Cabrillo College CTEP English Placement Validation Portfolio April 23, 2004 Planning & Research Office Richard C. Borden, Ph.D. Institutional Research Analyst Introduction & Exhibit Index CTEP English Placement Validation Portfolio Introduction In Spring of 2003, Cabrillo College embarked upon a project to validate the Chancellor approved CTEP instrument for placing students into its English course sequence: ENGL-255/290, ENGL-100, ENGL-1A. The goal was to switch over from assessing with the formerly used English Holistic Essay commencing with the Fall 2003 assessment term. That goal was, indeed, achieved. The CTEP instruments ultimately selected for use by the English Faculty were: ● CTEP Form A Part 1. Reading Comprehension (35 Questions) ● CTEP Form A Part 2. Sentence Structure & Grammar (30 Questions) The CTEP validation and monitoring process is an ongoing one. This document showcases the content of Cabrillo's validation portfolio to date. Portfolio items are presented in reverse order of completion so that those who have been participants in the process since its inception will find the "freshest" cream on top. Exhibit Description Page CTEP Criterion Validity ● ENGL-255/290.......................................... 2 ● ENGL-100................................................. 3 ● ENGL-1A................................................... 4 Success Rates ● Fall03 (CTEP) versus Fall02 (Essay).........5 Disproportionate Impact ● Fall03 (CTEP)............................................6-9 ● Fall02 (Essay)........................................... 10-13 CTEP Faculty Derived Cut Scores ● Cut Scores & Multiple Measures Used...... 15 CTEP Item Level Content Validity ● CTEP Part 1.............................................. 16 ● CTEP Part 2.............................................. 17 CTEP Domain Level Content Validity ● CTEP Part 1: ENGL-100........................... 18 ● CTEP Part 1: ENGL-1A............................. 19 ● CTEP Part 2: ENGL-100........................... 20 ● CTEP Part 2: ENGL-1A............................. 21 CTEP Consequential Validity ● Student Readout....................................... 14 ● Instructor Readout..................................... 14 Cabrillo College Page 1 of 21 Planning & Research Office: 4/23/2004 Richard C. Borden, Ph.D. Criterion Validity for English 255/290 Placements The correlation between the 91 pairs of instructor evaluations & CTEP scores was 0.36 and, thus, exceeds the Chancellor's minimum of 0.35 Regression equation for the best fitting straight line through the data points. 35 Circled # next to data markers shows number of students who received that pair of scores. Y = Student's Score on CTEP Parts 1 & 2 30 2 2 1 1 25 1 20 1 15 5 2 4 3 8 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 5 2 3 1 1 2 y = 2.2556x + 20.532 2 R = 0.1271 1 1 4 3 1 1 2 This analysis is limited to only those students who met the following profile: ● Assessed for the Fall 2003 term ● Assessed for English in the above term(s) ● Students who placed into ENGL-255/290 ● Only students who received instructor week #5 survey evaluations ● Enrolled that term in a Departmental course consistent with their Placement Level ● Enrollment status for the above term(s) was "1st Time Any College" ● Highest level of education they had attained was a High School Diploma ● Students who were members of the current year's graduating High School class ● Those who achieved their Placement Level without aid of Multiple Measures Points ● All assessees regardless of their answer to the CAPP/ASAP primary language question (Q3) 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 X = Instructor's Evaluation of Student's Prospects for Success (1=Low, 5=High) Cabrillo College Page 2 of 21 Planning & Research Office: 4/23/2004 Richard C. Borden, Ph.D. Criterion Validity for English 100 Placements The correlation between the 63 pairs of instructor evaluations & CTEP scores was 0.34 and, thus, for all intents and purposes meets the Chancellor's minimum of 0.35 Regression equation for the best fitting straight line through the data points. 50 Circled # next to data markers shows number of students who received that pair of scores. Y = Student's Score on CTEP Parts 1 & 2 45 2 1 3 1 2 1 3 2 3 3 1 3 y = 1.2122x + 38.018 2 R = 0.1132 2 2 1 3 2 1 40 2 3 2 35 3 4 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 This analysis is limited to only those students who met the following profile: ● Assessed for the Fall 2003 term ● Assessed for English in the above term(s) ● Students who placed into ENGL-100 ● Only students who received instructor week #5 survey evaluations ● Enrolled that term in a Departmental course consistent with their Placement Level ● Enrollment status for the above term(s) was "1st Time Any College" ● Highest level of education they had attained was a High School Diploma ● Students who were members of the current year's graduating High School class ● Those who achieved their Placement Level without aid of Multiple Measures Points ● All assessees regardless of their answer to the CAPP/ASAP primary language question (Q3) 30 25 1 2 3 4 5 X = Instructor's Evaluation of Student's Prospects for Success (1=Low, 5=High) Cabrillo College Page 3 of 21 Planning & Research Office: 4/23/2004 Richard C. Borden, Ph.D. Criterion Validity for English 1A Placements The correlation between the 27 pairs of instructor evaluations & CTEP scores was 0.47 and, thus, Regression equation for the best fitting exceeds the Chancellor's minimum of 0.35 straight line through the data points. 