APRIL 2016 • ISSUE 16 ISSN 2306-0735 I D E A S • M A LTA • R E S E A RC H • P E O P L E • U N I V E R S I TY DIGITAL EDITION i University of Malta Valletta Campus 28 April 2016 8 June 2016 FRANCESCO NOLETTI The Grand Roman Baroque Carpet Still-Life OPENING HOURS Monday–Friday 9am–5pm Saturday 9am–noon Organised by: FREE ENTRANCE CONTACT 2340 2561 / 2340 7517 ii Department of History of Art, Faculty of Arts Supporting Sponsor: FIND US ONLINE To read all our articles featuring some extra content www.um.edu.mt/think To follow our daily musings and a look behind the scenes www.facebook.com/ThinkUoM EDITORIAL MALTESE ORIGINS To communicate with us and follow the latest in research news www.twitter.com/thinkuom S ome research can change how a society perceives itself. Such discoveries do not happen often. Over the last few years DNA samples from hundreds of Maltese people have been sequenced. The data has set in stone the origin of the Maltese people. Read about To see our best photos and illustrations www.instagram.com/thinkuni it in the first article (pg. 19) of our focus on The Maltese Genome. The other focus articles talk about genes for health. A University of Malta team found a novel mutation in local families connected to the blood disorder thalassaemia (pg. 26), which can lead to death in the worst cases. The researchers are trying to determin how to use this knowledge in To view some great videos www.youtube.com/user/ThinkUni patients suffering from the condition. Other work focuses on heart disease (pg. 32). Malta has one of the highest rates of heart attack-related deaths in Europe. A Maltese study is trying to determine which gene alterations common in Malta increase risk. Knowledge is power for treatment. Marijuana is a controversial drug. Research worldwide, including in Malta, has shown that it can potentially treat several conditions, explains To read all our printed magazines online Prof. Giuseppe Di Giovanni (pg. 38). Malta has double the EU average of www.issuu.com/thinkuni early school leavers. Cassi Camilleri writes about local research seeking solutions to this problem that is destroying communities (pg. 52). Marie Claire Gatt talks about sea birds around the Maltese Islands (pg. For our archive from the University of Malta Library 44). These are vital for the Mediterranean Sea’s health. She reports on research performed to see which areas are in dire need of protection. www.um.edu.mt/library/oar In this issue, students talk about digital art (pg. 16) and testing octopi for heavy metal levels (pg. 15). While alumni discuss their work building security apps. The fun section rounds up the issue with reviews, fun CONTRIBUTE science questions, and a 100 word idea to change Malta (pg. 67–71). Edward Duca EDITOR edward.duca@um.edu.mt @DwardD Are you a student, staff, or researcher at the University of Malta? Would you like to contribute to THINK magazine? If interested, please get in touch to discuss your article on think@um.edu.mt or call +356 2340 3451 1 COVER STORY CONTENTS ISSUE 16 � APRIL 2016 TOOLKIT MAQL 4 6 WITHOUT BORDERS Science, art, academia: Star Trek 6 Malta Global Game Jam 8 DESIGN 10 Modern European sculpture 12 OPINION Why practise Taijiquan? 12 Who owns you? 13 The enduring appeal of Star Trek 14 The Maltese Genome 16 Hundreds of Maltese people have had their DNA sequenced. The research is trying to identify the root of rare diseases common in Malta. The data has also revealed the origins of the Maltese people. See editorial on pg. 18 18 STUDENTS Octopus around Malta: safe to eat? 15 Transform everything 16 RESEARCH Art for research's sake How art is being used to fund research at the University of Malta 17 CONTRIBUTORS TOOLKIT ARTICLE Dr Noel Aquilina William Hicklin WITHOUT BORDERS ARTICLES Dr Edward Duca Prof. Victor Grech DESIGN ARTICLE Dr Edward Duca Nikki Petroni Dr Giuseppe Schembri Bonaci OPINION ARTICLES Dr Jean Buttigieg Alan Saliba Gauci Prof. Victor Grech STUDENT ARTICLES Joshua Gili Matthew Galea RESEARCH ARTICLE Sarah Spiteri MALTESE GENOME FOCUS Dr Stephanie BezzinaWettinger Dr Joseph Borg Prof. Alex Felice Clint Mizzi Scott Wilcockson FEATURE ARTICLES Prof. Carmel Borg Cassi Camilleri Prof. Giuseppe Di Giovanni Marie Claire Gatt Stephen Grixti Dr Milosh Raykov Dr Ing. Nicholas Sammut ALUMNI ARTICLE Dr Nicholas MIcallef Veronica Stivala CULTURE ARTICLE Valletta 2018 Foundation FUN ARTICLES Dr Mario Aquilina David Chircop Dr Jurgen Gatt Alexander Hili Dr Philip M. Magri Costantino Oliva COMIC STRIP Dr Ġorġ Mallia PHOTOGRAPHY Dr Edward Duca Jean Claude Vancell Elisa von Brockdorff ILLUSTRATIONS Sonya Hallett Marie Claire Gatt Jean Claude Vancell WEBSITE Lars Lorenz Jean Claude Vancell THINK is a quarterly research magazine published by the Communications & Alumni Relations Office at the University of Malta To subscribe to our blog log into www.um.edu.mt/think/subscribe and fill in your details. � For advertising opportunities, please call 2340 3475 or get in touch by email on think@um.edu.mt Advertising rates are available on www.um.edu.mt/think/advertise 2 MALTESE GENOME FOCUS The hidden history of the Maltese genome 19 Blood, genes & you 26 Heartbreakers 32 44 19 FEATURE Marijuana for epilepsy? Maltese research on how the drug can be used to treat epilepsy FEATURE Time, space, & the ocean wanders Seabirds around Malta are critical for the Mediterranean Sea's health FEATURE FEATURE Systematic failure, persistence and success Rockets that fail safely Testing software to prevent disasters like the 1996 Ariane 5 rocket launch 58 38 52 Malta has twice the number of early school leavers as the rest of Europe. How can this problem be solved? ALUMNI Shiny 'appy people Security apps for good health 63 CULTURE Maltese cultural participation: What do the people want? 65 The results are in on the Malta cultural participation survey 71 FUN Reviews (Books, Film, Games) THINK I D E A S • M A LTA • R E S E A RC H • P E O P L E • U N I V E R S I TY APRIL 2016 - ISSUE 16 EDITORIAL Edward Duca EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Scott Wilcockson FOCUS EDITOR DESIGN Jean Claude Vancell DESIGNER COPYEDITING 67–70 100 word idea: Think critically, think Malta 71 What is more addictive: cannabis or coffee? 71 ISSN 2306-0735 Copyright © University of Malta, 2016 The right of the University of Malta to be identified as Publisher of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright Act, 2001. University of Malta, Msida, Malta Tel: (356) 2340 2340 Fax: (356) 2340 2342 www.um.edu.mt All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purpose of research and review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. The publisher has used its best endeavours to ensure that the URLs for external websites referred to in this magazine are correct and active at the time of going to press. However the publisher has no responsibility for the websites and can make no guarantee that a site will remain live or that the content is or will remain appropriate. Every effort has been made to trace all copyright holders, but if any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers will be pleased to include any necessary credits in any subsequent issues. Veronica Stivala PROOF READING Patricia Camilleri, Daphne Pia Deguara PRINTING Gutenberg Press, Malta 3 Toolkit TOOLKIT 4 Photography by Jean Claude Vancell MAQL T he Mobile Air Quality Laboratory (MAQL) is the outside our window? Or is it because of the new sofa first of its kind on the Maltese Islands. Run by a the family next door just bought? Or perhaps it is a result team of geoscientists at the University of Malta, the of the redecoration the building down the road recently MAQL can assess the quality of the air by continuously underwent. Such data is vital for scientists to be able to monitoring particulate and gaseous air toxics. figure out the root of a problem, to create a model of The particulates it can detect vary in size. The personal exposure to the pollutants, and to develop safer finer particles (PM1 and PM2.5) are usually the most measures for the general public. can also measure coarser sized particles (PM4 and a clearer picture of the indoor air quality across PM10). The suite of gaseous pollutants that can be the Maltese Islands. It will help other scientists checked are sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, carbon interpret older data, and enable them to design monoxide, ozone, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), new studies. Medics can match such data with organic and elemental carbon, and radon. population studies and assess disease rates around dangerous respirable fraction but the instrumentation The MAQL is able to compare the air in indoor The MAQL facility will help scientists develop Malta. The MAQL can determine the sources of and outdoor spaces while recording meteorological pollution inside buildings with the help of lifestyle conditions onsite. The comparison helps scientists and meteorological data, providing enough understand from where the pollution originates. Is there information for the construction of dwellings so much pollution in our environs because of all the cars which have cleaner and safer air for everyone. • Power consumption (including cooling system): 2.5 kW • Gaseous pollutants measurement frequency: 1 minute • Particulate limit of detection: 1 ug/m3 • Gaseous pollutants limit of detection: < 0.5 ppb • VOCs measurement frequency: 1 sample/30 minutes • Cost: €0.60 million Toolkit QUICK SPECS 5 WITHOUT BORDERS Science, art, academia: Star Trek T he Star Trek academic symposium will be held drew participation from many international scholars at the Faculty of ICT, University of Malta, on including American philosopher Jason Eberl, UK- 15 and 16 July 2016. This event will be a platform based neonatologist and ethicist Neena Modi. for both academics from various disciplines as As a result of its success, this second event well as Star Trek fans to meet and explore the that marks the 50th anniversary from the launch intersection between the humanities and the of Star Trek: The Original Series is being organised. sciences. There will be inspirational presentations The event will be held under the auspices of the from national and international speakers, with the Humanities, Medicine and Sciences Programme programme tailored to attract a wide audience. (HUMS), a University of Malta programme set Contributors will be encouraged to explore up to explore and encourage the interfaces contemporary issues in medicine, science, and between the humanities, medicine, and sciences. technology as well as philosophical, psychological, The Science Fiction Symposium will appeal to and sociological issues connected with the scientists and fans of science fiction alike.. science fiction entertainment franchise Star Trek. A similar symposium was held in 2014 and which Without Borders proved to be a worldwide first that successfully 6 For more information, visit: www.startreksymposium.com Without Borders Art by Prof. Victor Grech 7 WITHOUT BORDERS Malta Global Game Jam I ndie games are seemingly unstoppable. As ancient temple’s rite of passage. Hashtag mainstream blockbuster AAA games stutter, Master Race won the local event with a game new niches are opening up with nearly half about angels and demons. Internationally of gamers being female and mobile revenue over 28,000 people participated. increasing rapidly. In Malta, an important piece Apart from a fun weekend, the event in the indie game developer puzzle is the Malta is an opportunity for one to practice and Global Game Jam, which brings coders, designers, learn skills, to build networks and, in a few artists, writers, and other creatives together to cases, build promising new IP (Intellectual create a game from scratch in just 48 hours. Property). Participants form a small indie Run in Malta by the Institute of Digital Malta Global Games Jam, the game And Then We considerably since its inception, pulling an Held Hands saw success and as it was distributed international crowd from all over Europe. The internationally following a $60,000 Kickstarter January event this year included London-based campaign. The experience can be used to help games and pop-culture writer Philippa Warr and those already in the industry, or for those Milan-based indie design duo We are Müesli. wishing to enter the industry, gain confidence After keynotes and workshops to hone participants’ skills, 14 different games were created. Without Borders The worldwide theme was ‘ritual’. In third place 8 development team every year. Back in the 2013 Games since 2013, the yearly event has grown to make more indie games or for them to join a big company with proven experience. Intense events like this play a vital role in was the create-your-own-god game, Godowbows, the building of a local game development and the self-explanatory non-fun game, IKEA scene that can soon see Malta join its supply assistant. In second place the beautifully international peers in producing top-notch, designed The Passage immersed players into an international and lucrative games. 9 Without Borders DESIGN Modern European sculpture F rench sculptor Auguste Rodin (1840–1917) as a means of moulding his sculptures. He managed is the progenitor of modern sculpture. He to create a new aesthetic. rebelled against idealised forms in order to express The conference brought scholars from all over the inner truths of humanity in his artworks. Europe to discuss these and other European sculptors. His successors went on to challenge his work, The scholars debated topics from the mutation of continuing to explore the aesthetic revolution he the human form to an artist’s sense of heritage. The had started. Key examples include Henry Moore event focused on pioneering sculptors who went (1898–1986), Alberto Giacometti and the largely beyond their current socio-political context. It also undiscovered Swiss sculptor Hans Josephsohn helped place Malta’s own Kalleya deservedly on the (1920–2012). international map. Design These artists were studied alongside Maltese 10 sculptor Josef Kalleya (1898–1998) at the The conference and exhibition were organised by conference entitled ‘Peripheral Alternatives to the Department of History of Art, Faculty of Arts, Rodin in Modern European Sculpture’ (December, University of Malta. The events were convened 2015). The international speakers created by Dr Giuseppe Schembri Bonaci and curated significant links between works by renowned by Nikki Petroni. Other participants included Dr sculptors and Kalleya, who has been poorly Sophie Biass-Fabiani (Musée Rodin, Paris), Dr Jon understood by his contemporaries and is unknown Wood (Henry Moore Foundation, Leeds), Barbara outside Malta. Kalleya developed unique methods Vujanović (Atelijer Meštrović, Zagreb), Dr Julia Kelly of creating photomontages alongside the innovative (Loughborough University), and, Ulrich Meinherz use of a knife to create powerful visceral incisions (Kesselhaus Josephsohn, St Gallen). Design Top: Josef Kalleya, Study for City Gate, Valletta. Photograph of plaster model (image courtesy of the Kalleya Family Archives) Left: Josef Kalleya, L'Abbandono della Casa Materna. Photograph of lost work (image courtesy of the Kalleya Family Archives) Right: Josef Kalleya, I Santi, Bronze. Photo by Elisa von Brockdorff Opposite page: Josef Kalleya, Pierrot, Bronze. Photo by Elisa von Brockdorff 11 Why practise Taijiquan? Alan Saliba Gauci I n the 12th century, the Shaolin Monk Chang and like Taoism, Tai Chi is based on the principle, San Feng witnessed a battle between a snake known as Wu Wei (effortless effort). This means and a crane, during which the snake managed that those who practise Tai Chi should be soft and to conquer its opponent with its grace. The flexible in the same way that water flows smoothly. monk went on to formulate a set of movements, Water can take the form of any container yet on its which have become the basis of Tai Chi, a martial art based on the pillars of Taoism, Confucianism benefits. One study concluded that moderate Tai being one with nature and the universe. Chi practice helps older people maintain fitness, while other studies showed that Tai Chi was good a system of philosophical teachings that stresses for a healthy and well-functioning heart, as well as that all under the sky is one family. Everyone can to regulate blood pressure levels. be part of this great family regardless of their social Taijiquan is based on the principle of Yin status, political or religious creed. By practising Tai and Yang, an element of Chinese philosophy Chi together and sharing knowledge, participants that describes how two contrary forces can be learn and develop respect and obedience; qualities complementary. Building on this belief, those who stressed by Chinese teacher and founder of practise the discipline try to achieve harmony Confucianism, Confucius. which in turn brings with it good health. During my Tai Chi classes, I like to first develop the technical aspects of a student’s movements in order for them to have a solid foundation. This is then followed by an emphasis on self-expression through movement and concentration on these movements. In the film Enter the Dragon, Bruce Lee tells his apprentice ‘like a finger pointing away to the moon. Do not concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.’ At first a movement is just a movement. However, after constant practice and analysis, the practitioner realises that the movement has a rhythm behind it and this charges them with feeling, a process that resembles the way a musician feels the beat/the rhythm when performing. THE BENEFITS OF TAIJIQUAN Taijiquan is a good method to alleviate stress and achieve good health. Rather than going to a gym, where a lot of energy and effort are required, with Tai Chi, a lot can be achieved without any force, Opinion Some scientific studies have shown Tai Chi’s and Buddhism. Taoism upholds the importance of Taijiquan shares concepts with Confucianism, 12 own it is formless and shapeless. Who owns you? Dr Jean Buttigieg were invalid because they did not create or alter have already been claimed any of the genetic information encoded in the as US Intellectual Property. BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. The location and order But should anyone own our of the nucleotides existed in nature before Myriad genes? And what happens found them. The company simply discovered what when gene ownership can drastically prevent the advancement of life-saving cures? The US Patent Office’s most controversial patents was already there and did not create anything new. There is no worldwide consensus on whether parts of the human genome should be granted are on BRCA1 and BRCA2, both linked to the high intellectual property protection. The Myriad risks of ovarian and breast cancer. They are now patents should alert us to the injustice of having owned by Myriad Genetic Laboratories. In 1996, a pharmaceutical company make money out of Myriad Genetics developed and began marketing a cancer predictive tests that could cost 10 times predictive test for the presence of possible cancer- less than what is charged. The same patents causing mutations: the ‘BRCAnalysis’ test. The stifled diagnostic testing and research that could price of the test was US$3,000 but the company have led to cures as well as limiting women’s promised that it would eventually drop the price to options regarding their medical care in Malta as US$300. This never happened because its patent in all other parts of the world. There are various holder had the right to stop any other party from international and regional agreements that have duplicating the patented sequences. This single described the human genome as being part of test accounted for over 80% of Myriad Genetics’ humanity’s ‘common heritage’, including the 1998 multibillion dollar business. UN Declaration on the Human Genome and In 2009, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Human Rights. The Myriad patents controversy decided to challenge the patenting of human genes has shown that gene patenting does not work on legal grounds. The ACLU was the representative of to stimulate more research—one of the prime 20 medial organisations, geneticists, women’s health arguments Big Pharma uses. It is time to explore groups, and patients unable to be screened due to other avenues that will both promote scientific the prohibitive patents. The ACLU’s position was that progress and technological development but Myriad’s patents violated the patent law on the issue at the same time protect the special nature of of patent-eligibility. human genes that make us who we are. No The case went before the Supreme Court. By 3 June, 2013 it was declared that the Myriad patents one should own our genes—they should be exploited in the interest of everyone. Opinion O ne fifth of human genes 13 The enduring appeal of Star Trek Prof. Victor Grech I am often asked why Star Trek appeals to me to all since no deities are invoked. When people lies with its founder, the humanist Gene invoke God or gods this almost inevitably Roddenberry. Humanism is defined as ‘a faith precipitates arguments on which religion is in and commitment to shared humanity’. correct or true. Such conflicts are a principal Secular Humanism is not an ideology or source of past, present, and future contention. fixed ethical system but a collection of general Opinion Television aliens can be read as ciphers and guidelines that should allow humanity to metaphors for humanity. Humanism could increase its knowledge to further its collective be interpreted as a belief system that is a wellbeing. The philosophy seeks to establish useful point of reference to explore human moral principles that are independent of differences. The medium of science fiction any mystical sources, though they remain combines these two, leading to open dialogue conducive to the freedom and wellbeing of and self-insight to bridge the artificial gulfs the populace based on ethical reasoning. The that separate us as individuals and as races. term Secular Humanism explicitly rejects the The Star Trek universe continues to offer supernatural and the primacy of moral codes ‘an alternative, liberal future that not only has based solely on religious convictions. Secular eliminated poverty, racism, sexism, jingoism, and Humanist philosophy offers an alternative to colonialism, but also challenges contemporary more traditional ethical and moral concepts. society to rectify such unacceptable states of affair’. Humanism is rooted in the oeuvre of the 14 Star Trek’s brand of secular Humanism appeals and so many others. For me, the answer Star Trek, like other science fiction, has an philosopher John Locke, who asserted that unshakeable ‘belief in the liberating power of everyone has the natural right to ‘life, liberty, the imagination’ to optimistically create utopian and property’ as well as in the work of worlds that help us realise ‘our limitations, and philosopher Adam Smith, who addressed the thereby to move beyond them toward a more importance of private property and free trade. inclusive awareness’ of humanity’s potential. STUDENTS Octopus around Malta: Safe to eat? Joshua Gili H eavy metals can be toxic to humans. They need to be liver. Each tissue was gathered into one pool by site, monitored to ensure environmental levels do not go then homogenised, dried, and acid-treated. Afterwards a above dangerous levels. The European Commission has technique called polarography was used to determine the set acceptable maximum levels of metals allowed in food levels of each metal. This data helped Gili decide whether since most metals end up in humans through their diet. metal accumulation in the tissue of octopi is affected by But how do metals find their way into our food in the first place? Heavy metals can enter the environment in biometry, season, or geography. In Malta, metal levels depended on where the octopus a number of ways, including through volcanism, fossil was caught. In general, the concentrations were lower fuel burning, and antifouling paint use. The heavy metals than other Mediterranean regions. The levels of cadmium bind with biomolecules inside living tissue, and can build and lead in the tentacles were below toxic levels as up to dangerous levels. One prime example of how such stated by the European Commission, indicating that local metals end up in the food we eat can be seen in the case octopus is safe to eat. of the common octopus (Octopus vulgaris). The octopus is susceptible to accumulating high levels of heavy metals This research was performed as part of Joshua Gili’s due to its high ingestion rate of benthic fauna. Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biology and Chemistry, Joshua Gili (supervised by Prof. Victor Axiak) recorded the concentrations of cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc which he is reading at the Faculty of Science, University of Malta. in the common octopus. Specimens were collected from around Malta during summer and winter. The analysis was performed on two of the species’ tissues—the tentacles and the digestive Students glands— which function in a similar way to the human 15 Transform everything Matthew Galea D igital technology opens up new possibilities for the visual arts. It allows artists to The multidisciplinary approach also allowed Galea to investigate chemistry and physics as go beyond the traditional constraints of art. ways of generating content and engaging with the Sculpture is a centuries-old tradition reliant on the artefact. Galea produced an art installation that relationship between the artefact, and its material made use of the night sky, which itself has held and space around it. In the past, sculpture was multiple interpretations by humankind throughout confined to being a physical act; it produced three- time. The artwork transformed movement into dimensional tangible objects that had little to do audio and visual content. with the digital world. But this is just one side, if you would forgive the Thanks to his research, Galea helped show how hyperdisciplinary artefacts that fuse various art pun, to sculpture. Sculpture can be viewed as a forms are possible through digital technology. mental process. It is the act of remediating things, Computers can transform data into an image, or rather reassigning meaning to objects. Marcel audio, or text. Software can transform anything. Duchamp’s infamous sculpture ‘Fountain’ (1917) Digital technology can enhance artworks' is perhaps a perfect example of this. Meaning is interactivity with the audience, making visitors a social and cultural construct created through part of the artwork. interactions by people with the objects and their environment. Since meaning is fabricated by society, To see the project’s outcome visit: then it stands to reason how the same objects have www.behance.net/gallery/27174125/Map-of- held multiple interpretations through time. the-Heavens Students Matthew Galea (supervised by Dr Vince Briffa) 16 This research was performed as part of a explored these social and cultural constructs to Master of Fine Art in Digital Art which Matthew create novel artworks. To do so, he employed Galea completed at the Faculty of Media and skills from different disciplines including drawing, Knowledge Sciences (MaKS), University of Malta. painting, sculpture, music, and the other It is partially funded by Master it! scheme. This performing arts. But instead of expressing them scholarship is part-financed by the European individually he fused them into one art form. Union—European Social Fund (ESF) under The various art forms could be experienced Operational Programme II—Cohesion Policy collectively, for example, as a musical instrument, 2007–2013, ‘Empowering People for More Jobs or a painting, or even through movement. and a Better Quality of Life’. Photos by John Ambrogio Art for research’s sake Performing artists support medical research through the University of Malta’s Research, Innovation and Development Trust science and research. the event, who passed away in 2013. Jonathan Shaw, the producer of the importance of supporting the work that is being carried out in the When it comes to Teatru Unplugged, explains that ‘a part field of cancer research […], work raising funds for of the proceeds or the money raised that may not have an immediate medical research, artists through initiatives associated with result, but by supporting it we are and art lovers around the world Teatru Unplugged has always gone to supporting a long term plan.’ have always been at the forefront. good causes,’ but ever since Nirvana The most recent event was held Concerts, art exhibitions, and art passed away, Teatru Unplugged has on Easter Sunday. RIDT presented auctions have long been effective focused specifically on cancer-related Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons at St platforms for raising funds for research, causes.’ This year the organisers Publius Church, Floriana, featuring particularly medical research. decided to go one step further, and internationally acclaimed violinist collaborated with RIDT. Shaw adds Carmine Lauri together with a the inception of the the University that ‘we believe that investing in 14-piece string ensemble, under the of Malta’s Research, Innovation and research to help find possible or direction of Prof. Mro Michael Laus. Development Trust (RIDT), a growth potential solutions to a problem is just The concert was supporting Brain has been observed in terms of as important as helping those who Awareness Week that aims to raise support for and contribution towards are currently facing that scenario. It funds for research in brain-related research from the art industry. This is important to channel support to studies, and was supported by APS growth in support comes from both the long-term solution at the root.’ Bank and the ADRC Trust. the artists themselves as well as the The 25th edition of Prelude to Over the past four years, since producers of artistic events. It is Christmas, a concert for Christmastime encouraging to see a culture change held at the Mdina Cathedral by the whereby research is being recognised Amadeus Choir, raised funds for as a cause worthy of support. cancer research conducted at Noteworthy examples of this are the University of Malta. Mro two music events that took place in Brian Cefai, director of the December 2015. The 18 edition Amadeus Choir comments of Teatru Unplugged was held at that ‘as a choir we have been the Manoel Theatre, Valletta and raising funds for charitable raised funds for cancer research. causes for decades. This The initiative also honoured Nirvana year we decided to support Azzopardi, one of the co-founders of RIDT because we recognise th Research A rt is no stranger to 17 SP EC I AL F EATURE D NA is what life is made of. Found in every cell of the human body, it has sent criminals to jail and been the focus of controversial court cases. Dr Jean Buttigieg discusses these legal and ethical issues (pg. 13). DNA has also transformed the meaning of being human, with traits from disease to intelligence all linked to it. DNA is changing the world. Malta has not lagged behind in genetics research. One of the largest local research groups has been investigating for decades the genetics behind haemoglobin switching and the blood disorder thalassaemia. Their research is recognised worldwide (pg. 26). They recently discovered a mutation, in some Maltese families, that led them to a master regulator that could help bone marrow alleviate the disease. They are trying to turn this knowledge into a treatment for sufferers worldwide. In the worst cases thalassaemia is fatal. Another large scale study is looking into heart disease (pg. 32). The morality rate in Malta is higher than the European average. This is partly our lifestyle but there is also a genetic component. The Maltese Acute Myocardial Infarction (MAMI) study is focused on finding the genetic component behind three key heart-disease related problems. The local studies on Maltese genetics are very ambitious (pg. 19). They have already partially sequenced tens of people and plan to map the genomes of 4,000 Maltese people, around 1% of the population. Malta would suddenly become one of the best genetically documented in the world. This research has already borne fruit with a public health genomics database, a biobank, and the origin of the current Maltese population finally nailed. The Malta Human Genome Project (MHGP—Grant Agreement R&I 2013-041) is funded by the Malta Council for Science and Technology in the Health & Biotechnology sector. Research consortium lead: University of Malta. Maltese Genome Focus Partners: Mater Dei Hospital, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands and Complete 18 Genomics Inc., California, Silicon Valley, USA. The Hidden History of the maltese genome By reading someone’s DNA one can tell how likely they are to develop a disease or whether they are related to the person sitting next to them. By reading a nation’s DNA one can understand why a population is more likely to develop a disease or how a population came to exist. Scott Wilcockson talks to Prof. Alex Felice, Dr Joseph Borg, and Clint Mizzi (University of Malta) about their latest project that aims to sequence the Maltese genome and what it might reveal about the origins and health of the Maltese people. Illustrations by Sonya Hallett. The first draft of the Human Genome has been launched the largest biological project invaluable to researchers all over the world who in history. Over the course of 13 years, sought to understand the intricacies of human the Human Genome Project sought to biology and evolution. Another major outcome was decipher the sequence of human DNA; the rapid surge in DNA sequencing technologies. the chemical code found in every cell of The first human genome took over 200 scientists our bodies that contains the information to 13 years and $3 billion to complete. The newest create an entire human being. The completion technology, known as Next Generation Sequencing of this project, and the subsequent boom (machine-based sequencing technologies), now in the field of genetics, has turned the allows a small group of scientists to sequence one 21st century into the age of genetics. person’s genome in a few weeks for around Maltese Genome Focus I n 1990, geneticists all over the world 19 $1,000. Such a low price has fuelled groups of populations. Caucasians innovation—from reimagining medicine have particular DNA variations (into precision medicine that considers that make them unique from East The three-year Maltese Genome Project a person's gene variations, environment, Asian populations and vice versa. was launched in 2015, based on nearly and lifestyle) to teasing out the origins Maltese Genome Focus 25 years of human genomic research of humankind through projects like genome falls short when one attempts in Malta. It will map the genomes The Cancer Genome Atlas and the to study a specific population’s genetics. of around 4,000 Maltese people, or International 1,000 Genome Project. Researcher Clint Mizzi explains, ‘there 1% of the population, in order to have been a number of [genome obtain an averaged or referenced human genome does not paint a sequencing] projects but how many Maltese genome sequence. This complete picture of every person alive Maltese people were included? […] means that the end result will not today. While 99.9% of the sequence Populations from different countries be the sequence of any one person’s of every human’s DNA is the same, have different variants that appear in genome but a representative example the 0.1% which is slightly different different percentages of the population, of the entire Maltese population. (called variations or mutations) makes thus some [gene variants] may be us unique. Borg explained, ‘all of our found mainly in the Maltese population will be invaluable to geneticists and traits, such as eye colour and height, [while] others are absent.’ This is why clinicians to diagnose rare diseases boil down to small variations in our many countries worldwide are initiating and investigate new therapies. Borg DNA sequence. Importantly, diseases their own genome projects. Now describes how ‘if they embark on their are also attributed to [gene] mutations Malta has entered the foray with the own genetics project and uncover a and variants.’ While every person Maltese Genome Project and a partial mutation […], instead of having no is genetically different, so are large genome has already been completed. idea how frequently it occurs [in the While useful, the first draft of the 20 Thus, the current data on the human A GENOME FOR THE PEOPLE Having this kind of information Maltese population] or what it does, than exploring […] work that might be reference genome to match everything they will now have a reference they futile, which can be very frustrating.’ up like a giant jigsaw puzzle. By comparing the genomes, any variations can look to.’ This knowledge will CONVERTING PEOPLE INTO BIG DATA in the DNA sequence specific to the Getting hold of a person’s DNA is quite researchers can then focus their easy: a cheek swab or some blood is efforts on the specific gene variants FORGETTING PAST TECHNOLOGY? all you need. Once the DNA has been or mutations that are affecting the prepared—which involves cutting it up Maltese population. Mizzi stresses into tiny fragments—it is placed in one ‘that bioinformatics does not stand Malta has a long history of genetics end of a DNA sequencing machine and alone. […] The machines are not 100% research. Older genetics technologies left to run. These machines essentially perfect, although there are a number were less focused and much more make a copy of the DNA fragments and of [methods we use] to minimise the vastly improve the understanding of how particular gene variants affect the Maltese population when studying disease mechanisms. Maltese population can be singled out. With this information, the labour intensive. They looked at one gene at a time, forcing the researcher to choose particular genes, possibly missing the gene linked to a disease or condition. Modern whole genome sequencing (next generation sequencing) is fast, relatively inexpensive, and allows This knowledge will vastly improve the understanding of how particular gene variants affect the Maltese population when studying disease mechanisms. researchers to look at every single gene and all the DNA in between. monitor which molecules are added errors. […] So it is important to go back So does this mean that next in sequence to the growing chain of to the laboratory to confirm results and generation sequencing technology will new DNA. This then allows you to do experimental functional studies.’ signal the end for old technologies? On determine the original sequence. Then It is imperative to check that the the contrary, Borg explains that ‘we are it is someone else’s job to make sense variants or mutations have an effect at a stage where we usually sequence of what comes out the other end. on our biology. By working together, the whole genome […] but if we can Say 'hello' to the bioinformaticians! researchers from different fields are putting this knowledge to good use. obtain enough data [about the Maltese Clint Mizzi is a bioinformatician at population], researchers no longer need the University of Malta working on the to sequence everything. Once we have Maltese Genome Project. He explains bright future for our understanding the thousands of unique and non- that ‘bioinformatics encompasses of human physiology and what unique [gene] variants, a researcher can multiple disciplines […] involving an treatment is best when our genes study a Malta-specific [range of genes] understanding of biology, computer turn against us. But the field of that can be more precise and less time science, mathematics, statistics, genetics is not only about working consuming.’ Far from replacing the old and some engineering. We apply towards a better future. Hidden deep technology, whole genome sequencing mathematical sciences to biological within our DNA are clues of our can work alongside it to streamline data.’ A single person can equate to distant past. By reading the Maltese research. ‘[Genome sequencing] 200–400 gigabits of raw data and genome one can understand the will help direct research to specific Mizzi needs to make sense of it. origins of the contemporary Maltese can] tailor design experiments rather Once Mizzi has the DNA sequence fragments he aligns them to a population and the evolutionary forces that shaped their genome. Maltese Genome Focus genes,’ Borg explains, ‘[so a scientist The age of genetics heralds a 21 Lebanese DNA contributed less than 5% to today's Maltese DNA MALTESE ORIGINS specific parts of the mitochondrial population, known as M and N, moved DNA (known as haplogroups, that into the Middle East and made their The Mediterranean has enjoyed a remain largely unchanged over first steps toward global colonisation. turbulent past with more civilisations time so are shared worldwide) and empires rising and falling than a researchers are able to trace ancestry entered Continental Europe. Felice year's hot dinners. This question of through the female lineage. explains that ‘over a relatively short ‘where did the Maltese come from?’ The second is the Y chromosome. Human DNA is broken up into 46 the pre-existing humanoids, mostly To understand how this modern chunks known as chromosomes, with Neanderthals in Europe, due to some nation arose needs a bit of history. each parent contributing half. Gender kind of Darwinian advantage.’ Some is determined by two chromosomes cross-breeding took place between Africa, the environment was just known as X and Y. XX makes a female, the two humanoids but gradually right for the beginning of humankind. XY makes a male. The combination Homo sapiens took over the planet Modern humans (Homo sapiens) depends on one's father. The Y (except Antarctica). Malta was only entered the world stage around chromosome also has haplogroups, colonised around 7,000 years ago. 200,000 years ago—exact dates are making it a useful genetic marker for still unknown. Evolutionary genetics evolutionary studies on men's origins. THE FIRST PEOPLE OF MALTA THE VOYAGE OF HUMANITY The first humans in Malta are presumed This DNA is distinct from the rest of Around 80,000 years ago humans brought cattle and crops over that our DNA found in the cell nucleus. embarked on the most important changed the Maltese landscape. After Mitochondrial DNA is found in journey in humanity’s history. They more than a millennium, the culture of small energy producing factories left Africa. From the analysis of this people took an interesting turn. known as mitochondria—if they mitochondrial DNA, humans 'exited They built over 30 temple complexes, stop working, death follows quickly. from East Africa as a small group of the oldest free-standing stone These are inherited only from male and female modern humans,’ structures in the world. This Temple one's mother and only transmitted explains Prof. Alex Felice. Two Period saw the rise of a complex through daughters. By looking at splinter groups of the Eastern African civilisation with a ritualistic and artistic studies that look into our distant past rely on two genetic markers. The first is mitochondrial DNA. Maltese Genome Focus period of time […] humans replaced has been debated for centuries. A long time ago in South-East 22 By 40,000 years ago, humans had to have been Sicilian farmers, who culture (see Death of the Temple People completely uninhabited; there is not a day colonial areas based on haplogroups in THINK, Issue 10, pp. 34–41). very good record, but in principle there in modern day Lebanese people. Late For one and a half millennia the was not a substantial population [...]. Stone Age farmers in Greece, Crete, Temple People flourished, leaving It was probably a mixture of the main and Southern Italy had the same piece behind their distinctive mark on populations of the time,’ he continues. of DNA. The Maltese population did the Maltese and Gozitan landscape. The Temple People were replaced too, but this small genetic footprint However, their departure left us with by Bronze Age settlers. Then came the could have been left behind by others Malta’s greatest mystery: why did Phoenicians around 700 bc, followed like the Stone Age ancestors. The they suddenly disappear around 2500 by the Carthaginian Empire in 332 methodology of this study turned out bc? bc, to be flawed. Maltese history does not then the Romans during the First proposed, including environmental Punic War in 218 bc. Malta's population reflect a large Phoenician population stress and their own religious fervour. was thought to be very small, Felice that could have lasted till today The real reason is being unravelled adds how there was ‘maybe a small by the FRAGSUS project involving urban presence in modern Mdina and Maltese come from? Research carried archaeologists, biologists, engineers, [a few other places], but apparently out in Malta points to just a few and others from the Universities of only a couple thousand at most.’ hundred miles north. A study published So where do the contemporary in the Annals of Human Genetics in Cambridge, Belfast, and Malta. DESCENT FROM PHOENICIA OR SICILY? 2004, on which Felice collaborated, [humanity’s presence in Malta] is like In 2004, a National Geographic magazine and identified common population that of the dinosaurs. The Temple interview sparked exciting revelations groups. ‘Data on Mitochondrial DNA People were here but they seem on the origins of the Maltese people. [from the ongoing Maltese Genome to have been replaced by others,’ Early results of a Y chromosome study Project] is also nearly complete but comments Felice. For the next four showed that 50% of Maltese men are what we have also points in the same millennia Malta constantly changed of Phoenician origin. In 2008 the study direction [as the previous study]: hands, closely following the rise and fall was published in The American Journal that most contemporary Maltese of the great Mediterranean Empires. ‘It of Human Genetics. The researchers males and females can trace their is not correct to say that the island was looked for Phoenician DNA in modern ancestry to Sicily and [Southern] Events like this seem to echo throughout Malta’s history. ‘The archaeological record is such that looked at Y chromosome haplogroups found throughout the Mediterranean Maltese Genome Focus A number of theories have been 23 THE PRICE OF PROSPERITY of St John and second, as in the rest Lebanese DNA, contributed less ‘So this is the [genetic and historical] a certain degree of public hygiene than 5% to today's Maltese DNA. data on the recent origins of the and prosperity […]. The populations contemporary Maltese. This is of Europe and Malta started to grow NORMAN DOMINION important for a number of reasons. exponentially. It was during this time Firstly it addresses questions such as: that rare diseases accumulated’. History reflects the DNA evidence. Who am I? Where am I going? Where The decline of the Roman Empire was did I come from?’ Felice observes, was estimated at 12,000 with 5,000 followed by Arab rule of the Islands for adding, though, that ‘there are also residing in Gozo. Within 10 years, the at least two centuries from around important questions [for Malta today] estimate had almost doubled to 22,000 870. First under the Aghlabid regarding public health’ that must be in Malta and 6,500 in Gozo, including Emirate and then the Fatimid asked. For millennia ships have dropped the Knights. Despite sieges and Caliphate. Malta was either anchor along the Maltese shore and depopulations of Gozo, by 1814 the uninhabited or there were very few the ripples can still be felt today. Island's population boomed to 41,000. Italy around 1,000 years ago,’ reveals Felice. Middle Eastern DNA, including ad of Europe, this was the beginning of In 1528 the population of Malta people. The turn of the first millennium brought a documented influx of people from Arab-ruled Sicily. At the turn of the 11th century a new set of players entered the game. Adventurers from Northern Who am I? Where am I going? Where did I come from? France had gained a foothold in Southern Italy and sought to expel fallen out of favour with the Maltese toward the end of the 18th century The current population of Malta due to the opulence of Grandmaster stands at just over 420,000 and Pinto’s reign. On 9 July, 1798 By 1091, Count Roger I landed in originates from a small population that Napoleon Bonaparte landed in Malta Malta and established Norman rule. settled here after the first millennium. and, by the 12th of the month, Malta Felice explains, ‘these [people] were was added to the French Empire. the Arab administration until 1127 visited by small groups, military when Count Roger II of Sicily, the son details of young men who stayed memory of their evil French of Roger I, finally displaced the Arab for a short time […] and left genetic overlords, rule under France was not governors and established complete memories in the form of gene variants all that bad. Napoleon planned the Norman dominion. Over the next few and mutations […].’ This, he notes, is building of hospitals and invested centuries, the Maltese population grew what we now recognise as Founder in education. Unfortunately, the with an influx of Sicilian and Norman Effects. As the small population new rules did not sit well with settlers. Felice explains ‘there was expanded over the centuries, these the clergy who stood to lose their [still] a strong Arab subculture in Sicily newly introduced Founder Mutations significant power over the Maltese. and Southern Italy […]. If you go to the became widespread across the So they initiated a rebellion. The small villages outside [Sicilian] towns population for better or worse. Maltese were induced to revolt 82 today they speak very differently to Maltese Genome Focus Nothing lasts forever; the Knights had the Arab and Byzantine occupiers. Malta continued to be governed by 24 EXPERIMENTING WITH NEW MASTERS The history of Malta continued to Despite the Maltese collective days after accepting French rule modern Italians, not too different from become more and more interesting (see Malta: Stockholm Syndrome in what we call Maltese. These [people] with various groups and nations THINK, Issue 13, pp. 48–55). began to re-inhabit Malta, although visiting over the centuries, which there were only around 20,000 people provided ample opportunities for these in great suffering. Malta's population up to ad 1500.’ Once again, Malta was Founder Mutations to arrive and mix plummeted by 18.7% around this colonised by Sicilians who gradually with genomes from distant countries. time from 114,000 to 93,000 due to latinised the island and brought their Felice describes two major events war, famine, and disease. By 1800, unique Siculo-Arabic language that that occurred after 1500: ‘first was the French relented and the Maltese evolved into modern Maltese. the arrival of the Order of the Knights won their freedom back. Without The two-year-long siege resulted Malta being involved in the negotiations, it was handed back to the Knights with the British acting as protectorate. The British amalgamated Malta into their empire. The Maltese were deemed incapable of governing themselves leaving Malta to enjoy 164 years of British rule. BOTTLENECKS AND FOUNDER EFFECTS Events over the last millennia have shaped the modern Maltese people. The rise and fall in population numbers created genetic bottlenecks. These events impacted genetic diversity so much that rare DNA mutations became common spreading disease. The problem is evident today. ‘There are a number of mutations that give rise to rare diseases, those [found] in less than one in 10,000 people. […] So, there is this genetic burden,’ explains Felice. ‘In the 1990s we set up, with the Department of Health and the late Dr Joe Louis Grech, the Laboratory University of Malta] and the blood disorders like thalassaemia. One technology, over the next few years Thalassaemia Clinic at St Luke's study in 2007 by Felice and his team research and diagnostics shall be Hospital, now at Mater Dei Hospital, focused on a mutation in the SPR gene moving to whole genome sequencing.’ and we began to identify some of that leads to a rare disorder known With the Maltese Genome in hand, these mutations.’ Interestingly, the as Segawa’s Disease, a motor neuron researchers will be able to figure out research on these disease-causing disorder with some similarities to how to treat diseases widespread mutations supports the Y chromosome Parkinson’s Disease. A single mutation locally while helping others worldwide. and mitochondrial DNA studies in the SPR gene was found in a high Researchers will generate a complete carried out in Malta: most of the proportion of the population. Because picture of where the Maltese came Islands' genetic mutations are shared of this discovery, babies are diagnosed from and who they are today. with Sicily and Southern Italy. at birth and treated immediately Some mutations that cause rare diseases are disproportionately high preventing severe disability. Genetics is making great strides. The study’s co-principal investigators are Prof. Alex Felice and Dr Joseph in the Maltese population and include Felice adds that ‘because of the Borg with Clint Mizzi and Dr gangliosidosis, coeliac disease, and efficiency and costs of the new Nikolai Pace as close associates. Maltese Genome Focus of Molecular Genetics [at the 25 26 Maltese Genome Focus BLOOD, GENES, & YOU Over the course of nine months, an entire human body is sculpted from a few cells into a baby. The blueprint is the information written into our DNA. But what happens if there is a mistake in these blueprints? Decades worth of research carried out in Malta and abroad have aimed to understand how these errors lead to a disease common in Malta and prevalent worldwide. Scott Wilcockson talks to Dr Joseph Borg (Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Malta) to find out more. Y ou are unique. This is not just Thalassaemia, which has become the focus of Dr saying that to make you feel good Joseph Borg’s research after he joined Prof. Alex about yourself. Everyone is unique. Felice's research group that has studied how a Every person is moulded by their genetic quirk could be used to treat this illness. upbringing, experiences, and genes. made a distinct person with a unique DNA WHEN BLOOD TURNS BAD sequence, randomly passing on the best and Borg explained that ‘thalassaemia is an inherited worst of themselves to the next generation. blood disorder caused by an inability to produce The information written into your DNA, or sufficient amounts of haemoglobin, the [molecule] genome, supplies the embryonic ‘you’ with the in red blood cells that binds and transports oxygen instructions to build your entire body and then to to our various tissues and organs.’ The most maintain it throughout your life. While all human prominent form in the Mediterranean is Beta beings possess a common set of genes—around Thalassaemia. This is caused by mutations that 23,000 of them—our DNA is not exactly the same affect the production of the beta-chain sub-unit for all of us. We are all riddled with small variations, of the haemoglobin molecule in blood cells. or mutations, throughout our genomes. Many of There are around 300 known mutations that these mutations result in biological quirks that play cause thalassaemia worldwide. In Malta, a single a role in our individuality. For example, mutations mutation in the beta-globin gene was found to be in the OCA2 gene are a major determinant of the main culprit in the late 1980s by Prof. Christian eye colour. Other mutations can have more Scerri (Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University profound effects on health and well being. of Malta) and had been designated the very Most diseases have some sort of genetic element, catchy name of β+ IVS-I-6 (T→C). This mutation is though the exact cause can vary. Some diseases, common throughout the Western Mediterranean like diabetes or cancer, are due to many genes and accounts for two thirds of all Maltese cases. malfunctioning and are known as multifactorial. Unfortunately, treatment options are limited. Borg The multiple genetic mutations acting in concert explains that ‘adult patients have to undergo lifelong trigger disease progression. Others on the other blood transfusions every month, or a bone marrow hand are monogenic as they are triggered by transplant in rare cases.’ Hope is in sight, however. one gene mutation. One such disease is Beta Studies are now focusing on a biological Maltese Genome Focus By fusing together their DNA, our parents have 27 Left to right: Dr Joseph Borg, Jeanesse Scerri, Stefanie Inguanez quirk that could hold the key to oxygen molecules. Following birth, treating patients. In the 1990s, a study babies are able to obtain plenty of on the Maltese population carried out oxygen on their own and switch from by Prof. Alex Felice (Faculty of Medicine primarily foetal to adult haemoglobin. and Surgery, University of Malta) and Intriguingly, the switch is not his team identified another common always complete. Borg described mutation within the gamma-globin how a small portion (less than 1%) gene. This gene contains the blueprints of all our haemoglobin is foetal even needed to make another haemoglobin in adulthood. However, some adults protein known as the gamma-chain. In adults the beta-chain is used to make haemoglobin. In babies the gammachain is used instead in the developing foetus and up to six months after birth. A QUIRK OF NATURE When a foetus is developing, oxygen is provided through the mother’s blood supply. Oxygen diffuses through the mother’s placenta in the womb where it is picked up by the baby’s red blood Maltese Genome Focus cells. The foetus needs to be able to 28 absorb as much oxygen as possible and therefore uses a different type of haemoglobin (foetal haemoglobin) that has a stronger attraction toward The relative ease with which researchers can sequence all of a person’s genes is paving the way for a much greater understanding of how diseases develop and how to treat them. can have much higher levels because of certain genetic mutations. This phenomenon is known as Hereditary Persistence of Foetal Haemoglobin (HPFH). Felice first discovered a Maltese person with HPFH, and now whole families have been found. Earlier, Prof. Maurice Cauchi (now Melbourne, Australia) had discovered the Hb F Malta I variant in the gammaglobin gene. The mutation is found in around 2% of Maltese newborns. Together with other variants they are the most valuable quantitative markers of the foetal to adult globin gene switch unique to Maltese families. Individuals who have two mutant genes, one from each parent, can have treatment. No more medicine. It would to be foetal. One mutant gene give them a better quality of life.’ leads to between 15–34% foetal In 2010, this team published This study revealed how the mutation in the Maltese family blocks the KLF1 protein from binding haemoglobin. This particular quirk (together with ERASMUS) a seminal to DNA and doing its job. KLF1 of biology does not cause any ill work in the world-leading journal normally switches on the adult beta- effects, as foetal haemoglobin Nature Genetics. The work identified a globin gene and turns off the foetal functions well and individuals with key factor that caused the haemoglobin gamma-globin gene. By stopping the mutation usually do not find switch in the first six months of a KLF1 from doing so the Maltese out until they have it tested. baby’s life. The study looked at an mutation causes a lot more foetal haemoglobin to be produced in adults. This biological peculiarity is of entire Maltese family, where ten out great interest to researchers like of 27 members exhibited HPFH with Felice and Borg. ‘We wanted to use varying degrees of foetal haemoglobin a major regulator of the switch. Borg the knowledge of this mechanistic production ranging from 3–20% of cautions however, that ‘after our imbalance [in the switch] to the total haemoglobin. Borg and his publication, other groups identified understand how best to treat those colleagues sequenced the recruited similar and also conflicting results who suffer from blood disorders like family’s DNA to identify the genetic because of different KLF1 mutations thalassaemia and sickle-cell disease.’ mutations causing this imbalance. [...]. This [suggested] that KLF1 is People with these disorders usually They found that a single gene called not acting alone.’ Another puzzle have normal foetal haemoglobin KLF1 was mutated in all family was that foetal haemoglobin levels but abnormal or insufficient adult members with HPFH and, to date, varied greatly in family members. haemoglobin. Increasing the level this mutation seems Malta-specific. They ranged from 17–20% to only of foetal haemoglobin in adulthood This gene provides the blueprint This exciting discovery identified 3–5%. The KLF1 mutation alone did effectively cures these diseases. to make the KLF1 protein. KLF1 is a not explain the difference, which Borg added how ‘if you can augment transcription factor. It binds to specific means it was not capable of driving higher levels of foetal haemoglobin parts of the DNA and turns genes high foetal haemoglobin levels on [in adults] you can render [patients] on or off. KLF1 switches on genes its own. Other factors and gene independent of transfusions. No more involved in red blood cell production. mutations must be at play. Maltese Genome Focus around 58% of their total haemoglobin 29 INHERITANCE OF THALASSAEMIA This leads us to the next stage of the research. ‘We have now identified three other Maltese families with the PARENTS same KLF1 mutation but with normal [foetal haemoglobin] levels, less than 1%.’ Felice, Borg, Ruth Galdies, and their team sequenced all of the DNA (a Mother a carrier Father a carrier genome) of over 50 individuals. They are now comparing the genomes of these new families with the earlier study. ‘KLF1 is a common factor [in R r R all families]. We can cancel it out and r see what [genes] we are left with. […] We suspect we will be left with the ‘friends’ or ‘foes’ of KLF1 controlling the [foetal haemoglobin] levels.’ The relative ease with which researchers can sequence all of a person’s genes is paving R R R r R r r r the way for a much greater understanding of how diseases develop and how to treat them. MIMICKING BIOLOGY Child healthy Child a carrier Child a carrier Child with Thalassaemia Gene therapy is a possible method to treat diseases like thalassaemia. The idea is to change the gene’s sequence or activity within living people. Borg describes new methods known as gene editing that could be used to Ruth Galdies correct genetic defects to treat these reactivates the production of foetal disease types. ‘This could be used haemoglobin in adults and blocks the in the form of a vaccine [injected formation of mutant haemoglobin, into the patient which] then can which keeps the disease in check. MEDICINE MADE JUST FOR YOU... Personalised medicine is a rapidly home in [and] turn off the [gene].’ Hydroxyurea has similarly been tried growing idea that uses a person’s Gene therapy is still experimental, to treat thalassaemia. The results have genetic information to determine due to health and safety concerns, been mixed, with some responding the best drug cocktail. By knowing but Borg believes that ‘we are not better than others. The drug can also a person’s genetics, an individual’s too far away [from a treatment].’ have serious side effects and can kill drug response can be estimated. blood cells. It seems that the bone The right treatment can be matched technology are rapidly turning marrow of thalassaemia patients to the right patient without science fiction into science fact. is inflamed and highly sensitive to wasting time and money, while Once developed, gene therapy is hydroxyurea. The dosage needs to reducing threats to the patient’s a giant leap over traditional drugs. be carefully regulated to minimise health—a dream that needs ‘What is beautiful is that with today’s these effects, but also to ensure more research to be realised. technology, you can either choose to that individuals are not needlessly fully or partially [turn off a gene],’ Borg exposed to the drug if they do not information studied by geneticists explains. ‘This may be very important respond to it. This is where genetics is migrating from labs into clinics. because the complete absence of a comes back to save the day. Thanks to researchers like Felice, The enormous wealth of gene can have dire consequences.’ Borg, and the rest of the team the For now, humanity will have to wait ways in which diseases develop till this technology develops. are being understood. The aim is Luckily, gene sequencing has started to be used alongside conventional medical treatment. Attempts to mimic the effects of HPFH by elevating foetal hemoglobin levels in adults using drugs have been going on for a while. Sickle-cell disease (a disease similar to thalassaemia) is already being treated. The drug Hydroxyurea to tailor treatments for individual By knowing a person’s genetics, an individual’s drug response can be estimated. patients. We all share the same 99.9% of DNA. But that 0.1% makes a big difference. The study’s principal investigator is Prof. Alex Felice with Jeanesse Scerri, Ruth Galdies, and Dr Joseph Borg as close associates. Maltese Genome Focus The advances in gene sequencing 31 Maltese Genome Focus 32 Illustration by Jean Claude Vancell Every person possesses the same genes within every cell. Their DNA provides the information to first create an entire functioning body and then keep it running. While all humans share more than 99.9% of their DNA, it is the subtle differences in our DNA that ensure individuality. Many differences are superficial effects, like hair colour, but some can have disastrous health effects. Scott Wilcockson talks to Dr Stephanie Bezzina-Wettinger (Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Malta) about her research on these subtle differences and how they can contribute to heart attacks. B y this time next year, around 17 ‘Many years before a heart attack, the artery wall million people will have been lost develops what is known as an atheroma plaque,’ to heart or cardiovascular disease. Bezzina-Wettinger explains. ‘This is where cells Almost half of these deaths will from the blood start to accumulate, begin taking have been due to coronary heart up fat, and secrete a lot of inflammatory molecules disease, commonly resulting in heart attacks [which have a number of roles, including attracting (myocardial infarction)—the world’s leading more blood cells and promoting blood clotting]. At cause of death. While mortality rates are some point the plaque can rupture, liberating its steadily declining throughout Europe, the contents into the bloodstream [which] can trigger death rate in some countries, including Malta, blood clotting. This can then either heal […] or end remains much higher than the EU average. up causing a [heart attack] because heart tissue Unfortunately, our modern way of living dies off [as] it is starved of oxygen and nutrients.’ threatens to turn the tide against reducing Now a large collaborative study headed by deaths. A growing love for junk food and a Bezzina-Wettinger is investigating the genetics loathing for vegetables is leading to high rates that leave the Maltese susceptible to plaque of obesity and diabetes, while alcohol, tobacco, formation, known as atherosclerosis, and and other drugs are abused of regularly. subsequent heart attack. The Maltese Acute Altogether, these lifestyle factors account for Myocardial Infarction (MAMI) study is focused around a third of all cardiovascular disease in the on three key topics: inflammation, fatty lipid and developed world. But this information is nothing cholesterol deposition, and blood clotting. The new. We have known about this for years. idea is to search for genes that could in some way contribute to each of these three processes. These lifestyle factors act on our genetic make-up. IT'S ALL IN THE GENES Like most other conditions, cardiovascular disease So genes are the instructional element of DNA and has a genetic element. Back in 1994, a study into can be imagined as a specific sequence of letters. death by coronary heart disease in twins showed These letters are read to provide the blueprints for that genetics plays a role in our susceptibility and the construction of proteins that regulate every accounts for 40–60% of the variability between aspect of our biology. While we all share the same individuals. Research being carried out by Dr set of genes, the exact sequence of letters can Stephanie Bezzina-Wettinger and colleagues is vary from person to person resulting in different looking into how genetics can have a hand in variants of the same genes. ‘All of us have literally driving heart attacks in the Maltese population. tens of thousands of [gene] variants,’ clarifies Maltese Genome Focus PREDISPOSED TO A BROKEN HEART? 33 or animal can come in multiple different forms or shapes. The most dramatic biological example is the existence of males and females. Genetic polymorphism refers to the same gene existing in a population in multiple variations. For example, there are a small group of polymorphic genes that determine your hair colour and so, whether your hair is blonde, brown, black, or red depends on which gene variants you receive from your parents. Bezzina-Wettinger explains that many of the genes we know are linked to heart attacks are polymorphic. These are the focus of her research. DISSECTING THE MALTESE HEART Previous studies carried out on other nationalities worldwide have identified groups of gene variants associated with an increased risk of heart attack. Dr Stephanie Bezzina-Wettinger Bezzina-Wettinger, and the effect that these variants have on us, if any at all, depends on multiple different factors. ‘The genetics of [heart attacks] is very complicated. We talk about it as a complex disease, [...] one caused by a mixture of genes and [variants] that interact with one another as well as with the environment, such as lifestyle and physiological factors like diabetes.’ These interactions can make Maltese Genome Focus identifying the gene variants to blame 34 Malta has its unique genetic mix so Malta has its unique genetic mix so these studies could not be blindly applied to the Maltese population. these studies could not be blindly applied to the Maltese population. Bezzina-Wettinger explains that ‘we knew a lot about the epidemiology but in terms of the genetics, there was nothing when we started.’ To study the Maltese population they had to start from scratch. Collecting all the material necessary for population-based studies can seem like a mammoth task and the MAMI study is a substantial project that involves collaboration over many for complex diseases harder than usual disciplines. The team consists of and this is further complicated by the clinicians, technicians, and cardiologists fact that many of these gene variants from Mater Dei Hospital, as well as are quite common. These variations geneticists from the University of Malta. are known as polymorphisms. This is Just over 1,000 participants were the idea that a single type of object involved, including around 400 who had had a heart attack, 400 ‘control’ smoking, diabetes, high blood along with the power to process, participants who did not, and 200 pressure, and high cholesterol. store, and analyse the vast amounts relatives of heart attack victims. A lot Regular consumption of alcohol can of data this technology produces. of data was obtained for every single be associated with decreased risk Bezzina-Wettinger’s team are using patient, starting off with each answering of heart attacks, but before running a method known as Whole Exome an extensive questionnaire that delved to the bar to get another drink, you Sequencing that focuses specifically into all aspects of their daily lives. should only be having a few drinks on genes and misses out the DNA This was accompanied by a number a week. Too much alcohol has the in between. ‘We take one group of of biochemical tests to gauge their exact opposite effect. Binging on six proteins that we think are involved general health, such as whether liver drinks or more on a daily basis greatly [in heart attacks] and look at all their and kidney were functioning correctly. increases your risk. Moderation is key. genes—there can be something like The next step will be to look into the general lifestyle and health of the the genetics. To do this, the team are variants.’ This technology has enabled patients involved in order to determine using Next Generation Sequencing Dr Ritienne Attard, a former Ph.D. the lifestyle risk factors that predispose technology that vastly decreases student of Bezzina-Wettinger, to the Maltese people to heart attack. sequencing costs. Since the advent compare the variation in sequences of the Human Genome Project in between members of the same family. shown that the Maltese are not the 1990s, our ability to sequence By doing this, Attard hopes to identify immune to the conventional risk DNA is becoming increasingly easier, gene variants that could predispose factors for heart attack including cheaper, and readily accessible, individuals to heart attack. The study’s early results have Maltese Genome Focus 100–200—and then we look for the These tests provided an overview of 35 ADDING COMPLEXITY: THE GENE-LIFESTYLE LINK non-diabetic, and have low cholesterol, What you have to keep in mind when or [people with] high cholesterol the studying the genetics of complex risk goes up 6.6-fold. Now, only a part diseases, like heart attack, is that you of this is due to the [lifestyle factors] can be looking at very common gene because someone with the same variants. ‘If you study the genetics alone lifestyle factors but without this [gene you don’t really get anything conclusive variant] only has a four-fold increased [….] You could start to see a genetic risk.’ The difference between these two [variant] that has no effect in the general is down to the gene variant which does population. But, for example, in smokers nothing at all in a healthy individual. with this [variant, you find] they will Inherited genes play a role, but there is have a higher risk. So we do see these a chance to change the outcome with kinds of gene-lifestyle interactions’. This the lifestyle you choose for yourself. the risk is the same as the base line population. But in smokers, diabetics, phenomenon is prevalent in all complex diseases, including the plethora of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and many common cancers. Thus we can introduce the idea of one being So is the Maltese population predisposed to a particular illness. particularly predisposed to heart Maltese Genome Focus The initial results of the MAMI 36 THE BEATING HEART OF MALTA attacks? Answering this question genetics study show just this. Bezzina- is not straightforward. The genetic Wettinger describes one of the team’s information obtained so far relates to results whereby a single letter is single families and is not representative changed in the sequence of one gene. of the entire population. While the ‘In [people] who are non-smokers, genetic variants, or polymorphisms, Inherited genes play a role, but there is a chance to change the outcome with the lifestyle you choose for yourself. Photo by Yevgen Belich / Shutterstock.com that have so far been studied are to reduce the incidence of heart attack not there yet when it comes to heart common, the frequency can vary in the general population. However, attacks. ‘The very fact that the influence greatly from one population to the next. we know the major risk factors in the of a gene can change depending on In addition, lifestyle factors can also developed world with well-founded the lifestyle of that individual makes vary. For example, one nation’s average gene-lifestyles links (smoking, obesity, it far more complex... Eventually the diet can be very different to that of alcohol use, high blood pressure, and major drivers [of heart attack] will be the neighbouring country. Bezzina- high cholesterol) and so these will identified and treatments, either direct Wettinger adds that ‘the prevalence remain key targets in the fight to reduce or preventative, will be developed.’ of diabetes is higher here and this heart attack incidence. The advent So while the age of personalised [provides] a background within which and growth of this field of research medicine may have already begun, some of these gene variants have an now presents new possibilities when our knowledge of the genetics of effect.’ The results of the MAMI study it comes to patient treatment or the disease still has a way to go yet. have yet to be fully published and application of preventative measures. Accompanying the arrival of are quite complicated. sequencing of the exomes of all 1,000 cheap Next Generation Sequencing participants. This will markedly increase technology, there has been an This research by the University the team’s ability to identify the gene explosion in the field of personalised of Malta forms part of the IAAMI variants that increase risk to disease medicine. This is the idea of tailoring and NGS projects conducted in and link them to the environment and a patient’s treatment to the individual. collaboration with Mater Dei lifestyle of the Maltese population. Everyone has a unique genetic Hospital and funded through the According to the World Health makeup that can influence how they National Research and Innovation Organisation, there are over 300 react to treatments and drugs. This is Programme (Malta Council for risk factors associated with coronary already being applied in some cases, Science and Technology). The heart disease including depression, particularly in certain types of cancer, study’s principal investigator is low socioeconomic status, and illicit to determine the best course of Dr Stephanie Bezzina-Wettinger drug use. This information could be treatment for that individual. However, with Dr Rosienne Farrugia and Dr useful to policy-makers when aiming Bezzina-Wettinger believes we are Ritienne Attard as close associates. Maltese Genome Focus proposed future work includes the Annoyingly, complex diseases 37 MARIJUANA FOR EPILEPSY? Feature Marijuana has been used for centuries for medical reasons. In the early 20th century it was first linked to treatment for epilepsy. Over the last few decades researchers have been unravelling the truth behind the drug. Prof. Giuseppe Di Giovanni tells us more about using marijuana for medical research and his own research on this controversial drug. 38 W hen I was a high school behind the increasingly claimed medical student my dream was benefits of marijuana is vital for scientists and to become a university now governments worldwide. At present, the professor and carry out brain medical uses of marijuana as treatments are still research. I achieved my controversial and anecdotal. All pharmaceutical dreams but I did not plan to end up as a marijuana drugs on the market need gold standard large researcher. double-blind controlled clinical studies that make I only recently started studying the effects of sure a drug is safe, or at least safe enough. To date, chemicals found in Cannabis sativa, better known no such clinical studies have been carried out as marijuana. A few years ago, I was trying to to examine the beneficial effects of cannabis in establish a scientific collaboration with a friend different disorders. and colleague of mine, Dr Roberto Di Maio Anecdotal evidence is not good enough for (Neurology Department, Pittsburgh University), treatments. In my laboratory, I am imposing some who is interested in epilepsy and marijuana. scientific rigour on what has become a very big While researching the topic I found out that many ad hoc experiment (Medical School, University of epileptic patients have turned to marijuana to try Malta). In Malta, the use of marijuana for research to control their seizures. I had no idea of the extent or medical reasons is allowed, but is strictly of medical use of marijuana in the U.S. controlled by national legislation. To get some Medical marijuana has many powerful uses. solid data, I focused part of my research on the Apart from reducing epileptic seizures, medical effect of cannabinoids (after the plant’s formal marijuana can treat glaucoma, pain, and nausea in name) on different types of epilepsy. I did not use cancer and HIV patients, but it also protects the the chemical found in marijuana called delta-9 brain from the effects of trauma, eases the spasms tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), which induces of multiple sclerosis, slows the growth of tumours marijuana’s psychotropic effects, but a synthetic and reduces brain damage in Alzheimer’s disease. analogue named win 55,212-2, that is many times It appears that marijuana is effective for all sorts of more powerful than Δ9-THC. To understand how disorders of the body, mind, and soul. this chemical can help epilepsy sufferers I will Considering the bounty of treatments linked to explain how the condition arises. the drug, it is unsurprising that today 23 U.S. states are expected to follow suit and other countries will probably also follow in America’s steps. The situation is very different for the recreational WHAT IT IS EPILEPSY? Around 60 million people have epilepsy worldwide—in Malta, the number is 3,000. The use of marijuana. The drug has been decriminalised common neurological condition is caused by in many countries including Malta (up to 3.5 gr) but recurring disruptions to the brain’s usual activity. legalised in only a few parts of the world (four U.S. The disruption is usually short-lived. The outward states, the Netherlands, and Bangladesh) and is signs of epilepsy are known as seizures. Some go ‘tolerated’ in many others. This is probably due to unnoticed while others lead to involuntary muscle generalised governmental policy. Marijuana is still spasms and loss of consciousness. The type of listed by the U.S. federal government as a Schedule spasm depends on the part of the brain affected 1 drug, alongside LSD and heroin. This class has and how far the disruption has spread. no other drug that has already been accepted for The brain is made up of billions of nerve cells that medical use. process information from our senses, thoughts, Marijuana is moving onto centre stage. Understanding the neurobiology and chemistry memories, emotions, and actions, and any (or all) of these activities can be affected by a seizure. Feature allow the use of medical marijuana. Other states 39 Epileptic seizure without the drug Epileptic seizure with the new drug Most seizures are over within a few minutes or less, and the person recovers quickly. Epileptic syndromes are classified as either generalised seizures, which affect the entire brain, or partial seizures, which occur within specific brain regions. Conventional drugs are not fully effective in 30–40% of patients meaning that research is needed to find new treatments. During my time in Palermo I started to study temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), unexpected discovery. Synthetic cannabinoids only had a modest effect on the development of seizures. When another chemical called serotonin was activated, their effectiveness multiplied, stopping the fits. Not all types of epilepsy are created equally. In temporal lobe epilepsy, synthetic cannabinoids were even more effective than the epileptic drug phenytoin. The only problem that we Unfortunately, marijuana can have found with this treatment was that results in partial seizure in humans. We some serious cognitive side effects the dose of cannabinoid impaired showed the anti-epileptic role of nitric that have been the major obstacle the hippocampus, an important part oxide—a gas produced naturally in our in its medical use. Marijuana impairs of the brain. The process it blocks is brain. When I moved to Cardiff, I joined perception, reaction time, and short- needed for learning and memory. This Prof. Vincenzo Crunelli’s (University term memory. Marijuana can be side effect was very frustrating; our of Cardiff and now also University addictive but only mildly so: 9% who treatment was effective but could of Malta) group. We unexpectedly try it will become addicted, according harm patients. Dr Stefania Butini discovered that absence epilepsy is not to a recent study. The same study listed (University of Siena, Italy) synthetised largely a neuronal disease, but a defect alcohol at 15%, 17% for cocaine, 23% a new compound that could block the in glial cells (the part of the brain that for heroin, and 32% for nicotine. So breakdown of the natural cannabinoids supports and modulates neurons)— although marijuana may be addictive our brain normally makes. The new work we published in Nature Medicine, for some, 91% of those who try it do drug boosted the amount of our own one of the world’s most important not get hooked. marijuana in epileptics’ brains. The For our study, we first focused on new compound was less effective status epilepticus, a life-threatening in stopping epilepsy but was longer- condition in which one epileptic lasting without major memory side CANNABIS TO TREAT EPILEPSY? fit follows the other without the effects. We are currently following sufferer recovering consciousness. this line of intervention, trying other Dr Roberto Colangeli, a researcher in drugs that increase the levels of our Cannabis has been used to treat my group, (now at the University of own cannabinoids when and where epilepsy for centuries (see table). Calgary, Canada), conducted many they are needed to avoid any possible 2009 I brought this research with me. Feature experiments that led to one important the most common form of epilepsy that journals. When I moved to Malta in 40 We unexpectedly discovered that absence epilepsy is not largely a neuronal disease, but a defect in glial cells. MEDICAL MARIJUANA FOR EPILEPSY: THE EVIDENCE MEDIEVAL TIMES Arab writer Ibn al-Badri Hashish reportedly uses marijuana to cure the sick son of the Caliphate Council’s chamberlain in Baghdad. side effects. This research could treat millions of epilepsy patients safely. THE BRAIN’S OWN MARIJUANA The active ingredient in marijuana comes from a plant, whose extracts would not normally have any affect on the human brain. However, this active ingredient is different. Why? The answer is simple; it happens that the active ingredient in cannabis is very similar to that which the human brain produces naturally. By taking the drug you elevate the chemical levels, switching on the brain to abnormal highs. Other drugs like LSD, opium, caffeine, and nicotine also have analogues that are produced naturally in our brains. It seems incredible that everyone produces a form of these drugs in their own brain. As mentioned previously, the brain’s own marijuana compounds are called endogenous cannabinoids or endocannabinoids. In 16TH CENTURY German physician Leonhart Fuchs names the plant Cannabis sativa (A.D. 1542). 19TH CENTURY British army surgeon William Brooke O’Shaughnessy introduces marijuana into medical practice as a treatment for pain, nausea and convulsions (A.D. 1842). MODERN TIMES • In a 1967 study by Martin Keeler and Clifford Reifler marijuana smoking was associated with an increase in seizure frequency. • In the 1980s, Δ9-THC (active ingredient in marijuana) was characterised as an anticonvulsant in animal studies. Convulsions are a common symptom in epilepsy. • A 1990 epidemiological study by Mervyn Susser and colleagues found that chronic marijuana use protects against seizures. • According to a 2001 questionnaire conducted by Elisabeth Gordon and Orrin Devinsky and completed by 215 epileptic patients using marijuana regularly, 7.4% experienced a reduction, 2.3% an increase, and 90.2% no change in seizure frequency. • Recent studies by Robert DeLorenzo’s group (Virginia Commonwealth University) show that endocannabinoids can block epilepsy (status epilepticus and temporal lobe epilepsy) in cell culture and animal models. • In a 2014 survey, conducted by Orrin Devinsky on parents who had children with epilepsy and who were at the time using cannabis products, 16/19 respondents reported a reduction in seizure frequency while taking medical marijuana; others reported beneficial effects such as improved sleep and mood. • In a 2015 retrospective survey, conducted by Craig Press and colleagues on paediatric patients with different types of epilepsy who were taking oral cannabis extracts, 57% of respondents reported improvement in seizure duration and frequency. 1992 Raphael Mechoulam (Hebrew University, Israel) discovered the first endocannabinoid, naming it anandamide (n-arachidonoylethanolamine or AEA) after the Sanskrit word ‘ananda’ (bliss) Piomelli (University of California, USA) Feature and ‘mide’ (chemical). In 1997 Daniele 41 discovered lipid 2-arachidonoyl glycerol why cannabis does not threaten your irritability are common, undesirable (2-AG), the other major endocannabinoid heart or breathing with no overdoses side effects. This is because the brain in humans. The endocannabinoids ever recorded from cannabis use. (classified as neurotransmitters) pass on CB2, the other main cannabinoid concentration of Δ9-THC reached – after smoking a joint or eating signals in our brains and bind to proteins receptor, is found mostly in the marijuana – is much higher than the called receptors found in neurons. These immune system. The immune system normal level of endocannabinoids and two cannabinoids bind to the CB1 and triggers inflammation and studies greatly magnifies the effect. The result CB2 receptors that help to regulate show that marijuana can reduce is the well-known marijuana high. appetite, mood, memory, and many inflammation. Its presence there I find it difficult to answer the other functions. interests scientists because the question: is marijuana good or bad immune system triggers inflammation, for you? I do not think there will type, are widely distributed in the and studies show marijuana can have ever be a black or white answer, brain, with high concentrations in an anti-inflammatory effect. and it will always be somewhere in CB1 receptors, the more common regions of the brain linked to epilepsy, The active ingredient in marijuana, between. Although many scientists and are involved in pain perception Δ9-THC, can bind to these CB1/ agree that marijuana is safe enough and forming new memories (the cortex CB2 receptors to artificially trigger to temporarily alleviate the symptoms and hippocampus). There are low the same mechanisms in the brain. of certain medical conditions, both levels of CB1 in the brainstem, where The cascade of events releases the short- and long-term use of the cardiac and respiratory functions are neurotransmitters (the molecules that drug may harm the body and mind. regulated. This is one of the reasons brain cells use to communicate with Marijuana’s continued popularity among teenagers raises particular I find it difficult to answer the question: is marijuana good or bad for you? I do not think there will ever be a black or white answer. concern because the drug might hinder the ongoing maturation of the adolescent brain. For medical use, trying to boost our own marijuana (endocannabinoids) levels will probably be safer. The best approach will probably be by blocking the enzymes that break it down. Research is needed to develop these new drugs to treat a host of different brain disorders. Several research groups in the world, including mine in Malta, are seeking answers to reinvent marijuana uses. Prof. Giuseppe Di Giovanni (giuseppe.digiovanni@um.edu. mt) is the Coordinator of the Malta Neuroscience Network, who Feature Prof. Giuseppe Di Giovanni 42 one another). Suddenly, organised the first Brain Awareness they make the world Week, from 14–20 March 2016, the seem hilarious and global campaign engaging the public normal foods taste with brain research. Prof. Di Giovanni delicious. Under the is also the Editor-in-Chief of Xjenza influence of marijuana, Online, the journal of the Malta people generally Chamber of Scientists www.mcs.org. feel happy, relaxed, mt/index.php/xjenza and introspective, This is the first article in the Malta although paranoia and Neuroscience Network (MNN) series. POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA EPILEPSY Multiple animal studies have suggested that Δ9-THC may inhibit the brain processes thought to cause seizures. Highquality human studies are lacking and this leaves many questions unanswered. CANCER The active ingredient in marijuana, Δ9-THC, and its synthetic derivatives have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to control nausea in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and to stimulate appetite in patients with AIDS. Yet it may not be as effective as other recently developed drugs, so marijuana is not considered as a first-line treatment for these symptoms. Numerous recent studies have suggested that cannabinoids might directly inhibit cancer growth. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS) A large trial published in 2012 found that a cannabis extract significantly decreased muscle stiffness and other symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis (MS). A smaller study found that smoking cannabis reduced spasticity and pain in participants resistant to other treatments. Given the few therapies available for MS, a 2011 review concluded that medical marijuana might help manage certain symptoms. GLAUCOMA Several studies have found that smoking marijuana lowers pressure inside the eye, relieving glaucoma-related discomfort for about three to four hours. Other pharmaceutical drugs have now been found to be a better treatment than medical marijuana. PARKINSON’S DISEASE (PD) Recent studies do not offer a complete understanding of the role of endocannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Research supports the notion that the endocannabinoid system plays an important role in movement disorders like PD. The studies can lead to novel therapies. STROKE There is conflicting evidence on the usefulness of cannabinoids in the treatment of stroke—more research is needed. Feature PAIN AND INFLAMMATION Marijuana is only slightly better than a placebo in reducing acute inflammation, and it may even increase the perception of pain in some patients. When taken in combination with other medications, various cannabis-derived drugs are moderately effective in reducing chronic pain. 43 44 Feature Time, space, & the ocean wanders Malta is one of the bird migration hotspots in the Mediterranean. As an archipelago, the Maltese Islands have been a hotspot for seabird nesting since time immemorial. Marie Claire Gatt talks about her research and a major EU project determining sea bird colony location and which areas need to be saved. Photography by Jean Claude Vancell. Back to the cliff ledge. I have just been slapped ledge at l-Aħrax tal-Mellieħa (Malta), in the face by the wing of an unsuspecting I listen intently to the ghostly calls of Yelkouan as it returns to its nest hole. I pick up the seabirds, Yelkouan shearwaters the confused bird and pass it to Ben Metzger, (Garni, Puffinus yelkouan), as they who reads out the identification number on the return to their nests after a day foraging at sea. metal ring on its leg: EE01105. It is 2013 and Like albatrosses in the southern hemisphere, Metzger is the Head of Research at the EU LIFE+ shearwaters and petrels spend their life roaming Malta Seabird Project, a conservation research the seas and oceans, feeding on fish, squid, and project led by BirdLife Malta. This male bird was other marine animals, only approaching land first handled in Malta in 2007 and fitted with this during the breeding season to nest. Even then, ring by seabird researcher John J. Borg; it has these birds cover hundreds of kilometres at sea been breeding yearly at the same location ever every day just to feed. since. Metzger and a team of colleagues and Feature S itting in pitch darkness on a hidden cliff 45 700,000 The number of seabirds estimated to die globally as fisheries bycatch every year Light pollution from Madeira volunteers (such as me) have been building on past