Total on R Roster: 17 Votes nee ded for simple

d Students o
of Cabrillo Co
Aptos Cam pus, 6500 Soque
el Dr., Aptos, CA
A 95003
atsonville Centerr: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA
A 95076
Valley Cen
nter: 104 Whispe
ering Pines Dr., S
Scotts Valley, CA
A 95066
Voice: 831.47
Fax: 831.47
Total on Roster:
Votes needed for simple
majority vote:
50% + 1 = 9
Votes needed for 2/3 ma
ajority: 11 Location:
os Campus
6500 Soquel Dr, Aptos, CA
S East
Date a
and Time:
Thursday, JJuly 21st, 2011
3:00 pm
m – 7:00 pm Studen
nt Senate Minut es Item Motion
Yeas Nays Ab
bstains IX. A Move to approv
ve $500 from Graaduations Accou
unt for sashes att graduation Move to change
e the funding sou
urce for the STARS graduation reeimbursement ffrom Programs Accou
unt to Graduatio
ons Account Move to approv
ve an additional $
$1,500 from Stu
udent Representtation Account ffor funding the Sena
ate Retreat Move to approv
ve an additional $
$3,000 from Pro
ograms Accountt for funding Weelcome Week W
Move to approv
ve $7,000 from the Student Representation Acccount for attending the General Assemb
bly Move to approv
ve $80 from Proggrams Account tto pay for snackss during the finaal two summer Senate s
meetings 11 1 1 10 0 3 13 0 0 13 0 0 12 0 1 8 4 1 X. B X. C X. D X. H X. I Item Motions Seconds IX. A Senator Pe
etrillo Senator Barrlow X. B Senator Baarlow Senator Con
nstantino X. C Vice Presid
dent Chuiko Senator Barrlow X. D Senator Baarlow Senator Petters X. H Trustee Waatkins Vice Preside
ent Chuiko X. I Senator Pe
etrillo Vice Preside
ent Chuiko I.
Call to Orde
A. Roll Ca
Executtive Officers
dent: Charlotte
e Achen -------------------------------- Present
Vice Prresident: Olek
kseii Chuiko -------------------------- Present
urer: Jospeh Gomez
---------------------------------- Absent
ative Representative: Gaby Avila --------------- Absent
Trustee: Joseph Wa
atkins ----------------------------------- Present
hair: Ivan Sum
mano-Vargas ----------------------- Present
nville Represe
entative: Josh
hua Riparetti ------ Absent
Scotts Valley Repres
sentative: Ste
ephan Venegas
s - Present
anie Petrillo -------------------- Present
Jerry Peters
---------------------------- Present
n O’Connor --------------------- Present
Arthurr O’Reilly ------------------------- Present
belle Barlow -------------------- Present
n Constantino
o ----------------- Present
1 Associated
d Students o
of Cabrillo Co
Aptos Cam pus, 6500 Soque
el Dr., Aptos, CA
A 95003
atsonville Centerr: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA
A 95076
Valley Cen
nter: 104 Whispe
ering Pines Dr., S
Scotts Valley, CA
A 95066
Voice: 831.47
Fax: 831.47
Chris Steele
---------------------------- Present
Jesse Collins --------------------------- Present
fer Venegas --------------------- Present
Meeting callled to order at 3:02 II.
d: Something Someone Mig
ght not Know About me is…
Whip around
5 sec. Each
Adoption off the Agenda
Trustee Wattkins Motioned tto approve the a
agenda Vice Presiden
nt Chuiko Secon
nded Agenda apprroved (11 yea) 1
1 abstain (0 nayy) 3 minutes
Approval off the Minutes
3 minutes eac
June 16th , 2011
nator Barlow motions to approve June 16th minnutes Sen
nator Steele secconds mo
otion carries B.
July 7th, 2011
Public Comments
of the
e public to addrress the Senate
e on issues nott already appea
This time is reserved for members
on the agen
nda. There will be a limit of fiv
ve (5) minutes p
per speaker.
