Site Comparison Student Evaluations Summary, 2013 – 2014 The student feedback is collated from online student evaluation questionnaires, providing a mixture of numeric and written feedback. The numeric feedback has been colour 1 coded green, amber and red. The responses are on a five point scale , and the percentage is the number of positive responses (taken as either 4 or 5). Good 60-100% Not adequate/ room for improvement 40-59% Must be improved greatly 0-39% The system provides an indicator of the quality of teaching provided for the module; its statistical relevance will vary depending on the number of students who have provided feedback. We have broken down the data to be site-specific and, as far as possible, module and speciality specific – i.e. covering the following: Module 4A Module 4B Module 4C Module 5A (CFHD) Module 5B (WHMH) Module 5C (HOPE) Module 4A 2012-13 Student Satisfaction Overall rating Overall rating of Respiratory teaching Overall rating of Cardiology teaching Overall rating of Acute Medicine teaching Overall rating of Vascular Surgery 1 2013-14 (Block 1) Royal Free (n=49) 77% 78% UCLH (n=51) Whittington (n=41) UCLH (n=15) Whittington (n=17) 71% 50% Royal Free (n=14) 80% 57% 88% 51% 93% 100% 51% 82% 64% 100% 82% 90% 45% 64% 86% 70% 82% 2013-14 (Block 2) 2013-14 (Block 3) UCLH (n=15) Whittington (n=22) 67% 80% Royal Free (n=14) 94% 86% 93% 100% 60% 60% 86% 60% 67% 71% *73% (n=44) The scale labels may vary, e.g. from 1-Strongly disagree to 5-Strongly agree, OR 1-Poor to 5-Excellent UCLH (n=13) Whittington (n=10) 50% 44% Royal Free (n=10) 100% 100% 83% 100% 40% 78% 77% 72% 62% 40% 78% 72% 44% 75% 89% 67% *78% (n=46) *74% (n=27) teaching Overall rating of Liaison Psychiatry teaching Overall rating of Preparation for Practice week teaching Overall rating of GP Attachment **24% 14% 27% 61% 66% 57% 61% 50% 47% **14% 20% 20% **7% ***79% (n=44) 79% 87% 14% 28% **37% ***76% (n=46) 74% 64% 79% 0% 22% ***85% (n=26) 83% 29% 40% 78% *Vascular Surgery taught exclusively at RF. Therefore, the statistics for 2013-14 have been merged. **Liaison Psychiatry not delivered by RF staff. ***Preparation for Practice taught exclusively at RF. Therefore, the statistics for 2013-14 have been merged. Liaison Psych (all sites) freetext comments Lecture heavy, quality of teaching variable, no clinical exposure. Whittington freetext comments More scheduled teaching and greater opportunities to attend clinics were requested. Students reported that many scheduled teaching events did not take place. Respiratory, Cardiology and Acute Medicine Teaching (Whittington) freetext comments More consultant led teaching requested. Module 4B 2012-13 Student Satisfaction Overall rating Overall rating of Gastrointestinal/Hepatobiliary surgical firm teaching Overall rating of Gastroenterology/Hepatology medical firm teaching Overall rating of Movement teaching – Orthopaedics teaching Overall rating of Movement teaching – Trauma teaching Royal Free (n=42) 2013-14 (Block 1) UCLH (n=44) Whittington (n=42) UCLH (n=12) Whittington (n=13) 60% Royal Free (n=10) 60% 66% 92% 52% 62% 50% 60% 83% 68% 72% 55% 56% 62% 27% 40% 29% 63% 2013-14 (Block 2) UCLH (n=20) Whittington (n=16) 77% Royal Free (n=15) 47% 70% 45% 69% 64% 80% 73% 64% *70% *77% *78% 2013-14 (Block 3) UCLH (n=12) Whittington (n=9) 37% Royal Free (n=8) 37% 100% 56% 55% 53% 12% 50% 56% 100% 72% 64% 37% 100% 67% *12% *82% *61% *37% *55% *50% Overall rating of Movement teaching – Rheumatology teaching Overall rating of weekly tutorials on Peri-operative Care teaching 61% 93% 90% 100% 100% 93% 100% 83% 40% 75% 100% 78% 35% 40% 71% 70% 