4.15.15 CPC Minutes Committee Name: CPC Date: 4/15/2015 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Facilitators/Location/Chair: SAC 225E Attendees: Guests: Topic, Info/Action Approval of Agenda Action Approval of 3/18/15 Minutes Action College Restructure Plan Info/Action CPC Members Click here to enter text. Topic Lead Laurel Laurel Cabinet Team Time on topic 3 Min Discussion Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link Approved. Isabel O’Connor proxy for Kathie Welch John Govsky proxy for Barbara Schultz-Perez Approved None Approved. Approved None Reviewed comments from constituency groups Classified comments: Clarify that the percent reductions are from the general fund. Suggest: “reductions of 2%, 5% and 7%”. Replace 2nd sentence with “Leveraging of non-general fund programs may be considered as part of our restructure process.” What technology will be used? Wanted to leave it open, gives us some options. Suggested changing sentence to read: “Survey’s forums and alternate technology deliveries” Clarify “deemed necessary by the component”. Suggest: “compiled by the component councils” Faculty Senate comments: Would like to have some experienced reps as well as new folks. Approved with edits Institutional Effectiveness 3 Min 40 Min 1 4.15.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Think Tank Action/Info Topic Lead Laurel Time on topic Discussion Regarding representation on Think Tank: Intent was to try to get new people involved in the process. Suggested edit: “The President and respective constituent representatives to the CPC will agree upon those chosen to serve on the think thank”. Agreed to scratch this edit. Laurel also recommended including new faces as part of the representation. “Don’t take things personally” – both groups had a problem with this statement. Agreed to use: “Maintain an all college perspective, focus on function” No comments from the other groups. Approved with above edits. Comments on Think Tank document: Clarify membership numbers. Include full names for subject matter experts. Faculty Senate: Would like more participation from both CCFT and Senate, but not make it a huge committee – perhaps 4 members. Have the largest group on campus representing a large amount of content areas – would like to feel we are heard. Proportional representation. Confidentials: Have a primary and alternate rep in case one is not available. Student Senate: Maximum of 4 for each group – 21 people plus SME’s? Not opposed to a max cap, but 4 seems a bit high. The group needs to be efficient. Classified: Happy medium to have 3 with 2 main and 1 alternate. Should be a small group that brings forth the questions – not a numbers game. Would not like this to be centered around one group CCFT: Originally we had 3-4 and then changed to 1-2, what was the rationale behind this? Political process campus wide. 2 Action Items and Timeline Each group to have 3 reps with one alternate Primary Effectiveness Link 4.15.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Component Questions Info Values Statements Info/Action Topic Lead Cabinet Team Laurel Time on topic 20 Min Action Items and Timeline Discussion Concern that the process will be held up if everyone is not there. Need to be realistic. Using alternates is a good plan. The purpose of the think tank group is to come up with questions not recommendations. Outcome: each group have 3 reps with one alternate. Reviewed draft questions – only to spark discussion – examples for component councils and think tanks. Review draft values statement. Decide on process for vetting. These 5 words were those that rose to the top from the All College Day exercise. The Values Task Force has been working on this document for a year. Do we want to include equity or remove? Questions/Comments: Equity definition is different than what the state has given us. Equity is above and beyond what the student equity committee is about. Message should be “we are here for everyone”. Could go back to “diversity”. Include the word “diversity” somewhere. 20 Min The word “diverse” is a tag line – if you say you are diverse, you most probably are not. Could include in Learning: college’s community of “diverse” learners. Action: Ask Student Equity Committee to look at our definition and provide feedback. If we vet in the fall, we have time to get this definition clarified. Would like to have it complete and ready for publish in Spring ’16. Process for vetting: Forum option for feedback Suggestion Box option: Place them up in random locations and have people comment. 3 Primary Effectiveness Link Committee given example page Institutional Effectiveness Mission Statement Core 4 4.15.