Document 12991252

Total on Roster: 14
Votes needed for simple mjority vote: 50% + 1 = 8
Votes needed for 2/3 majority: 10
Aptos Campus
6500 Soquel Dr, Aptos, CA
Room SAC-225
Date and Time:
Thursday, November 11th, 2010
3:00 pm – 6 : 00 pm
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate will hold a meeting on Thursday November 11th , 2010. The meeting
time and location information is noted on the agenda. We hope to encourage full participation in student government and advocacy. If you have
any questions, please contact us at 831.477.5677. If needed, you can be provided with any disability-related modification or accommodations;
please call Disabled Student Program and Services at (831) 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though on-campus
transportation can be called for at any time.
Call to Order
TIME: 3:05
A. Roll Call
Members Not Present:
All Members Present and Accounted For.
Adoption of the Agenda
TIME: 3:05
Senator Hoffman moved to change the orders of the day moving item VII.B to before Section VI and to extend time for 10
minutes on that item. Senator Peeden Seconded.
Vote: 14/0
Change Made
Special Item B tabled
Motion: Senator Hoffman
Second: Chair Gomez
Vote: 13/1
Agenda Adopted
Approval of the Minutes
TIME: 3:10
A. Meeting Minutes from November 4th , 2010
Motion: Representative Avila
Second: Trustee Allenser
Vote: 14/0
Minutes Approved
Public Comments
TIME: 3:12
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda.
There will be a limit of five (5) minutes per speaker
Name: Nikki
Re: Higher Education – CALPirg. Putting together a photo petition book to travel to Sam Farr, Bill Monning, heard the
ASCC was writing a letter to the assembly and would like that book to be included with it.
Name: Greg
Re: Presented a resolution from the ICC regarding the current Santa Cruz Metro situation. Please see Document A.
Discussion/Action here on item VII.B – please refer to that section.
TIME: 3:20
TIME: 3:32
Special Items
A. Committee Reports
5 Minutes each per internal / ad hoc. Committee
Name: Chair Gomez
Committee: Transportation – has come up with a student survey, has not yet been distributed, they are waiting
upon a translation into Spanish, will distribute next week hopefully.
Name: Senator Hoffman
Committee: Thanksgiving – Has put together an information sheet detailing the Thanksgiving events.
Please see Document C.
Name: Senator Hoffman
Committee: Second Harvest – Has put together an informational sheet pertaining Second Harvest fund-raising strategies.
Please see Document C.
Name: Senator Sandoval
Committee: Safety Committee - met November 5 – discussing providing new lighting and security for student parking.
There is a discussion of having escorts for students afraid to walk to their car.
Name: Senator Peeden
Committee: CPC – Sacramento did pass a budget, however there is assumption that there will be a lot of mid-term cuts.
There is currently a 2.4 million dollar Cabrillo College deficit. There has been a need to tap into reserves due to deferral
payments that have not been made. The board is meeting at the Horticultural building Monday at 5 P.M. There will be
a discussion over what will be cut. There is going to be a town-hall meeting at the Music Recital hall at 2-4 PM.
Name: Representative Avila
Committee: Legislative Meeting – Monday at 11
Name: Treasurer Chuiko
Committee: College Wide Support Grants – They have been processed and hopefully they shall be distributed next week.
Name: Treasurer Chuiko
Committee: Budget – There will be a presentation with Senator Peeden and Treasurer Chuiko to the ICC next week regarding
the ASCC budget. Next Budget meeting is Thursday at 2:10, any items desired on that agenda are requested to be sent
before midnight on Sunday
Name: Senator Watkins
Committee: Meeting Norm – has not yet met officially, wishes to see who would like to join the meeting norm committee,
requests face-to-face contact or e-mail contact.
B. Safety Information-- Sgt Paul Ramos
Tabled in Agenda Building
15 Minutes
C. ICC Budget
15 Minutes
Chair Gomez gave an presentation on the ICC Budget, please see Document D.
