May 21, 2014 CPC Accomplishments August 2013 - May 2014


May 21, 2014

CPC Accomplishments August 2013 - May 2014

● September 18, 2013

○ Approved Laurel’s proposal for funding program plans using one time funds

○ Budget training workshop

● October 9, 2013

○ CPC retreat

● October 16, 2013

○ Robust discussion about shared governance, role of CPC, timeline process and communications with constituents

○ Approved 4 contract faculty positions as recommended by VPI Welch for 14-15 fiscal year

○ Survived Accreditation, met with Dr. Shannon at CPC

● November 6, 2013

○ Voted to move forward with phase one of the Master Technology Refresh Plan, funded at approximately $858,000 which could start immediately and continue through spring/summer of 2014.

● November 20, 2013

○ Committee approved 3 new full time faculty hires for Math, Culinary Arts, and

Nursing and 1 replacement position for Political Science

● December 4, 2013

○ Adopted the use of “smart sheets” as a planning management tool for accreditation updates

● January 15, 2014

○ Created an Ad Hoc committee to review the current college committees and report back to the group with the committee’s Consistent Name, Purpose,

Meeting Frequency, Location, Membership and term lengths, and Who is represented.

○ Established a “Policies and Procedures Task Force (PPTF)” to expedite the process of updating all our policies and procedures after their switch to the new

Community College League of California

● February 19, 2014

○ Approved pieces of the Shared Governance Handbook including

■ Mission, Vision, Core 4 Competencies, Accreditation

■ Introduction

■ Responsibility for Governance

● March 5, 2014

○ Approved the Acronym list for the Shared Governance Handbook

● March 19, 2014

○ Established a committee for Institutional Effectiveness

○ Agreed on committees that report to CPC: IE, Facilities, Technology, and

Professional Development

○ Approved proposed changes/updates to sets of APs/BPs

● April 16, 2014

○ Approved the Equity Plan and task force

○ Approved the ACCJC Recommendations

○ Re-approved the Mission Statement

● April/May 2014

○ Completed strategic plan recommendations for Board approval in June

○ Approved renewal of the mission statement for Board approval in June

○ Reviewed and discussed Classified Prioritization process

○ Reviewed and discussed S4C update

○ Overall Continued Accomplishments

■ Reviewed and discussed budget planning documents

■ Reviewed and discussed accreditation planning agendas and recommendation follow up

■ Reviewed and discussed technology plans and approved planning expenditures

■ Reviewed and discussed facilities plans and approved planning expenditures

■ Reviewed and discussed emergency planning activities

■ Held several budget training sessions