efforts by monitoring the three seabird species which nest on Malta’s coasts and islands: the Yelkouan shearwater, its close relative, the Scopoli’s shearwater (Ċiefa, Calonectris diomedea), and the tiny Seabird behaviour is closely tied to the rhythms of marine life petrel’s hunting efficiency was being influenced by this predicted difference in food availability across the lunar cycle. To our surprise, it appeared as though these birds were managing to Filfla, Hydrobates pelagicus melitensis). small, soot-coloured petrel which the matter the moon cycle, during their Around 10% of the world’s population Portuguese call Alma-negra—black soul! breeding period. This raised more questions than it answered, as is of the Yelkouan breed in Malta, while LIFE AT SEA typical of ecological studies, and more of Filfla. I have been involved in this Seabird behaviour is closely tied to the them out. Other studies on bird activity project since its start in 2011, and this rhythms of marine life. The Bulwer’s outside the breeding season seem to experience inspired me to study the petrel feeds on fish and squid species suggest that Bulwer’s petrels can adjust lives of this group of birds. that occupy greater depths of the sea their behaviour to get food when they during the day compared to the night. need it most. as much as 50% of Mediterranean Storm petrels breed in the rock scree A year later and 2,850 km due west, Feature I investigated whether the Bulwer’s catch just as many fish and squid, no Mediterranean Storm petrel (Kanġu ta’ 46 at night. While on Deserta Grande, investigations were needed to figure Seabirds are top predators in the I am standing outside the remote These fish and squid follow plankton research station on Deserta Grande, along their vertical migration up and marine environment. They hold an Madeira, surrounded by Bulwer’s down the water column. The plankton important place in the food web petrels (Bulweria bulwerii) swiftly seem to sink to the darker waters to and reflect the health of the seas in manoeuvring around me to join their hide from predators, while returning to their success. Unfortunately, they partners in nest burrows among the the surface at night to feed. They are are also very vulnerable. Albatrosses, rock scree. I have flown out to the at their most abundant at the surface shearwaters and petrels pair with a Madeiran archipelago from Manchester during the new moon period when single mate throughout their life and Metropolitan University to join the there is no moonlight. Their predators lay no more than a single egg every research group of two biologists from seem to follow them. Likewise, the year. Both pair members take turns Lisbon studying the ecology and Bulwer’s petrel. It can only feed from to incubate the egg for days at a time behaviour of the Bulwer’s petrel—a the sea surface so it hunts mostly while the other parent is foraging. Feature Marie Claire Gatt 47 They nest in the same site all their life, on Deserta Grande Island, I came discourage the birds from approaching returning every year to the same spot across several Bulwer’s petrel’s eggs the fishing gear, reducing seabird from halfway around the world. The that had been abandoned by their bycatch by up to 99%. Other simple chicks that make it then take between parents; the birds may have either mitigation measures include weighting two to 12 years to reach sexual maturity not found enough food in time to lines to quickly sink beyond the reach in the different species. All these facts exchange incubation duties or died of foraging seabirds. Conservatively, add up to a low birth rate and a high at sea. The major cause of incidental 700, 000 seabirds are estimated to die dependence on a stable habitat. The death is fishing gear. Fishermen do not globally as fisheries bycatch every year. loss of just a few birds can have a big intentionally target birds but the birds The situation in the Mediterranean is impact on the population. become entangled in their gear as they not yet known. Feature While attached to their breeding 48 try to catch baited fish. A number of Seabird numbers are also hit by colony, seabirds depend on food being modifications to fishing gear are starting overfishing; 80% of fish stocks are relatively close to their nest to be to be implemented in the southern overexploited. Overfishing, pollution, able to regularly swap the incubation hemisphere. These adjustments do and the degeneration of our seas result shift with their partner. When the not badly hamper fishing fleets. For in increased stress for seabirds—and chick hatches they need to bring back example, in South Africa streamer lines fishermen—to catch enough fish. Ship food at an even faster rate. While on trawl cables were introduced that traffic, dumping, sea pollution, and Map: Marine Important Bird Areas identified by the LIFE+ MSP Scopoli at sea. Photo by Ben Metzger N 5 10 20 Nautical miles offshore windfarms can also harm zone (EEZ) will hopefully soon be seabirds where these activities overlap incorporated into Malta’s Natura2000 with critical seabird areas. network. But seabirds have no regard Metzger’s team at the Malta for national boundaries so their Seabird Project have been tracking the conservation depends on international movements of Malta’s breeding seabirds research teams and intercontinental to map important flyways, feeding initiatives to halt threats. areas, and other communal hangouts which need attention. Each EU country is responsible for protecting and RISKS ON LAND managing marine habitats under the Let us have another look at coastal Natura2000 framework. In 2015, the seabird colonies. Deserta Grande is LIFE+ Malta Seabird Project presented much like an oversized Filfla—it is a the areas around Malta on which 16km-long ridge of stratified volcanic Maltese breeding seabirds depend in rock and bays of loose boulder scree. various stages of their lives. Those that Both islands are uninhabited nature fall within Malta’s exclusive economic reserves, with strict access control and negligible direct human disturbance. Seabirds hold an important place in the food web and reflect the health of the seas in their success. Unfortunately they are also very vulnerable And both still belong to seabirds. The Bulwer’s petrel colony on Deserta Grande is probably the biggest in the Atlantic, much like how Filfla likely hosts the biggest population of Mediterranean Storm petrels in the world. If the quality of these land areas deteriorated, the populations could suffer a fatal blow. Shearwaters and petrels only approach their coastal breeding colonies under the cover of darkness to escape predation HOW TO FOLLOW SEABIRDS Large-range at-sea movements are difficult or impossible to trace visually. Cutting edge technology can come to the rescue. Remote data loggers are relatively small devices that can be attached to animals and use one of a range of techniques to record their position. Device applications change depending on their size and weight, level of accuracy, and battery life. The smallest devices available use the time of sunrise and sunset to approximate seabirds’ position on the globe. The most accurate devices record GPS location via satellite connection. As data loggers continue to become smaller, more accurate, and cheaper, their applicability to new questions and smaller species increases. and harassment by gulls. However, the lighting up of promenades has exposed some cliff lines and made Feature 0 49 them unattractive to seabirds. Several Seabird Project draws to an end, their disappearance is for worldwide historic breeding colonies in Malta have BirdLife Malta has just launched a new research to go hand in hand with probably been abandoned because of LIFE project—Arċipelagu Garnija— political and social willpower to make light pollution. Chicks ready to fly the which will aim to protect birds on land. sure that seabirds keep shearing nest also wait for night-time to take Metzger is now heading a fresh team the seas. off, unaided towards the horizon, but to identify threats to the Yelkouan street lights can, instead, attract many Shearwater colonies scattered across Members of the public can learn more fledglings to fly inland. the Maltese Islands. Arċipelagu about the Maltese Islands’ seabirds Garnija also wants to engage with and enjoy them in their natural habitat threat on land, particularly on islands. the public and bring them on board. during yearly pelagic trips organised Rats are the most notorious. With Small changes like not leaving litter by BirdLife Malta: no natural predators in Malta, their for rats, reducing light pollution, and www.birdlifemalta.org. numbers can quickly explode by feeding keeping sound disturbances low near on our litter. Rats are intelligent, curious, colony sites will go a long way to help was partially funded by the Master and agile, and are able to swim several preserve seabird populations. it! Scholarship Scheme (Malta). Alien invasive species are a huge hundred metres. Their presence at These ocean wanderers captivate Marie Claire Gatt’s Master degree This scholarship is part-financed breeding colonies spells disaster, as the me. They have attuned themselves by the European Union—European rodents prey on eggs and chicks and can to the ways of the seas for the past Social Fund (ESF) under Operational easily wipe out a breeding season. 35 million years. Now they are one of Programme II—Cohesion Policy 2007- the most endangered groups of birds 2013, ‘Empowering People for More in the world. The only way to stop Jobs and a Better Quality Of Life.’ But it is not all doom and gloom. It is now 2016, and as the LIFE+ Malta FLEDGING RECOVERY Feature In June and July many disoriented young Yelkouan shearwaters are found, and in September and October, Scopoli’s shearwaters—sitting ducks for anything that wants an easy kill. Should you come across a disoriented seabird fledgling, please get in touch with BirdLife Malta on 21347 645/6. The bird will be collected by a licensed bird handler, ringed, and released in a safe place at the coast, giving it a second chance to roam the sea. 50 Feature Ben Metzger 51 Systematic Failure, Persistence and Success Feature A tale of early school leavers 52 In Europe, around one in 10 students (18-24 years old) is an ‘early school leaver’. For Malta, it is one in five. A fifth of our local student population is neither in school, nor in training, and with less than five SEC exams under their belt, Malta’s public education investment (~6% GDP) is not seeing much fruit. Cassi Camilleri speaks to Prof. Carmel Borg about what is needed to abandon the antiquated system our communities are being marred by. Photography by Elisa von Brockdorff. T here was once a time when a of Society. But this is not to say that the journey certificate meant a secure job. But did not bring challenges with it—far from it. that time is long gone. Education Hurdles were present from the word go. ‘There is a is increasingly expensive and dearth of research when it comes to the correlation time consuming. Many a time, between early school leaving and wellbeing,’ graduates enter the job market with little to no says Borg, hence work had to start from scratch. experience, with most taking entry-level jobs Piles of data from copious surveys conducted that do not pay nearly enough to compensate by local and major European and International for the work they put into their studies. Institutions, needed to be sifted through and From this perspective, the high number of dropouts and poor update of tertiary education is unsurprising. It is a worldwide analysed. What’s worse was that ‘they were not even meant to study this correlation,’ says Borg. Despite the difficulties, however, the project phenomenon. The premise is simple: why not has been going on for over a year and the get on the job ladder early and work your way first phase has been completed. Published in up through dedication and experience? December 2015, the report outlines a series of In Malta, however, 20.4% of students become emerging trends. Sadly, they are not positive. ‘early school leavers,’ meaning they finish their their belt. Does the same reasoning above STAY IN SCHOOL still apply? Are the long-term effects of such a The truth is that early school leavers are struggling. decision as negligible as some might think? According to the study, the low incomes prevalent Prof. Carmel Borg and Dr Milosh Raykov among this group are resulting in serious financial (Faculty of Education, University of Malta) difficulties for families, even restricting access joined forces about a year ago to answer to important learning tools, such as computers these questions. They looked into the and the Internet, for their own children. Money effects of early school leaving on individuals’ problems are just the tip of the iceberg. Negative emotional, social, and financial wellbeing. emotions and a lack of optimism are widespread A pioneering study, Borg and Raykov’s work in their lives. They are less optimistic about their was supported by the Observatory for Living with futures and experience exhausting time-pressures. Dignity, one of five research entities within the They have little to no time to do things they Maltese President’s Foundation for the Wellbeing actually enjoy, and as a result they feel less Feature education with five ‘O’ levels or less under 53 ‘Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another’ Gilbert Chesterton happy, less calm, and less peaceful. the problems in our education a result, he left when he was 16 as Feelings of social exclusion have also system are multi-faceted. soon as a business opportunity arose. been reported, a direct result of their perception of a low social status. *Names have been changed to protect the person’s identity Feature In his famous TED talk titled Twenty-one year-old Elisa*was not ‘Changing Education Paradigms,’ Ken ready to make decisions about which Robinson deconstructs current models, subjects she wanted to pursue at the taken lightly,’ says Borg, especially pointing out how we are trying to fit age of 11. She ended up making the when looking at the state the within an educational ideal conceived wrong decisions then abandoning current student population is in. By during the industrial revolution. her course to start work at 19. international standards, around 5–6% Schools function like factories, of pupils are doing exceptionally Robinson explains, and this system is changing its pupils,’ says Borg. And this well. But a staggering 45% are out of date. This kind of schooling is statement refers to both early school doing very badly. This is a ticking about conformity, not learning, and leavers and the students who stay time bomb of early school leavers Borg agrees wholeheartedly. Different on. The bulk of our education system just waiting to go off. What is even children have different needs and is devoted to exam preparation and more worrying is that the majority skills and most institutions, both in regurgitating information. Even at of the people making up the 45% Malta and other countries, operate University level, ‘there is [generally] cohort are students from a lower within a standardised curricular very little critical thinking,’ Borg socio-economic status. To have these regime, streaming, and testing that claims, with ‘very little happening staggering gaps across social strata in ignore individual needs. ‘How can you beyond accumulating knowledge’. such a small country is ‘ethically and speak of inclusion, social diversity, and morally unacceptable,’ says Borg. justice when you have an educational leaving is not a problem to be process that is largely informed by an placed squarely on the shoulders of anti-educational routine?’ he asks. educational institutions. The issues This is ‘a struggle which cannot be 54 Prof. Carmel Borg and Dr Milosh Raykov This is what has made education a personal mission for Borg. ‘Those who know me well are aware that my Interviews with a number of former ‘Our schooling system is short- All this being said, early school leading up to early school leaving are complex and lead down many avenues. agenda is focused on social justice, students, though not early school equity, and inclusion in education,’ leavers by definition, reinforced the says Borg. ‘I believe in social justice above. Now 22 years old, Adam* was leaving school such as chronic health and I believe education is a very frustrated in school because he felt issues and genuine learning difficulties important instrument in achieving it. classes were too easy for him and his which might have been inadequately teachers failed to challenge him. As addressed. One’s community also The urgency is obvious but There can be personal reasons for contributes. An economically or socially depressed community sees greater A RAY OF HOPE involving preventative, intervention, and compensatory measures. Preventative measures see numbers of early school leavers. Malta’s current status with regards Family is another factor. Chronic to early school leaving is far from professionals in communities working intergenerational unemployment, very enviable, but it is not all bad. As a result directly with families. This would low expectation from parents—all these of Borg and Raykov’s work, long-term, help deal with problems like chronic play a role in an individual’s decision steadfast solutions are being proposed. intergenerational unemployment and whether to stay on at school or not. The approach is three-pronged very low family expectations. Such ‘Many times,’ Borg says, ‘all of these issues are present in their own right and combine, creating dropouts and early school leavers. There isn’t just one reason.’ One more element contributes considerably to early school leaving. Around 5–6% of pupils are doing exceptionally well. But a staggering 45% are doing very badly The economy. When economies do well, early school leaving rises. This might seem counterintuitive but it is not. A prospering economy is able low level skills and competencies because there are more jobs. However, such early school leaving levels cannot be sustained. Eventually, skill gaps emerge which need to be filled by foreigners. The currently booming e-gaming industry in Malta is the perfect example. Struggling to find local talent, foreigners are brought in to take up the new roles. But this is a band aid, a temporary solution. A powerful economy cannot grow and prosper on low skill, low income, and precarious jobs. ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS The research undertaken by Prof. Carmel Borg and Dr Milosh Raykov is multidimensional in nature, trying to shed light on the social, economic, and emotional wellbeing of early school leavers. It attempts to answer the following questions: What are the work experiences, job characteristics and social status of early school leavers? How does the decision to leave school early affect happiness levels and quality of life? And what is the impact of early school leaving on mental and physical health? The work also has a wider scope, determining the economic repercussions of early school leaving and how that would affect not only an individual’s living conditions but also the country as a whole. Can a country and its economy progress with high levels of early school leaving? Feature to absorb many more people with 55 conditions can be countered by high in its programme already, thanks to but more work needs to be done to quality day care and preschool. As its foundation courses, allowing those retain students. ‘A high percentage of children grow older, schools need with no qualifications to start school the people who sign up for MCAST to remain relevant. This means that again. In itself, this is a great initiative foundation courses are gone by the end of the year,’ says Borg. vocational education will have to ‘We need to break that cycle of occupy a prominent position within secondary education to cater for people who want to work in more practical fields. The needs of high academic achievers need to be met through alternative programmes within mainstream schooling. Intervention measures come into play when an individual risks leaving school. These students, such as teen mothers, need solid support networks. Investing in student and parent afterschool programmes would greatly help. Compensatory measures focus on reintegrating people back into some Feature form of education after leaving school. 56 MCAST has a second chance element Malta has now hit a plateau. This could have something to do with the fact that the number of females becoming early school leavers is rising fast failure and disappointment. What we cannot do is continue reproducing the same systems and hoping that they will lead to a different result.’ Change is sorely needed. The good news is that the wheels are already in motion to make that happen. The Youth Guarantee programme, launched in April 2014 by the Maltese government, is the first port of call. The programme, which is also being implemented throughout Europe, works with young people to provide support, motivational training, and guidance on employment. It also recognises the effectiveness of a combination of off-the-job and on-the-job training, giving trainees the opportunity to garner practical training either in a simulated workshop or in a real working environment. According to the programme’s report on the 2015 scheme, dropouts were prevalent. Of the 606 applications early school leaving,’ notes Borg. In saw it at 43.1%, Malta has now hit a received, 418 opted out. What was fact, their research is being welcomed plateau. This could have something noted from the scheme echoes with open arms by the Directorate for to do with the fact that the number Borg’s words: ‘the rates still highlight Lifelong Learning. Borg is also certain of females becoming early school how essential it is to further invest that these authorities will step up to leavers is rising fast. ‘At best, we in similar initiatives to try and reach the plate and sponsor more studies might hit the 10% mark by 2025. But this cohort and re-engage them in in the years to come. This is essential. this too seems unlikely,’ says Borg. education, training, or employment.’ In Malta, research gaps go hand in But the task is far from easy. hand with policy gaps. ‘We need So where does this leave the Maltese public? Malta is trying. It ranks high to produce more knowledge upon At the second phase of Borg and in education investment. In fact, which we can design good policy.’ Raykov’s research, popular wisdom according to the latest figures from Across Europe, the aim is to bring and research will come together as the World Bank (2012), about down early school leaving to 10% the pair interview a number of early 6.8% of its GDP (Gross Domestic by 2020, but Malta will not achieve school leavers. ‘We will be digging Product) goes towards education. this goal, according to Borg. While deep, excavating narratives, and figures show that the rate declined biographies,’ Borg says. They will be considerably over recent years, 2004 looking into personal experiences ‘Education authorities are highly aware and genuinely concerned about and mining for further solutions to reduce early school leavers. This three-year project has a long FURTHER READING way to go, but it has the legs to go the • Eurostat. (2015). Early leavers from education and training. Retrieved from http://ec.europa.eu. sense of duty in Borg and Raykov. ‘We • Ministry for Education and Employment (MEDE). (2014). A strategic plan for the prevention of early school leaving in Malta. Malta: Ministry for Education and Employment. distance fuelled by the deep-rooted are structurally responsible for the predicament of early school leavers’ says Borg, ‘and if we don’t act now by investing in quality primary and then we will pay for it at a later stage.’ Feature secondary education for our children, 57 Feature ROCKETS THAT FAIL SAFELY 58 Ariane 501 a few seconds before break up Spacecraft failures are spectacular. These unfortunate events are seared into the public memory. One reason why rockets can fail are software bugs. If a rocket’s computer system fails, that infamous blue screen leads to lost work hours, billions of Euro, and lives. Researchers from the Faculty of ICT and Faculty of Engineering (University of Malta) tell THINK about their collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) to test novel satellite software architecture to prevent rocket failure. J une 1996, Ariane 5 Flight 501. Twenty position. The control system was compensating years ago, the world braced itself for the for a wrong turn that had not taken place, which very first flight of a giant rocket that was destroyed the launcher in the process. capable of hurling a pair of three-tonne satellites into orbit. Standing proudly A little bug and a big bang: around €6b worth of research and development had fallen victim at the European spaceport in French Guyana, to a few wrong lines of code. This glitch is the rocket represented ten years of progress in infamously considered to be one of the most launcher technology and was meant to catapult expensive software bugs in history. Garbage European space science to the forefront. in, garbage out, as fiery bits of debris ended up Less than a minute into the flight, the mighty Ariane 5 suddenly veered off course and broke up. littering the swamps of French Guiana. The crash inquiry concluded that the Naturally, when rockets fail, they fail spectacularly. development programme ‘did not include adequate They always do. Ariane 501, the Titanic of analysis and testing of the inertial reference system European launchers, turned into a massive fireball or of the complete flight control system.’ Suitable on its maiden voyage—a sad day for European testing could have detected the potential failure space science. and the appropriate fixes would have contributed The crash inquiry report, published a few months to a more robust control system—perhaps robust after the incident, revealed that the launcher broke enough to gracefully deal with unanticipated up when it abruptly swerved off course under the situations, such as a misleading altitude input. command of the flight control system. The culprit (IRS), the system that calculates the altitude of the launcher: a few erroneous lines of code had SYSTEM ROBUSTNESS AND THE SPACE SECTOR tried to stuff a 64-bit number into a 16-bit space. Some bugs do not fly, and this was definitely one This resulted in invalid altitude information being of them. Designing robust systems that can deal communicated to the flight control computer, with such glitches pays off. These software issues which interpreted it as valid altitude input causing are, of course, not just limited to the space sector. three powerful nozzles to swing to an extreme The same vulnerabilities may crash your word Feature was a small bug in its Inertial Reference System 59 processor. The worst scenario in our everyday lives is hours lost leading to a very bad day. In space, things are a bit different. Considering the number of man-hours of delicate and intricate work involved in design and development, it sometimes means that, kilo for kilo, satellites would cost less were they to be made out of solid gold. Provided the spacecraft has surpassed the critical phase of launch, unrecoverable satellite subsystems may result in the loss of control of the orbiting satellite. Years of work and millions of Euro are turned into a lump of orbiting junk—now that really is a bad day. Nowadays, spacecraft software design needs an extensive dependability and robustness testing Top: Grixti (second from the left) together with other ISU colleagues at the RF Testing chamber at MDA, Montreal. Below: Grixti with the Artemis Jr lunar rover prototype designed by the Neptec Design Group for NASA and the Canadian Space Agency campaign. The stakes in the space sector are too high to get it wrong. But how would you check how robust a piece of software is? Simply put, the answer is: by making it fail. And by ‘causing it to fail’, software glitches can be detected before they lead to failure during space flight. Developers may detect and fix bugs they had overlooked during the initial design phase. One way of doing this is to intentionally inject faults within the software being tested and Considering the number of manhours of delicate and intricate work involved in design and development, it sometimes means that, kilo for kilo, satellites would cost less were they to be made out of solid gold observe how it responds or stops Feature responding. 60 Nicholas Sammut and Prof. Ing. David of a collaboration between the Faculty Zammit Mangion) spent six months of ICT, the Faculty of Engineering SPACE FLIGHT MALTA at the ESA (European Space Agency) (both at the University of Malta) and working on the research project. He the European Space Research and To try to make rockets fail safely, tested the robustness of ESA’s novel Technology Centre (ESTEC). Stephen Grixti (supervised by Dr Ing. satellite software architecture as part At ESTEC, the research heart of the ESA in the Netherlands, and later WEIGHTLESS AT LAST at UoM, ESA’s satellite software was tested by scientists trying to make it Space science and technology research projects open unique fail—and unfortunately (or fortunately) opportunities. Sammut reminisces about a unique experience when a it actually did fail! Grixti found a collaborator from the Centre National D’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) invited number of critical design flaws that led him to a free parabolic flight. These flights are performed by aircraft such ESA contractors to re-evaluate their as the Airbus A300 aircraft that briefly leads to near-weightlessness as systems to avoid the same kind of fault they shoot up to very high altitudes simply to hurtle back down to earth. that had led to the destruction of the They are used to conduct microgravity experiments for scientists to Ariane 501. understand the behaviour of matter in the absence of gravity. Apart from Through this study, a black-box robustness testing methodology research, such flights usually serve as training for astronauts. ‘During the microgravity flight, you first feel twice your weight, and you was tailored to inject faults within can hardly lift your own hand. Then all of a sudden you are completely the separation kernel of a Time and weightless, floating around freely and upside down. If you just hit the Space Partitioned (TSP) spacecraft wall a little, you are sent hurtling towards the other side of the cabin,’ on-board software. The devised comments Sammut as he reminisces about his wonderful experience. testing architecture was then used to Microgravity Parabolic Flights on the CNES Airbus A300 Zero-G investigate the robustness of ESA’s plane last approximately 2.5 hours with 15 parabolas totalling five own EagleEye spacecraft. EagleEye minutes of weightlessness. Parabolic arcs are performed to create a is an ESA testbed representative of weightless environment, allowing passengers to float, flip, and soar as if typical Earth observation satellites— they were in space. that is, the satellites that snap those ‘It has been a lifelong dream to be an astronaut,’ states Sammut. ‘Now beautiful Earth photos from around I know what it feels to be an astronaut for a day, or rather, for five minutes.’ 800 km. The case study detected a number of issues with robustness at the satellite’s software core. It picked up on a glitch that led to the system’s catastrophic failure. A PASSION FOR SPACE TECHNOLOGY Grixti looks back at his research experience and recollects many fulfilling memories. Every time an ESA satellite was launched, a large crowd would gather and the event was Those present could sense a mixture of tension, passion, and excitement Dr Ing. Nicholas Sammut during the parabolic flight on the CNES Airbus A300 Zero-G plane Feature streamed live from the launch site. 61 among the onlookers. These mission, but one giant leap for science. inspired by world renowned specialists way through his project, Grixti was and astronauts within an environment But perhaps the best cocktail of sponsored to attend a two-month of collaboration. passion, pride, and champagne came space studies course in Montreal, in November 2014 with the Rosetta Canada. This was organised by the technology is exciting, but actually mission making the news all over the International Space University (ISU), living it through such collaborations world. Philae, a lander the size of a a community of space professionals takes the experience to an entirely washing machine, was released from from all over the world that harbours different level. That is what successful the Rosetta satellite and made the a healthy network of influential space rocket launches do all the time, and first ever comet landing. Rosetta and experts, which includes political figures once they lift off they are difficult to Philae had been travelling for 10 years and numerous astronauts. access. Robust systems are critical spacecraft; it was their baby. THE RESEARCH EXPERIENCE through testing like those found by control room was streamed live in the The whole research project was Ariane 5 Flight 501 in 1996. auditorium and once the landing was a memorable journey. The value announced the tense, never-ending gained does not only come from the The University of Malta research team silence broke into cheers, claps, and the technical experience and the excellent would like to thank Prof. Edward Gatt winning sound of popping champagne results achieved, but from meeting from the Faculty of ICT, and the Flight bottles. Again, there was an infectious people from different cultures in an Software Systems section in ESTEC sense of achievement and belonging. international setting. By venturing for their support throughout the This was one small step for the Rosetta outside of their comfort zone up and research project. enough to be stationed at ESA when this landing happened. The Rosetta Feature Reading about satellites and space for space travel. Finding critical flaws in space and Grixti was fortunate 62 coming scientists can learn and be There was more to come. Half- researchers felt responsible for that UoM researchers could have saved the Shiny, ‘appy people Dr Nicholas Micallef is fascinated by technology and has an outgoing personality. He recently made a name for himself thanks to his invention of a security app. Veronica Stivala writes about how he fought disappointment and skepticism to reach new heights. which gets to ‘know’ its user and and ‘always likes to meet people. Also’, grew up in a family of realises if someone else is using the he adds, ‘I’m always up for a pint’. four and despite his phone. The app has opened up a having lived in Scotland series of opportunities for Nicholas, spent six years as a software for the past six years In between his degrees, Micallef but, he reveals, while his fascination engineer. In this position he focused they have always been a very close for technology has never waned, on enhancing and supporting family. ‘Our parents always pushed his ideas were not always well- e-commerce solutions. This saw us to study and to do well in school’, received and he first experienced a him improving the way computer Micallef notes, adding how grateful series of disappointing rejections. systems worked, by tailoring them he is knowing that ‘if it wasn’t for When he was in secondary to people’s needs as well as fixing the problems they encountered. their constant support, we would school learning Computer Studies, not have made it to University or Micallef became fascinated with been so successful in our careers’. how people interact with tech. ‘At of leaving home for Scotland to read that stage we were taught about the for an M.Sc. in Computer Science successful career as a lawyer, Micallef technicalities of computers and we (University of Edinburgh), followed by a embarked on an academic path: a also had our first experiences with Ph.D. The decision to leave was fueled B.Sc. in Information Technology— programming languages. However, by a desire to find new opportunities Computer Science and Artificial I always felt that there was more so when he encountered a plethora Intelligence (Faculty of ICT, University to it and that people’s perceptions of rejections, he was understandably of Malta) followed by a Ph.D. on phone of technology were quite different left feeling disappointed. security and sensors (Interactive to those of the technical people and Trustworthy Technologies, (ITT) that designed them’, he explains. were accepting all the setbacks we The link between people and encountered when trying to publish While his twin brother pursued a Glasgow Caledonian University). He later took the difficult decision ‘I think the most difficult moments His research team’s work quickly technology continues to be a thread in our work. We faced fierce criticism caught the attention of the media Nicholas’s scientific oeuvre. But then from traditional security researchers and has been featured on the BBC, Nicholas is a people person. He doesn’t because our research was redefining New Scientist, and the Daily Mail. quite fit the bill of the stereotypical, the boundaries of the area that they In short, they had developed an app introverted, misanthropist scientist were not open to. In the end Alumni D r Nicholas Micallef 63 we managed to overcome this discussed how this app could be mostly interested in researching how problem and published some of the implemented in our phones. They it could be used in different health- work, but we still have some work also plan to have a long-term study related scenarios. One example is to which is unpublished’, he notes. of about three months to understand find the right time to remind Type 2 whether using the app over a longer diabetes patients to check for foot make Nicholas a stronger person: period of time would change users’ ulcers and infections, which, if left ‘at the beginning this was difficult perceptions. These discussions are still untreated, could lead to amputations.’ to accept, but as time went by this at an early stage and their feasibility helped me learn to accept rejections. is still being discussed. They are a post-stroke exercise rehabilitation Also, these situations helped me now looking into other uses for the app to help stroke survivors remember to look for positive criticism, take app. He explains, ‘right now, we are to exercise frequently. This app can But these reactions all served to it on board, and always continue improve the state of post-stroke working hard without giving up.’ rehabilitation and plans to evaluate And so he did. While at the ITT, he developed the famous mobile app called Ambient Unlocker that ‘watches how you use your phone to build a portrait of your ‘normal’ behavior’ (BBC). To start, he had to first identify the research gap in the field. Followed by throwing himself hook, line, and sinker into mountains of reading and a large amount of analysis, Nicholas identified a lacuna in the protection of phones from unauthorised access. They first tested the app. They collected three weeks of sensor data from 10 users in an empirical study. Next they ran security studies to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the app. This strengthened the app’s safeguards. Finally, to assess how the app works under real life conditions they conducted a three-week user study on 20 users. Ambient Unlocker was born. The most rewarding moment came when Micallef was analysing the feedback he had collected from his last user study, because this supplied him with the evidence required to prove that this app can actually improve people’s everyday interaction with technology. Alumni Micallef and his team have 64 Apart from this, he is working on We faced fierce criticism from traditional security researchers because our research was redefining the boundaries of the area that they were not open to whether it can actually help improve stroke survivors’ arm impairments. Becoming an expert in improving people’s everyday interactions with technology is Nicholas’s ultimate goal. ‘Eventually, as I start getting more senior positions I expect the focus of my work to shift from implementation and evaluation to designing and defining the overall user experience strategy.’ This means his role will eventually shift from a hands-on role to a more managerial one. Perhaps one day, we will all be using Micallef’s app to keep thieves at bay or to remind us when to take our medication? MALTESE CULTURAL PARTICIPATION: What do the people want? participation to create a body of research that fact beyond contention – and will shed light on participation in the sector. The whose vast range of cultural research will help artists, cultural practitioners, and activities attract different people policy makers. with varied interests. But how Last year, the Valletta 2018 Foundation conducted does this fit in the context of Valletta being the the first in a series of surveys that are looking into European Capital of Culture (ECoC) in 2018? cultural participation in Valletta. The survey, carried Before delving into the many questions that out in collaboration with the National Statistics surround this, one needs to perhaps address Office, asked 1,138 respondents about their what we understand by the term ‘culture’ – are preferred cultural activity. The top three cultural we talking about traditions or art? Cultural activities the Maltese public enjoyed were citywide participation in Malta is often believed to be activities such as Notte Bianca, followed by Carnival, low, and a Eurobarometer survey carried out in and visits to museums and historical sites. 2013 confirmed that the Maltese are among the The events took place in Valletta and registered least active participants in culture in Europe. more active participation from residents than However, culture is not something that can be from those living outside the city’s walls. Valletta given a clear-cut definition. The term can refer to residents are more likely to have attended artistic anything from art exhibitions to the more popular, exhibitions and events when compared to non- traditional festi (feasts). Such feasts are not taken Valletta residents (18% vs 12%). People from into consideration by many surveys like the the island’s Northern Harbour region (the area Eurobarometer. around Marsamxett Harbour and neighbouring The Valletta 2018 Foundation’s research areas) placed second after Valletta residents in department has therefore embarked on a five- their likelihood to have attended some form of year research process (2015–2019) whereby it cultural event in the capital. On average, 35% of aims to understand the factors that affect cultural residents from the Northern Harbour region CULTURE M alta is rich in culture—that is a 65 have attended some form of cultural never attended) and the Regatta (96% Valletta Participation Survey, the activity in Valletta, compared to an never attended). Foundation has also carried out an indepth, qualitative analysis of its cultural average of 15% from other regions. The general consensus of the These statistics give the impression respondents was that Valletta is a programme. This research shows that that physical proximity plays an cultural city which is improving in the Valletta 2018 Cultural Programme important role in the degree of cultural terms of its cultural offerings as well not only includes projects related to participation. People commented as its image. However, attendance the visual arts and feasts in Valletta, but on the pleasant atmosphere and the for Valletta’s cultural events is still also other community projects, aiming sense of unity events created while relatively low with people showing a to eliminate barriers that prevent others said that such events make for a lack of interest in cultural activities cultural participation and that allow for different kind of family outing. (38% of respondents claimed that the co-creation of cultural activities The Maltese people also seem they do not attend cultural events as and audience development. The study to enjoy the performing arts. Other they are simply “not interested”). This shows how the Foundation is taking a popular activities include going to the statistic is a concern in the light of contemporary approach in developing cinema or attending film screenings, the fact that Valletta will be capital of cultural projects, by looking at a long- artistic exhibitions and events, live culture in just two years. It is the role of term development process and aiming music and live theatre events. These the Foundation to use these findings to for a long-lasting legacy. This research are followed by the Valletta parish find new opportunities that can boost shows how that, to date, the Valletta feasts—more traditional activities cultural participation and encourage 2018 Cultural Programme has focused tied to the city itself. Dance is not as engagement with cultural activities. on community and interdisciplinary appreciated as other performing arts This data can also help other entities projects, as well as projects involving disciplines, with a staggering 94% of and practitioners in the sector. music and film. The Foundation has developed a respondents claiming they had never Both the Valletta Participation attended a dance performance. The varied cultural programme, which is Survey and the qualitative analysis of only other activities less well-attended open, engaging, and accessible. To the Valletta 2018 Cultural Programme are passion plays in Easter time (95% complement the aforementioned will continue to be carried out in the coming years. Such studies explore the relationship between the REASONS FOR ATTENDING CULTURAL ACTIVITIES* cultural programme and participation countrywide in order for changes in the level of cultural participation in the 42.2% 18.8% 16.9% 8.2% 6.5% 5% Other Different outing for the whole family National pride/tradition Well-organised Enjoy arts and culture CULTURE Don't know (2.5%) 66 Nice atmosphere and unity * Graph taken from the Valletta Participation Survey Maltese Islands can be compared. The Valletta 2018 Evaluation and Monitoring research process is a five-year project (2015–2019) that is looking into the impacts of Valletta 2018 on the country. The Valletta Participation Survey is a study carried out in collaboration with the NSO that takes place on a biannual basis. The qualitative study, titled ‘A Comprehensive Analysis of the Valletta 2018 Cultural Programme’ is being carried out by Daniela Blagojevic Vella. BOOK REVIEW by Dr Jurgen Gatt The State of Africa MARTIN MEREDITH et me start this book review with a prediction. private coffers of corrupt officials, and the tyrants As your eyes ran over the title of this page who replaced them. Finally, the book leads to just a few seconds ago, a flurry of thoughts and an unbiased account of the emergence of Africa images raced through your mind: hunger, illness, onto the world stage and discusses the various HIV/AIDS, Boko Haram, migrants, elephants, problems which still plague most of its countries. gazelles, and lions, slavery, Joseph Conrad’s novel The State of Africa is at its most enjoyable in its about the horrors of the Belgian Congo, Heart stark portrayal of the characters of the early African of Darkness. These images, I argue, are about as liberation movement. The image of Senghor—a representative of Africa as the moustache and poet cum politician of Senegal—is particularly the baguette are of France. While clichés might powerful. The author does not shirk from hold an element of truth, they surely reflect recounting, often in great and painful detail, the a profound unfamiliarity with France if one ensuing downfall of most of Africa’s early heroes thinks only of these caricatures. The state of our as they assumed political power. The account ignorance about Africa—a continent of some is highly selective. Yet, in a series of powerful 30 million square kilometers that houses well stories and stark images, the book effectively over a billion people—is immeasurably worse. conveys—in just over 700 pages—exactly what Martin Meredith’s excellent book The State of its title promises: a picture of the current state Africa has an easy-to-read style and a fast pace, of the African continent and enough historical and it attempts to remedy this all-too-common depth for one to conceive how it came about. deficiency in our understanding of the continent. This book fulfils an important function. As the The book reviews the history of some 70 years of vast continent struggles to find its footing, the African history. Starting with the first uneasy and nations of Africa are gaining greater relevance in bloody stumbling steps toward decolonisation, our ever-shrinking world. The North’s ignorance the work chronicles the first experiments with of its southerly neighbours has for too long been one-state African socialism, the burgeoning lamentable. Now it is becoming inexcusable. Fun L 67 FILM REVIEW by Dr Philip M. Magri Knight of Cups Year of release: 2015 Director: Terrence Malick Production company: Dogwood Films, Waypoint Entertainment Certification: 18 A n artist often works to break shorn almost entirely of dialogue, worked without even providing a down the boundaries of a medium. which progresses only through script, allowing the actors to play The artist’s only tools are personal voice-overs? Is it possible to deliver themselves in some of the scenes. vision, an unrelenting belief in their a love story exclusively through its The result is an expressionistic work, and the need to convey it to an poetic spirit, providing the illusion and highly self-reflexive portrait of audience. Then again, an artist must also that the camera possesses a life of a decadent character inhabiting a understand that the shock-value of their its own by allowing it to flow freely decadent world. Rick reads like a work might not only lie in the artistic around the characters? Is it possible character penned by Bret Easton content but in the manner in which they for cinema to draw a bridge between Ellis, whose Patrick Bateman was also technically attempt to rewrite the rules, the intimate microcosm of a particular portrayed by Bale in Mary Harron’s regulating their mode of expression. man and the impersonal macrocosm filmic adaptation of American Psycho Today’s cinema is focused on the of the collective? Is it possible for (2000). More than Sorrentino in his spectacular, from the competitive cinema to still ponder upon existential La Grande Bellezza, Malick is here use of special effects to weak plots notions such as reality, freedom, clearly concerned with how even meant for sheer entertainment. And destiny, religion, and astrology? intimate emotions can be misleading. yet, the cinematic medium has so Fun His character Rick craves love and yet is destined to emerge, solitary and leads the audience down this unbeaten broken, from all his relationships. Rick winner of the Palme d’Or Cannes Film track. Impressively, Malick enlisted treats his own life as a movie script, Festival), and To the Wonder (2012), big-budget actors like Bale (in a role merely seeking from his love interests director Terrence Malick’s recent Knight that is in diametric opposition to his a temporary element of drama that of Cups is a portrait of Rick (played by ‘Dark Knight’), Cate Blanchett, and might set the ball rolling for something Christian Bale), a scriptwriter in Los Natalie Portman. The movie includes more meaningful, which never manifests Angeles. Malick continues his artistic cameos by Antonio Banderas and itself. Love appears and disappears, discourse by progressively breaking Joe Manganiello. This is a movie randomly, uncontrollably. In both down all of cinema’s constitutive about Hollywood, with a cast list of form and content Malick clearly tells elements that audiences are used to, Hollywood A-stars, which seeks to us that this is the life of the working thanks to most Hollywood movies: is corrupt the very world it seeks to artist—damned, romantic, aestheticised, it possible to produce a long feature portray and inhabit. Malick famously and yet excruciatingly beautiful. Following on from Tree of Life (2011; 68 Malick is one of the few contemporary directors who willingly much more to offer and to express. GAME REVIEW by Costantino Oliva HER STORY O Platforms: PC, Mac, iOS Developer: Sam Barlow vercoming the ‘limits’ of movies and books experience the player’s search for the truth is through digital media remains a daunting guided by database queries. The player will feel task. After all, traditional media is perfectly fine at uncomfortable as they become more and more narration. Her Story is a brilliant example of what eager to explore a disturbing past. Only by letting digital games can bring to the table. curiosity get the better of them can the detective put the pieces back together. The game revolves around a murder and the player is the detective. The case has recently been Her Story uses a minimalistic interface, hiding re-opened and the player is left examining old its mechanics under a masterfully crafted visual VCR tapes containing snippets of interviews with presentation. At the same time, the game mixes a single person. During this solitary, meditative narrative techniques borrowed from movies and TV series. It is reminiscent of forgotten laser disc games, or clunky interactive novels from the 1990s. Somehow, the interactive game blends everything together in a unique masterpiece. For decades, digital storytelling remained a chimera; Her Story might very well be the medium’s most accomplished realisation. www.herstorygame.com ! n i s y l i a Your d EveMalta evemalta @evemalta Fun Only by letting curiosity get the better of them can the detective put the pieces back together 69 GAME REVIEW by David Chircop Malta Playing Arts I t would be easy to dismiss this to the next like an intricate hyperlinked nifty card game as a simple tourist web. By the time I had reached the the souvenir, but a closer look reveals a end of the booklet, I felt like I had gone somewhat deeper meaning than a mere through some sort of hybrid between a deck of Maltese Playing Cards. curated gallery and guided walkthrough Reviewing this set of cards is outside of Maltese culture. One is free to walk my immediate comfort zone. I spend so wherever they like, and the deeper much time thinking about mechanics, one digs the more connections are group dynamics, table talk, design, uncovered. and replayability of games, that when Now, I must retract what I said presented with something that cannot about this pack of cards not being a really be critiqued for any of those game. I was wrong. Few other ‘games’, game dynamics, I stumble. Truth is, especially tabletop ones, have so there is no game here. There is a tool rewarded my curiosity and desire to for a game, the motives of which aren’t explore. Of course, the ‘game’ can really related to games at all. The ‘game’ be read once and then it is over, but part of this product is used more as a then the cards can be reused for any vehicle to deliver an ideal, a message, other game you would like to play, and a story. and whenever you do, the images on At their core, the Malta Playing the cards have all now been imbued Cards are just a set of playing cards. with meaning. They act as reminders Their particular characteristic is that of the little journey you experienced each single card features a unique when you went through the deck in piece of art from a local artist, and one hand, and the booklet in the other, each one has some sort of connection discovering a beautiful story. to Maltese history or culture. That in One final note, the cards are itself is already a great idea but the premium plastic. Not paper, which card makers didn’t stop there: the is awesome. I highly recommend deck comes with a small booklet called Malta Playing Arts. Fun Walkthrough and Compendium. The 70 booklet shows how every single card See the artworks at Malta Playing was thoughtfully and meticulously Arts: The Exhibition curated by matched with the artwork. The cards Marika Azzopardi, Palazzo Ferreria, tell a story. They are riddled with 310, Republic St, Valletta, 18–29 connections to one another, one linking April (Mon–Fri, 0830–1630hrs). Dr Mario Aquilina MY 100 WORD IDEA TO CHANGE MALTA Think Critically, think Malta WHAT IS MORE ADDICTIVE: CANNABIS OR COFFEE? Alexander Hili T he answer is coffee. Coffee is drunk by around 80% of Let us strengthen Malta’s democratic system by thinking critically. We need to learn how to avoid blindly accepting or rejecting ideas and opinion Americans. The large numbers call for extensive studies on the effect of this drug on the brain. Caffeine is a stimulant. It has a similar molecular structure based on our political affiliations or unquestioned, to adenosine, a chemical linked to us feeling tired. Caffeine long-held beliefs. Let us actively go against the binds to adenosine and stops it from working. Coffee does dualistic thinking that dominates local public not wake you up but makes your body forget it is tired. debate. Let us, for example, phase out media outlets Taking that espresso in the morning makes your body financed by political parties; amend the constitution increase the number of receptors to caffeine in the brain. to facilitate the entry of a third political party to This increase makes us dependent on that cup of coffee in parliament; and put critical thinking at the centre of our educational system by strengthening subjects the morning to reach normal functional levels. On the other hand, cannabis has minimal risk of long-term addiction. that enhance it (literary and rhetorical analysis, logic, philosophy and the scientific method). Read more about cannabis on pg. 38 Send in your science questions to think@um.edu.mt by Ġorġ Mallia Fun Don't THINK 71 MEME Meme CULTURE GENES 72 73 Meme 74 Meme