Document 12991250

Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Total on Roster: 12
Votes needed for simple mjority vote: 50% + 1 = 7
Votes needed for 2/3 majority: 8
Date and Time:
Thursday, October 21st , 2010
3:00 pm – 6 : 00 pm
Aptos Campus
6500 Soquel Dr, Aptos, CA
Room SAC-225
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate will hold a meeting on Thursday, October 21st, 2010. The meeting time
and location information is noted on the agenda. We hope to encourage full participation in student government and advocacy. If you have any
questions, please contact us at 831.477.5677. If needed, you can be provided with any disability-related modification or accommodations;
please call Disabled Student Program and Services at (831) 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though on-campus
transportation can be called for at any time.
Call to Order
A. Roll Call
Members not present: None
TIME: 3:00
Adoption of the Agenda
TIME: 3:02
Senator Peeden struck Old Business Item A
Vice-President Spencer quoted Article 5 Section 1.A that Public Comments should be (5) minutes
President Offei stuck Old Business Item G due to redundancy from New Business Item A
Senator Hoffman moved to Table Old Business Item B Senator Peeden seconded.
Vote: 3/5/3 Motion Fails
Motion: Trustee Allenser
Second: Treasurer Chuiko
Vote: 13/0
Agenda Adopted
Approval of the Minutes
TIME: 3:05
A. Meeting Minutes from October 14th , 2010
Motion: Senator Peeden
Second: Representative Avila
Vote: 13/0
Minutes Approved
Public Comments
TIME: 3:09
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda.
There will be a limit of two (2) minutes per speaker
Special Items
A. Appointment of new senators:
1. Scotts Valley representative
2. 8 senator at large positions
TIME: 3:17
No Applicants This Week
3:18 Trustee Allenser moved to extend time on VI. B by ten (10) minutes seconded by Senator Edger Vote: 12/0/1 Motion Passes
Representative Avila Moved to move Item VI. B to follow Item VI. D Senator Hoffman seconded Vote: 12/1 Motion Passes
C. Committee Reports
5 Minutes each per int. committee
Committee: Transportation Committee
Report: A survey was begun about the current state of affairs on the Santa Cruz Metro. The Survey will be available next
Committee: SAC Committee
Report: There has been a decision to focus intent on getting new merchant contracts. Any who are interested and who
know of a business interested in having a contact – please contact the SAC Committee. The SAC Committee meets on
Wednesday at 2:00 PM.
Committee: Halloween Committee
Report: They are accepting volunteers for next Tuesday at 11 to put up Halloween decorations, there are 2-3 sources of food
found, they are looking for acoustic musicians for performance during food service. On Thursday, there is a plan to gather in the
quad at noon, and at 12:15 there will be a walk to the plaza where prizes and food will be distributed. There is a request for
costumes to be worn, they are going to be constructing a large skeleton for those who do not have costumes to participate with, as
well as white trash bags for “ghost” costumes. It was voted that on Tuesday the meeting will occur at the Stroke Centre. There will
be eighteen prize winners
Committee: Legislative Committee
Report: For those who are attending CCCSAA – there has been information gathered (please see Document B) . There is a
request for information to be gathered, and for in depth notes for the construction of a binder for CCCSAA and General Assembly for
future senates.
Committee: Constitution and Bylaws
Report: The meeting is now occurring every other Monday from 10-11 AM
Constitution and Bylaws update
15 Minutes
Article 2 Section 3.Students from Delta High have requested to be part of the Student Senate, so that they have experience when
they graduate Delta and they can be ready to join the Senate – The idea is to have them as interns, as a Delta High representative
– having an advisory report.
Article 5 Section 6.A. Public Comments – discussing the maximum length for Public Comments – the chair has recommended
three (3) minutes. It was clarified that a public comment cannot have its time limit extended – a longer time limit requires a special
presentation, consultation with the vice president and a written submission.
Article 5 Section 1.A. “A tardy shall be defined as arriving to a meeting ten (10) minutes after the regularly scheduled meeting
time”, discussion as to whether to remove the term “regularly scheduled” and placing in “after the meeting has been called to order”
there has been discussion of revising the time to five (5) minutes.