No public comments
Committee Reports
minutes per co
Senate Retrreat Committee::
Movie chan
nged to Waiting for Superman Next meetin
ng on July 28th ffrom 1‐3pm Everyone ne
eeds to check pe
ersonal emails tto do the assessm
ment. Please fill out assessment w
worksheets hand
ded out to everyyone ear from four peeople about food allergies and ppreferences. Senator Barrlow needs to he
Bookstore C
Committee: Talking abo
out different sce
enarios, and wheether or not to cchange anythingg this semester. Specifically disccussion about whether to add a café or prrint on demand.. Still in the proccess of deciding.. We can be invoolved in the disccussion regardin
ng mand. We could
d help pay for th
he machine. print on dem
Senator Barrlow suggests th
hey could apply for college widee support grant.. They have a
applied for gran
nts but have not received them ffor various reassons. Trustee Wa
atkins advises yyou speak to him
m or Vice Preside
ent Chuiko for m
more information
n. Senator Con
nstantino says iff they do implem
ment a café stud
dents will be invvolved in running it. Welcome W
Week committee
e: 2 Associated
d Students o
of Cabrillo Co
Aptos Cam pus, 6500 Soque
el Dr., Aptos, CA
A 95003
atsonville Centerr: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA
A 95076
Valley Cen
nter: 104 Whispe
ering Pines Dr., S
Scotts Valley, CA
A 95066
Voice: 831.47
Fax: 831.47
Welcome W
Week will be Sep
ptember 12th thrrough Septembeer 15th. Meeting tomorrow (Julyy 22nd) at 2:00p
pm SAC Commiittee: Has been ca
alling and emailling a lot of peop
ple. It is going w
well. Need to foccus on Watsonvville. Got Santa C
Cruz Film Festiva
al. Maybe Santta Cruz Skydivin
ng. Working on SSanta Cruz Coun
nty Fair. Difficultt for Senator Steeele to get arou
und because he doesn’t havve a car. Might w
work on thank yyou cards. Will send out anotheer doodle poll. T‐shirt Committee: Senator Pettrillo sent out em
mails regarding design options and has examplles. Wants to diiscuss options to
oday and choosee. Can get a 10% d
discount if we ge
et it tonight. Wee are using zazzlle. Bylaws Com
mmittee: Bylaws com
mmittee meeting
g on august 10 a
at 5:00pm Met this we
eek with Charlottte and have som
me interesting eedits to bylaws tthey want to pre
resent to the sen
nate on august 111th. CPC: Midyear red
ductions expecte
ed to occur. Cou
uld use $700,000
0 to $1,000,000 to help balancee the budget. State could increase budge
et. 3.4 million fro
om the 5 million
n budget reservee being used this
is year to balancce budget. o have 6% student reduction cap
p. Expected to
Deficit for 1
12/13 expected tto be 6.5 million
n. 12/13 budg
get will be discusssed during our term so particip
pation is essentiial. Next meetin
ng probably on A
August 3rd from
m 2‐4pm. Point of info
ormation (Vice P
President Chuiko
o): all chairs sho
ould submit writtten reports to V
Vice President C
Chuiko (preferab
bly) or to President Achen at the e
end of each mon
nth. Reports sho
ould be approxim
mately ½ page tto 1 page on pro
ogress of commiittees. VIII.
Old Busines
ation Sashes
Discussion / Possible
e Action
S. Petrillo 5 M
This ite
em is up for discussion and po
ossible action rregarding the a
approval of up tto $500 from th
ams Account regarding
the purchase
of 20 graduation sasshes for the ’11
1-12 graduatess
Senator Pettrillo moves to a
approve $500 fro
om graduation ffor sashes at graaduation Senator Barrlow seconds Some Senattors feel the sashes are unnecesssary, while others argue that tthey are importa
ant for increasin
ng Senate visibilllity. They also se
erve as a small rreward for the w
work of the Sena
ate. It is noted tthat $500 dollarrs is a reasonablly small amountt, and similar or la
argeer amountss are given to many clubs and g
groups for their bbenefit. 11 yea 1 na
ay 1 abstain motion carriees A.
S Graduation
scussion / Pos
ssible Action
G. Avila
5 Min
3 Associated
d Students o
of Cabrillo Co
Aptos Cam pus, 6500 Soque
el Dr., Aptos, CA
A 95003
atsonville Centerr: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA
A 95076
Valley Cen
nter: 104 Whispe
ering Pines Dr., S
Scotts Valley, CA
A 95066
Voice: 831.47
Fax: 831.47
This ite
em is up for discussion and po
ossible action rregarding chan
nging the accou
unt from which the
$500.00 will be taken to the Graduation Account. I t was originallyy approved at o
our last meeting
g to
m the Programs
s Account.
go from
Senator Barrlow moves to cchange account ffrom programs to graduation.
Senator Con
nstantino seconds Advisor Esco
oto states that iif this was from last year it wou
uld be a moot pooint, but actuallly it is a reimburrsement so it wo
ould be from thiss year. Says we should try not tto get stuck payiing for old businness which we a
are doing by funding this. Vice Preside
ent Chuiko calls to question Senator O'R
Reilly seconds 12 yea 1 na
ay C
Call to question carries 10 yea 3 ab
bstain M
Main motion carrries B.
onal Funds for S.S. Retreat Discussion / Possible Ac
ction F. Chac
còn 5 Minutes
This ite
em is up for discussion and po
ossible action rregarding the a
approval of up tto $1500 from the
nt Representation Account regarding the a
additional fund
ding for the Stud
dent Senate Retreat.
Vice Preside
ent Chuiko move
es to approve $1
1500. Senator Barrlow seconds Money is fo
or paying for add
ditional people to be able to go
o to the retreat ((club members, students, anyon
ne interested). N
Not known how
w many are interrested because A
Advisor Chacòn is dealing with it (and she wass still absent at tthis point). If peo
ople are not inte
erested funds wiill not be used a
and will be returrned. About 20 nnon senator mem
mbers usually attend, and this w
will provide for 30 spots. atkins calls to qu
uestion Trustee Wa
Senator Con
nstantino seconds 13 yea ‐ una
animous Call to question carries 13 yea ‐ una
animous Main mo
otion carries C.
onal Funds for Welcome We
eek Discuss
sion / Possible
e Action S. O’’Connor 5 Miinutes
This ite
em is up for discussion and po
ossible action rregarding the a
approval of up tto $3000.00 fro
om the
ams Account for
f additional fu
unds for Welco
ome Week.
Senator O'C
Connor states th
hat Representatiive Avila suggessted to ask for aadditional fundinng. Motion is fo
or additional mo
oney to act as a cusshion just so tha
at it doesn’t beco
ome necessary tto ask for emerggency funds lateer. Senator Barrlow moves to a
approve $3,000. Senator Petters seconds Trustee Wa
atkins states tha
at we normally d
don’t spend mucch on welcome w
week, but any uunused funds willl be returned so
o it is not worriso
ome to approve m
more. It is a greeat event. 4 Associated
d Students o
of Cabrillo Co
Aptos Cam pus, 6500 Soque
el Dr., Aptos, CA
A 95003
atsonville Centerr: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA
A 95076
Valley Cen
nter: 104 Whispe
ering Pines Dr., S
Scotts Valley, CA
A 95066
Voice: 831.47
Fax: 831.47
13 yea ‐ una
animous Mo
otion carries D.
Thank You cards forr SAC Vendorrs
Discussi on / Possible Action C. Stteele 5 Minuttes
This ite
em is up for discussion and po
ossible action rregarding the a
approval of up tto $___from the
____ Account
ding the purcha
asing of Thank You Cards forr SAC Vendors.
Point of info
ormation (Vice P
President Chuiko
o): due to the Brrown Act we cann't have an item
m where the amount is not stateed (blank check). Public must b
be able to see a
an amount. Trustee Wa
atkins moves to m
make this a discussion item. Senator Pettrillo seconds 13 yea ‐ una
animous It is noted tthat this activityy can use discrettionary funds, an
nd does not neeed to be discusseed before the fu
ull Senate. E.
