AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Elizabeth Ann Kiokemeister for the degree of Master of Science in Fisheries and Wildlife presented on Title: j: 1 I The Effects of Multiple Toxicants on Growth of the Guppy, Poecilia reticulata Redacted for privacy Abstract approved: Lern .3. Weber An approach for studying the effects of multiple toxicants on growth is proposed. Based upon theoretical development of the model, possible types of interaction are discussed. The proposed model was tested by studying effects of zinc, nickel and their mixture plus zinc, copper and their mixture on the growth of juvenile guppies, Poecilia reticulata. Dose response curves expressing gross growth efficiency and relative, growth rate as a function of the natural logarithm of the zinc and nickel curves were not found to be statistically different from parallel, thus concentration addition was pre.icted for the effects of their interaction. Theoretical dose response curves were developed based upon Finney's mathematical model for concentration addition, These theoretical equations were statistically compared to the equations e.rived from the observed data. miytnre on gross growth efficiency and relative Effects of the toxicanc towth rate of ouppies indicatea that zico and ni okel are inCra-auncentration additive. The zinc and copper doze. response curves for both gross growth efficicocy and relative growth rate were found statistically to be nonparallel. Response addition was . redicted for the interaction. Based upon an appropriate mathematical model for response addition a predicted curve was developed for a copper-zinc mixture. When compared to the predicted curve, the observed dose response curve for the interaction (for both gross growth efficiency and relative growth rate) was supraadditive with respect to both concentration and response addition. The Effects of Multiple Toxicants on Growth of the Guppy, Poecilia reticulata by Elizabeth Ann Kiokemeister A THESIS Submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of science June 19Th APPROVED: Redacted for privacy Profssor of,Lshries in charge of major Redacted for privacy Fisheries and Wildlife Redacted for privacy Dean of Gradu.te School Date thesis is presented Typed by Virginia Veach for 7 June 1978 Elizabeth Ann Kiokemeister ACKNOWLEDGMENTS To Dr. Lavern Weber, my major professor, I am indebted for his support and guidance throughout my study. I am most grateful to Dr. James Hedtke who has provided me with valuable assistance. My sincerest thanks are also given to Dr. Charles Warren and the staff at the Oak Creek Laboratory for their inspiration and encouragemerit. I wish to extend my appreciation to Dr. Roger Peterson for his assistance in statistical matters. Thanks are also given to Dan Reed, Dana Thomas, and Neil Paulson for their statistical suggestions. My appreciation is extended to Jim Meeks, Jim Esch, Bill Knapp, Rick Snow, Dennis Morgan, and Bob Marchant for their invaluable technical assistance. Analytical services were provided by the Environmental Health Science Center. My thanks to this group, especial- ly Brian Arborgast. This research was supported by NIH Grant ES-02210. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 RATIONALE 3 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Experimental Animal 8 Environmental Conditions 8 Dosing Apparatus 8 Toxicants 9 Food Conversion Studies 9 Toxicant Interaction Studies 10 RESULTS Zn-Ni Interactions 12 Copper-Zinc Interactions 14 DIS GUS S ION Zinc-Nickel Mixture 16 Copper- Zinc Mixture 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY 57 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Page Figure la,b,c Theoretical dose response curves with its isobole 19 diagram. 2 Schematic diagram of the diluter system. 23 3 Dose response curves showing the effects of zinc, nickel and the 1:4 mixture on gross growth efficiency. 25 4 Dose response curves showing the effects of zinc, nickel, and the 1:6 mixture on gross growth efficiency. 27 Isobole diagrams developed for an 80%, 50%, and 30% reduction in gross growth efficiency for the zinc-nickel interaction. 29 6 Dose response curves showing the effects of zinc, nickel and the 1:4 mixture (predicted and observed) on relative growth rate. 33 7 Dose response curves showing the effects on zinc, nickel and the 1:6 mixture (predicted and observed) on relative growth rate. 35 Isobole diagrams developed for an 80%, 50%, and 30% reduction in relative growth rate for the zinc-nickel interaction. 37 Dose response curves showing the effects of copper, zinc and the 1:250 mixture on gross growth efficiency. 41 Isobole diagrams developed for an 80%, 50%, and 30% reduction in gross growth efficiency for the copper-zinc interactions, 43 Dose response curves showing the effects of copper, zinc and the 1:250 mixture (predicted and observed) on relative growth rate. 47 Isobole diagrams developed for an 80%, 50%, and 30% reduction in relative growth rate for the copper-zinc interaction. 