60 Circled # next to data markers shows number of students who received that pair of scores. y = 2.0769x + 45.949 2 R = 0.2225 1 1 Y = Student's Score on CTEP Parts 1 & 2 1 55 2 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 1 2 50 5 1 This analysis is limited to only those students who met the following profile: ● Assessed for the Fall 2003 term ● Assessed for English in the above term(s) ● Students who placed into ENGL-1A ● Only students who received instructor week #5 survey evaluations ● Enrolled that term in a Departmental course consistent with their Placement Level ● Enrollment status for the above term(s) was "1st Time Any College" ● Highest level of education they had attained was a High School Diploma ● Students who were members of the current year's graduating High School class ● Those who achieved their Placement Level without aid of Multiple Measures Points ● All assessees regardless of their answer to the CAPP/ASAP primary language question (Q3) 45 40 1 2 3 4 5 X = Instructor's Evaluation of Student's Prospects for Success (1=Low, 5=High) Cabrillo College Page 4 of 21 Planning & Research Office: 4/23/2004 Richard C. Borden, Ph.D. English Success FA03 & FA02 Placement Test Analysis Dept Enrolled as Placed? Enroll Status Highest Education Graduated HS this year? ENGL MM Upgrade? ASAP Q3 Is English your first (primary) language? Data Success Rate #Enrolled Total Success Rate Total #Enrolled Cabrillo College ENGL Yes 1st Time Any College HS Grad (All) No (All) Course Placement ENGL-1A ENGL-100 ENGL-255/290 ENGL-1A ENGL-100 ENGL-255/290 The analysis below is limited to only those students who met the following profile: ● Assessed for English in the indicated term ● Enrolled that term in a Departmental course consistent with their Placement Level ● Enrollment status for the above term(s) was "1st Time Any College" ● Highest level of education they had attained was a High School Diploma ● All students regardless of whether they graduated from High School this year ● Those who achieved their Placement Level without aid of Multiple Measures Points ● All assessees regardless of their answer to the CAPP/ASAP primary language question (Q3) Dirterm Placement Test 2003FA 2002FA CTEP1&2 EngEssay 74.4% 72.1% ● ENGL-1A success rate was 2.3% HIGHER in FA03 than in FA02. 70.4% 73.0% ● ENGL-100 success rate was 2.6% LOWER in FA03 than in FA02. 65.0% 55.6% ● ENGL-255/290 success rate was 9.4% HIGHER in FA03 than in FA02. 176 86 ● Number of ENGL-1A students was 90 (105%) HIGHER in FA03. 416 437 ● Number of ENGL-100 students was 21 (5%) LOWER in FA03. 143 151 ● Number of ENGL-255/290 students was 8 (5%) LOWER in FA03. 70.3% 69.0% ● Overall success rate was 1.3% HIGHER in FA03 than in FA02. 735 674 ● Overall number of students was 61 (9%) HIGHER in FA03. Page 5 of 21 Planning & Research Office: 4/23/2004 Richard C. Borden, Ph.D. Disproportionate Impact ENGL 03 Gender Analysis Dirterm Dept Enrolled as Placed? Enroll Status Highest Education ENGL MM Upgrade? ASAP Q3 Is English your first (primary) language? Data Placement Percent Student Count 2003FA ENGL Yes 1st Time Any College HS Grad (All) (All) Course Placement ENGL-1A ENGL-100 ENGL-255/290 ENGL-1A ENGL-100 ENGL-255/290 Total Placement Percent Total Student Count Majority Gender: Majority group ENGL-1A placement rate: EEOC 80% Guideline: The analysis below is limited to only those students who met the following profile: ● Assessed for the Fall 2003 term ● Assessed for English in the above term(s) ● Enrolled that term in a Departmental course consistent with their Placement Level ● Enrollment status for the above term(s) was "1st Time Any College" ● Highest level of education they had attained was a High School Diploma ● All assessees regardless of whether Multiple Measures Points upgraded their Placement Level ● All assessees regardless of their answer to the CAPP/ASAP primary language question (Q3) Test Used Gender CTEP1&2 Female Male 27.6% 24.1% 52.4% 58.5% 20.0% 17.3% 102 96 194 233 74 69 100.0% 100.0% 370 398 Male 24.1% 19.3% Per EEOC guidelines, any group that falls below 80% of the majority group's ENGL-1A placement rate (here 80% of 24.1% = 19.3%) has been disproportionately impacted. Disproportionate Impact? [Note: groups of fewer than 10 are inadequate for analysis.] # Groups Impacted: # Groups Impacted with Ok sample size: Cabrillo College Group: EEOC Gap: Adequate sample size? Female No Male No Ok Ok 0 0 Page 6 of 21 Planning & Research Office: 4/23/2004 Richard C. Borden, Ph.D. Disproportionate Impact ENGL 03 Ethnicity Analysis Dirterm Dept Enrolled as Placed? Enroll Status Highest Education ENGL MM Upgrade? ASAP Q3 Is English your first (primary) language? Data Placement Percent Student Count 2003FA ENGL Yes 1st Time Any College HS Grad (All) (All) Course Placement ENGL-1A ENGL-100 ENGL-255/290 ENGL-1A ENGL-100 ENGL-255/290 Total Placement Percent Total Student Count Majority Ethnicity: Majority group ENGL-1A placement rate: EEOC 80% Guideline: The analysis below is limited to only those students who met the following profile: ● Assessed for the Fall 2003 term ● Assessed for English in the above term(s) ● Enrolled that term in a Departmental course consistent with their Placement Level ● Enrollment status for the above term(s) was "1st Time Any College" ● Highest level of education they had attained was a High School Diploma ● All assessees regardless of whether Multiple Measures Points upgraded their Placement Level ● All assessees regardless of their answer to the CAPP/ASAP primary language question (Q3) Test Used Ethnicity CTEP1&2 Af. Am. Am. Ind. 11.1% 0.0% 66.7% 100.0% 22.2% 0.0% 1 6 2 2 100.0% 100.0% 9 2 Asian 40.9% 50.0% 9.1% 9 11 2 100.0% 22 Filipino 21.1% 52.6% 26.3% 4 10 5 100.0% 19 Hispanic 8.5% 56.6% 34.9% 24 159 98 100.0% 281 Other 16.7% 58.3% 25.0% 2 7 3 100.0% 12 White 37.6% 54.6% 7.8% 155 225 32 100.0% 412 White 37.6% 30.1% Per EEOC guidelines, any group that falls below 80% of the majority group's ENGL-1A placement rate (here 80% of 37.6% = 