Cabrillo College 2015-16 Budget Development Calendar Approved by the Board of Trustees: June 8, 2015 Event August 2014 20 September 2014 8 17 October 2014 1 6 November 2014 5 19 26 SeptemberNovember December 2014 8 Review 2014-15 Budget Planning Assumptions Responsible Party CPC Approve 2014-15 Final Budget Planning Parameters and Budget Review: FTES Reserve Technology Refresh Project for One-Time Budgeted State Instructional Equipment Lottery and Carryover Funds Approve (Action Item): 2014-15 One Time Budget Allocations to fund Program/Strategic Planning priorities Transfer FTES Reserve Balance to Operating Reserve Board of Trustees Review Classified Prioritization Allocations for Non-General Fund programs Approve (Action Items) Classified Prioritization Allocations for Non-General Fund Programs Transfer FTES Reserve Balance to Operating Reserve 2014-15 One Time Budget Allocations to fund Program/Strategic Planning priorities CPC Review Draft 2015-16 Budget Timeline Classified Prioritization Committee Reports to CPC on evaluation process Review faculty prioritization results; discussion of counseling categorical positions Administrative Council Meeting Faculty Prioritization Process Determine FON requirements for fall 2015 Approve Academic Staffing (Action Item) CPC Board of Trustees CPC CPC Faculty Senate CPC Board of Trustees O:\Administrative Services\VP Administrative Services\2015-16 Budget Planning\2015-16 Preliminary Budget\2015-16 Budget Development Timeline.docx Page 1 of 3 January 2015 9 14 15 February 2015 2 11 18 25 March 2015 4 4 & 18 March-June April 2015 13 15 29 May 2015 14 Event Responsible Party 2015-16 Governor’s January Budget Released January Budget Workshop-Sacramento 2014-15 First Period (P-1) Apportionment Attendance Report Due CPC email update Managers Enrollment Education: Pam Deegan, speaker Budget Planning Strategic Plan Review/Fund Balance Review Administrative Council Meeting CP CPC CPC First Principal 2014-15 Apportionment and 2013-14 Recalculation Managers meeting 2015-17 College Restructure Process presentation and Discussion Negotiations—All Groups Board Information Item: 2015-16 Budget Planning Parameters and Assumptions Preliminary Review of Allocation of OneTime Operating Reserves College 2015-17 Restructuring Process— review from constituency groups Component Questions—review draft questions 2014-15 Second Period (P-2) Apportionment Attendance Report Due Presentation to CPC: Overview 2015-16 budget changes to date Review updated 2015-16 Budget Calendar Review Budget Reduction Spreadsheet— changes will be incorporated into 2015-16 preliminary budget as appropriate A&R CPC VPAS VPAS/ Board of Trustees A&R CPC Governor’s May Revise for 2015-16 Released 6 Review estimate of 2015-16 ending Fund Balance 20 CPC Meeting 27 Administrative Council Meeting CPC O:\Administrative Services\VP Administrative Services\2015-16 Budget Planning\2015-16 Preliminary Budget\2015-16 Budget Development Timeline.docx Page 2 of 3 June 2015 3 8 24 July 15, 2015 July-August August 2015 3 19 26 September 2015 14 Event Second Principal Apportionment 2014-15 received Budget Update- Review funding implications of Governor’s May Revise Review updated Budget Planning Parameters and Assumptions based on the May Revise Allocation of One-Time Operating Reserves to bridge deficit Board Action Items: 2015-16 Preliminary Budget Approve updated Budget Planning Parameters and Assumptions based on the May Revise Allocation of One-Time Operating Reserves Administrative Council Meeting 2014-15 Annual Apportionment Attendance Report Due Responsible Party CPC VPAS/ Board of Trustees A&R Component Restructure plans and reduction spreadsheets emailed to and/or reviewed by CPC. Reductions incorporated into 2015-16 Final Budget as appropriate CPC Approve (Action item): Approve updated Budget Planning Parameters and Assumptions based on the 2015-16 state approved budget Allocation of One-Time Operating Reserves to bridge deficit CPC Meeting Administrative Council Meeting Board of Trustees Approve (Action Item): 2015-16 Final Budget Board of Trustees O:\Administrative Services\VP Administrative Services\2015-16 Budget Planning\2015-16 Preliminary Budget\2015-16 Budget Development Timeline.docx Page 3 of 3 College-wide Restructure Plan Student Services CPC 4-29-15 50% LAW COMPLIANCE CRITERIA Budget Reduction Phase I eliminate position eliminate position eliminate position Position Control No. PCN 820501 PCN 820501 PCN 813118 DATATEL ACCOUNT NO. 11-0-8205-6200-521200-000 11-0-8205-6460-521200-000 11-0-8131-6460-521200-000 DESCRIPTION IMPACT FTE SAVINGS CLASSROOM NON-CLASSROOM Director Enroll Svcs Director Enroll Svcs This will eliminate one manager from Student Services and reverse bringing A&R and financial aid closer together. The two offices will have to work harder to maintain working relationships see above 0.50 0.50 $ $ 84,126 84,127 X X Asst Dir Fin Aid Will eliminate an asst. director of FA position. They traditationlly have only had one management position. We will return to an organization structure that exisited 4 years ago. 1.00 $ 115,333 X 1.00 $ 103,083 X 1.00 1.00 $ $ (121,071) (121,071) X X eliminate position PCN 821016 11-0-8210-6200-521200-000 Asst Dir A&R reinstate position reinstate position PCN 813104 PCN 821010 11-0-8131-6460-521200-000 11-0-8210-6200-521200-000 Director Fin Aid Director A & R Will eliminate an asst. director of A&R. A&R has traditionally had this position. The office has shrunk over the last few years, there is less need for two manager, especially as we move to a Welcome Center model and reorganize other operation that traditionally lie within A&R Returns to a organizational structure we had 4 years ago and gives Financial aid a higher profile on campus. reallocate funding 100% off GF PCN 831015 11-0-8310-6310-512500-100 Counseling Leverages SSSP funds and reduces General fund commitment 0.75 $ 71,033 X reallocate funding 100% off GF PCN 831003 11-0-8310-6310-512500-100 Counseling Leverages SSSP funds and reduces General fund commitment 0.75 $ 71,033 X reallocate funding 100% off GF PCN 831004 11-0-8310-6310-512500-100 Counseling Leverages SSSP funds and reduces General fund commitment 0.75 $ 71,033 X eliminate to adjunct PCN 831021 11-0-8310-6310-512500-100 Counseling $ 75,768 X Adjunct replacement Costs PCN 831021 Adjunct TU Budget-add 24 units Counseling Leverages SSSP funds and reduces General fund commitment 0.80 Backfill for a retirement. What was a mostly GF position is now adjunct. Reduces flexibility and how we can respond to the requirements of the SSSP. Counseling will request a full-time position in the faculty prioritization process in fall 2015. NA $ (56,064) $ 377,330 EXEMPT Description All counselors may have a classroom component. Not sure Non-classroom X is completely accurate for counselors. X Budget Reduction Phase II Budget Reduction Phase III Total Savings/(Additional Cost) S:\President_Cabinet\CPC\CPC 2015\04.29.15 CPC\Copy of 042915 Budget Reduction Template 2015-16 PrelimStudent Services 1 of 1 CPC Membership Change Notification Please submit this document to the President’s Office whenever there is a change in membership Today’s Date: Name: Representing: Person Replacing: Email address: Term: