12.3.14 CPC Minutes Committee Name: CPC Date: 12/3/2014 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Facilitators/Location/Chair: SAC 225E Attendees: Guests: Topic, Info/Action Approval of Agenda Action Approval of 11/19/14 Minutes Action Maker’s Factory Partnership Info CPC Members Click here to enter text. Topic Lead Laurel Laurel John Graulty Time on topic 3 Min 3 Min 15 Min Discussion Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link Approved with adding an information item regarding possible partnership with Maker’s Factory. Approved with one addition None Approved with two corrections: FON: couldn’t survive without additional hires Change to 1 math position. Approved with corrections None We’ve been contacted by Maker’s Factory for a possible partnership. Details: Organization that educates private K-12, teachers 3D printers, very cutting edge. Bridges the gap between Art and Stem. Bring infrastructure and equipment. Need to vacate current space at Cruzio by 1/1/15 Interested in space at Cabrillo. Gives us access to approx $100K worth of equipment for. Will have a MOU for staffing, etc. Faculty are in support. Great opportunity, but not a lot of time to make a decision. None 12.3.14 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link Need a classroom or two to continue their educational mission – could potentially bring in revenue. Questions/Comments: Should this first go to the facilities committee? Share space with Welding? What do they think about this? What about a long term relationship? Gary M., is interested. For now would entertain a short term lease until we know more. Would use Classroom 1303. PETL Committee Recommendations Info/Action Vicki Fabbri 20 Min Summary of Information Request: John to put together a draft for facilities committee by Friday. Need a document for CPC on 12/17. Need to run it by Michael Robins as well. Bring back recommendations to Makers. When it comes to CPC, all questions are answered. Will need board approval as well. Background: this committee came out of the strategic plan. Members are comprised from constituent groups. How to bring together with current staff development group. Will be some overlap with PETL. Will have college wide themes. Cabrillo Connects in fall, ‘14, Habits of mind in Spring, ‘15. Committee charge was to: Develop type of committee, charge, frequency, membership and goals. Committee will start in Spring. Questions/Comments: Need to address the lack of PD opportunities for classified and administrators. Add “collaborate “ to the charge. Approved with change. Institutional Effectiveness 12.3.14 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion Need to get more distributed leadership. Most of the representatives were selected by their peers. How are faculty members selected? Recommendations from faculty senate. Do we have reps from basic skills, CTE and transfer? This will go hand in hand with equity plan – which targets basic skills and ESL. Trying to look at this from a college wide perspective. Legislation that was just passed is focusing on professional development. Will the Ad-Hoc group be temporary? Definition is in the governance handbook. Ad-hoc is more of a single charge group, operational group. Role of those committees are critical. PETL will rely on the Ad Hoc to bring recommendations. How will this be publicized? We need to have a marketing plan for all our committees. Perhaps put something together in the Spring. Would like to make sure confidentials have a voice on this committee. The current confidential member expressed no interest in continuing. Welcome new talent. We have a lot of really skilled people; need a leadership succession plan. Once we get the handbook approved, we can develop a marketing plan. IE committee will also be a part of this process. Will the classified staff be able to continue with workshops? Yes, will continue in the spring. Goals – Cabrillo Connects: Habits of Mind will be next year’s theme. Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link 12.3.14 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link Crosswalk with SES/SSSP. Budget allocation is coming from Student Success and Equity. Need to get some committee members together. All need to be put into the RP model. Constituency surveys in the spring. Meritorious award process is going to this committee. Will get a task force together to address opportunities to acknowledge staff and faculty that will come out of PETL. Software: Flex takes many hours currently to manage in paperwork alone. Looking for a software package that can move this forward. Vision is a calendar that tells what is available, flex credit or not, rsvps, etc. Would like to implement sometime next year. Comments: Congratulations to the committee members. Nicely done. Fantastic work. Intersects with many other plans on campus. Concerned that there will be sufficient funding in the future. Part of what we need to do as a college is to figure out where we can leverage funds, instead of asking for more. Need to have a focus. Student Equity Plan Action Dennis 30 Min Goals approved. Draft plan was sent out on 11/24 – content hasn’t changed from then. Questions/Comments: There wasn’t enough instruction input due to the quick timeline to put it together. Need to get more input from students and faculty. Approved Student Equity Plan 12.3.14 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Action Items and Timeline Discussion Primary Effectiveness Link Athletic Trainer Manager Position Info/Action 12/8/14 Board Agenda Info Kathie Laurel 10 Min 10 Min Equity Plan is part of our mandatory reporting timeline. Can we work backward to get input? Need to engage more folks. Guided discussions are needed. This year will be somewhat messy because of the quick deadlines. Laurel offered that CPC could help with college plan timelines and guided questions. Background: previously was a stage manager position. Due to declining revenue in stage we are not recommending a stage manager position because the funding is not there. This is not a “net new” position. 10 years ago Dominican funded this position. For the last 8 years we’ve had this position as an IC – which is not compliant with IRS regulations. Every program plan in this area has put this first and foremost as important. Will also be doing some teaching in sports medicine. Need a 12 month athletic trainer. This is within our budget. Questions/Comments: Why a management position and not a faculty? Faculty will cost us more – we would need to provide tu resources in the summer. Also this is a 12month, 40 hr/week position. Overview of December board agenda. Highlights: New board member and swearing in of members Board organizational meeting Current Board goals extended to 6/30/15 – new goals will be developed in July ’15 to be in line with college goals Approved Institutional Effectiveness Board Goals 12.3.14 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion Decision Making Document Action January CPC dates Action Laurel 20 Min 5 Min Confirm dates for January CPC meetings: 1/7/15 – No – Cancel meeting 1/21/15 - yes Attached for review – there were no comments BP’s/AP’s Info/Action Agenda Building & Summary Takeaway Info Parking Lot: Laurel 10 Min Laurel 5 Min Primary Effectiveness Link Differential funding resolution. Commitment with other CEO’s in region to bring to Brice Harris. Easement litigation item Comments from constituencies – final approval No comments Laurel Action Items and Timeline Approved. Will post the governance handbook on the CPC website. Final approval at 12/17 CPC meeting. Institutional Effectiveness Will continue to bring updates & New BP’s/AP’s throughout the year None Institutional Effectiveness None 12.3.14 CPC Minutes Information Requested 1. To be added during the meeting 2. 3. 4. Meeting Summary or Take Away: 1. To be added during the meeting 2. 3. 4. Effectiveness Links 1. Mission Statement and Core 4 Competencies (Communication, Critical Thinking, Global Awareness, Personal and Professional Responsibility) 2. 8. Student Success Enhance Institutional Effectiveness Board Goals Education Master Plan Facilities Plan Technology Plan Program Plans 9. Student Equity Plan 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.