30.1%) has been disproportionately impacted. Disproportionate Impact? [Note: groups of fewer than 10 are inadequate for analysis.] # Groups Impacted: # Groups Impacted with Ok sample size: Cabrillo College Af. Am. Yes EEOC Gap: -19.0% Adequate sample size? Under 10 Group: 5 3 Am. Ind. Yes -30.1% Under 10 Asian No Ok Filipino Yes -9.0% Ok Hispanic Yes -21.6% Ok Other Yes -13.4% Ok White No Ok Af. Am. / Am. Ind. / Filipino / Hispanic / Other Filipino / Hispanic / Other Page 7 of 21 Planning & Research Office: 4/23/2004 Richard C. Borden, Ph.D. Disproportionate Impact ENGL 03 Age Group Analysis Dirterm Dept Enrolled as Placed? Enroll Status Highest Education ENGL MM Upgrade? ASAP Q3 Is English your first (primary) language? Data Placement Percent Student Count 2003FA ENGL Yes 1st Time Any College HS Grad (All) (All) Course Placement ENGL-1A ENGL-100 ENGL-255/290 ENGL-1A ENGL-100 ENGL-255/290 Total Placement Percent Total Student Count Majority Age Group: Majority group ENGL-1A placement rate: EEOC 80% Guideline: The analysis below is limited to only those students who met the following profile: ● Assessed for the Fall 2003 term ● Assessed for English in the above term(s) ● Enrolled that term in a Departmental course consistent with their Placement Level ● Enrollment status for the above term(s) was "1st Time Any College" ● Highest level of education they had attained was a High School Diploma ● All assessees regardless of whether Multiple Measures Points upgraded their Placement Level ● All assessees regardless of their answer to the CAPP/ASAP primary language question (Q3) Test Used Age Group CTEP1&2 < 18 18 - 20 30.7% 24.8% 55.9% 56.5% 13.4% 18.7% 39 142 71 323 17 107 100.0% 100.0% 127 572 21 - 25 15.8% 50.0% 34.2% 6 19 13 100.0% 38 26 - 30 36.4% 45.5% 18.2% 4 5 2 100.0% 11 31 - 40 20.0% 50.0% 30.0% 2 5 3 100.0% 10 41 - 50 42.9% 42.9% 14.3% 3 3 1 100.0% 7 51 - 60 66.7% 33.3% 0.0% 2 1 100.0% 3 18 - 20 24.8% 19.9% Per EEOC guidelines, any group that falls below 80% of the majority group's ENGL-1A placement rate (here 80% of 24.8% = 19.9%) has been disproportionately impacted. Disproportionate Impact? [Note: groups of fewer than 10 are inadequate for analysis.] # Groups Impacted: # Groups Impacted with Ok sample size: Cabrillo College Group: EEOC Gap: Adequate sample size? 1 1 < 18 No 18 - 20 No Ok Ok 21 - 25 Yes -4.1% Ok 26 - 30 No 31 - 40 No Ok Ok 41 - 50 No 51 - 60 No Under 10 Under 10 21 - 25 21 - 25 Page 8 of 21 Planning & Research Office: 4/23/2004 Richard C. Borden, Ph.D. Disproportionate Impact ENGL 03 Primary Disability Analysis Dirterm Dept Enrolled as Placed? Enroll Status Highest Education ENGL MM Upgrade? ASAP Q3 Is English your first (primary) language? 2003FA ENGL Yes 1st Time Any College HS Grad (All) (All) The analysis below is limited to only those students who met the following profile: ● Assessed for the Fall 2003 term ● Assessed for English in the above term(s) ● Enrolled that term in a Departmental course consistent with their Placement Level ● Enrollment status for the above term(s) was "1st Time Any College" ● Highest level of education they had attained was a High School Diploma ● All assessees regardless of whether Multiple Measures Points upgraded their Placement Level ● All assessees regardless of their answer to the CAPP/ASAP primary language question (Q3) Test Used CTEP1&2 Data Placement Percent Student Count Course Placement ENGL-1A ENGL-100 ENGL-255/290 ENGL-1A ENGL-100 ENGL-255/290 Total Placement Percent Total Student Count Majority Primary Disability: Majority group ENGL-1A placement rate: EEOC 80% Guideline: Primary Disability Psycholog ical Visually Acquired Learning Mobility Not Other Brain Injury Disabled Impaired Disabled Disability Disability Impaired 0.0% 5.6% 33.3% 26.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 50.0% 66.7% 55.6% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 44.4% 0.0% 18.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1 1 196 9 2 413 1 1 1 1 8 134 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 1 18 3 743 1 1 1 Not Disabled 26.4% 21.1% Per EEOC guidelines, any group that falls below 80% of the majority group's ENGL-1A placement rate (here 80% of 26.4% = 21.1%) has been disproportionately impacted. Disproportionate Impact? [Note: groups of fewer than 10 are inadequate for analysis.] # Groups Impacted: # Groups Impacted with Ok sample size: Cabrillo College Psycholog ical Visually Acquired Learning Mobility Not Other Group: Brain Injury Disabled Impaired Disabled Disability Disability Impaired Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes EEOC Gap: -21.1% -15.5% -21.1% -21.1% -21.1% Adequate sample size? Under 10 Ok Under 10 Ok Under 10 Under 10 Under 10 5 1 Acquired Brain Injury / Learning Disabled / Other Disability / Psychological Disability / Visually Impaired Learning Disabled Page 9 of 21 Planning & Research Office: 4/23/2004 Richard C. Borden, Ph.D. Disproportionate Impact ENGL 02 Gender Analysis Dirterm Dept Enrolled as Placed? Enroll Status Highest Education ENGL MM Upgrade? ASAP Q3 Is English your first (primary) language? Data Placement Percent Student Count 2002FA ENGL Yes 1st Time Any College HS Grad (All) (All) Course Placement ENGL-1A ENGL-100 ENGL-255/290 ENGL-1A ENGL-100 ENGL-255/290 Total Placement Percent Total Student Count Majority Gender: Majority group ENGL-1A placement rate: EEOC 80% Guideline: The analysis below is limited to only those students who met the following profile: ● Assessed for the Fall 2002 term ● Assessed for English in the above term(s) ● Enrolled that term in a Departmental course consistent with their Placement Level ● Enrollment status for the above term(s) was "1st Time Any College" ● Highest level of education they had attained was a High School Diploma ● All assessees