5.06.15 CPC Minutes Committee Name: CPC Date: 5/6/2015 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Facilitators/Location/Chair: SAC 225E Attendees: Guests: Topic, Info/Action Approval of Agenda Action Approval of 4/29/15 Minutes Action Committee Survey Results Info CPC Members Click here to enter text. Topic Lead Laurel Laurel Terrence Time on topic 3 Min Action Items and Timeline Discussion Primary Effectiveness Link Approved. John Govsky proxy for Conrad Scott-Curtis. Approved None Approved. Approved None Terrence presented preliminary summary data – not the final report. Have not had responses from all members. Strengths: Meetings start on time Action items clearly assigned Collegial discussions Needs improvement: Regular attendance o Several respondents are on multiple committees o Issues likely vary by employee group Understanding committee charge Communicating with constituency Committee websites – consistency Recommendations: Create master list of committees and committees members and post on web 1 Institutional Effectiveness 3 Min 10 Min 5.06.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Action Items and Timeline Discussion Primary Effectiveness Link Maintain list of members over time Spell out acronyms and other governance manual updates Websites should have consistent structure to aide users looking for info Questions/Comments: If we are members of multiple committees, can we fill out one form for all? No, need a separate survey for each committee. Need a 2nd deadline date for committee members to respond to the survey; bring back results at another meeting. Would be helpful if there was some consistent structure and help finding info on the website – some are on google sites – how do we deal with that? The governance committees are linked from the CPC website – should be able to get to all from there, even though they have a different look and feel. We are looking into have a link on the Cabrillo main page that will link to committee pages as well. We need to be able to access this information easily. More discussions need to happen about who maintains the websites. Think Thank names from constituency groups Action All 5 Min Each constituency group to submit 3 names for the Think Tank Faculty Senate: Ana Zagorska, Toni Alderson, Joseph Carter plus 2 alternates; Barbara Schultz-Perez and Mark DeSmet Confidentials: Debra Barnett and Sue Torres Classified: Sherida Lincoln and David Gilmore Administrators: Ian Haslam 2 All 5.06.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link Students: Martin Vargas-Vega, Marcus Kelly-Cobos, Austin Yungmeyer and 3 alternates: Essy Barroso-Ramirez, Antonio Minnini and Melissa Jimenez Participatory Governance Committees Info Laurel Brown Act & Participating Governance Committees – Members to think discussion. about this and We had received input from some groups about whether or come back with not our committees should all be Brown Act compliant. ideas. Brown Act committees are groups that are designated by the Legislative Body and performs on behalf of the Legislative Body. Participatory Governance groups report to CPC, which advises the President. They do not report to the Board. We do not have Board Policy that states that our trustees are a part of the participatory governance committee process. If a committee is Brown Act compliant, they must do the following things: Post agenda 72 hrs in advance 30 Min Have an agenda item for public comment Post minutes and other documents – make available to the public Particulars that have to do with serial meetings We need to decide if we want some/all of our committees to be Brown Act compliant. Operational committees are typically not legislative bodies. This would prohibit adding agenda items at the last minute, meetings would be more formal – would not have open dialogue like we do now. Questions/Comments: What was the intent of the original request? Seems like this would be more restrictive – what are the positives of being a brown act committee? 3 Institutional Effectiveness 5.06.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion Original request came mostly from the Student Senate. Some students felt their voices weren’t heard and wanted additional committee membership, but we have not seen anything in writing stating this. Many members of last year’s student senate have left. The main reason for the request was for students to have enough time to review the documents. Very helpful to have the materials 72 hours in advance. Meaningful representation from students on committees is helpful – we should look at that. Feel that every committee should have a public comment section. Should share information readily. Does it have to be all or nothing? Good to follow best practices, but do not have to follow Brown Act completely. We don’t have to have an info item first followed by action. We have tried to be collegial with our action items. Some operational committees have emergency items that need to be addressed immediately – we don’t always have the time to follow best practice. Don’t want to put too much restriction on ourselves. Committee members have expertise, we should feel we follow their advice. How about posting action items with a recommendation? That might speed up our meetings. Don’t feel that that would be appropriate for this type of meeting. Summary: Look at the committee list and update. Gel on this topic for a while and come back. 4 Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link 5.06.