49 5a,b,c 8a,b,c 9 lOa,b,c 11 12a,b,c LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 Average values of gross growth efficiency and relative growth rate of control fish. 53 2 Regression equations for the zinc and nickel dose response curves expressing gross growth efficiency and relative growth rate. 54 3 Average values of gross growth efficiency and relative growth rate of copper-zinc interaction control fish. 55 4 Regression equations for copper and zinc response curves expressing gross growth efficiency and relative growth rate. 56 The Effects of Multiple Toxicants on Growth of the Guppy, Poecilia reticulata INTRODUCTION A vast amount of work has been done in evaluating the effects of discrete toxicants on responses of several organisms. In the environ- ment where man-made pollution occurs, usually more than one toxicant will be present. Water pollution biologists have expressed much concern about the problem of multiple toxicity. Sprague (1970) provided a review of the joint toxicity studies that analyzed the effects of aquatic pollutants on fish. The two ways that multiple toxicity has been approached are differmtiated by the level of biological organization under consideration (Schild, 1961). The first approach has involved predicting concentration effect relationships based upon assumed mechaaisms of action and then compared empirical results to these curves. Investigators using this approach are inter- ested in the biochemical and physiological responses of organisms to toxicants. Clark (1937) and Ariens (1964) developed many of the basic concepts underlying current theory of interaction at these levels. The second approach, being more general in nature, deals with mathematical models for toxicant interaction and provides a foundation which is supported statistically. Early investigators of this approach were Trevan (1927) and Bliss (1939), and further development was done by Gaddurn (1953) and Hewlett and Plackett (1959). This other approach has been used to study the quantal effects (death) of multiple toxicants on organisms. 2 In earlier studies the quantal response was investigated quite extensively; however, in order to insure the success of organisms in nature it is very important to study the effects of toxic substances on performances of the whole organism such as growth and reproduction. Anderson and Weber (1977) were able to use Plackett and Hewlett's (1948) mathematical model to predict, in most cases, the effects of mixtures of selected environmental toxicants on the survival of guppies (Poecilia reticulata). Muska and Weber (1977) tested the applicability of the model for the response of growth. Growth was selected as the quantitative response because it represents a performance of the integrated activities of the whole organism and as such is found to often be a sensitive indicator of susceptibility to environmental toxicants (Warren, 1971). The results of this work raised some important ques- tions which led us to further investigation of the model's applicability to sublethal effects. The objectives of the project are to: 1) develop an approach theoretically and methodologically for studying the effects of multiple toxicants on growth; 2) conduct experiments to test the applicability of the proposed model to quantitative studies such as growth; 3) evaluate the theoretical aspects of toxicant interaction. 3 RATIONALE A two-way classification scheme was developed by Hewlett and Plackett (1959) that explains various types of toxicant interaction: Similar Dissimilar Non-Interactive Simple Similar (Concentration Addition) Independent (Response Addition) Interactive Complex Similar Dependent They defined toxicant mixtures as similar or dissimilar depending upon whether or not the toxicants act upon the same physiological systems and interactive or non-interactive depending upon whether one toxicant does or does not influence the amount of the second toxicant reaching its site of action. Due to the complexity of "interactive" toxicants, they were excluded from this study. Anderson and Weber (1977) introduced the terms concentration and response addition which correspond to "simple similar" and Ttindependentlt action. Concentration addition is mathematically defined as the addi- tive effect determined by the surnmatin of the concentrations of the individual constituents in a mixture after adjusting for their respective potencies. The proportions of the two toxicants total 1 unit. For example, the proportion of toxicant 1 (111) and the proportion of toxicant 2 (Tr2) for a 1:4 mixture would be .2 and .8, respectively. In this type of interaction, it is assumed that the toxicants are affecting the same physiological systems; thus the dose response curves of the individual toxicants ar usually parallel. When the curves for 4 the two individual toxicants are parallel, a dose response curve of the mixture is calculated based upon the assumption of concentration addiThe regression equations for the individual toxicants are in