regardless of whether Multiple Measures Points upgraded their Placement Level ● All assessees regardless of their answer to the CAPP/ASAP primary language question (Q3) Test Used Gender EngEssay Female Male 17.2% 12.9% 65.6% 60.3% 17.2% 26.8% 64 42 244 196 64 87 100.0% 100.0% 372 325 Female 17.2% 13.8% Per EEOC guidelines, any group that falls below 80% of the majority group's ENGL-1A placement rate (here 80% of 17.2% = 13.8%) has been disproportionately impacted. Disproportionate Impact? [Note: groups of fewer than 10 are inadequate for analysis.] # Groups Impacted: # Groups Impacted with Ok sample size: Cabrillo College Group: EEOC Gap: Adequate sample size? 1 1 Female No Ok Male Yes -0.8% Ok Male Male Page 10 of 21 Planning & Research Office: 4/23/2004 Richard C. Borden, Ph.D. Disproportionate Impact ENGL 02 Ethnicity Analysis Dirterm Dept Enrolled as Placed? Enroll Status Highest Education ENGL MM Upgrade? ASAP Q3 Is English your first (primary) language? Data Placement Percent Student Count 2002FA ENGL Yes 1st Time Any College HS Grad (All) (All) Course Placement ENGL-1A ENGL-100 ENGL-255/290 ENGL-1A ENGL-100 ENGL-255/290 Total Placement Percent Total Student Count Majority Ethnicity: Majority group ENGL-1A placement rate: EEOC 80% Guideline: The analysis below is limited to only those students who met the following profile: ● Assessed for the Fall 2002 term ● Assessed for English in the above term(s) ● Enrolled that term in a Departmental course consistent with their Placement Level ● Enrollment status for the above term(s) was "1st Time Any College" ● Highest level of education they had attained was a High School Diploma ● All assessees regardless of whether Multiple Measures Points upgraded their Placement Level ● All assessees regardless of their answer to the CAPP/ASAP primary language question (Q3) Test Used Ethnicity EngEssay Af. Am. Am. Ind. 0.0% 20.0% 53.8% 60.0% 46.2% 20.0% 1 7 3 6 1 100.0% 100.0% 13 5 Asian 15.0% 65.0% 20.0% 3 13 4 100.0% 20 Filipino 7.1% 71.4% 21.4% 1 10 3 100.0% 14 Hispanic 6.1% 57.0% 36.9% 15 139 90 100.0% 244 Other 0.0% 77.8% 22.2% 7 2 100.0% 9 White 21.6% 67.5% 10.8% 82 256 41 100.0% 379 White 21.6% 17.3% Per EEOC guidelines, any group that falls below 80% of the majority group's ENGL-1A placement rate (here 80% of 21.6% = 17.3%) has been disproportionately impacted. Disproportionate Impact? [Note: groups of fewer than 10 are inadequate for analysis.] # Groups Impacted: # Groups Impacted with Ok sample size: Cabrillo College Group: EEOC Gap: Adequate sample size? 5 4 Af. Am. Yes -17.3% Ok Am. Ind. No Under 10 Asian Yes -2.3% Ok Filipino Yes -10.2% Ok Hispanic Other Yes Yes -11.2% -17.3% Ok Under 10 White No Ok Af. Am. / Asian / Filipino / Hispanic / Other Af. Am. / Asian / Filipino / Hispanic Page 11 of 21 Planning & Research Office: 4/23/2004 Richard C. Borden, Ph.D. Disproportionate Impact ENGL 02 Age Group Analysis Dirterm Dept Enrolled as Placed? Enroll Status Highest Education ENGL MM Upgrade? ASAP Q3 Is English your first (primary) language? Data Placement Percent Student Count 2002FA ENGL Yes 1st Time Any College HS Grad (All) (All) Course Placement ENGL-1A ENGL-100 ENGL-255/290 ENGL-1A ENGL-100 ENGL-255/290 Total Placement Percent Total Student Count Majority Age Group: Majority group ENGL-1A placement rate: EEOC 80% Guideline: The analysis below is limited to only those students who met the following profile: ● Assessed for the Fall 2002 term ● Assessed for English in the above term(s) ● Enrolled that term in a Departmental course consistent with their Placement Level ● Enrollment status for the above term(s) was "1st Time Any College" ● Highest level of education they had attained was a High School Diploma ● All assessees regardless of whether Multiple Measures Points upgraded their Placement Level ● All assessees regardless of their answer to the CAPP/ASAP primary language question (Q3) Test Used Age Group EngEssay < 18 18 - 20 14.1% 15.3% 68.7% 64.2% 17.2% 20.5% 14 81 68 339 17 108 100.0% 100.0% 99 528 21 - 25 18.2% 47.7% 34.1% 8 21 15 100.0% 44 26 - 30 6.7% 46.7% 46.7% 1 7 7 100.0% 15 31 - 40 0.0% 25.0% 75.0% 1 3 100.0% 4 41 - 50 33.3% 50.0% 16.7% 2 3 1 100.0% 6 51 - 60 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 1 100.0% 1 18 - 20 15.3% 12.3% Per EEOC guidelines, any group that falls below 80% of the majority group's ENGL-1A placement rate (here 80% of 15.3% = 12.3%) has been disproportionately impacted. Disproportionate Impact? [Note: groups of fewer than 10 are inadequate for analysis.] # Groups Impacted: # Groups Impacted with Ok sample size: Cabrillo College Group: EEOC Gap: Adequate sample size? 3 1 < 18 No 18 - 20 No 21 - 25 No Ok Ok Ok 26 - 30 Yes -5.6% Ok 31 - 40 41 - 50 51 - 60 Yes No Yes -12.3% -12.3% Under 10 Under 10 Under 10 26 - 30 / 31 - 40 / 51 - 60 26 - 30 Page 12 of 21 Planning & Research Office: 4/23/2004 Richard C. Borden, Ph.D. Disproportionate Impact ENGL 02 Primary Disability Analysis Dirterm Dept Enrolled as Placed? Enroll Status Highest Education ENGL MM Upgrade? ASAP Q3 Is English your first (primary) language? 