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Bond Discussion Info Topic Lead Laurel Time on topic 30 Min Discussion Action Items and Timeline Need to inform the board regarding our facilities issues and Bring resolution to ask for a response. Thought about asking for a bond in 2012 – June Board had a task force and was decided that it was not the right meeting to initiate time. Re-think this for 2016. Could be issues with polling. bargaining/negotiations. Would like to hear from the group if there are those kinds of issues. Don’t want to go to the board until we get buy in from CPC. TCO: Many of our facilities are 30+ years old. State has not kept up with maintenance dollars. Square footage has increased dramatically. Will need to spend approx. $5M to keep our facilities operating. Only have one item in the state que. Need to deal with the drought. Questions/Comments: Will have a TCO study session in June. Not completely convinced that a bond is the right thing to do. Feel that a bond wouldn’t pass? Or that there would be down sides to that? Feel that this community is over-bonded. Bonds usually go out every 10-12 years. We might have asked for too little in the past. Could be a hard sell. Community might feel that we’ve given them too much bad news and might not be supportive. Cabrillo is one of the top employers in the county – we help employ people. Would like to ask for just enough to keep our buildings maintained and compliant. We have $5M per year in maintenance costs now. If we don’t maintain, those costs will increase as we move forward. 5 Primary Effectiveness Link Institutional Effectiveness 5.06.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion We’ve had 5 bonds since 1962. Having a business plan that will help generate revenue could help sell the bond. We could decide to do a polling. This would give us a sense of what is feasible. Put our facilities into our long term planning. Throw in water conservation/solar to sell the plan? Economy is booming, timing is right for this conversation. Difficult to plan when you don’t know what’s going to happen. Message to the community needs to be very clear. Would like to have a better center for students. Feel that community members that have paid for this previously might not support this. Might not be a popular vote right now – especially in Scotts Valley/San Lorenzo Valley. Ball park costs for polling is approx. $35K. Foundation could pick up this cost – has in the past. Polling is very accurate and gives a lot of good information. It will take a lot of time and energy from the college if we decide to move forward. Would be good to survey the faculty first - good to know what they feel before we go down that road. We don’t have a funding source for maintenance – we get scheduled maintenance money every 5 years. We have limited choices. Our updated FMP draft plan will be received next week – will provide feedback to CPC and bring to the board in June. 6 Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link 5.06.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Strategic Plan Goal 3.4 Info/Brainstorming 14-15 Ending Balance Info Topic Lead Laurel Victoria Time on topic 15 Min 15 Min Discussion Integrate student equity and basic skills planning to create opportunities for marginalized populations Currently have 3 groups that are working slightly differently along these lines. Hope that there is a way to integrate the planning on a more structured basis. Thoughts: Value in combining the efforts and minds in one place – but who will own it? Some of the needs in equity are not basic skills needs, etc. Does SSSP belong in the integration conversation? Yes. Big picture: Basic skills is part of equity. Some structure would be good as far as integration, as well as professional development. Some of these are new initiatives and are just getting off the ground. We’ve been doing a good job getting people focused on goals. Those of us who are not involved in either committee could use more information on what is happening. Suggestion: Have the chairs of these groups review the CCSF model to see if it would be feasible for us to model. Helpful to have a response to the board as well. Dennis will bring this group together. Hopeful that all of our energy and passion will continue to be centered around our efforts to students. Good idea to look at alternative funding sources. Presented Ending Fund balance slides. Includes restricted and unrestricted funds. Projecting an ending balance in 14-15 with approx $16.4M – a bit of an increase over 13-14. CTE Enhancement funds are a part of this, $4M; we will start to disperse this money shortly; we will receive another $6M from this grant. 7 Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link Dennis will get a group of committee chairs and others together to review the CCSF model. Strategic Plan Additional information to be provided regarding onetime monies at or before next meeting date. Institutional Effectiveness 5.06.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Action Items and Timeline Discussion Primary Effectiveness Link Why do we need to include the CTE enhancement fund in our budget? We are the fiscal agent, so it flows through our books. It is a pass through, our allocation is very small. We receive some indirect money for staff time to monitor the funds. Question about the balance in carry over one-time money: Is it because people are not spending it? Holding it for one large project? Combination of all. Some are from program plans that haven’t been spent. Also have the operating reserves that reside in that category. Could see some one-time funds coming in from the state to backfill some of the deficit factor. Unrestricted general fund undesignated: Is this the only “free” money to use however we want? It is one time money that hasn’t been allocated. Weren’t able to finish this item as we ran out of time. Alex asked for the following information to be provided at another meeting: 1) Additional slide that breaks down the major categories of the One Time/Carryover fund? 2) To the original slide could we add the projection from each year (historical) matched against the actual? Agenda Building & Summary Takeaway Info Laurel 15 Min Victoria/Graciano to provide additional information to members at or before next meeting. Items for 5/20 meeting: Technology Plan Facilities Plan EMP & FMP update Committee goal updates CPC & Strategic Plan 14-15 accomplishments 8 None 5.06.15 CPC Minutes Parking Lot: Information Requested 1. To be added during the meeting 2. 3. 4. Meeting Summary or Take Away: 1. To be added during the meeting 2. 3. 4. Effectiveness Links 1. Mission Statement and Core 4 Competencies (Communication, Critical Thinking, Global Awareness, Personal and Professional Responsibility) 2. 5. Student Success Enhance Institutional Effectiveness Board Goals Education Master Plan 6. Facilities Plan 7. Technology Plan Program Plans Student Equity Plan 3. 4. 8. 9. 9