Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 Total on Roster: 15 Votes needed for simple majority vote: 50% + 1 = 9 Votes needed for 2/3 majority: 10 Location: Aptos Campus Outside in the Quad Date and Time: Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm Student Senate Minutes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate held a meeting on Thursday February 23rd, 2012. These are the minutes reflective of that meeting. Item Motion Yeas Nays Abstains Result IX B Motion to approve all the recommendations put forth by the bylaws committee. 6 5 0 Passed 6 4 1 Passed 0 11 0 Not Passed 9 2 0 Passed IX C Motion to approve support of the Millionaire’s Tax. IX C (2) IX D I. Motion to approve collecting signatures in support of the Millionaire’s Tax. Motion to approve $7,000 from the Student Senate Checking Account to be used for the Metro Pass Program. Call to Order at 3:02pm A. Roll Call Executive Officers President: Charlotte Achen- Present Treasurer: Joseph Gomez- Absent Student Trustee: Joseph Watkins- Present Watsonville Representative: (vacant) Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko- Present Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila- Present Inter-Club Council Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas Scotts Valley Representative: (vacant) Senators-At-Large Stephanie Petrillo- Present Sharon O’Connor- Present Chris Steele- Present Sage Goncharoff- Absent Sarah Davies- Present Laura Hunerberg- Present Darwin Constantino- Present James Williams- Absent (present briefly) Steven Culver- Present Advisors Sesario Escoto-Present Flor Chacon- Present II. Adoption of the Agenda 3 minutes Senator Petrillo moves to approve the agenda, and Senator Constantino seconds the motion. The agenda is passed by a unanimous vote of 7 yeas. III. Approval of the Minutes 3 minutes A. February 16th, 2012 Legislative Representative Avila moves to approve the minutes with edits, and Senator Constantino seconds the motion. The minutes from 2.16.12 are approved with a unanimous vote of 7 yeas. IV. Public Comments This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda. There will be a limit of five (5) minutes per speaker. V. Announcements 5 Minutes Student Senate MINUTES 2.23.12-1 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 Laura’s birthday was Tuesday, Happy Birthday! The spots are filling up for March in March. VI. Special Items A. Millionaires Tax Presentation Info. /Discuss. 10 Minutes The college is going to need additional funding for next year or more cuts are going to have to take place. The Millionaire’s Tax would raise income taxes for people who make more than 2 million dollars annually, in order to help fund education and social services. This tax would not affect lower and middle income taxpayers. There are other proposals that are also available to vote on, including Governor Brown’s proposal, but this is only temporary and the Millionaire’s Tax would be ongoing. At this time, over a ½ a million signatures are needed in order to get the Millionaire’s Tax on the ballot so that the population may vote on it. Representatives from different departments at the college were present to ask for our support and assistance in collecting the nearly 800,000 signatures they are aiming to collect by April 5 th. Some groups that support this already are California Calls, Courage Campaign, California Nurses Association, and Equity Alliance, among others. B. Student Success Task Force Final Report Presentation Info. / Discuss. 10 Minutes Both the union and the faculty senate have joined together and created a joint-taskforce to look at the student success issues taking place at the state level. The faculty wanted to bring this to the attention of the student senate, to encourage our support. This issue has already been discussed at previous meetings, and the senate is aware of the potentially significant changes that may take place in community colleges statewide, including mandating an educational plan. This taskforce will be forming a position on these issues soon. In the meantime, the faculty asks the senate to continue to inform students of the Student Success Task Force. Legislative Representative Avila moves to take a break for 10 minutes for food, and InterClub Council Chair SumanoVargas seconds the motion. This motion is passed by a unanimous vote of 8 yeas. The meeting is called to recess for 10 The meeting is called back to order at 3:37pm from recess. C. Food and Beverages on Campus Presentation Info. / Discuss. 