3.18.15 CPC Minutes Committee Name: CPC Date: 3/18/2015 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Facilitators/Location/Chair: SAC 225E Attendees: Guests: Topic, Info/Action Public Comment College Restructure Process Info/Action CPC Members Click here to enter text. Topic Lead Colton Willey Kathie & Cabinet Time on topic 3 min 2 Hrs Discussion Student Senate has issues regarding committee participation. Commend faculty senate and CCEU, they have been very cooperative. Concerned regarding new process to place student reps on committees. Would ask administration to take another look at the process. Administration has rejected student reps on certain committees. There is a Student senate meeting tomorrow. Everyone received an email today regarding student issues. Keep in mind the source of the email and whose budget will be impacted by the proposed changes by the student senate. Highlighted changes in the document. Added new paragraphs in Goals, Approach and Ground Rules. Comments/Questions: Cross component representation is good. Communication facilitation – might be gaps. Make sure info gets out to all constituencies. Ideas are welcome. Need to look holistically. Reported out via CPC is important Intranet is important as well $2M cut is about 4% - target of 5% is pretty close – is there any flexibility? Maybe the growth formula might not be as bad as we thought. Some components might have to take more of a reduction than others. Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link Revised draft to CPC members by 3/20/14. Will post on CPC website. Members to bring to constituencies for comments. Back for review at 4/15 meeting. Institutional Effectiveness 1 3.18.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link Will prioritize within our components. Cabinet will prioritize and bring back recommendation to CPC. In the past we’ve had targets of 5, 10, 15 and 20%. Bubbled up from the departments, then through the councils, then college wide. The percentage point was just a starting point. Will CPC provide oversight of the restructure pros and cons? Hard to imagine pro’s. Seems not as accurate as we want to make it. Is this the only role the CPC has? Do we discuss the impacts? Pros and cons came out of an understanding that not everything is going to be a reduction. We can do things better where it’s appropriate. Intent in terms of oversight is there is a group who are going to read those thoroughly – someone is looking at the whole picture. Intent is to be inclusive. “Impact” can be positive and negative as well. Final approve resides with the President – written response? What is the president responding to? Responding to the recommendations. Looking at the bottom line and pros and cons – want to have a written document that explains rationale. 5% starting now? Each component area is supposed to have an open dialogue, submit recommendations to the component council. When do the specialist come in and inform? When does it come to CPC? Dual process – components are having discussions and think tank experts are deep diving at the same time. Recommendation that comes forward to President makes sure that I do my due diligence as well. Make a decision on your expertise as well. Will all bubble up at the same time? Get started on the dialogue now because over the summer it will be hard to get representation. Look at component questions – should be able to answer some questions via technology now. 2 3.18.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link Timeline? Need to have reductions in place by the fiscal year 2016. What role does CPC play? Quarterly updates will be provided to CPC. CPC is the recommending body. We can note this in the process document. Maybe have a CPC responsibilities section. Those with categorical budgets – do we have conversations with all programs? Get info from business office? Student services has already moved 3 counselors off gen fund– part of our recommendation. Have a form that will allow you to state what you have already accomplished. How far back can we go? Based on our preliminary planning assumptions that we brought to CPC in Feb which had our deficit number. Things are changing all the time. Looking at 5% criteria for components – Student services has a lot of money coming in from categoricals. How do we reconcile cutting when we have the funds in categoricals? Leverage categoricals to save money in the general fund. Components will look at their entire program Is the 2/11 planning assumptions document the law? If July 2016 is the target date, when will we know what kinds of SSSP funding we can leverage for that year? No, this document is just a snapshot. Until we get the May revise and the budget for next year, we won’t know. Have been told that SSSP is on-going money. Maybe look at this as an “infusion”; never know what a new governor or legislature will fund. Have to meet the requirements, we’ve put an infrastructure in place to support this legislation. What do we leave with today? Take the process to your constituents. Reconvene on 4/8? 