the tion. form of Y a + bln(x) (where Y is the percent response to each toxicant and x is the concentration). The regression equation £ or a binary mixture is represented by Y m = a 1 + bln(7r 1 (1) + pr ) + bln(x) 2 where, Y m a1 b = % response to the mixture Y intercept of first toxicant = common slope = proportion of the first toxicant in the mixture = proportion of the second toxicant in the mixture p = potency of the second toxicant relative to the first p = e' x intercepts of the two toxicants/common slope) concentration of the mixture Response addition is based upon the assumption that the toxic constituents are affecting different physiological systems or affecting differently the same systems within the organism. This interaction is predicted for a mixture if the dose response curves of the individual toxicant are non-parallel or if it is known that the toxicants are affecting different physiological systems or affecting differently the same systems. It is expressed in terms of the following equation + P2 where, P1P7 P = response to the mixture with respect to gross growth efficiency or relative growth rate P1 = response to toxicant 1 P2 = response to toxicant 2 The greatest reduction in growth without causing mortality is designated as a 100% response and no reduction in growth is a 0% response. The responses to a binary mixture are response additive only if the concentrations of both toxicants are above their respective threshold levels. Threshold here refers to the lowest concentration of a toxicant that will cause a reduction in growth. If in a mixture one toxicant is above threshold and one is below, only the effect of the toxicant above threshold will be seen if the toxicants are response additive. The data developed for growth is expressed in terms of an average response of a group of 15 fish. unknown. The susceptibility of each fish is For a graded response such as this, maximum possible response is not clearly defined. Three equations were developed by Hewlett and Plackett (1959) utilizing degrees of correlation (complete positive correlation, no correlation and complete negative correlation) in order to predict response additive dose response curves when dealing with an all or none response such as death. Assuming there is no correlation in susceptibilities Hewlett and Plackett developed the formula P1 + P2 - P1P2. An organism's growth response can range from growth enhancement to negative growth, depending upon the concentrations of the toxicant(s). The to1erancs of the individuals in the group will vary for different toxicants in a mixture; however, this factor will not alter the relative 6 toxicity of the mixture because the range of tolerances of the population is theoretically represented in the sample or organisms from this population (Muska and Weber, 1977). The type of addition can be described only in relation to the response under consideration. response. Growth, in this case, is a very specific Different types of interactions might be expected for dif- ferent responses (survival, growth, reproduction) with the same toxicant mixtures. These studies are important, however, because they provide us with a better understanding of the effects of toxicant mixtures and also enable us to evaluate our approach. The terms supra- and infra-addition are used to describe those interactions that are greater or lesser than those interactions predicted on the assumption or concentration or response addition. tsobole Diagrams Relationships between dose response curves can easily be visualized by the use of isobole diagrams (Loee, 1928). equivalent response (for example, a 5O Isoboles are lines of reduction in growth). They can be developed for any level of rasponse and the relationships between the isoboles may vary depending upon the response level chosen. A diagram is developed by plotting one toxicant on the X-axis and a second toxicant on the Y-axis (see Figure 1). The boundary concentra- tion for each individual toxicant in the diagram would be that concentrátion at which the designated response was achieved. Mixing rays can easily be developed for various mixing ratios of toxicants A and B. If the designated response to various combinations of the two toxicants falls within the square, then the two toxicants are additive. If the 7 points fall outside this area, the toxicants are antagonistic which means that the presence of one toxicant requires that a higher concentration of the second toxicant be present to obtain the defined level of response. Isoboles for concentration addition are determined from the concentrations of the two toxicants which correspond to points of intersection between the designated response line and the respective hypothetical dose response curve. These concentrations can then be plotted on the appropriate mixing ray. points define the course of the isobole. The lines connecting these The predicted concentration addition line is represented by the diagonal isobole. One of the drawbacks of the isobole diagrams is that there is not a statistical test yet developed to test significance of the data. Another way to evaluate the data is to develop theoretical dose response curves based upon Hewlett and Plackett's (1959) model for each mixture and compare those to the dose response curves for the observed mixtures. This method, utilized by Anderson and Weber (1977) for lethality studies, was adopted in the present study to evaluate its applicability to quantitative responses. F;] EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Experimental Animal Newborn guppies (Poecilia reticulata) were collected and transferred in lots of 30-35 fish to individual acclimation tanks. The acclimating fish were fed an excess ration of tubifex worms daily. In previous growth studies, (Weber and Muska, 1977) weight of the fish was observed to be responsible for some of the variability observed in the To reduce this potential source of variation, steps were taken data. to ensure the selection of fish of the same weight. At the age of 12- 15 days, 15 fish of approximately the same size, weighing 0.45-0.50 grams were placed in each tank. At the end of each experiment, wet weights were taken for each group of fish which were then placed in an oven for 5 days to determine a wet-dry weight relationship. Environmental Conditions Environmental conditions were monitored and controlled during the acclimation and experimental period. The pH was maintained at 7.0 ± 0.20 by bubbling CO7 in the incoming water for both the experimental and acclimation vater systems. Photoperiod was set at 13 hours of light, 6 hours of dark, and the water temperature was maintained at 25.5 ± 1.0°C. Levels of alkalinity (130 mg/l as CaCo3), hardness (100 mg/i as CaCo3) and dissolved oxygen (3.3 mg/l) were checked. Dos in2 patus The dosing apparatus used in this study was the same used by Muska and Weber (1977). A schematic diagram of the system is shown in It consisted of a series of plexiglas chambers designed to Figure 2. continuously dilute the stock solutions of toxicant to the desired concentrations. Four such diluters in the system deliver water (with or without toxicant) to a total of 24, 10-liter tanks. The total flow rate to each tank was checked daily and maintained at 100 mi/mm. Each diluter was constructed so that the three experimental tanks of fish were subjected to the same concentrations. This modification provided more observations at each concentration and also reduced the number of water samples for analysis. Toxicants: The toxicants studied were the chloride salts of nickel, zinc, and copper. Water samples were collected daily and analyzed by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Very low concentrations of copper were used for the experiment (.00l26-.0l02 mg/i). Consequently, a special procedure was developed to concentrate the copper prior to analysis by atomic absorption. This technique was a modification of a procedure developed by Baetz and Kenner (.1975). Food Conversion Studies: Each group was fed a restricted ration of tubificid worms daily during the 7-day experimental period to determine the effects of toxicants an food conversion efficiency. A restricted ration equivalent to 20% of the initial wet weiht of each group was used. This ration size was entirely consumed and resulted in a high growth rate and represented a ration close to the maximum gross growth efficiency (Nuska and Weber, l977L 10 The efficiency with which an animal converts food energy into body tissue is called gross growth efficiency (Er) and can be represented by the following equation (Warren, 1971): E=4_*l00 (2) where C is growth measured as the change in body wet weight and I is the total food consumption. The measurement of growth was expressed in terms of relative growth rate (RCR), a growth rate relative to body weight. This was calculated by the following equation (Warren, 1971): lnW - lnW. RGR= f I where W. is the initial wet weight of each group at the beginning (t.) of an experiment and Wf is the final (tf) wet weight. To account for variables (such as change in caloric content of the tubificid worms) approximately half of the bioassays were identical to the exposure tanks except no toxicant was introduced. Control gross growth efficiency and relative growth rates were consistant throughout the experimental period. Toxicant interaction Studies Dose response curves, expressed as a function of the natural logarithm of each discrete toxicant concentration, were calculated. Regression lines of the individual toxicants were compared statistically (t-test) for parallelism. Based upon Finney's (1971) equation for con- centration addition (1), theoretical dose response curves were developed for a mixture of the two toxicants. The prediction of concentration 11 addition was tested by performing a bioassay with the toxicant mixture. The observed curve for the mixture was compared statistically (t-test) to the predicted dose response curve. If the two toxicants were found to be non-parallel, response addition was predicted and tested emperically. The bioassay results of two toxicants that are response additive are difficult to evaluate because the dose response of the interaction is usually curvilinear, thus making it very difficult for statistical comparison. 