Title ISSN SJR H index Total Docs. (2007) Total Docs. (3years) Total Refs. 1 Nature Materials 1476 4660 1.31 90 235 690 5,879 International Journal for Numerical Methods in 2 Engineering 1097 0207 0.08 55 307 885 9,717 3 Nanotechnology 1361 6528 0.23 54 1,275 2,100 38,297 4 IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 0093 9994 0.07 52 168 542 2,574 5 Composites Science and Technology 0266 3538 0.12 50 413 822 10,268 6 Wear 0043 1648 0.09 49 396 995 8,101 7 Journal of Sound and Vibration 1095 8568 0.07 47 675 2,035 13,627 8 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 1536 1276 0.09 38 525 986 10,875 9 Process Biochemistry 1359 5113 0.11 38 244 666 7,329 10 International Journal of Engineering Science 0020 7225 0.07 33 72 340 1,668 11 Materials Science and Technology 0267 0836 0.06 33 230 1,111 5,008 12 Tribology International 0301 679X 0.08 33 208 449 3,978 13 Journal of Research in Science Teaching 1098 2736 0.06 32 66 140 3,013 0748 14 Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 7711 0.11 31 63 311 2,364 15 Composites Part B: Engineering 1359 8368 0.09 30 88 180 2,289 16 IEEE Pervasive Computing 1536 1268 0.09 30 71 170 404 17 Combustion Science and Technology 1563 521X 0.07 29 116 290 3,072 18 Food Science and Technology 1096 1127 0.08 27 241 384 7,309 19 Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 1533 4880 0.14 27 558 1,060 5,422 20 IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 1536 1233 0.09 26 108 193 3,082 21 IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 1536 125X 0.17 26 107 296 2,476 22 Journal of Nanoparticle Research 1572 896X 0.12 26 159 216 4,296 23 Molecular Imaging 1536 0121 0.76 26 40 86 1,348 24 Small 1613 6829 0.5 26 284 402 11,332 International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and 25 Numerical Simulation 1565 1339 0.24 25 80 191 1,809 26 Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 1615 1488 0.06 25 95 301 2,591 27 IEEE Sensors Journal 1530 437X 0.11 24 139 525 2,693 28 Precision Engineering 0141 6359 0.07 24 48 154 734 29 Design Studies 0142 694X 0.05 23 33 90 1,067 30 Heart Rhythm 1547 5271 0.61 23 360 824 7,219 31 NDT and E International 0963 8695 0.08 22 82 261 1,255 Research in Engineering Design ­ Theory, Applications, 1435 32 and Concurrent Engineering 6066 0.05 21 11 41 506 1044 5110 0.05 19 28 121 727 1099 34 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering0887 0.05 19 73 227 1,329 1029 0273 0.05 19 54 147 1,523 0308 36 International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 0161 0.06 19 88 297 1,198 37 AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 0004 7554 0.05 18 57 186 1,061 38 Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 1432 0959 0.06 18 32 96 794 39 Metals and Materials International 1598 9623 0.08 18 80 237 1,331 40 IEEE Security and Privacy 1540 7993 0.05 17 102 296 670 41 Information Fusion 1566 2535 0.06 17 35 91 981 33 Automization and Sprays 35 Engineering Optimization 42 International Journal of Technology Management 1741 5276 0.05 17 94 276 3,515 43 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 1573 2703 0.05 17 75 188 1,710 Measurement: Journal of the International 44 Measurement Confederation 0263 2241 0.05 17 122 252 1,749 45 Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 1134 3060 0.06 16 16 25 1,553 Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis 46 and Manufacturing: AIEDAM 1469 1760 0.05 16 34 69 808 47 Fuel Cells 1615 6854 0.23 16 58 159 1,223 48 SAMPE Journal 0091 1062 0.05 16 39 116 205 49 Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 0955 5986 0.06 15 42 129 581 50 British