11.5.14 CPC Minutes Committee Name: CPC Date: 11/5/2014 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Facilitators/Location/Chair: SAC 225E Attendees: Guests: Topic, Info/Action Approval of Agenda Action Approval of 10/15/14 Minutes Action Governance Handbook Info/Action CPC Members Click here to enter text. Topic Lead Laurel Laurel Laurel Time on topic Discussion Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link Approved. Approved None Approved. Approved. None Would like to hear from each representative about having “Authentic Conversations” Conclude what our role is: Confidentials: primary role is to participate in the conversations about planning for the college. Looking forward to hearing the outcomes from the subcommittees. We are a small group; we are grateful for the opportunity to participate. Laurel to bring decision making bullet point statement at next meeting for edits. Institutional Effectiveness 3 Min 3 Min 45 Min Administrators: Guide the overarching conversations and planning in the realm of the instruction area and carry the information back to faculty. Here to serve students. Represent issues in our component area, but also as a VP to share the breadth of knowledge in our area of expertise to the committee. Glad we have 11.5.14 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion passed along some decision making to the committees that report to CPC. Sometimes it is difficult for one group to make all the decisions. As a rep on the committee here as part of a group, but wear two hats. If there is information gleaned from other areas, it is important to pass that along CCEU: still learning what role is – bring a unique perspective as classified. Bring info back to our constituents. Appreciating the information sharing. Would like to see a process that tells outsiders how CPC makes decisions. CCFT: Think about the college as a whole; information gathering – not a place to take positions but to take information as presented to constituencies. Comments: Perhaps it would be good to have an annual orientation for committee members. Would be happy to sit with new members and discuss what decisions were made in the retreat last year. Develop values/principles for decision making Laurel: let’s talk about trust. Is there an expectation that when you come to CPC that things are not trustworthy? Do we trust each other as a group? Comments: Feel that the info shared is trustworthy. Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link 11.5.14 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion Don’t sense any distrust. Some interests have conflicts. Fake authenticity or fake interest? Trust the information. A lot comes up regarding budget. Dialog around resource allocation and how we make those decisions. If people have concerns in this area, they should feel comfortable bringing it up. This isn’t the bargaining table. Sometimes the information that is presented feels like the decision has already been made. Many times we don’t feel that we have input with decision making. We are just an advisory body – it could help when our new committees bring recommendations. Sometimes it feels as if we are forgotten; might not have been intentional, but feel that way none the less. Sometimes it feels like there is a lack of trust; there are different priorities. This is the most open, collaborative CPC I have had the pleasure of watching. Some websites have this information very clearly spelled out, which is very helpful. Laurel: sometimes we’ve been hurtful to each other – not the intent. We need to be able to speak frankly with each other. We could be more clear. Representation: the number one issue that always comes up is communication. Would it be helpful to Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link 11.5.14 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion know who your reps are and where people can get information? Would like to figure out a way to take the pulse of the group when past practices come up to build trust as we go. This group is so important with making sound decisions. Perhaps we embed in our agenda some pulse taking time. Will come up with a decision making bullet statement and bring back to the group for review at next meeting for edits/changes. Then take back to constituency groups and then finalize. Summary: Consider ourselves the higher level institutional review decision making body Believe in collegial responses from stakeholders Prove and agree that communication to and from constituents is part of the work of the group Working with other on process of decision making in the best of the institution is part of our charge Information sharing is a piece of what we do, the experts in the room cull out what is best for the college. Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link 11.5.14 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Values Task Force Info Budget Calendar Info Topic Lead Laurel/ Alta/ Conrad Victoria Time on topic 10 Min 15 Min Action Items and Timeline Discussion Update on Values Task Force: Conrad Looked at terms that have come up most often from Flex activities. Talked about how some of those might go together. Thought about what these terms meant with respect to Cabrillo. Thought about ways of presenting values that will move institution forward. Rich discussion. Provided lots of food for thought. About half way through the list. Cull out what we feel are the top values and how we would put that together. Question/Comment: Respect: how do you present that? Respect as a verb; real not fake. Group is going to come back with overarching topics for discussion. Need to be very thoughtful about what we want on a values statement. Not only what is important to the institution but what we feel as well. Come back in the Spring. This is a new draft template of the budget calendar. Will be talking about faculty hires at the next CPC meeting – will need to go to the December board. Added classified prioritization timeline to the calendar. Will come to CPC as a separate item. Would like to get feedback on the draft calendar. Would like to take it to the board in January. Terrence to ask the IE committee for a draft template for the classified prioritization committee – an effectiveness template. Primary Effectiveness Link Report back in the spring. Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness 11.5.14 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Action Items and Timeline Discussion Primary Effectiveness Link Questions/Comments: Will that be expanded? Keep it as is for one more year. Good news: a little peak of 15-16 budget; expected to be a good budget year. State revenues are up; likely to continue to allocate one time funding. Being cautious with on-going funding. Performance based funding based on SSSP and student equity. Commitment for these to be on-going and to increase. Not clear what the cola will be. Working on STRS and PERS as well. We have back fills that the state is still reconciling from 12-13. That impacts our base going into the next year – a rippling effect. Budget Update – Growth Formula Info Victoria 30 Min Questions/Comments: Any talk about ftes increase? Some discussion about it. Non-credit enhancement will be paid at the same rate in 15-16. State is hesitant to give us funding to help with STRS. Could be in the form of mandate reimbursements. Performance based funding - SSSP & Equity funds – timeline? Funding will be based on measureable outcomes; very clear requirements for that funding. Need to show we are making an impact on target populations. Will be scrutinized. Institutional Effectiveness 11.5.14 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link Draft report at 12/3 CPC meeting Student Equity Plan Growth formula: Factors are basically the same as is for Student Equity, (5) factors. Districts have some control over the Pell students. Each district should receive at least a minimum of 1% of growth and would continue to receive it until we are made whole. Looks like there is a clear link to disadvantaged students, students with an ed plan, etc. 14-15 state revenues are up Will not be bringing any budget updates until January. Student Equity Info Dennis 15 Min Questions/Comments: Should we not do any scenarios on this since we are only likely to get 1%? Yes. This needs to be thought through. The intent is to equalize districts. Met twice this week. Still have one area the committee is working on for consensus. Shared a handout with a list of target populations. Need to come up with overarching goals. PD: would like to focus on the math area. Use some of this money to increase proficiency in math. Pretty close. Great conversations. Staff training is key. Questions/Comments: Difficulty with stipends? Flex credit? If we are asking people to do extra work, they need to be compensated for that. 11.5.14 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action BP’s/AP’s Info/Action Agenda Building & Summary Takeaway Info Topic Lead Laurel Laurel Time on topic Min 5 Min Parking Lot: Information Requested 1. To be added during the meeting 2. 3. Discussion Part of the changing landscape. We can’t continue to process stipends through the foundation. Need to have discussions that are fruitful and legal. Need to concentrate on our best opportunities. When would CPC like PETL to bring a recommendation to CPC? At the 12/3 meeting. Will concentrate this meeting on the PETL recommendation and the Student Equity Plan. CPC will be the reviewing body for all BP’s & AP’s until the PPFT meets in Spring. Next Meeting: Decision making draft - back for edits FON; prioritization Action Items and Timeline Will continue to bring updates & New BP’s/AP’s throughout the year Primary Effectiveness Link Board Goals None 11.5.14 CPC Minutes 4. Meeting Summary or Take Away: 1. To be added during the meeting 2. 3. 4. Effectiveness Links 1. Mission Statement and Core 4 Competencies (Communication, Critical Thinking, Global Awareness, Personal and Professional Responsibility) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Student Success Enhance Institutional Effectiveness Board Goals Education Master Plan Facilities Plan Technology Plan Program Plans Student Equity Plan