See Something. 

 Say Something. Students exhibi ng troubling behaviors in your presence
are likely having difficul es in various se ngs including the
classroom, with roommates, with family, and even in social
se ngs.
Trust your ins ncts and SAY SOMETHING if a student leaves
you feeling worried, alarmed, or threatened!
See Something. Cabrillo employees are in a unique posi on to demonstrate compassion and
sensi vity to Cabrillo students in distress.
Students may feel alone, isolated and even hopeless when faced with academic
and life challenges. These feelings can easily disrupt academic performance and
may lead to dysfunc onal coping and other serious consequences.
You may be the first person to SEE SOMETHING distressing in a student since
you have frequent and prolonged contact with them. Cabrillo College, in col‐
labora on with the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA), re‐
quests that you act with compassion in your dealings with such students.
Do Something. Some mes students cannot, or will not turn to family or friends. DO SOME‐
THING! Your expression of concern may be a cri cal factor in saving a student’s
academic career or even their life.
The purpose of this folder is to help you recognize symptoms of student dis‐
tress and iden fy appropriate referrals to campus resources.
The Family Educa onal Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) The Family Educa onal Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) permits communica on
about a student of concern in connec on with health and safety emergency.
Observa ons of a student’s conduct or statement made by a student are not
FERPA protected. Such informa on should be shared with appropriate consider‐
a on for student privacy.
Cabrillo College Student Services Resources & Tips: Use the following ps to refer students to one of the resources below: 
Be Proac ve: Engage students early on, pay a en on to signs of distress, and set limits on disrup ve behavior. Use progressive
Be Direct: Don’t be afraid to ask students directly if they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, feeling confused, or having
thoughts of harming themselves or others.
Listen Sensi vity and carefully: Use a non‐confronta onal approach, and calm voice. Avoid Threatening, humilia ng, and in mi‐
da ng responses.
Safety First: The welfare of the campus community is the top priority when a student displays threatening or poten ally violent
behavior. Do not hesitate to call for help.
Follow Through: Direct the student to the physical loca on of the iden fied resource.
Always document your interac ons with distressed students and consult with your department chair/ supervisor a er any incident.
Cabrillo Sheriff’s Office Emergency
Non‐Emergency Crime Reports
For Students Academic Counseling and Guidance 831‐479‐6274
In The Community For Faculty/Staff County Wide Services
Academic Dishonesty
Dominican Emergency
Discipline/Student Behavior Issues
Dominican Hospital
Sexual Harassment & Discrimina on
Na onal Suicide Preven on Hotline
Dean of Students Services Office 831‐477‐3584
Accessibility Support Center (ASC) Formerly DSPS
EOPS (Extended Opportunity Programs)
Financial Aid
Food Pantry
PEERS (People Empowering Each Other to Realize Success)
Employee Assistance Program 800‐999‐7222
Student Health Services ‐ Mental Health Counseling
Veteran Affairs Office
Santa Cruz County Mental Health
Human Resources
Suicide Preven on Service‐Santa Cruz
Safety Commi ee Referrals
Student Health Services
Student Affairs
Red Cross, Santa Cruz
Su er Hospital
Watsonville Hospital
Sexual Violence Preven on
Substance Abuse Preven on
Cabrillo College Student Services Students In Distress
See Something. Say Something. Do Something.
Indicators of Distress
Be aware of the following indicators of distress. Look for
groupings, frequency, duration and severity- not just
isolated symptoms.
Academic Indicators Psychological Indicators Physical Indicators Safety Risk Indicators 
Sudden decline in quality of
work and grades
Marked changes in physical
appearance including deteri‐
Repeated absences
ora on in grooming, hygiene,
Disorganized Performance
or weight loss/gain
Mul ple requests for exten‐
Overly demanding of faculty
and staff me and a en on
Bizarre content in wri ngs or
presenta ons
You find yourself doing more
personal rather than academic
counseling during office hours
Behavior that impedes instruc‐
onal engagement
Unusual/dispropor onal emo‐
onal response to events
Excessive tearfulness, panic
Excessive fa gue/sleep
Intoxica on, hangovers, or
smelling of alcohol
Disorienta on or “out of it”
Garbled, tangen al, discon‐
nected, or slurred speech
Behavior is out of context or
Self‐disclosure of personal dis‐
tress such as family problems,
financial difficul es, contem‐
pla ng suicide, grief
Unprovoked anger or hos lity
Physical violence (shoving,
grabbing, assault, use of
Implying or making a direct
threat to harm self or others
Academic assignments domi‐
nated by themes of extreme
hopelessness, rage, worth‐
lessness, isola on, despair,
ac ng out, suicidal idea on/
violent behaviors‐ a “cry for
Stalking or harassing
Communica ng threats via
email, correspondence, tex‐
ng, or phone calls
reac ons
Irritability or unusual apathy
Verbal abuse (e.g., taun ng,
badgering, in mida on)
Expressions of concern about
student by his/her peers
Cabrillo College Student Services REPORTING PROCESS
Response Protocol:
Follow the chart to determine who to contact
when faced with a distressed or distressing student.
Is the student a danger to self, or others, or does the student need
immediate assistance for any reason?
“YES” The student’s conduct is clearly and
imminently reckless, disorderly, dan‐
gerous, or threatening and is sugges‐
ve of harm to self or others in the
Call 911 Note: If dialing from a campus phone,
you will reach the Sheriff Dispatch.
“I’M NOT SURE” “NO” The student shows signs of distress, but
I am not sure how serious it is. The in‐
terac on has le me feeling uneasy
and/or concerned about the student.
I am not concerned for the student’s
immediate safety, but he/she is having
significant academic and/or personal
issues and could use some support or
addi onal resources.
Call Counseling & Psychological Services *Refer the student to an appropriate
campus resource.
For consulta on: 831‐479‐6435 See inside for Resources & Tips, or for a
complete list visit:
File a Report A er speaking with the Sheriff, report
the concern online at:
h p://
Counseling & Psychological Services at
*For non‐emergency consulta on or repor ng
Dean of Student Services: 831‐479‐6525
Sheriff: 831‐471‐1121
Online Repor ng: h p://
Cabrillo College Student Services 