Journal of Educational Technology 1467 8535 0.05 14 101 228 2,146 51 IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine 1531 636X 0.11 14 11 53 189 52 IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience 1536 1241 0.22 14 48 114 1,569 0361 53 IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 1434 0.05 14 23 85 979 54 Journal of Engineering Design 1466 1837 0.06 14 38 96 994 55 Quality and Reliability Engineering International 1099 1638 0.05 14 76 212 1,742 56 Journal of applied measurement 1529 7713 0.06 13 26 86 883 57 Microgravity Science and Technology 0938 0108 0.05 13 72 191 687 58 BioMedical Engineering Online 1475 925X 0.1 12 44 136 1,390 59 Information Management and Computer Security 0968 5227 0.04 12 29 87 746 60 International Journal of Engineering Education 0949 149X 0.04 12 144 427 2,659 61 Journal of Fire Sciences 0734 9041 0.06 12 26 87 670 62 Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 1468 1218 0.07 12 135 185 2,294 63 Quality Progress 0033 524X 0.04 12 206 617 563 64 Engineering Failure Analysis 1350 6307 0.05 11 157 292 1,879 65 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 1545 598X 0.09 11 139 288 2,015 66 Integrated Computer­Aided Engineering 1069 2509 0.04 11 25 83 654 1006 67 Science in China, Series E: Technological Sciences 9321 0.04 11 95 262 1,535 68 Advanced Engineering Informatics 1474 0346 0.06 10 37 86 1,018 IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure 69 Computing 1545 5971 0.06 10 26 77 960 70 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1563 5147 0.05 10 58 159 1,390 71 Noise Control Engineering Journal 0736 2501 0.04 10 54 101 866 72 Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves 1573 8345 0.05 9 99 277 1,809 73 IEEE Distributed Systems Online 1541 4922 0.04 9 35 119 205 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and 1545 74 Bioinformatics 5963 0.24 9 68 91 2,107 0971 75 Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences4588 0.04 9 44 227 898 76 Instruments and Experimental Techniques 1608 3180 0.04 9 128 438 1,772 International Journal of Technology and Design 77 Education 1573 1804 0.04 9 21 53 729 78 Journal of Scientific Exploration 0892 3310 0.04 9 55 100 708 79 Lasers in Engineering 1029 029X 0.04 9 35 86 574 80 Fire Technology 1572 8099 0.05 8 25 54 510 Journal of Computing and Information Science in 81 Engineering 1530 9827 0.05 8 23 139 515 82 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 1226 086X 0.07 8 75 272 1,712 83 Journal of Risk Research 1466 4461 0.09 8 57 140 2,167 84 Journal of Technology in Human Services 1522 8991 0.04 8 26 48 646 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Transactions of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,Series A/Chung­kuo Kung Ch’eng Hsuch 85 K’an 0253 3839 0.04 8 130 359 2,303 Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and 86 Mathematical Modelling 0927 6467 0.04 8 27 92 425 87 Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 1000 9361 0.04 7 84 209 970 88 Forschung im Ingenieurwesen/Engineering Research 1434 0860 0.04 7 23 73 510 Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng/Optics and Precision 89 Engineering 1004 924X 0.1 7 319 353 3,693 90 PTB ­ Mitteilungen Forschen und Prufen 0030 834X 0.04 7 36 107 350 91 Wiadomosci Lekarskie 0043 5147 0.04 7 75 547 1,271 Beijing Daxue Xuebao Ziran Kexue Ban/Acta 92 Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis 0479 8023 0.04 6 135 389 2,186 1083 93 Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics1363 0.06 6 31 76 1,042 Journal of the Chinese Society of Corrosion and 94 Protection 1005 4537 0.05 