Article 5. Section 5.A – Proposal to Strike. Vice President Spencer stated that the section was not necessary, and is redundant.
Proposal that budget meet every other school week as opposed to every week.
Article 5 Section 5.B – Senator Hoffman argued that said line was making the presentation of “_____” account as against the
Advisor Escoto stated that the section pertained to the meetings not to the agenda.
President Offei desired that there be no food during the meeting on the table during the meeting.
B. Resolution
15 Minutes
Representative Avila presented the resolutions presented at the 2009 SSCCC General Assembly meeting (please see Document C),
including updates on the current status of said resolutions. If any members of the senate are interested in writing a resolution please
approach Representative Avila – she has until Saturday to turn in the resolutions. The packet for the General Assembly was
presented (Document available in email). Representative Avila offered to write a resolution if there is one that the senate as a whole is
willing to get behind. Ideas need to be sent to her by Sunday.
Advisor Escoto encouraged members of the Senate to give their input and commended Representative Avila on her work.
Old Business
TIME: 3:54
A. Meeting Norm
Discussion / Possible Action
20 Minutes
This item is on for discussion and possible action regarding establishment of a meeting norm for the student senate that shall be
abided by every member of the board
Item Struck in Agenda Approval
Sac Recommendation
This item is on for discussion for the SAC committee to recommend to the student senate to……………...
3 minutes
C. Funding SSCCC
Time: 3:55
Discussion / Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is on for discussion/Possible Action regarding approval of up to 5,000 from ______ account to fund SSCCC
Representative Avila moved to approve up to $5,000 to fund SSCCC from the Programs Account Senator
McCalbhin seconded.
Representative Avila gave a presentation on what SSCCC is (Please see document D).
For the past 2 years, the ASCC Senate has given the organization approximately $5,000 dollars ($5,000 in 2008, $5,001
in 2009) . There is a struggle to update the SSCCC website, and Legislative Avila suggested giving the money but on the
condition that they use it to update their website.
Vote: 2/11/0
Motion Fails
D. Cabrillo Leading out fund Time: 4:00
Discussion / Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is on for discussion / possible action regarding approval of up to $1000 for the Cabrillo Leading out club to put up the first
Annual LGBT and Allied Straight prom on December 3rd in the cafeteria.
Trustee Allenser moved to approve up to $1,000 for the Cabrillo Leading Out Prom from the Programs Account Chair
Gomez seconded
Treasurer Chuiko moved to amend the motion to read “up to $700” seconded by Chair Gomez
4:05 Treasurer Chuiko moved to extend time for five (5) minutes seconded by Senator Hoffman Vote: 13/0
Motion Passes
The ICC has previously approved $1,000 for this event
Advisor Escoto requested a review of the RFF
Treasurer Chuiko presented the RFF (Please See Document E)
Senator Hoffman advised giving the requested monies as a loan
Senator McCalbhin moved to amend the motion to read that the monies given are as a loan Trustee Allenser Seconded.
Senator Peeden moved to amend the motion from $700 to $300 dollars. No Second.
4:10 Trustee Allenser moved to extend time for five (5) minutes seconded by Senator McCalbhin Vote: 9/4
Motion Passes
Representative Avila requested that if monies are given that receipts be presented
Vice President Spencer advised funding a portion from Programs Account and another portion from a loan.
Vote on the “Loan” Amendment: 1/12
Motion Fails
Vote on the amendment of $1000 to $700: 10/1/1
Motion Passes
Vote on the main motion: 8/4/1
Motion Passes
Motion to reconsider the vote by Treasurer Chuiko seconded by Senator Watkins Vote: 9/3
Motion Passes – Vote Reconsidered
Vote upon reconsideration: 7/1
Motion Passes
E. Reps needed
Time: 4:24
Discussion / Possible Action
5 minutes
This item is on for discussion / possible action to designate reps for the following committees: Scotts Valley Planning, Assessment
(SLO), and Beverage RFP
Legislative Avila moved to designated representatives for the follow committees: Scotts Valley Planning, Assessment
(SLO), and Beverage RFP Trustee Allenser seconded
Advisor Escoto spoke that he requested this item on the agenda to establish if there is a capacity of the Senate to send
representatives to these committees.
Scotts Valley Planning – there are significant major changes planned for Scotts Valley. Meeting is believed to be scheduled for
Assessment and Beverage RFP - committees are not yet scheduled.
Representative Avila volunteered for the Beverage RFP Committee
Treasurer Chuiko also volunteered
Senator Aceves volunteered for Assessment.
Greg Minkoff volunteered for Scotts Valley Planning
Vote Passed by Consensus
F. Taher
Time: 4:29
Discussion / Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is on to discuss what the senate wishes to do with taher’s food services beginning the 2010-2011 year.
Treasurer Chuiko moved to discuss the Taher contract for 2010-2011 Trustee Allenser seconded
Senator McCalbhin stated that a student run cafeteria isn’t possible, and that Taher current appears to be the best option.
Advisor Escoto stated that he and the purchasing centre needs to know if the ASCC Student Senate as the official voice of the
students wants to establish another RFP for the 2011-2012 year. If no position is taken, the Taher contract will extend
automatically by one full year. No matter what the contract will expire in 2 years time.
Senator Hoffman stated that the constituents of the ASCC have been stating a dislike for Taher.
No Vote
Discussion / Possible Action
5 Minutes
G. Learning Communities / Open House
This item is on for discussion / possible action for the senate to approve up to $300 from --------- account to provide food for the
Open house event
Item Stricken in Agenda Creation
New Business
Time: 4:34
A. Learning Communities and Student Senate Open House Discussion / Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is on for discussion / possible action regarding approval of up to $300 from programs account for food for learning
communities and student senate open house.
Senator Peeden moved to approve $300 from Programs account for food for learning communities and student senate
open house seconded by Chair Gomez.
Vote: 11/1/1
Motion Passes
B. Scotts Valley Planning Representatives
Discussion / Possible Action
5 Minutes
This item is on to discuss and plan the Scotts Valley representative
Senator Peeden Struck this Item.
C. Giving up Senate food
Time: 4:39
Discussion / Possible Action Watkins
5 Minutes
This item is on to discuss / possible action giving up the senate food for the EOPS / CARE event
Senator Watkins moved to discuss giving up senate food for the EOPS/CARE event Vice President Spencer Seconded
Senator McCalbhin moved to table this item until such time as further information is given seconded by Chair Gomez
Reports (Every other name is Bold for Easy Reading)
Time: 4:45
Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers and Committees report on Senate Activities.
As Needed
3 Minutes Ea.
Executive Officers
President: Theo Offei
College and Career night – the ASCC has been invited the table the event. It will be on November 1 , the Senate will be
tabling either in the cafeteria or the gym. There will be a computer and a large monitor provided for presentation.
On Monday from 10-11 there will be an opportunity for the ASCC to meet with Donna Ziel
President Offei stated his intent to veto Old Business Item D
Vice President: Kayleb Spencer
Advised checking minutes before the meeting.
Hours for Senators has been posted at their desks, if there are mistakes please contact him.
He advised against abstaining, though he stated it is the senator’s right to do so.
Treasurer: Alex Chuiko
Next Budget committee meeting is scheduled next Thursday at 2:10
There will be discussion on how to avoid issues with clubs, and how to handle the different events the ASCC will be asked to
fund. The Most recent Budget Committee agenda and minutes can be found on Document A.
College Wide Support Grant Committee – the time for evaluation was extended to Sunday at 11:59 PM, all proposals were
scanned by Flor and so are available for review at convenience. The meeting will be discussing the decision for College
Wide Support Grants, it will either happen on Monday or Wednesday
Student Trustee: Kitt Allenser
Asked for suggestions and comments on how she should handle her position.
Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila
Reminded members of the ASCC that written reports are required on conferences, and reminded members of the senate to
not forget their business cards on the trip.
Requested that it be considered that drinks not be provided at the ASCC General meeting in order for sustainability.
