3/4/15 CPC minutes Committee Name: CPC Date: 3/4/2015 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Facilitators/Location/Chair: SAC 225E Attendees: Guests: Topic, Info/Action College Restructure Process Info CPC Members Click here to enter text. Topic Lead Kathie & Cabinet Time on topic 2Hrs Discussion Kathie provided an overview of the Restructure document. Questions/Comments from council members: Alta: Will area experts inform the think tank? Kathie: Yes, think tank will do a deep dive into things the components may miss. Alta: Nothing is off the table? Kathie: Yes, correct. Barbara: Page 2, Goals, what does blended formula mean? Victoria: Component for ftes, component for funding colleges that are above 10000 and a component for the Watsonville center; must maintain 1000. All that combined is approx $55M. Barbara: Page 3, component councils? How does the check mark relate to #3? Recommendations going to the business office? Are decisions made in the councils? When will CPC review? Kathie: CPC will review on a quarterly basis – there might be times when there is nothing to review. Dennis: Councils will submit recommendations to business office and then to CPC. Barbara: When does public comment happen? Kathie: We haven’t decided that yet. We need to develop a timeline. Probably toward the end of the process. Action Items and Timeline Cabinet team to review/edit and reframe document. Bring back to next CPC meeting. Primary Effectiveness Link Institutional Effectiveness 1 3/4/15 CPC minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link Victoria: We don’t want to hold items if they can be brought forward, we would like to do that timely. We also want to get broader feedback. Once we start, we will keep going until we meet the target. Barbara: Will the public forum take place before the reductions take place or after? Dennis: Yes, but may need to be flexible since it is a moving target. Might be a small forum, just in counsels or college wide. Conrad: Having disconnect with terminology. Should SME’s include general pedagogical experts? Components sometimes feel that their voices get lost. Disconnect between who is doing what work when the wheels hit the road. Kathie: SME are those that can provide information and answer questions. Sarah: When will think tank come into play? Are they informing areas or just reviewing? Kathie: When the process is approved Terrence will bring his team together. Dennis: Idea is to have others who can open our thinking and get us out of the box. Colton: is the think tank interacting with components or CPC? Kathie: Happens in both places. Alex: Approach - each component area provided targets? Where are they coming from? Instruction is the biggest piece of the budget, do they have the most to cut? Victoria: In the past we have used a measurement tool to determine the target. We will look at all ways to get to $2M. Alex: Where are the targets coming from? What is the target for each component? Student services receives a lot of funding – how will this 2 3/4/15 CPC minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link work? How about we get the process going before we determine targets? Ian: It’s too early to tell. Need to look at all areas. Dennis: If we don’t give targets ahead of time, no one will come up with any. Victoria: We’ve used a few different approaches in the past. If we don’t have a percentage what methodology do we use? We have to have a basis to start. Tatiana: Benefit from making a list of pros and cons for targets. Like the idea that component areas come up with recommendations and counter arguments. Also like the think tank review for efficiencies. Confidentials have made great strides with some changes in technology in recent years. Like the idea of a fresh look. Michael: $2M – do we all agree that that is the appropriate number or not? What about COLA at 1.56%? Like the think tank idea, but it’s a bit fuzzy. Scary to have outside the box folks that may not know anything about an area. Could be challenging to get everyone who can benefit the college involved. Think tank topics – think we might need more. Some might feel targeted. Open to finding efficiencies. We have a board approved budget strategies for 2011-2014 – why is this plan different? We had a process that was agreed to. In the last process, classified were hit hard by SPRAC – this time it looks a bit different. Victoria: This is directly linked from the reduction in our base from 10887 to 10500 – approx 3.5% of budget, which is $2M. The COLA number is preliminary. When the budget parameters were submitted we didn’t have all the information we have today. Laurel: We now have robust data. I have heard that there were some negative reactions to the SPRAC process. Like the written pros and cons. 3 3/4/15 CPC minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link We are a different institution. Doesn’t preclude us from looking at different processes. Levels the playing field. Alex: Wild card about the growth formula? Victoria: Yes, correct. No final decision on how this will be implemented. May revise isn’t out yet. This is why we will have quarterly reviews. Kathie: Components will come up with ideas as well. Ian: Keep in mind that we need to continue with the