6 25 240 322 95 Journal of the Indian Institute of Science 0019 4964 0.04 6 18 113 1,217 96 Natural Hazards Review 1527 6988 0.11 6 14 60 458 1570 0755 0.17 6 30 71 737 Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Technical 0239 98 Sciences 7528 0.05 5 51 141 1,106 99 Cluster Computing 1386 7857 0.04 5 37 64 919 100Digital Investigation 1742 2876 0.05 5 31 127 389 Dongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of 1001 101 Southeast University (Natural Science Edition) 0505 0.04 5 265 775 2,909 Huanan Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of South China 1000 102 University of Technology (Natural Science) 565X 0.04 5 368 765 4,221 International Journal of Continuing Engineering 103 Education and Life­Long Learning 1741 5055 0.04 5 33 96 840 104Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 1741 5985 0.05 5 50 135 941 105Ionics 0947 7047 0.06 5 112 210 2,336 106Journal of Industrial Technology 0882 6404 0.04 5 10 55 220 107Optimization and Engineering 1389 4420 0.06 5 18 50 633 0030 108Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research9885 0.04 5 31 273 672 109Structural Control and Health Monitoring 1545 2255 0.05 5 56 111 1,549 110 Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering 1560 6686 0.04 5 50 129 741 97 Quantum Information Processing Xi’an Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Xidian 111 University 1001 2400 0.05 5 205 562 1,909 112Advances in Complex Systems 0219 5259 0.05 4 53 83 1,458 Beijing Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Transaction of Beijing 113 Institute of Technology 1001 0645 0.04 4 251 935 1,939 114Dynamic Systems and Applications 1056 2176 0.05 4 40 106 781 Harbin Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin 115 Institute of Technology 0367 6234 0.04 4 748 1,855 6,273 Huadong Ligong Daxue Xuebao /Journal of East China 1006 116 University of Science and Technology 3080 0.04 4 184 652 1,997 1542 117International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering6580 0.05 4 126 148 3,210 118International Journal of Engine Research 1468 0874 0.05 4 35 108 878 119International Journal of Fluid Power 1439 9776 0.05 4 19 53 243 120International Journal of Pavement Engineering 1477 268X 0.04 4 28 80 512 International Journal of Services, Technology and 121 Management 1741 525X 0.04 4 31 115 976 International Journal of Technology, Policy and 122 Management 1741 5292 0.04 4 15 73 301 123JBIS ­ Journal British Interplanetary Society 0007 084X 0.04 4 57 156 1,244 Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin 124 University (Engineering and Technology Edition) 1671 5497 0.04 4 347 455 3,163 125Journal of ASTM International 0 0.04 4 158 675 2,682 126Journal of Mechanics 1727 7191 0.05 4 50 104 1,002 1619 127Journal of Optical and Fiber Communications Reports8638 0.05 4 9 49 916 1045 1064 0.04 4 0 36 0 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences 1678 129 and Engineering 5878 0.04 4 42 167 801 0133 2546 0.04 4 28 79 141 1539 131Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines7742 0.04 4 26 67 443 132Plasma Science and Technology 1009 0630 0.04 4 153 400 3,116 133 Rengong Jingti Xuebao/Journal of Synthetic Crystals 1000 985X 0.04 4 302 703 4,007 134Requirements Engineering 1432 010X 0.04 4 14 45 487 135 Technische Uberwachung 1436 4948 0.04 4 91 315 433 136Transport 1648 4142 0.04 4 57 142 707 137 Zhongguo Tiedao Kexue/China Railway Science 1001 4632 0.05 4 152 472 1,348 138 CrossTalk 0 0.04 3 103 325 495 139Engineering Design Graphics Journal 0046 2012 0.04 3 10 41 76 128Journal of Technology Education 130 Korrozios Figyelo Harbin