Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 Total on Roster: 18 Votes needed for simple majority vote: 50% + 1 = 10 Votes needed for 2/3 majority: 12 Location: Aptos Campus 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA SAC East, Room 225 Date and Time: Thursday, February 9th, 2012 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm Student Senate MINUTES The Cabrillo College Student Senate held a meeting on Thursday February 9th, 2012. These are the minutes reflective of that meeting. I. Call to Order at 3:00pm A. Roll Call Executive Officers Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko-Present Treasurer: Joseph Gomez-Present Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila-Present ICC Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas-Present President: Charlotte Achen-Present Trustee: Joseph Watkins-Present Watsonville Representative: Joshua Riparetti-Absent Scotts Valley Representative: Stephen Venegas-Absent Senators-At-Large Stephanie Petrillo-Present Sharon O’Connor-Present Jennifer Venegas-Absent Sage Goncharoff- Absent Laura Hunerberg- Present Kathybelle Barlow-Present Darwin Constantino-Present Chris Steele-Present James Williams-Tardy at 5:02pm Summer Maiorino- Tardy (present 4:21-4:41pm) Advisors Sesario Escoto-Present Flor Chacon- Present II. Adoption of the Agenda 3 minutes Special Item A is going to be postponed; New Business Item B will be presented by Laura, instead of Sharon. Legilslative Representative Avila moves to approve the Agenda, and Treasurer Gomez seconds the motion, and it is approved unanimously. III. Approval of the Minutes 3 minutes A. February 2nd, 2012 After appropriate edits were made, Treasurer Gomez moves to approve the Minutes and Senator Constantino seconds the motion. The Minutes are unanimously approved. IV. Public Comments This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda. There will be a limit of five (5) minutes per speaker. Kathybelle Barlow, a previous Senate member, spoke to the Senate to state that she has chosen to resign from her previous position as Senator. She hopes to still be involved. A student was also present to state his frustrations about the timeline of the disbursements for financial aid on campus. He wanted to bring to the attention of the Senate that this is an issue for students and should be addressed. He would like to see the Senate take action to try to move the disbursement dates earlier in the semester. V. Announcements VI. Special Items A. Presentation from Seascape Catering This item ispostponed. VII. 5 Minutes Info. / Discuss. 30 Minutes Committee Reports 3 minutes per committee The MLK Committee had a meeting last Friday; Charlotte will be speaking at the event and all of the winners have been notified. Food has been ordered and Sista Monica will be performing. We also had some buttons made that say “I have a dream…” that we will be handing out at the event. Joseph Gomez will be the emcee for the event, and currently we are under budget by $400. The Furniture Committee met yesterday and decided on some things. A quote will be available as soon as tomorrow and the items will be ordered very soon. The Students Oversight Committee had their last meeting for the academic year. There have been many renovations in the past year and many more are scheduled to be completed this year. Student Senate MINUTES 2.9.12-1 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 The Constitution and Bylaws Committee will hold a meeting next week. Submit your items for the agenda and your available days next week to Oleksii. The March in March Committee will have posters up by Monday for the event. Also, Gaby sent out a doodle-poll; please respond with your available meeting times. There will also be handouts in your inboxes. The Governing Board met Monday. Stephanie Steinback was present and voiced concerns about only seven courses being offered at Scotts Valley and numerous staff cuts. Talk to Joseph Watkins to get more details on this. The CPC Committee is meeting and the staff wants to make another committee to decide what cuts are being made, and also to encourage promoting instead of eliminating current jobs and making new ones. The Welcome Week Committee had their final meeting today. It was decided that there would be a blow up hockey game available for all 3 days. We are still under budget. On Tuesday there will be pizza, Wednesday we will have burritos, and Thursday we will have burritos at the Watsonville campus. The event runs each day from 11:30am to 2pm. An email went out to notify all clubs to partake in the event. Chris will be taking over the position for Faculty Senate Committee since the former chair has resigned his position as Senator. VIII. Old Business IX. New Business. A. Appointment of New Senators 3 min. for Speech, 3 min. for Questions 1. 2 Senator-at-Large Positions After considering the Bylaws, which state that an open position must be posted for 5 business days prior to filling the position, the Senate voted on whether to proceed with appointments of new Senators today. The motion failed with a vote of 1 yea, 9 nay. Senate appointments will be postponed until the openings have been posted for 5 business days. B. CCLC Presentation Info. / Discuss. S. O’Connor/Laura Hunerberg 10 Minutes This item is up for discussion regarding the CCLC Conference that was held Jan. 29 th and 30th Those who were present at the CCLC Conference spoke about their experience. Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves and learned new things. The Governor’s Tax Initiative was discussed and this is an important issue for everyone to look into and research because if it doesn’t pass there could be additional budget cuts. We also learned that the Student Success Task Force has different standpoints from the administration and so we should improve our communication to try to get on the same page. The differences should be written in a report and given to Sesario to be addressed. Please be specific in this report and also include any differences with the California Community College opinions. Joseph Watkins, Laura and Sharon volunteered to create this report. We need to encourage our constituents to register to vote as well. Senator O’Connor motioned to extend time by 3 minutes and Senator Steele seconded the motion, which brought it to vote. Time is extended by a vote of 7 yeas, 2 nays. If you have an opinion on something, come to Joseph Watkins or Gaby so that it can be presented to the appropriate parties. Also keep in mind that starting this July, if you do not have a diploma, you cannot receive Financial Aid. C. Re-Usable Bag Media Event Info. / Discuss. F. Chacòn 10 Minutes This item is up for discussion regarding the Re-Usable Bag Media Event on Feb. 14th at 10am in front of the bookstore and how the Student Senate can be a part of this. Joseph Gomez tabled during the first day of school and the bags were handed out. Tuesday of Welcome Week there will be an event when the Sentinel will come to the bookstore to ‘follow the recycling of the plastic bags.’ Joseph Watkins volunteered to e present at this event at 10am on Tuesday, February 14 th, 2012. Joseph Watkins also passed out these bags to members at the board meeting and they were very appreciative. The bookstore has decided to purchase additional bags to sell for $1. They will not say “Student Senate” on them, but they otherwise will be the same. D. Welcome Week Sign Ups Info. / Discuss. K. Barlow 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion regarding the signups for Welcome Week. We are really short on volunteers for this event. If you are available, please sign up to help. This is a Senate sponsored event and it is important to contribute. E. Brainstorm on Being a More Efficient and Effective Senate Info. / Discuss. J. Watkins 15 Minutes This item is up for discussion regarding brainstorming how we can be a more efficient and effective Student Senate this semester. Some improvement ideas that were discussed included: Read the agenda ahead of time and research the items to decide your standpoint on the issues. Speak to the presenters or the Senate member responsible for an agenda item Student Senate MINUTES 2.9.12-2 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 and ask your questions ahead of time. Put into your event planning what the faculty can do to help as well. Be more consistent with absences, including those from Committee meetings. Keep your binders up to date and bring them with you to your meetings. Act more professional. Trustee Watkins motions to extend time by 5 minutes, and ICC Representative Sumano-Vargas seconded the motion. By unanimous approval, time is extended by 5 minutes. Pay more attention to each other. Involve more people from outside the senate. Have faculty or staff attend our meetings even on a monthly basis. Legislative Representative Avila moves to extend time indefinitely, and Senator Petrillo seconded the motion. By a vote of 8 yeas, 2 nays, time is extended indefinitely. Present an email or document to the ICC Chair if you would like an event discussed with the clubs at the ICC meetings. Committee meetings need to have minutes recorded with absences monitored and send to the Vice President. Multiple motions are not necessary on one agenda item. It was advised by Sesario that the Senate should focus on 3 or 4 of these improvements, identify some benchmarks and monitor your improvement. Try to talk more to students, write on the board in classrooms and notify more people of events. Careful of the monetary amounts approved as we are down to 30% of our budget for this academic year. An updated Committee list will be sent out to everyone. There are 7 positions available in the senate, and an updated Senate list will be sent out. For the next meeting, there will be 2 vacancies to fill. F. When to Have “Bring Buddy Day” and Outside Meetings Info. / Discuss C. Achen 15 Minutes This item is up for discussion regarding when to have a day where we bring a buddy to a Senate Meeting and also when to have meetings outside. Bring a Buddy Day was discussed but no final decision was made on this issue. Some members of the senate would like to make March 1st the Bring a Buddy Day, yet other members of the senate found it unnecessary to require a specific day when we should constantly be inviting people to attend our meetings. It was considered that should a one-day-event be put in place, we should offer something to the students coming, such as a nice dinner, and then ask them to provide feedback to us following the conclusion of the meeting. As for Outdoor Meetings, it was discussed that more meeting should be held outside. It was informally unanimously approved to hold the remaining meetings outdoor weather-permitting. It was discussed to consider hosting these meetings in different locations across