Time: 3:59 Representative Avila moved to extend time for five minutes. Senator Hoffman seconded. Vote: 12/2
Time Extended
Representative Avila moved to change the order of the day to move Item VI. A to be dealt with at this time. Senator Peeden
Seconded. Vote: 14/0
Order changed.
Please see Item VI.A
D. Governing Board Report
15 Minutes
Trustee Allenser gave a presentation on the governing board. Please see Document E.
Old Business
A. Traditional Dancing Outfit for LLN
Discussion / possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is on for discussion / possible action to approve up to $1000 from _____ account for traditional dancing outfit for LLN
Senator Hoffman moved to approve up to $1000 from cultural events for traditional dancing outfits for LLN. Chair Gomez
Treasurer Chuiko noted that there is $1,740 remaining in this account.
Senator Peeden moved to table the item until such time as further information is available. Trustee Allenser seconded.
Vote: 7/6
Item Tabled
New Business
Appointment of new senators:
1. Scotts Valley representative
2. 4 senator at large positions
Name: Alexander Nguyen Vote: 8/5
TIME: 4:17
3 minutes for speech, 5 Minutes for questions
4:26:40 Alexander Nguyen sworn in
Social Justice Conference
Discussion / Possible Action
10 Minutes
This item is on for discussion / possible action to allocate up to $4000 from _____ account for the Social Justice Conference
A presentation was given from Dr. Adela Najarro on the event – please see Document B.
Senator Hoffman moved to approve $1500 from Conferences and $1500 from Lecture Series for the Social Justice
Conference, seconded by Senator Pearson.
Budget Committee recommends the monies be taken from Conferences and Lecture Series.
Vote: 14/0
Motion Passed
Discussion / Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is on for discussion / possible action to approve up to $1500 from ______account to fund the cost of food
for the Adopt-a-CARE family event on Dec 10, 2010
Senator Watkins moved to approve up to $1500 from the Programs account to fund the cost of food for the Adopt-aCARE family event on Dec 10, 2010. Senator Hoffman seconded.
Senator Watkins moved to amend the amount from $1500 to $750. Senator Peeden seconded.
Vote: 15/0
Amount amended
Vote on the main motion: 15/0
Motion Passed
Christmas Trees
This item is on for discussion for the possibility of Christmas trees on all three (3) campuses
5 Minutes
ICC funding
Discussion / Possible Action
Chuiko 20 Minutes
This item is on for discussion / possible action for approval of 12,180 from ____ account for additional funding for ICC
No Action
Constitution and Bylaws Update
Discussion / Possible Action
10 Minutes
This item is on for discussion / possible action for the Constitution and Bylaws Update
4:57 Vice President Spencer moved to extend time for 10 Minutes. Senator Watkins seconded. Vote: 9/4/1
Time Extended
Strike Article 1. Section 1. Item 10.“President serves as a non-voting advisory member of all ASCC committees”
Vice-President Spencer moved to strike Item 10. Senator Hoffman seconded. Vote: 15/0
Line Struck
Add Article 5. Section 6. Clarification on 2/3rds voting. (Moving further sections down). All motions requiring 2/3rds
vote are 2/3rds of those present and voting. Those who abstain are not counted.
Vice-President Spencer moved to add this section. Senator Watkins Seconded. Vote: 15/0
Section Added.
Strike Article 18. Sustainability Committee.
Vice-President Spencer moved to strike this article on grounds that there is already a club for it on campus.
Trustee Allenser seconded. Vote: 15/0
Add to Article 6. Section 1. Item H. Change procedure to include a period of time serving as a commissioner before
A member of the ASCC can be appointed as a senator.
5:12 Senator Watkins motioned to extend time for 5 minutes. Senator Peeden seconded. Vote: 4/8
Motion Fails
No Motion on Item.
"Posibilidad" SF Mime Troupe Production
Discussion / Possible
5 Minutes
This item is on for discussion/possible action to approve up to $2000 from ______ account to fund the performance of
the "Posibilidad" production by SF Mime Troupe in Cabrillo College.
Treasurer Chuiko presented an RFF, please see Document E.
