AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF JOHN ALBERT GILL (Name of student) in Fisheries and Wildlife for the M. S. (Degree) presented on i 'iI (Date) (Major) TITLE: TOLERANCE OF TWO POPULATIONS OF RING-NECKED PHEA Abstract approved: ii Redacted for Privacy 'B. J, Verts Levels of tolerance to DDT in two populations of ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus coichicus) were investigated during 1966-68. One population inhabited an area which received agricultural applica- tions of DDT for 8 years; the other inhabited an area which had no history of agricultural applications of DDT, Contradictory results as to the more tolerant population were obtained from two preliminary experiments in which capsules containing technical DDT were administered to small numbers of birds. A third experiment was designed to resolve this inconsistency Median lethal concentrations of technical DDT in diets of week-old chicks were determined. The following pairs of groups (from the treated-area and the control-area) were tested: (1) first-generation progeny whose parents were captive 1.5 years, (2) second-generation progeny whose parents were reared in captivity (from adults captured in the wild), and (3) first-generation progeny whose parents were captive O 5 year. Dose-mortality data were analyzed by pooled regression analysis and analysis of variance. Results indicated that progeny of control-area parentage were significantly more tolerant to DDT than progeny of treated-area parentage (P<O. 0Z5). Levels of tolerance to DDT appeared to be inherent characteristics of the populations occupying the two areas because they did not appear directly related to amounts of DDT-residues passed to young through the eggs, to the length of time that parents were in captivity, or to the number of generations that birds were maintained in captivity. Observed differences in tolerance to DDT did not appear to be related to the intensity or duration of agricultural applicatons of DDT on the treated area. These conclusions did not preclude the possibility that DDT acted as a selective force on populations of pheasants occupying the treated area. Differences in levels of tolerance to DDT in populations occupying the two areas may have been greater prior to the use of DDT on the treated area. If tolerances of adjacent populations to insecticides differ as much as was detected in this study, caution must be used in determining levels of toxicity of insecticides to wildlife species. Tolerance of Two Populations of Ring-necked Pheasants to DDT by VEII'i: Redacted for Privacy Assistant Pr4'fessor of Wildlife Ecology in charge of major Redacted for Privacy head of Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Redacted for Privacy Dean of Graduate School iate thesis is presented June 12, 1969 1red by Cpal Cirossnicklaus for John Albert Gill ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Gratitude is extended to Dr. B. J. Verts, Assistant Professor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, for guidance in the conduct of this research and in the writing of this thesis. Appreciation is expressed to my wife, Jennifer, for typing reports associated with this research and for providing encouragement. Gratefully acknowledged are Joseph Capizzi, Entomology Extension Agent, for a contribution of technical-grade DDT and Mrs. Freya Hermann, School of Pharmacy, Oregon State University, for assembling capsules of DDT. Dr. R. R. Claeys and his technicians in the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Oregon State Univer- sity, determined DDT-residue levels in samples by gas chromatogr aphy. N. 0. Taylor, Assistant County Extension Agent, Umatilla County, helped locate suitable study areas. J. F. Ely, Oregon State Game Commission, obtained access to farm lands and provided facilities so that wild pheasants could be captured and handled. D. F. Kirkpatrick and his staff at the Oregon State Game Commission Pheasant Farm provided facilities and ad- vice, and helped care for pheasants. T. E. Morse, J. A. Chapman, G. S. Lind, and M. R. Bethers helped capture wild pheasants. T. M. Connolly, D. E. Trethewey, R. A. Powers, T. W. McCormick, andM. P. Connolly assisted with maintaining pheasants in captivity and rearing chicks for experimen- tal purposes. B. H. Gill, E. G. Silovsky, M. A. Moran, W. L. Jordan, and D. J. Langowski helped collect data. Dr. W. S. Overton, Department of Statistics, Oregon State University, suggested appropriate statistical treatment of data on dose-mortality relationships. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION STUDY AREAS Treated Area Control Area ME THODS Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 RESULTS Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 3 3 3 6 7 8 8 ii 11 11 14 DISC USSI ON 18 BIBLIOGRAPHY 20 APPENDIX 22 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1. 2. 3. 4. Levels of DDT-residues in ppm in brains and livers of 8-week old pheasants of treated-area and control-area parentage. 14 Median lethal concentrations of technical DDT to week-old pheasants. 15 Analysis of variance of median lethal concentrations of technical DDT to three groups of pheasant chicks from each treated-area and control-area parentage. 15 Residues in ppm ofp,'-DDT and p,'-DDE in eggs 17 laid by parents of chicks used in Experiment 3. Appendix Table 1. Chemical names of compounds mentioned in this thesis. 22 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 2 3 Outline map of the treated area with total pounds ci technical DDT applied per acre indicated for the various fields, 196L67. Survivorship of ten female pheasants from each the treated area and the control area when administered capsules containing 100+3 mg technical DDT via glass tube on alternate evenings until death ensued, 4 12 Survivorship of 20 pheasants 8-weeks old (males and females) from each treated-area and controlarea 4 parents when administered capsules containing 0±0 3 mg echnical DDT and 90+2. 7 mg lactose on consecutive mornings until death ensued, 13 Median lethal concentrations of technical DDT in ppm to three groups of pheasant chicks of each treated-area parentage and control-area parentage. 16 TOLERANCE OF TWO POPULATIONS OF RING-NECKED PHEASANTS TO DDT' INTRODUCTION This is a report on levels of tolerance to DDT exhibited by two populations of ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus). One population inhabited an area which received agricultural applications of DDT for 8 years; the other inhabited an area which had no history of agricultural applications of DDT. Populations of numerous species exposed to certain insecticides become more tolerant of the toxic effects of these compounds. Sev- eral species of aquatic and semi-aquatic vertebrates apparently developed resistance through selection by insecticides for several gen- erations (Vinsonetal., 1963; Ferguson etal., 1964; Ferguson and Bingham, 1966; Ferguson and Gilbert, 1967). Increases in tolerance of fishes ranged from none for populations exposed to DDT (Ferguson etal., 1964) to 1, 500-fold for populations exposed to endrin (Ferguson, 1968). Cross-resistance to related insecticides was detected in several fishes (Boyd and Ferguson, 1964; Ferguson, 1968). Increased sensitivity, the converse of resistance, was observed in the first generation of sheep shead minnows (Cyprinodon variegatus) whose parents were survivors of DDT tests (Holland etal., 1966). 'Chemical names of all insecticides (or compounds of insecticidal origin) mentioned are presented in the Appendix, Table 1. 2 The latter authors did not offer an explanation for the phenomenon. Two species of terrestrial vertebrates exhibited resistance to insecticides, In the laboratory, a DDT-resistant strain of white mice (Mus musculus dome sticus) was developed by breeding survivors of median lethal doses (LD50) for nine generations (Ozburn and Morrison, 1962). These mice were 1.7 times as resistant as mice from a colony not selected for DDT-resistance. Cross-resistance to lindane and dieldrin was detected among mice selected for resistance to DDT (Ozburn and Morrison, 1964). Wild pine mice (Pitymys pinetorurn) exposed to agricultural applications of endrin exhibited a 12-fold resistance to that chemical (Webb and Horsfall, 1967). Resistance may have been induced in the pine mice through prior exposure to the toxicant rather than acquired through selection by action of the toxicant on their populations. This research was initiated to explore the possibility of insecticide-resistance in avian populations. The ring-necked pheasant was selected for the investigation because it inhabited agricultural lands, high levels of insecticide residues were reported to accumulate in its tissues (Keith and Hunt, 1966; Hunt, 1966), its reproduction was demonstrably reduced by exposure to insecticides (De Witt, 1955, 1956; Genelly and Rudd, 1956; Azevedo etal., 1965), and it was known to be relatively easy to capture and maintain in captivity. 