2002FA ENGL Yes 1st Time Any College HS Grad (All) (All) The analysis below is limited to only those students who met the following profile: ● Assessed for the Fall 2002 term ● Assessed for English in the above term(s) ● Enrolled that term in a Departmental course consistent with their Placement Level ● Enrollment status for the above term(s) was "1st Time Any College" ● Highest level of education they had attained was a High School Diploma ● All assessees regardless of whether Multiple Measures Points upgraded their Placement Level ● All assessees regardless of their answer to the CAPP/ASAP primary language question (Q3) Test Used Primary Disability EngEssay Data Placement Percent Student Count Course Placement ENGL-1A ENGL-100 ENGL-255/290 ENGL-1A ENGL-100 ENGL-255/290 Total Placement Percent Total Student Count Majority Primary Disability: Majority group ENGL-1A placement rate: EEOC 80% Guideline: Psycholog ical Visually Acquired Hearing Learning Mobility Not Other Brain Injury Impaired Disabled Impaired Disabled Disability Disability Impaired 0.0% 0.0% 4.0% 0.0% 15.8% 0.0% 33.3% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 28.0% 40.0% 64.6% 100.0% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 68.0% 60.0% 19.6% 0.0% 33.3% 100.0% 1 104 1 1 1 7 2 425 3 1 17 3 129 1 1 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 1 1 25 5 658 3 3 1 Not Disabled 15.8% 12.6% Per EEOC guidelines, any group that falls below 80% of the majority group's ENGL-1A placement rate (here 80% of 15.8% = 12.6%) has been disproportionately impacted. Disproportionate Impact? [Note: groups of fewer than 10 are inadequate for analysis.] # Groups Impacted: # Groups Impacted with Ok sample size: Cabrillo College Psycholog ical Visually Acquired Hearing Learning Mobility Not Other Group: Brain Injury Impaired Disabled Impaired Disabled Disability Disability Impaired Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes EEOC Gap: -12.6% -12.6% -8.6% -12.6% -12.6% -12.6% Adequate sample size? Under 10 Under 10 Ok Under 10 Ok Under 10 Under 10 Under 10 6 1 Acquired Brain Injury / Hearing Impaired / Learning Disabled / Mobility Impaired / Other Disability / Visually Impaired Learning Disabled Page 13 of 21 Planning & Research Office: 4/23/2004 Richard C. Borden, Ph.D. Consequential Validity ENGL 03 Student Ratings of their Preparedness for the class. The analysis below is limited to only those students who met the following profile: ● Assessed for the Fall 2003 term ● Assessed for English in the above term(s) ● Enrolled that term in a Departmental course consistent with their Placement Level ● Enrollment status for the above term(s) was "1st Time Any College" ● Highest level of education they had attained was a High School Diploma ● All assessees regardless of whether Multiple Measures Points upgraded their Placement Level ● All assessees regardless of their answer to the CAPP/ASAP primary language question (Q3) ● All students with personal and/or instructor week #5 survey evaluations Dirterm Dept Enrolled as Placed? Enroll Status Highest Education ENGL MM Upgrade? ASAP Q3 Is English your first (primary) language? Who completed survey? 2003FA ENGL Yes 1st Time Any College HS Grad (All) (All) (All) Student evaluation of own preparedness for course I am Overqualified I am Qualified ("just barely" to "fully") I am Not Qualified Grand Total Test Used Data Course Placement CTEP1&2 Percentages Student Counts ENGL-255/290 ENGL-100 ENGL-1A ENGL-255/290 5.9% 8.3% 6.1% 6 92.1% 90.3% 93.9% 93 2.0% 1.4% 0.0% 2 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 101 ENGL-100 ENGL-1A 6 2 65 31 1 72 33 ● The Chancellor's threshold for an acceptable response is that at least 75% should feel qualified to be in the course in which they were placed. ● That 75% standard is exceeded at all levels of the placement sequence. Instructor Ratings of Prospects for Success in the class. The analysis below is limited to only those students who met the following profile: ● Assessed for the Fall 2003 term ● Assessed for English in the above term(s) ● Enrolled that term in a Departmental course consistent with their Placement Level ● Enrollment status for the above term(s) was "1st Time Any College" ● Highest level of education they had attained was a High School Diploma ● All assessees regardless of whether Multiple Measures Points upgraded their Placement Level ● All assessees regardless of their answer to the CAPP/ASAP primary language question (Q3) ● All students with personal and/or instructor week #5 survey evaluations Dirterm Dept Enrolled as Placed? Enroll Status Highest Education ENGL MM Upgrade? ASAP Q3 Is English your first (primary) language? Who completed survey? 2003FA ENGL Yes 1st Time Any College HS Grad (All) (All) (All) Instructor evaluation of students' ability Moderate Ability or Greater (will pass) Weak Ability or Less (may/will not pass) Grand Total Test Used Data Course Placement CTEP1&2 Percentages Student Counts ENGL-255/290 ENGL-100 ENGL-1A ENGL-255/290 80.8% 76.7% 95.5% 97 19.2% 23.3% 4.5% 23 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 120 ENGL-100 ENGL-1A 66 42 20 2 86 44 ● The Chancellor's threshold for an acceptable response is that at least 75% should be rated as having ability sufficient for success in the course. ● That 75% standard is exceeded at all levels of the placement sequence. Cabrillo College Page 14 of 21 Planning & Research Office: 4/23/2004 Richard C. Borden, Ph.D. English CTEP Cut Scores CABRILLO COLLEGE English Test Project: English Test Project: CTEP Form A Part 1. Reading Comprehension (35 Questions) CTEP Form A Part 2. Sentence Structure & Grammar (30 Questions) (Note: Although Form A Part 3 was also evaluated, the faculty elected not employ it for English placements.) FACULTY DERIVED CUT SCORES for the above two tests combined (65 Questions) Faculty Reviewer Rater#1 (Parts 1 & 2) Rater#2 (Parts 1 & 2) Rater#3 (Parts 1 & 2) Rater#4 (Part 1) Rater#5 (Part2) Average Raw Faculty-derived cut English 290/255 English 100 26.40 27.55 32.45 English 1A 45.25 45.15 46.10 24.55 40.85 2.08 27.74 44.34 Remaining Items 62.92 37.26 20.66 Remaining Items Right By Chance* 15.73 9.32 5.17 Average Corrected Faculty-derived cut 17.81 37.05 49.50 Rounded Cut 18 37 50 Cut Ranges** Selected after reviewing above data on 02-06-2003 00-34† 35-49 50-69 2.08 Present at the 2-6-03 review meeting were: W.Baer, G.Donatelli-Sardo, D.Putnam, R.Borden * Note: Since each test question offers four alternative answers, a student who