Discussion / Possible Acti on
S. Petrillo
10 Minutes
Senator Pettrillo would like everyone to fill out their T‐shirtt sizes. Point of info
ormation (Vice P
President Chuiko
o): if you don’t kknow a funding amount you neeed, use a numb
ber way over it a
and bring it dow
wn later. Senator Pettrillo states thatt the committee has come up w
with some designns, and she displlays them. Please see SSenator Petrillo to see the optio
ons Senator Con
nstantino statess that the shirts probably should
dn’t have the in dividual's positiion because possitions can change during the yyear. Senator Pettrillo moves to e
extend time 5 miinutes ICC Chair Su
umano‐Vargas sseconds 10 yeas 3 na
ays Extensio
on passed Informal vo
otes for preferen
nce: 0 people wa
ant their names on it Block letterrs: a particular fo
ont looks like ja
ail style lettering
g and is disliked
ASCC or Cab
brillo College: Sh
hould say Cabrilllo College becau
use many peoplle won’t know th
the ASCC acronyym Advisor Esco
oto states that h
he likes 'your vo
oice' etc. but thin
nks it should goo further and sayy something likee 'talk to me'. Senator O'R
Reilly wants to fi
finish this in com
mmittee. F.
ng of Photogra
scussion / Pos
ssible Action
F. Chacon
5 Minuttes
This ite
em is up for discussion and po
ossible action rregarding the a
approval of up tto $100.00 from
m the
__ Account for the costs to prrint out photos tto be used as p
promotional me
eans in SAC East.
5 Associated
d Students o
of Cabrillo Co
Aptos Cam pus, 6500 Soque
el Dr., Aptos, CA
A 95003
atsonville Centerr: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA
A 95076
Valley Cen
nter: 104 Whispe
ering Pines Dr., S
Scotts Valley, CA
A 95066
Voice: 831.47
Fax: 831.47
Vice Preside
ent Chuiko move
es to approve $1
100 from 73 fun
nd (supplies accoount) Trustee Wa
atkins seconds Advisor Cha
acòn explains th
hat we are taking pictures and w
we need money to print them. TThey will be prin
nted cheaply, bllack and white, with a small fra
ame. They will bee put up in SAC East so that peoople can identifyy the Senators. atkins calls to qu
uestion Trustee Wa
Vice Preside
ent Chuiko secon
nds 13 yea ‐ una
animous Call to question
n carries 13 yea ‐ una
animous Main motion ccarries al Assembly
scussion / Pos
ssible Action
5 Minu
G. Genera
G. Avila
This ite
em is up for discussion and po
ossible action rregarding the a
approval of $7,0
000.00 from the
nt Representation Account for the Genera
al Assembly.
Trustee Wa
atkins moves to a
approve $7000 ffrom the Repressentation Accouunt for the Geneeral Assembly. Vice Preside
ent Chuiko secon
nds Advisor Esco
oto explains tha
at the State Stud
dent Senate is a
a state wide studdent senate reprresenting all com
mmunity collegees. Representative Avila is ourr representative.. They have two
o general assem
mblies. One in thee fall, and one in
n spring. One assembly iss in Northern Callifornia and the other is in Soutthern California.. These funds woould cover traveel for Representtative Avila, an ad
dvisor, and one o
or two studentss. More studentss can go to the N
Northern Califorrnia convention because travel is cheaper. 12 yea 1 ab
bstain Motion
n carries H. Snacks
s for Summer Meetings Discussion
Possible Actio n
G. Avila
5 Min
This ite
em is up for discussion and po
ossible action rregarding the a
approval of up tto $80.00 from the
___ Ac
ccount for the tw
wo remaining senate
gs during the su
Senator Pettrillo moves to a
approve $80 from
m Programs Acccount for food Vice Preside
ent Chuiko secon
nds Some Senattors felt this is u
unnecessary, and
d point out thatt the Senate has s gone all summer without snaccks. Concerning logistics, a SSenator will nee
ed to go purchasse the snacks an
nd later get reim
mbursed. 8 yea ‐ 4 na
ay ‐ 1 abstain Motion carriies Someone w
will need to buy ffood I.
Departtment Awards
A. O’Reilly
5 Minutes
This ite
em is to discuss
s the possibility
y of having dep
partment award
ds, similar to th
he award given by
the Com
mmunications Department. An
A example of tthis would be a
an award given to students wh
ete X classes in
n the English Division.