Gongcheng Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin 140 Engineering University 1006 7043 0.04 3 321 794 2,992 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and 141 Computer Science 1641 876X 0.04 3 45 45 1,045 142International Journal of COMADEM 1363 7681 0.04 3 20 61 354 143International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 1741 8038 0.04 3 25 57 559 International Journal of Distance Education 144 Technologies 1539 3100 0.04 3 6 54 101 1001 145 Jisuan Wuli/Chinese Journal of Computational Physics 246X 0.04 3 99 262 1,231 1006 146Journal of China University of Mining and Technology1266 0.04 3 123 197 1,488 147Journal of Computational Information Systems 1553 9105 0.04 3 302 351 3,470 148Journal of Information and Computational Science 1548 7741 0.04 3 97 377 1,232 149Journal of Shanghai University 1007 6417 0.04 3 123 289 1,495 Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture 1300 150 of Gazi University 1884 0.04 3 103 197 2,185 151Leadership and Management in Engineering 1532 6748 0.04 3 36 92 95 152Lowland Technology International 1344 9656 0.04 3 15 43 183 153Measurement Techniques 1573 8906 0.04 3 204 631 1,878 154 Nanotechnology Law and Business 1546 2080 0.05 3 22 94 768 155Networks and Spatial Economics 1566 113X 0.04 3 24 42 818 Research Reports on Information Science and 156 Electrical Engineering of Kyushu University 1342 3819 0.04 3 12 51 107 Revista Tecnica de la Facultad de Ingenieria 157 Universidad del Zulia 0254 0770 0.04 3 0 80 0 158Science and Technology of Energetic Materials 1347 9466 0.06 3 25 106 234 159 Scientia Iranica 1026 3098 0.04 3 77 138 1,547 160The Futurist 0016 3317 0.04 3 136 316 0 161AEJ ­ Alexandria Engineering Journal 1110 0168 0.04 2 29 243 531 162Computing and Visualization in Science 1432 9360 0.04 2 21 41 400 163Corrosion and Protection 1005 748X 0.04 2 0 373 0 164Engineer 0013 7758 0.04 2 387 896 0 165Filtration 1479 0602 0.04 2 38 48 389 1550 166International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 1477 0.04 2 21 17 498 1556 3758 0.04 2 67 33 1,684 167International Journal of Food Engineering 168Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention 1547 7029 0.04 2 39 349 282 169Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science 1092 0617 0.04 2 0 91 0 1342 170Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association 2618 0.04 2 45 123 565 171Journal of Thermal Science 1003 2169 0.04 2 54 178 679 172 Madencilik 0024 9416 0.04 2 16 49 424 173 Mechanika 1392 1207 0.04 2 62 128 765 174 Mondo Digitale 0 0.04 2 21 97 263 175National Academy Science Letters 0250 541X 0.04 2 63 122 1,212 176Power Electronics Technology 1540 2800 0.04 2 107 310 110 177Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 1573 9120 0.04 2 57 204 1,165 Shenyang Jianzhu Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Shenyang Jianzhu University (Natural 1671 178 Science) 2021 0.04 2 239 409 2,466 Shenzhen Daxue Xuebao (Ligong Ban)/Journal of 179 Shenzhen University Science and Engineering 1000 2618 0.04 2 76 48 791 180SPE Reprint Series 0891 0901 0.04 2 0 87 0 181World of Mining ­ Surface and Underground 1613 2408 0.04 2 50 129 178 Yingyong Jichu yu Gongcheng Kexue Xuebao/Journal 1005 182 of Basic Science and Engineering 0930 0.04 2 72 262 853 183AIST Today (International Edition) 1346 602X 0.04 1 28 293 9 Australian Journal of Emerging Technologies and 184 Society 1449 0706 0.04 1 8 6 357 Dalian Haishi Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Dalian Maritime 1006 185 University 7736 0 1 105 0 895 186Drilling Fluid and Completion Fluid 1001 5620 0.04 1 156 400 781 