10 Minutes A returning student, Camille Nava, spoke to the senate about her concerns for changes to the Food and Beverage distribution and vendors on campus. She would like to see a relocation of the college cafeteria to a more central location, and would also like all of the vending machines removed. Camille recognizes that people are leaving campus to buy food and beverages, and that upon doing so they are increasing our carbon footprint. She hopes that the senate will consider looking into this. The senate does have a representative who will be present at the upcoming meeting regarding interviewing prospective vendors for the college. VII. Committee Reports 3 minutes per committee Student Activity Card committee will be in the senate office from 12:30-3pm on Monday to work on thank you notes and other things, and Chris will be setting up regular meeting times. SCCCC met last Friday and they are moving along rapidly to have student on campus on May 11 th. They will be making tee shirts to make them easily recognizable. Tomorrow at 5pm there will be a meeting in the Horticulture Building. An email has been sent out to all faculty and clubs looking for volunteers to help. March in March is coming up! Help is needed on Monday at 5am for Non-Committee-Members to give deposits back and direct people to their food and the bus etc. If you cannot go to the event, this would be a terrific way to help out! Foster Youth and Services meeting will happen on February 28th to formulate what the program will look like. If you are interested, see Joseph Watkins for more details. Governing Board meeting happened and the board selected Margarita Cortez as the new Board of Trustee member, as Gary Reese nominated her. (The vote was 3 yeas, 1 abstain.) The next governing board meeting will be held the first Monday of next month. See Joseph Watkins if you are interested in attending. PR committee will meet Friday at 1pm, to discuss March in March and Elections. Elections committee please see Oleksii with your available meeting times. Bylaws committee will have their next meeting the first week of March. Submit your agenda items now. VIII. Old Business IX. New Business. Student Senate MINUTES 2.23.12-2 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 X. A. Appointment of New Senators 3 min. for Speech, 3 min. for Questions 1. Scotts Valley Representative 2. Watsonville Representative 3. 3 Senator-at-Large Positions There are no applications at this time. Senator Culver and Senator Davies were sworn into the senate. B. Bylaws Revisions Info. / Action O. Chuiko 20 Minutes This item is up for discussion and possible action regarding several Bylaws revisions. Numerous edits to the bylaws were discussed. Due to the length of the items edited, they have been excluded from the minutes. However, the edited items were listed in the following Articles within the ASCC Senate’s Bylaws: Article 1; Section 1, A., 2. Article 1; Section 1, A, 13. Article 1; Section 1, H., 7. Article 2; Section 1, A., 3. Article 2; Section 2, A., 4. Article 2; Section 5, F, 2. Article 2; Section 6, F. Article 6; Section 3, A. Article 8; Section 1, D, 3. Article 9; Section 2. Article 9; Section 6, A. Article 9; Section 7. Article 12; Section 3, A. Article 13; Section 3, A. Article 13, Section 4, A. Trustee Watkins moves to approve all the recommendations being put forth by the bylaws committee, and Senator Hunerberg seconds the motion. This item moves to discussion, at which time some senate members expressed concern about voting on items not fully discussed. Senator Petrillo moves to extend time by 5 minutes, and Inter-Club-Council Chair Sumano-Vargas seconded the motion. Time is extended by 5 minutes with a unanimous vote of 10 yeas. All recommendations put forth by the bylaws committee were approved by a vote of 6 yeas, 5 nays. C. Supporting the Millionaires Tax Info. / Action C. Achen 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion and possible action regarding the Student Senate support of the Millionaires Tax. It was discussed whether the senate could support this without having to collect signatures and advocating for this. Some senators were concerned about advocating as it would be difficult to find the time to participate fully. Legislative Representative Avila moves to divide this item by voting on supporting the Millionaires Tax and also vote on collecting the signatures, and Senator Davies seconded this motion. This item moves into discussion, at which time the senate discusses that supporting this without dividing the motion will imply participation to collect signatures. The senate approves dividing this item by a vote of 7 yeas, 4 nays. The senate approves supporting the Millionaire’s Tax by a vote of 6 yeas, 4 nays, 1 abstain. The senate does not approve collecting signatures in support of the Millionaire’s Tax, by a unanimous decline of 11 nays. D. Additional Funding for the Metro Passes Info. / Action S. Davies 5 Minutes This item is up for discussion and possible action regarding the approval the additional $7,000.00 from the Student Senate Checking Account for the Metro Pass Program. Previously, $19,000.00 from our checking account and $6,000.00 from our programs account was approved for this program. Approving this action item will mean the $6,000 previously taken from our programs account will be available for other use. Senator Steele moves to approve an additional $7,000 from the Student Senate Checking Account for the Metro Pass Program, and Senator Davies seconded the motion. This item moves into discussion, and it is discussed that this fund will replace itself as students purchase their passes. Senator Petrillo moves to extend time by 5 minutes and Senator Steele seconds the motion. Time is extended by an approval of 6 yeas, 4 nays. This item is called to question and goes to vote by an approval of 10 yeas, 1 nay. The senate approves an additional $7,000 from the Student Senate Checking Account to be used for the Metro Pass Program, by a vote of 9 yeas, 2 nays. E. Recognition to an Administrative Assistant This item has been tabled. Information Reports (Every other name is Bold for Easy Reading) Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers report on Senate Activities. A. J. Gomez 5 Minutes 3 minutes ea. Executive Officers President: Charlotte Achen I am alarmed we approved the Bylaws without reading through them all. It was fun at the MLK event. Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko It is true we approved the Bylaws, but there is nothing wrong with it. This will teach us to read our emails and come prepared. People may start attending bylaws committee meetings now! I commend Joseph Watkins for moving to approve them, as there is no point to waste time on issues we already received information on. I have attended a public hearing, and found that what they did was everyone explained why they were voting a certain way on an item. I think this might be necessary sometimes and believe that if we have a chance to explain why we are voting a certain way it would be a good practice for us. Student Senate MINUTES 2.23.12-3 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 Treasurer: Joseph Gomez absent Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila Thank you for helping out with the MLK event. Usually, when I handle a committee I don’t have that many meetings, and all I do is ask for the man-help. I did not like the bylaws vote, as it is not about whether we read the bylaws or not, it is about whether we support it or not. I do want to hear your opinion on things. Also, I was expecting to receive the Bylaws revisions from Oleksii by Monday, and they were not emailed out until yesterday. Saturday is the meeting at Chabot College. If no one from the senate can volunteer to help with March in March, I will ask the clubs. Student Trustee: Joseph Watkins Please take me off election committee so I can run for office. I liked the idea of cafeteria renovation; I think it’s a great idea and we should bring it back on the table. I would hope we would provide adequate flyers about the bus passes; we should also promote the loan program (emergency loan program) and we should keep talking to the faculty about decisions that are being made on our behalf. It is important. Bylaws- please come, please put in your input. I thought it was fine since I went through them and there wasn’t anything more than wording things. 5:30am is the start for the March in March and it is recommended to attend if you can go. SCCC meeting is tomorrow at 5pm in Horticulture building. Inter-Club Council Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas Why the ICC bylaws weren’t in the revisions today confuses me; we had quite a bit of discussions about it. I helped out the MLK event; it was a lot of fun. We had a lot of chicken and had cool buttons we were handing out. The ICC meeting yesterday approved money for the Seahawk clubs to get a lecture series going. All clubs in general are having issues with the bank; I need to meet with Sesario and Flor about that. Watsonville Representative: (Vacant) Scotts Valley Representative: (Vacant) B. Senators-at-Large Stephanie Petrillo I have concerns about having every item outside. Can we please put this item on the agenda? Laura Hunerberg I would like to clarify that the SCCC meeting is about streamlining the colleges. I want to commend Sarah; she wasn’t technically on the senate and pretty much put on this event yesterday and that was great. Sharon and I will hopefully be in touch with you about being more involved about the Faculty Student Success Task Force Sharon O’Connor Thanks Sarah for all your hard work and thank you Flor and Sesario for Costco trips many times and for their continued hard work and support! Darwin Constantino We should bring buddies more often to the meetings! Chris Steele The Faculty Senate meets this Tuesday at 3pm in the Sesnon House. We had our first meeting and it went really well. As I missed a few words of the motion for the Bylaws vote today, I recommend we listen carefully and completely to the motions. But I trust the Bylaws committee does their job well and aren’t adding secret things in there. I will be on campus Monday from 12:30-3pm working on the SAC cards. Please come help! James Williams Sage Goncharoff Steven Culver To me, we are here to make informed decisions and part of that is the person on the floor will guide us. When you approve something without the person on the floor explaining it all; to me that is extremely irresponsible. Sarah Davies The MLK event was a lot of fun. Thanks to Sharon, Ivan, and Gaby for their help, among others! It was a long day and we had great weather. The leftover chicken and cornbread was donated to the Santa Cruz Homeless Shelter, and made many people very happy! C. Advisors 5 minutes ea. Sesario Escoto Gaby and Oleksii were among others who received scholarships. You donated enough money that 20 of your constituents received a scholarship for $500, and it is much appreciated. Gaby also received an additional $500 scholarship from CCCSAA. I didn’t see signage for your outdoor meetings to notify your constituents of what you are doing. If you need help, let me know. I also see