3 STUDY AREAS Treated Area The treated area, a ranch owned by the Key-Wallace families, was located 6 miles west of Milton- Freewater (in T 6 N, R. 34 E. ), Umatilla County, Oregon. From 1955 to present, the predominant crops were alfalfa grown for seed, and wheat, Alfalfa crops were sprayed with varying amounts of DDT (Figure 1), toxaphene, Kelthane, Systox, malathion, Dibrom, and Cygon to control insect pests such as lygus bugs (Lygus sppj, pea aphids (Acyrtho siphon pisum), and two- spotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae). In the interval 196 1-67, approximately 10, 500 pounds of DDT were applied to 804 acres of the 1, 219-acre ranch A composite sample of soil (three cores 6 inches deep and 1 inch in diameter from each of the treated fields) averaged 1. 123 ppm E' P -DDT, 0.249 ppm o, ' -DDT, 0. 127 ppm , ' -DDD, and 0ZO3 ppm E,E'-DDE Control Area The control area, 5 miles east of Pendleton (in T 2 N, R 3 E,) on the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Umatilla County, Oregon, was 35 miles from the treated area. Dry-land culture of wheat was pracliced on the area. According to the Umatilla Indian Agent no toxi- cants were applied on the reservation, however, treatment of seed 2. 9.0(2) \\ 9O(2) 5) Pt 9.0 15.5(43 IN4J I3.5(3 I?.5(5) B.5(3) 8.5(3) 11.0(3) 8.5(3) Jas 13.0(4) I 22.0(6) I 22.0(6) 175(5) zFIELDS IN WHICH PHEASANTS WERE CAPTURED Figure 1. Outline map of the treated area with total pounds of technical DDT applied per acre indicated for the various fields, 1961-67. Numbers of years in which one or more applications of DOT were made are in parentheses. 5 wheat with small quantities of dieldrin or aidrin for control of depredations by Great Basin wire worms (Ctenicera pruinina) is a common practice in the area (N. 0. Taylor, Assistant County Extension Agent, per sonal communication) METHODS Adult pheasants, captured on both study areas by nightlighting (Labisky, 1959, 1968), were either tested for tolerance to DDT or used to produce young which were tested. After capture, pheasants were placed in crates and transported to Oregon State University where they were transferred to pens. The pheasants were maintamed on Purina Game Bird F and M Chow until subjected to experi- mentation or until the reproductive season. During the reproductive season, they were supplied Purina Game Bird Breeder Layena and crushed oyster she1ls During the laying season, eggs were collected daily, marked to identify parentage, and cleaned with a moist cloth. Eggs were placed in egg flats and sealed in plastic sacks from which air was evacuated by use of a venturi. The flats of eggs, stored at 553 F on an incline of approximately 300, were turned at approximately 8-hour intervals to prevent membranes from adhering to the eggshells. Eggs were incubated in forced-draft incubators at the Oregon State Game Commission Pheasant Farm. Chicks were brooded at the Pheasant Farm until they were subjected to experimentation or until brooding was no longer required. 7 Experiment 1 Ten female pheasants were captured on each the treated area and the control area in December 1966 and held in captivity prior to initiation of Experiment 1 for 17 and 9 days, respectively. Gelatin capsules containing 100±3 rng technical DDT in crystalline form were administered orally via glass tube on alternate evenings until death ensued. The formulation of technical DDT contained 71. 