30% 69% 21% 30% 87% 50% 40% 67% *Please note that on the request of Chairs of the Whittington and RF Undergraduate Teaching Committees, the statistics for 2013-14 Module 4B Movement teaching – Orthopaedics and Trauma teaching have been merged Orthopaedics/Trauma teaching (Block 3, UCLH) freetext comments Comments included “heavy workloads” and “too many sign-offs”. Hepatobiliary surgical firm teaching /Liver freetext comments (Block 3) Teaching cancellations (UCH) and very little HPB/Liver teaching (Whittington) was reported. Module 4C 2012-13 Student Satisfaction Overall rating Overall rating of Neurology teaching (at Royal Free) Overall rating of Renal teaching Overall rating of Endocrinology teaching Overall rating of Haematology teaching Overall rating of infection/immunity/microbiology teaching Overall rating of GP Attachment 2013-14 (Block 1) Royal Free (n=19) 79% UCLH (n=18) Whittington (n=15) 2013-14 (Block 2) Royal Free (n=46) 24% 34% UCLH (n=47) Whittington (n=47) 38% 54% 38% 35%** 74% 47% 14% 44% 12%** 44% 79% 18% 38% 97% 37% 28% 93% 33% 85% 100% 42% 35% 82% 42% 72% 71% 60% 61% 73% 66% 64% 68% 79 78% 72% 60% 42% 40% 44% 73% *84% (n=26) **65% (n=51) 67% 21% Royal Free (n=17) 71% 71% UCLH (n=17) Whittington (n=19) 82% 79% *100% (n=23) **74% (n=43) 77% 13% 2013-14 (Block 3) Royal Free (n=17) 65% UCLH (n=10) Whittington (n=20) 90% 90% *94% (n=18) **43% (n=35) ***55% 71% 85% (n=11) ***70% 86% 94% (n=10) ***70% 86% 94% (n=10) ***54% (n=11) 86% 76% *Neurology teaching is taught at RF and Queens Sq. However, for the purposes of the report, only the data for RF Neurology teaching for 2013-14 has been included **Renal teaching is either at RF or provided by RF staff at both UCLH and the Whittington. Less than 1 hour per week of bedside teaching may take place by a member of Whittington staff *** Please note that for Royal Free/Block 3 data, we have included the n= value for Endocrinology, Haematology, Infection/Immunity/Microbiology and GP Attachment. This is to highlight that the number of students responding to those specific questions are significantly different (and lower) to the number of students based at the Royal Free who have completed the survey (n=17). This is not the case for UCLH and Whittington data. Whittington freetext comments More patient exposure requested. Renal Teaching (UCLH) freetext comments More bed-side teaching requested. Haematology Teaching (UCLH and RF) freetext comments Teaching cancellations reported. Ward/bedside teaching requested (RF). Infection/Immunity/Microbiology Teaching (RF) freetext comments More clinics in microbiology teaching requested. Year 5 Block 1 Evaluation For 2013-14 this survey was circulated at the end of the first 4 week rotation. Block 1 Year 5 feedback was not designed to gather site-specific information; however data will be produced at the end of Block 2 and Block 3. Module 5A (CFHD) Student Satisfaction Overall rating Overall rating of Paediatrics Overall rating of Dermatology Royal Free (n=32) 41% (n=32) *NA 64% (n=17) 2012-13 2013-14 (Block 1) 2013-14 (Block 2) 2013-14 (Block 3) UCLH Whittington Royal UCLH Whittington Royal UCLH Whittington Royal Free UCLH Whittington (n=37) (n=37) Free (n=5) (n=5) (n=2) Free (n=6) (n=13) (n=10) (n=11) (n=9) (n=7) 76% 89% (n=37) 87% (n=30) 76% (n=29) 81% (n=27) (n=37) *NA *NA 80% 100% 100% 50% 54% 80% 55% 100% 43% 78% (n=7) 85% (n=15) 60% 80% 100% 50% 38% 60% 64% 78% 86% *NA - Please note that students were not asked to specifically rate Paediatrics in 2012-13 SEQ Dermatology teaching freetext comments -- Variable student experience (UCLH, Block 2). Lectures were