6 Associated
d Students o
of Cabrillo Co
Aptos Cam pus, 6500 Soque
el Dr., Aptos, CA
A 95003
atsonville Centerr: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA
A 95076
Valley Cen
nter: 104 Whispe
ering Pines Dr., S
Scotts Valley, CA
A 95066
Voice: 831.47
Fax: 831.47
Senator O'R
Reilly bel ieves itt would be nice to have some kiind of award forr academics. It w
would look good
d on people’s reesumes and would h
help them. Perh
haps three to fou
ur departments such as math, EEnglish, and perrhaps science an
nd/or art. Trustee Wa
atkins thinks it iss a good idea; th
hinks Senator O''Reilly should coome back with m
more informatio
on and details Senator Colllins states that the senate wou
uld need to havee the number of courses needed
d for the award b
be above number needed for p
prerequisites off that major, or else a huge num
mber of studentss would get the award (all Engllish majors get EEnglish award, etc.)) Senator Pettrillo thinks thatt perhaps they should write an eessay or somethhing similar. Senator Varrgas thinks the ssenate might wa
ant to talk to deepartments aboout their opinionn on these award
ds. Advisor Esco
oto note that allmost all departtments already d
do some kind off recognition sim
milar to this. Senator Petters agrees it is g
good idea to go
o talk to the departments, and tthinks that awarrds are a good iincentive for stu
udents. J.
Chore Wheel
S. Petrrillo
10 Minute
em is up for the
e discussion on
n what jobs wou
uld be placed o
on the Chore W
Wheel and the m
This ite
of how we determine whom will be responsible
for each job.
Picture big circle of cardboa
ard with small a
a circle on top. SSmall one spins. Inner circle hass names or sena
ator 1,2,3,4, etc, and lines up witth list of jobs wrritten on the outtside circle. Trustee Wa
atkins thinks it iss a great idea. T
Thinks we should
d just sign peoplle up, and not m
make it random sso it is fair; if yo
ou spin one person could get harde
er jobs repeated
dly. Also, peoplee could change th
the wheel when no one was loo
oking. Senator Petters suggests tha
at perhaps we sshould have a co
ontest to get firsst pick at jobs.
Senator Pettrillo wonders if f maybe whatever job you get yyou have for a w
week, and just rootate the wheel at each meeting
g. Wants to ha
ave twenty jobss and twenty nam
mes. Maybe have a raffle and w
whoever gets piicked gets to picck the job they w
want. Perhaps peo
ople could just sspin the wheel d
during their officce hours until thhey get an unpiccked job. Senator Pettrillo believes th
he problem is tha
at the jobs aren't getting done;; we need some kind of incentivve. Senator Petters suggests we
e could make it a competition in
n order to motivvate people, or m
make it a game or something. Whoever is doing a great jjob could get a p
prize. President Achen suggests tthat Senator Pettrillo talk to Advvisor Escoto andd Advisor Chacònn, come up with
h twenty jobs, an
nd then bring iit back to the se
enate. K.
Office Time-Sheets
em is an inform
mation item rega
arding the fact that Office Tim
me-Sheets are d
due today.
This ite
President Achen would like
e everyone to pleease fill out theiir time sheets.
Point of info
ormation (Vice P
President Chuiko
o): please emaill him the office ttime sheet. Trustee Wa
atkins states tha
at his will take awhile due to a cchanging scheduule. L.
How to
o Address Eac
ch Other
Information / D
5 Minutes
7 Associated
d Students o
of Cabrillo Co
Aptos Cam pus, 6500 Soque
el Dr., Aptos, CA
A 95003
atsonville Centerr: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA
A 95076
Valley Cen
nter: 104 Whispe
ering Pines Dr., S
Scotts Valley, CA
A 95066
Voice: 831.47
Fax: 831.47
This ite
em is up for discussion on whether your pressident should a
address senato
ors by their firstt
name or
o by title and la
ast name.