3 percent E,R-DDT, 11.2 percent o,E-DDT, 4.0percent,'-DDD, 1.5 percent p,p' -DDE, and 12,0 percent inert ingredients. Birds were observed at least every 12 hours for symptoms of toxic effects of DDT. Individuals alive 48 hours after receiving the previous capsules were administered additional capsules, thus, as length of survival increased, dosage increased, Days of survival were considered a measure of tolerance. A source of variation was the amount of insecticide residues accumulated by pheasants from the treated area prior to Experiment 1 and mobilized during the experiment. This variation was avoided in subsequent experiments by using progeny of birds from the study areas. Progeny of birds from both areas were raised in identical conditions, and their exposure to insecticides was minimized. E:i Experiment 2 Methods of this experiment were essentially those of Experiment 1 with the following exceptions: (1) there were 20 progeny (males and females, 8-weeks old) of the first generation in each group from pheasants captured on the study areas in March 1967, (2) capsules contained 10±0. 3 mg DDT (same formulation as DDT used in Experiment 1) plus 90±2. 7 mg lactose which facilitated prepa- ration of the capsules, and (3) capsules were administered on consecutive mornings. Again, days of survival were considered a measure of tolerance Brains of four poults and livers of two poults from each treatedarea and control-area parentage were analyzed by gas chromatography to determine the levels of DDT. residues prior to Experiment 2, ExDeriment 3 Experiment 3 consisted of three pairs of dose-mortality experiments with week-old pheasants of both sexes, The following pairs of groups (treated-area and control-area) were compared: (1) firstgeneration progeny whose parents were captive 1.5 years, (2) secondgeneration progeny whose parents were reared in captivity from wildcaught adults, and (3) first-generation progeny whose parents were captive 0,5 year. The median lethal concentration of DDT (LC50) for each group was determined according to procedures established by Heath and Stickel (1965). Technical DDT (same formulation as DDT used in Experiments 1 and 2), weighed in mg, was dissolved in 20-g portions of corn oil, Solutions of various concentration were then mixed with separate 980-g lots of Purina Turkey Startena. Levels of DDT in the resulting mixtures were expressed directly as parts per million (ppm) of DDT in the diets. Concentrations of DDT fol- lowed geometric progressions with 3-6 dosage levels for each experimental group and 18-25 chicks subjected to each dosage level. Food and water were provided ad libitum; toxic food was provided for 5 days then noncontaminated food was supplied for 3 days. Chicks which died during the 8-day period were considered to have died from the toxic effects of DDT, Accidental mortality was measured by use of control groups consisting of progeny of control-area pheasants which were captive 0. 5 year; 12 chicks received the basic diet and 12 received the basic ration with 20 g corn oil per kg. Percentages of chicks which died at each dosage level during the 8-day test period were plotted against concentrations of DDT in the diets. Slopes of lines fitted to these points by inspection were judged to be similar. Therefore, slopes were calculated by pooling data from the three groups of birds of treated-area parentage and from the three groups of birds of control-area parentage. A line with 10 the calculated slope was drawn through coordinates of the mean DDT- concentration fed and the mean percent mortality for each of the six groups of birds, The LC50 for each group of pheasants was the value on the abscissa perpendicular to the intercept of the dose-mortality line and the 50 percent mortality line, Analysis of variance was used to determine if DDT-tolerance was associated primarily with the stocks (generations of the chicks plus the length of time their parents were captive) or with the area on which parentage of the chicks originated. To determine exposure of chicks to the various analogs of DDT prior to and during Experiment 3, other than amounts intentionally added to the diets, the following items were chemically analyzed: (1) eggs with histories identical to those from which the experimental chicks hatched, (2) two 7-day-old chicks of parents from the control area held captive 0 5 years, (3) a sample of the ration with corn oil (no insecticide), and (4) two 15-day-old chicks of the same parentage after the 8-day test in which they consumed the basic ration with corn oil (no insecticide) for 5 days, 11 RESULTS Experiment 1 Contrary to expectation, pheasants from the control area survived longer than pheasants from the treated area. Birds from the control area survived an