AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT February 7, 2011 SUBJECT: 2010-11 and 2011-12 Budget Planning Parameters Update REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 10 ITEM NUMBER E.3 INFORMATION BACKGROUND: The Governing Board received a budget update on November 1, 2010 that included budget planning assumptions based on the 2010-11 state budget enacted on October 8, 2010. The college developed planning assumptions in November that included mid-year reductions for 2010-11 and no further revenue reductions in 2011-12. The new governor’s January budget was released on January 10, 2011. The budget proposal includes the balance of the 2010-11 fiscal year and 2011-12. The two-year budget shortfall is projected at $25.4 billion; $8.2 billion for 2010-11 and $17.2 billion for 2011-12. The shortfall could increase by another $1.2 billion if a sale of state-owned real estate is abandoned. The governor’s budget is considered the best case scenario. It is also important to note that the governor’s budget is built on the assumption that voters will approve $12 billion in revenue extensions during a June, 2011 election. If tax extensions don’t make it on the June ballot or fail, the reductions listed below will increase. Highlights of the governor’s budget include: $12.5 billion in spending reductions $12 billion in revenue extensions $1.9 billion in other solutions Establishment of a $1 billion reserve. Spending reductions for community colleges include: No 2010-11 mid-year cuts $400 million cut to community colleges; approximately $4 million for Cabrillo Student fee increase of $10 per credit unit bringing enrollment fees to $36 per credit unit $110 million increase in enrollment fee revenue generated by the $10 fee increase would be used to backfill apportionment reductions; approximately $1.1 million for Cabrillo An additional $129 million inter-year funding deferral bringing inter-year deferrals to $961 million; approximately $9.6 million for Cabrillo. No further reductions to categorical programs Categorical flexibility provisions adopted as part of the 2009-10 state budget would be extended for two additional years, through 2014-15. Maintains full funding for the Cal Grant program Administrator Initiating Item: Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition The 2011-12 budget cycle will mark the fifth year that the college has reduced the base operating budget. Ongoing reductions to date total $5.6 million or approximately 10% of the budget. The College Planning Council received all state budget updates via email from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office and the Community College League of California over the winter break. The college’s budget planning information has been updated to reflect information contained in the governor’s January proposal. The following attachments were reviewed by the college planning council on January 26, 2011 and are included for the Governing Board’s information: 2010-11 Projected Year End Fund Balance Updated 2010-11 and 2011-12 Base Budget Planning Assumptions An updated estimate of Cabrillo Operating Reserves—including the projected ending base budget balance for 2010-11 and 2011-12. Updated Base Budget Planning Parameters for 2010-11 through 2013-14 Updated Budget Development Timeline The college has developed a best, mid-range and worst case scenario for the 2011-12 budget cycle. The California Community College League has developed three budget scenarios for the college. The college’s planning documents mirror the League’s planning information (see attachment on page 111). The college has significant operating reserves that will help provide planning time for the college to make the next round of significant budget reductions. There are concerns about the reduction of funded enrollment and the subsequent reduction of courses offered at the college. Fiscal stability and student success are of the utmost importance to all constituents of the college community. The Governing Board will provide clear direction on the total amount of reserves that will be used to bridge the 2011-12 budget shortfall. The Governing Board will also identify other uses of the operating reserves. The college began formulating budget reduction plans in the fall of 2010. The College Planning Council and the Governing Board agreed to hold off on releasing reduction plans until the governor’s January budget was released. Now that the governor’s budget has been released, the college will develop reduction plans for the best, mid-range and worst case scenarios. Budget Town Hall meetings will be held on campus on Friday, February 4. The Governing Board has tentatively planned a Board Budget Study Session on February 14. Budget planning documents will go back to the Governing Board at the March meeting for action. Staff/service reductions not requiring a March 15 notice may occur at a later date. CABRILLO COLLEGE GENERAL FUND FY 2010-11 PROJECTED