randomly selected answers to test questions would be expected to get roughly every fourth question correct by chance. This in turn implies that students who guessed their answers to all 65 questions would get an average of 65 ÷ 4 = 16.25 (roughly 16) test items correct by chance. ** Criterion Score includes: ● a total of 65 possible CTEP Part 1 + Part 2 points; ● plus, a total of 4 possible multiple measures (MM) points •► 1MM point if: CAPP Q9= "More than 10 years" out of school •► 1MM point if: CAPP Q11= "A" was grade received in last English class •► 1MM point if: CAPP Q12= "B to A-" OR "A- to A" was high school GPA •► 1MM point if: CAPP Q18= "Less than 6 units" were planned for next term † Those scoring in the 00-17 range receive the following placement/comment: "English 255 or 290 with Reading and Lab corequisites; we recommend that you also enroll in Adult Education courses or ESL courses" Cabrillo College Page 15 of 21 Planning & Research Office: 4/23/2004 ENGL Item Review CTEP1 CABRILLO COLLEGE CTEP Part 1. Reading Comprehension English Content Review: Summary of Average Item Ratings Instructions: Please rate each item’s importance for each English course using the scale below. How important is the academic knowledge or skill measured by this item for successful acquisition of the skills taught in this course? 5. Critically Important 4. Important 3. Moderately Important 2. Of Slight Importance 1. Not Relevant Test Item Number # of Raters*: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 English 290/255 N=2 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 1.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.0 2.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 1.5 2.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 2.5 1.0 English 100 N=4 3.8 3.3 3.8 3.8 3.3 3.5 3.3 4.0 3.5 3.3 3.8 3.0 3.3 3.8 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.5 3.0 3.5 3.3 3.3 3.0 3.0 3.3 3.0 2.8 3.0 3.0 2.8 3.0 2.8 English 1A N=4 4.5 4.3 4.5 4.8 4.3 4.0 4.0 4.8 4.0 4.0 4.8 3.8 4.3 4.8 4.5 4.3 4.3 3.8 4.0 4.0 4.3 3.5 4.3 4.3 4.5 4.5 4.0 4.3 3.8 4.0 3.8 4.0 3.8 4.5 4.0 *Raters were: R1, R2, R3 and R4 Average Rating 1.9 3.3 4.2 #Items 4.0 or higher #Items 3.0-3.9 #Items 2.0-2.9 #Items below 2.0 0 0 21 14 1 31 3 0 29 6 0 0 Cabrillo College Page 16 of 21 Planning & Research Office: 4/23/2004 Richard C. Borden, Ph.D, ENGL Item Review CTEP2 CABRILLO COLLEGE CTEP Part 2. Sentence Structure & Grammar English Content Review: Summary of Average Item Ratings Instructions: Please rate each item’s importance for each English course using the scale below. How important is the academic knowledge or skill measured by this item for successful acquisition of the skills taught in this course? 5. Critically Important 4. Important 3. Moderately Important 2. Of Slight Importance 1. Not Relevant Test Item Number # of Raters*: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 English 290/255 N=1 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 English 100 N=4 3.0 3.0 3.5 3.3 2.8 3.0 2.5 3.3 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.8 3.0 2.8 3.3 3.0 3.0 2.8 2.8 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.8 3.0 2.8 2.8 English 1A N=4 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.0 4.3 3.8 4.3 4.0 4.3 4.3 4.3 3.8 4.0 4.3 4.0 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.0 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 *Raters were: R1, R2, R3 and R5 Average Rating 3.1 2.9 4.1 #Items 4.0 or higher #Items 3.0-3.9 #Items 2.0-2.9 #Items below 2.0 7 18 5 0 0 20 10 0 28 2 0 0 Cabrillo College Page 17 of 21 Planning & Research Office: 4/23/2004 Richard C. Borden, Ph.D. ENGL-100 Domain Review CTEP1 *Percentage of raters who indicated that the course pre-skill was measured by at least one of the CTEP Reading Comp. domains. CABRILLO COLLEGE English Content Review: CTEP Part 1. Reading Comprehension Summary: English 100 Pre-Skills Match to Test Domains CTEP Part 1. Reading Comprehension Domains English 100 Pre-skills Based Upon Main Idea English 290/255 Course Content # of Raters 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Æ Æ 1. Learn to address a topic clearly. 2. Develop ideas using detail and evidence. 3. Write unified paragraphs. 4. Begin to vary sentence structure 5. Begin to identify and correct mechanical errors, including errors in punctuation, sentence structure, verb tense, pronoun and subject-verb agreement, and spelling 6. Begin to eliminate frequent errors in idiomatic usage 7. Learn to use the dictionary to enlarge vocabulary and improve spelling Literal Comp. Inferential Comp. Interp./Eval Compreh. Vocabulary in Context Check mark any CTEP domain(s) that, in your professional opinion, measure the numbered pre-skill. 100% 100% 50% 50% %* 50% 100% 100% not 50% 75% 50% 100% not 75% 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 0% ◄◄◄ 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 0% ◄◄◄ 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 0% ◄◄◄ 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 0% ◄◄◄ 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 75% 75% 4 8. Learn to write essays with clear ideas supported by some evidence, a coherent sequence of paragraphs, competent control of language, and no pervasive pattern of errors 75% not 50% 75% not 75% not 50% 75% 4 9. Show improvement in reading comprehension by learning to identify an author's main ideas and purpose and through vocabulary development. 