CLASSIFIED PRIORITIZATION SUB-COMMITTEE PILOT Summary of Changes Requested by CPC 1. Committee Membership a. Concern that committee membership is too small and there is not enough representation of stakeholders Resolution: Increased membership by 1 classified, 1 faculty and 1 student representative. 2. Process Flexibility a. Concern for turn around time and the urgency sometimes associated with timelines dictated by grant funded programs and projects. b. Concern for addressing unforseeen staffing needs in a timely manner Resolution: Concerns were noted in the “Purpose and Authority” and “Meetings” sections of the committee’s charter. The language now reflects the flexibility of the committee needing to meet on an “as needed” basis as well as outside of the planning cycle. 3. Funding Source a. Concern about the clarity of scope of the prioritzation pilot Resolution: Funding sources clearly identifie in Process Timeline document as “Funding Sources that do not include Un-restricted General Funds”. 4. Institutional Priorities a. List is incomplete Resolution: Boxes for instruction and students were added. 5. Process Efficiency and Flexibility Resolution: Concerns were noted in the “Meetings” section of the charter by stating that decisions will be made by members present at each meeting and recommendations may be sent to CPC via e-mail if needs arise off-cycle from the scheduled CPC meetings 6. Are Classified hourly positions subject to the classified prioritization process? No. 7. Are increases in existing positions subject to the classified prioritization process? Yes. O:\Administrative Services\VP Administrative Services\Classified Hiring Priorities\2014-15 Classified Hiring Priorities\2014-15 Classified Prioritization_ summary of changes requested by CPC061914 .docx Page 1 of 1