SPRAC Minutes 1/4/12 Attending: Teresa Macedo, Charlotte Achen, Dan Rothwell, Ben Ten Cate, Marcy Wieland Absent: Kip Nead 1. Challenges in 2012 a. Management made to feel on the hot seat - how can we approach our task in a more collegial fashion? Dan - concentrate on global staffing picture rather than particular personnel issues. Charlotte - commit to impartiality. Marcy - not only unbiased, but the "appearance" of bias should be dealt with (see new membership). All agreed that managers are not looking forward to cutting their staffing. b. Potentially many more cuts for 2012-13 - Marcy had heard from Stephanie that cuts would be deeper and more painful this next year. 2. Proposed Change to Membership - In an effort toward a shared governance approach, we decided TO add a permanent management member to SPRAC. This person will be appointed by the management group and will not represent his/her unit, but rather the management perspective. This will replace the "manager of the unit." The administrator or a designee from the area will still be part of the committee. If an administrator needs to send more than one management person from ITS area, that is fine with the committee. All present approved this change. It will be shared at CPC on Jan 11. 3. Draft SPRAC Self-Evaluation - The self-evaluation with one minor change was approved by the committee and will be shared with CPC on Jan 11. 4. Draft Advisory (Review) Template - One way to establish uniformity in SPRAC advisories is to work from an agreed upon template. Marcy shared a draft template that was based on the SPRAC Charter. The template was approved with a minor change. It will be shared with CPC on Jan 11. 5. CPC Meeting Dates Through June 2012 - Marcy brought a printout of the CPC meeting dates for the first half of the year. Dan suggests that all members of SPRAC attend CPC, if possible. Neither Teresa or Charlotte will be able to do so due to schedule conflicts. Charlotte has arranged for another senator to attend CPC in her stead. Marcy will send brief notes on SPRAC items at CPC to Teresa. Ben suggests that it would be good to attend CPC even if SPRAC is not on the agenda in order to get a better understanding of what's going on at the college as a whole. Attending CPC when SPRAC is not on the agenda is an individual option of each SPRAC member and subject to approval of their manager. 6. SPRAC Weekly Meeting Day/Time Through June 2012- Another approach to achieve uniformity is to ensure that all SPRAC members are assembled to hear the same information for each reduction plan. Establishing a regular meeting time where managers and members of each unit could meet with all of us will accomplish this. The committee decided on Fridays from 9:00am-11:00am beginning January 20. Managers/unit members wishing to meet with SPRAC will need to make and appointment within this time frame by contacting the Chair (Marcy). If no appointments are made and SPRAC has no other business to discuss, the meeting will be canceled by the preceding Thursday. 7. SPRAC Revisit Round 1 and 2 Plans - Several SPRAC reviews from 2011 had a "revisit in 6 months" notation. At one CPC meeting, Brian made the statement that all of the plans should be reviewed in 6 months. Revisiting the plans seems like a critical part of the work Cabrillo does to ensure that positions that have been reduced or eliminated have had commensurate reductions or eliminations in services. SPRAC members decided that they need to talk to CPC about who will do this important work? SPRAC is willing, but is not sure it is part of the charter. We need direction.