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Re-organization of Enrollment Services Info Topic Lead Dennis Time on topic 10 min Action Items and Timeline Discussion Use technology – survey model. Bring to constituency groups for feedback and then back to the values task force to review. Question regarding equity statement and equity processes occurring on campus. Dennis presented a reorganization of Enrollment Services due to the fact that Tama Bolton, Director of Enrollment Services is retiring, her last day is 6/30/15. Proposed to go back to an organizational structure the college had several years ago. Current Organizational Structure: Director of Enrollment Services Assistant Director of Financial Aid Assistant Director of Admissions and Records Proposed: Director of Financial aid Director of Admissions and Records Eliminate Dir, Enroll. Ser. & both Assist Dir. positions Go from 3 management positions – to two, save approx $100K per year. Questions/Comments: Do the current staff feel this is a good model for the department? Yes, have met with the departments. A&R has shrunk with technology increases and other new technology solutions will increase efficiencies in the department. Financial aid is now paperless. These reductions will be part of the 2, 5, 7% target. Will this affect staffing? Increase in staffing down the line? No Don’t want to lose synergy that we had by combining the two departments. Have new positions been created using Student Equity funds? 4 Primary Effectiveness Link Institutional Effectiveness 4.15.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link We added a Systems Support Coordinator position using SSSP funds, but doesn’t impact these departments. There has been cross training between the managers – will that continue to happen? Yes and both will report to VP Student Services. Will need to change the title of the department from Enrollment services to A&R and Financial Aid. That decision will be made as we move along. Student Senate: Questioned why the Facilities Committee included an agenda item to move student government out of SAC East building and into building 900. Response: The Facilities Committee had this as a “tba” item and asked for feedback. CPC members questioned the relevancy of this comment at this meeting. Determined this was not relevant to the topic at hand. Strategic Plan Goals Action Terrence 10 Min Terrence reviewed what was accomplished in 14-15, what is new for 15-16 and what is carried over from 14-15 to 15-16. 1.1. Create and implement a Professional Development Shared Governance Committee with a reporting relationship to College Planning Council (CPC) (current Flex and other training to be considered through subcommittees, which report to this committee) [14-15 carry over] 1.1.1 Create, implement and evaluate a professional development plan for all employee campus constituencies including cross training and change management Evaluate the visioning workshop priorities to determine an annual plan for each year through 2019 5 Approved Strategic Plan 4.15.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion Provide incentives for employees to become involved such as the employee meritorious award process 1.2 Review and improve current Professional Development websites 1.4 Update job expectations and skills for all employees to support equity and success 2.1 Identify and prepare for anticipated growth areas to address student needs [14-15 carry over] 2.3 Consider acceleration or other transformational changes for our basic skills programs to more quickly prepare students for transfer and completion of certificates and degrees (2.2, 2.8) [1415 carry over] 2.4 Provide for the growth of distance education courses and sections as determined by student demand [14-15 carry over] 2.5 Support efforts to articulate pathways from K-12s through Cabrillo to universities and employment (see Professional Engagement and Transformational Learning (PETL) committee goals) [14-15 carry over] 2.5.1 Enhance assessment to support more accurate placement of incoming students [14-15 priority] 2.5.2 Improve orientation and education planning for students (5.5) [14-15 priority] 2.5.3 Structure and schedule program offerings to maximize student completion of their educational goals [14-15 priority] 2.8 Increase and centralize tutorial services and supplemental instruction (2.3) (note consolidation into HUB) 3.2 Enhance partnerships with community businesses to develop internships [14-15 carry over] 3.4 Integrate student equity and basic skills planning to create opportunities for marginalized populations 6 Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link 4.15.