Student Senate Application Packet The Associated Students of Cabrillo College

The Associated Students of
Cabrillo College
Student Senate
Application Packet
Please return when completed to the SAC East Front Desk
or to the Watsonville Center
The Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Let me extend my congratulations to you on deciding to become a part of the Student Senate! I
can promise you that it will be a fun, educational and worthwhile experience. As a member of the Student
Senate here at Cabrillo, you will also have certain duties and responsibilities according to your position in
the Senate, to the students you represent, and the college as a whole. Some of these duties are outlined
below (for a complete list of Senator’s duties and responsibilities, see the ASCC Constitution and Bylaws
online at the ASCC Student Senate Website or visit the Student Senate offices in SAC East to receive a
Please see a current Student Senator in the SAC East Student Senate offices or go to the Student
Affairs Office for more information. Every candidate looking to be appointed is required to sit in for one
Student Senate meeting, which are held on Thursdays at 3pm in SAC East room 225 and occasionally
on Thursday at 3:30pm at the Watsonville or Scotts Valley Centers*. Good luck!
Executive members of the Senate will be required to attend executive meetings following the Student
Senate meetings and will have the duties as follows in addition to the duties of a Senator-at-Large.
 Represent the Associated Students at all official functions.
 Preside at all Student Senate meetings.
 Post the agenda for the next meeting.
 Maintain meeting attendance and committee assignment records.
 Act as President in his/her absence.
 Act as parliamentarian.
Vice President
 Chair the Budget Committee.
 Maintain all fiscal records.
 Sign all purchase and disbursement requisitions.
 Present the budget for the following year.
Student Trustee
Scotts Valley
Council Chair
(12 Positions)
 Represent the Associated Students to the District Governing Board.
 Requires attending monthly Governing Board meetings.
 Keep apprised of local and state policy and legislation affecting community colleges.
 Develop and lead advocacy plans.
 Function as the Cabrillo College delegate to the State Student Senate for California
Community Colleges.
 Requires travel to state and local conferences/meetings.
 Be the Watsonville Center’s representative to the student senate.
 Be on the Watsonville Center Task Force Committee, when active.
 Must be taking or have taken a 3 unit course at the Watsonville Center.
 Must maintain office hours at the Watsonville Center.
 Be the Scotts Valley Center’s representative to the student senate.
 Must be taking or have taken a 3 unit course at the Scotts Valley Center
 Chair all ICC meetings.
 Report to the Senate all pertinent club and ICC activities.
 Vote on issues brought before the Senate as a representative of the students of
Cabrillo College. The President, however, many only vote in the case of a tie.
 Serve on the following four committees: one internal, one Ad-Hoc, one external –
frequent (College), and one external – infrequent (College).
 Participate in Student Senate Activities and events.
 Must maintain office hours in the Student Senate offices in SAC East.
*Call Student Activities Coordinator at 477-3508 to confirm meeting place and time. See posted
Agendas at the SAC East.
Student Senator Application
Personal Data (Please Print Clearly) *Required
Name: First *
Please circle mobile or home
Zip Code
Student ID*
Position you are running for (check one):
 President
 Vice President
 Student Trustee
 Legislative Representative
 Treasurer
 Inter-Club Council Chair
 Watsonville Representative
 Scotts Valley Representative
 Senator-at-Large (12 positions)
Leadership Training
In addition to receiving training through the Student Senate itself, there is also a course, CG 65 –
Leadership Development that allows you to gain additional leadership skills.
Enrollment in CG65 Leadership Development class (2 units) is highly recommended. This
class meets on Tuesdays from 3:30-5:15pm fall semester only.
Please check one:
 I plan to take CG65.
taken it.
 I will not be able to take CG65.
 I have already
Academic Standing
By signing, I hereby understand that:
a) Upon filling for office, I must have a minimum overall G.P.A. of 2.00.
b) I must maintain a minimum cumulative G.P.A. of 2.00 for each semester I am on the Student
c) I will be enrolled in and complete at least five units each semester I am on the Student Senate
or I will automatically forfeit my position on the Student Senate.
Candidate’s Statement
Please describe in one hundred words or less:
Your visions for the office you are running for.
If you are applying to be a candidate in the Student Senate Elections:
Please type out your statement and send, along with a picture of yourself to the
Student Activities Coordinator, Flor Chacón at
Your statement and photo will be on the ballot so students voting will know a bit
more about you.
Student Senate Petition
(50 Signatures Required)
Candidate: _____________________
Position Sought: ____________________
We, the undersigned students, do hereby support the above candidate for Student Senate Office.
(Please print your name on the left and sign your name on the right.)
Print Name
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Student Senate Petition
Candidate: _____________________
Position Sought: ___________________
We, the undersigned students, do hereby support the above candidate for Student Senate Office.
(Please print your name on the left and sign your name on the right.)
Print Name
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