reported as good, but clinics variable. Students reported that clinics were fragmented and should have been taught over consecutive days. More dermatology teaching was requested. -- “Busy clinics” and overcrowding reported (RF, Block 3). More paediatrics bedside teaching was requested. Module 5B (WHMH) Please note that the Women’s Health & Men’s Health (WHMH) module was previously the Women’s Health and Communicable Diseases (WHCD) in 2012-13 Student Satisfaction Overall rating Overall rating of O&G Overall rating of Breast Overall rating of GUM 2012-13 (WHCD) 2013-14 (Block 1) (WHMH) 2013-14 (Block 2) (WHMH) 2013-14 (Block 3) Royal Free UCLH Whittington Royal UCLH Whittington Royal Free UCLH Whittington Royal Free UCLH Whittington (n=37) (n=30) (n=36) Free (n=4) (n=6) (n=3) (n=5) (n=15) (n=14) (n=9) (n=4) (n=6) 62% 60% 67% 100% 50% 100% 60% 80% 86% 78% 75% 67% (n=4) (n=6) (n=3) (n=5) (n=15) (n=14) (n=9) (n=4) (n=6) *NA *NA *NA 75% 60% 100% 20% 87% 71% 67% 50% 50% (n=4) (n=5) (n=3) (n=5) (n=15) (n=14) (n=9) (n=4) (n=6) *NA *NA *NA 0% 40% 67% 20% 27% 0% 44% 25% 17% (n=4) (n=5) (n=3) (n=5) (n=15) (n=14) (n=9) (n=4) (n=6) *NA **60% **94% **95% (n=5) (n=34) (n=19) Overall rating of Urology *NA *NA *NA 0% (n=1) 100% (n=1) 50% (n=1) 46% (n=11) 43% (n=14) 67% (n=9) 11% (n=9) 43% (n=7) 0% (n=3) *NA - Please note that students were not asked to rate O&G, GUM/HIV, Urology or Breast overall in 2012-13 SEQ. ** GUM teaching is not taught at the central sites. RF Obstetrics & Gynaecology Block 3 freetext comments -- Improve scheduling of tutorials. -- Poorly organised with cancellation of teaching reported (Urology). Cancelled lectures were not rescheduled. Urology Block 3 freetext comments -- Poorly organised with cancellation of teaching reported (RF and Whittington). -- Learning experience variable (UCLH) but generally positive UCLH Obstetrics & Gynaecology Block 2 freetext comments ++ Organisation and scheduling was highly praised. Students valued the consultant and registrar led teaching. -- Improve scheduling of tutorials. Cancellations and clashes were reported between tutorials and clinics. Last minute cancellations of breast theatre. Whittington Obstetrics & Gynaecology Block 2 freetext comments --Comments included: Improve scheduling of teaching and “MDTs less useful”. Module 5C (HOPE) Student Satisfaction Overall rating for module Overall rating Ophthalmology Overall rating COOP Overall rating Oncology Overall rating ENT Royal Free (n=9) 2013-14 (Block 1) UCLH (n=4) Whittington (n=6) Royal Free (n=8) 84% (n=43) 2013-14 (Block 2) UCLH (n=12) Whittington (n=15) 55% (n=36) Royal Free (n=9) 2013-14 (Block 3) UCLH (n=5) Whittington (n=6) 70% (n=20) *NA *NA *NA 53% (n=32) **NA **NA 68% (n=19) **NA **NA 100% *NA 100% *NA 100% *NA 50% 100% 58% 41% 73% ***NA 100% 100% (n=3) 40% 41% (n=17) 100% ***NA *NA *NA *NA ****86% (n=35) ****85% (n=20) *NA - For Block 1 - Oncology, Ophthalmology and ENT, a high volume of students (65% approx.) have selected ‘Not Applicable’. This is because the students had not completed the rotation for these specialties at the time of the circulation of the SEQ at four weeks. Therefore, the statistics for these specialties have not been included for the 2013-14 (Block 1) results. **NA – Ophthalmology taught at RF or Moorefield’s only. For the purposes of this report only RF data is included. ***NA – Oncology is not taught at Whittington ****NA – Where ENT is taught exclusively at UCLH UCLH Cancer teaching Block 2 freetext comments ++ Clinics praised. -- Improve scheduling of tutorials. Cancellations/lateness was reported by students. “Drs unwelcoming”.