187Engineering (London) 0013 7782 0.04 1 99 341 0 188Food Science and Technology 1475 3324 0.04 1 42 172 85 189International Journal of Design and Nature 1744 3687 0 1 20 0 397 International Journal of the Society of Materials 190 Engineering for Resources 1347 9725 0.04 1 0 44 0 191 Inzynieria Mineralna 1640 4920 0.04 1 0 27 0 Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and 192 Engineering 1072 8325 0.04 1 20 19 939 193 Journal of Zhejiang University: Science A 1862 1775 0 1 280 0 4,960 194 Komunikacie 1335 4205 0.04 1 40 167 361 Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kumamoto 195 University 0023 5334 0.04 1 0 13 0 196 Poiesis und Praxis 1615 6617 0.04 1 1 43 5 197Revolution (Staten Island, N.Y.) 1059 0927 0.04 1 1,786 327 21,863 198 ThyssenKrupp techforum 1612 2771 0.04 1 29 94 0 TIDEE (Teri Information Digest on Energy and 199 Environment) 0972 6721 0.04 1 8 16 38 200Well Testing 1004 4388 0.04 1 160 503 458 201 Drogi i Mosty 1643 1618 0.04 0 11 27 155 202Fuels and Lubes International 0117 9470 0.04 0 300 527 0 203 Informatologia 1330 0067 0.04 0 17 54 145 204 Tecbahia Revista Baiana De Tecnologia 0104 3285 0.04 0 0 75 0 205TRW Petroleum Technologies Reports 0 0.04 0 0 14 0 0 0 457 0 0341 206 VDI­Z Integrierte Produktion 7255 0.04 Retrieved from: http://www.scimagojr.com. SCImago Research Group, Copyright 2007­2008. Data Source: Scopus® Total Cites (3years) Citable Docs. (3years) Cites x Doc. (2years) Ref. x Doc. Country 8,139 547 13.54 25.02UNITED KINGDOM 1,517 875 1.55 31.65UNITED KINGDOM 6,687 1,944 3.25 30.04UNITED KINGDOM 634 532 1.02 15.32UNITED STATES 2,033 809 2.31 24.86UNITED KINGDOM 1,607 755 2.09 20.46UNITED KINGDOM 2,303 1,935 1.13 20.19UNITED KINGDOM 2,768 977 2.39 20.71UNITED STATES 1,421 660 2.15 30.04UNITED KINGDOM 382 330 0.92 23.17UNITED KINGDOM 595 568 0.95 21.77UNITED KINGDOM 615 369 1.4 19.13UNITED KINGDOM 278 136 1.56 45.65UNITED STATES 443 271 1.51 37.52UNITED STATES 353 178 1.45 26.01UNITED KINGDOM 451 141 2.89 5.69UNITED STATES 355 220 1.48 26.48UNITED STATES 680 380 1.54 30.33UNITED KINGDOM 1,688 721 2.2 9.72UNITED STATES 803 187 3.32 28.54UNITED STATES 607 191 2.85 23.14UNITED STATES 468 172 2.82 27.02NETHERLANDS 378 82 3.24 33.7UNITED STATES 2,178 380 5.73 39.9GERMANY 802 190 4.86 22.61ISRAEL 348 287 0.91 27.27GERMANY 745 521 1.33 19.37UNITED STATES 151 153 0.92 15.29UNITED STATES 117 82 1.14 32.33UNITED KINGDOM 1,800 553 3.31 20.05UNITED STATES 343 233 1.39 37 41 0.72 63 121 0.47 25.96UNITED STATES 130 226 0.51 18.21UNITED KINGDOM 125 145 0.72 28.2UNITED STATES 216 290 0.72 13.61UNITED KINGDOM 86 155 0.61 18.61UNITED STATES 79 92 0.61 24.81UNITED STATES 320 237 1.39 16.64KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 305 237 0.83 144 69 2.68 15.3UNITED KINGDOM 46 GERMANY 6.57UNITED STATES 28.03NETHERLANDS 193 247 0.61 37.39SWITZERLAND 108 182 0.54 22.8NETHERLANDS 122 234 0.44 14.34NETHERLANDS 27 25 1.28 97.06SPAIN 48 52 0.4 23.76UNITED KINGDOM 409 108 3.09 21.09UNITED KINGDOM 23 67 0.31 5.26UNITED STATES 122 125 0.91 13.83UNITED KINGDOM 194 175 1.06 21.25UNITED KINGDOM 124 31 2.91 17.18UNITED STATES 258 110 1.97 32.69UNITED STATES 79 81 0.98 42.57UNITED STATES 112 93 0.93 26.16UNITED KINGDOM 153 157 0.8 22.92UNITED KINGDOM 47 85 0.44 33.96UNITED STATES 40 54 0.91 179 133 1.19 31.59UNITED KINGDOM 56 87 0.62 25.72UNITED KINGDOM 218 339 0.59 18.47IRELAND 44 84 0.44 25.77UNITED KINGDOM 220 183 1.21 16.99UNITED KINGDOM 55 333 0.11 2.73UNITED STATES 192 289 0.63 11.97UNITED KINGDOM 373 285 1.24 14.5UNITED STATES 19 60 0.32 26.16NETHERLANDS 59 262 0.22 16.16UNITED STATES 132 79 1.58 27.51UNITED KINGDOM 231 56 2.26 36.92UNITED