President Achen states that it is difficult fo
or her to addresss by last name aand title, and w
wonders if we rea
ally want that leevel of A number of Sen
nators point out that it is importtant to have thaat level of forma
ality in order to impress visitorss. It is formality. A
suggested tthat everyone co
ould have a pop
psicle stick with ttheir position annd last name onn it, and raise it when they wan
nt to speak. Sena
ator Peters feelss popsicle sticks would look child
dish and suggessts that having p
pictures next to the names/titlees would make
e them easier to
o remember. Sen
nator O'Connor suggests havingg name plaquess may help, but SSenator Petrillo
o warns they may be difficultt to keep track o
of or make visiblle. M. Calend
dar for Fall Semester
Information / D
10 Minuttes
ave a Watsonvillle meeting oncee a month. President Achen states that we need to ha
It is noted tthat we do not n
need to meet in SScotts Valley. Senator Ste
eele wonders how senators wou
uld get there, an
nd whether or noot people have 6:00pm classes they would misss. President Achen states that we would meeet as a group an
nd go together.
Senator O'R
Reilly has a classs at 6:00pm and
d rides his bike, sso wouldn’t be aable to go betw
ween easily. Meeting sug
ggested to be in
n Watsonville sa
ame week as weelcome week. Senator Con
nstantino wonders if is this is a requirement in our bylaws. President Achen states that Watsonville is part of our cam
mpus, and there were complaintts last year abou
ut not doing it.
Advisor Esco
oto notes that itt is not required
d, but it is a good
d idea to give W
Watsonville stud
dents the opporttunity to attend senate mee
etings. Senator Pettrillo notes that last year the senate only had tw
wo meetings, annd there was noot a huge turnou
ut. She believes the senate shou
uld advertise the
e meetings moree. Advisor Esco
oto notes that tthe senate shoulldn't expect a biig turnout becauuse far fewer sttudents attend tthere. The point is to be able to ssay that the sena
ate was there and was visible to all its constituuents. Senator Ste
eele wonders how food would b
be worked out.
President Achen states that that would ha
ave to be worked
d out later whenn we deal with ffood. Senator Sum
mano‐Vargas likkes the idea of a
a Google calenda
ar for meeting ddates rather tha
an a printout. Senator Pettrillo thinks thatt maybe senatorrs should wear ttheir senate shirrts when they m
meet in Watsonvville to be more vvisible. President Achen states that she will give everyone the calendar when it iss done, and it w
will include senatte meetings, CPC
C meetings, a
and some other committee meeeting dates. N.
e Goal Setting
Part 3
30 Min
The thrree agreed up
pon goal foci of
o the Studentt Senate were addressed an
nd early plann
began.. Each goal ha
ad three activiities to supporrt it, and each
h activity had tthree steps to
8 Associated
d Students o
of Cabrillo Co
Aptos Cam pus, 6500 Soque
el Dr., Aptos, CA
A 95003
atsonville Centerr: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA
A 95076
Valley Cen
nter: 104 Whispe
ering Pines Dr., S
Scotts Valley, CA
A 95066
Voice: 831.47
Fax: 831.47
underttake. Each acttivity was also
o given a spec
cific senator to
o coordinate a
and oversee itts
ess. Please contact presiden
nt Achen for m
more specific details.
Photos werre taken one by one while the SSenate proceede
ed with reports. IX.
Reports (Every other name
e is Bold for Ea
asy Reading)
Executive Officers,
ors, Advisers and
a Committeess report on Sen
nate Activities.
3 minutes e
Executtive Officers
President: Charlotte
e Achen
egularly. Senatee computers are here for you if yyou don’t have access at home. Please fill out tthe Please checck your emails re
assessmentts. Don’t forget tthe retreat is on
nly one month away. There havve been some chhanges in the sen
nate area, such as appreciation walls. Augustt board meeting will be on the 1
1st at 6pm. Thinngs you need to do before retrea
at: online assesssment; paper assesssment; field trip
p form; pack you
ur stuff; come to
o SAC east on thhe 19th at noon; we will be leaviing at 12:30.
B. Senato
Stephanie Petrillo:
ommend Senator Steele for doin
ng a tremendouss job with the saac committee. W
Will be altering tt‐shirts slightly. Will wants to co
send email with the options. Please reply w
with your opinio
on; If you don’t rreply they will juust order the t‐sshirts and you w
will have to wea
ar it. Jerry Pete
Can help Se
enator Steele with transportatio
on needs regard
ding SAC committtee. Sharon O’’Connor:
welcome co
ommittee meetin
ng tomorrow att 2:00 pm. Wantts to thank Presiident Achen for r all the hard wo
ork she is doing.