average of 8 0 days, whereas birds from the treated area survived an average of 5 8 days (Figure Z). Three birds from the control area survived at least 1.5 days longer than any birds from the treated area. Experiment 2 First-generation progeny of pheasants from the treated area survived an average of 2 0 days longer than offspring of birds from the control area (Figure 3). The longest-lived poult of treated-area parents survived 5 0 days longer than the longest-lived poult of control-area parents. The amount of DDT-residues accumulated by progeny of treated-area parents prior to Experiment 2 was not believed to affect their tolerances to DDT. Residues of DDT were low in brains and livers of poults whose parents were from both the treated area or the control area (Table 1). (I) 0 > > U) cr'° Ui ID z ru DAYS Figure 2. Survivorship of ten female pheasant from each the treated area and the control area when administered capsules containing 100±3 mg technical DDT via ginss tube on alternate evenings until death ensued. 13 20 Ii C,) 0 > Ci) cr LU m z 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 DAYS Figure 3. Survivorship of 20 pheasants 8-weeks old (males and females) from each treated-area and control-area parents when administered capsules containing 10+0. 3 mg technical DDT and 90±2. 7 mg lactose on consecutive mornings until death ensued. 14 Table 1, Levels of DDT-residues in ppm in brains and livers of 8-week-old pheasants of treated-area and control-area par entage. Analog of DDT Treated Area Brain** Liver* ,pT-DDE 0.0170 0.2195 0.0201 0.0066 0.0104 -- Control Area Brain Liver 0.0343 0.2245 0.0621 0.0105 0.0080 -- Average value in livers of two poults *Average value in brains of four poults Experiment 3 Progeny of control-area parentage apparently were more resistant to the toxic effects of DDT than progeny from treated-area parentage (Table 2 and Figure 4), The LC50 of the least resistant group of progeny from control-area parentage was 45 ppm greater than the LC50 of the most resistant group from treated-area parentage. Analysis of variance indicated that the LC50? s of chicks from control- area parentage were significantly greater (P< 0.025) than the LC50Ts of chicks from treated-area parentage (Table 3). None of the chicks died in the control groups, therefore no adjustments were required to compensate for accidental mortality. It was believed that exposure of the test birds to DDT prior to and during Experiment 3 (from sources other than amounts intention- ally added to their diets) did not affect DDT-tolerance of any 15 Table 2. Median lethal concentrations of technical DDT to week-old pheasants. No. Years Parents Were Generation Captive Calculated LC50 in ppm Pheasants from Pheasants from Treated-area Parentage Control-area Parentage F1 1.5 776 906 F2 1.0 816 911 F1 0.5 861 1,023 Reared in captivity Table 3. Analysis of variance of median lethal concentrations of technical DDT to three groups of pheasant chicks from each treated-area and control-area parentage. Source of Variation Area on Which d. f. SS MS Computed F 1 24, 962. 0 24, 962. 0 44. 5* 11, 246.0 1, 123.0 5, 623.0 561.5 10.0 Parents were Captured Stocks** 2 Area X Stocks 2 -- *Statistically significant (P<0. 025). Effects of the generations of the chicks plus effects of the length of time their parents were captive. **Stocks 100 90 >I- 80 -J 70 cr 60 0 / 50 I z w 0 w a- 40 30 20 Jo 0 - -i--I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I II I I I I II I I I I II I I I Ii I I .YY. V. 00000 0CD 0 0000000 0 (DCD 0 oJ N- cj Ø y, CJ 0) o, 00i CJ DOSE Figure 4. Median lethal concentrations of technical DDT in ppm to three groups of pheasant chicks of each treated-area parentage (T) and control-area parentage (C). T1. C1 = First-generation progeny of parent captive 1. 5 years. T2, C2 = Second-generation progeny of parenti reared in captivity. T3, C3 = First-generation progeny of parenti captive 0. 5 year. 17 particular group(s) of chicks. All eggs tested were low in DDTresidues (Table 4). Overlapping values for residues indicated that DDT-residues were not associated with levels of DDT-tolerances. Two 7-day-old chicks of parents held captive 0. 5 year from the con- trol area contained an average of 0. 