STATES 9.54GERMANY 72 151 0.42 23.97UNITED STATES 23 71 0.36 16.04UNITED STATES 131 277 0.5 18.27UNITED STATES 68 106 0.73 5.86UNITED STATES 191 65 2.07 30.99UNITED STATES 53 205 0.2 65 437 0.12 13.84UNITED STATES 17 38 0.27 34.71NETHERLANDS 28 60 0.3 12.87UNITED STATES 12 85 0.13 16.4UNITED KINGDOM 17 51 0.07 20.4UNITED STATES 93 112 0.78 22.39UNITED STATES 291 271 1.07 22.83KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 131 112 0.97 38.02UNITED KINGDOM 20.41INDIA 11 47 0.19 24.85UNITED STATES 92 341 0.23 17.72TAIWAN, PROVINCIE OF CHINA 14 92 0.17 15.74NETHERLANDS 53 209 0.19 11.55UNITED STATES 14 72 0.18 22.17GERMANY 616 353 1.75 11.58CHINA 0 101 0 63 538 0.11 16.95POLAND 32 389 0.07 16.19CHINA 61 75 0.78 33.61UNITED STATES 41 240 0.17 12.88CHINA 21 112 0.07 67.61INDIA 71 58 1.46 32.71UNITED STATES 9.72GERMANY 76 64 0.91 24.57NETHERLANDS 54 125 0.43 21.69POLAND 36 59 0.61 24.84UNITED STATES 54 110 0.39 12.55UNITED KINGDOM 98 775 0.12 10.98CHINA 182 765 0.26 11.47CHINA 16 82 0.22 25.45SWITZERLAND 65 75 0.58 18.82UNITED STATES 98 209 0.47 20.86GERMANY 7 55 0.07 43 36 1.19 35.17NETHERLANDS 16 271 0.06 21.68PAKISTAN 102 83 1.13 27.66UNITED KINGDOM 35 99 0.26 14.82TAIWAN, PROVINCIE OF CHINA 22 UNITED STATES 114 562 0.19 9.31CHINA 40 82 0.49 110 935 0.11 62 105 0.68 129 1,855 0.06 8.39CHINA 45 652 0.06 10.85CHINA 50 147 0.33 25.48UNITED STATES 66 106 0.55 25.09UNITED KINGDOM 15 53 0.17 12.79GERMANY 30 77 0.4 30 109 0.17 31.48SWITZERLAND 14 66 0.12 20.07SWITZERLAND 42 119 0.29 21.82UNITED KINGDOM 95 455 0.21 27.51SINGAPORE 7.73CHINA 19.53UNITED STATES 18.29UNITED KINGDOM 9.12CHINA 90 673 0.13 16.97UNITED STATES 59 104 0.64 20.04TAIWAN, PROVINCIE OF CHINA 17 49 0.46 101.78UNITED STATES 15 27 0.37 0 UNITED STATES 33 166 0.14 9 78 0.07 13 59 0.28 17.04UNITED STATES 103 398 0.24 20.37UNITED KINGDOM 78 703 0.1 57 41 1.39 13 264 0.06 4.76GERMANY 31 127 0.19 12.4LITHUANIA 141 472 0.26 8.87CHINA 17 240 0.08 4.81UNITED STATES 4 27 0.18 7.6 UNITED STATES 19.07BRAZIL 5.04HUNGARY 13.27CHINA 34.79UNITED KINGDOM 53 794 0.05 9.32CHINA 23 45 0.51 23.22POLAND 4 53 0.03 23 57 0.27 22.36SWITZERLAND 7 44 0.16 16.83UNITED STATES 47 262 0.16 12.43CHINA 38 197 0.19 12.1CHINA 29 351 0.08 11.49CHINA 36 377 0.08 12.7CHINA 13 289 0.05 12.15CHINA 27 195 0.15 21.21TURKEY 7 73 0.1 7 43 0.17 12.2JAPAN 48 625 0.08 9.21UNITED STATES 17.7UNITED KINGDOM 2.64UNITED STATES 27 86 0.31 34.91UNITED STATES 18 37 0.49 34.08UNITED STATES 1 51 0.03 0 77 0 30 105 0.25 6 138 0.04 11 129 0.09 4 243 0.02 18.31EGYPT 17 38 0.45 19.05GERMANY 12 373 0.03 0 CHINA 1 323 0 0 UNITED KINGDOM 13 48 0.27 10.24UNITED KINGDOM 12 17 0.71 23.71UNITED STATES 7 32 0.22 25.13UNITED STATES 8.92JAPAN 0 VENEZUELA 9.36JAPAN 20.09IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF 0 UNITED STATES 14 155 0.08 7.23UNITED STATES 12 90 0.06 7 121 0.03 12.56JAPAN 21 178 0.12 12.57CHINA 3 49 0.06 18 128 0.14 12.34LITHUANIA 4 94 0.06 12.52ITALY 17 110 0.15 19.24INDIA 12 200 0.08 1.03UNITED STATES 36 203 0.18 20.44UNITED STATES 11 409 0.03 10.32CHINA 13 48 0.27 10.41CHINA 0 59 0 7 111 0.05 0 NETHERLANDS 26.5TURKEY 0 UNITED STATES 3.56GERMANY 26 262 0.11 11.85CHINA 1 30 0 0.32JAPAN 3 5 0.6 0 0 0 8.52CHINA 6 400 0.02 5.01CHINA 0 225 0 0 UNITED KINGDOM 4 122 0.03 2.02UNITED KINGDOM 0 0 0 19.85UNITED KINGDOM 2 19 0.14 0 27 0 3 19 0.16 0 0 0 2 148 0.02 0 13 0 44.63AUSTRALIA 0 JAPAN 0 POLAND 46.95UNITED STATES 17.71CHINA 9.03SLOVENIA 0 JAPAN 4 38 0.1 5 GERMANY 4 80 0.06 0 89 0 0 14 0 4.75INDIA 1 502 0 2.86CHINA 0 27 0 14.09POLAND 0 43 0 0 54 0 8.53CROATIA 0 73 0 0 BRAZIL 0 13 0 0 UNITED STATES 0 312 0 0 GERMANY 12.24UNITED STATES 0 GERMANY 0 PHILIPPINES