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Interpretation: 100% - all four raters agreed that the pre-skill was measured by the domain 75% - three raters agreed that the pre-skill was measured by the domain Cabrillo College 50% - two raters agreed that the pre-skill was measured by the domain 75% not - three raters agreed that the pre-skill was not measured by the domain 100% not - all four raters agreed that the pre-skill was not measured by the domain Page 18 of 21 Planning & Research Office: 4/23/2004 Richard C. Borden, Ph.D. ENGL-1A Domain Review CTEP1 *Percentage of raters who indicated that the course pre-skill was measured by at least one of the CTEP Reading Comp. domains. CABRILLO COLLEGE English Content Review: CTEP Part 1. Reading Comprehension Summary: English 1A Pre-Skills Match to Test Domains CTEP Part 1. Reading Comprehension Domains English 1A Pre-skills Based Upon Main Idea English 100 Course Content # of Raters 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Æ Interp./Eval Compreh. Vocabulary in Context Check mark any CTEP domain(s) that, in your professional opinion, measure the numbered pre-skill. Æ 1. Learn to address a topic clearly. 2. Develop ideas using detail and evidence. 3. Write unified paragraphs. 4. Begin to vary sentence structure 100% 5. Begin to identify and correct mechanical errors, including errors in punctuation, sentence structure, verb tense, pronoun and subject-verb agreement, and spelling 6. Begin to eliminate frequent errors in idiomatic usage 7. Learn to use the dictionary to enlarge vocabulary and improve spelling 100% 50% 50% %* 50% 100% 75% 100% not 50% 75% 50% 75% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 0% ◄◄◄ 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 0% ◄◄◄ 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 0% ◄◄◄ ◄◄◄ 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 0% 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 75% 75% 4 8. Learn to write essays with clear ideas supported by some evidence, a coherent sequence of paragraphs, competent control of language, and no pervasive pattern of errors 75% not 75% not 75% not 100% not 75% not 50% 4 9. Show improvement in reading comprehension by learning to identify an author's main ideas and purpose and through vocabulary development. 100% 100% 75% 75% 75% 100% 4 10. Learn to focus on a topic. 75% 75% 50% 75% not 75% not 75% 4 11. Learn more sophisticated strategies to develop an essay, using a variety of narrative and expository techniques. 75% not 50% 50% 50% 100% not 50% 4 12. Learn to unify paragraphs and make clear transitions between them. 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 0% ◄◄◄ 4 13. Learn to vary sentence length and establish connections among ideas, including the use of coordination and subordination. 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 0% ◄◄◄ 4 14. Learn to write essays free of most distracting errors in syntax and mechanics. 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 0% ◄◄◄ 4 15. Learn the importance of their writing of voice, tone, and careful diction in addressing an audience; in their reading, become aware of tone, implication, inference, and irony, and learn to distinguish fact from opinion. 100% not 50% 50% 100% 75% not 100% 4 16. Learn to use the dictionary to enlarge vocabulary and improve spelling 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 75% 75% 4 17. Learn to write essays with clear ideas supported by some evidence, a coherent sequence of paragraphs, competent control of language, and no pervasive pattern of errors 75% not 75% not 75% not 75% not 75% not 50% 4 18. Learn to devise effective introductions and conclusions 75% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 25% 4 19. Learn to read actively by annotating, paraphrasing, and summarizing; learn to analyze and evaluate the ideas of other writers. 100% 75% 75% 75% 75% not 100% 4 20. Learn to examine texts carefully to identify main points and the writer's point of view; see the connections between individual parts and the whole. 100% 75% 100% 75% 100% not 100% 4 21. Learn to develop well-organized responses to readings and answers to questions in essay exams, drawing reasonable conclusions and using specific evidence to support main points. 75% 75% 50% 50% 100% not 100% Interpretation: 100% - all four raters agreed that the pre-skill was measured by the domain 75% - three raters agreed that the pre-skill was measured by the domain Cabrillo College Literal Comp. Inferential Comp. 50% - two raters agreed that the pre-skill was measured by the domain 75% not - three raters agreed that the pre-skill was not measured by the domain 100% not - all four raters agreed that the pre-skill was not measured by the domain Page 19 of 21 Planning & Research Office: 4/23/2004 Richard C. Borden, Ph.D. ENGL-100 Domain Review CTEP2 *Percentage of raters who indicated that the course pre-skill was measured by at least one of the CTEP Sent. Struct. & Grammar domains. CABRILLO COLLEGE English Content Review: CTEP Part 2. Sentence Structure & Grammar Summary: English 100 Pre-Skills Match to Test Domains CTEP Part 2. Sentence Structure & Grammar Domains English 100 Pre-skills Based Upon Sentence Verb Errors Pronoun Parallelism Modifier Wordiness Semantic Punctuation Errors Errors Errors Errors Errors Errors Errors English 290/255 Course Content # of Raters 4 Æ Check mark any CTEP domain(s) that, in your professional opinion, measure the numbered pre-skill. Æ 1. Learn to address a topic clearly. 2. Develop ideas using detail and evidence. 3. Write unified paragraphs. 4. Begin to vary sentence structure %* 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 0% ◄◄◄ 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 0% ◄◄◄ 100% not 75% not 75% not 75% not 50% 75% not 50% 75% not 50% 75% 50% 75% 75% 75% 50% 75% 75% 100% 100% 100% 100% 75% 75% 50% 75% 100% 100% 100% not 100% not 100% not 75% not 75% not 100% not 75% 100% not 100% 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 0% 4 8. Learn to write essays with clear ideas supported by some evidence, a coherent sequence of paragraphs, competent control of language, and no pervasive pattern of errors 75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 50% 75% 75% 75% 4 9. Show improvement in reading comprehension by learning to identify an author's main ideas and purpose and through vocabulary development. 