12 RESULTS Zn-Ni Interactions: Studies were conducted to determine the results of zinc and nickel chlorides and their mixture on gross growth efficiency and relative growth rate of the juvenile guppy. The resulting responses of all experimental fish were calculated as % of the maximum response and plotted versus the natural logarithm of the toxicant concentration. Means and standard deviations of the internal control responses are presented in Table 1. Equations developed for the nickel-zinc data including sample size and concentration range are shown in Table 2. Slopes of the dose response curves (expressing gross growth efficiency) for zinc and nickel (107.14 and 130.90) were not found to be statisti- cally Ct-test) different from parallel at the = .05 level. concentration addition was predicted for the mixture. Consequently, A common regres- sion coefficient.(1l2..50) was calculated from the regression equations of the individual toxicants by analysis of covariance (Finney, 1971). A potency factor of .2136 along with the Droportionality factor (Zn1 Ni2 = .2:.8 for the 1:4 mixture and .l42:.858 for the 1:6 mixture) were substituted into equation (1) to calculate the predicted dose. response curve for the mixtures. The dose response curves for the individual toxicants and their mixture (predicted and observed) are shown in Figures 3 and 4. It is interesting to note that growth enhancement (greater than 100% response) was observed in a zinc concentration of .96 mg/i. Based upon these theoretical and observed dose response curves, three isobole diagrams were developed (Figure 5a,b,c). 13 Points were plotted to show the concentrations which caused an 80%, 50% and 30% reduction in gross growth efficiency at a 1:4 and 1:6 zincStatistical t-tests demonstrated that the slopes of nickel mixture. both the 1:4 and 1:6 observed mixtures were not different from those of the predicted equations. Statistical (t-test) comparison of the dose response curves for the two mixtures of zinc and nickel were infraconcentration additive. The observed and predicted dose response curves for the relative growth rate of the fish (Figs. 7+8a,b,c) were essentially the same as the curves for gross growth efficiency. This was not unexpected since food consumption of the fish is constant relative to body weight (Muska and Weber, 1977). The resulting data for the control and experimental studies are presented in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Effects of the toxicants on the relative growth rate of the fish was due to the dosedependent relationship between gross growth efficiency and toxicant concentration. Slopes of the dose response curves of relative growth rate for zinc and nickel (103.01 and 138.11) were not statistically different from parallel. A common regression coefficient of 113.01 was calculated from the regression equations of the discrete toxicants by analysis of variance (Finney, 1971). A relative potency factor of .2086 along with the proportionality factors (Zn mixing ratio and .142 : : Ni , .2:.8 for the 1:4 .858 for a 1:6 mixing ratio) were then substituted into equation (1) to determine the predicted equations. Statistical tests indicated that, in both cases, the slopes were not statistically different, yet the mixtures were infra-concentration additive. 14 Copper-Zinc Interaction Effects of copper and zinc on gross growth efficiency and relative growth rate of the guppy were determined for the individual dose response curves. mg/i. Copper concentrations ranged from .00239 - .01020 Concentrations of copper higher than .00102 mg/i resulted in fish mortality and those lower than .00235 mg/i did not cause a reduc- tionin growth. Zinc dose response curves were the same ones used in the previous study. Zinc concentrations ranged from .96 - 2.50 mg/i. Concentrations higher than 2.50 mg/i caused fish mortality and those lower than .96 mg/i caused 0% reduction in growth. The responses of the toxicants were normalized and plotted as a function of the natural logarithm of toxicant concentration. The dose response curves for the discrete toxicants and their mixture (predicted and observed) are shown in Figures 9-12. Means and standard deviations of the control data corresponding to each bioassay are shown in Table 3. Slopes of the dose response curves (expressing gross growth efficiency) for copper and zinc (57.84 and 112.50) were found to be statistically different from parallel. Slopes of the relative growth rate dose response curves for copper and zinc (60.59 and 113.01) were also found to be statistically nonparallel. Response addition was predicted for the Cu-Zn mixture expressing gross growth efficiency and relative growth rate. A fixed proportion of copper