YEAR END FUND BALANCE CPC Jan. 26, 2011 I. BASE BUDGET 2010-11 PROJECTED CHANGE TO FUND BALANCE Revenue Expenses Projected F11 Increase/(Decrease) to Fund Balance FY 2010-11 Final Budget 59,783,172 61,668,990 (1,885,818) Projected Year End Actual 61,714,000 58,918,000 2,796,000 II. BASE BUDGET 2010-11 ANALYSIS OF PROJECTED YEAR END FUND BALANCE Projected CarryOver Allocated Increase to Fund Balance Supply Accounts CCFT Negotiated Faculty Conf Accts Criminal Justice In-Service Agency Funds SIE Equipment Funds Other Special Requests Authorized by Each Component 213,000 27,000 290,000 576,000 690,000 Total Allocated Increase to Fund Balance 1,796,000 Total Unallocated Increase to Fund Balance 1,000,000 III. GENERAL FUND BALANCE GENERAL FUND PROJECTED ENDING FUND BALANCE Fund 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 Genl Unrestricted Genl Restricted District Match Carry-Over Community Ed One-Time Backfill Categorical Charge Total Beginning Fund Balance 3,209,000 1,119,666 641,425 3,599,048 451,114 5,992,792 15,013,045 Projected Revenue 61,714,172 11,579,134 323,141 970,786 7,076 - Projected Expense 58,918,000 11,974,404 641,425 801,779 774,888 326,172 - Net Change 2,796,172 (395,270) (641,425) (478,638) 195,898 (319,096) Re-Classification Change to Fund Balance (2,796,000) 1,796,000 1,000,000 (0) Projected Ending Fund Balance 3,209,000 724,000 4,916,000 647,000 6,700,000 16,196,000 CPC January 26, 2011 I. 2011 Base Budget Planning Assumptions 2010-11 Final Budget Structural Deficit Range Worst Case MidRange Best Case (1,886,000) (1,886,000) (1,886,000) 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,300,000 216,000 2010-11 Revenue Adjustments- January State Budget A. Reverse 66.4% of the 2009-10 FTES Reduction (formerly classed as 2.21%growth) B. Remove Negative COLA 216,000 216,000 C. Deficit Factor State Property Tax Shortfall@ $15 million (300,000) (150,000) 0 D. Adjust General Apportionment Shortfall 465,000 465,000 465,000 0 100,000 100,000 (8,997,000) (6,184,000) (3,990,000) 1,097,000 1,097,000 1,097,000 ? ? ? ? ? ? (8,105,000) (5,042,000) (2,698,000) Full-time Faculty Obligation -Fall 2011 (205.6) (6 budgeted/unfilled funded) 0 (270,000) (360,000) (Faculty step 5/5, with benefits $90,000)-reduce funded 0, 3, 4 Adjunct Replacement Units- 30 units per FT position @ $1750 per unit 0 0 (3) 157,500 (4) 210,000 Classified positions 0 0 0 0 0 0 66,000 66,000 66,000 E. Part-time Faculty Compensation 2011-12 Revenue Assumptions A. General Apportionment Red.- $8.99 mil, $6.184 mil, $3.99 mil B. Increase in Student Fees $110 mil.-to offset apportionment reduction C. Deficit Factor Student Fee Revenue Shortfall Other TOTAL Revenue Adjustment 2011-12 Management positions Benefits Increase in Transfer to Retiree Benefit Fund Increase in Transfer for future retiree liability (new employees,etc.) ? ? ? 935,000 825,000 715,000 PERS employer rate increase for 2011-12 (rates continue to increase in subsequent years - 3.24%). STRS rate increase Increase in Worker's Comp., Gen. Liability, 17% 400,000 3.24% 0 85,000 15% 400,000 3.24% 0 80,000 13% 400,000 3.24% 0 75,000 Step and Column Increases (includes longevity, shift diff.) 395,000 395,000 395,000 2011-12 Medical benefit increase Labor Agreements ? ? ? New Facilities Supplies & Operating Staff 0 0 0 (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) District Contribution- Bus Pass Program Operating Costs: Supply budget increases for COLA 0 0 0 53 and 54 object classifications 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Operating Costs: Other net operating increases 200,000 150,000 100,000 Total Expense Adjustments Projected 2011-12 Structural Balance (Deficit) 1,981,000 1,703,500 1,501,000 (10,086,000) (6,745,500) (4,199,000) Bridge Fund Reserves 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 Net Reduction Target for 2011-12 (6,086,000) (2,745,500) (199,000) CPC January, 2011 Cabrillo Operating Reserves Mid Year- Bridge Fund Reserves Final Budget (see page 21 of the 2010-11 Final Budget) 4,385,818 One-Time Available Funds (unallocated one-time) 414,000 Other One-time funds (state mandates, etc) 238,000 2010-11 Projected Base Budget Unallocated Ending Balance 1,000,000 Projected Balance as of 6/30/11 6,037,818 Increase FTES Reserve in 2011-12 (see below) (500,000) 2011-12 Projected Base Budget Unallocated Ending Balance 1,000,000 Subtotal* *Allocation of reserves for critical needs, bridge funds for 2011-12 FTES Reserve FTES Reserve as of 6/30/10 FTES Reduction expected in 2011-12 Use FTES Reserve to Bridge ($500,000 = 285 Tus/FTES) Increase FTES reserve to bridge FTES funding reductions Total available for 2011-12 and 2012-13 * Does not include 5% General Reserve $6,537,818 ? 