119 ppm , p -DDT, 0, 072 ppm -DDE, 0.036 ppm o, ' -DDT, and no detectable p, E -DDD. A , sample of the ration with corn oil contained 0.281 ppm E R' -DDT, 0,008 ppm ' -DDE, 0.059 ppm p -DDT, and 0.020 ppm p -DDD. Two chicks of the same parentage after the 8-day experiment, in which they consumed the basic ration with corn oil (no insecticide) for 5 days, contained an average of 0,400 ppm , ppm,DDT, 0.162 p' -DDE, 0. 253 ppm o, E -DDT, and no detectable p, E.' -DDD. It was believed that quantities of the analogs of DDT from sources other than amounts intentionally added to the diets did not materially alter the determinations of the toxicities. Table 4. Residues in ppm of p, p' -DDT and p, p -DDE in eggs laid by parents of chicks used in Experiment 3. No. Years Parents Were Captive Generation F1 F1 Eggs from Treated-area Parentage E,'-DDE £,E'-DDT 1.5 0,0045 1. 0** 0.0057 0,0165 0.5 *Average value in two eggs **Reared in captivity 0.0038 0.0092 0.0173 Eggs from Control-area Parentage 2,-DDT 0.0303 0.0051 0.0329 0.0203 0.0054 0,0288 DISCUSSION Results of Experiment 1 suggested that ring-necked pheasants from an area treated with DDT for 8 years were less tolerant of the toxic effects of DDT than pheasants from an area which had no history of agricultural applications of DDT. Results of Experiment 2 suggested that progeny of pheasants from the treated area were more tolerant than progeny of pheasants from the control area, essentially the converse of Experiment 1. Expe riment 3 was designed because of the contradictory re suits of these two experiments. Re suits of Lxperiment 3 indicated that progeny of pheasants from the treated area were significantly less tolerant of the effects of DDT than progeny of pheasants from the control area. Differences in levels of tolerance to DDT exhibited by pheasants from the two areas did not appear to be directly related to levels of DDT-residues passed to young through the eggs (Table 4), to the length of time that parents were in captivity (Table 3), or to the num- ber of generations that birds were maintained in captivity (Table 3). Thus, levels of tolerance to DDT appeared to be inherent character-. istics of the populations occupying the two areas. The possibility of inte rchange between the se populations was remote; the study areas were 35 miles apart, and much of the intervening habitat was unsuitable for ring-necked pheasants. The mechanisms by which these differences in tolerance to DDT 19 developed were unknown. Because pheasants from the treated area were less tolerant than birds from the control area, it was adomatic that these differences were not the result of DDT-pressure on popula- tions of pheasants on the treated area. Thus, it was probable that the observed differences were unrelated to the intensity or duration of agricultural applications of DDT on the treated area. These conclusions do not preclude the possibility of DDT acting as a selective force on populations of pheasants occupying the treated area. Differences in levels of tolerance to DDT in populations occupying the two areas may have been greater prior to the use of DDT on the treated area. After 8 years of exposure to agricultural applications of DDT, the tolerance of the pheasant population on the treat- ed area was 12 to 19 percent lower than the tolerance of the population on the control area. If selection for pheasants more tolerant to DDT is occurring on the treated area, continued use of this insectidde on the treated area eventually should produce a population whose tolerance to DDT would approach or surpass that of the population on the control area If tolerances to insecticides of adjacent population differ by as much as 19 percent, and if those differences are not related to prior exposure of the populations to those insecticides, it is obvious that caution should be exercised in interpreting established levels of toxicity of insecticides to wildlife species BIBLIOGRAPHY American Chemical Society. 1968, Chemical abstracts subject index, July-December 1967, 2 vol. 3817 pp. Azevedo, J. A., Jr., E. G. Hunt and L. A. Woods, Jr. 1965. Physiological effects of DDT on pheasants. California Fish and Game 51(4):276-293. Boyd, C. E. and D. E. Ferguson. 1964. Spectrum of crossresistance to insecticides in the mosquito fish, Gambusia affinis. Mosquito News 24(l):19-Zl. De Witt, J. B. 1955. Effects of chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides upon quail and pheasants. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 3(8):672-676. 1956. Chronic toxicity to quail and pheasants of some chlorinated insecticides. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 4(1O):863-866. Ferguson, D. E. 1968. Characteristics and significance of resistance to insecticides in fishes. In: Reservoir Fishery Resources Symposium, Athens, Georgia. 1967. 531-536. (Reprint) Ferguson, D, E. and C. R. Bingham. 1966. Endrin resistance in the yellow bullhead, Ictalurus natalis. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 95(3):325-326. Ferguson, D. E., D. D. Culley, W. D. Cotton and R. P. Dodds. 1964. Resistance to chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides in three species of freshwater fish. Bioscience 14(l1):43-44. Ferguson, D. E. and Caroline G. Gilbert. 1967. Tolerances of three species of anuran amphibians to five chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences 13:135-138. Effects of DDT, toxaphene and dieldrin on pheasant reproduction. Auk 73(4):529-539. Genelly, R. E. and R. L. Rudd. 1956. 21 Heath, R. G. and Lucille F. Stickel. 1965. Protocol for testing the acute and relative toxicity of pesticides to penned birds. In: The effects of pesticides on fish and wildlife. Washington, D. C. 77 p. (U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Circular 226) Holland, H. T., D. L. Coppage and P. A. Butler. Increased sensitivity to pesticides in sheepshead minnows. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 95(1):110-112. 1966. Hunt, E. G. 1966. Studies of pheasant-insecticide relationships. Journal of Applied Ecology, sup., 3:113-123. 1966. Levels of insecticide residues in fish and wildlife in California. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 3 1:150- Keith, J. 0. and E. G. Hunt. 177. Labisky, R. F. 1959. Night-lighting: a technique for capturing birds and mammals. Urbana. 11 p. (Illinois. Natural History Survey. Biological Notes 40) 1968. NighLtlighting: its use in capturing pheasants, prairie chickens, bobwhites, and cottontails. Urbana. 12 p. (Illinois. Natural History Survey. Biological Notes 62) Ozburn, G. W. and. F. 0. Morrison. 1962. Development of a DDTtolerant strain of laboratory mice. Nature 196(4598): 10091010. 1964. The selection of a DDT-tolerant strain of mice and some characteristics of that strain. Canadian Jour- nal of Zoology 42(4):519-526. Vinson, S. B., C. E. Boyd and D. E. Ferguson. 1963. Resistance to DDT in the mosquito fish, Gambusia affinis. Science 139 (355 1):2 17-218. Webb, R. E. and F. Horsfall, Jr. 1967. Endrin resistance in the pine mouse.. Science 156 (3783):1762. APPENDIX 22 APPENDIX Table 1. Chemical names of compounds mentioned in this thesis.* Chemical Name Compound Aidrin 1, 4:5, 8-dimethanonapthalene, 1, 2, 3,4, 10, 10, hexachloro-1, 4, 4a, 5, 8, 80-hexahydro-endo, exo Cygon 0, 0.-dimethyl ester, S-ester with 2-mercapto-Nmethylacetamide Dibrom 1, 2-dibromo-2, 2-dichloroethyl dimethyl ester Dieldrin 1, 4:5, 8-dimethanonaphthalene, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, l0 hexachloro-6, 7-epoxy-i, 4, -4a, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8aoctahydro-endo, exo Endrin 1, 4:5, 8-dimethanonaphthalene, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 10hexachloro-6, 7-epoxy-i, 4, -4a, 5, 6, 7, 8, Saoctahydro-endo, endo Keithane b enzhydrol, 4, 4'- dichloro-a - (trichloromethyl )- Lindane cyclohexane, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-hexachioro(V-isomer) Malathion diethyl ester, S-ester with 0, 0-dimethyl phosphorodithioate o, ' - DDT ethane, 1, 1, 1-trichioro- 2- (o-chlorophenyl)- 2(p- chiorophenyl)- - DDD ethane, 1, 1 -dichloro- 2, 2-bis(p-chlorophenyl )- - DDE ethylene, 1, 1-dichioro- 2, 2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)- '-DDT Systox ethane, 1, 1, 1-trichloro-2, 2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)- mixture of 0-[2-(ethylthio)ethyl]0, 0-dimethyl ester and S- [2-(ethylthio )ethyl] 0, 0-dimethyl ester Technical DDT ethane, 1, 1, 1 -trichloro- 2, 2-bis(p- chlorophenyl)- (See formulation in text. Toxaphene chlorinated camphene containing 67-69% chlorine *Chemical nomenclature follows that of American Chemical Society (1968).