and zinc (1:250) was used to study the nature of the interaction. Zinc concentrations for the interaction ranged from .37 - .96 mg/i and copper concentrations from .00126 .00346 mg/i. Regression equations for copper, zinc and the mixture expressing gross growth efficiency and relative growth rate are presented 15 in Table 4. Comparison of the prdicted versus observed data indicated that the interaction was not response additive but it was supra-response additive. The observed mixtures (for gross growth efficiency and relative growth rate) were also shown not to be concentration additive by statistical t-test. 16 DISCUSS ION Zinc-Nickel Mixture The zinc and nickel dose response curves expressing gross growth efficiency and relative growth rate were not found to be statistically different from parallel suggesting that when administered simultaneously, their effects on growth would be concentration additive. The results of the interaction studies on both gross growth efficiency and relative growth rate at the 1:4 and 1:6 mixtures were found to be infraconcentration additive. In other words, the observed dose response curve is shifted to the right of the predicted curve which indicates that the mixture is less toxic than it was predicted to be. It is interesting to note that the highest concentration of nickel used in this study that did not cause fish mortality was 10.89 mg/i. Two years prior, Muska and Weber (1977) conducted a similar study, in the same laboratory, under the same environmental conditions using fish from the same brood stock. The highest nickel concentration used in their study without causing mortality was 18.00 mg/i. The copper con- centrations that I used (.00126-.01020 mg/i) were also lower than those concentrations (.00200-.01200 mg/l) used by Muska and Weber (1977). The water quality remained the same throughout both studies. This may he an indicaticu that the brood stock is undergoing a genetic change which is a very important consideration when doing comparative studies. Copper-Zinc Mixture A copper-zinc interaction was chosen specifically because it was thought that these toxicants might act in a response additive manner. 17 Dose response curves (expressing both gross growth efficiency and relative growth rate) developed for copper and zinc were found to be statistically different from parallel. this study. Response addition was predicted for Resulting interaction curves for both gross growth effici- ency and relative growth rate were found to be significantly different from the predicted concentration additive dose response curve. The entire concentration range of zinc used in the interaction study (.37.95 mg/l) was below the threshold level of zinc when administered alone. Copper concentrations for the mixture ranged from .00126-.00346 mg/l. Four of the six copper concentrations used in the interaction were below copper's threshold. This indicates the possibility that copper and zinc may be interacting in some other manner. This project has provided additional information regarding the assumption, limitation, and predictability of the proposed model. Further development of the isobole diagrams has allowed us to choose the best ratios of toxicant mixtures that will show the largest differentiation between response and concentration addition, however, when are the points that are plotted for a specific response far enough away from the specified line (for either response or concentration addition) that they are no longer called response additive (or concentration additive)? For example, the observed dose response curves are supposedly parallel with the predicted curve but shifted to the right indicating infra-concentration addition. In the isobole diagram which corresponds to an 80% reduction in growth, the points for a 1:4 and 1:6 mixture corresponding to this reduction are found such that the mixtures look infra-response additive, yet according to the statistical tests and 18 original assumptions of the model, these interactions were really infraconcentration additive. The same type of results occurred with relative growth rates of nickel and zinc. For another example, the original dose response curves for copper and zinc were found too statistically different from parallel, thus response addition was predicted. From the looks of where the point falls on the isobole diagrams, the interactions appear to be supra-concentration additive yet we know that the two original lines were not parallel. In order for the interaction to be concentration additive, we should not have seen the statistical difference between the predicted and observed concentrations additive dose response curves. The copper-zinc interaction results indicate the interaction is neither concentration additive or response additive, yet this is not shown clearly by the isobole diagrams. 