500,000 500,000 $1,000,000 Budget Planning Governor's January Budget CPC January 26, 2011 Difference between ongoing Revenues & Expenses (Structural Deficit) Increase in State Revenue Anticipated Property Tax Shortfall 1/2 of 2.21% Growth in Governor's Budget Negative .39% COLA Restored General Apportionment adjustmnet Part-time faculty compensation Gen. Apportionment reduction- $8.99 mil, $6.184 mil, 3.99 mil Increase in Student Fees $110 mil to offset apportionment reduction Net change in revenue 2010-11 through 2013-14 Base Budget Planning Parameters 2010-11 Budget Update 2011-12 Preliminary Budget Mid-Range Scenario 2012-13 Projected 2013-14 Projected (1,886,000) 45,000 (6,745,500) (8,790,500) 0 0 (150,000) (425,000) (112,500) (450,000) (150,000) 1,300,000 216,000 465,000 100,000 (6,184,000) 1,931,000 Net Increases in Ongoing Expenses Full-time Faculty Position changes (-3, +4, +3) (net of adjunct backfill) Step, Column, Longevity Increases, etc. Classified Positions Medical Plan Rate Increase--15% Management Positions Retiree Benefit Increase PERS Rate Increase STRS Rate Increas Worker's Comp, Unemployment Insurance New Facilities Supplies & Operating, Staff Utilities Net Operating Increases District Contribution- Bus Pass Program Retiree Benefits- New Employees Labor agreements Total Expenditure Increases Budget Reductions Ongoing Shortfall* Bridge Fund Reserve Deficit net of One-time funds *Estimates will change as more information becomes available 45,000 1,097,000 (5,087,000) 112,500 (395,000) 0 (825,000) 0 (66,000) (400,000) 0 (80,000) 0 0 (150,000) 100,000 ? ? (1,703,500) (725,000) ? (50,000) (395,000) ? ? ? (100,000) (200,000) (750,000) ? (100,000) (175,000) ? ? ? (100,000) (225,000) ? ? (2,045,000) ? ? (1,912,500) ? ? ? (6,745,500) (8,790,500) (10,703,000) CABRILLO COLLEGE Budget Development Timeline Draft FY 2011-12 Revised Jan 24, 2011 September 7-8, 2010 September 13, 2010 September 14-15, 2010 September 15-16, 2010 October 4, 2010 October 5-6, 2010 November 1, 2010 November 2-3, 2010 November 15, 2010 November 17, 2010 December 7-8, 2010 ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING - 2010-11 Final Budget - Budget Planning Update For 2011-2014 BOARD MEETING Action Items: - 2010-11 Final Budget Information Items: - Budget Presenation on FY 2010-11 Final Budget - Budget Planning Update for 2011-2014 - Budget Planning Parameters ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/CPC MEETING HEALTH BENEFIT FORUMS BOARD MEETING Information Items: - 2010-11 & 2011-12 Budget Update ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/CPC MEETINGS Information Items: - Budget Reduction Goals (Base, Categorical Budgets & Other funds) - Budget Reduction Process Commitments, Criteria and Strategies - Budget Development Timeline - Budget Reduction Timeline (Base, Categorical Budgets & Other funds) - FTES Projections for FY 2010-11 BOARD MEETING Information Items: - Budget Reduction Goals - Budget Reduction Process Commitments, Criteria and Strategies - Budget Development Timeline - Budget Reduction Timeline (Base, Categorical Budgets & Other funds) ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING - Review Budget Reduction Recommendations (Base, Categorical Budgets & Other funds) BOARD BUDGET STUDY SESSION ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING - Review Budget Reduction Recommendations (Base, Categorical Budgets & Other funds) - Budget Town Hall Meeting ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL/MANAGER'S MEETING/ CPC MEETING CABRILLO COLLEGE Budget Development Timeline Draft FY 2011-12 Revised Jan 24, 2011 January 10, 2011 January, 2011 February 4, 2011 February 7, 2011 February 14, 2011 February/March, 2011 March 7, 2011 April, 2011 April 11, 2011 May 2, 2011 June 13, 2011 2011-12 GOVERNOR'S STATE BUDGET STATE BUDGET WORKSHOP - Budget Town Hall Meetings (10:30-12:00; 2:00-3:30) BOARD MEETING Action Items: - Budget Reduction Process Commitments, Criteria and Strategies Information Items: - Budget Development Timeline - FY 2010-11 Mid Year Report (Projected Ending Balance) - FY 2010-11 and FY 2011-12 Budget Update - Update Budget Parameters FY 2010-11 and FY 2011-12 - Governing Board provides direction on the use of one-time operating reserves Tentative- BOARD BUDGET STUDY SESSION (4:00-6:00) - First Principal Apportionment 2010-11 - Develop 2011-12 Budget Reduction plans- all funds - Negotiations- All Groups BOARD MEETING - Reduction or Discontinuance of Services - Additional staff/service reductions not requiring a March 15 notice may occur at a later date Action Items: - Budget Development Timeline - FY 2010-11 Mid Year Report (Projected Ending Balance) - FY 2010-11 and FY 2011-12 Budget Update - Update Budget Parameters FY 2010-11 and FY 2011-12 Continue to Evaluate/Revise Planning Parameters BOARD MEETING Information Items: - Budget Reduction Recommendations (Base, Categorical Budgets & Other funds) FY 2011-12 May Revise BOARD MEETING Action Items: - Final Notices to Faculty- Reduction or Discontinuance of Services, update on other personnel reductions - Budget Reduction Recommendations (Base, Categorical Budgets & Other funds) FY 2011-12 BOARD MEETING Action Items: - 2011-12 Preliminary Budget