strategic plan even while making reductions. We’re doing great work and moving forward, would hate to see this halted. Robin: Process needs to be clear and transparent. Keep our strategic goals in mind. People will take it personally. Important to know where the $2M comes from. Need to have a clear timeline. Alta: Scheduled for 16-17? Thinking will start now. How will we align the initiative and mandates that we are working on now? When do we refocus our energy? When do we stop what we’re doing now and refocus on this? This isn’t the forum for negotiations. Need open, honest and transparent communication. Sometimes this happens at the top, not the middle. Laurel: Can’t just focus on the reductions, need to keep going. We do have some areas of growth. If we end up doing reductions, we need to be clear that some services will be reduced. Barbara: If we get smaller, how do we plan for growth? Georg: A good restructure plan is one that builds in flexibility. Allow for a more nimble operation. Elephants in the room: First congratulations to the group. 1) $2M 4 3/4/15 CPC minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link 2) What are the component targets? 3) Component council communication – up to the council reps to communicate out – invite SME’s to council meetings 4) Timelines & forums 5) Think tank participation 6) Do we want to use the old process? What was wrong with the old process? 7) Commitments section? (add section C from budget strategies document to the ground rules) 8) 86% of our budget is people – communications can become tricky when talking about people versus positions. 9) If a position is vacant it’s easy to cut SPRAC process was responsive to what was already happening. If we have too many rules, we take the thought process away. Hope we are at a place where components can look at the broad picture. Rather not base this on fear. Need to be transparent, open to data, and have CPC take that leadership. Georg: Like the idea of a new approach. Participated in SPRAC – good concept that we wrestled into shape. Alta: Want to believe that what we do will be appropriate to all. Don’t want to have another SPRAC – very painful. Laurel: Perhaps we don’t have quarterly reviews – maybe look at every month. Decide how we will manage issues. Ways to level the playing field emotionally? All in this together and nobody is immune. Karen: General fund versus categorical funding: certain categorical programs are funded differently – need to explain this. 5 3/4/15 CPC minutes Topic, Info/Action Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link Laurel: Use restructure instead of reduce. This is why the think tanks will be helpful. Victoria: There are ways to leverage categoricals with gen fund – this applies to all programs and services in the college. Example is the counseling positions that were funded out of SSSP. Targets: Going with an amount that’s based on what we think we won’t be able to earn – an fte apportionment amount. If we start early on we can take advantage of: 1) Natural attrition 2) Already completed restructures and positions going from gen fund to categorical counting towards reductions 3) Give people some kind of target 4) Look at this on a continual basis 5) No idea what’s coming in or out money wise from the state Go back to cabinet and bring this info back. Margery: Recommendations given to the BSO – could this be a bottleneck? Graciano: Want to structure this so it’s not a shot gun approach. Components need to come up with lists with ballpark amounts – this comes forward to the BSO who clarifies the info. Also something that Terrence and HR will help with. Document the request first and then move forward. Laurel: Don’t want to piecemeal. Look at big ticket items. Alta: Organizational question: This is a college wide need – how come we’re charging components to do the work? Kathie: Simultaneous work – look at big picture as well as component councils – more informative. Think tank questions will help as well. 6 3/4/15 CPC minutes Topic, Info/Action Approval of 12/17/14, 2/11/15 & 2/18/15 Minutes Action Agenda Building & Summary Take-away Info Topic Lead Time on topic Discussion Michael: Need innovative ways to get students to stay here; need to have cross conversations. Laurel: Should those discussions come to CPC? Alex: Process? Go to constituencies? Laurel: No not yet. Cabinet will massage this document. 1) Component discussion or different format 2) Targets 3) Commitments piece 4) Where we have the big discussion Bring to next meeting. Laurel 3 Min Laurel Action Items and Timeline Primary Effectiveness Link Approval as presented unless there are changes None None 5 Min Parking Lot: When is public forum? How are targets determined? Information Requested 7 3/4/15 CPC minutes 1. To be added during the meeting 2. 3. 4. Meeting Summary or Take Away: 1. To be added during the meeting 2. 3. 4. Effectiveness Links 1. Mission Statement and Core 4 Competencies (Communication, Critical Thinking, Global Awareness, Personal and Professional Responsibility) 2. 8. Student Success Enhance Institutional Effectiveness Board Goals Education Master Plan Facilities Plan Technology Plan Program Plans 9. Student Equity Plan 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8