MBBS (A100) 2009/2010 - 2013/14 MBBS Augmented Annual Monitoring: External Scrutineer’s Report

MBBS (A100)
MBBS Augmented Annual Monitoring:
External Scrutineer’s Report
2009/2010 - 2013/14
External Scrutiniser Report
Date: November 2014
Copyright University College London Medical School
University College London
MBBS Augmented Annual Monitoring: External Scrutineer’s Report
A) Date of Programme Organiser’s Augmented Annual Monitoring Report (AugAMR)
6 November 2014
B) External Scrutineer’s name, organisation and qualifications
Professor Ali S M Jawad MB, ChB, MSc, FRCP, FRCP(Ed), FRCP(G), DCH, DMedRehab Consultant
Rheumatologist, The Royal London Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust, Queen Mary University of
London, London, E1 4AD
C) List of documentation considered by the External Scrutineer
Augmented Annual Monitoring Report 2013/14, Faculty of Medical Sciences Learning and Teaching
Strategy 2014-2015
D) Confirmation of receipt of up to date Programme Specification (PS) and commentary on the
usefulness and completeness of this
I confirm I have received an up to date programme specification and I believe the document is useful
and complete and I have no negative comments.
E) Assessment of the academic standards of the programme(s) and the currency and validity
of the content. This will include, based on the evidence provided by the Programme
Organiser’s AugAMR and other documentation provided such as the reports of Chairs of
Boards of Examiners:
Ways in which academic standards are set;
Ways in which academic standards are measured;
Ways in which academic standards are achieved by students;
Whether the staff profile (e.g. range of expertise available) is sufficient to deliver the
The extent to which attention has been paid to the external reference points such as
the Framework for higher education qualifications and, if applicable, subject
benchmark statements and professional and statutory body guidelines, and to internal
documents such as Faculty/Departmental Learning and Teaching strategies.
I am pleased with the academic standards of the programme and the currency and validity of the
content. I have no negative contents on the report.
F) Assessment of the learning environment (based on documentary evidence provided) to
support mechanisms available for students;
the adequacy of the learning resources available.
There is adequate provision for supporting the students and the learning resources available.
G) The use made of student feedback over the period since the last review
There is adequate provision for student feedback.
H) Commentary on the analysis provided of statistical data over the period since the last
AugAMR including:
progression and completion rates;
any particular trends in evidence;
any other issues arising from student data not covered by the AugAMR.
There is adequate analysis provided of statistical data over the period between August2013 to August
2014 on the above 3 points.
I) A commentary on the extent to which the Programme Organiser’s report demonstrates an
evaluative approach.
The report shows an acceptable evaluative approach.
J) A commentary on the commendable aspects of the provision under review highlighting
examples of good practice.
 Increase in cross-disciplinary approaches to education
 Embodying the principles of UCL’s ‘education for global citizenship’ agenda across the full
range of teaching activity
 Aiming to produce graduates who are critical and creative thinkers and entrepreneurs who
are able and willing to innovate
 Opportunities that arise through the new BSc/MSci Applied Medical Sciences to be run by the
Division of Medicine with contributions from all six of the Faculty’s Divisions and Institutes.
K) Recommendations for further action.