5 minutes ea.
o Escoto
Previous seccretary had veryy nice proceduree of putting actiion items on fronnt of minutes. TThere have been
n problems in th
he past with losing track of action iitems and financial orders, lead
ding to serious ffinancial ramificcations. C.
Ask Sesario any questions yyou have about the pilot bus pa
ass program, whhich would savee students 20% o
on monthly passses. Sesario's off
ffice staff care about the senatee and want to trry to operate a ccampus food bannk. Second Harvvest food bank iis willing to acccept us as parttners. They woulld accept food fr
from students annd faculty. Theyy may need supp
port from the stu
udent senate and or AGS. President Achen has been d
doing unprecedeented work, and
d far more than has been done in the past. Thee organization h
has been very g
good, and as sen
nators you shoulld build on that by reading all m
material and beiing prepared. Seesario commend
ds the senate for m
meeting during the summer mo
ore than previou
us senates have.. The SEESAW
W conference is a leadership con
nference that w
will be held in Sann Jose; won’t neeed to pay for aiirfare. There aree usually arou
und 70 colleges and 500‐600 stu
udents there. It is a great placee to network and
d a good experieence, with greatt workshops on leadership skkills. Keynote sp
peakers and enteertainment will l be there as welll. It requires a ffull weekend; Frriday noon. The senate can send ten tto twelve studennts. It is around d midterms so bee careful when afternoon tto Sunday aftern
attending. Regi
g committing to istration is expeensive so make ssure you will go.. Regarding b
bus pass program: Must be careeful about who buys them becaause if someonee with one unit b
buys one they w
won't be using it p
primarily to go tto class, and it iss simply underm
mining the metroo system. Pass is
is proposed on m
metro board to g
go up to $65 (will be voted on at the September 15 meeting). Peerhaps the progrram should starrt with a twelve unit minimum sso that 9 Associated
d Students o
of Cabrillo Co
Aptos Cam pus, 6500 Soque
el Dr., Aptos, CA
A 95003
atsonville Centerr: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA
A 95076
Valley Cen
nter: 104 Whispe
ering Pines Dr., S
Scotts Valley, CA
A 95066
Voice: 831.47
Fax: 831.47
Advisor Esco
oto’s office will be able to hand
dle demand; nott sure how popuular the program
m will be. If mon
ney is approved, 150 passes will b
be purchased. Senator Barrlow suggested that perhaps th
he senate should
d purchase manny passes beforee prices may be raised on Sept 115th. Advisor Esco
oto notes that w
we can only acceept cash for the passes becausee we don’t have a way to handlle checks/credit cards. The old program died beca
ause SC Metro w
wouldn’t do a flat fee for the sem
mester pass. Cab
brillo couldn’t predict how mucch students wo
ould ride so it re
esulted in big deeficits. If the pilo
ot works Advisorr Escoto wants tto go back to SC
C Metro to try an
nd negotiate a
a flat fee for a se
emester pass. Please put a
action item on a
agenda for sena
ators to volunteeer to help with tthe food bank.
Flor Chacòn
Wants to th
hank President A
Achen for voluntteering and help
ping her with a llot of things durring the summeer. Says she is wonderful a
and excellent, an
nd has been doiing tremendous work. She has bbeen doing manny many little th
hings that will reeally help out. Meeting ad
djourned at 5:35
5. E
eting Minutes
Student Senate Executive
Call to Orde
A. Roll Ca
No quorrum, so unofficiial meeting Senatorr Barlow felt theere were too ma
any call to questtion motions. hat the senate d
doesn't want to fall into habit oof voting twice o
on every item ( o
once Advisorr Escoto warns th
to question, once to mo
otion); want to m
move forward eefficiently and m
mind the time. Senatorr Sumano‐Varga
as notes that askking specificallyy for rebuttal ressponses limits w
who can respond
d. Senatorr Collins notes th
hat it is harder tto participate w
while taking minuutes. 10 