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 50% 100% not 50% 4 4 4 4 4 4 5. Begin to identify and correct mechanical errors, including errors in punctuation, sentence structure, verb tense, pronoun and subject-verb agreement, and spelling 6. Begin to eliminate frequent errors in idiomatic usage 7. Learn to use the dictionary to enlarge vocabulary and improve spelling Interpretation: 100% - all four raters agreed that the pre-skill was measured by the domain 75% - three raters agreed that the pre-skill was measured by the domain Cabrillo College 50% - two raters agreed that the pre-skill was measured by the domain 75% not - three raters agreed that the pre-skill was not measured by the domain 100% not - all four raters agreed that the pre-skill was not measured by the domain Page 20 of 21 Planning & Research Office: 4/23/2004 Richard C. Borden, Ph.D. ◄◄◄ ENGL-1A Domain Review CTEP2 *Percentage of raters who indicated that the course pre-skill was measured by at least one of the CTEP Sent. Struct. & Grammar domains. CABRILLO COLLEGE English Content Review: CTEP Part 2. Sentence Structure & Grammar Summary: English 1A Pre-Skills Match to Test Domains CTEP Part 2. Sentence Structure & Grammar Domains English 1A Pre-skills Based Upon Sentence Verb Errors Pronoun Parallelism Modifier Wordiness Semantic Punctuation Errors Errors Errors Errors Errors Errors Errors English 100 Course Content # of Raters 4 Æ Check mark any CTEP domain(s) that, in your professional opinion, measure the numbered pre-skill. Æ 1. Learn to address a topic clearly. 2. Develop ideas using detail and evidence. 3. Write unified paragraphs. 4. Begin to vary sentence structure %* 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 0% ◄◄◄ 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 0% ◄◄◄ 100% not 75% not 75% not 75% not 50% 75% not 50% 75% not 50% 75% 50% 75% 75% 75% 50% 75% 75% 100% 100% 100% 100% 75% 50% 50% 50% 75% 100% 100% not 100% not 100% not 75% not 75% not 100% not 75% 100% not 100% 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 0% 4 8. Learn to write essays with clear ideas supported by some evidence, a coherent sequence of paragraphs, competent control of language, and no pervasive pattern of errors 100% 75% 75% 100% 75% 75% 100% 100% 100% 4 9. Show improvement in reading comprehension by learning to identify an author's main ideas and purpose and through vocabulary development. 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 50% 100% not 50% 4 10. Learn to focus on a topic. 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 0% 4 11. Learn more sophisticated strategies to develop an essay, using a variety of narrative and expository techniques. 75% not 100% not 75% not 75% not 100% not 75% not 75% not 75% not 50% 4 12. Learn to unify paragraphs and make clear transitions between them. 100% not 100% not 75% not 75% not 75% not 75% not 75% 100% not 75% 4 13. Learn to vary sentence length and establish connections among ideas, including the use of coordination and subordination. 100% 75% 50% 100% 75% 50% 75% 100% 100% 4 14. Learn to write essays free of most distracting errors in syntax and mechanics. 100% 75% 75% 75% 75% 50% 100% 100% 100% 4 15. Learn the importance of their writing of voice, tone, and careful diction in addressing an audience; in their reading, become aware of tone, implication, inference, and irony, and learn to distinguish fact from opinion. 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 75% not 50% 100% not 50% 4 16. Learn to use the dictionary to enlarge vocabulary and improve spelling 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 50% 100% not 50% 4 17. Learn to write essays with clear ideas supported by some evidence, a coherent sequence of paragraphs, competent control of language, and no pervasive pattern of errors 75% 75% 75% 100% 75% 100% 100% 100% 100% 4 18. Learn to devise effective introductions and conclusions 75% not 75% not 75% not 100% not 75% not 50% 75% 75% not 75% 4 19. Learn to read actively by annotating, paraphrasing, and summarizing; learn to analyze and evaluate the ideas of other writers. 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 75% not 100% not 25% 4 20. Learn to examine texts carefully to identify main points and the writer's point of view; see the connections between individual parts and the whole. 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 0% 4 21. Learn to develop well-organized responses to readings and answers to questions in essay exams, drawing reasonable conclusions and using specific evidence to support main points. 75% not 100% not 100% not 75% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 100% not 25% 4 4 4 4 4 4 5. Begin to identify and correct mechanical errors, including errors in punctuation, sentence structure, verb tense, pronoun and subject-verb agreement, and spelling 6. Begin to eliminate frequent errors in idiomatic usage 7. Learn to use the dictionary to enlarge vocabulary and improve spelling Interpretation: 100% - all four raters agreed that the pre-skill was measured by the domain 75% - three raters agreed that the pre-skill was measured by the domain Cabrillo College ◄◄◄ ◄◄◄ ◄◄◄ 50% - two raters agreed that the pre-skill was measured by the domain 75% not - three raters agreed that the pre-skill was not measured by the domain 100% not - all four raters agreed that the pre-skill was not measured by the domain Page 21 of 21 Planning & Research Office: 4/23/2004 Richard C. Borden, Ph.D.