3 3.18.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link President will make changes coming from the group. Make CPC responsibilities clear and consensus on our scenarios - best, mid and worst. Feel this is an ftes driven reduction – do all components drive ftes in equal ways? Makes a good point for best, mid and worst case scenarios. Don’t want to have a process that is different for different groups. Don’t mind flexibilities. Agree that the process needs to be the same – is the reduction uniform across all components? Have flexibility at the component level? Way it has worked in the past: Each dept puts forward reductions. Component council prioritizes reductions. Make not be equal across all depts. Having those discussions at CPC is key. 5% reduction including non-general fund. If you are funded by both gen fund and categoricals is the target 5% of all? Categoricals/restricted funds might not be reduced but could be restructured. Need a consensus if we using going best, mid, worst. 2%, 4%, 6%? Suggest: 2%, 5%, 7% – Three tiered approach. Need a clear understanding of how we have that conversation. We will note changes and send out to constituencies. Non general fund piece – other part of discussion – some nongeneral fund programs have an impact on general fund. Everything is inter-related on campus. What about the think tank teams? They went down in size. Trust the process. Have had a few names submitted. Constituencies need to have names submitted. Are there money’s that are off table that can contribute to $2M? For example bond money. No, can’t touch bond money – it’s gone. Otherwise we will look at everything. 4 3.18.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link In tu allocation meeting was are constantly reducing tus. But we have growing programs that generate more tus. All about alignment and efficiencies. Finding alternative funding sources is critical. Feels like we haven’t quite brainstormed the think tank. Point of the think tanks is to reduce spending and look cross componently. Doom & gloom activity. Think tanks for revenue generation? Something positive. Take to constituency groups. Think tanks are a good way to get to the information. Opportunity to be as informative as we can with one another. Messaging piece is very important. Summary: 1) Consensus that we would be more descriptive about CPC role. 2) Ultimately it’s gen fund money. 3) Going with a tiered system: include percentages of 2%, 5% & 7%. 4) Leave “other” open so folks can talk in their constituency groups. 5) Revised draft of restructure document to CPC from Laurel for comments by Fri, 3/20. Post on CPC website with a link. 6) Have constituency groups review electronically and send questions forward. Get feedback by 4/8. Each constituency group to use a different color for feedback. 7) No meeting on 4/8, get feedback so we are prepared for 4/15. 5 3.18.15 CPC Minutes Topic, Info/Action Approval of 12/17/14, 2/11/15, 2/18/15 and 3/4/15 Minutes Action BP’s/AP’s Info/Action Agenda Building & Summary Takeaway Info Topic Lead Laurel Laurel Laurel Time on topic 3 Min Discussion Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link 12/17/14 approved 2/11/15 approved 2/18/15: Change to read “fraction of undesignated reserves to bonuses” 3/4/15 approved Suggested to remove individual names and use a bulleted summary. One member suggested to use constituency groups instead of names. Approved with changes None February documents reviewed and approved. Approved Board Goals Next meeting: Bring draft values statements. Need a recommended process for vetting. Thanks to Conrad, Martin and Alta for being on the Task Force. Recommend putting the draft on the 4/15 agenda for review, then take out to the college; need recommendation on what the process will look like. Next meeting: Next year strategic goals put forward by Terrence for a draft review Talk about committee representation as part of CPC committee review. None 10 Min 5 Min Parking Lot: Information Requested 6 3.18.15 CPC Minutes 1. To be added during the meeting 2. 3. 4. Meeting Summary or Take Away: 1. To be added during the meeting 2. Discussion of additional meetings: No April 8th meeting, would like an additional April 29th meeting. 3. 4. Effectiveness Links 1. Mission Statement and Core 4 Competencies (Communication, Critical Thinking, Global Awareness, Personal and Professional Responsibility) 2. 8. Student Success Enhance Institutional Effectiveness Board Goals Education Master Plan Facilities Plan Technology Plan Program Plans 9. Student Equity Plan 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7