Green Action Fund Proposal Guidelines


Green Action Fund Proposal Guidelines

Background Information:

The Green Action Fund leverages the SCTE allocation from the Student Governing Association to directly fund campus sustainability projects that have tangible environmental, economic, and educational benefits to the university, and especially to students. This is a student-led effort designed to allocate funds to deserving projects from students, faculty, and/or staff that support sustainability and foster academic excellence in addressing sustainability. These sustainability projects should help make the K-State campus a living classroom.

The Green Action Fund Committee administers the allocation of funds, with a combination of representation by student government, sustainability-oriented student organizations, faculty senate, and key faculty/staff with sustainability expertise. This committee works to:

1) Establish and articulate clear criteria for allocating funds to proposals

2) Consult with students and faculty interested in applying for funds to ensure quality applications

3) Provide sufficient advertising to students, faculty, and staff to ensure a quality application pool

4) Review project applications and allocate funds to selected projects

5) Review outcomes of funded projects and report results to SGA and the Office of Sustainability

The goal of the committee is to encourage projects that can bring tangible environmental benefits to campus while also creating opportunities for students to learn more about sustainability in general, new technologies, lifestyles, and decision-making processes. Ideally, this is accomplished by funding projects that integrate academic programs, operational aspects of the university, and/or education and outreach to the broader student body and campus community.

Proposal Guidelines:

Proposals should be no more than five pages in length. Proposals must contain the following information:


Project description/narrative, including applicant(s) and the supporting department/unit(s) o Strong preference given to those with students as project leaders


Forms and amounts of direct student involvement in project leadership and implementation


Sustainability/environmental benefits to the university o Include metrics showing how benefits/impact will be measured or assessed


Benefits to the K-State student body as a whole and/or to subsets of the student body o Include metrics showing how benefits/impact will be measured or assessed


Statement of support from K-State department/unit that will administer the project funds


Detailed budget (There is a preferred limit of $10,000 per request, but the committee will consider high quality projects at higher levels.)


Timeline of activities, including plan of how funds will be completely expended by June 1, 2016

Activities, speakers, or educational programs that are funded must be open to the entire student body, not exclusively for one group or another.

Please use the check sheet below in preparing your proposal. This will assure that you have included all important parts of the proposal.

Proposals should be submitted electronically to no later than November 20, 2015 .

After that date, the Green Action Fund Committee will begin reviewing proposals for funding. If you have any questions, please send them to


Previous proposals can be found at:

Check sheet for Proposal Applications for

Green Action Fund 2015 ‐ 16

Applicants for Green Action Funds: We welcome all types of applications from eligible students and student groups. In order to assist applicants as they prepare their proposals, this check sheet is designed to assure that all proposals submitted contain all of the necessary information. If your proposal includes all of the following, then your proposal is assured to be considered based on its merits. If you leave out any of the information below, it is possible that your proposal will not be considered because it is incomplete.


5 pages or less in length

Identifies a project with sustainability and/or environmental benefits to the university community and the K‐State student body

Identifies metrics that show how the sustainability and/or environmental benefits will be measured (how can one tell if the project is a success?)

Identifies how students will be involved in the project

Sponsors/Signatures needed:

Applicant is a full‐time K‐State faculty member, staff member, or student

Identifies the K‐State department that will be administering the funds, with a supporting statement from the department head and budget officer/accountant in the administering department


Identifies the amount of funding requested for the project

Provides a detailed budget with justifications for all expenses

If the budget includes student workers, the pay rate must be $7.25/hour