Senator Hoffman moved to approve up to $2000 from Programs account to fund the performance of the
“Posibilidad” production by SF Mime Troupe in Cabrillo College. Vote: 0/15
Motion Fails.
Reports (Every other name is Bold for Easy Reading)
TIME: 5:20
Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers and Committees report on Senate Activities.
As Needed
3 Minutes Ea.
Executive Officers
President: Theo Offei
Vice President: Kayleb Spencer
Bylaws committee meets every other Tuesday from 5:15-6:00 Pm
Treasurer: Alex Chuiko
November 17 – National Mustache Day. Endorsed by AGS.
Student Trustee: Kitt Allenser
November19th – Cabrillo EMT is having a mass causality incidence drill.
Legislative Representative: Gabby Avila
Encourages everyone to attend Board of Governors meeting.
Legislative committee meets Monday at 11.
Inter-Club Council Chair: Joseph Gomez
ICC passed $1,000 El Dolce Sueno for a trip to San Francisco
Archery Club was disbanded
Watsonville Representative: Gloria Tanner
Spoke with Rachel about seating in the Lobby.
Scotts Valley Representative: vacant
Katie Hoffman
Will be forming a social justice committee.
There will be a request for $250 request for second harvest incentive drive.
Elsa Pearson
Transportation Advisory meeting is Tuesday at 10-11:30, there will be a discussion of the Transportation survey
Crystal Aceves
Sharon O’Connor
Chris Peeden
Meet with Brian King re: Second Harvest presence at BoG meetings encouraged.
There is a lot of help needed for the event.
Has drafted a survey re: CalPIRG
Morgan Sandoval
Chair of Winter Holiday Committee – will begin meeting shortly, an email will be sent out.
Joseph Socrates Watkins
Spoke on virtues – expounded on the moral rights of man and on the ideal form of government.
Is chairing the meeting norms committee and wants to hear from people.
Wants to know if the ASCC wishes to participate in the CalPIRG Thanksgiving.
Alexander Nguyen
Sesario Escoto
Stated advisors are the only individuals who can place food orders.
Stated the charges for the ASCC food have arrived.
Stated that there is a necessity for someone to fill in the purchase requisition for Halloween event.
5 Minutes
Stated there is a need for someone to handle the paperwork for the Taher Thanksgiving food provision.
Stated the RFP for food services will be delayed one year.
Stated a week from today is the reception ceremony for the Support Grants –
Advises the student senate attend, all members of the Senate have confirmed.
Stated there is a disciplinary meeting on December 3 , there needs to be a student rep.
Advises that holiday decorations are moved on early.
Flor Chacón
Nothing to report
5:44 pm
(to be held after the Student Senate Meeting)
Call to Order
A. Roll Call
Members Present:
All Members Present and Accounted For
TIME: 6:04
Adoption of the Executive Agenda
TIME: 6:04
Vice President Spencer moved to approve the agenda for November 11, 2010, Treasurer Chuiko Seconded. Vote: 6/0
Agenda Adopted
Approval of the Executive Minutes
TIME: 6:04
A. Meeting Minutes from October 28th, 2010
Tabled for One Week
Regular Business
TIME: 6:05
A. Discussion of Meeting
20 Minutes
Legislative Representative wants to develop changes to the ICC Bylaws, and she will distribute them by email for review and
discussion. She will be putting on the agenda for the meeting next week to discuss them.
Vice-President Spencer advised sending such changes to the Constitution and Bylaws committee.
Advisor Chacón reminded that any changes to the ICC Bylaws have to be approved of by both bodies.
There was discussion on the process for the point of order.
President Offei stated that the procedure he intended to follow was to require incidental motions to be recognized before
they can be made.
Representative Avila moved that executive board meetings be held 5 minutes after the ending of the main meeting. Chair
Gomez seconded.
6:25 Chair Gomez moved to extend time for 5 minutes, Representative Avila seconded. Vote: 6/6 President Offei voted in
Time Extended
Old Business
New Business
XVII. Advisor Reports
TIME: 6:30
Sesario Escoto
Flor Chacón
Executive Agenda Requests
Meeting Adjourned:
5 Minutes ea.