19 Figure la,b,c. Shown in Figure 1 are theoretical dose response curves and an isobule diagram for both concentration and response addition expressing the effects of zinc and The point #1 cor- nickel on gross growth efficiency. responds to an 80% reduction in gross growth efficiency when zinc was studied alone and #7 shows that concentration of nickel alone which caused an 80% reduction in growth. Points 2-6 are plotted at the concentrations an 80% reduction in growth at a 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, 1:6, and 1:9 mixture, respectively. la and 13. These points are shown in Predicted concentration additive dose response curves (la) were developed from Finney's (1971) equation (1). Based upon Hewlett and Plackett's (1959) equation for response addition (P P in ± P 1 2 - P P,), the lh theoretical response additive curves for a 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, 1:6, arid 1:9 mixture were developed (ib). Points (7-il) corresponding to an 80% reduction in growth are shown in lb and Ic. 20 111 2.1862 8 9 1:6 I0 II 2 z 0 I- 1.0931 I- z 0 z 0 0 z 1:9 4 5 Lii 0 C-) 4.9688 NICI<EL CONCENTRATION (mg/I) 7 9.9375 I'.) 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 i.q '.0 CONCENTRATION LN j. . 0 I0 20 1ti C,) LL x w C', C,, -30z 40 50 7C C) w 2 >- C-) m .1. r C) z r) 0 I Zr0 -4z m C, ZcD 0 C, r 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RESPONSE) MAXIMUM OF (% EFFICIENCY GROWTH GROSS IN REDUCTION 0 NiZn 23 Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the diluter system. refers to the concentrated toxicant. Stock solution MARIOTTE BOTTLE 25 Figure 3. Dose response curves showing the effects of zinc, nickel and the 1:4 mixture (predicted and observed) on reduction of gross growth efficiency of juvenile guppies. Each point represents the mean value of 3 experiments which has 15 fish in each. * Data represents the mean value of only 2 experiments which has 15 fish in each. 0 --CD -zr U) U, >- 1L 20 30 70 8O 0 .40 120 LN CONCENTRATION .80 1.60 / 2.00 / 2.40 0" I'.; 27 Figure 4. Dose response curves showing the effects of zinc, nickel and the 1:6 mixture (predicted and observed) on reduction of gross growth efficiency of juvenile guppies. Each point represents the mean value of 3 experiments which has 15 fish in each experiment. * Data represents the mean value of 2 experiments only which A 100% response is has 15 fish in each experiment. designated as the greatest reduction in gross growth efficiency without causing mortality and a 0% response refers to no reduction in growth. (9 0 a: Cl) U) a: 0 I- LL ULU (-) -J w a: 0 I w U I- (-) 80 90 tOO -.40 0 to 20 30 40 50 U 70 w U 60 >- o 0 IL - >< z 0 .40 L20 LN CONCENTRATION .80 L60 2.00 240 NICKEL RE 29 Figure 5a,b,c. Isobole diagrams developed for an 80%, 50%, and 30% reduction in gross growth efficiency for the zincnickel interaction. 1:2 1:3 2.1862 1:5 / ///v E z 0 I I 1.0931 1:6 I:? 1:8 1:9 z Lii C) z 0 C-) C-) / 4.9688 Fig. 5a. NICKEL CONCENTRATION (mg/I) 9.9375 I652 E 1:2 1:3 1:4 00' z 0 I- 8262 z SlO Lu C) z 0 C) C) z 3.9507 Fig. 5b. NICKEL CONCENTRATION (mg/I) 7.9013 1.3709 II / / /q;\/ ':7 z 0 1:8 I- 1:9 6855 ,:io I-. z 0 2 0 0 0 2 LU 3.3907 Fig. 5c. NICKEL CONCENTRATION (mg/I) 6.78 13 33 Figure 6. Dose response curves showing the effects of zinc, nickel and the 1:4 mixture (predicted and observed) on relative growth rate of juvenile guppies. Each point represents the mean value of 3 experiments which has 15 fish in each experiment. * Data represents the mean value of only 2 experiments which has 15 fish in each experiment. A 100% response refers to the greatest reduction in relative growth rate and 0% represents no response. (J -w I NJO WL) -J F- > Iii (D 0 I- = I- w '-, 0 Li.. - -.40 0 I0 20 30 40 50 60 0 80 90 ,00 0 40 120 LN CONCENTRATION .80 160 2.00 2.40 4,. 35 Figure 7. Dose response curves showing the effects of zinc, nickel and the 1:6 mixture (predicted and observed) on reduction of relative growth rate of juvenile guppies. Each point represents the mean value of 3 experiments which has 15 fish in each experiment. * Data represents the mean value of only 2 experiments which has 15 fish in each experiment. A 100% response refers to the greatest reduction in relative growth rate and 0% represents no response. 50 71) 80 20 30 Lu N.J 0 .40 0 . to -J > Lu 0 0 40 ._ I-.. Lu dP 0 IL. z 90 ESIe] 0 .40 120 / I I / LN CONCENTRATION .80 / EDICTED, ZINC / / / 1.60 A 2.00 2.40 URE -NICKEL 37 Figure 8a,b,c. Isobole diagrams developed for an 80%, 50%, and 30% reduction in relative growth rate for the zinc-nickel interaction. 1:2 1:4 2.2758 ':5 1:6 a' E z 0 I:? I. a: I z w 0 z 0 0 0 z / 1.1379 I I 1:8 / / /O< // I:20 5.0 075 Fig. 8a. NICKEL CONCENTRATION (mg/U 10.015 U.) I3 1:2 1:4 1.7008 1:5 E 1:7 z 0 H 1:8 1:9 I 85040 l:io Li C) z 0 0 0 z ISY4*J Fig. 8b. NICKEL CONCENTRATION (mg/I) 8.0598 14007 1:2 1:3 1:4 1:6 (:7 z 0 ':8 1:9 F2: 70035 ((0 LU C-) z 0 0 z C-) 0 Fig. 8c. 3.4866 NICKEL CONCENTRATION (mg/I) 6.9732 41 Figure 9. Dose response curves showing the effects of copper, zinc and the 1:250 mixture on reduction of gross growth efficiency of juvenile guppies. Each point represents the mean value of 3 experiments which has 15 fish in each experiment. * Data represents the mean value of 2 experiments only which has 15 fish in each experiment. The greatest reduction in gross growth efficiency is represented by 100% response and no reduction = 0%. 