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion 3.5 Create marketing plan that promotes Cabrillo as a comprehensive college to educate our community, K-12, and parents about all Cabrillo offers and does (2.5, 3.1) (completed and ongoing) [14-15 carry over] 3.7 Find a sustainable alternative to the traditional lifelong learning program (in progress and ongoing) [14-15 carry over] 3.8 Continue to provide the community with arts, entertainment, and educational opportunities 3.9 Enhance opportunities for regular community input 3.10 Seek innovative partnerships and opportunities with businesses, K-12s, and universities 4.1 Provide students with state of the art technology that supports learning and positive outcomes [14-15 carry over] 4.2 Provide employees with technology, services and related education to support a successful college environment [14-15 carry over] 4.2.1 Complete smart classroom implementation [14-15 carry over] 4.3 Work on partnerships with community resources for donations or equipment designed to meet program goals (3.1) [14-15 priority] 4.4 Consider and implement responses to Total Cost of Ownership Report [14-15 priority] 4.6 Complete expenditures of bond funds [14-15 priority] 4.7 Update campus signage [14-15 priority] 4.11 Improve students’ ability to access registration and account information (e.g. student portal) 4.15 Develop technology to enhance community partnerships (3.1) (in progress) [14-15 priority] 4.18 Create opportunities for innovation within the framework of a sustainable budget 7 Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link 4.15.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Action Items and Timeline Discussion Primary Effectiveness Link 4.20 Standardize processes for resource requests based on program planning (in progress) [14-15 carry over] 5.1 Meet and comply with accreditation standards (in progress, planning agenda and recommendations) [14-15 carry over] 5.4 Complete mandatory reporting accurately and on time 5.5 Continue implementation of Student Success Act and Task Force requirements and recommendations (in progress) [14-15 carry over] IE Indicators Info Terrenc e 10 Min Approved New mandates from the state: This document needs to be submitted by 6/15/15. Need to set goals for 4 out of the 18 indicators. Next year we will need to set goals for all 18. Required Goals: 1) Fund Balance: recommend 20% (average over 5 years is 22%) 2) Audit findings: No 3) Successful course completion: meet or exceed our prior 5 year average – be relatively steady with a slow increase; recommend 73% short term and 77% long term. 4) Accreditation status: FAN – fully accredited, no action Questions/Comments: Can have a more robust dialogue at another CPC meeting, with opportunity to get more input from Business office. Will bring back in the fall. Chancellor’s office has told us we are not held accountable if we don’t meet these initial goals. There are a lot of inconsistencies with this data. Need to get feedback to the Chancellor’s office about how this impedes the college. 20% fund balance seems high, with our current ftes decline, maybe 10% seems better. 8 Institutional Effectiveness 4.15.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Action Items and Timeline Discussion Primary Effectiveness Link Next CPC Meeting Date Action College Mandated Timelines Info Agenda Building & Summary Take-away Info Laurel Laurel Laurel 5 Min This information is coming to us very late – nobody is happy with this. We don’t have a lot of time to respond. Feel more comfortable rather than just a general understanding that this is just a stop gap and not a basis to site precedence. Consider that the IE committee has made a recommendation and follow through The legislative numbers were requested for an upcoming trip to Sacramento by Faculty. Laurel will get that info to John Govsky. Need another April CPC meeting: 4/29 May meeting date: 5/6 June meeting dates: 6/3, 6/17 Electronic process for restructure process on 6/17 July and August? - TBA Didn’t get to this topic – next meeting Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness None 10 Min 5 Min Next CPC TBD, initial IE committee results for discussion John Govsky brought up that the Cabrillo website isn’t very user friendly. Information is not consistent. Some committees are using google docs for example. Laurel asked John to send an email to Spring & IT committee, with this concern. She will follow up with Spring. Victoria commented that there is a need for intranets – we need to address this. Parking Lot: 9 4.15.15 CPC Minutes Information Requested 1. To be added during the meeting 2. 3. 4. Meeting Summary or Take Away: 1. To be added during the meeting 2. 3. 4. Effectiveness Links 1. Mission Statement and Core 4 Competencies (Communication, Critical Thinking, Global Awareness, Personal and Professional Responsibility) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Student Success Enhance Institutional Effectiveness Board Goals Education Master Plan Facilities Plan Technology Plan Program Plans Student Equity Plan 10