the Aptos campus, including the quad, stairs and the VAPA buildings. We also need to consider Watsonville and Scotts Valley, and not leave any area of campus out. The senate members that volunteered to arrive by 2:30pm for set up of the outdoor meetings were Ivan, Olesksii, Laura, Charlotte, Joseph Gomez, Chris, and Joseph Watkins. In addition, some members of the senate would like to still hold one indoor meeting each month. G. Guest Speaker Brainstorm Info. / Discuss. C. Achen 15 Minutes This item is up for discussion on who the Student Senate would like to come speak to us this semester as a guest speaker. The following people were briefly discussed to be guest speakers at future meetings. Please research these people so you are prepared to vote on whether you would like to see this person present to us during the spring semester. Some brief information on the candidates has been provided where available: *Stephanie Steinback; Library Faculty member; speak to Joseph Watkins for details *Paul Harvell: Cabrillo College Federation of Teachers *Michael Mangin: Financial Aid/Statistics *Craig Hayward: Financial Aid/Statistics *Dennis Bailey-Fougnier: Cabrillo College Vice President of Student Services *Virginia Coe: Is retiring this semester; last opportunity to have her come and speak to you *Luis Alejo Oraids: Assemblyman who represents our district *Brian King: Cabrillo College President Be prepared to vote on whether you would like to see the above people present to you during a senate meeting in the spring semester, at our next meeting. Consider differing and opposing views and whether you are hearing all sides of an issue or opinion. You do have a responsibility to hear all sides of an issue. In addition, the senate unanimously informally approved the Board of Trustees candidates to speak to the senate for five minutes followed by five minutes of questioning at next week’s meeting. H. Review and Edit Meeting Norms Info. / Discuss C. Achen 30 Minutes This item is up for discussion regarding reviewing and possibly changing our meeting norms. It was discussed that the meeting norms are insignificant if there are not consequences, and that it is important to clarify what some of the items mean. The first item was discussed being removed, as the first half of the statement is cancelled out by the second part. It was discussed that, when a motion has been made to extend time, to state before the motion has been voted on, “By extending time for ___ (3,5) minutes, this meeting end time will now move to ____(6:05pm).” By a show of hands, the senate decides to strike the first item from the norms. This vote was 7 yeas, 3 nays. It was considered to develop benchmarks for the senate and then provide feedback consistently to monitor success. It was also discussed about having the senate member responsible for an agenda item to provide documentation or email to all senate members prior to the meeting to assist in research, and whether to hold senate Student Senate MINUTES 2.9.12-3 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 members accountable if they do not research the topics ahead of time. The senate then voted on their preference on keeping the meeting norms. When asked to consider keeping the norms, 1 yea and 9 nays were reported. This vote states the senate has decided to no longer use the meeting norms. (This was an informal vote.) X. Reports (Every other name is Bold for Easy Reading) Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers report on Senate Activities. 3 minutes ea. A. Executive Officers President: Charlotte Achen Welcome Week and MLK are coming up, but March in March is less than 4 weeks away and we need to encourage more students to sign up! Great job Sharon for already getting 20 people to sign up! I am even skipping class myself to go. Research should be done prior to the meetings on agenda items. A total of 7 senators will no longer be a part of the senate. They are thanked for all they have done. Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko What happened in the last half hour of this meeting is exactly what we were talking about earlier in regards to being an effective senate. We have been very counter-active. Why are we talking about things we aren’t interested in? Do your homework and come prepared to these meetings. Treasurer: Joseph Gomez no report Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila Please treat each other with respect and not poorly, and consider how you are wording things in emails. Student Trustee: Joseph Watkins There is information in our agenda book on our guidelines. We had a good meeting. I hope you come to the executive meeting to voice your concerns. Inter-Club Council Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas The first ICC meeting is next week, February 15th at 3:00pm. Watsonville Representative: Joshua Riparetti absent Scotts Valley Representative: Stephan Venegas absent B. Senators-at-Large Stephanie Petrillo no report Jennifer Venegas absent Sharon O’Connor no report Darwin Constantino Thank you PR committee for helping advertise Welcome Week. Thank you everyone who is on the AdHoc committee with me and who have helped me out. AdHoc committees are big committtees and take a lot of grunt work. For the chairs of future events- come to me! You are not alone for advertising for March in March or Elections; please see me about those events. Laura Hunerberg With regards to having a benchmark; it would be interesting for the people chairing an agenda item to see how many people came to you and asked about an item ahead of time so we can see how many people are actually doing this. Chris Steele It is going to be a great school semester! The days are getting brighter and longer and warmer! James Williams I agree with Chris! Sage Goncharoff absent Cynthia Maiorino “Summer” absent C. Advisors 5 minutes ea. Sesario Escoto I was very surprised that you passed an action item to extend time indefinitely on the topic of having an efficient meeting, and then when you got to the meeting norms you threw the item out. Bring your binders; your bylaws are in there. Metro Passes- the program is working really well but we need to increase the amount we are purchasing. I am proposing to you to make an action item for $26000 that we can use from your savings account to purchase 500 of these passes. You should bring the information you have on the Brown Act to your meetings. On February 21, the Board of Trustees is going to interview the candidates and at that time Rebecca Garcia, who recently resigned, will be present. The budget for 2012-2013 will meet soon. Elections committee- you need to move into high gear and get your timeline out. The stress is about being a leader; take a step back and take a deep breath. You are doing great and keep going! Flor Chacòn Payments are done for Welcome Week. You are starting the semester with a lot of focus. You are becoming stricter and I like that but I do not like the passive-aggressiveness. I think it is so rude so please do not do this. It doesn’t fit into positive communication. Let’s think of how we say things and try to make things constructive in the future, and not destructive. If you are going to start calling on the committees and verifying attendance, make sure you do that in the same way for each committee; have agendas and minutes and report those. If you need help with this let me know. Next week is Welcome Week and if you haven’t signed up yet, please do! The following week is the MLK event and we really need help on that. Look into the tax incentives and what is going on the ballot and inform yourselves and encourage students to vote. Young people don’t vote much and in the end your voice is not represented. I hope to see everyone next week! Student Senate MINUTES 2.9.12-4 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 D. Delta Representative Report 5 minutes XI. Agenda Building 3 minutes CCFT director (push to following week by a show of hands- 8 yeas, 3 nays) Guest speakers; purchasing bus passes; recognition for Rebecca Garcia; online voting system action; next meeting is OUTSIDE in WATSONVILLE XII. Adjournment 6:15 pm Student Senate Executive Meeting Agenda (To be held after the Student Senate Meeting) XIII. Call to Order A. Roll Call 6:23pm Executive Officers President: Charlotte Achen- Present Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko- Present Treasurer: Joseph Gomez- Present Trustee: Joseph Watkins- Present Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila-Prebsent Watsonville Representative: Joshua Riparetti- Absent ICC Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas- Present Scotts Valley Representative: Stephan Venegas- Absent Advisors Sesario-Present Flor-Present XIV. XV. XVI. Adoption of the Executive Agenda Approval of the Executive Minutes Regular Business A. B. C. XVII. Defining what is an Excusable or Unexcused Absence or Tardy 10 Minutes It was discussed to be more consistent with excusing absences and follow the current bylaws. Legislative Representative Avila motions to allow 2 absences without reason, and that any absence after that will be counted as unexcused. No one seconds this motion. There are 3 senators that have resigned due to class conflictions during the meeting times. Some additional senators did not complete 5 units and will not be able to hold a senate position for this semester. These people have been notified via email. Trustee Watkins moves to remove the individuals from our senate roster and declare the vacancies immediately, and ICC Representative Sumano-Vargas seconds the motion. It is requested that these individuals have their desks cleared out within one week. In addition, those who do not qualify will be eligible to join the senate in the fall semester. This motion passes by a unanimous vote of 5 yeas. Attendance from Last Meeting 5 Minutes The last meeting was not mandatory, so there are no attendance issues to discuss today. Discussion of Meeting 30 Minutes The passive-aggressiveness in here is very clear and it is not constructive. This is not a behavior of a leader. Be respectful of others and remain professional. Do not attack each other. There are two executive board member spots open as well this semester. Sesario advises the senate to be careful with informal voting. Advisors Reports Sesario Escoto Enjoy your holiday tomorrow! 5 Minutes ea. Flor Chacòn Sesario has been going to Costco two weeks in a row and is going again next weekend, so be sure to thank him. Have a great holiday weekend. Don’t forget Welcome Week next Tuesday, set up starts at 10am. Whenever you can between classes, stop by and talk to your constituents. XVIII. XIX. Executive Agenda Requests 6 items on next weeks agenda; discuss where you are with the efficiency and norms; senate housekeeping Adjournment 7:23 pm Student Senate MINUTES 2.9.12-5