Vice President / Assistant Superintendent, Instruction EmploymEnt opportunity

Employment Opportunity
Human Resources Dept.
6500 Soquel Drive
Aptos, CA 95003
Vice President / Assistant
Superintendent, Instruction
About Cabrillo College
Situated on Monterey Bay in the county of Santa Cruz, California,
Cabrillo College is one of the most highly regarded community colleges in the state for its success in the area of transfer and career
education and currently serves over 14,000 students. Cabrillo
College transfers many of its students to three nearby universities –
the University of California at Santa Cruz, San Jose State University in the heart of Silicon Valley, and California State University at
Monterey Bay. Cabrillo’s career education is closely connected to
the nearby Silicon Valley business environment as well as that of
the greater San Francisco Bay Area. Cabrillo focuses on studentcentered learning and has a tradition of collegial governance.
About the Community
Santa Cruz County (population 260,372), is located on California’s
Central Coast, 65 miles south of San Francisco and 35 miles north
of Monterey. Santa Cruz County boasts a rich cultural life and
numerous recreational opportunities. Residents enjoy a Mediterranean climate amid redwood forests, sparkling beaches and rich
farmland. Approximately 33% of Cabrillo College students are from
underrepresented populations, with 30% Hispanic or Latino. To
increase outreach to this population, Cabrillo established a center
in Watsonville, where Hispanics and Latinos are over 80% of the
population. This population is the fastest growing group in Santa
Cruz County. The college is particularly interested in candidates
who possess academic or life experiences that enhance working in
a multicultural context.
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Vice President / Assistant
Superintendent, Instruction
SALARY / Benefits
This is a 225-day work schedule. Starting salary ranges from
$114,013 to $158,416. Cabrillo College provides a doctoral stipend
of $3,402 per year for eligible employees. Cabrillo College provides
a current benefit stipend for medical, dental, life and long-term
disability insurance for employees and eligible dependents. Salary
and benefit stipends are subject to proration based on beginning
date of assignment.
Starting Date: January 2013
Under the general direction of the Superintendent/President, the Vice
President/Assistant Superintendent, Instruction, directs all credit and
noncredit instruction, library/instructional support services and community education.
Initial application deadline will be Thursday, November 15, 2012.
All completed applications received by this date will receive a full
screening. However, applications will be accepted until the position
is filled (e-mail transmittals and postmarks are not accepted). POSITION DESCRIPTION INCLUDES
• Directs curriculum activities, planning and development for instructional programs and services; directs a regular process of course and program review
• Directs the occupational education program and related services;
directs the articulation activities of the college
• Recommends for employment all instructional staff; directs, supervises and evaluates assigned staff
• Coordinates the instructional activities of the College with the
other major components of the institution
• Directs the utilization of instructional facilities; recommends the purchase of and directs the maintenance of instructional equipment
• Chairs or provides for chairing of instructional related councils and
committees; serves on a variety of District/College committees
• Assists in the preparation of the District budget and prepares
annual budget requests for the overall instructional program and
controls the instructional budget
• Represents the College in relationship with other community colleges, educational institutions and the community
• Directs preparation of the College catalog and class schedule
• Directs the instructional research program of the College
• Directs the application for and management of instructional program grants
• Directs management of the collective bargaining agreement as it relates to the instructional program and staff
• Participates in and supports the accreditation process
Master’s degree from U.S. Department of Education recognized accredited organization; four years of successful experience as an
academic administrator (senior level academic administrative experience preferred); successful college teaching experience, preferably at the community college level. An earned Doctorate
degree is desirable.
1. Demonstrated commitment to serving students with diverse backgrounds, interests, goals, and abilities
2. Knowledge of and commitment to the mission of a comprehensive
community college
3. Demonstrated competence in program planning and evaluation,
fiscal and program management, and employee contract administration and facilities planning
4. Demonstrated expertise in the teaching and learning process
5. Demonstrated competence in development of academic programs
and personnel, and the ability to promote instructional innovation
6. Demonstrated effectiveness in leading and motivating faculty and
staff in a collegial and shared governance environment
7. Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing
1. Demonstrated effective leadership in management and planning
2. Demonstrated commitment to staff diversity and equal opportunity
3. Effectively plan, organize and evaluate the work of others
4. Effectively train, supervise and evaluate faculty and staff
5. Work cooperatively and effectively with individuals of diverse ethnic
and educational backgrounds and with various segments of the college community
6. Perform consistently under the pressure of deadlines and other
administrative demands and work cooperatively with others
Cabrillo College seeks applications from all qualified individuals. It is the continuing goal of Cabrillo College to hire and
retain staff that reflects the rich diversity and cultural heritage
of the College District and its student body.
Each candidate MUST SUBMIT to:
Cabrillo College Human Resources
6500 Soquel Drive
Aptos, CA 95003
1. Completed and signed Cabrillo College academic application
2. Resume – job related
3. Transcripts from all colleges attended (copies acceptable)
4. Three recent job-related letters of recommendation, which address the candidate’s ability to perform the duties of this position
5. Two short (each not to exceed two pages), clearly identified,
separate attached statements:
a. Outline your concept of the community college role in
promoting student success
b. Describe your administrative philosophy
6. Cabrillo Criminal History Inquiry form
Candidates whose degrees are other than those stated in
“Required Education Qualifications” MUST provide documentation, as part of this application process, sufficient to convince the
committee that the candidate does possess the equivalent of
these qualifications, including the depth and breadth of discipline
knowledge plus general education. Further information regarding
equivalency may be obtained by contacting the Human Resources
Department at Cabrillo College (831) 479-6217.