winter holiday committee meets tomorrow at 1.
Joseph Watkins
Report: Advises people to come to bylaws committee on Tuesday. Has yet to hear requests on business norms.
Alex Nguyen
Report: Wishes to join the Winter Holiday committee.
Meeting Adjourned at 4:00
5 Minutes
Sesario Escoto
Flor Chacón
6:00 pm
(to be held after the Student Senate Meeting)
Call to Order
A. Roll Call
Members not present:
Alex Chuiko
TIME: 5:48
Adoption of the Executive Agenda
Motion: Vice President Spencer Second: Chair Gomez Vote: 4/0
TIME: 5:49
Agenda Adopted
Approval of the Executive Minutes
Meeting Minutes from November 4th, 2010
Motion: Vice President Spencer Second: Representative Avila Vote: 4/0
TIME: 5:50
Minutes Approved
Meeting Minutes from November 11th 2010
Motion: Vice President Spencer Second: Trustee Allenser Vote: 4/0
Minutes Approved
Regular Business
TIME: 5:51
A. Discussion of Meeting
20 Minutes
Vice President Spencer commented that there is a problem with President Offei commenting with the public.
Representative Avila commented that Public Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes
There was a discussion on the chair’s right to participate in discussions
There was a discussion on the need for Senate meetings to begin on time.
Representative Avila commented that on new business there should be a wait before items are acted upon.
Representative Avila commented that the Senate should consider avoiding funding clubs until the ICC matters are settled.
Old Business
ASCC Minutes for 11.18.10 Pending approval of 12.2.10
New Business
Advisor Reports
TIME: 6:17
5 Minutes ea.
Sesario Escoto
Not present
Flor Chacón
Reminded that Thanksgiving is Monday at Watsonville please try to be there by 4:00.
Tuesday at Aptos
Requests the executive board start discussing the ICC funding to establish a clear message on funding for clubs and graduations.
Executive Agenda Requests
Meeting Adjourned at 6:20
ASCC Minutes for 11.18.10 Pending approval of 12.2.10