100 'INC < 90 LL 0 80 > 70 U Ui -4 U U- IL 50 Lii = I- 0 30 U) L(0 20 ULUU 0 0 Ui -6.00 -5.00 -4.00 -3.00 -2.00 -(.00 00 1.00 LU CONCENTRATION .4. 43 Figure lOa,b,c. Isobole diagrams developed for a 20%, 50% and 70% reduction in gross growth efficiency for the copper-zinc interaction. 1:50 00934 i:ioo 1:150 1:175 l:2oo 1:250 I:300 E z 0 I4 I- z Li 0 z 0 0 / 00457 / 1:400 ////)/ 1/11/ / 1/11/ O' > \4, I:500 '04, :600 Li :700 aa- :800 0 0 :ioao :1200 :1700 0 Fig. iOa. 1.115 ZINC CONCENTRATION (mg/I) 2.230 00543 1:50 1:100 \ 1:400 E \. 0 1 .002715 1:500 :600 2 Lii U z 0 0 :700 w :1000 0 0 0 0 U Fig. lob. .8262 ZINC CONCENTRATION (mg/I) I.65a3 Ln I200 .0038E 2SO 1:400 E Cd z 0 :600 I a: I w 0 z 0 0 00193 4, :800 I.IeI. a: Ui 0. C-) U Fig. lOc. £855 ZINC CONCENTRATION (mg/I) 1.3709 47 Figure II. Dose response curves showing the effects of copper, zinc and the 1:250 mixture (predicted and observed) on reduc- tion of relative growth rate of juvenile guppies. Each point represents the mean value of 3 experiments which has 15 fish in each experiment. * Data represents the mean value of only 2 experiments which has 15 fish in each experiment. The greatest reduction in relative growth rate = 100% response and no reduction in growth = 0%. toe ZINC 90 IL ° LU 80 70 60 I-. 50 (D LU 40 > 30 c',J U.) ..c 20 2: 0-4 2: - = 10 I ow 0 -bOO -.00 -4.00 -3.00 -2.00 LN CONCENTRATION -L00 0.0 1.00 49 Figure 12a,b,c. Isobole diagram developed for an 80%, 50% and 30% reduction in relative growth rate for the copperzinc interaction. (:200 008619 1:250 I:300 E z 0 t:400 ix z w 0 2 0 0 0043(0 / //X0, 1:600 ix w 1:800 a. a. (:1000 0 (-) / / 0 Fig. 12a. t1352 ZINC CONCENTRATION (mg/I) 2.2702 005266 1:100 i:oo 1:250 s:3oo ):400 \/ \t E z 0 (:500 I- 1 I:600 .002633 U z 0 1:800 C-) w i:i000 0 0 C-) 0 Fig. 12b. .8446 ZINC CONCENTRATION (mg/I) 1.6692 Ui 1200 1:100 0037 1250 1300 -p ,:400 \'/ C, 1:500 E z 0 I 1:600 ci: a: I z w 0 z 0 0 .001895 i:soo > IKISISIII a: LLI 1 0 C) 700 Fig. 12c. ZINC CONCENTRATION (mg/I) 1.400 53 Table 1. Average values o:E gross growth efficiency and relative growth rate of control fish. Cross growth efficiency A 27 24.62 ± .42 42.29 ± .28 B 28 23.99 ± .42 41.32 ± .63 C 22 23.81 ± .35 40.95 ± .52 D 18 23.49 ± .51 40.57 ± .78 groups4- A 13 Relative growth rate (mg/g!day ± S.E.) Sample size2 Control (Z ± S.E.) Control fish were tested simultaneously with zinc. Control fish were tested simultaneously with nickel. 1C,D Control fish were tested simultaneously with the zincnickel mixtures, 1:4 or 1:6, 2 This value represents the number of groups each of which contain 15 fish. Table 2. Toxicants Sample size1 Zinc 27 Y Nickel 16 Y -220.60 ± 130.90 Y -119.03 + 112.50 Zn Zn - Zn Zn 1 2 3 Regression equations for the zinc and nickel dose response curves expressing gross growth efficiency and relative growth rate as a function of tox[caut concentration. Y % reduction in growth expressed as mg/g/day. X = toxicant concentration in mg/i. - Gross growth efficiency2 -3.8 + 107.14 Ni pre. 1:4 Ni obs. 1:4 18 Y -128.21 + Ni pre. 1:6 - Y -133.80 + 112.50 Ni obs. 1:6 15 Y -104.41 96.26 79.08 Relative growth rate3 mx mx mx mx Y = mx mx -4.71 ± 103.01 Y = -238.22 + 188.11 Y -123.86 + 113.01 Y -148.78 + 105.06 Y -138.97 + 113.01 Y -108.12 + 79.27 This value represents the number of groups each of which contain 15 fish. x 100 refer to equation (2). Gross growth efficiency mW loW. 1 Relative growth rate f refer to equation (3). mx mx mx mx mx mx Toxicant concentration range .96 6.36 Zn .95 Ni 4.03 3:84 - 2.50 mg/i 10.89 mg/I 2.30 mg/i 9.36 mg/i 10:6? mg/i 55 Table 3. Average values of gross growth efficiency and relative growth rate of copper-zinc interaction control fish. Control groups1 Sample size2 Gross growth efficiency A 22 22.97 ± .70 39.71 ± 1.04 B 27 24.62 ± .42 42.29 ± C 17 24.31 ± .72 41.91 ± 1.05 (% ± S.E.) Relative growth rate (mg/g/day ± S.E.) .28 Control fish were tested simultaneously with copper. Control fish were tested simultaneously with zinc. Control fish were tested simultaneously with the copper-zinc mixture. 2 This value represents the number of groups each of which contain 15 fish. Table 4. Regression equations for copper and zinc dose response curves expressing gross growth efficiency and relative growth rate as a function of toxicant concentration. Y = % reduction X = toxicant concentration in mg/i. in growth expressed as mg/g/day. Toxicant Toxicarit Sample size1 Copper 17 Y = 352.68 + Zinc 27 Y = -3.8 18 Y = 99.79 + Copper-Zinc Mixture (1:250) Relative growth rate3 Gross growth efficiency2 58.07 mx Y 369.41 + 60.88 mx 107.14 mx Y = -4.71 + 103.01 mx 95.28 lnx Y = 98.82 + 92.39 mx This value represents the number of groups each of which contain 15 fish. 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