Put on the table the ASCC Senate sponsoring one or two candidates for the board of trustees.
Inter-Club Council Chair: Joseph Gomez
There is a food drive occurring, the club that gathers the most food will get $100 in incentives, and the rest shall received
Watsonville Representative: Gloria Stanner
There are items at the Watsonville centre that are broken that need to be fixed.
There is question as to what is occurring at Watsonville for Halloween.
Scotts Valley Representative: vacant
Katie Hoffman
There has been some difficulty signing up with Second Harvest online – so it has caused some delays, but they have been
working on getting ICC onboard.
Elsa Pearson
Crystal Aceves
Will be chairing the Networking and Communications committee, she will be sending out an e-mail to find out what times are
Good for everyone.
B. Edgar McCalbhin
Will speak to Taher about changing the drink arrangement for the catering of the ASCC general meetings.
Chris Peeden
CALPirg inquiry committee meets Friday at 10 AM. Senator Peeden and Chair Gomez will be establishing a meeting
norms committee time.
Morgan Sandoval
Joseph Watkins
Time: 5:01
5 Minutes
Sesario Escoto
Advised abstaining when an item involves a club a member of the ASCC Senate is also a member of.
Warned that bus passes will be going up to $125 in the spring and the program will be slowly phased out – this
Information comes from the Vice President of Student Affairs
Needs to meet with all members attending CCCSAA has itinerary available for those attending.
Flor Chacón
Advised attending the budget committee if members of the ASCC Senate can.
Advised that it is fine to disagree and for members of the ASCC Senate must understand their vote.
5:06 pm
(to be held after the Student Senate Meeting)
Call to Order
Time: 5:23
A.Roll Call
Members Not Present: None
Adoption of the Executive Agenda Time: 5:23
Moved: Vice President Spencer
Seconded: Trustee Allenser
Vote: 6/0
Approval of the Executive Minutes Time: 5:25 (Resumed at 5:52)
A. Meeting Minutes from September 16th, 2010
Moved: Vice President Spencer Seconded: Chair Gomez Vote: 6/0
Minutes Approved
B. Meeting Minutes from September 23rd, 2010
No Minutes Available
C. Meeting Minutes from September 30th, 2010
Moved: Vice President Spencer Seconded: Chair Gomez Vote: 5/0/1
Minutes Approved
D. Meeting Minutes from October 7th, 2010
No Meeting on this Date
E. Meeting Minutes from October 14th, 2010
Moved: Vice President Spencer Seconded: Trustee Allenser Vote: 6/0
Minutes Approved
Regular Business Time: 5:28
A. Discussion of Meeting
20 Minutes
Advisor Escoto spoke on the ASCC having problems with rushes of amendments and how to keep track of those amendments.
Trustee Allenser and Advisor Escoto advised sticking to one amendment at a time.
Senator Hoffman argued that all funding proposals should first go through the budget committee
Treasurer Chuiko stated that the website needs to be updated.
President Offei opened the floor the discussion on the pro/con approach to the agenda
Sesario Escoto warned that the reason for points of information are because the members of the senate are not feeling
Informed – and that sometimes it is best to just let discussion occur.
Vice President Spencer suggested extending time limits on items to ten (10) minutes.
5:45 Representative Avila moved to extend time for ten (10) minutes. No Second. Motion Fails
Old Business
New Business
Time: 5:46
Office police
15 Minutes
President Offei stated that there shouldn’t be required office hours, and stated that the ASCC is being a little unrealistic to state
Office hours are 8 am - 8 pm.
Vice President Spencer argued that the office hours are there to help out those students who have night classes and so can’t
Make it to the office before 5 pm.
6:01 Chair Gomez moved to adjourn the meeting. No Second
XVIII. Advisor Reports
Time: 6:01
5 Minutes ea.
Sesario Escoto
There has been no processing of tutorial centre dispersements
Flor Chacón
Still missing AB540 $300.00 Scholarship purchase requisition.
Still missing Health and Wellness purchase requisition.
There are a lot of purchase requisitions waiting.
Executive Agenda Requests
Meeting Adjourned at 6:02 PM