some senators getting sunburned. You can put the canopies out, and should, especially for the food. The fax machine is ready to go. Jesse is waiting for you and your schedules. This if your project so I encourage you to get this done. I also need a new roster; please send this out to your advisors and all update email addresses and phone numbers. The metro passes do not cost you one penny and I appreciate your support. I would like to bring back the Bus Program, and if you are interested please let me know. The elections committee needs to turn in their timeline ASAP. The MLK event was incredibly well organized. You did the right thing having two food-serving lines. Sharon, Joseph and Sarah were there and it went really well. The cafeteria/vendors discussion; we are changing the food service provider. On March 2 nd, we are in interviews and reviewing proposals. We are looking for multiple vendors, as we have not seen one vendor provide the necessary needs for the campus. The budget committee for next year needs to get on it! Flor Chacòn March in March is only about a week away, and we still have 22 spots left on the bus. I am not counting anyone until they have given their deposit. Talk to your classmates! As long as the front desk is open they can sign Student Senate MINUTES 2.23.12-4 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 up, pay their $5 deposit, and they will get that back at arrival. This is a week from Monday! Please fill the bus! The MLK event was great. I appreciate everyone’s help and support. There was a lot of teamwork and a lot of on-the-spot problem solving and you did great. We will need help with Elections too. The timeline is done. If you are not running, please see Oleksii as we need your help! D. Delta Representative Report 5 minutes XI. Agenda Building 3 minutes Discussion and budget review- food and beverage discussion/renovation on campus; presentation on behalf of emergency loan program; bus pass program; brief revisiting of the schedule of the meetings; deadline is Sunday for new items XII. Adjourned at 5:01pm Student Senate Executive Meeting Agenda (To be held after the Student Senate Meeting) XIII. Call to Order at 5:08pm A. Roll Call President: Charlotte Achen- Present Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko- Present Treasurer: Joseph Gomez- Absent Trustee: Joseph Watkins- Present Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila- Present Scotts Valley Representative: Vacant Watsonville Representative: Vacant Advisors: Flor Chacon- Present Sesario Escoto- Present XIV. XV. XVI. Adoption of the Executive Agenda Approval of the Executive Minutes Regular Business A. Attendance from Last Meeting Chris Steele: Absence excused by a vote of 4 yeas, 0 nays. Sage Goncharoff: Absence unexcused by a vote of 0 yeas, 4 nays. James Williams: Absence unexcused by a vote of 0 yeas, 4 nays. 5 Minutes Oleksii Chuiko’ tardy was not excused by a vote of 3 yeas, 1 abstain. Joseph Watkins’ tardy was excused by a vote of 2 yeas, 1 nay, 1 abstain. Gaby Avila’s tardy was not excused by a vote of 1 yea, 2 nays, 1 abstain. Sage no longer meets qualifications for the senate. He allegedly sent an email resignation but Charlotte states she has not received it. Neither Flor nor Sesario have received a resignation email either. This is Sage’s third absence and he has told numerous senators that he has no plans to return. Trustee Watkins moves to suspend the bylaws that state we must discuss this at the next meeting, and Vice President Chuiko seconds the motion. By a unanimous approval of 4 yeas, the senate suspends the bylaws to discuss Sage’s dismissal at this time. The senate then approves the dismissal of Sage Goncharoff from the Senate by a unanimous vote of 4 yeas. There is now an additional vacant position in the senate. The President of the senate is encouraged to review her spam email regarding his notification. B. XVII. Discussion of Meeting 30 Minutes It was discussed that tasks will be now delegated for meeting setups for outdoor meetings. Posting on Facebook an opening for a senate position will constitute as posting the opening online. We need to address the issue of food at outdoor meetings to prevent issues that were present today. It was discussed having someone wearing gloves to serve food as a concern of personal hygiene was brought up. Advisors Reports Sesario Escoto Stay focused on your academics; you’re doing a great job! 5 Minutes ea. Student Senate MINUTES 2.23.12-5 Associated Students of Cabrillo College Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076 Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 Flor Chacòn Fill up the extra spaces on the bus for March in March XVIII. Executive Agenda Requests Mentors were appointed for the new senators: Darwin will be mentoring Steven and Ivan will be mentoring Sarah. Mentors will be required to come to the Executive Board meeting and present what progress has been made with the new senators. It is important to remind everyone about the reports to be sent to Oleksii. He was advised to hold people accountable, and to send out a reminder email. It was also advised to add into the Bylaws that mentors will be providing a report. XIX. Adjournment at 5:31pm Student Senate MINUTES 2.23.12-6